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A lived experience of a female prostitute ( Thesis)

Bsed Social Studies (Leyte Normal University)

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A Research Presented to the Faculty of Social Science Unit

Leyte Normal University

Tacloban City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

SOCSTUD_112 Research in Social Studies


Asilom, Girlie Q.

Cacharro, Jonesar G.

March 2020

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This thesis entitled “Prostitution: A Lived Experience of a Female Prositute” prepared

and submitted by GIRLIE Q. ASILOM and JONESAR G. CACHARRO, in partial fulfilment

of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies

has been recommended for acceptance and approval.


Thesis Adviser

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The success of this research project required the help of various individuals. However,

global pandemic has presented a variety of challenges including physically, emotionally,

financially, and much more. It also hinder, especially for us as a researchers, on how to carry out

research activities when setting and contexts in which are no longer available in the form the

research activities were originally conceived. Without them, this research would not have met the

objectives of this study. The researchers wish to give gratitude to the following people for their

help and support:

We thank our teacher, Dr. Generoso Mazo, who gave us the great opportunity to this

research. The opportunity to conduct this research has helped us improve our research skills and

we are grateful to him. Prior the pandemic, he provided insights and expertise which has greatly

assisted this research and improved the manuscript.

Our sincere gratitude also goes to the participants for their consent in conducting the

interview. Without their honest response it would not be possible to collect participant’s


To former Social Studies student, Joan Sardillas, for her valuable and constructive

suggestions during planning and development of this research work. Her willingness to give her

time so generously has been very much appreciated.

Finally, we would like to thank our family and friends for constantly encouraging us

during the course of this research, which we would not have completed without their support and

continuous encouragement.

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This research is entitled “Prostitution: A lived Experience of a female prostitute. This research

wants to aim the following questions (1) what are the factors that drive women to engage in

prostitution? (2) What are the daily routines of a prostitute? (3) How do female prostitutes cope

with the criticism of the society? (4) What is/are the effects of prostitution to their life?

The results shows that they admit, that the main reason why they’re dealing in such kind

of trade is because of the fact that they’re experiencing lacking of resources, so they decided to

work on that kind of way and this would help them to sustain their daily needs.

A long the answers of the participants, from the factors the drive them to do such work,

the routines that they have, and their coping mechanism towards of what other people say about

them. As well as the social and physical effects of prostitution to them.

Women would take a risk rather than to seriously take what other people would say

about them. Because they see it as the only way to survive, not just for their own good but also

the family members that they have, and it also mean that the women like them, just only give

importance to their family. Even it cause costly.

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TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………………. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………………………. ii

ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………... iii

TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………………………. iv

LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………………………………… v



Background of the Study……………………………………………………... 1

Theoretical Framework………………………………………………………. 3

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………….…. 4

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………. 5

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………... 5

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………... 6



Research Design………………………………………………….................... 12

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Locale of the Study…………………………………………………………… 13

Participants of the Study……………………………………………………… 14

Sampling Method……………………………………………………………... 14

Research Instrument…………………………………………………………... 14

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………….…. 15

Data Analysis……………………………………………………………….… 16


Results……………………………………………………………………….... 17


Summary……………………………………………………………………… 27

Conclusions…………………………………………………………………… 28

Recommendations ……………………………………………………………. 29

REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………. 30


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A. Interview Guide………………………………………………………………………

B. Participants Demographic Profile ………………………………………………….

C. Transcription of the Interview………………………………………………………

D. Researcher’s Profile …………………………………………………………………

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Background of the Study

Prostitution, as described by the Meriam-Webster dictionary, is the act or practice

of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for the money. Prostitution

could be direct or indirect. Direct prostitution includes street, brothel, escort, private,

window/doorway, and club/pub/bar/karaoke bar, other all-male venues, door

knock/hotels, transport (ship, truck, train) and CB radio. In short, this type of

prostitutes really engaged in sexual activities with their customers. On the other hand,

indirect prostitution includes bondage and discipline, lap dancing, massage parlor,

traveling entertainers, beer girls, street vendors and traders, opportunistic, femme libre,

individual arrangements, swinger’s clubs, geisha, sex for drugs, beach

boys/bumsters/gigolos, and survival sex. Although these types of prostitutes may also

engage in sexual activities, they are different compared to direct prostitutes when it

comes to their availability. Direct prostitutes are always available in the above-

mentioned places. [ CITATION Bas08 \l 13321 ] Many people considered it immoral.

Despite this, there are still places who even considered it as a profession, therefore it is

legal. Among those places includes Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Dominican

Republic, Germany, Hungary, Thailand, and Venezuela. These are just some of those

many countries which consider prostitution as legal. Many people have moral

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objections to prostitution making other countries create a law to ban it. Among these

places which outright ban or at least make it illegal include the United States, Norway,

Iceland, France, and Canada.

Here in the Philippines, sex work, as well as businesses engaged in sex, are illegal.

There are existing laws and policies that regulate it. As stated in Article 2, Section 11

of the Philippine Constitution that “the State values the dignity of every human person

and guarantees full respect for human rights”. Article 13, Section 1 on the other hand

state that “the Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of measures that

protect and enhance the rights of all people to human dignity, reduce social, economic,

and political inequalities, and remove cultural inequities by equitable diffusing wealth

and political power for the common good”. To enhance what is stated in the Philippine

Constitution, the government formulated different laws and policies in order to punish

those people who engaged in such business or profit in anyways and to protect those

people who are victims of it. Some of these existing laws include Magna Carta of Women

(MCW) or RA 9710, RPC Article 341 on White Slave Trade, as amended by B.P. Blg.

186, The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act or RA 9208 as amended by RA 10364, and an

Act Decriminalizing Vagrancy or RA 10158. All these laws were promulgated in order to

stop this immoral act of prostitute people. [ CITATION Phi09 \l 13321 ]

Despite these laws and policies, there are still many cases of prostitution all over the

country. Philstar Global featured Baguio City, Philippines last February 11, 2013, of

having about 3 000 out of about half a million prostitutes in the country. According to

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, lots of men foreigners visit a year in Angeles,

North Manila on sex tours. Most of them are Australian, Americans, Brits and Europeans.

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Others, like Koreans, Taiwanese, and Chinese have developed their own networks,

usually based on restaurants and karaoke bars. Manila, Subic Bay, Pasay City, and Cebu

City are also said to be major sex destinations.

This study will try to find out how is life being a prostitute. The moment they

started doing that kind of job until their situation at present. Also, through this, we will

know what the factors are that may have led them to engage in such work. How do they

continue fighting despite the fact that there are people who easily judge and even criticize

them? Next, this study will help us understand how they spend their time at work. Lastly,

the researchers will try to find out how being a prostitute affect their life.

It is important to know about this matter so proper help could be given to them. Knowing

the real root of this problem will help in finding the best solution to address it. It is

evident that as time goes on, prostitution is becoming a trend in our society even affecting

many of our youth. In order to avoid leading to a greater problem, it is better to know the

main reason why such a job existed in the first place. Although there were many pieces of

research about prostitution, this is still important since this study really dig deeper into

the life experiences of prostitutes. This study hopes to contribute to the knowledge base

which will help in giving appropriate special needs of these women prostitutes.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on one theory. It is the theory of the hierarchy of

needs by Abraham Maslow. It is a motivational theory in psychology that comprises of

a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted in a hierarchical way using a

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pyramid. The very first need for a human is physiological needs which comprise food,

water, warmth, and rest. Second, the safety needs which include security and safety.

