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Vitamin E Vit C Selenium

Food Sources Tocopherols-biologically active -Reduced form: Ascorbic Acid -depends on soil from rainfall
Tocotrienols-unsaturated -Oxidized form: Dehydroascorbic -organ meats and seafoods (brazil
-dissolved in fats of animal and Acid nuts=90ug)
plants Foods: Fruits and Vegetables, mostly -Selenoamino acids
-Vegetable oil (safflower, sunflower, as ascorbic acid -Organic: selenoproteins
olive), whole grains, leafy vegetables selenomethione (plants)
Selenocysteine (animals)
-Inorganic- vegetables
Digestion -Tocopherols-free, do not need -no digestion required Does not Require digestion
-Tocotrienols- esterified and -Ascorbic Acid-SVCT1+2 -Sodium dependent transport
hydrolyzed (pancreatic esterase and -Dehydroascorbic- GLUT1+3 -Amino Acid Transport
duodenal mucosal esterase) -Passive diffusion
Absorption -Absorbed in jejunum Absorption throughout the small -Throughout small intestine
-Combines with bile salts and enters intestine, especially proximal ENHANCES:
micelles jejunum -Vit E
-Absorbed in enterocytes become -Vit C
chylomicrons, (package in HDL and -Vit A
LDL), remnants delivered to liver -Presence of reduced glutathione
packaged in VLDL and transported to INHIBIT:
enterohepatic tissues -chelation
-chylomicron-lymphatic-blood-liver- -heavy metals (mercury)
vldl-ldl-tissues -PHYTIC acid (whole grains,

Pathways (4) (9) -Antioxidant activity

-maintains integrity of membranes -Antioxidant -Synthesis of Se-containing proteins
by preventing oxidation of -Cosubstrate for Enzyme activity -DNA repair
unsaturated fatty acids in membrane -Collagen Synthesis -Immune
phospholipids (brain, lungs) -Carnitine Synthesis -Synthesis of thyroid hormone
-Quenches singlet Oxygen -Tyrosine catabolism
-Free Radical Termination (OH) -Neurotransmitters
-Cell Signaling (gene exp, -Microsomal metabolism
transcription) -Pro-oxidant activity
-Cholesterol-lowering -Immunity
Special notes -Collagen synthesis-structural -Contains 50-80% of Se in
protein, post-translational circulation= Selenoprotein P
hydroxylation reactions (Lysine and - Antioxidant- glutathione
proline), lysyl hydroxylase and prolyl peroxidase-donate e- to vitamin C,
hydroxylase, Vit C reduces Ferric Iron converts H2O2 to water
(Fe3+) to Ferrous Iron (FE2+) - Selenoprotein P-disposes of ONOO
-Carnitine synthesis- transports long- to protect DNA
chain FA to mito. For b-oxidation, Vit -Iodothyronine 5’ deiodinases-
C reducing agent Ferric-Ferrous Iron iodine metabolism and generation of
-Tyrosine Catabolism- broken down thyroid hormone
to produce energy (Fe3+-Fe2+)
-Neurotransmitter synthesis (Cu2+-
Cu1+), CCK, Norepinephrine, gastrin,
-Microsomal metabolism-mostly
-Pro-oxidant- reducing transitional
metals (Fe, Cu)
-Antioxidant (Vit E, OH, O2, H2O)
Populations at risk (6) (7) (6)
-premature infants -Older Adults -Specific regions of world
-Fat malabsorption disorders -Babies given evaporated milk or -TPN
(Crohns, Cystic Fibrosis, steatorrhea) boiled milk -HIV and Cirrhosis
-Genetic Defects -chronic alcoholism -Critical illness and some
-Long-term PN -smokers inflammatory conditions
-High PUFA -Limit food variety -Exposure to pollutants and metals
-Less Se and Vit C require more vit E -Malabsorptive disorders -Statins (interfere with synthesis of
-Dialysis selenoproteins)
-T2DM, certain cancers
Deficiency Deficiency is rare -Scurvy (month, <10mg/day) -Keshan disease-cardiomyopathy
-lead to hemolytic anemia due to cell 4Hs -Kashin-Beck’s disease-
membranes fragile -Hemorrhagic osteoarthropathy
-degeneration of nerve and muscles -hyperkeratosis of hair follicles -Signs and symptoms:
-hyperchondrosis Poor growth
-hematological Muscle weakness and pain
Whitening of nail beds
Loss pigmentation of hair and skin
Toxicity -least toxic of all fat-soluble UL=2g/day UL= 400ug, Selenosis
-UL=1000mg -rare -observed in miners and ppl
-GI distress, increases resp -nausea, vomiting, osmotic diarrhea, consuming excess selenium from
infections, reports of muscle risk for kidney stones supplement
weakness, fatigue, and double vision -high doses unsafe for those -hair brittleness, loss, brittle,
predisposed to kidney stones or thickened nails
disorder of iron metabolism=iron Brazil nut-90ug (6-8nuts)
N-N -High Selenium compensate for low -enhances absorption of nonheme -may help prevent toxic effects
vit E iron associated with some metals
-Vit C relationship -protects thiamin absorption when
-PUFA more need more Vit E antithiamin factors present
-Interferes with absorption of other
fat soluble vitamins (vit K)
N-M -Cholestramine (bile acid -3g/day decreases acetaminophen Cisplatin-cancer medicatino
sequestrant) excretion by 75%
-Lomitapide (lipid-lowering agent) -large doses vit C w/ ALLOPURINOL
-Orlistat (weight control) (gout) may increase renal calculi
-Tetracycline-urinary wasting

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