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Balasar lvl.

Stats: Sacred Oath: Oath of vengeance
HP: 77 AC: 19 Proficiency bonus + 3 1D8 Oath spells:
Bane,Huntersmark,Hold person,Misty step
Str: 18 +4 Channel divinity: see pg.58 for uses
Dex: 13 +1 Abjure enemy : pg.88
Con:14 +2 Vow of enmity : pg.88
Int:13 +1
Wis:13 +1
Cha:14 +2 4 lvl 1 slots
3 lvl 2 slots
Breath weapon : fire 15 Ft.cone 3d6
Lay on Hands : 8x5=40 hitpoints to heal pg 84
Divine sense : pg.84
Fighting style : defense ac +1
Divine smite : 1d8 or 2d8 in exhange for lvl1 or 2 slot pg 85
Divine health : immune to disease
Sacred oath
Heavy armor master : Str.+1 bludg,pierc.slash. Dmg.-3
Extra attack : I can attack twice when i take the attack action
Aura of protection : me or friendly creature within 10 ft.+2 on saving throws pg 85
Relentless Avenger: pg.88
Great weapon master :-5 on attack roll +10 on attack dmg,bonus attack when crit or 0hp enemy
f vengeance

Hold person,Misty step

e pg.58 for uses
Damador lvl 8
Stats: Primal path :path of totem warrior
HP: 101 AC: 16 Proficiency bonus + 3 1D12 Spirit seeker:
cast beast sense,speak with animals
Str: 18 +4 Bear totem: while raging resistance to all dama
Dex: 16 +3 Aspect of the beast:
Con:16 +3 Bear totem: you gain the might of the bear see
Int:8 -1
Wis:10 +0
Cha:12 +1

Relentless endurance: when hp gets to 0 get 1hp pg.41
Savage attacks:when crit roll one extra dmg dice
Rage : rage dmg +2 4 rages
Unarmed defence: 10+3+3= 16 AC
Reckless attack: advantage on attack roll disadvantage next turn
Danger sense : advantage on dex savings throws
Primal path
Great weapon master :-5 on attack roll +10 on attack dmg,bonus attack when crit or 0hp enemy
Extra attack : I can attack twice when i take the attack action
fast movement :+10 feet movement when not wearing heavy armor pg 85
Feral instinct : advantage on initiative
ability score improvement :+1 on str,+1 on dex
totem warrior

ak with animals
ging resistance to all damage except psychic

n the might of the bear see pg 50

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