Third, belongingness and love needs which intimate relationships and friends belong

to. Fourth, esteem needs, which include prestige and feeling of accomplishment.

Lastly, self-actualization which includes achieving one's own full potential. The needs

in the lower part of the hierarchy must be fulfilled first before one could move up to

the next. This could be the reason why women resort to prostitution because of their

willingness and determination to provide the basic needs of their family which clearly

belong to the first need of humans. They will not care anymore of what other people

might think of them for as long they will be able to survive. Although Maslow later on

clarified that satisfaction of needs is not an all-or-none phenomenon, admitting that his

earlier statement may have given the false impression that ‘a need must be satisfied

hundred percent before moving to the next need’. This could be the reason why others

only resort to it only in times of inadequacy.[ CITATION Mal \l 13321 ]

Statement of the Problem

This study intended to study the Lived Experiences of a Female Prostitute with

the following questions:

1. What are the factors that drive women to engage in prostitution?

2. What are the routines of a prostitute?

3. How does female prostitute cope with the criticism of society?

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4. What is/are the physical and social effects of prostitution on their lives?

Scope and Delimitation

This study is only focused on a chosen female prostitutes which means that the

results may not be true to all prostitutes. The participants are only those that are found

along the road of Zamora and Salazar Street in Tacloban City.

When it comes to the resources of this study, most of them were from the internet.

It's either from recent journal articles or published researches which are related to our


Significance of the Study

Among those who will benefit from this study are the following:

Students. This research contains information of a female prostitute’s account by

analysing what factors that drive women to engage in prostitution which is useful to the

reader and the student who wants to write thesis.

Community Social Workers. This study provides female prostitute’s narratives

that focus on how they cope with the discrimination of people around them as well how

does this kind of job affects their social and physical life. Social worker can offer them a

way out requires going well beyond the confines of legal assistance.

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Future Researchers. This study provides knowledge about social phenomena of

prostitution. This would be helpful in making on proposing appropriate programs or help

that would rescue women prostitutes.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to help readers understand more about this study:

Prostitution- the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially

for money (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

- what women resort to when they have no one to support them financially

and in order for them to survive

Prostitutes- one who has sex with someone in exchange for money (Merriam-Webster


- elderly women who displayed themselves at night along the street in order

to attract customers

Experiences- the process of doing and seeing things and of having things happen to


- the things that they do as prostitutes and social/physical effects of

prostitution to them (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

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Routine- a regular way of doing things in a particular order (Merriam-Webster


- the usual things they do as prostitutes, when do they go to work, where do

they usually stay, how do they find customers, how are they paid off



Every piece of ongoing research needs to be connected with the work already

done to attain an overall relevance and purposes. This chapter presents the different

literature and studies relevant to linking the research proposed and the studies already


Prostitution has become an intriguing topic in contemporary culture, due to the

growing interest in the field, such as women and gender studies, social history and

sexuality (Monro, 2012). Prostitution is a mixed sexual pattern with someone who is not

a spouse or a friend in exchange for immediate payment in money or other things

(Britannica, 2019). Prostitution may be female, male or even transgender, and it may

entail heterosexual or homosexual activity. Way back in history, the most common

prostitutes are women and most of their clients are men.

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Culture is one of the determinants in perceiving prostitution; the values may differ

in every society. In some societies, prostitution is considered a profession, but in others, it

is considered a violation of the social norm of society. Whenever human seek evidence of

human cultures, evidence of prostitution also exists (Fanni, 2014). The earliest prostitutes

dated back in the Sumerian period during 2400, B.C where “kar.kid” refers to the female

prostitutes. Alongside the “Kur-garru”, a male prostitute or a transvestite entertainer

appears as an early profession (Signs, 1986).

In the modern period where the advent of technology arises, prostitution has

become a widely known issue in every society across the different countries around the

world. Unlike the ancient times, the fast-growing number of prostitutes became alarming.

Global prostitution may be a bigger industry than what people think. According to Lubin,

2012 there are 40 to 42 million prostitutes in the world, where three-quarters of them are

between the ages of 13 and 25 and 80% of them are female. It is because of the easy

access to the different social media platforms that are available on the internet nowadays.

According to the study conducted by Hielard, 2019 social media platforms such

as Facebook and Tinder are fueling the soaring industry of online prostitution and sexual

exploitation. Prostitution has moved from the streets to the internet. Snapchat and other

dating apps become the avenue of the young girls before prostituting them in apartments.

Several female prostitutes can be seen on the busy street mostly in cities every night to

find their customers. A white male living in America stated that no matter which country

you occupy or visit, the sale of sex and access to prostituted bodies is readily available

(Kler, 2011). Most of these prostitutes may be identified because of their sexy attires that

can be seductive to the opposite sex.

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The lived experiences of female prostitutes illustrate those sex works is frequently

a manifestation of limited access to education, resources and job due to violence,

oppression, and patriarchy. The prostitutes' considered sex work as a viable form of work

that provides their basic needs such as for food and shelter for their families (Bansyat,

2014). With this kind of work, female prostitutes find it as the main source of income.

Which allow them to sustain the needs of every member of their family. Through this

kind of work, their financial needs were secured.

The social stigma of having this kind of work is inevitable to the society where

they viewed prostitution as a violation of the social norm. The findings of the study have

several implications for health promotions in every member of the society. The lived

experiences of the female prostitutes show that people will start to move away with the

traditional way of health campaign in the society and adopt a new way that shall consider

the voices of the participants involving their own context and needs.

Alongside with the lived experiences of those female prostitutes entails the

different issues most especially on the health issue. According to Moulick, 2017 the main

challenges that the prostitutes are facing during sex trades are the sexually transmitted

diseases or infections that cause several health complications in their bodies. STD clinics

suggest that the majority of the sex workers acquire STDs from unprotected sexual

contacts with clients.

In China, the prostitutes and clients are the main protagonists that aid the spread

of STDs. Most of the women had contracted with HIV are from unprotected sexual

contact. The women negotiated with their client in massage parlor while others meet their

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clients on the street. Some of the women suffered from severe abdominal pain and there

was a prevalence of HIV and other body infections (Moulick, 2017).

Women are more vulnerable in the instance of HIV infection than men and thus,

the prevalence of HIV infection amongst females is greater in comparison to men. High

rates of HIV/AIDS infection, exposure to violence, rape substance, abuse and rejection

by family, friends, and society is a dangerous combination of the development of vrious

mental health issues (Wechsberg, 2009). This makes these female prostitutes being

denied access to primary health care, thus it is highly unlikely these women’s mental

health issues are being addressed.

Another experience faced by prostitutes is the stigma and mental health concerns. The

process of being stigmatized also includes stereotyped, prejudiced and discriminated in

the society where they belong. One belief in Asia that prostitution is a sin and once gets

into it, there is no turning back. Those women who are into that profession either were

coerced or were choose to enter. Once they are into that profession they will acquire a

permanent identity and will be stigmatized throughout their lives.

According to Louise 2000, prostitutes form Bangladesh were ostracized in the

society by the respectable men. The women are not even allowed to wear shoes in the

public neither are they allowed to bury or cremate the dead bodies. Instead, they are

thrown away to the river. This is one implication that being discriminated against and

ostracized is common among female prostitutes.

Due to the stigma attached to the profession, many prostitutes consider

themselves as "two people". At home or in any social institution, they do not identify

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themselves as sex workers and at work, they do not think about roles as a mother or

wives (Vickerman, 2013).

