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Name : Rinelly Aurelia Naurah Zafarani

St Number : 230120010231
Room : G615
TASK 4 (Four)

A. Speaking I (One)
Based on the conversation II, Answer the following questions!
1) How many people are there in the dialogue above?
Answer: There are 3 people in the dialogue above.
2) Who are those people?
Answer: They are Paul, Steve, and Barman.
3) Where is the dialogue taken place?
Answer: The dialogue is taken place in pub.
4) What is the relationship between Paul and Steve?
Answer: Paul and steve are friend.
5) Where are they and what are they doing?
Answer: They are in pub and there for a drink.
6) Where do they plan to go in the evening? What will they do?
Answer: Steve invited Paul to drop round and have a chat with him and Mary.
7) Who has been away in Japan? How long has been there?
Answer: Paul has been away in Japan over a year.
8) When will he be back to Japan?
Answer: He will back to Japan the day after tomorrow.
B. Summary
One day Paul meets Steve in a pub. Steve has not seen Paul for ages because
Paul has been in Japan over a year. Paul will go back to Japan and leaving the day after
tomorrow. Steve asked two points of beer to the barman, one for him and one for Paul.
After payed for the drinks, Steve toasts for Paul’s trip. After drink, time shows
Steve to get back to work. Before that, Steve invited Paul to drop round and have a chat
with Mary. Paul agrees and they will meet tonight.
C. Based on Conversation (K) above, Find and Rewrite the Following Remarks; And
who says so?
1) Greeting
a. Mr. Coleman : Good Evening Miss Rowland.
b. Miss Rowland : Hello John.
2) Conveying Greeting
*Mr. Coleman : Please give her our best regards.
3) Other’s Enjoyment
*John : I hope you’ll have a good trip.
4) Before an Interview or Examination
*Miss Rowland : Well, good luck.
5) For an Achievement
*There is no expression for an achievement.
6) Wedding Reception
*There is no expression of Wedding Reception.
7) Failure
*There is no expression abaout failure.
8) Illness
*Mr. Coleman : I’m so sorry to hear that.
9) Seasonal Greetings
*There is no expression of Seasonal Greeting.
10) When Guests Arrived
*Mr. Coleman : Do come in.
11) Leaving
a. Miss Rowland : Goodbye.
b. Mr. Coleman : Goodbye.
c. John : Goodbye.
D. Paraphrase
Miss Rowland is greeted by Mr. Coleman at the door when she visits the
Colemans' house. He welcomes her warmly and invites her inside, to which Miss
Rowland expresses appreciation for their lovely home. Upon seeing John, the
Coleman's son, Miss Rowland asks about his upcoming exams, which he mentions are
starting the next day. Wishing him luck, she then brings up her plans to travel abroad to
Italy next month, to which John responds with gratitude. Expressing excitement for her
trip, Miss Rowland thanks him and expresses her anticipation for the journey.
As their conversation continues, Miss Rowland eventually mentions that she
must leave as her sister isn't feeling well. Mr. Coleman expresses sympathy upon
hearing this news and asks her to pass on their best wishes to her sister. Miss Rowland
assures him that she will convey the message and bids them goodbye. Mr. Coleman and
John both say their farewells as Miss Rowland prepares to depart, ending their pleasant
interaction for the evening.

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