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Teenage pregnancy

In our society we are faced with a problem of teenage pregnancy that causes abortion
to occur even more. There is a very high rate of teenage pregnancy and abortion in our
society, and that is not healthy or good for all individuals and for society in general.
This problem is due to the fact that not all schools teach students how to properly
protect themselves and the irresponsibility that some young people present. They are
having unprotected sexual activities that are not safe and can cause many problems
such as HIV/AIDS, STDs and other sexually transmitted diseases, not just pregnancy.
We have several ways to prevent adolescent pregnancy in our health institutions such
as private and public hospitals. Our government must ensure that each and every
community receives adequate health services, and that clinics and hospitals always
function well and effectively. This problem must be well addressed in society so that it
can be resolved and dealt with correctly and responsibly. The teen pregnancy rate
varies depending on whether the country is developed or underdeveloped. In most
cases, underdeveloped countries are those with the highest rate.

As of 2019, adolescents aged 15–19 years in low- and middle-income countries

(LMICs) had an estimated 21 million pregnancies each year, of which
approximately 50% were unintended and which resulted in an estimated 12
million births

Teenage pregnancy is educational destruction as well, as most leave their entire future
behind to dedicate themselves to their babies. Also some of them don't go back to
school after having babies, because they are ashamed and don't want to be judged by
society anymore.

Not only do these pregnancies occur due to relationships they have had with partners,
known or unknown, this can also happen due to cases of rape. In these cases, the
three causes are usually used in those countries where abortion is accepted or freely
allowed in general. In those countries where it is not allowed, it is usually done illegally.

In conclusion this is a very important issue to which society should pay more attention
so that over time this terrible situation that is ending even with lives can completely
stop happening.


Teens and pregnancy - park med NYC. (2019, diciembre 29). Park Med NYC -
Abortion Clinic Near Me.

Teenage pregnancy. (2022, enero 17). Plan International. https://plan-

Adolescent pregnancy. (s/f). Recuperado el 10 de marzo de 2023, de

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