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Received: 3 December 2019 Revised: 14 June 2020 Accepted: 12 July 2020

DOI: 10.1002/pc.25749


Adhesive application on particleboard from natural fibers:

A review

Amina Adedoja Owodunni1 | Junidah Lamaming1 | Rokiah Hashim1 |

Owolabi Folahan Abdulwahab Taiwo1,2 | Mohd Hazwan Hussin3 |
Mohamad Haafiz Mohamad Kassim1 | Yazmin Bustami4 | Othman Sulaiman1 |
Mohd Hazim Mohamad Amini5 | Salim Hiziroglu6

Division of Bioresource, Paper and
Coatings Technology, School of Industrial
Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Impending health challenges in the formulations of particleboards from
Penang, Malaysia cellulosic-based waste particles such as wood chips, sawdust, and veneer
Pulp and Paper Division, Federal
boards are of great concern. These wastes are majorly bonded together with
Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi,
Lagos, Nigeria synthetic resin or binder in the presence of heat and pressure to produce parti-
School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti cleboards of various specifications and sizes depending on the end-use. The
Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia qualities of the particleboards depend on the modification of the particle geom-
School of Biological Sciences, Universiti etry, resin levels, board density, and manufacturing processes. The addition of
Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
5 special additives to enhance the qualitative performance of particleboards such
Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kota Bharu, as dimensional stability, fire retardancy enhancement, and moisture resistance
Malaysia is included in the manufacturing process. The milestone in the use of wood
Department of Natural Resource Ecology particles for particleboard manufacture is the large reduction in the environ-
and Management, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, Oklahoma
mental hazard that these abundant wastes cause. Furthermore, this review
reports recent research efforts in the use of green adhesives to reduce the
Correspondence health threat related to utilizing formaldehyde-based particleboard. The use of
Rokiah Hashim, Bioresource Research
Lab, Division of Bioresource, Paper and adhesives produced from natural sources has contributed toward the reduction
Coatings Technology, School of Industrial in the impending health challenges and the cost of building construction by
Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
using such a particleboard.
Minden 11800, Penang, Malaysia.
Funding information adhesives, fibers, waste, wood composites
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Malaysia,
Grant/Award Number: Research
University Grant (1001/
PTEKIND/8014083); Universiti Sains
Malaysia (USM), Grant/Award Number:

1 | INTRODUCTION wood chips. Hence, the main components in the particle-

boards include an adhesive (resin), fiber (particle) and
Particleboard also is known as chipboard is manufactured additives, or filler. The compressed particles are then dried
by mixing wood chips or wood particles with a suitable and trimmed to shape resulting in the formation of parti-
wood glue followed by compressing the glued bonded cleboard panels.1 Particleboards differ significantly in

Polymer Composites. 2020;1–13. © 2020 Society of Plastics Engineers 1


terms of the amount and types of resins used, the size and doors, lock blocks, interior signs, displays, table tennis
geometry of the particles, as well as the density of particle- tables, pool tables and electronic game consoles kitchen
board. Hence, the properties of the raw material have a countertops, bookshelves, and many others.7
significant effect on both the manufacture and the physi- The increasing demand for wood and land because of
cal properties of the final product. Besides, the impacts of the increasing population has led to the unavailability of
particleboard on the environment are also a matter to be wood for the particleboard industry. Deforestation from
considered. Also, the additives are used to tailor-made the the constant harvesting of trees for wood to produce
desired additional properties of particleboard. Among the boards has led to the adverse impact on the environment
area of interest for the application of particleboards panels and the structure of the soil (leading to erosion, earth-
are furniture productions, house building furniture such quakes, and other natural disasters), inciting the interest
as cabinets, stair treads, tabletops, and sliding doors. Other to seek for alternative raw materials. The particleboard
possible housing materials from particleboard panels industry makes use of mostly shavings produced in saw-
include wooden floor underlays, wooden panel cabinets, mills or woods cut directly from the forest because a
and many office furniture products.2 good-quality board is achieved product by controlling the
Vast quantities of wood shavings as waste from wood- consistency of raw materials used for production. The
work activities such as wood chips, sawdust, veneer flourishing agricultural industry has led to a high
boards, and combinations of two or more are generated increase in wastes generated, leading to the environmen-
worldwide at a significant rate that the level of their tal challenge of accumulating landfills. In solving the dis-
recycling is not commensurate when compared with the posal problem, these agriculturally generated
rate of the waste generation.2 It has been reported that lignocellulosic waste is being researched as a substitute
between 8% and 50% of the entire wood-based material is for the wood particle for the manufacture of the panels.
being utilized yearly for various applications to become These agricultural materials that can be used as raw
wastes.3 These wood wastes though are recyclable are fre- material for the production of particleboard are often rich
quently dumped in landfills and some occasions burnt in lignin and cellulose.8 Although, oil palm fiber and rice
openly constituting air pollution through open-air burn- husk have been the most exploited lignocellulosic mate-
ing or burnt in a combustion chamber. Over four decades rials to produce particleboard, other agricultural wastes
of research and development on the reusable of these such as oil palm trunks, oil palm empty fruit bunch,
wastes have resulted in the manufacture of ceiling coconut husk, hemp fiber, sunflower husk, sugar cane
panels, flooring, wall, and office dividers, furniture, cabi- bagasse, coffee husk, date palm fronds, are also being
nets, bulletin boards, and desktops. The introduction of researched and developed as a potential raw material in
natural fibers from agro-waste residues in particleboard the board making industry.9,10
production has improved the growth in the global parti-
cleboard production from 0.3% in 2015 to 8% in 2016
compared with other wood product categories such as 2 | FEATURES OF
pulp and paper or wood fuel.4 Likewise, the consumption PA RTICLEBO ARDS
of wood pellets in Asia increased by 17% driving up wood
pellet production in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.5 Basically, particleboard panels are used to manufacture
Particleboard has gained popularity as a construction furniture and are cheaper when compared with solid tim-
material because of its numerous usage and inexpensive ber furniture. The particleboard panels with 640-800 kg/
cost. It is environmentally friendly as it makes use of m3 density used in furniture are referred to as chipboard.
waste in the form of wood chips, sawdust, and wood shav- These particleboard panels are a good alternative to furni-
ings mixed with a resin to form boards. It is referred to as ture from solid timber and if properly maintained are very
an engineered panel product manufactured by thermally durable.11
pressing of particles of wood or other lignocellulosic mate- It is also economical as particleboard panels are
rials such as non-wood fibers and a binder.6 They are cheaper than solid wood or plywood of similar dimen-
sometimes used as an alternative to plywood or medium- sions. This low cost, of course, comes at a price, because
density fiberboard to lower down the construction cost. particle boards are not as durable as plywood or solid
One of the most commonly used wood-based products is wood. Also, particleboards manufacturers can prepare
particleboard; its extensive usage varies from building con- particleboard panels to desired dimensions which are not
structions to furniture. Typical applications for particle- obtainable of wood-based panels. Since it is machine pro-
board includes; floor underlayment, cupboards, home duced, standard pieces of furniture from particleboard
construction, cabinets, stair treads, shelving, tabletops, can be mass-produced, hence resulting in a gross reduc-
built-in furniture, vanities, office desk, speakers, sliding tion in the cost of production.12

