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A Comprehensive Guide for Law


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A Comprehensive Guide for Law

Cryptocurrencies, with their decentralized nature and the anonymity they offer, have been
increasingly exploited for illicit activities. This whitepaper aims to provide law enforcement
investigators with a comprehensive understanding of cryptocurrencies, their potential uses
in criminal activities, the challenges faced in investigations, and the advanced tools and
strategies available to combat these issues.

Central banks, Fortune 500 companies, and hundreds of millions of individuals are using
cryptocurrency to transact, invest, communicate, and innovate. The total market capitalization
of cryptocurrencies has recently ranged between $1-3T with annual trading volume of +$100T.
The industry is highly innovative and disruptive to existing industry and regulation.


What is Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a type of digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Unlike
traditional currencies issued by central banks (like the US Dollar or Euro), cryptocurrencies operate
on decentralized platforms.

Cryptocurrency Adoption
The global cryptocurrency market has seen a
surge in popularity and acceptance in recent
years. As of 2023, the market capitalization
of cryptocurrencies exceeded $3 trillion,
according to CoinMarketCap, representing
a significant increase from the $130 billion
market cap seen at the beginning of 2018.

In the United States, the story is similar. With

more than 46 million Americans owning
Bitcoin as of 2022 according to Newsweek, the
adoption of crypto has become mainstream.
How Does Cryptocurrency Work?

Cryptocurrency operates on a technology This decentralized nature of the blockchain

known as blockchain, which forms the network is what makes cryptocurrencies
backbone of most digital currencies. A immune to control or manipulation by any
blockchain is essentially a distributed ledger single entity or authority. Since the ledger is
or database, maintained by a network of distributed and maintained by multiple nodes,
computers, often referred to as nodes. Each it is nearly impossible for a single party to alter
node in the network holds a copy of the entire past transactions or control the network. This
blockchain and works in unison to maintain decentralization also adds a layer of security to
and update the ledger, ensuring its accuracy the network, as it would require an enormous
and reliability. amount of computational power to override
the entire network, making fraud and cyber
When a transaction is initiated, it is broadcasted attacks highly unlikely.
to the network. The nodes then work to validate
the transaction. This validation process Furthermore, the transparency of the
involves solving complex mathematical blockchain ensures that every transaction is
problems, a process known as mining in the visible to everyone on the network, promoting
context of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The accountability and trust. However, the identities
first node to solve the problem gets the right of the parties involved in the transactions are
to add the transaction to the blockchain, and encrypted, providing a level of privacy and
in return, it receives a reward in the form of the anonymity.

Key Features of Cryptocurrency

Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies are not controlled by any central authority, making them
highly resistant to government interference or manipulation.
Anonymity: While transactions are transparent and visible to everyone in the network, the
identities of the people involved in the transactions are encrypted.
Auditability: the rules for governance and cryptocurrency creation (inflation, deflation) can
be clearly defined in the software code, creating trust in the ecosystem. All transactions are
tracked and validated by the distributed network, making forgery impossible.
Self Custody: Digital assets do not need to be stored at a bank or brokerage. The assets are
controlled solely by the entity holding the passwords to the encrypted wallets.
Security: Cryptocurrencies use cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and control
the creation of new units. This makes them secure and resistant to fraud.
Limited Supply: Most cryptocurrencies have a limited supply, meaning that there is a
maximum number of coins that can ever exist. For example, the total number of Bitcoin that
will ever be created is capped at 21 million.
Popular Cryptocurrencies

While there are thousands of cryptocurrencies,

the most well-known is Bitcoin, which was
created in 2009. Other popular cryptocurrencies
include Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Bitcoin
Cash. Each of these has unique features and
uses. For example, Ethereum allows for “smart
contracts” which automatically execute when
certain conditions are met.

Teams of programmers and business

people come together to found startups
with the explicit purpose of issuing a new
and better functioning blockchain protocol
and cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are
intentionally created with certain features,
benefits, and tradeoffs to make them stand out
versus competitors in the hopes of garnering
more use and investment.


