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Lesson Plan in English 8

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
1. determine the concept of bias;
2. identify the author’s biases in given statements;
A. Topic: Examine biases (for or against) made by the author.
B. Materials: Power Point Presentation.
C. References: ENG-Q3-MODULE 1; EN8RC-IIIg-3.1.12
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activity

“Good day, everybody.” “Good day, Ma’am.”

“How are you?” (Answers may vary)

“Before we begin our class, let us pray first. Let us all stand, let`s (Students will stand)

“Dear, please lead the prayer.” “Thank you, Lord for

this wonderful day,
bless our day and filled
“You may now take your seats. Now, I`ll check your attendance please it with wisdom and
say `I love you’ if you’re here and say nothing if someone is not peace, in Jesus name.
present.” Amen.”

“Yes, Ma’am”

“Very good! Everybody is present today. Give yourselves a hand.”

B. Review of the past lesson

“Alright. Before we start our lesson, let`s see if you can recall our
lesson last time. Give me a thumbs up if the sentence connotes a (Student give
positive message and give me a thumbs down if it is negative. themselves a round of
Understood?” applause.)

“Nice, start.”

 1. People should stay at home during pandemic. /

 2. Washing of hands is optional. X
 3. Wearing a face mask is a must. /
 4. People are not following social distancing. X
 5. Using rubbing alcohol regularly is important. /

“Excellent class.”

C. Motivation
“Today, before I`ll introduce to you our lesson, we will first have our
activity. What you`re going to do is to choose a picture that you prefer.
Then, tell us the reason why you chose it.”

(Answers may vary)

(Answers may vary)

(Answers may vary)

(Answers may vary)

(Answers may vary)

“Brilliant! So, this activity is connected to what you`re going to learn

this day.”

D. Presentation
“So, this time we`re going to learn, concept of bias and ways to
determine the author’s biases.”

Our objective, at the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. determine the concept of bias;
2. identify the author’s biases in given statements;

“Ready? Let`s Start!”

E. Lesson Proper
Bias refers to a prejudice or inclination towards a particular viewpoint,
which can lead to unfair or unbalanced judgements or decisions. This
arises from the author’s thinking which may be influenced by personal
beliefs, culture, attitudes, preferences, and past experiences.
To further understand bias in writing, look at the illustration.

“Example of bias: In a sentence, Ana believes that she is smarter than

What do you think made this sentence biased? (Answers may vary)
Let`s answer this later on as we proceed with our lesson.
So, when does an author become bias?
An author becomes bias when he/she persuades the reader to believe
on his/her own stand of the issue by giving inaccurate information or
false impression even with or without the intention of misleading the
In our sentence previously, Ana believes that she is smarter than Rose.
What made the sentence biased? Because it in Ana`s point of view, she
is smarter than Rose, which she believes as true. In other words, it is
her stand.”
“Again, author becomes biased if he/she persuades the reader to
believe on his/her own stand of the issue or the topic. Understood?”
“Next, we have here statement, `Jenna deserves to be the school
valedictorian since she is more intelligent than Jane and because Jenna
is my best friend’.”
What made it biased?
Yes, it shows favoritism and own personal view of the persona.

How do you determine the author’s biases?

To determine the author’s biases and to understand his/her underlying

purpose, you must look at the use of evidence and diction.
Evidences can be in a form of facts and information, testimonies and
direct observations, scientific and legal findings, and anecdotes and
philosophical evidences.
Some guide questions to check the author’s use of evidence.
 Does the author present more positive evidences to support one side
of an issue?
 Does the author present more negative evidences to disprove one
side of an issue?

Diction refers to the words or expressions that help convey the stand of
the author towards an issue. These words and expressions may indicate
a positive or negative connotation or meaning.
Some guide questions to check the author’s diction.
 Does the author use more positive words and expressions to present
one side of an issue?
 Does the author use more negative words and expressions to present
one side of an issue?

Let`s examine this passage below.

Summer vacation is the favorite season for most people. Some go to

the beach; others go to the mountains. These places will make them
feel closer to nature. However, having a vacation by the sea differs
from having a vacation in the mountains.
People can swim, surf, or dive on the beach. Others can pick up shells,
go sunbathing, or even play volleyball. Also, the sound of the sea
waves hitting the shore can make people feel more relaxed. While
sitting on wooden chairs, people can watch the sun as it sets down.
On the other hand, people can also explore the mountain side to
experience the strong and fresh air. People can hike and do bonfire.
However, hiking in the mountains can be dangerous because of the
presence of wild animals and the danger of falling.
Whichever, people choose, they can experience a lot of enjoyable
adventure. Yet, there are many things’ people can do in the beach than
in the mountain.

Following the guide questions given in the discussion, let’s analyze the
evidences and the diction used by the author.

For the evidences:

Based on the table above, you will notice that the author has presented
more positive evidences of going to the beach than going to the
You will also notice that there is an unfair presentation of the
evidences. The author emphasized the dangers on going to the
mountain but failed to present the dangers on going to the beach like

For the diction:

The author used more positive words such as highlighting the benefits
of going to the beach, but he/she used negative words when referring
to going to the mountain such as dangerous and danger. These words
give a negative impression to the readers making the author biased as
he/she was favoring one idea over the other. He/she also failed to
present both advantages and disadvantages about going to the beach
and going to the mountain in a more balanced and objective way.

F. Application
Instruction: When your name is called, answer the statement if it is
biased or not.
1. Cerelac is the best food that a mother must give to her child. Biased Statement
2. Considered by all as man`s best friend, dogs are brave. Biased Statement
3. All accountants are smart. Biased Statement
4. The effects of online games to children is alarming, according Unbiased Statement
to UNICEF. Biased Statement
5. Pizza is a best food ever.
G. Generalizations
So, again what have we discussed just a while ago? “Biases”
Yes, it is all about biases, and what are biases again? “Biases tend to refers to
a prejudice or
inclination towards a
particular viewpoint,
which can lead to unfair
or unbalanced
judgements or
decisions. This arises
from the author’s
thinking which may be
influenced by personal
beliefs, culture,
attitudes, preferences,
and past experiences.
How can we determine or identify author`s biases in given statements? “Through evidence and
Yes, through evidence and diction. diction.

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: In ¼ sheet of paper, write B if the statement is biased and UB if
1. Filipinos are happy people.
2. Everybody says, Mother knows best.
3. Mrs. Dayrit had 40 students in her class last year.
4. According to proverbial phrase, patience is a virtue.
5. Atheists don’t believe in God.
1. B
2. B
3. UB
4. UB
5. UB
V. Assignment
Directions: Research more about biases (for or against) made by the author.

Prepared by: Jireh Noemi V. Solejon

Student Teacher

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