Since the particleboard production involves the modi- in the contact acidic wood components; therefore, it
fication of wood shavings with a suitable adhesive, these exhibits a steady increase in viscosity and develops bond-
panels can further be preserved a thin layer of lamina- ing properties. The obtained wood particles (wood shav-
tion. This decorative laminate is made with either veneer ings, wood wool, and timbering residue into wood pulp)
or plastic laminate usually glued over the surface of the are mixed with the glue, and then heat-pressing to
particleboards at the time they are manufactured. These enhance the adhesion followed by drying. To accelerate
pre-laminated boards increase the beauty as well as the the curing rate, special catalysts are often used.
durability of the board to some extent. This further Synthetic adhesives based on formaldehyde have been
increases the overall cost of the custom-made plywood majorly used for bonding in the production of enough
furniture being made.13 quantities of particleboard. Because of its quality to fulfill
They are less dense than wood-based furniture, parti- the desired bonding requirements, fast curing time, trans-
cleboards are very light in weight compared with wood parent color, and low cost, UF is often used in bonding
materials, and hence furniture made from these boards the particles mix together. PF adhesive has a good water
are relatively easy to transport and move around. How- resistance property which makes it more effective for pro-
ever, when it comes to selecting a wood material that is ducing exterior wood product materials. UF glue, on the
strength dependent, particleboards might not be suitable. other hand, is cheaper and less tolerant of excessive mois-
Particleboard furniture is quite weak compared to other ture, is most often used for interior materials including
kinds of engineered woods such as plywood. It is less wall paneling, flooring, and cabinetry. It is, however, a fact
dense and can easily get damaged while handling.14 that formaldehyde emitted from these formaldehyde-
In summary, the major advantage of particleboards is bonded particleboards has heightened public health
that its cost is low compared to all the other types of concern and has been subject to stern regulation for the
wood available in the market, and some of its disadvan- last 30 years. The use of these synthetic adhesive increases
tages are its low strength and low durability.15 the cost of manufacturing the particleboards, thereby
increasing the selling price to make a considerable profit.18
A major demerit of formaldehyde-based wood adhe-
3 | CONVENTIONAL sive is that such particleboard panel emits formaldehyde
P A R T I C L E B O A R D AD H E S I V E S which poses as a threat to the indoor air quality. It was
reported that UF adhesives are used mostly for interior-
Conventionally, wood products such as particleboards use panels, while the UF incorporated with an organic
panels, plywood, oriented strand board (OSB), and base trimer of cyanamide such as melamine, gives adhe-
medium-density fiber (MDF) board make use of phenol- sives with a lower susceptibility against hydrolysis and
formaldehyde (PF), melamine-formaldehyde (MF), and also wood panels with better water and weather resis-
urea-formaldehyde (UF) as commonly used resins. These tance. UF and PF resins are commonly used in the com-
resins are derived from non-renewable petrochemical posite sector of the forest products industry.19 The
materials while carcinogenic formaldehyde is released advantages of UF resins are low cost, water-solubility,
during the particleboard production and application. easy use (under a wide variety of curing conditions), rela-
Health hazards such as allergic, non-allergic, and muco- tively low cure temperature, microorganism's resistance,
sal respiratory symptoms, as well as cancer, are associ- low abrasion hardness, excellent thermal properties, and
ated with these conventional binders resulting in clear or light color (especially of the cured resin). Due to
increasing global accumulation of hazard generated from these advantages, the wood composite industry utilizes
particleboard manufactured using formaldehyde-based UF as a common resin worldwide. The main disadvan-
adhesives.9 tage of UF resin is the lack of resistance to high moisture
The selection of resin is of importance to make sure conditions, especially in combination with heat.20
the particleboard produced has a low impact on the envi- In addition to the conventional particleboard
ronment. Resins used in particleboard and fiberboard are manufacturing is the use of synthetic resin adhesive (phe-
obtained by a simple molar ratio reaction of phenol and nolic resin, UF resin), and inorganic gelling material
formaldehyde (1:[1.8-3.0]) in an aqueous solution with (concrete, magnetite). Also, a spray-dried phenolic resin
sodium hydroxide acting as a catalyst.16 UF was applied in combination with molten wax has been reported used
broadly in the making wood composites, but today it is for wafer board and oriented-strand board production.
less important because they are more suited for indoor Most adhesives used for the different types of wood-based
application and not for external usage.17 panels are called aminoplastic adhesives, while others
Furthermore, sodium hydroxide is often used in an include isocyanates.21 Aminoplastic adhesives are glued
equimolar ratio based on phenol to neutralize the resin manufactured from amino-compounds at different

