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Review Pack

Term 2

English Grammar

Class: 7
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

Comparatives and Superlatives of Adjectives

Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives below.
example: big / bigger / biggest or important / more important / most important

Adjective Comparative Superlative Adjective Comparative Superlative

1. tall 22. far

2. cheap 23. bad

3. expensive 24. fat

4. good 25. interesting

5. lazy 26. narrow

6. pretty 27. safe

7. beautiful 28. dangerous

8. difficult 29. messy

9. boring 30. handsome

10. shy 31. attractive

11. happy 32. delicious

12. short 33. useful

13. famous 34. easy

14. comfortable 35. lucky

15. ugly 36. quiet

16. warm 37. noisy

17. long 38. modern

18. intelligent 39. patient

19. wide 40. convenient

20. thick 41. accurate

21. smart

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Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

1. tall - taller - tallest

2. cheap - cheaper - cheapest
3. expensive - more expensive - most expensive
4. good - better - best
5. lazy - lazier - laziest
6. pretty - prettier - prettiest
7. beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
8. difficult - more difficult - most difficult
9. boring - more boring - most boring
10. shy - shier - shiest
11. happy - happier - happiest
12. short - shorter - shortest
13. famous - more famous - most famous
14. comfortable - more comfortable - most comfortable
15. ugly - uglier - ugliest
16. warm - warmer - warmest
17. long - longer - longest
18. intelligent - more intelligent - most intelligent
19. wide - wider - widest
20. thick - thicker - thickest
21. smart - smarter - smartest
22. far - farther/further - farthest/furthest
23. bad - worse - worst
24. fat - fatter - fattest
25. interesting - more interesting - most interesting
26. narrow - narrower - narrowest
27. safe - safer - safest
28. dangerous - more dangerous - most dangerous
29. messy - messier - messiest
30. handsome - more handsome - most handsome
31. attractive - more attractive - most attractive
32. delicious - more delicious - most delicious
33. useful - more useful - most useful
34. easy - easier - easiest
35. lucky - luckier - luckiest
36. quiet - quieter - quietest
37. noisy - noisier - noisiest
38. modern - more modern - most modern
39. patient - more patient - most patient
40. convenient - more convenient - most convenient
41. accurate - more accurate - most accurate

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photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

The Comparative Form of Adjectives

Complete the following sentences with the correct comparative form of the words listed below.

bad important crowded good high heavy convenient difficult

cheap expensive quiet easy thin healthy dangerous cold

1. In Canada, January is than March.

2. I think that good health is than money.

3. I can’t carry my suitcase. It’s much than yours.

4. I can afford to buy a new bike but not a new car. A car is than a bike.

5. You look than the last time I saw you. Have you lost weight?

6. I couldn’t get a seat in the restaurant. It was than usual.

7. Mountains are than hills.

8. He got a very good mark on his exam. The exam was than he had expected.

9. You should go to the doctor. Your cold is than it was a few days ago.

10. There is a lot of crime in the big cities. They are than the small town where I live.

11. I don’t understand this lesson. It is than the last one we did.

12. I can’t study in this room. It’s too noisy. I’m going to find a place.

13. Our apartment is far from everything. We want to move to a location.

14. Orange juice is than Coke.

15. The store is having a great sale today. Most televisions are 25% than they were

16. The doctor told me that I can go back to work if I feel tomorrow.

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photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

1. In Canada, January is colder than March.

2. I think that good health is more important than money.
3. I can’t carry my suitcase. It’s much heavier than yours.
4. I can afford to buy a new bike but not a new car. A car is more expensive than a bike.
5. You look thinner than the last time I saw you. Have you lost weight?
6. I couldn’t get a seat in the restaurant. It was more crowded than usual.
7. Mountains are higher than hills.
8. He got a very good mark on his exam. The exam was easier than he had expected.
9. You should go to the doctor. Your cold is worse than it was a few days ago.
10. There is a lot of crime in the big cities. They are more dangerous than the small town where I live.
11. I don’t understand this lesson. It is more difficult than the last one we did.
12. I can’t study in this room. It’s too noisy. I’m going to find a quieter place.
13. Our apartment is far from everything. We want to move to a more convenient location.
14. Orange juice is healthier than Coke.
15. The store is having a great sale today. Most televisions are 25% cheaper than they were yesterday.
16. The doctor told me that I can go back to work if I feel better tomorrow

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photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

