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Cyber Scene

Kevin Eason
● Business: “Cyber Scene”
● I offer a comprehensive box
that’s designed to help guide
youths through the realm of
cybersecurity, complete with
informative sheets, engaging
stuffed animals, and
practical 3D models.
My Product
● As mentioned, I offer a “box”,
called “Cyberbox”, that guides
people towards an application to
help teach them about
cybersecurity. It also comes with
a 3D model to appeal to touch
while also providing useful
information. Finally, it includes
a stuffed animal for the younger

● It comes as a monthly subscription where the content is changed each time.

My Product
● 3-5 Reasons Why This Product is Needed:
○ Occupies kids and anyone else who wants to learn
○ Informs those who are interested in computers and
cybersecurity/give them a place to start
○ Encourages everyone to experiment and problem solve
○ Serves as thoughtful and unique gifts for those interested in
STEM subjects
● The Cyberbox can be suited for everyone, although mostly those on the
younger side.
● The main objective was that it provides easy-to-access and
informative material when parents want to give their children

something to do related to computers.


$25 | Monthly Subscription $250 | Yearly Subscription

A one-off purchase for 1 box that For a yearly subscription, the
changes monthly if you choose to customer will receive a new
purchase other subscriptions. Cyberbox every month with tons of
elaborate new stuff.

Discounts/Promotions: When advertising in a farmers

market/in person, there will always be some
discount/promotion such as buy 1 get 1 free, a set amount
discounted, free trials, and more. There could also be some

similar promotions when purchasing online.

Aside from the tent in the farmer’s market, we mostly work online.
This is simply more efficient as anyone with internet access has the
ability to purchase our products.
Farmers Market Tent
Ideally, the setup would include several
tables in the front where customers can try
the products, the main focus being on the
application and instructions, with even more
products in display on a back wall. There
would also be a sign containing a promotion,
posters with even more information, and our
logo in front.
● As mentioned, there will be
promotions when we set up a tent.
There will also be several
advertisements as the business is
largely online.
Thank You!

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