proportions which include UF and melamine-blended cell wall development and bonds cells together in plants,
(at different proportions) urea-formaldehyde (MUF). and it acts as a natural binder for fiber in self-bonding
Aminoplastic adhesives are both thermosetting polymers boards.27 When the fibers are heated at high tempera-
and condensation type.22 tures, the lignin present melts to the fiber surface, and
After the completion of this mechanical sorting, the with the pressure applied, the lignin binds the fibers.28
acceptable wood fibers are mixed with liquid resin in a Several researchers have been investigating the char-
blending hopper. However, the resin employed in the acteristics of particleboards produced with these lignocel-
manufacture depends on the specific quality of particle- lulosic fibers. Researches have been done using these
board desired. Conventionally, both amino-formalde- fiber materials to produce binderless boards and a sizeable
hyde-based resins and formaldehyde-based resins were amount of work has also been done on combining renew-
most commonly used while urea melamine resins are able adhesive with the fibers to make strong particle-
used to ensure water resistance particleboard. The wood boards.29,30 On the other hand, the preparation of lignin-
particles that were presoaked in resin are then blended PAE adhesives involves the mixing of an alkaline kraft lig-
till it reached consistency, occasionally additives such as nin solution with a PAE solution. Unlike the conventional
wax, dyes, wetting agents and release agents are added, formaldehyde-based adhesive, the mixing time is usually
to aid processing or production of the panel that are longer and has little impact on the shear strength of the
water-resistant, fireproof, or insect-proof. To improve the wood composites that make up the particleboard. The
particleboard properties, resorcinol resins can be mixed shear strength of the wood composites bonded with the
with phenolic resins, but that is more often used with lignin-PAE adhesives depends positively on both the
marine plywood applications.23 pressing time and pressing temperature. It is worth men-
These blended combinations are pressed out a sheet of tioning that the shear strength and water resistance of the
particleboard. The formed panels are then cold- particleboard panel manufactured with the lignin-PAE
compressed for compaction (thickness reduction), and wood adhesives strongly depended on the lignin/PAE
simultaneously, the hardened resin forms a solid bond resin ratio by weight. Additionally, research work on the
within the wood fibers. The compressed particle-mix are possibility of combining wood with other lignocellulosic
further hot-pressed within 2 to 3 MPa and 140 C to 220 C materials to obtain more profitable products and to
pressure and temperature, respectively, to harden the reduce the environmental harm that they cause without
adhesive within the fiber walls and create bonding.24–26 tampering with the quality of particleboard is still
The whole processes of production are precise to certify ongoing.
that the size and density of the particleboard are accurate
and uniform. The manufactured particleboards underwent
finishing touches by cooling, trimming, and sanding. 4 | N A T U R A L - B A S E D WO O D
These particleboards can be sold as raw board or surface PA RTICLE BINDER S
improved through the addition of a wood veneer or lami-
nate surface. Knowledge of the binder to be used is pivotal Over a decade now, the development of natural-based
in determining the cost of particleboard; hence, phenol adhesives for particleboard manufacture has been receiv-
resins are sometimes modified by the addition of urea, lig- ing attention from research scientists. Among the array
nosulfonates, or other cost-reducing additives. of such natural-based adhesives are starch, tannins, lig-
nin, and soy protein.31 While most natural adhesives
require their combination of a suitable synthetic com-
3.1 | Formaldehyde-free wood adhesives pound to meet the required specification for a good natu-
ral wood adhesive, tannins, on the other hand, could be
Formaldehyde-based adhesive for particleboard manufac- used directly or in combination with lignin which also a
ture has been facing increasing health challenges, due to natural-based wood adhesive. The choice of the wood
its classification as carcinogenic and mutagenic materials. adhesive depends on the effect of resin that would be
Research and development into the use of formaldehyde- used on the production costs and also its environmental
free wood adhesive have been receiving global attention impacts resin on human health. In the wood-based
on the commercial stage since 2004. This formaldehyde- industry, the adhesive is characterized as a thermoset
free wood adhesive system consisting of the use of kraft resin that is utilized as the medium that attracts the wood
lignin resulting in binderless particleboard and lignin particles together to assemble a wood-based panel.32 The
mixed with polyaminoamide-epichlorohydrin (PAE) products of particleboards obtained from lignin or its
resin resulting in green wood adhesives. Lignin is a phe- combination with tannins are generally termed
nolic amorphous polymer that has a very active part in binderless particleboards.