Cryptocurrencies have a wide array of uses, DeFi applications aim to recreate traditional
many of which stem from their decentralized financial systems, such as loans and interest,
and digital nature. One of the most common without the need for intermediaries like banks.
uses of cryptocurrencies is as a medium of Cryptocurrencies are used in DeFi applications
exchange or a form of investment. Given their to create decentralized lending platforms,
potential for high returns, many individuals stablecoins, and yield farming platforms,
and institutions buy and hold cryptocurrencies among others. These applications provide
with the expectation that their value will users with greater control over their finances
increase over time. This speculative nature of and can often offer higher returns than
cryptocurrencies has led to their popularity as traditional financial products.
an alternative investment class.
Crypto is also increasingly being used for
Another significant use of cryptocurrencies transactions that are largely focused on privacy.
is for transactions, particularly cross-border While all transactions on a blockchain are
transactions. Cryptocurrencies can be sent transparent and can be traced, the identities of
directly between parties, without the need for the parties involved are often pseudonymous.
intermediaries, making transactions faster and Some cryptocurrencies, known as privacy
often cheaper which is particularly useful in coins, take this a step further by implementing
remittances and international trade. features that make transactions untraceable.
This has made cryptocurrencies popular for
Cryptocurrencies also play a crucial role in individuals who prioritize privacy, although it
the realm of decentralized finance, or DeFi. has also led to their use in illicit activities.
Illicit Use of Cryptocurrencies

While they certainly offer numerous benefits, cryptocurrencies, have also become a tool for various
types of criminal activities. Here are some examples of crimes involving cryptocurrencies:

Payments Pig Butchering Scams

the core impact cryptocurrency has on illicit Pig butchering scams involve fraudsters
activity is the facilitation of payments quickly, feigning romantic interest to lure victims
securely, and confidentially at any time into fake investment opportunities. They
between any entities. Whether the core crime is show false asset growth to encourage larger
narcotics, human trafficking, ransom, hacking, investments, then disappear once substantial
extortion, smuggling, or money laundering- funds are invested, leaving victims with
the use of cryptocurrency removes barriers significant losses.
and friction to these activities and allows for
Ransomware Attacks
the circumvention of sanctions or financial
Hackers encrypt the victim’s data and demand
monitoring (KYC/AML).
a ransom, usually in Bitcoin, to decrypt it.
The anonymous nature of Bitcoin makes it a
Intelligence/National Security preferred choice for such crimes.
Cryptocurrency is being used for bribery,
ICO Scams
espionage, to funnel weapons, and to
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a way for
circumvent sanctions by nations such as North
cryptocurrency startups to raise funds.
Korea and Russia.
However, some ICOs are scams where the
creators have no intention of developing a
product and disappear with the investors’
This involves hackers using someone else’s
money once the ICO is over.
computer to mine cryptocurrency without their
knowledge or consent. The victim’s computer Money Laundering
slows down due to the high processing power Cryptocurrencies can be used to launder
required for mining, while the hacker reaps the money. The process involves making numerous
rewards. small transactions or using mixers/tumblers
to obscure the origin of the funds.
Phishing Scams
In these scams, fraudsters trick victims Darknet Marketplaces
into revealing their private keys or wallet Cryptocurrencies are often used for
passwords. They do this by creating fake transactions on the darknet, where illegal
websites or emails that resemble legitimate goods and services, such as drugs, weapons,
cryptocurrency exchanges or wallet providers. and stolen data, are sold.

These examples underscore the importance of robust tools and strategies for law enforcement
agencies to effectively combat cryptocurrency-related crimes.

The use of cryptocurrencies presents significant challenges for law enforcement agencies.
Cryptocurrencies can be used for a variety of illicit activities, including money laundering, tax evasion,
fraud, and financing of terrorism. The pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrencies allows criminals to
hide their identity and transaction details, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to trace
and apprehend them. These challenges include:

The Anonymity Challenge

Case Study: In May 2019, Dutch and
While all transactions on a blockchain are
Luxembourg authorities in collaboration with
transparent and can be viewed by anyone, the
Europol shut down, a significant
parties involved in the transactions are often player in the world of crypto-based money
pseudonymous. This means that they can laundering. BestMixer was responsible
conduct transactions without revealing their for ‘mixing’ at least $200 million of crypto
real-world identities, making it difficult for law transactions in a bid to obscure the origin of
enforcement agencies to identify and track funds and thwart traceability.

The Decentralization Challenge

Case Study: In 2016, the Ethereum blockchain
The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies
was hacked. The anonymous hacker exploited a
means that they operate outside the control vulnerability in the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous
of any single authority, such as a government Organization) smart contract to siphon off
or financial institution. This makes it difficult approximately $50 million worth of Ether. Despite
for law enforcement agencies to regulate extensive investigations and the drastic measure of
a ‘hard fork’ to mitigate the damage, the individual
cryptocurrency activities or take action against
behind the hack remains unidentified.
illicit activities.