The Superlative Form of Adjectives

Complete the following sentences with the correct superlative form of the words listed below.

funny high delicious easy cold boring lucky smart

dirty rich valuable bad large cheap long scary

1. Yesterday was day of the year. I almost froze to death walking home from school!

2. That was movie I’ve ever seen. I almost walked out in the middle.

3. Please give me your recipe. That is cake I’ve ever eaten.

4. Jerry is student in our class. He gets the top grades in every course.

5. Bob told story last night. I couldn’t stop laughing.

6. Whales are animals in the world.

7. The Nile is river in the world.

8. Marie is person I know. She has won the lottery four times!

9. He is speaker I have ever heard. Half the audience fell asleep during
his speech.

10. Mount Everest is mountain in the world.

11. That is painting in the art gallery. It’s worth a million dollars.

12. Bill Gates is one of men in the world.

13. I finished the exercise in five minutes. It was homework the teacher
has ever given us.

14. Arthur hates to clean. He has apartment I’ve ever seen.

15. My dinner only cost $6.00. That must be restaurant in town.

16. I was afraid to turn off the lights last night. That was show
I’ve ever watched.

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photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

1. Yesterday was the coldest day of the year. I almost froze to death walking home from school!
2. That was the worst movie I’ve ever seen. I almost walked out in the middle.
3. Please give me your recipe. That is the most delicious cake I’ve ever eaten.
4. Jerry is the smartest student in our class. He gets the top grades in every course.
5. Bob told the funniest story last night. I couldn’t stop laughing.
6. Whales are the largest animals in the world.
7. The Nile is the longest river in the world.
8. Marie is the luckiest person I know. She has won the lottery four times!
9. He is the most boring speaker I have ever heard. Half the audience fell asleep during his speech.
10.Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
11.That is the most valuable painting in the art gallery. It’s worth a million dollars.
12.Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world.
13.I finished the exercise in five minutes. It was the easiest homework the teacher has ever given us.
14.Arthur hates to clean. He has the dirtiest apartment I’ve ever seen.
15.My dinner only cost $6.00. That must be the cheapest restaurant in town.
16.I was afraid to turn off the lights last night. That was the scariest show I’ve ever watched.

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photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

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photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

Comparatives and Superlatives of Adverbs

A. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adverbs below.

Adverb Comparative Superlative

Ex. fast faster the fastest

1. hard
2. carefully
3. early
4. quickly
5. slowly
6. beautifully
7. well
8. clearly
9. late
10. far
11. badly
12. fluently

1. hard harder the hardest

2. carefully more carefully the most carefully
3. early earlier the earliest
4. quickly more quickly the most quickly
5. slowly more slowly the most slowly
6. beautifully more beautifully the most beautifully
7. well better the best
8. clearly more clearly the most clearly
9. late later the latest
10. far farther/further the farthest/furthest
11. badly worse the worst
12. fluently more fluently the most fluently

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct form (comparative or superlative) of the adverb

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Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

1. I drive (carefully) than my husband.

2. Angela works (hard) than I do, but our secretary works
(hard) of all of us.
3. Anita sings (beautifully) of all the people in the choir.
4. Our teacher explains the lessons (clearly) than your teacher.
5. Robert arrived at the meeting (early) than Francis.
6. Ken arrived (early) of them all.
7. Teenagers usually drive (fast) than their parents.
8. My daughter cooks (well) than I do, but my husband cooks
(well) of all of us.
9. Rene speaks (fluently) of all the ESL students in the class.
10. The teacher arrived (late) than the students.

1. I drive more carefully than my husband.

2. Angela works harder than I do, but our secretary works hardest of all of us.
3. Anita sings most beautifully of all the people in the choir.
4. Our teacher explains the lessons more clearly than your teacher.
5. Robert arrived at the meeting earlier than Francis.
6. Ken arrived earliest of them all.
7. Teenagers usually drive faster than their parents.
8. My daughter cooks better than I do, but my husband cooks best of all of us.
9. Rene speaks most fluently of all the ESL students in the class.
The teacher arrived later than the students

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photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

Comparatives and Superlatives – Adjectives and


Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb, comparative or
superlative of the words provided.