5 | B IN D E R L E SS B OA R D distributed by the synergistic effect of the water (steam)

and heat. Most of these binderless boards produced are
The renewed interest in particleboard manufacture not very strong, thereby resulting in deeper research
related to green chemistry leading to the production of work to analyze the potential of using more than one
low or free-formaldehyde emission particleboards and material or by using little quantity of adhesive to make
the promotion of products from biomass has initiated the this board. In some of these works, the particleboards
development of binderless particleboards. This vision of were made with UF or MUF resin in minute quantity.
this project is a result of the depletion of petroleum feed- Kalaycıoglu and Nemli35 used stalks kenaf (Hibiscus can-
stocks and the need for sustainable development involv- nabinus L.) to make particleboard that was used as a
ing reduced emissions of greenhouse gases. Much work composite using UF resin as the binder.
has been done on seeking the potential of natural ligno- However, due to the low purity and quality of lignin,
cellulosic fibers to make binderless boards, these are industrial uses of lignin as adhesive resin are still at the
boards produced without the addition of neither syn- research and development level. There is continuing
thetic nor natural-based adhesives but uses just a high research and investigation into the utilization of eco-
temperature that melts the lignin and cellulose which friendly, non-formaldehyde-based adhesives due to con-
aids the binding process and pressure that compacts the cerns over the quality of air, especially as it relates to
fiber to give the board desired shape, density, thickness, faster drying times and the manufacture of functional
and also the mechanical strength. Binderless have none- products. There are several methods for the reduction of
theless replaced particleboard made with synthetic resin, formaldehyde emission levels from wood-based products
and the agricultural fibers used often require treatment bonded with UF resin, where the usage of natural resins
to produce a board with the desired quality and strength. instead of synthetic resins is one of them; another
Some of these treatments are alkaline, acidic, steam method is the partial replacement of UF with a natural
injection, and pre-pressing.33–35 resin.39–41
Tajuddin et al16 made a comprehensive review of
binderless boards from natural fibers. Kurokochi and
Sato21 reported the production of binderless boards 6 | P A R T I C LEB O A R D
through hot-pressing rice straw to evaluate the morpholog- MANUFAC TURED F ROM BIO-
ical effect of the particles from rice straw. The report added BASED A DHESIVE
that the successfully produced binderless boards from rice
straw powder at a particle size smaller than 1 mm, the Particleboard is made generally by mixing wood particles
wax-like substances on the epidermis of rice straw might or wood flakes with either a synthetic or natural resin
have also aided the high-water resistance of binderless under hot pressure and temperature forming particleboard
boards.22 Also, Lamaming et al36 produced binderless par- panel. The raw materials are sorted to ensure size unifor-
ticleboard with oil palm and analyzed the influence of oil mity to eliminate overly large or small pieces to be fed into
palm chemical components on the manufactured board, a disc chipper with between 4 and 16 radially arranged
and the binderless particleboard was evaluated through a blades. Drying the particles and screening based on parti-
series of mechanical, physical, and chemical analyses to cle sizes is done.42 Current research in the application of
assess the self-bonding mechanism. Other lignocellulosic environmentally friendly bio-based binders is receiving
materials that have been used to produce binderless attention with the recent report of the use of bio-based
boards include; coconut husk,24 cotton stalk,25 kenaf adhesive (soy-adhesive, blood glue, kraft lignin).43 Mean-
core,26 rice straw,37 oil palm,30 papyrus fiber,33 sugar cane while, the bio-based resins that exist commercially are
bagasse, and sweet sorghum bagasse.20,34 mainly both tannins and soy protein-based, Conversely,
The preparation of binderless ramie stem particle- Starch is one of the most abundant relatively inexpensive
board by pressing using steam injection before hot press- renewable natural polymers equally used as the bio-based
ing was carried out by Guo et al.38 The ramie binderless adhesive. They are generally obtained from cereal grains
board was foremost hand-formed into a single layered- (corn and wheat), tubers (potato), and roots (cassava).44
mat by using a mold box; it was then pressed with a Consisting of two major molecular components
sealed steam-injection press before undergoing the hot known as amylose and amylopectin, starch has an excel-
press at a temperature of 190  C, a pressure of 5 MPa, for lent affinity toward polar materials such as cellulose. This
a time of 10 minutes. The results showed that there is a desirability for polar materials is due to the presence of
visible improvement in the physical and mechanical many hydroxyl groups in the starch molecule, forming
properties of binderless particleboard because the lignin strong adhesive bonds.45 It is extensively used as binders,
in ramie stem particles was fully expanded and evenly sizing materials, glues, and pastes.46 Its current use in

