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The articles of

The kingdom of
The North star of
1st – 13th Articles
“Speaking freely, worshipping proudly, protecting you
and yours, fellowshipping together, supporting ideas in
gathering, being free from chains, working, being
yourself without fear, having peace, thinking openly and
freely, earning income, owning property, and living
healthily- these are the core ideas of The Kingdom of
The North Star of America.”

All citizens have the right to Freedom of
Speech, and shall have the right to express
their ideas, feelings, and emotions without
A) The consciousness granted to each
person to express their speech
should not be used in a hateful way
towards another individuals or
groups race, gender, or religion in
order to grow hatred towards an
individual or group.

All citizens have the Freedom of Worship
and the Freedom of Religion, being able to
worship according to their ways and
traditions, according to their chosen choice
of religion.
A) Religions which center around and
cause harm, the spreading of hate
speech, and all malpractices which
come from ideas in religion and
worship are not to be practiced as
they bring no benefit to people.

All citizens have the Right of Weaponry,
being able to own any form of bladed or
blunt instrument and any form of firearm for
the protection and defense of oneself,
family, fellow citizens, and the nation itself.
A) All weapons which are designated
as use for “military only” are not
to be kept by citizens without
proper adherence to the laws,
regulations, and proper standards
of owning, in regards to the
keeping of such weapons.

All citizens have the Freedom to Assemble
together in a peaceful manner in groups in
order to express thoughts, ideas, beliefs,
philosophies, mutual edification, and other
fruits of the human heart and mind.
A) Such gatherings much be in a
peaceful accord, not stirring up
violence. All gatherings for the
exchanging of ideas ought to be
used in a proper manner.
B) Gatherings that would spread ideas
of hate speech, terroristic thoughts,
or anything of the sort will not be
tolerated to any degree.

All citizens have the Right to Protest
thoughts, ideas, and laws in constructive
ways, such as peaceful protests, writing
letters to members of the Monarchy and
Nobility, and any other form which might
bring about a peaceful resolution.
A) Protests in large, public settings
ought to not incite violence, as
such gatherings are not tolerated.

All citizens have the Freedom of Life,
having the choice to not be a slave or to be
sold so that they would have to perform
labor or works, or be in bondage, against
their will.
All citizens have the Right of Labor, being
able to put in the work and due diligence to
accomplish the job, position of labor, or
work status that they desire, not being forced
into any position in which that they do not
want to work by the government, business,
group, or individual.
A) In times of war, the draft may
come about if there are less than
the required number of volunteers,
which would circumvent Article
VII, but only during a time of war-
not before or after. After this, the
persons drafted may choose to
return to their previous profession
if they desire so.
All citizens have Freedom against
Discrimination, which protects them from
persecution in all places, regardless of age,
sex, race, intelligence, religion, beliefs,
financial status, political status, and all other
legal self-identifiers.
All citizens have the Right to Privacy, being
able to live their life in accordance to how
they see fit without fear, whether
momentary or constant, of being watched,
surveyed, impeached on, spied on, or
anything of the sort, whether it be in their
public personal space, belongings, property,
or anything that they are entitled to as a
human being.
A) The leaders of the area of which
people reside have the right to
know basic information about their
people, as such information is
beneficial for the leader to know in
order so that they can better
understand, help, and lead their
All citizens have the Freedom of Opinion,
being able to have and share thoughts and
opinions with others, whether it be in an oral
or written or published manner, whether it
be for one or multiple people.
A) Opinions which inspire and cause
hatred against an individual or
group of individuals based on their
description(s) listed in the
Freedom against Discrimination is
not tolerated. Such opinions are
not to be shared and should be
All citizens have the Right of Pay, giving
them the right to be paid a minimum wage
based upon the amount of time and the
intensity of the labor, work, or trade they
completed on behalf of a person, group, or
any type of business entity.
A) If someone is unable to perform a
labor, work, or trade to earn any
form of pay to sustain their life,
then they will be given an
allowance from the Treasury of
The Kingdom of The North Star of
America, in order to maintain their
basic human needs, so long as a
judge finds them in need of such
assistance and finds them unable to
perform a labor, work, or trade.
All citizens have the Right to Ownership,
allowing all people to own items, land, and
other legal assets without having fear of
those items that they paid, bartered, traded
for, and inherited being taken away from
them for any unlawful repossession or being
unlawfully taxed upon.
A) For land, whoever owns their own land
has the right to work the land, live off
that land, have residency on that land,
and use that land within legal reasons.
However, all land is owned and
controlled by the monarchy. This does
not mean that they have the right to evict
you from your land, but rather see that it
gets used to the greatest benefit of the
owner of the land and all of the citizens
of the kingdom.
All citizens have the Right to Healthcare,
allowing all citizens the right to receive
proper medical assistance when they need
medical attention for legitimate medical

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