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2019-0984 IJOI



Dyah Sawitri
DPK Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Gajayana Malang
dyahsawitri19@yahoo. com

Endang Suswati
DPK Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Gajayana Malang


There are so many strategies that must be explained in a business model because these
strategies relate to many aspects of a business. Business models include managing the
purpose of our relationship with suppliers, with distributors or with customers di-
rectly. The Model Canvas business is a business strategy management that allows us
to describe, design and then purge some aspects of business into a whole business
strategy. From this description, the formulation of the problem proposed in this study
is: "What is the description of the business model for Micro, Small and Medium En-
terprises (MSMEs), especially for producers of Trenggalek food, to meet the SDGs
era? This research is a descriptive study that uses a qualitative approach, with refer-
ence to data based on the facts in the field relating to the subject of research, namely
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, processed food typical of Trenggalek. The re-
sults of the study found that the small and medium businesses actually implemented
the Canvas Business Model and Product Diversification, had used SWOT as an ana-
lytical tool and indirectly. Another finding is that business actors find it difficult to
reach the international market (export) because of document problems, legality, per-
mits and access. Of the total found, the researcher modified / created a canvas busi-
ness model that was suitable / in accordance with the behavior of MSME actors in
Trenggalek by referring and integrating several successful MSME entrepreneurs in
Trenggalek. The researcher also provided direction and compiled a module on how to
reach international markets during the SDGs era.

Keywords: Product diversification, small business, competitiveness, SDGs, canvas

model business

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

Introduction with other businesses. There are so

many strategies that must be explained
Indonesia's economic fundamen- in a business model because these
tals are not yet strong, encouraging the strategies relate to many aspects of a
government to build economic struc- business. Business models include
tures by considering the existence of regulating the objectives of business
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises actors' relationships with suppliers,
(MSMEs) . This sector has proven to with distributors or with customers di-
generate enormous employment oppor- rectly.
tunities and provide opportunities for
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Describing the business model
to develop in the community. The exis- correctly will help MSME producers of
tence of MSMEs cannot be doubted typical food in Trenggalek find busi-
because it is proven to be able to sur- ness goals clearly, discuss targets that
vive and become a driver of the econ- must be achieved first, so they can win
omy, especially after the economic cri- the competition. One analytical tool
sis. In the era of Sustainable Develop- that can help us find the right business
ment Goals (SDGs) which is a new model is the canvas model business.
platform and new terminology agreed This business model was first intro-
upon by countries in the world today. duced by Alexander Osterwalder in his
One of the agreements is to develop a book Business Model Generation. In
global partnership for development. the book, Alexander explained a sim-
Referring to the agreement contained ple framework to present important
in the SDGs, MSME producers of elements contained in a business
Trenggalek food face many challenges. model. The Model Canvas business is
One of them is the lack of access to a business strategy management that
information, especially market infor- allows us to describe, design and then
mation, weak human resources so that purge some aspects of business into a
they have not been able to develop whole business strategy.
strategies and business models that
they pursue. This results in low market Referring to the background de-
orientation and weak competitiveness scribed, the formulation of the problem
at the global level. And as a result, proposed in this study is: "What is the
MSME producers of typical food in description of the business model for
Trenggalek cannot direct their business Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
development clearly and focus, their (MSMEs), especially for producers of
development tends to stagnate. Trenggalek food, to meet the SDGs
era? This research was conducted with
In determining product diversifi- the aim of among others:
cation and innovation, of course man-
agement strategies, business models a. Knowing the description of the
and the right analysis are needed. The business model for Micro, Small
business model is defined as exposure and Medium Enterprises
to strategies that must be made by (MSMEs), especially for produc-
MSME producers of typical Treng- ers of typical Trenggalek foods to
galek foods before starting to compete meet the SDGs era.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

b. Identify internal factors (strengths stand- alone productive economic en-

and weaknesses) and external fac- terprise, carried out by individuals or
tors that affect the MSMEs of business entities that are not subsidiar-
processed food products typical of ies or not branches of companies that
Trenggalek using the SWOT are owned, controlled, or become part
analysis approach, to determine of either directly or indirectly from
strategies and steps in the context medium- sized businesses or large
of diversification, innovation and businesses that meet the criteria Small.
creativity towards production. Medium Enterprises are productive
economic activities that are independ-
c. Mapping the most appropriate ent, carried out by individuals or busi-
strategy for Micro, Small and Me- ness entities that are not subsidiaries or
dium Enterprises (MSMEs) espe- branches of companies that are owned,
cially for producers of Trenggalek controlled, or become part of either
specialties using Business Model directly or indirectly with a Small
Canvas. Business or large business with a total
net worth or annual sales proceeds.
Literature Review These criteria are in accordance with
or as stipulated in Law Number 20 of
Product Diversification 2008 concerning MSMEs.