particleboard production involves its combination with dried at 80 C for 12 hours to obtain a moisture content of
synthetic adhesives, such as isocyanates and UF resins. about 3%-14%, this was known a pre-drying. Boards made
Due to weak bonding characteristics of native starch on using PF resin and polymeric methylene diphenyl
wood particles, physical, chemical, and/or enzymatic diisocyanate (PMDI) were used as references. The boards
modifications of the starch molecule are usually encour- were manufactured under the pressing conditions of
aged. While physical modification requires cooking, 200 C for 10 minutes. The citric acid content used was
extrusion, spray drying, annealing, etc., chemical modifi- varied between 0 and 30 wt%, with boards made with 20%
cation involves alkali or acid treatment or oxidation giving the best physical properties. The internal bonding
reaction.47 of both the non-treated and pre-treated particleboards
increased proportionally as the citric acid content
increased. Also, the internal bonding strength of pre-
6.1 | Characteristics of binders used in treated boards bonded with 30 wt% citric acid had a wide
particleboard manufacture difference to the non-treated boards made with the same
quantity of citric acid. The pre-drying treatment on the
To improve the strength and water resistance of the sprayed particles and the increasing content of citric acid
boards, the feasibility of using either synthetic or natural- improved water resistance, and mechanical properties of
based adhesives has been done. These binders are added the particleboards met the requirement of particleboard of
to the already present lignin, and cellulose content seeks Type 18 of JIS A 5908 standard. It is concluded that
to improve all the properties required in particleboard. sorghum bagasse is a good potential for raw material in
Cotton stalks were bonded with citric acid in the research producing particleboard.53
work of Prasetiyo et al,48 the cotton stalks (Zea mays Coconut fiber, a by-product of coconut husk which is
saccharate) was considered after the chemical analysis highly rich in lignin and cellulose, was bounded with cas-
was done on it, to be a suitable alternative for wood tor oil polyurethane adhesive to make particleboard. This
because of its lignocellulosic content. The citric acid was study was used to check the feasibility of using coconut
added at a concentration of 0, 15, 20, and 25 wt% from its fiber, castor oil adhesive, and UF to produce qualitative
effect on water absorption, modulus of elasticity and mod- particleboard, varying densities of 0.8 and 1.0 g/cm3. The
ulus of rupture, 20% were found to be the optimum con- particle mix was placed in the mold and was later
centration of citric acid used. From the results, it was inserted in the hot press at a pressure of about 50 kg/cm2
deduced that citric acid influences the physical and and the temperature ranging from 100 to 140 C for
mechanical properties of particleboards from corn stalks.49 10 minutes and with a board dimension of 40 cm × 40 cm
Ahmed et al50 used coconut pith derived from coco- with a thickness of 10 mm. For the physical properties,
nut husk to produce particleboard. Coconut pith is a the boards produced with 1.0 g/cm3 had the lowest per-
product of coconut husk, it consists of 70 wt% of the husk centage for water absorption and a thickness swelling,
and the fiber takes up 30%.51 An attempt was made using the mechanical tests showed that the MOE did not meet
MUF to see the feasibility of replacing wood with coir- the standard requirement but is good enough and can be
pith to make particleboard. The MUF was added at a con- improved.54
centration of 7%, 10%, 13%, and 16% wherein the result, Particleboards applications are popular in the field of
16% MUF was found to be optimum that showed the best packaging, but due to the high demand for wood and
strength. Also, the effect of particle size was analyzed and wood materials, they are among the most popular mate-
showed particleboards made using the medium size parti- rials used in construction. They are used in the area of
cle also gave the best performance for both binderless interior construction (such as floor, wall, ceiling panels,
and MUF bonded boards. This indicated that coconut office dividers, bulletin boards, cabinets, furniture, coun-
pith can be used for making binderless and adhesive ter, and desktops) and exterior applications. With deplet-
bonded particleboard.50,52 ing wood resources, the wood industry struggles to obtain
Sweet sorghum bagasse (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) a sufficient amount of raw material for particleboard
was combined with citric acid for the manufacturing of production.55
particleboard, the effects of pre-drying treatment, and the This condition encourages many studies on the possi-
citric acid content on the physical properties of the boards bility of using natural fibers or agricultural by-products as
produced was analyzed by Kusumah et al.34 Sorghum materials in particleboard manufacturing. It is also a
bagasse is a natural lignocellulosic raw material and the source of replacing wood materials due to the high
citric acid utilized is a natural adhesive resulting in a prod- demand for wooden materials and a continued rise in agri-
uct with free formaldehyde percentage. Wet sorghum cultural residue in the agricultural areas that resulting in
bagasse particle already sprayed with adhesives were then forest fires.9 Physical and mechanical strength properties