The Self Custody Challenge

Case Study: In the 2020 KuCoin exchange hack, an
An individual or organization can hold a vast unidentified entity stole over $280 million in various
amount of wealth in cryptocurrency and send it cryptocurrencies. The hacker(s) later transferred
anywhere in the world, to anyone they like with a significant portion of the stolen funds to various
no need to head banking regulations or KYC/ self-custodied wallets - essentially, digital wallets
controlled solely by the anonymous user, not by any
AML controls.
third-party institution.

The Volume and Variety Challenge - The sheer

volume of cryptocurrency transactions, coupled Case Study: As of July 2023, there are more than 1.8
with the variety of cryptocurrencies available, Million different cryptocurrencies traded publicly,
according to CoinMarketCap. In terms of volume,
makes it challenging for law enforcement the daily global cryptocurrency transactions have
agencies to monitor all transactions and ranged from tens to hundreds of billions USD.
identify suspicious activities.
Challenges in Law Enforcement (cont.)

The Evolution and Adaptation Challenge Case Study: In early 2023, a hacker exploited a
The cryptocurrency landscape is constantly vulnerability in the NFT marketplace OpenSea to
evolving, with new cryptocurrencies and trick users into transferring their valuable Euler
technologies emerging regularly. Criminals Beats NFTs, cumulatively worth over $1.2 million,
to their wallet. The hacker then quickly resold
are quick to adapt to these changes and find the NFTs on the same marketplace before users
new ways to exploit cryptocurrencies for illicit realized they had been scammed.

The Legal and Jurisdictional Challenge

The global nature of cryptocurrencies Case Study: The notable “Welcome to Video” child
means that transactions can cross multiple pornography site in 2019 had 1.2 million members
and relied heavily on Bitcoin transactions.
jurisdictions, making it difficult for any single law Chainalysis’ tools were used to analyze the
enforcement agency to take action. Additionally, transactions, leading to the identification and arrest
the legal status of cryptocurrencies varies of the site’s operator and 337 site users across 38
from country to country, further complicating countries.
enforcement efforts.

The rapid growth of crypto presents unique opportunities for efficient payments, it also poses new
challenges for law enforcement agencies worldwide, particularly regarding crypto-related crime.
For instance, the 2022 Twitter Bitcoin scam involved hackers breaching the accounts of high-profile
individuals including Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Warren Buffett, and corporations including Apple, and
Uber. The Bitcoin scam led to the theft of over $120,000 within hours.
Another example includes the notorious DarkSide ransomware attack in May 2021, where the
attackers demanded and received a ransom payment in Bitcoin worth approximately $5 million from
the Colonial Pipeline Company, causing a significant gas supply disruption across the Southeastern
United States.
Moreover, the complexity of cryptocurrency transactions has amplified due to the rise of Decentralized
Finance (DeFi). As per DeFi Pulse, the Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi exceeded $150 billion by
June 2023, soaring from just $1 billion in early 2020.
DeFi in particular has introduced new elements like decentralized exchanges (DEXs), yield farming,
and flash loans, all contributing to an intricate web of transactions difficult to trace using traditional
methods. For instance, DEXs, by facilitating peer-to-peer exchanges without intermediaries,
processed over $1 trillion in trading volume in 2022, as reported by CryptoSlate, adding an additional
layer of complexity to cryptocurrency investigations.

Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that includes:

Understanding the Blockchain Increasing International Cooperation

Law enforcement agencies need to understand Given the global nature of cryptocurrencies,
how blockchain technology works and how it international cooperation is essential for ef-
is used in cryptocurrencies. This includes un- fective law enforcement. This includes shar-
derstanding how transactions are recorded on ing information and intelligence, coordinating
the blockchain, how new blocks are created, investigations, and cooperating on legal and
and how cryptocurrencies are mined. regulatory matters.

Enhancing Legal Frameworks Improving Technical Capabilities

Governments need to develop clear legal Law enforcement agencies need to improve
frameworks that define the legal status of their technical capabilities to effectively in-
cryptocurrencies and establish regulations for vestigate cryptocurrency-related crimes. This
their use. These frameworks should also pro- includes developing tools and techniques to
vide law enforcement agencies with the legal analyze blockchain data at scale, trace crypto-
tools they need to investigate and prosecute currency transactions, and Identify the parties
cryptocurrency-related crimes. involved in transactions. This is where compa-
nies like ZenLedger can really help.