The effects of stigma can be immediate and long-lasting for sex workers. As a

relational process, stigma perpetuates the construction of sex works as a risk; a situation

that then justifies state regulation, including criminalization while concurrently denying

the agency of sex workers (Hannem, 2013).

In another study conducted by Sweeney in 2015 she pointed out several causes

that push women into prostitution; these include the family, the health, and the law. The

consequences of family breakdown to include child sexual abuse and physical violence,

homelessness, poor education attainment, and addiction. This suggests the idea that what

happened to an individual in his or her family, can only be understood by the relationship

of the family to society at large. These are the reason why there is an increasing number

of prostitutes across the country.

The same with the ordinary worker, these female prostitutes also have their daily

routines to be able to maintain a good health and body postures. Legal prostitutes in

Nevada who is working already for five years stated her daily routines as prostitutes.

Before she engages in her work for the coming week, she first seeks her doctor to get her

work permit. After having the medical permit to work, she is now ready to accept

costumers. Prostitutes arrange their bookings through phone calls and start to deal with

their rates and place to meet up. Then after the phone calls, they will just proceed to the

agreed place where they meet up (Lydia, 2014).

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These kinds of routines help these prostitutes to maintain their health. With the

healthy body and figures allows them to attract more customers that will results to a

bigger income.

The purpose of this study is to give a voice to a silenced population that has been

robbed of their human rights and to empower this population group as a whole.

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This chapter contains the methods and processes used to yield answers to the

research problems in this study. This chapter presents the research design, locale of the

study, respondents of the study, sampling method, research instrument, data gathering

procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

The researchers use qualitative research design for the purpose of acquiring a

deeper understanding of the problem being studied. Qualitative research design also aids

to acquire a vast scope of authentic data and information which will be used to address or

answer the research problem. By using a qualitative research design, the researchers will

able to explore and dig deeper on the problem, hence acquiring a detailed picture of what

is being studied. Since this study focused mainly on stories told by a female escort to

share or discuss her experiences, a qualitative method is appropriate in this study.

Under qualitative research design, a narrative research design was utilized in this

study. A narrative study is used to explore the experiences of one or two or more

individuals. This is done by means of gathering data through the collection of their

stories, reporting individual experiences, and chronologically ordering the meaning of

those experiences (Creswell, 2013). The main purpose of this study is to explore and gain

understanding of the lived experience of a female prostitute, which is exclusive on

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investigating the factors that drive women to engage in prostitution, her coping

mechanisms against society’s criticisms, and how does prostitution affect the life of this

female escort. Hence, using a narrative research design enables the researchers to explore

and gain an in-depth understanding of the aforementioned problem.

Locale of the Study

The research was conducted in downtown area, specifically in the streets of

Zamora and Salazar in Tacloban City, Leyte.

Zamora and Salazar Street, as of 2010, accounts for combined population of 564

of the total population of Tacloban city (, 2019). The researchers chose

Zamora and Salazar Street in Tacloban City, Leyte as its research locale since these

streets were determined to have female escorts who actively participates in this kind of

work. The researchers believed that Zamora and Salazar Street in Tacloban City, Leyte,

can provide the needed data and information necessary in this study.

Participants of the Study

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Two (2) female prostitutes located in Zamora and Salazar Street in Tacloban City,

Leyte served as the participants of the study. These female prostitutes who were

identified to actively participate in this kind of work, were chosen using non-probability

sampling. Since this study focuses on a lived experience of a female prostitutes, the

aforementioned sample is best suited to provide the necessary information.

Qualitative sample sizes would depend on the nature of the study. The researchers

limit the number of the participants into two (2) female escorts. The researcher believed

that this specific number of participants can sufficiently provide the much-needed data

and information for the study.

Sampling Method

The main purpose of this study is to explore and gain understanding of the lived

experience of a female prostitutes. Non-probability sampling was employed by the

researchers in the conduct of this study. Under non-probability sampling, the researchers

used convenience sampling. This kind of sampling selects it subjects or participant on the

basis of their accessibility or by the personal judgment of the researchers. The participant

was chosen simply because she is highly accessible (Blakstad, 2019).

Research Instrument

The data needed in order to answer the research questions was made available

through the use of a semi-structured interview guide.

In-Depth Interview Technique. (Boyce et. Al, 2006), In-Depth Interview

Technique is a type of qualitative research technique which involves conducting intensive

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individual interviews with a small number of respondents for the purpose of exploring

their viewpoints on a particular idea or situation. It is necessary to employ in-depth

interview when researchers want to acquire a complete and detailed information about a

person’s thoughts and situation or want to explore the problem in depth.

Data Gathering Procedure

In a narrative research design, data and information can be collected through

various data collection types which includes observations, interviews, documents, and

audiovisual materials. (Nugent, 2007). The researchers used interview method being the

most recommended method to collect participants’ narratives.

Using the statements of the problem as the basis, the researchers had constructed a

semi-structured or open-ended question which enables the researchers to pose follow up

questions for the purpose of probing for deeper meaning and clarifying the response of

the participant.

The researcher first asked the participant for her consent to conduct a one-on-one

interview with her with an assurance that her responses will be treated with utmost

confidentiality. The interview was conducted in an informal conversational manner for

the purpose of not limiting the participant in expressing her account as well as encourage

the participant to reveal her story. A face-to-face, individual interview or conversation

was conducted in a private location with the participant. All of the gathered data from the

interview were recorded, transcribed, analyzed, and interpreted by the researchers.

Data Analysis

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Data gathering was made possible with a semi-structured interview. The data

gathered were transcribed, analyzed and interpreted by the researcher with the use of

categorical-content analysis which focuses on specific content themes within the

narrative. The individual transcriptions were coded to arrive a corresponding theme

which will be use to construct the individual narratives. Through the construction of the

narrative, a sequence of experiences that reflected the participants’ experiences and the

themes that emerged from them were provided (Nugent, 2007).

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Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the presentation and analysis of the data gathered. It has

four main parts: factors that drive women to engage in prostitution, the routine of a

prostitute, coping mechanism of a prostitute of people's discrimination, and social and

physical effects of prostitution.

THEME 1: Factors that drive women to engage in prostitution

It is discussed here what are really the major reasons why women resort to

prostitution. Despite the fact that most people will really look down on them, yet why

there are still women who end up with this kind of job.

As state by Bansyat (2014), prostitutes' considered sex work as a viable form of

work that provides their basic needs such as for food and shelter for their families.

Through this kind of work, female prostitutes are able to provide the basic needs of their

family members. In short, prostitution really helps them a lot in fulfilling their financial


The above-mentioned statement would support the story of the participants of this study.

According to one of our participant named Madame L (not her real name):

“Diri gad ini namon karuyag nga trabaho pero mag aano man kami.

Tungod hit amon kawarayan ngan kakurian ngan may ada kami binubuhi

diri kay kami la. Salit, napipiritan kami hini dinhi nga trabaho. Kay

makuri man kami magpinangaro hit amon kabugtuan kay makaaro kami

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hito makaduha, makatulo bangin ito diri na humatag. May ada naman

gihap hira mga pamilya. Nagtrabaho ako hin sugad hini pero sugad hini

an ak trabaho talaga. May asawa ako. Tricycle driver hiya dinhi ha

Tacloban. Nagbabayi. Ginhihimo nira nga service an motor han mga

kababayin-an sugad pangangarigo ha beach. Ako, syempre sigi na an ak

yakan. Asya nga ginsusuntok ako, ini nga akon ngipon pustiso ini kay

ginyayabo ak niya, nagkakalpad an ak ngipon. Gin iispin ako hin pisaw

han ak asawa. Magasaay ako hin duro kay battered talaga ako. Nasiring

an akon Nanay bayai ito. An nakadi an ak isip, diri ko poydi bayaan kay

may mga anak kami, kasal ngan civil. Kairo man akon mga anak waray

mamamat an nga Tatay. Gin ilob ko nala ito tungod han ak mga anak.