are among the various characterization carried out on for solid wood and plywood industries, as they are easy to
particleboard. Besides, quality testing of particleboards is handle, low cost, and low formaldehyde emission. Starch
geared toward its suitability and performance index of the adhesives are characterized by the lack of reactivity, bond
applied adhesive. These characterizations are generally strength, storage stability and water tolerance of starch-
standardized methods, snowballing to the importance based adhesives make them is challenging when indus-
being attached to non-destructive material tests to trial board applications are considered.61 Proper modifi-
assess the adhesion properties. Consequently, the shelf cation combined with crosslinking is needed to reach the
life of the adhesion tends to be unrealistic due to required bond strength. So far, no economically viable
weather-dependency.56 bio-based cross-linkers are available on the market and
starch adhesives rely on synthetic crosslinkers, such as
isocyanates and epoxides. The starch-based wood adhe-
7 | BIO-BASED A DHESIVES FOR sive is heavily hydrogen-bonding dependent and the
P A R T I C LEB O A R D MA N U F A C T U R E crosslinker needs to both increase adhesion and water
Current research and development in the use of green
adhesives in particleboard manufacture to reduce the
health threat related to utilizing formaldehyde-based par- 8 | DRAWBACKS IN
ticleboard have led to research and development in bio- PA RTICLEBO ARD
based adhesives. This research effort is aimed to provide MANUFAC TURING
a sustainable solution to indoor air quality with rest to
formaldehyde emission. Bio-based adhesives used for par- Formulations for particleboard manufacture are
ticleboard manufacture including; tannin, soy protein described regarding practical applications concerning
adhesives, starch adhesive, lignin-based adhesives.57 All its environmental testing and standardization. Despite
adhesive raw materials reported on bio-based adhesives the milestone of research and development in particle-
can significantly reduce formaldehyde emissions when board manufacturing, the conventional adhesive
replacing formaldehyde-based adhesives in the wood- widely used in commercial quantities are still
based panel industry. Despite the green nature of bio- formaldehyde-based which includes PF, UF, and MF
based adhesives, they suffer some diverse matters that adhesives.1 There have been reports on the use of iso-
limit their industrial usage. For example, lack of adhesion cyanates and natural adhesives with tannin and sulfite
for starches, poor water resistance for hydroxyl group waste liquor-based adhesives. Also, re-utilization of
enriched materials, or viscosity for long molecule chain these recycled wood wastes could lead to the genera-
polymers.58 tion of gaseous emissions that are environmentally
Unlike other bio-adhesives, tannins provide good harmful within an enclosed environment beyond the
adhesion and can be used to make panels with higher tolerant level. Emission of these gases could be attrib-
moisture tolerance. Furthermore, suitable crosslinkers utable to the incompletely reacted formaldehyde-based
such as hexamine, glyoxal, and tris (hydroxymethyl) resins from the recycled wood waste and application of
nitromethane have already been reported and adopted. new formaldehyde as the binder for new product
Bio-based adhesives are characterized by some common inducing illness through immune mechanisms and
problems a lack of economically viable crosslinkers for direct toxicity.63 This has led to poor indoor air quality
bio-based adhesives that would increase reactivity, in some cases in most modern buildings resulting in
mechanical properties, and humidity stability. It also serious health challenges for such occupants.64
does not need any reinforcement from synthetic Recently, research and development have reported,
petroleum-based adhesives.59 Lignin adhesive is charac- means of moderating these formaldehyde emissions
terized by low reactivity leading to long-pressing times from the wood composite panels. This includes firstly,
and thus increased production cost in panel manufactur- reduction in the amount and chemical modification of
ing. It is worth mentioning that a combination of tannin/ formaldehyde resin used in the production of the parti-
lignin to replace formaldehyde has also been reported in cleboards, and secondly is the use of formaldehyde-free
the literature. Soy protein adhesives have also been adhesives such are natural latex, soy-based adhesives,
reported as a potential candidate for green adhesives.60 gum Arabic, wheat gluten, corn starch, and nano-
Its ready availability and low cost contributed to its use modified starch. Economically, starch has been suc-
in high-cost premium green panel. cessfully used as resins in wood-based industries in
Starch which is an abundant polymer is used for commercial quantities being low-cost natural polymers.
starch-based adhesives which provide many advantages Although the use of cassava starch has been saddled