1. This is (fancy) dress I own.

2. In my opinion, a deer moves (graceful) of all the animals.

3. The politician spoke (loud) than was necessary.

4. When we travel, my suitcase is always (heavy) than my husband’s.

5. January is (cold) month of the year.

6. Mrs. Pedrido speaks (fluent) than her husband, but her daughter speaks
(fluent) of the whole family.

7. December 21 is the (short) day of the year. It is (short) than any other.

8. Andrew is (fast) runner on the team.

9. This apartment is (convenient) of all the apartments I have seen.

10. Annie usually gets up (early) than her sister.

11. Max finished the homework (fast) than anyone else in the class.

12. A turtle moves (slow) than a rabbit.

13. Bonnie works (hard) of all the employees in the office.

14. This book is (interesting) than the one I read last week.

15. Daniel drives (careful) than his father.

16. Judy goes to the library (often) than I do.

17. That gold necklace is (expensive) one in the whole store.

18. This is (bad) movie I have ever seen.

19. Shaun sings even (beautiful) than her mother, who is a famous opera star. In
fact, shehas (beautiful) voice I’ve ever heard.

Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

1. This is the fanciest dress I own.

2. In my opinion, a deer moves most gracefully of all the animals.
3. The politician spoke louder than was necessary.
4. When we travel, my suitcase is always heavier than my husband’s.
5. January is the coldest month of the year.
6. Mrs. Pedrido speaks more fluently than her husband, but her daughter speaks the most fluently of
the whole family.
7. December 21 is the shortest day of the year. It is shorter than any other.
8. Andrew is the fastest runner on the team.
9. This apartment is the most convenient of all the apartments I have seen.
10.Annie usually gets up earlier than her sister.
11.Max finished the homework faster than anyone else in the class.
12.A turtle moves slower than a rabbit.
13.Bonnie works the hardest of all the employees in the office.
14.This book is more interesting than the one I read last week.
15.Daniel drives more carefully than his father.
16.Judy goes to the library more often than I do.
17.That gold necklace is the most expensive one in the whole store.
18.This is the worst movie I have ever seen.
19.Shaun sings even more beautifully than her mother, who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has
the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard.

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photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Grammar Practice Worksheets ✎
Comparatives & Superlatives

Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Present simple + present continuous: exercise 4
Complete the present simple and continuous questions.
Example: Where do you work? - I work in Leeds.

What time every day?

I start work at 7 every day.

......................................................................... at weekends?
No, I don't work at weekends.

What at the moment?

Well, I am not doing anything at the moment.

................. your wife ?

No, she does not go to work.

And what now?

She is doing some shopping, I think.

Where ?
She usually does the shopping at a shopping centre.

Who with shopping bags?

Our son helps her.

..................................................................... together today?

No, they aren't shopping together today.
Present simple + present continuous: exercise 4

1. What time do you start work every day?

2. I start work at 7 every day.

3. Do you work at weekends?

4. No, I don't work at weekends.

5. What are you doing at the moment?

6. Well, I am not doing anything at the moment.

7. Does your wife work?

8. No, she does not go to work.

9. And what is she doing now?

10. She is doing some shopping, I think.

11. Where does she shop?

12. She usually does the shopping at a shopping center.

13. Who helps her with shopping bags?

14. Our son helps her.

15. Are they shopping together today?

16. No, they aren't shopping together today.
Present simple + present continuous: exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Mary in Germany. (live) - Mary lives in Germany.

Look. I think he to us. (listen)

We at a hotel in the mountains this week. (stay)

I to bed early on Saturdays and Sundays. (go)

My mum is at the shop. She a new dress for my younger sister. (buy)

Jill a lot of money because she is hard-working. (have)

They usually on Sunday evening. (leave)

Please, slow down a little bit! You so fast! (drive)

We in Berlin for a school reunion each year. (meet)

We to discos with my classmates on Fridays. (go)

He normally on time to our meetings. (come)

I can't hear you, Betty! I a shower. (have)

Sam his English homework late at night. (do)

I usually wash up and my brother Bill the dishes. (dry)

I'm afraid my grandma is ill. She in bed all day. (lie)
Present simple + present continuous: exercise 2
Model answer

1. Look. I think he is listening to us.

2. We are staying at a hotel in the mountains this week.

3. I go to bed early on Saturdays and Sundays.

4. My mum is at the shop. She is buying a new dress for my younger sister.

5. Jill has a lot of money because she is hard-working.

6. They usually leave on Sunday evening.

7. Please, slow down a little bit! You are driving so fast!

8. We meet in Berlin for a school reunion each year.

9. We go to discos with my classmates on Fridays.

10. He normally comes on time to our meetings.

11. I can't hear you, Betty! I am having a shower.

12. Sam does his English homework late at night.

13. I usually wash up and my brother Bill dries the dishes.

14. I'm afraid my grandma is ill. She is lying in bed all day.
Present simple + present continuous: exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Mary in Germany. (live) - Mary lives in Germany.