Hasta nga hiya nala mismo an bumaya. Waray kami kinakaon han ak mga

anak. Uunom gud an amon anak. Tapos, may naruyag ha akon nga

ulitawo, hasta ngada yana kami iton. Thirty-five years na kami hito nga

lived-in. It akon duduha nga apo aadi man ha ak. Tikang kagudti didi ito

ha akon. Diri ko man liwat maiilob nga nga an akon mga apo nga aadi

nagbabangaw-bangaw dinhi. Siring ko gabay nala ako kay lagas naman

ngani ako. Sigi nala basta an akon apo maupay an kabutangan. Tak

kalived-in panday man la ito hiya. Kun may nakadto ha iya may kita takay

kun waray, di waray kami pangangaunon.” (We do not like this job but we

are left with no other choice. Since we have nothing and still have to

support our family, not only us. That is why we are force to do this job. It

is hard to always ask support from our siblings. They too have their own

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families already. This is not my original job. I have had a husband, once a

tricycle driver here in Tacloban. It is just that he had another woman. They

use the tricycle as service in their travels, like going to the beach. Of

course, I’m complaining already. I’ve got punches from him. There was

even a time where he targeted a knife at me. I’m so thin that time because

I’m really a battered wife. My mother advised me to just leave him. I

cannot leave him because we’ve got children and we’re married, that’s

what I’m thinking. It is a pity if my children won’t experience growing up

with their father. So I endure it for my children. Until he decided to leave.

We have nothing to eat. I’ve got six children. Then, I met someone, he’s

single, until now we are together. We are lived-in partners for thirty-five

years. My two grandchildren are staying with me. I cannot just stand still

watching them suffering. Its better if I’ll be the one who’ll suffer, anyway

I’m old already. I’ll be fine as long they are okay. My lived-in partner is

just a carpenter. His job is not permanent so if he doesn’t have a work,

then we’ll have nothing to eat.)

It is very clear from the story of Madame L that she is doing it for survival not

only for her but also for her family. She is doing it in order to provide for the basic needs

of her family.

Madame P, our other participant has her own story why she entered this kind of

job. According to her:

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“Dati ako nga street cleaner dinhi. Nananggalan man hadto, nadara ako

han pananggal. Takay syempre tak asawa kay lagas naman, nag-stroke.

Amo ito nga nagkuan ako dinhi. Nakaduha naman pag-stroke an ak

asawa. Dinhi la ak hini bagan…para makasuporta. Nakaduha la pag-

stroke. Maaram hiya…waray man ito mahihimo kay it iya mga anak puro

naman may mga asawa. Waray kami hito anak. May mga anak liwat ako

han dati ko ng asawa. May kanya-kanya naman liwat mga asawa. Dati

ako nagtikang ako, nag eedad ako hin 38. Para mabuhi ko la liwat an

akon mga anak. Kay nabalo man ako an syahan ko nga asawa.” (I was

once a street cleaner here. But then they eliminated some workers,

unfortunately, I was one of them. That is why I resorted to this. My

husband is already old and sickly. So, I do this job to support us. He knew

about this but he can’t do anything since his children are all married. I too

have my own children with my previous husband. We do not have children

of our own. They too are all married. I started this job when I was 38 years

old just to support my children since I lost my first husband.)

Her story is another proof that women tend to resort to prostitution just to provide

their family's basic needs. As stated in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the human need

to fulfill first those basic needs which include food, water, warm, and rest. This would

explain why women would rather earn money through this than be a concern on their

own dignity.

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THEME 2: Routines of Prostitutes

The same with the ordinary worker, these female prostitutes also have their daily

routines to be able to maintain a good health and body postures. Legal prostitute in

Nevada who is working already for five years stated her daily routines as prostitutes.

Before she engages in her work for the coming week, she first seeks her doctor to get her

work permit. After having the medical permit to work, she is now ready to accept

costumers. Prostitutes arrange their bookings through phone calls and start to deal with

their rates and place to meet up. Then after the phone calls, they will just proceed to the

agreed place where they meet up (Lydia, 2014). This indicate that some prostitutes are

just going to meet up their clients to the place they agreed after having a phone call.

In contrary with statement of Madam P and Madam L, they stated that they have

their own place where their clients will just go there and bring to some places to do the


“Anhi la kami dinhi. May nadaop man nganhi nga customer. Amon gin-

iintertain. Tapos kun nakuha hin babayi naupod na kami” [We are just

staying right here. The customers will just approach us and then we will

entertain them and they will bring us.]

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Despite of their work still Madam P and Madam L did not forsake their health. It

still part of their routine to visit the health center to have their check-ups, this was

confirmed by the two participants when asked if they consult to the health centers

concerning their health by saying:

“Oo para safety kami…makarawud gad kay mga edad na kami.” [Yes, to

make sure that we are safe. This is indeed an embarrassment to our part

because of our age.]

In order for these prostitutes to ensure their safety while engaging to their clients

is they use protective paraphernalia such as condoms. This was confirmed by Madam L

by saying:

“Pero kami dinhi nagamit gud kami hin condom” [In here we all use


THEME 3: Coping Mechanism of a Prostitute with People’s Discrimination

Fanni (2014) emphasized that culture plays an important role in determining and

perceiving the context of prostitution hence morals and ethics may differ in every society,

which results to variations in morals and ethics every society. Women who engage in

such profession were either compelled to do so or were opt to enter. Those who engage in

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such profession were labelled with a permanent identity and will be stigmatized

throughout their lives.

For more or less twenty (20) years, Nanay Lourdes and Nanay Perla had already

engaged in prostitution. In this lengthy span of time, Nanay Lourdes and Nanay Perla

were no doubt have been subjects to discriminations and criticisms. The two (2) female

escorts had experienced sorts of discrimination and criticisms. This includes being called

or labeled as hostess, whore and even sex addicts. Unfortunately, all of these had led

them to somehow acceptance of what they are now and live with these criticisms. Based

on their accounts, it would be better to ignore people telling them such, rather than be in

conflict with them. With almost two (2) decades in this kind of work, Nanay Lourdes and

Nanay Perla accounts that:

Diri nala kami hito nareact…masakit gad ito nga ira ginyayakan pero kay

waray mahihimu kay nakikit an kami dinhi ngan maaram hira nga amo

tam trabaho. Accept nala kami nga it ira ginyayakan ha amon. [We don’t

respond to it at all. It hurts whenever they tell us that, but we have nothing

to do with it since we are visible here and they knew that this is our job.

We just accept what they tell us].

It is a common knowledge that being discriminated against and ostracized is

common among female prostitutes. Louise (2000) asserts that prostitutes from

Bangladesh were likely to be ostracized in the society by respectable men. As a form of

punishment, female prostitutes were condemned and were prohibited to wear shoes in the

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public as well as were forbidden to bury or cremate their corpse. Instead, their carcasses

were thrown to the river. Vickerman (2013) states that many prostitutes consider

themselves as "two people" as a coping mechanism or a scape to the social stigma

attached to their work. Either at home or in any social institution, they do not identify

themselves as sex workers while at work, they do not think about their roles as a mother

or wives. Hannem (2013) emphasizes that the social stigma attached to this kind of work

can either have an immediate or enduring consequence for sex workers.

