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D-I-Y Spectrometer Experiment Report

Haixiao Wang, Anastasia Ahl

March 23, 2024

1 Introduction 2

2 Methodology 3

3 Results and analysis 4

4 Conclusion 6

1 Introduction
White light is not simply an electromagnetic wave with the wavelength of "white light". This white
illusion is produced by a combination of the three base spectral colors: Blue, Green, and Red. This is
not the only example, it has been the task of generations of opticians and physicians to determine the
composition of light. This is possible using a device called a spectrometer, which decomposes the light
in its basic spectral colors.

The experiment of the D-I-Y Spectrometer consists of two major parts—the construction of the spec-
trometer and the experiments using this device. First, the spectrometer uses the gratings on a CD to
show the spectrum of the given light source. Furthermore, materials such as razor blades, tape, and
cardboard pieces are used to make the main body of the device. The images used in the results are all
captured using a phone camera.

The experiments using the device can be divided into four different tests. Firstly, the grating con-
stant of the used CD was determined using the images captured and this formula: g = sin(ϕ)
, where
ϕ = arctan b , with g being the grating constant, λ being the wavelength of the light p the order

number of the diffraction, and ϕ being the diffraction angle. The other two important variables in this
equation are b, which is the length of the device, and a, being the distance between the 1st order diffrac-
tion maximum to the center of the slit.

The second experiment consists of calibrating the device using a nominated light source to correctly
measure the wavelength of further light sources. The same equation as in the first experiment is used
for this purpose. Furthermore, it is possible to determine the wavelength of other light sources using
the calibrated device. For example, building lighting, sunlight, or different computer screens displaying
different colors.

Lastly, Fraunhofer lines are spectral absorption lines, which are individual from each light source. These
lines are regions in the spectrum with reduced light intensity. With an optimized spectrometer, one could
be able to discover these lines. The question therefore arises, how spectrometers can be improved to see
those lines?

2 Methodology
To build this spectrometer the following materials are needed: cardboard pieces, an old CD, strong tape,
and two razor blades. First, the CD should be freed from its silver foil so that it becomes transparent.
To do this we cut a circle around the outer as well as inner edge of the CD and attached strong tape to
the foil to make it easier to rip it off. Afterward, we shaped the cardboard into a long square tube (35cm
long, 4cm wide) and made it as lightproof as possible by wrapping it with tape. We cut a slit (1x2cm)
into a small square cardboard piece that fits onto the opening of the tube. Then the two razor blades
had to be taped parallel to each other on that cardboard. With their sharp edges, they should create a
narrow slit of about 0.1mm so that only 2-3 sheets of paper can fit between them.

To assemble the spectrometer, we taped the square with the slit to one side of the tube. On the other side,
a square of the CD was attached with its grooves aligned to one edge of the box. Once it is assembled,
the spectrometer should be tested and adjusted, by letting light go through the slit and looking through
the CD part of the tube. When the light forms two vibrant rectangles on both sides of the slit, it is
well-adjusted. If the colors of the spectrum of light are not separated enough the slit should be narrower.
If the lines are very faint and barely visible the slit should be wider. After adjustment, we taped the
camera to the CD side of the spectrometer so that all pictures were taken from the same angle.

After we finished the setup and ensured that the spectrometer was functional, we proceeded with the
experiments. The first task was to measure the grid constant of the CD in use. Therefore, photos were
taken, while we pointed the spectrometer at monochromatic light of a known wavelength. To determine
the grid constant we used the following equation:

g= a
sin(arctan b )

As the wavelength λ and the number of diffraction of 1 are already known, the only values left to deter-
mine were the distance between plane and grating b, which equals the length of the device, as well as
the distance a between the center of the slit and the 1st order diffraction maximum. To calculate we had
to determine the ratio between pixels on the picture and distances in real life on the projection plane.
Therefore, we measured the length of the slit as well as the length of the slit in pixels. Using the rule of
proportions we converted the virtual length of a in pixels into the distance in reality.
The second experiment consists of calibrating the device using a nominated light source to correctly
measure the wavelength of further light sources. We used the same equation as in the first experiment
for this purpose.

Once the grid constant was determined and the spectrometer calibrated, we could continue with the
main part of the experiment, which was to calculate the wavelengths of different light sources. After tak-
ing pictures with the device while holding it against different colored computer screens, we took pictures
while holding it to other light sources, such as sunlight and exit lights. Afterward, we again analyzed
the pictures with a digital photo editing tool. Using the same method as above we calculated the actual
distance of a. By converting the formula used in task 1, the wavelength can be determined as follows:


g · sin(arctan )
λ= b

Figure 1: Calculation sample picture

To verify our results, we calculated the values for the same colors using pictures taken of different
light sources.