Look. I think he to us. (listen)

We at a hotel in the mountains this week. (stay)

I to bed early on Saturdays and Sundays. (go)

My mum is at the shop. She a new dress for my younger sister. (buy)

Jill a lot of money because she is hard-working. (have)

They usually on Sunday evening. (leave)

Please, slow down a little bit! You so fast! (drive)

We in Berlin for a school reunion each year. (meet)

We to discos with my classmates on Fridays. (go)

He normally on time to our meetings. (come)

I can't hear you, Betty! I a shower. (have)

Sam his English homework late at night. (do)

I usually wash up and my brother Bill the dishes. (dry)

I'm afraid my grandma is ill. She in bed all day. (lie)
B1 Relative Clauses RC001

Complete the sentences with relative pronouns from the box.


1. Is he the person lives with you?

2. The man, wife is a famous violinist, can play the piano himself.
3. The Johnson family, son moved to the U.K., lives in Canada.
4. The man called his wife, picked up the phone.
5. Can you tell me about the policeman, you spoke with this morning?
6. The bad weather is the reason I didn’t come to practice yesterday.
7. Food is imported from other countries is often more expensive than local
8. I know a great restaurant we can get good food.
9. The policeman talked to the children mothers were waiting outside.
10. I helped the old lady books fell on the floor.
11. Do you know there are no elephants in South America?
12. My parents remember the time there was no internet.
13. The cake my mother made tasted really great.
14. The fireman rescued the girl was trapped on the third floor.
15. The woman dog barks all the time lives together with her daughter.
16. I often visit my grandparents, live a few blocks down the street.
we saw a few days ago, won several Oscars.
17. Avatar,
brother works in the White House.
18. My dad knows a man

19. I visited one of my uncles, lives on the other side of town.

20. The office is a place I can do my work without being disturbed.
21. Give this medicine to the parents child is ill.
22. Most of the people she met were asylum seekers.
23. My classmate, studied hard for the test, failed.
24. There is the cafeteria we can have lunch.
25. The man sold me the car is my neighbour.

1. Is he the person who lives with you?

2. The man, whose wife is a famous violinist, can play the piano himself.
3. The Johnson family, whose son moved to the U.K., lives in Canada.
4. The man called his wife, who picked up the phone.
5. Can you tell me about the policeman whom you spoke with this morning?
6. The bad weather is the reason why I didn’t come to practice yesterday.
7. Food that is imported from other countries is often more expensive than local food.
8.B1I know Relative Clauses
a great restaurant where we can get good food. RC001
9. The policeman talked to the children whose mothers were waiting outside.
10. I helped the old lady whose books fell on the floor.
11. Do you know why there are no elephants in South America?
12. My parents remember the time when there was no internet.
13. The cake that my mother made tasted really great.
14. The fireman rescued the girl who was trapped on the third floor.
15. The woman whose dog barks all the time lives together with her daughter.
16. I often visit my grandparents, who live a few blocks down the street.
17. Avatar, which we saw a few days ago, won several Oscars.
18. My dad knows a man whose brother works in the White House.
19. I visited one of my uncles who lives on the other side of town.
20. The office is a place where I can do my work without being disturbed.
21. Give this medicine to the parents whose child is ill.
22. Most of the people she met were asylum seekers.
23. My classmate, who studied hard for the test, failed.
24. There is the cafeteria where we can have lunch.
25. The man who sold me the car is my neighbour.
B1 Relative Clauses RC002

Combine the TWO sentences to ONE, using a relative pronoun.

1. We talked about the party. Sarah wants to organize it for my birthday.


2. Mrs Flowers has paintings in her house. They are worth over $10,000.

3. The couple lives next to us. Their daughter has two charming boys.

4. This is the house. I had my first party here.


5. Jerry received a bad mark on his essay. It was only one page long.

6. Ingrid went to see the doctor yesterday. He is a friend of hers.


7. Mr Reynolds had to do all the work himself. His secretary left a few days ago.

8. The boy took the photograph. He gave it to his mother.


9. That is the man. I met him at Alice’s party.


10. The boy smiled. Elena gave him some money.


11. Steven is an architect. His designs have won many awards.


12. Decorating is a difficult job. I hate it.


13. Christmas is a day. People are happy.


14. We went to the restaurant. We had met there before.


15. The woman called yesterday. She wants to buy the house.
B1 Relative Clauses RC002

Combine the TWO sentences to ONE, using a relative pronoun.

