Term Project

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Due to: 31.12.2004

Seperate sewage system is to be designed for an area whose development plan

for the ultimate capacity is given. The total area is approximately 20 ha. The
development contains mostly residential buildings and also a school, a playing
garden, a health center, a hotel, a shopping center, a cinema, and a dormitory.
The number of storeys of each residential building is shown on the AutoCAD
drawing of the area (You can assume that 10 people are living at a storey). The
school serves for 1000 students at the ultimate capacity and has a peaking factor
of 3.0. Total area occupied by the playing garden is 0.45 ha and the peaking
factor is 3.5. The health center has a capacity of 30 personnels and has a
peaking factor of 3.7. The hotel has an ultimate capacity of 1500 beds and has a
peaking factor of 3.2. 500 employee are working at the shopping center which
has a peaking factor of 4.2. The cinema serves for 800 customers and the
peaking factor for the cinema is 4.0 The dormitory has a capacity of 480 beds
and a peaking factor of 3.7.

Using the average unit flowrates given in Table-1, calculate (for the full
development of the area) in m3/d;

a. Average and peak sanitary flowrate,

b. Average and peak infiltration flowrate,
c. Design flowrate.

Table-1. Average unit flowrates according to land usage

Average Unit Flowrate

Land use Basis Value
Residential L/cap/d 280
School L/student/d 100
Playing garden L/ha/d 10
Health Center L/personnel/d 50
Hotel L/bed/d 210
Shopping Center L/employee/d 40
Cinema L/customer/d 15
Dormitory L/bed/d 180

You can use the relevant figures of Wastewater Engineering: Collection and
Pumping of Wastewater, George Tchobanoglous (1981) in order to find
infiltration flow rates.

Due to: 31.12.2004

The Municipality gives you the design criteria to be obeyed as below.

Minimum velocity to be maintained is 0.5 m/s

Maximum velocity to be maintained is 3 m/s
Minimum cover depth is 1.7 m
Maximum cover depth is 6 m

And also, Table-2 shows maximum slope, minimum slope, fullness ratio and
maximum pipe length with respect to pipe diameter.

Table-2: Design criteria with respect to pipe diameter.

Diameter Max Slope Min Slope Fullness Max Length

(mm) % (m)
200 1/5 1/300 40 60
300 1/7 1/500 50 60
400 1/25 1/600 60 70
500 1/25 1/800 60 70

The maximum length of a building connection should not exceed 50 m.

Layout the collection system and design it by using SewerCAD. Generate your
own ‘Unit Sanitary Load Library’ and enter the loading data to SewerCAD using
this library. Also include a short report indicating what you have done and how
you achieved the optimum solution.

The report should include the flow rate calculations in detail. The part of the
report that is about the SewerCAD solution should include the steps of your
design process, the problems you had encountered and how they were solved
and any other comments (problematic regions, pipe material selection, etc.). You
can refer to your lecture notes or to the textbooks for planning the design steps.
Your approach for finding the optimum solution should also be included. The
format of the report should be appropriate (the tables and figures should be
numbered; references and the contents of the appendices should be given.).

Due to: 31.12.2004

In the appendix, include:

3 Plan view of the collection system with the building connections indicated,
3 Report of gravity pipes,
3 Report of manholes,
3 Print out of the profile through 5 points (nodes) near the outlet.

You will also provide the SewerCAD file of your solution. In this file you should

3 Legend indicating the name of your company and members who

worked on the project,

3 Color-coding for pipes with v < v min and v > v max with specific colors.
(Give the legend for color-coding),

3 Profile on 5 points (nodes) near the outlet.

The map of the service area is available in the website:


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