THEME 4: Social and Physical Effects of Prostitution

The survival life of female prostitutes illustrates those sex works is repeatedly a

demonstration of inadequate access to education, resources and employment due to

violence, oppression, and patriarchy. The prostitutes' considered their work as a possible

form of work that provides their basic needs such as for food and shelter for their families

(Bansyat, 2014). The more evident reason why women are immersed in that kind of job is

because of the deficit resources to provide their daily needs. Also, the beauty of the idea,

that their financial needs were secured. Sometimes they don’t see their job as a hinder to

their social life, as long as they can provide the needs of their family members.

Since Madam L and Madam P had already engaged in prostitution. A lot of people

especially their neighbors, already know their job and no one bothers to mock them,

because they know the main reason why these (2) women are dealing in prostitution.

Madam L and Madam P account that:

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“Waray okay man nakakaintindi hira waray ha akon nagkuan didto… it

amon mga neighbor waray bisan ngani it mga maestra nakakaintindi nala

iton hira ha amon. Sugad maaram man hira hit amon mga kabutangan.

Nakakaintindi nala ito hira.” [Nothing, they understand. Even our own

neighbor doesn’t bother. Also, the teachers that we know they also

understand the job that we have.]

According to Moulick, 2017 the foremost trials that the prostitutes are facing

during sex trades are the sexually transmitted diseases or infections that cause several

health complications in their bodies. Sex workers acquire STDs from unprotected sexual

contacts with clients. People that involved in prostitution are highly prone to get several

sexually transmitted diseases. This type of trade put women at risk.

Madam L and Madam P know the risk of having sex with their customer, without

safety measures. They’re aware also of those diseases that they can acquire by having

sexual intercourse they say that some customers don’t want to use condoms, so they need

to carry out the demand of their customers. And they admit that they also consult their

doctor regarding their health and not just them, but also their spouse has time to consult

health center. Madam L and Madam P account that:

“Oo… Kuan nala…withdrawal... Waray man…kay an akon asawa.

Nagpacheck up hiya kay an iya dugo hitaas. Nagpacheck up hiya…

ngatanan bug-os hasta an iya lawas gincheck up dida ha EVRMC. Okay

man hiya. syempre nagsesex kami masiring daw an doctor nga may ada

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sakit an akon asawa. Amo iton an iya liwat bugto nalipay nga at least

bisan aanhi ako dinhi, waray man…safe an ira bugto. Clear man an

findings ha iya…kay hasta man dugo gin examine”. [Yes, maybe

withdrawal. Nothing, because my husband consulted in EVRMC

regarding his blood pressure and he also includes his whole body to be

consulted, and eventually he is okay though we’re still active in sexual

intercourse, even what the doctor said that maybe my husband is sick. So

when his brother knows that he is healthy, he felt great even they know my

job, they know that their brother is okay].

Women are more vulnerable in the instance of HIV infection than men and thus, the

prevalence of HIV infection amongst females is greater in comparison to men. High rates

of HIV/AIDS infection, exposure to violence, rape substance, abuse and rejection by

family, friends, and society is a dangerous combination of the development of various

mental health issues (Wechsberg, 2009.) One of the theories that can anchor in this

discussion is the hierarchy of needs of Abraham Maslow. One of the needs of a person is

sex and it falls to psychological needs. It illustrates that one of the factors that driven to a

person to survive is dealing with sex. And because of this trend prostitutes found an

opportunity to provide these needs to those persons that wants to satisfy their selves.

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Chapter V

Summary of findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the findings of the research done, the conclusion that

parallel to the findings, which came from the answers of the participants. While the

recommendation wants to recommend the ideas that would help the future researchers

who might be interested in this kind of research as well.

Summary of the Findings

On the first theme tells about the factors that drive women to engage in

prostitution. The results showed the following reasons:

First, is because of deficit resources for their needs, not just only by themselves

but also they’re the ones who provide the needs of their family. Second, they felt

ashamed whenever they ask support from their siblings, because they know even them

had their families already. Third, they rather earn money through that kind of sex trade

rather than to have concern on their own dignity.

The second theme focuses, on routines of prostitutes. According to our

participants they have their routine, schedule and place for this kind of job, one

participant stated that:

The customers will just approach them, and eventually they are being obliged to

entertain them, some of the customers requested to bring them, it is either in their

boarding house or maybe hotels. They also stated that, visiting health center is one of

their routine. Having their own check-ups is one of their priorities, to ensure their safety,

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while engaging on that kind of activity to their clients. They also said that they use

preventive measures such as condoms.

The third theme focal point is the, coping mechanism of a prostitute with people’s

discrimination. Our participants experienced impolite treatment towards them because of

their job. They say that it would be better to ignore them, telling them such thing rather

than be in conflict with them. They know being ostracized is very common to them, but

still they choose to ignore it.

The last theme is about social and physical effects of prostitution. First, when it

comes to their social life. Their job is not a hinder to them, to socialize with other people,

even their neighbors, doesn’t bother to mock them. In the bright side people who around

them understand their situation. When it comes to their physical aspect, our participants

clearly stated that having connection with their health center helps them to tract their

health, especially that they admit that they have a good condition in terms of their health.


A long the answers of the participants, from the factors the drive them to do such

work, the routines that they have, and their coping mechanism towards of what other

people say about them. As well as the social and physical effects of prostitution to them.

The results shows that they admit, that the main reason why they’re dealing in such kind

of trade is because of the fact that they’re experiencing lacking of resources, so they

decided to work on that kind of way and this would help them to sustain their daily needs.

Meaning women would take a risk rather than to take serious of what other people

would say about them. Because they see it as the only way to survive, not just only by

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their own good but also the family members that they have, and it also mean that the

women like them, just only give importance to their family. Even it cause costly.


The result of this study is based on a lived experience of a female prostitute. To

the future researchers’, which may tempt to conduct this kind of research; please bear in

mind that this study requires an open minded person to understand those women like

them, it would be better to conduct or choose a safe place to gather the data.

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Basil Donovan, M. a. (2008, MArch 23). What are the Different Types of Prostitution? Retrieved

from ProCon.ORg:


Creswell, J. W. (2007). QUALITATIVE INQUIRY& RESEARCH DESIGN Choosing Among Five

Approaches. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi : Sage Publications, Inc.

Malow's Hierarchy of Needs. (n.d.). Retrieved from SimplyPsychology:

Nuget, T. A. (2007, December). Western Michigan University. Retrieved from Western Michigan


Philippine Commission on Woman . (2009). Retrieved from Philippine Commission on Women:


World Population Review. (2019). Retrieved from World Population Review:


Basnyat, I. (2014). Lived Experiences of street-based female sex workers in Kathmandu:

implications for health intervention strategies. Research Gate.

Britannica. (2019). Prostitution.

Downloaded by Melchor Francisco (



Fanni, Z. (2014, January 30). A History of Prostiution. Retrieved from Sabotage Times:

Kler, D. (n.d.). Sex work or Sex Slavery. In Canadian Dimension (pp. 8-9).

Louisse. (2000). On Prostitution, STDs and the Law in South Africa. Journal of Contemporary

African Studies, 21-27.

Melissa Dawn, M. (2012). Studying Female Prositution in Eighteen-Century London: An

Histographical Analysis.