1. We talked about the party that Sarah wants to organize for my birthday.
2. Mrs. Flowers has paintings in her house that are worth over $10,000.
3. The couple that lives next to us has a daughter who has two charming boys.
4. This is the house where I had my first party.
5. Jerry received a bad mark on his essay, which was only one page long.
6. Ingrid went to see the doctor yesterday, who is a friend of hers.
7. Mr. Reynolds had to do all the work himself because his secretary left a few days
8. The boy who took the photograph gave it to his mother.
9. That is the man whom I met at Alice’s party.
10. The boy smiled when Elena gave him some money.
11. Steven, whose designs have won many awards, is an architect.
12. Decorating, which is a difficult job, is something I hate.
13. Christmas is a day when people are happy.
14. We went to the restaurant where we had met before.
15. The woman who called yesterday wants to buy the house.
B1 Relative Clauses RC005

Combine the TWO sentences to ONE, using a relative pronoun.

1. That is the man. I spoke to him the other day.

2. They elected a new mayor. His aim is to help the poor.

3. I really like the car. I bought it last year.

4. Mr Black took over the company. His wife died last year.

5. The restaurant is the best in town. We usually eat there.

6. The film is about a woman. Her son mysteriously disappears.

7. That is the place. I grew up there.

8. I met a woman. Her husband is a famous producer.

9. The man was arrested yesterday. He escaped from prison a week ago.

10. The bag is heavy. It contains a lot of presents.

11. The Marybelle Hotel is opening up again. I stayed there a few years ago.

12. My friend's father gave us the tickets. He owns a travel agency.

13. Mr Honeywell is a good teacher. Everyone likes him.

14. The exercise was very complicated. Nobody could do it.

15. That's the producer. His films are always a great success.
B1 Relative Clauses RC003

Combine the TWO sentences to ONE, using a relative pronoun.

1. That is the man whom I spoke to the other day.

2. They elected a new mayor whose aim is to help the poor.
3. I really like the car that I bought last year.
4. Mr. Black, whose wife died last year, took over the company.
5. The restaurant where we usually eat is the best in town.
6. The film is about a woman whose son mysteriously disappears.
7. That is the place where I grew up.
8. I met a woman whose husband is a famous producer.
9. The man who was arrested yesterday escaped from prison a week ago.
10.The bag, which contains a lot of presents, is heavy.
11.The Marybelle Hotel, where I stayed a few years ago, is opening up again.
12.My friend's father, who owns a travel agency, gave us the tickets.
13.Mr. Honeywell, whom everyone likes, is a good teacher.
14.The exercise that nobody could do was very complicated.
15.That's the producer whose films are always a great success.

1. The police arrested the man. He murdered his wife.


2. I can't remember the name of the street. I lost my passport there.


3. Where are the shoes? I bought them yesterday.


4. The book is very interesting. I borrowed it from the library.


5. I'll never forget the day. I got my first bike on that day.

6. This is the man. His dog bit me.

7. The pupils missed the test. They came late.

8. This is my boyfriend. His father works at Macy's.


9. That man is a politician. I forgot his name.


10. I'll show you the church. I got married there.
B1 Relative Clauses RC003

Combine the TWO sentences to ONE, using a relative pronoun.


11. The actor is very famous. I met him a few days ago.
12. I have a new camera. I bought it last week.
13. I passed the entrance test. That is quite difficult to do.
14. My friend invited many people. His house is huge.
15. John belongs to a group of people. They send food packages to Africa.

1. The police arrested the man who murdered his wife.

2. I can't remember the name of the street where I lost my passport.
3. Where are the shoes that I bought yesterday?
4. The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.
5. I'll never forget the day when I got my first bike.
6. This is the man whose dog bit me.
7. The pupils who came late missed the test.
8. This is my boyfriend whose father works at Macy's.
9. That man is a politician whose name I forgot.
10. I'll show you the church where I got married.
11. The actor whom I met a few days ago is very famous.
12. I have a new camera that I bought last week.
13. I passed the entrance test, which is quite difficult to do.
14. My friend, whose house is huge, invited many people.
15. John belongs to a group of people who send food packages to Africa
B1 Relative Pronuns RC004

Complete the sentences with relative pronouns from the box.