For the general public the word Business Model Canvas

diversification of products tends to be
interpreted as goods that have never Models represent actual condi-
been created or produced by a com- tions in a concise and detailed manner
pany before, and then designed with and can describe various types of real-
various modifications as a result of ity, including domains, systems, or
technological advances. According to languages. (Abmann, et al., 2006) .
Fitriani, Sarono, & Widodo (2011), the
notion of diversification is as an effort A model is basically a set of
to find and develop new products or statements about a particular system,
markets, or both, in order to pursue which is used to describe it. The model
growth, increase sales, profitability, generally can be descriptive, namely
and flexibility. describing the system or specifications
for the system (Seidewitz, 2003) .
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Among the most used roles for busi-
(MSMEs) ness models is understanding and shar-
ing business ideas, analyzing them,
The definition of MSMEs based managing them, showing prospects, or
on Law Number 20 of 2008 concern- patenting business models (Osterwal-
ing MSMEs (Small and Micro Me- der, et al., 2005) .
dium Enterprises) is: Micro Businesses
are productive businesses owned by Sustainable Development Goals
individuals and/ or individual business (SDGs)
entities that meet the criteria of Micro
Enterprises. Small- scale business is a

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

The Sustainable Development Manco, Alen- alen, and others. Other

Goals which are Sustainable Develop- informants were the Office of Coop-
ment Goals which consist of 17 goals eratives, Small and Medium Enter-
with 169 measurable achievements and prises, Industry, Trade, Mining and
deadlines set by the United Nations Energy (Koperindag) of Trenggalek
(UN) as the world development agenda Regency, as well as parties related to
for the benefit of humans and planet small businesses.
earth. SDGs were born to replace the
Millennium Development Goals that Data Collection Technique
are no longer valid starting in 2016.
According to Sonny Harry B. Harmadi Data and information excavation
(Kompas April 14, 2016), although the in research will involve informants as
number of goals in SDG is more (17 information providers. At this stage,
goals) compared to MDGs (only 8 researchers conduct a process of col-
goals), businesses can divide the 17 lecting with Observation (the actual
goals into three main pillars: conditions), In- depth interviews to
respondents by conducting question
a) The First Pillar, namely Hu- and answer or direct conversation with
man Development, includes all existing data, Documentation useful
health, education and gender because it can provide a broader back-
equality. ground on the subject of research, Fo-
b) The second pillar is Social cus Group Discussion this method is to
Economic Development, such as collect data through a centralized dis-
inequality, poverty, availability of cussion.
facilities and pre- facilities of the
environment, and economic Data Processing
c) The third pillar is Environ- Data obtained is used as material
mental Development, which seeks to do modeling using Business Model
to maintain the availability of Canvas. The results of processing this
Natural Resources and good envi- data are used to determine the diversi-
ronmental quality. fication strategy of Trenggalek's typi-
cal processed food products. After ana-
Methodology lyzing the nine block blocks, the next
step is to carry out a SWOT analysis to
Unit of Analysis. determine the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats of each block.
This study uses purposive sam- The analysis was conducted to deter-
pling to determine informants, accord- mine the strategic position of MSMEs
ing to Usman (2004: 47), purposive that would be used as a basis for de-
sampling is used when informants are termining the diversification strategy
specifically selected based on the pur- that was carried out.
pose and objectives of the study. The
informants in the study were MSMEs Results
who worked in the field of Trenggalek
typical snacks, namely Tempe Chips,