Moulick, A. (2017). Lived Experiences of Women in Sex Works and their Mental Health Concerns

in Songachi, West Bengal.

Signs. (2013, August 28). Legal Prostitution. Retrieved from ProCon.Org:

Sweeney, L.-A. (2015). The Psychological Experiences of Women involved in Prostitution: An

Exploratory Case Study.

VIckerman. (2013). Sexual Behavior, Structural Vulnerabilities and HIV prevalence among female

sex workers in Pakistan. Research Gate.

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(S.Y. 2019 – 2020)

Interview Guide Questions

1. What are the factors that drive women to engage in prostitution?

a. What is/are your reason/s why you engage in prostitution?

b. When did you start doing this kind of work?

i. How old are you that time?

c. What is your highest educational attainment?

d. What kind of family you have (broken family, complicated family set-up,


e. Have you not consider looking for other work?

i. If no, Why?

ii. If yes, what happened then?

2. What are the routines of a prostitute?

a. Do you consider any schedule (time frame, places)?

b. How do you find costumers (social media, referral, clubs, etc)?

c. How do you get paid?

i. Who sets the amount?

ii. What is the highest and lowest amount you receive per customer?

d. Do you consult any health personnel?

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i. Why?

ii. If yes, how often?

3. How do female prostitutes cope with the criticisms of the society?

a. Have you encountered or experienced any kind of discrimination and criticisms?

i. What kind of discrimination?

b. How do you respond to these kinds of discrimination and criticisms?

c. What are the worst criticisms or discrimination you have encountered?

i. How do you respond to these?

4. What is/are the physical and sociological effects of prostitution to their lives?

a. Does this affect your social life (Love life, friends, family relationship)?

i. If yes, how?

b. Are you aware of sexually transmitted diseases (Herpes, HIV, AIDS)?

i. Are you not afraid of acquiring such diseases?

ii. What are your preventive measures?

c. Are there any changes in your health status from the time you started this work

‘till now?

i. If yes, what are these?

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Participants Profile

Name: Madame P Age: 58 years old

Address: Tacloban City

Length of Years in Prostitution: 20 years

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Participants Profile

Name: Madame L Age: 59 years old

Address: Palo, Leyte

Length of Years in Prostitution: 1 year

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Transcriptions of Individual Interview

SOP #1: What are the factors that drive women to engage in prostitution?

Participant 1

Interviewer: Para ha iyo Nay, ano it mga kasagaran nga reasons kay ano nga na-engage kamo

hin mga trabaho nga sugad hini?

Participant #1: Deri gad namon karuyag ini nga trabaho. Tungod hin amon kawarayan, kakurian

namon, mayda kami binubuhi, diri kay kami la, may mga apo, may mga anak gihapon,

waray magpakatapos, tungod hin am kawarayan, napipiritan kami dinhi nga pagtrabahu.

Kay ha una gud makarawud gud talaga ini, nakikit-an kami hit mga tawo dinhi

makaarawud. Pero kay amon nala ito gin iilob tungod hit amon kakurian. Kay makuri

man kami umaro hit amon kabugtuan katima makaduha, makatulo bangin ito…di man ito

pirmanente maghihinatag ha amon kay may mga asawa iton hira, may pamilya gihapon.

Ako may ada ginpapa-iskwela nga apo Grade-7 na, taga-Palo ako, ada ha Central na-

iskwela, duha nga akon apo. Tikang kagudti, didi ito ha akon. Kay an ira Nanay intalon

waray gihapon. Deri ko man liwat maiilob nga an akon mga apo nga aadi didi sugad

magbabangaw-bangaw dinhi. Siring ko, gabay nala ako kay lagas naman ngani ako. Sigi

nala basta an akon apo maupay an kabutangan kay kami magkakamatay man kami. Baga

makatapus-tapos, maka-uru-iskwelahay gad man hira baga bis na nala sekyu, bis nala

tubtub pag-graduate hin highschool, baga diri maduduro baga bisan nala pagka-sekyu diri

magpepedicab kay kairo man ngan gutiay la liwat hit kita la iton. Amo ito, ada ha Central

it ak duduha nga apo. Tikang ka-grade-one ako an nagpa-iskwela. Amo ini an ak trabaho

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Toy. Lourdes ngay an nak agnay. Nagtrabaho ako ha kuan Gindapunan nga iskwelahan,

inin akon tinapuran didto han principal, ako an naglilimpyo didto han office. Hadton last


Interviewer: Pira naman im edad yana Nay?

Participants #1: Ako? Ma-60 na ako, 58 na ako, aw 59.

Interviewer: Pira man an imu edad Nay han im pagtikang?

Participants #1: Nagtrabaho ako hin sugad hini diri gud nga as in nga sugad. May asawa ako,

kasal, civil kami. Katima an akon asawa tricycle driver dinhi ha Tacloban. Nagbabayi,

ginbayaan ako, unom an akon anak. Unom an akon anak. Katima, syempre ako

nagyiyinakan na ako, ginhihimo nira nga service an motor han kababayin-an.

Nangangarigo ha beach didto. Waray kami kinakaon han akon mga anak, kay unom gud

an amon anak. Di an ak Nanay nasiring nga bulagi ito. Diri ko man poydi, an nakadi han

ak isip, deri poydi kay may mga anak kami, kasal, civil. Kairo man an akon mga anak

waray makukuan nga Tatay. Gin antos ko ito. Ginsusuntok ako, ini nga akon ngipon

pustiso ini kay ginyayabo ako, nagkakalpad an ak ngipon. Magasa akon duro baga ak.

Magasaay akon duro kay buttered talaga ako. Kun waray panit ngan tul-an nagbublag na

ak lawas. Gin-iispin ako hin pisaw han ak asawa. Gin ilob qu la iton kay tungod han akon

mga anak. Hiya mismo nala an bumaya. Lumakat ha Manila, nagtrabo dida ha Lolang’s

karendirya kay waitress ito nga babayi. Lumakat ha Manila kay burod hiya pagkita ko

burod, burod liwat ako. Pero nauna ako pag-anak. Umscape hira kay poydi man ako

magreklamo kay kasal ngan civil man kami. Pero nakadi han ak isip…maupay man kun

government employee ito hiya. Ano man it mapapala ko ha iya? Tapos may naruyag ha

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akon nga lalaki nga inin ulitawo hiya. Inin amo kami hito, kami hiton. Kami it naglived-

in. Gudti pa an akon mga anak. Thirty-five years na kami nga naglulungon.

Interviewer: Pira it imu anak Nay?

Participants #1: Unom.

Interviewer: Diri ito anak han im gin kalived-in? Waray kamo anak han im kalived-in?

Participants #1: Waray…kay han naglived-in kami, ginpaligetan man ako han akon magurang

nga midwife kay kairo man kuno hit im mga anak, mga malnourished. Kairo nim, mag-

iinananak ka. Waray kabubuwason an imo mga anak kay nim asawa di man tultol.

Ginligetan ako. Iton akon asawa yana waray kami anak kay ligated man ako. Inin panday

ito hiya. Waray ngani hiya trabahu nakanhi ako, nakatrabaho ngani hiya diri liwat ako


Interviewer: Pero aware hiya Nay nga nakanhi ka?

Participants #1: Oo pero diri hiya kuan, diri ako kuan.

Interviewer: May asawa ito nga im ginkalived-in?

Participants #1: Waray…ulitawo iton hiya.

Participant 2

Interviewer: Ikaw Nay anot imu agnay?

