Single Parent Research Paper Example

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The Challenge of Crafting a Single Parent

Research Paper: A Glimpse into the

Writing a thesis is a formidable task that demands a combination of rigorous research, critical
analysis, and proficient writing skills. Among the various research paper topics, delving into the
intricacies of single parenthood presents unique challenges. As individuals embark on the journey of
crafting a single parent research paper, they often encounter obstacles that require expert guidance
and support.

The complexity of dissecting the multifaceted aspects of single parenthood requires a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter. From exploring the psychological impact on children to
examining socio-economic factors affecting single-parent households, the research process demands
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Successful parenting skills can yield to successful upbringing of children. Psychologists have done
various researches in determining the role of parents in the development and upbringing of children.
First, not all workers can find full-time work and they are not receiving minimum wage, same as the
others that are unable to balance full-time work with family responsibilities. In case of chronic illness
or due to some ailment where hospitalization becomes a compulsion, adult children have to bear all
the expenses and they may face financial crunch. We use cookies to create the best experience for
you. For parents, it is necessary to portray sensible and responsible attitude toward children, and for
this reason, parents should adopt Authoritative Style of Parenting. We discussed parental
involvement in the education of their children in schools and ways to increase participation in a
school setting. There are a number of other factors, which when constituted as a whole, jeopardizes
their growth and happiness such as moving, changing schools, lowered standards of living and loss
of contact with the non-custodial parent. These styles are characterized by definite demands and
standards set by parents as a means of shaping the social and psychological makeup of their children.
Single-parents avoid the conflicts of a two-parent family. Statistical data show that during the first
half of 1990's, single parent families were growing three times the rate of what two-parent families
were growing. The impact of such an ordeal can be traumatic for the children. Famine, flood,
earthquakes, war, terrorism, epidemics and natural disasters riddle our lives with tragedy.
Authoritative parenting style is a balance between the other two styles of parenting. Both have
different perspectives which could be positive or negative. The lack of support has driven numerous
single parents to join America's workforce (Davidson 39-45). In essence, instead of punitive, they
are supportive. With the prolonged life expectancy, adults have to bear more responsibilities for a
longer duration of time. Most of the times, authoritarian parents fail to provide reasoning and
justification behind their predefined rules. Authoritarian parenting style is characterized by high
demandingness and low responsiveness. In most of the cases, the boy who was responsible for
causing pregnancies to the girl would not marry the girl. The stresses experienced in a Single Parent
family have a negative impact on the health, educational success and career opportunities for all
members of the family. Depending upon these circumstances and behavior, parenting style can be
categorized among three most prominent areas. For parents, it is essential to choose that parenting
style which will suit the personality of their children. From the outset of parenthood, females make a
greater biological investment then males. All these types can be said to have emerged within the last
century. 1. Widowed Single Parenting As the name suggests, this form of single parenting takes
place when either of the two parents has passed away and left the other parent and the children
behind. On the first question “How has NCLB (general education and special education reform)
affected the relationship between parents and teachers. The percentage of single families in the year
2011 was 26 percent. In other words, father’s control and mother’s love and affection are essential
for the proper development of children. Permissive parents are communicative to their children and
often behave like a friend than a parent. (Baumrind, 1967) Impact of Styles of Parenting In
children’s life, the presence and role of their parents shape their personality and mindset to a great
These actions depict the kind of encouragement and care provided by the parents. They avoid
confrontation and allow substantial amount of self-regulation. To cope with this, she should know
the thing that a single parent must do in order to meet the needs of her family.Amy is having a hard
time coping up with her kids, her father and brother and on how to make both ends meet. Single
parenting means looking after a child’s requirements and needs single handedly, which in turn means
spending quality time with the child. Conclusion The relationship between the adult and parents is
not widely studied subject. SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To draw upon the significance and importance of
being active parents in our kids' lives. This amount signifies that the support received by single
parents is no less than a futile support in the truest essence. The parent is the one in complete control,