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

a. Overview of Micro, Small and Me- prise. The following is a description of

dium Enterprises in Trenggalek Re- the typical small and medium- sized
gency entrepreneurs in Trenggalek, in the
This research was carried out in context of the Business Model Canvas.
the Trenggalek Regency area, with a
focus on research on Trenggalek a) Customer segment: gift agents,
snacks. According to data from the Of- the general public and local tour-
fice of the Mining and Energy Trade ists.
Cooperative Office (Koperindag) in b) Value propositions: including:
2017 there were 387 centers of Micro, snacks, affordable prices, products
The most popular typical foods from without preservatives, and good
the Trenggalek region include kripik, taste, group 3 has additional val-
manco, and alen alen tempeh, but in ues on; premium raw materials,
addition to these products there are distribution centers in certain cit-
also many other products such as ies.
mbothe chips, banana chips, etc. c) Channels: typical souvenir / outlet
services, partner outlets, and some
b. Analysis of Business Model Canvas using online media, as well as
Typical Snacks Products of Trenggalek agency networks.
In the perspective of its develop- d) Customer relationship: provide
ment, according to Arief Rahmana answers giving discounts and spe-
(2009: B- 12), Micro, Small and Me- cial offers, in group 2 there are
dium Enterprises (MSMEs) can be additional innovations in new
classified into 4 (four) groups, namely: products and following market
(a) Livelihood Activities, which are trends, group 3, is to provide a
used as employment opportunities to discount program on purchases
earn a living, which more commonly with large amounts, and provide
known as the informal sector. (b) Mi- purchasing admin and customer
cro Enterprise, which is an MSME that care to foster communication with
has craftsmanship but does not have customers.
entrepreneurial properties. (c) Small e) Revenue streams: namely income
Dynamic Enterprise, is an MSME that through direct sales, and sales
has an entrepreneurial spirit and is able revenue through the order process.
to accept subcontracting and export f) Main resources: among others,
jobs. (d) Fast Moving Enterprise, using physical assets (raw materials,
SME’s that has an entrepreneurial land, and buildings), finance (ven-
spirit and will transform into a Big ture capital), intellectual (brand,
Business (UB) Equation. copyright, and peten), and human
resources (workers) .
Based on this opinion from the g) Key activities: carrying out the
results of mapping the data in the field, main activities, namely the activi-
small and medium entrepreneurs of ties of the production process,
typical food in Trenggalek can still be product marketing and product
classified into 3 groups, namely: (a) development.
Livelihood Activities, (b) Micro Enter-
prise, and (c) Small Dynamic Enter-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

h) Key partnership: with suppliers of b. The proportion of value owned by

raw materials, resellers, and expe- small and medium businesses of
dition services typical food in Trenggalek, espe-
i) Cost structure: covering produc- cially on the products and ser-
tion costs (material and salaries of vices offered, is still only based
employees), promotion, transpor- on affordable prices. The propor-
tation, electricity and rental of tion of other values offered is still
premises. not touched on things that are
more specific to provide more
Discussion value to customers, so that poten-
tial customers to turn to other
Design Business Model Canvas Of products. Especially for Group 3
Small And Medium Enterprises Of seeks to maintain customer loy-
Typical Snacks For Trenggalek Today. alty with the use of premium ma-
terials, create a distribution cen-
In Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure ter service.
3, there is a description of the Business c. Channels used by small and me-
Model Canvas of Small and Medium dium businesses of typical food
Enterprises of Trenggalek Typical in Trenggalek for Groups 1 and
Snack Products for business actors in Group 2, use direct channels (off-
group 1, namely business people to line sales) where customers make
make a living, which is referred to to- purchases and cash payments in
day. The description can be seen in stores / homes. Whereas for
each block that has its own characteris- Group 3 it began to open up
tics, for the explanation of 9 blocks in space in utilizing technology,
the Canvas Business model are pre- online (ordering through ac-
sented as follows: counts made, among others,
Facebook, Instagram, websites,
a. The customer segment of small etc. ) to reach customers, as well
and medium businesses with as payments via bank transfers,
typical food in Trenggalek for although still making offline
Group 1 are those with a choice sales and cash payments.
of all ages and are not distin-
guished from their social strata or d. The relationship between small
the general public, while Group 2 and medium businesses of typical
adds segments to tourists. Based food in Trenggalek and custom-
on this reality, the customer seg- ers is established by giving dis-
ment is still general and does not counts and special offers (carried
focus on certain customer groups. out by the three groups) . Group
In these findings, only the three 3, in addition to doing this in
groups who think more seg- maintaining relationships, also
mented, namely the community provides special purchasing
of students and students, as well admin, and creates an account for
as social activists (although age customer care, so that customer
can be very general and diverse) . complaints can be accommodated