Participant #2: Perla.

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Interviewer: (Perla…ano it imo nakikita nga rason kay ano nag-engage ka hini hin sugad hini

nga trabaho?

Participant #2: Dati ako nga street cleaner dinhi. Nananggalan man hadto, nadara ako han

pananggal. Takay syempre tak asawa kay lagas naman, nag-stroke. Amo ito nga nagkuan

ako dinhi. Nakaduha naman pag-stroke an ak asawa. Dinhi la ak hini bagan…para la…

Interviewer: Pero an im asawa buhi pa?

Participant #2: Buhi pa. Nakaduha la pag-stroke.

Interviewer: Nabaro hiya?

Participant #2: Maaram hiya…waray man ito mahihimo kay it iya mga anak puro naman may

mga asawa. Waray kami hito anak. Ako liwat, mayda ko man la mga anak han una ko nga

asawa. May kanya-kanya naman liwat mga asawa.

Interviewer: Pira man liwat an edad mo Nay an patikang mo ini nga trabaho?

Participant #2: Dati ako nagtikang ako, nag eedad ako hin 38.

Interviewer: Ano man imo reason liwat hadto han 38 ka pa?

Participant #2: Para mabuhi ko la liwat an akon mga anak. Kay nabalo man ako an syahan ko

nga asawa. Yana ikaduha ko naman ito ng asawa pero waray kami anak.

Interviewer: Aw..okay. Pira nman it imu edad yana

Participant #2: 58.

Interviewer: Kuan inin…han mga daraga pa kamu…an iyo pamilya…maupay? Diri kamu

tikang ha broken family?

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Participant #1: Diri. An akon Nanay, an iya asawa, an akon Tatay namatay. Tapos, naggraduate

ako hin highschool. Taga-Jaro man kami. Naggraduate ako hin highschool. Niyan amo ito

magclassmate kami han akon asawa. Amo iton an akon una nga asawa. Dida man ha may

Leyte Colleges, nakada pa man dida ha Dynasty.

Interviewer: Ikaw Nay diri ka tikang ha broken family?

Participant #2: Amo gihap.

Interviewer: Pero it imo mga anak nagkakaurusa?

Participant #2: Oo…ha amon pamilya ako la an bagan habubo an grado. Diri man ito hira

nakuan ha akon kay ginkakaawud man ak nira. Di man it hira nabulig. Dapat kun kun

kuan…bubuligan ako nira. Diri man hira nambubulig. Kay siring ko tagi ako niyo hin

puhunan para diri ako dinhi mag-inistambay. Kay makarawud gad udog ini. Pero gin-

iilob ko la ini tungod hin kawarayan. Tungod hit akon apo nga yana Grade-7 na. It pasahe

nira adlaw-adlaw…120 ito kay duduha man hira. Ta…an ira pagkaon pa kay mabalon

man. Ngain man ako makuha kay baman tak asawa panday man la ito. Nakatrabaho kun

ginkakadto ha amon, kun waray, di waray kami kakaunon. Kairo man liwat namon nak

mga apo nga diri makakaiskwela nga amo tak ginsisiguro nga magpakaiskwela hira para

diri hira masugad ha akon nga waray makahuman.

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SOP #2: What are the routines of a female prostitute?

Interviewer: May ada ba niyo gincoconsider nga schedule…bagan time frame ba sugad hito.

Ano nga oras nagawas? Ano nga adlaw?

Participant #1&2: Waray. Kun usa danay kami mga piraw…danay liwat waray kami dinhi. Diri

liwat pirmamente nga gab-i gab-i kami aanhi. Labi na kun may trabaho tak asawa.

Interviewer: Amo ba in dinhi it iyo lugar?

Participant #1&2: Oo diri naman gud kami nga naglalakat gud.

Interviewer: Aanhi la kamu dinhi?

Participant #1&2: Oo…anhi la kami dinhi.

Interviewer: Kamu usually nga tulo?

Participant #1&2: Diri uupat kami…adto nakaturog na.

Interviewer: Tapos…paano man kamu nakakabiling hin customer?

Participant #1&2: May nadaop man nganhi nga customer. Amon gin-iintertain. Tapos kun

nakuha hin babayi tas…masisring nga bata pa. Pero diri kami nagpipinanhatag hit nga

mga kabataan kay ba…sobra 20…28…mga 30 amo ito. Takay yana dinhi kay mga kuan

nman liwat hit mga kababayin-an dinhi. Mga…may edad naman tak baga bana-bana…

mga murumanghuray la namon it amon mga kuan. Pero kun baga kinakaruyag kami…

nakuan gihap kami. Kay may ada liwat lalaki nga nadiri hira iton mga bata…nakuan

gihap kami. Nagcocondom gihap kami. Kay syempre may asawa man kami.

Interviewer: Pano man kamu ginbabayaran? Hin-o it bagat na set hiton price?

Participant #1&2: Kami! Oo…narange hin 5 above. Usahay danay gintatagan kami hin tip,

danay naubos liwat, mga 300 la. Okay na ito basta at least diri ma-zero basta may iparalit

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nah in bugas, may iparasahe hit kabataan…pag-uuli. Pamahawon pag-uli. Iparalit naman

hin milo naman la. Kabataan…

Interviewer: Usually na pira it edad it iyo mga kakumpetinsiya?

Participant #1&2: Ini man…mga kwarentahon…trenta.

Interviewer: Damo gihap hira ngadi?

Participant #1&2: Deri…kami uunom la kami nga aanhi. (Pano man kamu nakuan…kun

pananglitan may namimiling hin burubata? Pano man kamu nakakabiling?) Namimiling

kami didto…damu man it hira …aadto man la it hira didto may mga kuan man gihapon

didto. Nagboboard man hira. Mayda ngani gihap mga estudyante nga nagbibiling…pero

nayakan kami diri kami hito maaram. Diri kami hito nangkukuan nga mga burubata pa.

Kun nasiring kun poydi kami…oo gad…anon hin kadiri.

Interviewer: Kamusta man it iyo health? Nakonsulta kamu hin health personnel? Or ha city

health center?

Participant #1&2: Safety kami…

Interviewer: So…napakita talaga kamu?

Participant #1&2: Oo para safety kami…makarawud gad kay mga edad na kami. Pero kami

dinhi nagamit gud kami hin condom.

Interviewer: Oo kay yana nga mga panahon diri ka nakakasigurado kay bis hit mga kalalakin-an

may da gihap…carrier na. Although it damu it cases hit HIV aadto gud hit same sex pero

diri man liwant naton naiiwasan ano nga danay diri kamu maaram kun hin o it iyo

nakakahilawas. Para mas secure…mas safe.

Participant #1&2: Oo gud, amo nala iton the best na solution.

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SOP #3: How do female prostitute cope with the criticisms of the society?

Interviewer: Pano man niyo naaatubang iton mga yakan hit mga tawo? It pagkita hit sosyodad?

Participants 1&2: Amon nala ito gin iilob kay tinuod man it ira ginyayakan. Makuri man kami

magsagbang kay ikakaaway ka la. Ikakaaway ka man. Kay nakikit an man kami dinhi.

Interviewer: Ginpapabay-an nala niyo. Usually ano man it iyo mga nababatian?

Participant #1&2: Amo ito…mayakan “Suus! Laray iton!” …” Hostess iton…iba-ibat lalaki

hiton, nagpipinaputik iton”.

Interviewer: May ada gud sugad ngay an hito nga mga diskriminasyon?

