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Author Title Objectives Tools Findings

1 Taylor et. Al Epidemiology of Insomnia, To compare depression and General Information Form People with insomnia had
Depression and Anxiety. anxiety in people with insomnia greater depression and anxiety
and people not having insomnia. Beck Depression Inventory levels than people not having
To examine which specific sleep State Trait Anxiety Increased insomnia frequency
variables were significantly Inventory Form Y-Trait was related to increased
related to depression and Scale depression and anxiety.
anxiety. People with combined insomnia
Sleep Diaries. had greater depression than did
people with onset or

2 Hoven et. Al Factors associated with use To examine patters of mental 206 children and Among 206 children, 75 never
of mental health services health service use among adolescents aged 9-17 received professional help for
for depression by children depressed children and years were assessed as a depressive symptoms.
and adolescents. adolescents and factors part of large survey of Socioeconomic factors such as
associated with help seeking mental health service use mother’s education and
and treatment modalities. in five service systems children’s health insurance is not
who met DSM-III-R criteria associated with receiving
for depressive disorders. professional help for depressive
3 McCurdy et. Impact of anxiety and To examine how anxiety and BASC-2 Self report of Depression was significantly
Al depression on academic depression are uniquely related personality questionnaire. negatively related to spelling
achievement among school to spelling and math WRAT-4 spelling and math scores and math computations.
children. achievement beyond attention test No significant relationship
and hyperactivity deficit in Statistical Package for emerged between hyperactivity
children. Social Sciences. and either spelling or math
achievement scores.
4 Gladstone& The prevention of To review the recent literature Penn Resiliency Program The PRP may prevent depressive
Beardslee depression in children and on the prevention of clinical CWS course diagnoses in very high-risk
adolescents. diagnoses of depression in Preventive Intervention children.
children and adolescents. project. Targeted and indicated
prevention approaches appear
to be more effective than
universal prevention
PSFL intervention did not
demonstrate significant effects
on depression diagnoses in a
large sample of adolescents.

5 Chauhan et. Al Interaction of substance To examine the association of UDAYA Survey The study demonstrated a
use with physical activity physical activity and substance Negative Binomial higher mean depression score
and its effect on depressive use with depressive symptoms Regression Model among educated, girls, and
symptoms among among adolescents in lower STATA 14 adolescents who consumed
adolescents. socio-economic settings in India. substance and were not involved
in physical activity.
Adolescents who are physically
inactive and use substance
were more likely to have
depressive symptoms compared
to their counterparts.
However, after controlling the
effect of background variables,
the incidence rate ratio (IRR)
decreased for physical activities
and increased for substance use.

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