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

and service improvements carried g. The key activities carried out by

out. small and medium businesses of
typical food in Trenggalek for the
e. Revenue Streams of income ob- three groups in focus are the
tained by small and medium same, namely production. The
businesses of typical food in differentiator for the group oc-
Trenggalek for the three groups, curs in Group 2 and Group 3,
still focuses on direct sales to which is penetrated in marketing
customers. and distribution design and map-
ping, while Group 3 targets and
f. Key Resources for small and me- adds another space, namely
dium businesses of typical food product promotion.
in Trenggalek for Group 1 in
production, which until today is h. Key Partnerships of small and
difficult to find the engine. Group medium businesses of typical
2 and Group 3 conclude that do- food in Trenggalek for Group 1
ing business depends heavily on are suppliers of raw materials and
Physical Assets, Land and Build- shops, Group 2 is suppliers of
ings, and Human Resources. On raw materials, shops, and agents,
the other hand, Group 3 is focus- while Group 3 is a community of
ing on managing brands, copy- raw material suppliers (farmers /
rights and patents which in the craftsmen), flour shops, and ship-
future are expected to increase ping services.
public trust in the products made.

Figure 1. Business Model Canvas of Small and Medium Figure 2. Business Model Canvas of Small and
Enterprises in Typical Snacks Products of Trenggalek, Medium Enterprises Typical Snacks Products of
Group 1: Business actors to make a living Trenggalek, Group 2: Business people who are
craftsmen but do not have entrepreneurial spirit
Source: www. businessmodelgeneration. com, processed by Researchers in 2018


The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

i. The cost structure issued by small social activists (although age can
and medium businesses of typical be very general and diverse).
food in Trenggalek for the three
groups is the same, namely the b. The proportion of value
cost of production, employee owned by small and medium- sized
salaries, while for promotion businesses of typical food in
costs it is still only done by Trenggalek, especially on the
Group 3. products and services offered, is
still only based on affordable
Recommendations prices. Another proportion of value
offered is still not touched on more
Business Model Canvas of Small and specific things to provide more
Medium Enterprises Typical Snacks value to customers, so that poten-
Products of Trenggalek tial customers to turn to other
products. Especially for Group 3
The Model Canvas business of seeks to maintain customer loyalty
small and medium businesses Treng- with the use of premium materials,
galek typical snack products offered create a distribution center service.
based on the analysis that has been
done, is presented in Figure 5The offer c. Channels used by small and
of the model is not a completely new medium businesses of typical food
model but adopts the business actors in Trenggalek for Group 1 and
whose model has gone well, through a Group 2, use direct channels (off-
little touch and modification. The rec- line sales) where customers make
ommended model in hopes of improv- purchases and cash payments in
ing the performance of small industries stores / homes. Whereas for Group
in Trenggalek, with a little touch on 3, it began to open up space in util-
Customer Relationship, Key Activities, izing technology, online (ordering
Key Partners, Channels, Cost Struc- through accounts made, among
ture, and Revenue Stream. Briefly ex- others, Facebook, Instagram, web-
plained as follows (Figure 4) : sites, etc. ) to reach customers, as
well as payments via bank trans-
a. The customer segment of fers, although still making offline
small and medium businesses with sales and cash payments. In the
typical food in Trenggalek for current technological era, of
Group 1 are those with a choice of course, a virtual shop that can al-
all ages and are not distinguished ways be visited by anyone from
from their social strata or the gen- any part of the world is needed, so
eral public, while Group 2 adds businesses need to add channels in
segments to tourists. Based on this the form of websites that function
reality, the customer segment is as showrooms and sell products,
still general and does not focus on and so on. Another channel that
certain customer groups. In these needs to be added is to take part in
findings, only the three groups who the exhibition and hold a bazaar to
think more segmented, namely the bring the product closer to the cus-
community of students, as well as