1. The new movie is about a boy has lost his parents in a car accident.

2. He is the young man, wife left him for someone else.

3. The DVD recorder I bought at this store a few days ago is not working.

4. That's the book I recommended reading in class.

5. Is this the hotel you are staying for the tournament?

6. My dad, travels a lot on business, is in Australia at the moment.

7. It was midnight the first rescue team arrived at the scene of the accident.

8. There are several reasons I am not allowed to give you any information.

9. We stayed at the famous Rockstar hotel, also had an indoor swimming


10. Did you write back to the person offered you a job?

11. The story is about a young woman 5-year old son suddenly disappears.
they usually play is currently not available.
12. The tennis court
my dad was out of work.
13. My sister was born at a time

14. Where is the money _ I gave you yesterday?

15. That's the man I spoke to the other day.

16. Mr. Fields, sister is one of the leading experts in this country, talked aboutthe
dangers of the virus.

17. He didn't tell us he made such an irresponsible decision.

18. The present I got from my boyfriend was really fantastic.

19. I have to buy a present for my mother, birthday is next week.

20. The youth hostel we stayed last week was really big.
1. The new movie is about a boy who has lost his parents in a car accident.
2. He is the young man whose wife left him for someone else.
3. The DVD recorder that I bought at this store a few days ago is not working.
4. That's the book that I recommended reading in class.
5. Is this the hotel where you are staying for the tournament?
6. My dad, who travels a lot on business, is in Australia at the moment.
7. It was midnight when the first rescue team arrived at the scene of the accident.
8. There are several reasons why I am not allowed to give you any information.
9. We stayed at the famous Rockstar hotel, which also had an indoor swimming pool.
10. Did you write back to the person who offered you a job?
11. The story is about a young woman whose 5-year-old son suddenly disappears.
12. The tennis court where they usually play is currently not available.
13. My sister was born at a time when my dad was out of work.
14. Where is the money that I gave you yesterday?
15. That's the man whom I spoke to the other day.
16. Mr. Fields, whose sister is one of the leading experts in this country, talked about the
dangers of the virus.
17. He didn't tell us that he made such an irresponsible decision.
18. The present that I got from my boyfriend was really fantastic.
19. I have to buy a present for my mother, whose birthday is next week.
20. The youth hostel where we stayed last week was really big.
B1 Relative Clauses RC003

Combine the TWO sentences to ONE, using a relative pronoun.

1. The police arrested the man. He murdered his wife.


2. I can't remember the name of the street. I lost my passport there.


3. Where are the shoes? I bought them yesterday.


4. The book is very interesting. I borrowed it from the library.


5. I'll never forget the day. I got my first bike on that day.

6. This is the man. His dog bit me.

7. The pupils missed the test. They came late.

8. This is my boyfriend. His father works at Macy's.


9. That man is a politician. I forgot his name.


10. I'll show you the church. I got married there.


11. The actor is very famous. I met him a few days ago.
12. I have a new camera. I bought it last week.
13. I passed the entrance test. That is quite difficult to do.
14. My friend invited many people. His house is huge.
15. John belongs to a group of people. They send food packages to Africa.

1. The police arrested the man who murdered his wife.

2. I can't remember the name of the street where I lost my passport.
3. Where are the shoes that I bought yesterday?
4. The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.
5. I'll never forget the day when I got my first bike.
6. This is the man whose dog bit me.
7. The pupils who came late missed the test.
8. This is my boyfriend whose father works at Macy's.
9. That man is a politician whose name I forgot.
10. I'll show you the church where I got married.
11. The actor whom I met a few days ago is very famous.
12. I have a new camera that I bought last week.
13. I passed the entrance test, which is quite difficult to do.
14. My friend, whose house is huge, invited many people.
15. John belongs to a group of people who send food packages to Africa.

Past Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form.