Participant #1&2: Oo…mayda. Kun usa ngani dinhi may ada. Di gud maiiwasan talaga kay

tungod aanhi gud kami dinhi. May nanininggit. Pero amon nala ito ginpapabay-an kay

nakikit an man gud talaga kami dinhi. May ada man liwat talaga waray mga batasan nga


Interviewer: Ano man it iyo pinakagrabe nga diskriminasyon nga iyo nakarawat?

Participant #1&2: Iton nga masiring nga..”hostess iton…Laray iton…nagpipinaputik iton..

Interviewer: Ginyayakan gud ha iyo?

Participant #1&2: Yes!..oo.

Interviewer: Direkta ito Nay?

Participant #1&2: Oo.

Interviewer: Ano man it iyo pagrespondi hito?

Participant #1&2: Diri nala kami hito nareact…masakit gad ito nga ira ginyayakan pero kay

waray mahihimu kay nakikit an kami dinhi ngan maaram hira nga amo tam trabaho.

Accept nala kami nga it ira ginyayakan ha amon.

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SOP #4: what is/are the physical and sociological effects of prostitution to their lives?

Interviewer: Ano man it pinakamajor nga epekto ini nga iyo ginsudlan nga trabaho ha iyo mga


Participants 1&2: Makuan gad udog…makaarawud gad. Labi na kun baga makikit an ka dinhi

katima sugad baga may ada gin iimbitar.

Interviewer: Ha maupay nga side anuman? Nasusustiniran ba

Participant #1&2: Aww...nakakabulig ako tak asawa kay baga malain naman it iya kuan,

nasusuportahan ko it iya pan madesina. Iya pan maintenance.

Interviewer: Kamusta man it pagtratar it iyo mga sangkay? Kapit-bahay?

Participant #2: Kapit-bahay…waray okay man. Nakakaintindi hira waray ha akon nagkuan

didto… it amon mga neighbor waray.

Interviewer: Ikaw Nay Lourdes?

Participants #1: Amo gihapon. Bisan ngani it mga maestro nakakaintindi nala iton hira ha

amon. Sugad maaram mana hhira hit amon mga kabutangan. Nakakaintindi nala ito hira.

Sugad an akon gintratrabahuan nga skwelahan masiring ito “Agi adi na an teacher” …

nagsumat man ako han principal...mayakan la ito…” pabay-i la ito kay sunod ma

susubstitute teacher ka na” “pabay i la ito kay naawa la ito hira kay hira di man hira

maaram magdara ha akon” nangangawa man hira. An ak mga pirmi may mga ribbon.

Amo ito akon ginkukuan. Yana nagpapakuan hin mga project nira…hain man itotn


Interiewer: An mga kag-anak ito nira?

Participant #1&2: Agoy Ginoo kay mga pobre man…labandera la.

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Interviewer: Diba nayakan kamo kanina nga nagamit kamo hin condom…mayda ba mga

instances nga it lalaki na diri paggamit?

Participant #1&2: Oo…

Interviewer: Ano it iyo ginbubuhat?

Participant #1&2: Kuan nala…withdrawal.

Interviewer: So nasugot gihapon hira?

Participant #1&2: Oo…gin aaram-aramna nala namon.

Interviewer: Aware man kamo diba nga kun diri maghihirot bangin may sakit nga makuha? Mga

sexually-transmitted diseases…poydi kita magka-AIDS, herpes, sugad hito. So far

tikang han pagbuhat niyo iton waray mga changes ha iyo health? Panlawas?

Participant #1&2: Waray man…kay an akon asawa. Nagpacheck up hiya kay an iya dugo

hitaas. Nagpacheck up hiya…ngatanan bug-os hasta an iya lawas gincheck up dida ha

EVRMC. Okay man hiya. D syempre nagsesex kami masiring daw an doctor nga may

ada sakit an akon asawa. Amo iton an iya liwat bugto nalipay nga at least bisan aanhi

ako dinhi, waray man…safe an ira bugto. Clear man an findings ha iya…kay hasta man

dugo gin examine.

Interviewer: Ha iyo pagkita, kutob diin ito iyo pagsugad hini?

Participant #1: It akon la nga bis diri makatapos tak mga apo at least makakatrabaho manggad

pala makabulig ha amon ito kay tikalagas na gud ako. Ginsisigngan koi to hira nga

paniguro kamo pangiskwela…ayaw kamu pagtinuyaw kay mintras buhi pa ako, mayda

pa nag-aaruga ha iyo. Diri anay iton nga mga tinuyaw kay baman kun makatapos kamo,

damu it maruruyag ha iyo kun mga professional na kamo. Pero diri ak nagsisiring nga

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maproprofessional na kamo. It akon la maniguro kamu. Pakitaa liwat nga

nagsasakripisyo kami ha iyo nga maupay it iyo pag-skwela. Amo la it akon purpose.

Interviewer: Ikaw Nay Perla?

Participant #2: Kay diri man liwat aq permanente nganhi. Aada man la liwat kun baga…

syempre usahay mayda man gihap nahatag namon nga mga anak. Diri ak napakanhi.

Interviewer: Ano man it ginyayakan hit iyo mga anak? Diri ba hira nasiring nga Ma...ayaw gad

kamu hito?

Participant #1&2: Oo gad, may anak gad nga nagkukuan, pero kay mag-aano man. Maupay kun

siring pa ta adi adlaw-adlaw hira nga mahatag hiton amon kinahanglan…pangkaon-

kaon. Nakakaintindi naman la hira. Kun nahatag hira nakakapahuway ako. Danay diri

nala kami nakanhi. Diri kami nagpipirmi-pirmi kay baga mapiraw liwat ito hin duro.

Interviewer: Kutob ano man kamu nga oras na-stay nganhi?

Participant #1&2: Kutob kami alas 4.

Interviewer: Pira man it iyo mga customers?

Participant #1&2: Danay…usa…duha…tulo. Danay liwat waray. Danay liwat kami nagpapa…

sugad iya pili nala ha amon nga tulo. Pili nala kamu. Hahahaha. Kun may kita it usa ha

amon…nagtuturunga nala liwat kami. May share kami kun hin o man it may ada ha

amon. Amo ito amon dinhi kuan…para waray lugi.

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Researcher’s Profile


Address: Brgy. Pagsulhugon, Babatngon, Leyte

Cellphone Number: 0961-572-7561



Date of Birth : April 21, 1993

Place of Birth : Basey, Samar

Sex : Male

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

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Father’s Name : Casiano B. Deloverjes Jr. (Deceased)

Mother’s Name : Gaudiosa G. Cacharro


Elementary Education: San Ricardo Elementary School

Brgy. San Ricardo, Babatngon, Leyte


Secondary Education: Pagsulhugon National High School

Brgy. Pagsulhugon, Babatngon, Leyte


Tertiary Education: Leyte Normal University

Paterno St., Tacloban, City, Leyte

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies


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Researcher’s Profile


Address: Brgy. Villa Solidaridad, Baybay City, Leyte

Cellphone Number: 0956-653-1967



Date of Birth : March 24, 1998

Place of Birth : Baybay City, Leyte

Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : Rogelio P. Asilom

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Mother’s Name : Lucia Q. Asilom


Elementary Education: Villa Elementary School

Brgy. Villa Solidaridad, Baybay City


Secondary Education: Mailhi National High School

Brgy. Mailhi, Baybay City


Tertiary Education: Leyte Normal University

Paterno St., Tacloban, City, Leyte

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies


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