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

tomers as well as a niche to attract provides special purchase admin,

new customers. and creates an account for cus-
tomer care, so that customer com-
d. The relationship between plaints can be accommodated and
small and medium businesses of service repairs carried out. This
typical food in Trenggalek with block needs to be added to pay-
customers is established by giving ments through bank transfers, if
discounts and special offers (car- possible payment using the present
ried out by the three groups) . method such as through credit
Group 3, in addition to doing this cards and so on.
in maintaining relationships, also

Figure 3. Business Model Canvas of Small and Medium Figure 4. Business Model Canvas of Small and
Enterprises in Typical Snacks Products of Trenggalek, Mediu Enterprises Typical Snacks Products of
Group 3: Business actors who have an entrepreneurial Trenggalek (Recommendation)
Source: www. businessmodelgeneration. com, processed by Researchers in 2018

e. The flow of income obtained f. The main resource for small

by small and medium businesses of and medium businesses of typical
typical food in Trenggalek for the food in Trenggalek for Group 1 in
three groups, still focuses on direct production, which until today is
sales to customers. In order for difficult to find the engine. Group 2
more developed businesses in this and Group 3 conclude that doing
section, other activities are added, business depends heavily on Physi-
namely creating other markets in cal Assets, Land and Buildings,
collaboration with third parties, and Human Resources. On the
namely system resellers, or even other hand, Group 3 is focusing on
opening franchise spaces. managing brands, copyrights and

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

patents which in the future are ex- to add promotional activities as

pected to increase public trust in part of product imaging to be more
the products made. widely known.

g. The key activities carried out Research Findings on Diversification

by small and medium scale busi- Strategies and SWOT Analysis
nesses of typical food in Treng-
galek for the three groups in focus Business people in group 1 who
are the same, namely production. have run an average business more
The differentiator for groups oc- than 5- 10 years, but do not have a
curs in Group 2 and Group 3, good business plan, even their vision,
which is penetrated in marketing mission and goals to do business do
and distribution design and map- not have and understand it clearly. The
ping, while Group 3 targets and most important key for actors in this
adds another space namely product group is producing and selling to cus-
promotion. Activities that can be tomers and traditional markets and
added to this block are research shops, that is enough because these
and development that will be very business people feel that they are only
beneficial for customer needs for continuing family- owned businesses,
products, related to taste, form, and only to seek additional income.
packaging, etc., while maintaining Based on this matter, business people
customer loyalty. in this group have indeed carried out
business development in the last 3- 4
h. The main partners of small years. Development carried out in-
and medium businesses of typical clude; on product development by add-
food in Trenggalek for Group 1 are ing product flavor variants which were
suppliers of raw materials and originally original flavored products,
shops, Group 2 is suppliers of raw various flavors (for example, sweet
materials, shops, and agents, while corn, spicy and cheese) . Development
Group 3 is a community of raw in the field of marketing has not been
material suppliers (farmers / touched much, it still relies on offline
craftsmen), flour shops, and ship- marketing, even if there are those who
ping services. The next model of- use technology, there are still limited
fered adds activities, namely to col- bookings via telephone and
laborate with media that can sup- whatsApps. Business people in groups
port promotions, so that products 2 and 3, who have been running busi-
are closer to customers. nesses for 3 to 10 years on average,
began to understand the importance of
i. The cost structure issued by good business planning. Planning has
small and medium businesses of been accompanied by a clearer and
typical food in Trenggalek for the better vision, mission and goals to
three groups is the same, namely guard the business being carried out.
the cost of production, employee Based on this plan, business people in
salaries, while for promotion costs groups 2 and 3 see that doing business
it is still only done by Group 3. is not only to increase income but
This block needs to be considered rather how to become an entrepreneur.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

Based on this, although this group is present according to their wishes, but
not frequent, it has been developing some business people have done a lot
businesses in the last 1- 2 years. De- of development on taste and packag-
velopment carried out include; on ing. The form for some products such
product development by adding prod- as manco and alen- alen is maintained
uct flavor variants which were origi- as a typical form of eating, even the
nally original flavored products, vari- color is fixed.
ous flavors (for example, sweet corn,
spicy and cheese) . Development in the Marketing of Trenggalek UMKM
field of marketing that uses offline and products, mostly still limited in the
online services, delivery services and Trenggalek and surrounding areas such
so on. Online media such as Facebook, as Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar and Po-
Instagram, and WhatsApp, they use norogo. Business actors who have ex-
naturally, as channels to make it easier panded into other regions are still car-
for customers to get products. ried out by business actors in group 3,
and even then there are still a small
Capital is the most crucial matter number who have carried out agency
for business actors in group 1, because systems (building key partners) outside
without good planning, of course there the city. Marketing difficulties that oc-
are also many shortcomings in carrying cur due to among others the number of
out managerial activities. The capital is products that are still limited, as well
present directly related to the cost as the lack of cooperation in the form
structure used in business operations of agency and other cooperation such
from pre- production, production and as shipping (cooperation with freight
marketing. forwarders) .