with some drawbacks such as dimensional stability 10 | NATURAL FIBERS F OR

and poor bonding properties of starch bonded boards PARTICLEBOARD M ANUFAC TURE
due to its hygroscopicity nature.65 Starch modification
has been reported to improve the quality of the starch Generally, natural fibers can be classified according to
used as binders in particleboard applications. The their origin. The animal fibers are regarded as protein-
importance of starch chemical modification is to intro- based fibers such as wool, mohair, and silk. These fibers
duce some functional groups to improve its adhesive are usually used in textiles, arts, and decorative works.72
properties in various applications. The starch modifica- The mineral fibers are used in asbestos while the vegeta-
tions encompass oxidation,66 radical graft copolymeri- ble or cellulose-based fibers include such important fibers
zation, esterification, etherification, and crosslink as cotton, flax, and jute. Of these classes of fibers, the
reaction.67 cellulose-based natural fibers are used in particleboard
There is a very important need to consider the chemi- manufacture. A typical wood waste used for particle-
cal and physical (rheological test, curing test, morpholog- boards consists of solid timber particles, timber shavings,
ical properties of wetted glued joints, and electroacoustic sawdust, veneer panels, and combinations of two or more
measurements) properties of the adhesive because they of them. The quality of wood furnish in particleboard is
are environment-dependent. Improvement in the modu- controlled by the woods' properties such as acidity,
lus of rupture MOR and density of the particleboard extractive content, density, and machinability.
panels manufactured from modified starch and low per- These wood wastes are mostly dumped in landfills or
cent UF binder on Eastern red cedar was investigated.68 burnt in a combustion chamber. However, these wood
It was reported that modification of cassava starch pow- wastes could be reused by sorting, processing, and uti-
der with glutardialdehyde has resulted in the reduction lized as raw material for the development of particle-
of its hygroscopic tendency and improve its bonding boards. However, the decline of forest reserves has
properties and later used to produce improved and sus- attracted researchers to find other lignocellulosic fibers
tainable particleboards. In another study on the effect of or particles as an alternative raw material for the produc-
the modified starch application on rubberwood bonded tion of these particleboards.73,74 Agricultural residues,
with modified starch, it was reported that the application such as stems, stalks, leaves, and seed pods generated
resulted in improved both the modulus of rupture and abundantly annually are the most suitable candidates as
the internal bond strength of the panels while the result an alternative particle or fiber in particleboard. There are
also satisfied the condition of the standard.69 So far very over 30 agricultural residues used as raw materials in par-
limited studies are available on both the utilization of ticleboard production. All types of fiber used have their
starch and reuse of woodchips from furniture and wood characteristics and performances.
processing activities in the particleboards manufacturing.

Apart from fiber particles and resins, some materials
refer to as additives may be employed in particleboard An increase in the cost of construction materials, coupled
production. The essence of these materials is to control with a shortage of supply of solid wood has been seen to
and modify the reaction conditions in the particleboard endanger the sustainability of the forest-based industries
production, and also modify the final product. Among in building construction. This has enhanced the interest
the properties being addressed include, water repellent, of researchers on the use of lignocellulose natural fibers
crosslinkers, colorants, fillers, and fire retardant.70 Wood that are waste and continue to accumulate, causing eco-
being cellulosic material is highly vulnerable to insects logical challenges. There has been continuous research
and fungi attacks. Whereas poor water repellency on the and development concerning the viability of wood-based
wood particles may lead to dimensional instability, fungi panels such as particleboards, MDF, and OSB with the
as well as insect attack which can eventually compromise introduction of natural fibers as direct or partial substi-
the strength properties of the material. Therefore, the tute of wood particles in its production.75
pre-treatment of the materials to get maximum durability Table 1 tabulated some of the common agricultural
is crucial. Depending on whether indoor or outdoor use, wastes used for particleboards. Pan et al49 made rice
the application of appropriate additive is a means of solv- straw particleboard by replacing polymeric methylene
ing the potential problem.71 diphenyl diisocyanate (PMDI) with rice bran adhesive up

TABLE 1 Past work on particleboards produced from various biomass

Research title Biomass type Reference

Mechanical and thermal properties of boards made from farm residues. Maize hub and cob 76
Upgrading of urea formaldehyde-bonded reed and wheat straw Reed and wheat straw 52
particleboards using silane coupling agents.
The physical properties of medium-density wheat straw-particleboard Wheat straw 53
using different adhesives.
Effect of particle size on bamboo particleboard properties. Bamboo chips 77
The potential for using corn stalks as a raw material for production Cotton stalks 78
particleboard with industrial wood chips.
Producing composite particleboard from kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus I.) Kenaf 35
Effect of corn starch and wood glue to physical and mechanical Rice husk 37
properties of rice-husk based particleboard
Fibers of coffee husk and hulls for the production of particleboard. Coffee husk and hulls 57
Characterization of raw materials and manufactured binderless Oil palm fronds, 17
particleboard from oil palm biomass. leaves and trunk
The potential for using walnut (Juglans regia L.) shell as a raw material Walnut shell 58
for wood-based particleboard manufacturing.
Effects of anatomical and chemical properties of wood on the quality of Wood shavings 79
Properties of green particleboard manufactured from coconut fiber Coconut fiber 29
using a potato starch-based adhesive
Assessment of multilayer particleboards produced with green coconut Coconut fiber and 19
fibers and sugarcane bagasse sugarcane bagasse