1. George off the ladder while he the ceiling. (fall, paint)

2. Last night I in bed when I suddenly a scream. (read, hear)
3. TV when I you? (you watch, phone)
4. Ann for me when I . (wait, arrive)
5. Maisie up the kitchen when John her to marry him.
(clean, ask)
6. The house £ 150,000 in 2003. (cost)
7. The fire at six in the morning. (still burn)
8. My brother a new job a week ago (get).
9. Columbus America over 500 years ago (discover)
10. She not interested in the book because she it (be ,not
11. at school yesterday? (you be)
12. We in a house near the sea last summer (live)
13. She the piano very well when she young (can play, be)
14. She the office very early last night (leave).
15. I a friend while I the shopping (meet, do)
16. I for my things when I someone call my name (pay, hear)
17. I around and Judy. (turn, see)
18. She a bright yellow dress when I her last (wear, see)
19. We to have a cup of tea. (decide)
20. While the waiter up the pieces of glass he his finger (pick,
21. Then we the cafe and good bye (leave, say)
22. I the fire at six and it brightly when Tom came in at seven.
(light, still burn)
23. My dog along quietly when Mary’s Pekinese him. (walk,
24. When I she lunch. She said she always
lunch at 12:30. (arrive, have, have)
25. What of his last book? –I it a lot (you think, like)
26. He suddenly that he in the wrong direction. (realize,
27. He guitar when someone the window and
out a bucket of water. (play, open, throw)
28. He us to go out in the boat yesterday because a strong wind
(not allow, blow)
29. The next day, as they that the police for them, they
the coats in the woods and off in different directions.
(know, look, hide, go)
30. When I home they around a fire. Jack
a crossword puzzle, Judy and the others. Mother
at me and said : “ Come and sit down” (come, sit, do, knit, read, smile)

George fell off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling.
Last night I was reading in bed when I suddenly heard a scream.
Were you watching TV when I phoned you?
Ann was waiting for me when I arrived.
Maisie was cleaning up the kitchen when John asked her to marry him.
The house cost £150,000 in 2003.
The fire was still burning at six in the morning.
My brother got a new job a week ago.
Columbus discovered America over 500 years ago.
She was not interested in the book because she did not understand it.
Were you at school yesterday?
We lived in a house near the sea last summer.
She could play the piano very well when she was young.
She left the office very early last night.
I met a friend while I was doing the shopping.
I was paying for my things when I heard someone call my name.
I turned around and saw Judy.
She was wearing a bright yellow dress when I saw her last.
We decided to have a cup of tea.
While the waiter was picking up the pieces of glass, he cut his finger.
Then we left the cafe and said goodbye.
I lit the fire at six and it was still burning brightly when Tom came in at seven.
My dog was walking along quietly when Mary’s Pekinese attacked him.
When I arrived, she was having lunch. She said she always had lunch at 12:30.
What did you think of his last book? –I liked it a lot.
He suddenly realized that he was traveling in the wrong direction.
He was playing guitar when someone opened the window and threw out a bucket of water.
He didn't allow us to go out in the boat yesterday because a strong wind was blowing.
The next day, as they knew that the police were looking for them, they hid the coats in the woods and went
off in different directions.
When I came home, they were sitting around a fire. Jack was doing a crossword puzzle, Judy was knitting,
and the others were reading. Mother smiled at me and said: “Come and sit down.”
B1 Past Tense Simple and Progressive T023

Fill in the correct form of the past tense.

1. My friend Harry off the ladder while he the ceiling of his
room. (FALL, PAINT)
2. We the house in 2003. At that time it £ 150,000.
3. Dad interested in buying a new car. (NOT BE)
4. My sister for me at the airport terminal when I .
5. A few nights ago, I a book when suddenly I a noise
outside. A few teenagers loud music. (READ, HEAR, PLAY)
6. The fire when the first firefighters at the scene.
7. My brother for a job when he across an interesting ad in
the newspaper. (LOOK, COME)
8. I someone call my name. I around and
my dad standing at the back of the queue. I so surprised. (HEAR,
9. My sister a bright summer dress when I her at the
performance. (WEAR, SEE)
10. I preparing dinner at and I still at it when my wife
home. (START, BE, COME)
11. Our housekeeper the vase. As she up the pieces, she
her middle finger. (BREAK, PICK, CUT)
12. We suddenly that we in the wrong direction. (REALISE,

13. She a great skier when she was young. (BE)

14. I an old friend in town while I
the shopping. (MEET, DO)
15. While the children
with others my husband and I tohave a cup of coffee. (PLAY, DECIDE)
16. Magellan around the world for the first time 500 years ago.
17. I my dog for a walk in the park when suddenly another dog
18. When I back from town everyone was at home. Mum
homework. Dad the car and my sister Julia on her
school project. (COME, CORRECT, WASH, WORK)
B1 Past Tense Simple and Progressive T023

Fill in the correct form of the past tense.

