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Micro Project Report


“Convert given galvanometer into ammeter of desired range”

Submitted to


In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For the Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted by
Miss. Sonone Savitree Kailas
Miss. Pachpohe Gayatri Balkrushna
Miss. Navkar Gayatri Ravindra
Miss. Zalte Anushka Sahebrao
Miss. Gurchal Prakruti Rahul
Miss Medhe Bharati Siddharth
Mr. Jaware Somesh Anil

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Kishore Wadekar

Department of Computer Science Engineering

Padm.Dr.V.B.Kolte College of Engineering, Malkapur-443101



This is to certify that the Micro report on titled “Convert given

galvanometer into ammeter of desired range” is in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the award of diploma in Computer Engineering affiliated to MSBTE completed by Savitree
Sonone, Gayatri Pachpohe, Gayatri Navkar, Anushka Zalte, Prakruti Gurchal, Bharati
Medhe, Somesh Jaware during the session 2023-2024.

Mr. Kishor Wadekar Prof. M .V.Shastri

(Guide) (Head of Department)

Prof. S. N. Khachane



The real spirit of achieving a goal is through the way of excellence and lustrous
discipline. I would have never succeeded in completing my task without the cooperation,
encouragement and help provided to me by various personalities.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to my guide Mr.
Kishor Wadekar for his esteemed guidance and encouragement, especially through difficult
times. His suggestions broaden my vision and guided me to succeed in this work. I am also
very grateful for his guidance and comments while studying part of my seminar and learnt
many things under his leadership.

I extend my thanks to Prof. M. V. Shastri sir Head of computer science & Engineering
Department, Padm. Dr.V.B. Kolte College of Engineering, Malkapur for their valuable
support that made me consistent performer.

I also extend my thanks to Prof S. N. Khachane , Principal, Padm. Dr. V. B. Kolte

College of Engineering ( Polytechnic ) Malkapur for their valuable support.

Also I would like to thanks to all teaching and non-teaching staff of the department for
their encouragement, cooperation and help. My greatest thanks are to all who wished me
success especially my parents, my friends whose support and care makes me stay on earth.

Place: VBKCOE, Malkapur Miss. Savitree Sonone

Miss Gayatri Pachpohe
Miss Gayatri Navkar
Miss Anushka Zalte
Miss Prakruti Gurchal
Miss Bharati Medhe
Mr. Somesh Jaware


I hereby declare that the micro project entitled “Convert given galvanometer into
ammeter of desired range” completed and written by me and has not been previously formed
the basis for the award of any diploma certificate.

Miss. Savitree Sonone

Miss Gayatri Pachpohe
Miss Gayatri Navkar
Miss Anushka Zalte
Miss Prakruti Gurchal
Miss Bharati Medhe
Mr. Somesh Jaware

Diploma in Computer Science Eng.

VBKCOE Malkapur


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