3 Results and analysis

After taking all of the steps mentioned above into account, we received a value of 1,8 micrometers for the
grid constant. When comparing this to the literature value of an average CD which is 1.6 micrometers one
notices that our result comes quite close. After repeating the same procedure with multiple pictures, we
always received the same result. Thus, we can assume that our calculation was approximately accurate
and that the spectrometer seems to work as intended. Nonetheless, the small deviation could be due to
the fact that all measurements were taken by hand. Inaccuracy can for example happen, when choosing
from which pixel to measure. As the dimensions are so small even such factors can have an influence on
the result.
Using the Gaussian error, we were able to calculate the following error. All dimensions are in mm and
when converted into micrometers, the range of the grating constant (1.6 micrometer - 2 micrometer)
includes the standard value of 1.6 micrometer. The x in this equation represents ϕ = arctan ab .

s 2  2  2
∂g ∂g ∂g
∆g = ∆λ + ∆x + ∆q
∂λ ∂x ∂q
2 2 2
= ((q/sin(x)) · ∆λ) + ((−(λ/sin(x)2 ∗ q ∗ cos(x))) · ∆x) + ((λ/sin(x)) · ∆q)
= 0.0002083308
= 2.083308 × 10−4
= 2 × 10−4

g = (1.8 ± 0.2) × 10−3

Error propagation calculation for the grating constant

The following results are all of the calculated values of the wavelength of each light source divided into
the base colors. All results include the error calculated using the Gaussian error method. N/A indicates,

Light source/color Wavelength red (nm) Wavelength green (nm) Wavelength blue (nm)

White 634 ± 70 542 ± 60 452 ± 50

Magenta 622 ± 69 N/A 448 ± 50
Cyan N/A 540 ± 60 450 ± 50
Blue N/A N/A 434 ± 50
Green N/A 544 ± 60 N/A
Yellow 626 ± 70 530 ± 59 N/A
sunlight 635 ± 70 545 ± 60 452 ± 50
exit sign 619 ± 70 532 ± 60 445 ± 50

Standard values 625-750 500-565 450-484

Table 1: Wavelength ranges, spectrometer pointed at different colored display

that that specific colored light is too weak or not observable at all. Furthermore, the following example
after the table demonstrates the error propagation calculation for each value.
s 2  2  2
∂λ ∂λ ∂λ
∆λ = ∆g + ∆x + ∆q
∂g ∂x ∂q
2 2 2
= ((sin(x)/q) · ∆g) + ((cos(x) ∗ g/q) · ∆x) + ((−(g/q 2 ∗ sin(x))) · ∆q)
= 0.0000704786
= 7.04786 × 10−5
= 7 × 10−5

λ = (6.3 ± 0.7) × 10−4

Example for error propagation: Red light within white

Figure 2: Definition of N/A, when nearly no to no light is visible

After examining our results and taking the error range into account, one can say that they are mostly
in accordance with each other as well as the standard values of wavelengths. The slight deviations, how-
ever, can be explained by small measurement inaccuracies. As the respective stripes each are relatively
wide it is difficult to say which exact pixel represents the maximum of diffraction. Moreover, the pictures
were not taken with a professional camera which can also lead to less accuracy.

Furthermore, we believe that we were not able to see the Fraunhofer lines for the same reason. To
see these gaps in the spectrum the light needs to be thoroughly divided. However, with our equipment,
we could not make the images more clear. Even after adjusting the slit size multiple times in hopes of
achieving a more accurate division the Fraunhofer lines would not appear as can be seen in the image

Figure 3: No Fraunhofer Lines visible under sunlight

4 Conclusion
Throughout this experiment, we build a device that separates light into its spectral colors and lets
us determine the different wavelengths of the light spectrum. To conduct these calculations, we first
identified the grating constant for the CD in use, which amounted to g = (1.8 ± 0.2) × 10−3 . Taking into
account our expected error range this result seems to be in accordance the the average CD grating value
of 1.6 × 10−3 .
For the second part of the experiment, we calculated the wavelengths of different colored light after
taking pictures with the calibrated device. Our average results for red, green and blue light amounted
to respectively: 627 nm, 539 nm and 446 nm. Considering the expected error these results as well seem
to conform to the standard wavelengths. The slight errors in some measurements, however, could be due
to small human errors when building the device as well as measuring the distance between the slit and
diffraction maximum.
This could also explain the lack of visible Fraunfelder lines in our images.
While we barely encountered any difficulties with the calculations, the setup of the experiment was more
difficult than expected. After we were not able to peel the silver foil off our CD, we tried to use a DVD in
its place. However, with this composition, the spectrometer did not show the wanted results. Eventually,
we had to obtain another CD to make the spectrometer work. This showed us that the device is very
sensitive to the materials used. This could be another reason why we were not able to see the Fraunhofer
lines. This leads us to assume that if our device had been built with more detail and time, the results
would have been more accurate. To achieve that we would have to use a rigorously cleaned CD, a tube
with a larger diameter and thicker, more light-proof material. Furthermore, we could have needed better
camera quality to be able to analyze the pictures more precisely. Despite those flaws,

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