when the child becomes an adolescent; they need. To bring up a child who has an attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder is all the more difficult; this puts immense stress on the single parent,
especially when they have to juggle a job, house, children and their own post-depression from the
divorce (Riccuiti, 10). The Single Parent Law 5752-1992 deals with the definition of who is a single
parent, the purpose of the law is to regulate the issue of benefits to these families, and the various
government offices provide unique benefits and financial support to single-parent families in order to
help them. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Let us write or edit the research
paper on your topic. There are studies in the U.S, which state that there are four single parents to
every ten parents (Ehrensaft, 1). All these raised the issue of economic and political support. If this is
done then parenting can be really very easy. A family, which is being headed, by a single mother is
likely to live in more poverty, as compared to a married couple with children. This form of single
parenting forms an astonishing 30 percent of the total population of single parents in the United
States. Authoritarian parenting style is characterized by high demandingness and low responsiveness.
According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, around 1 in every 10 women has PND after having
a baby. Despite the fact that most young adults come to understand that divorce is a wise decision
made by the parents, majority of them are critical of both parents for failing to avoid a misguided
marriage. If you need a guide in making one, you can use a paper template in PDF, Excel, or Word
which should be specifically made for a research document. Parents are more worried about the
quality of relationship their children have, their predisposition and their position in the society.
Research and studies have showed that broken marriages and households have deeply jeopardized
the quality well-being of children. Lastly, we discussed what schools can do to involve more parents
in the educational process, rights and responsibilities as a parent of a special needs child and a
parent’s candid opinion of how they would build a reliable alliance with their teacher and school.
Though the origin of the concept can be traced back to feminism, media and certain other elements
that have pre-existed single parent families, it is of due importance to signify that single parent
families created by the death of a partner or divorce in some cases, are one of the most hard-
working forms of family in our society. Psychologists have done various researches in determining
the role of parents in the development and upbringing of children. This certainly will affect the child
as without the presence of any parent, the child will not be able to relate to the parent will loosen the
bonds of a family. 3. Raising a child essentially requires the presence of both genders. This family,
obviously, has one or more children and either the parents or any one of them is responsible for the
kid(s). A research paper is one of the most important documents that students create as a requirement
for a science research class. Authoritative parents want their children to be socially responsible and
Marks (2006) developed a cross-cultural study where he found that socioeconomic backgrounds are
another issue that affects the academic achievement of children. All these types can be said to have
emerged within the last century. 1. Widowed Single Parenting As the name suggests, this form of
single parenting takes place when either of the two parents has passed away and left the other parent
and the children behind. Teenage pregnancy is another problem that leaves adverse effects upon the
Single Parent and the child. They encourage their children to take responsibility of their life. If
parents are overly punitive then children will feel reluctant in facing them and will avoid them by
being involved in personal chores including hanging out with friends, staying away from home etc.
Thus, eliminating the concept of marriage altogether. Focus on a discussion of “basic family budget”
those measures if the minimum wage received by the employees is enough for their needs. Plus it
gives parents from lower income families’ ways to send their children to better schools and have
more input on their educational outcomes. In most of the cases, the boy who was responsible for
causing pregnancies to the girl would not marry the girl. They hardly demand anything from their
children and have very low expectations from them. Two Sides of the Coin Two definitions of one
subject matter result in the formation of two groups, each with valid arguments to support their
claims. So is the case with single parenting and single parents (Hare). The demographics of solitary
parenting show a common increase worldwide in children living in single parent homes. This form of
single parenting gave birth to another subset of this phenomena; adoption parenting. Both have
different perspectives which could be positive or negative. You can download the paper by clicking
the button above. Parents need to behave like a friend and at the same time should also show
responsible attitude like a good parent. Changing life styles and life philosophies are contributing
heavily to single parenthood. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. Many permissive parents admit that this is not the best style of