to 30% of PMDI because of the highly expensive nature The analyses are often done according to their various
and toxicity of PMDI, achieving final boards with proper- TAPPI standards.81 Table 2 provides a few agricultural
ties like those of 100% PMDI bonded particleboard. biomasses with its chemical compositions content.
Generally, natural fibers have good thermal conduc-
tivity and excellent mechanical properties. It is essential
to analyze or know the chemical compositions of the 12 | NATURAL FIBER
raw material (natural fiber) before using it to produce PRETREATMENT I N
the particleboards. These lignocellulose-rich fibers are a PA RTICLEBO ARD
type of biopolymer composite that comprises of chemi- MANUFAC TURING
cal components in varying percentages depending on
the fiber compositions. These compositions have an Generally, the manufacturing process of boards from
impact on the quality of the particleboards produced fibers often requires a little or more treatment compared
with them, they include the lignin, alpha-cellulose to using the regular wood obtained from the forest for
(α-cellulose), hemicellulose, holocellulose, extractive woodwork. Because most of these agricultural wastes are
content, the ash content, and others in small percent- taken from the areas such as the dumping sites, or can be
ages. The α-cellulose is the most basic element of the specially monitored before the disposal, they often con-
cell wall. It aids good physical and mechanical proper- tain unwanted impurities such as small-sized stones,
ties of the board and is responsible for the tensile nails, cotton, and other foreign materials, these require
strength of the particleboard. The lignin is a complex unique energy and time for segregation, washing,
phenolic amorphous polymer, an essential element cleaning or other types of treatment that can be used to
needed in cell wall development, as it is responsible for get the fiber of desired shape.91 Also, these fibrous raw
the rigidity and toughness of the fiber while providing materials require little treatment before hot pressing due
with compressive strength. It aids particleboard bonding to difficulty of adhesives penetrate them, which also dis-
and further improves its mechanical properties.16,80 courages good mechanical interlocking between the

TABLE 2 Some agricultural biomass and its chemical composition contents

Lignin α-cellulose Hemicellulose

Biomass content (%) content (%) content (%) Reference
Oil palm fiber 17.3-26.5 44.2-49.6 18.3-33.5 82
Coconut fiber 45-62.9 46.1 - 29
Rice husk 14.3 31.3 24.3 83
Sweet sorghum bagasse 23.02 34.87 33.95 34
Kiwi stalks 26.7 38.38 32.19 84
Date palm 31.9 50.6 8.1 16
Coffee hull 33–35 40-49 25-32 57
Lemon balm stalk 26.5 42.7 14.3 85
Date palm rachis 27.2 45.0 - 86
Kenaf 18.70-24.3 39-63 15-19 87,88
Corn stalks 22.2 53.6 16.2 89
Sugarcane bagasse 17.3–26.5 55.6-57.4 23.9-24.5 90
Groundnut shell 30.2 35.7 18.7 83
Rice straw 15-28 30-35 25-30 18
Cotton stalks 26.3 36.0 28.8 85

fibers, unlike the very fine particles of wood. After the boards prepared using the non-dried particles. The
treatment, the fiber that is to be bound using adhesive or mechanical properties also met the required standard.
any other types of binder, the binder is mixed with the The pretreatment of fiber or treatment is done during
fiber and is placed in the mold to give the resulting the process of production of the fiber-based particleboard
dimension, the mold is often cold-pressed for few can only be efficient if the cost of treatments does not
minutes before being sent to the hydraulic press to com- exceed the production cost for using the already existing
pact it using heat and pressure. For the binderless board, established material for producing the costs of the
the fiber is compressed in the cold press and placed in boards.94 The heat used in treatment should not be too
the hydraulic hot press where the heat will help melt the high to make the production of the board costly; therefore,
lignin, and the pressure compresses to give strong parti- any treatment done should be cost-effective and meet the
cleboard. The least treatment that is done is often to standard requirements to produce a qualitative board.95
reduce the moisture content to 5%-9%.63,92 In producing Generally, the pretreatments done on the raw mate-
particleboard from coconut fiber, the moisture was rials (fibers) are drying, length reduction to the desired size
reduced to 2%-3%65 as a form of treatment of the fiber (trimming or grinding). There are two drying processes for
before proceeding with mixing with adhesive. the materials; air-drying and oven drying. The fibers are
Ahmad et al67 treated rattan waste with alkaline to air-dried in an open space to reduce the moisture content,
analyze the effect of the pretreatment on the quality of thereby inhibiting the actions of microorganisms on the
boards produced. The rattan waste was inserted deep in raw materials. The oven-drying process is used to further
1% NaOH solution for 10 minutes, and thereafter it dry the materials and to achieve the desired moisture con-
undergoes drying in an oven at 35 C for 48 hours. The tent. The moisture content of the fiber can then be tested
treatment removed impurities in the fibers, thereby using a laboratory moisture content analyzer.
enhancing the mechanical locking among the fibers and
the board's properties met the standard requirements,
particularly the thickness swelling. 13 | CONCLUSIONS
Pretreatment was done on sorghum bagasse in the
production of particleboard with citric acid.93 The wet This review reported that the viability, growth, and contin-
sorghum bagasse particles that were already sprayed with ued accomplishment of the particleboard industry are
citric acid adhesive were oven-dried at a temperature of dependent upon the development of new environmentally
80 C for 12 hours to reduce the moisture content to 3%- friendly adhesives from renewable materials. The review
14% before hot pressing. The physical properties of the work indicated that an environmentally friendly wood
pre-dried particles produced boards were better than adhesive can be prepared from a naturally renewable

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