Raw materials, which are actually Human resources (HR), is a part

used have more bargaining value in the of key resources that exist in small and
desired market niche because, business medium enterprises is still very lim-
people use local raw materials. Weak- ited, because most of the workers are
nesses faced regarding the need for family and neighbors. The number of
raw materials, for certain processed workers is not too much, only in the
products such as alen- alen which are range of 5- 19 people. Another limita-
made from flour when certain raw ma- tion to HR that often occurs is develop-
terials are not sufficiently available. ing employee competencies, meaning
business owners find it difficult to un-
Quality improvement, is a key derstand the potential of employees
part of product development to be able because employees tend not to have
to compete with similar products on adequate levels of skills (lack of skill)
the market, by carrying out key activi- in the work done.
ties to produce the best products and
services. Another reality that occurs for
small businesses in Trenggalek accord-
Forms, flavors, and packaging, ing to the observers is that there is no
processed foods from small entrepre- balance between promotion and total
neurs in Trenggalek have not all been production. According to the evalua-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

tion of the development of MSMEs in Dynamic Enterprise: Business people

Trenggalek Regency, it is known that who have an entrepreneurial spirit.
production is still very minimal to Overview of business models on 9
meet market needs. The promotion and blocks of the Canvas Business Model:
branding side of MSMEs has been Customer Segments: In shops (souve-
very good but for production it is still nir agents), the general public and local
minimal. tourist, Value Propositions: Afford-
able prices, products without preserva-
The government on this concept tives, and other, Channels: Typical
will be actively present to assist in souvenir / outlet services, partner out-
building a brand / brand in order to lets, and some using online media, as
have high equity, with efforts related to well as agency networks (still carried
the activities of the MSME communi- out by MSMEs, group 3), Customer
ties in Trenggalek Regency, by carry- Relationship: Special offers in the form
ing out strategies including: of giving discounts, innovating on new
products, and providing purchasing
a. Building a special corner, such as admins, Revenue Streams: Direct
Galeri Gemilang, which is expected sales, and sales through the order proc-
to be a showroom and sales of ess, Key Resources: Main assets (raw
MSME products, while also func- materials, land, and buildings), finan-
tioning to build and create "trust" cial (business capital), intellectual
for customers. property (brands, copyrights, and
documents), and human resources
b. Using the Trenggalek UKM e- (workers), Key Activities: The process
comers sales channel through of producing, marketing products and
"BUMN Creative Home" developing products, Key Partnership:
Supplier of raw materials, resellers and
c. The "I Love Trenggalek" commu- expedition services, Cost Structure:
nity is supported by the government Production costs (materials and sala-
in the form of assistance/ assistance ries of employees), transportation,
in the form of development pro- electricity and rent.
From all found, researchers need
Conclusions to modify / create a canvas business
model that is suitable / in accordance
Referring to the discussion, it can with the behavior of MSME actors in
be concluded that the small and me- Trenggalek by referring and integrat-
dium businesses of typical food in ing several successful MSME entre-
Trenggalek: According to its develop- preneurs in Trenggalek.
ment, it is present in three groups
(classification), namely: Livelihood Implications
Activities: Business people to make a
living, Micro Enterprise: Business Researchers in collaboration with
people who are craftsmen but do not related agencies need to provide guid-
have an entrepreneurial spirit, Small ance and compile modules, as well as
training on how to reach the interna-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Volume 12 Number 2, October 2019
2019-0984 IJOI

tional market during the SDGs era, so Danim, Sudarwan. 2002. Inovasi pen-
that UMKM actors typical food in didikan: Dalam Upaya Peningka-
Trenggalek, up the class. tan Profesionalisme Tenaga Ke-
pendidikan. Bandung: Pusta-
References kaSetia.

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