parenting. (Adair, 2009) This parenting style gives a lot of advantages to children as it has least
obligations and restrictions. The parent is the one in complete control, when the child becomes an
adolescent; they need. However, these differences do not exist for biological parents (Lees, 2). The
single parent should take an interest in the child’s school and extra-curricular work, so as to make the
child feel wanted. Therefore, it is recommended that parents should adopt Authoritative Style of
Parenting. When asked children regard their parents as intrusive and punitive. They allow children to
escape from almost everything. Permissive children often experience lack of self-regulation and
happiness. And there are several factors that complicate this analysis. They reject this argument by
presenting facts such as, many teenage mothers complete high school and often go on to graduate
from a university. The acceptance of such forms of the family is a mere representation of the
acknowledgement towards divorce and the rarity of marriage. Authoritarian parenting style is
characterized by high demandingness and low responsiveness.
Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing
assignments. Most of the times, authoritarian parents fail to provide reasoning and justification
behind their predefined rules. Due to this, she may suffer from Post Natal Depression. And not all
single mothers are on welfare, but among those receiving welfare, employment rates grew from 40%
to 49% in 1997, so far the highest level on record (“Minimum Wage and Poverty, )’.In addition, it
encourages employees especially the single parent to work efficiently because the wage subsidy
increases if the earnings also increases “small” (Bernstein, 1999), until it reaches to the maximum
credit level. The meaning of single parenting is vital in developing an opinion about this
phenomenon. Effective parenting is important because it helps in molding the character of a child to
become a good person in the future. Ultimately, the book discusses the considerations before an
engagement to a Single Parent and the preparations for stepfamily life. Considering the facts and
several other statistics, it is safe to say that single parent families have shown considerable progress
over the last 4 decades. Such forms of the family have also brought about economic and political
challenges of a global nature. Authoritative parenting style is a balance between the other two styles
of parenting. A Single Parent ought to be permitted to adopt a child because it could generate a vast
difference with the child's' life as well as with the society. Statistical data show that during the first
half of 1990's, single parent families were growing three times the rate of what two-parent families
were growing. Happy parenting is as important for children as any other crucial element. There are
many Single Parent families that have a loving supportive household. The aim of this study is to
present the general picture of the situation of single-parent families in Israel from economic, social
and cultural aspects, and a change in their employment status as a result of the introduction of the
Arrangements Law. Their argument relies on the fact that being a single mother is extremely hard,
especially, when the single mother is in her teenage. Not being married is another common reason
why someone would be practicing single parenting. For some children, it is very lenient and for
others it has so many obligations. (Pros and Cons of Various Parenting Style, 2008) Pros and Cons of
Permissive Parenting Style Permissive parents have very few rules for their children. It is common
sense that the brought up of the child requires immense efforts in all spheres of life. The carrying
capacity of the individual depends on the personality, the psychology set during the upbringing and
formative years, the social interactions, the exposure of the adult as well as the ability to deal with
the tough situations, self-confidence, a trust and empathy towards everyone. According to Shapiro
(2004), a strong generation and age difference persists between the parents and their adult children in
vision for their ties. And this is primarily due to the fact that many employable poor persons have
only marginal attachments to the labor market. Psychologically, such a child shall remain unstable as
he or she tries to solve the mystery surrounding the family that was once very stable. Society is
expected to provide families with the greatest protection and support possible, regardless of the type
of family, so that they can fully fulfill their tasks and responsibilities within the community (Males,
1999). Another form of single parent family is the one which occurs after a divorce. In this way,
they convince their children to meet parental standards. These become a matter of great concern,
taking leave from the work and attending ailing parent seems like a tussle and one lacks
concentration at work, not able to devote time for the ailing parent creating a mess. The number of
single mothers is growing and current public policy is ineffectual in providing meaningful answers to
their problems. To better The problems that face poor single mothers in the United States today are a
cause for mounting concern. This percentage grew to 24 percent in the year 1998. The lack of
support has driven numerous single parents to join America's workforce (Davidson 39-45).

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