My friend Harry fell off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling of his room.
We bought the house in 2003. At that time it cost £150,000.
Dad was not interested in buying a new car.
My sister was waiting for me at the airport terminal when I arrived.
A few nights ago, I was reading a book when suddenly I heard a noise outside. A few teenagers
were playing loud music.
The fire was still burning when the first firefighters arrived at the scene.
My brother was looking for a job when he came across an interesting ad in the newspaper.
I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw my dad standing at the back of the
queue. I was so surprised.
My sister was wearing a bright summer dress when I saw her at the performance.
I started preparing dinner at 4 p.m. and I was still at it when my wife came home.
Our housekeeper broke the vase. As she was picking up the pieces, she cut her middle finger.
We suddenly realized that we were driving in the wrong direction.
She was a great skier when she was young.
I met an old friend in town while I was doing the shopping.
While the children were playing, my husband and I decided to have a cup of coffee.
Magellan sailed around the world for the first time 500 years ago.
I was taking my dog for a walk in the park when suddenly another dog attacked him.
When I came back from town, everyone was at home. Mum was correcting homework. Dad was
washing the car and my sister Julia was working on her school project.
B1 Past Tense Simple and Progressive T024

Fill in the correct form of the past tense.

1. I my old friend in town the other day. He to ignore me
and somewhere else. (SEE, SEEM, LOOK)
2. The teacher a photo of us while we up the tree.
3. We Martha at the airport last week. She for the arrival of
her sister while we to New York. (MEET, WAIT, TRAVEL)
4. "What to him? – He totally surprised when I
him. " – (YOU SAY, LOOK, SEE)
5. He exam papers when I him. (CORRECT, VISIT)
6. A man on the road while I my bike. Luckily, I
not to crash into him. (FALL, RIDE, MANAGE)
7. We a few miles off the coast when a horrible thunderstorm
up. We to get to safety as soon as possible. (SAIL,
8. I haven't seen him for ages. When I last him, he for a
new job. (SEE, LOOK)
9. While the two teams up everyone a flag. It
a very emotional moment. (WARM, WAVE, BE)
10. "What when I to your place yesterday evening?" – "I
the baby". (YOU DO, COME, FEED)
11. I down a dark alley when suddenly I footsteps. I
around and that an old woman with a dog
12."Why out last night?" – "I too tired and
to stay at home." (YOU NOT GO, BE, DECIDE)
13.The policeman asked me, " How fast when you the old
lady in front of you?" (YOU DRIVE, SEE)
14. Mom dinner when we home from football practice.
15.When I young, I always to be a pilot. (BE, WANT)
16.Las Sunday afternoon I for a walk in the park and a cup
of coffee at a local restaurant. (GO, HAVE)
17.When they to the airport the plane off. (GET, JUST
18. I on a bench in the park when a man up to me and
to know what time it . (SIT, COME, WANT, BE)
B1 Past Tense Simple and Progressive T024

Fill in the correct form of the past tense.

1. 1 I saw my old friend in town the other day. He seemed to ignore me and looked somewhere
2. The teacher took a photo of us while we were climbing up the tree.
3. We met Martha at the airport last week. She was waiting for the arrival of her sister while we
were traveling to New York.
4. "What did you say to him? – He looked totally surprised when I saw him."
5. He was correcting exam papers when I visited him.
6. A man fell on the road while I was riding my bike. Luckily, I managed not to crash into him.
7. We were sailing a few miles off the coast when a horrible thunderstorm came up. We had to
get to safety as soon as possible.
8. I haven't seen him for ages. When I last saw him, he was looking for a new job.
9. While the two teams were warming up, everyone waved a flag. It was a very emotional
10. "What were you doing when I came to your place yesterday evening?" – "I was feeding the
11. I was walking down a dark alley when suddenly I heard footsteps. I turned around and saw
that an old woman with a dog was following me.
12. "Why didn't you go out last night?" – "I was too tired and decided to stay at home."
13. The policeman asked me, "How fast were you driving when you saw the old lady in front of
14. Mom was preparing dinner when we got home from football practice.
15. When I was young, I always wanted to be a pilot.
16. Last Sunday afternoon I went for a walk in the park and had a cup of coffee at a local
17. When they got to the airport, the plane had just taken off.
18. I was sitting on a bench in the park when a man came up to me and wanted to know what
time it was.
B1 Past Tense Simple and Progressive T024

Fill in the correct form of the past tense.

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