BATS (Blockchain Analytics and Tax Software) by ZenLedger, is a leading cryptocurrency forensic
accounting and blockchain analytics platform. It offers a suite of tools and services that can sig-
nificantly aid law enforcement agencies in their investigations involving cryptocurrencies.

Data Aggregation Transaction Tracing / Cryptocurrency Asset

BATS can aggregate data from multiple sourc- and Pattern Detection
es, including blockchains, wallets, exchanges, Starting with an initial subpoena, BATS can
subpoenas, and customized CSV files. This identify holes in the transaction history, flag
provides a single, cohesive view of cryptocur- suspicious transaction patterns, and identify
rency transactions, making it easier for law additional exchanges/accounts that could be
enforcement agencies to monitor and analyze subpoenaed.
these transactions.
BATS can also start with a small number of
Advanced Analytics transactions with no hash/blockchain ID and
BATS uses AI/ML-powered data analytics to find them on the blockchain, which can then
quickly categorize data in bulk and identify any start the process of tracing all transactions
gaps in the dataset. This can help law enforce- and accounts connected to those initial trans-
ment agencies identify suspicious activities actions.
and patterns.
ZenLedger: A Powerful Ally for Law Enforcement (cont.)

Forensic Accounting Analysis Subject Matter Expertise

BATS utilizes accounting methods like FIFO/ ZenLedger provides blockchain, data sci-
LIFO/HIFO, along with cost basis, profit and ence, and accounting experts with decades
loss calculations, and the identification of tax- of real-world experience who understand the
able events. This financial comprehension can unique complexity of cryptocurrency audit and
be extrapolated over millions of transactions. criminal investigation. These experts can en-
It’s specifically designed to handle intricate hance the strength of case closure rate, inves-
DeFi transactions where the determination of tigative leads’ integrity, and the fidelity of ana-
cost basis and profit and loss is challenging. lytic intelligence products.
Unique Market Insights
BATS assists hundreds of thousands of retail Continuous Improvement
customers with their crypto portfolios, en- BATS’s capabilities are continually expanding
abling the technology to collect and analyze to advance the effectiveness and scope of
unique market insights data. This data can algorithms for assets/account discovery and
help law enforcement agencies identify vic- suspicious transactions detection. As part of
tims of fraud, track the speed of self-transfers, their aggressive Continuous Improvement ini-
track exchange/gas fees, identify wallets that tiative and investment, they are currently de-
belong to exchanges, identify bridges, and con- veloping new algorithms that they expect to
duct historical market analysis. deploy on a rolling basis.
Direct Integration Support These include algorithms to identify new as-
The BATS platform has a multitude of import/ sets and accounts, darknet transactions, mix-
export integrations with subpoena data, 400+ ers/tumblers, ransomware wallets, and the use
exchanges, 50+ blockchains, 100+ DeFi & NFT of the Lightning network and decentralized ex-
protocols. This extensive integration support changes. This ensures the investigation suite
allows BATS to provide comprehensive and ac- can always work with the blockchains that
curate data for law enforcement investigations. criminals are currently using.

The digital age has ushered in a new era of financial transactions with the advent of cryptocurren-
cies. These digital assets, while innovative and transformative, have also become a tool for illicit
activities due to their anonymous and decentralized nature. This presents a unique set of chal-
lenges for law enforcement agencies worldwide.
A deep understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is crucial for law enforce-
ment to effectively navigate this complex landscape. However, the technical intricacies, global
reach, and vast volume of data involved necessitate the use of advanced tools and strategies.
BATS by ZenLedger stands as a powerful solution in this context. Its capabilities to aggregate
data from diverse sources, provide advanced analytics, identify suspicious patterns, and integrate
seamlessly with traditional accounting software make it an invaluable asset for law enforcement.
Moreover, its commitment to continuous development and innovation ensures its readiness to
tackle emerging challenges.
The challenges posed by cryptocurrencies are indeed significant, but they are not insurmount-
able. With the right tools, such as BATS, and strategies, law enforcement agencies can effectively
address cryptocurrency-related crimes, ensuring the safety and security of our increasingly digital
If you are interested in learning more about how ZenLedger can help your organization with cryp-
tocurrency investigations, please contact us at

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