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Midterm Examination (25%)

Grade Body Paragraphs (30%) Introduction & Conclusion (25%) Language Use (25%) Paraphrase & Citation (20%)
A+ exceeds the requirements of the band below
 Response is mostly relevant, well elaborated Sets the wider social context from recent past to • Uses a variety of grammatical structures with • All source information cited
and well supported with convincing evidence, present very well showing depth of thought flexibility correctly
A minor oversimplifications and/or
Moves fluently from general to specific; no • Sentences are mostly grammatically error
free, and errors are non-intrusive
• Very well-constructed paraphrases
(skilful changes to grammar,
Excellen awkward jumps in cohesion or logic
t  Each topic sentence includes the topic and ONE Presents an informed debate, clearly representing • Some errors in punctuation but non-intrusive vocabulary, word class and numbers
focused, specific idea both sides • Uses a wide range of academic where appropriate)
 Each body paragraph is unified and remains All information is factually accurate vocabulary/phrases • No divergence from original
focused on one main idea Clear thesis statement introducing an agent, and • Skilful use of language for cohesive purposes meaning in either paraphrase.
 Elaboration displays some evidence of higher setting out two clear, specific reasons in support of • Few errors in the use of cohesive devices • Almost all non-essential, original
order thinking skills; successfully uses original the argument • Some errors in word choice, spelling, and/or source wording paraphrased
ideas to go beyond sources. 5-part conclusion includes a clear paraphrased word formation
 Source material is included after a detailed, thesis, two insightful implication(s), a feasible • formal and academic style and tone are
logical explanation of the main idea in each recommendation, and persuasive prediction mostly maintained throughout; occasional use
body paragraph of academically inappropriate language; voice
 Excellent use of source material to support mostly consistent (informal vocabulary,
argument in both paragraphs contractions, personal pronoun use etc.)
B+ satisfies all requirements for the band below, but not all of those above
 Response is generally relevant, well elaborated, Sets the wider social context from recent past to • Uses a variety of grammatical structures with • All source information cited
and well supported with evidence; some present well flexibility correctly
B evidence is weak and/or poorly explained; some Moves fluently from general to specific; no major • Some grammar errors that are intrusive • Well-constructed paraphrases
oversimplifications and/or overgeneralizations awkward jumps in cohesion or logic • Some errors in punctuation that are intrusive (changes to grammar, vocabulary,
 Each topic sentence includes the topic and ONE Presents a mostly informed debate, clearly • Uses a range of academic vocabulary/ word class and numbers where
good phrases appropriate)
focused, specific idea representing both sides
 Each body paragraph is unified and remains All information is factually accurate • Very good use of language for cohesive • Minor divergence from original
focused on one main idea Clear thesis statement introducing an agent, setting purposes meaning in ONE paraphrase
 Elaboration attempts higher order, independent out two specific reasons in support of the • Most cohesive devices are accurate • Very little non-essential, original
thinking that goes beyond source material, not argument • Produces some minor errors in word choice, source wording remains
necessarily successfully 5-part conclusion includes (for the most part): a spelling, and/or word formation – non-
 Source material is included after a mostly clear paraphrased thesis, two insightful intrusive
detailed, logical explanation of the main idea in implication(s), a feasible recommendation, and • formal style and tone are not well
each body paragraph persuasive prediction maintained throughout; some use of
 Very good use of source material to support academically inappropriate language; voice
argument in both paragraphs generally consistent
C+ satisfies all requirements for the band below, but not all of those above
 One body paragraph fails to mention the A good attempt to set the wider social context from • Uses some variety of grammatical structures • One in-text citation error (APA
argument recent past to present; may be somewhat with flexibility formatting, spacing, capitalization,
C  One of the two body paragraphs is not unified superficial and/or lack some relevance • Some grammar errors, occasionally intrusive year, punctuation, spelling etc.)
and/or focuses on more than one main idea Mostly moves fluently from general to specific; • Some errors in punctuation, occasionally • Minor divergence from original
Good  Main ideas in BPs attempt some higher order, may contain slightly awkward jumps in cohesion intrusive meaning in both paraphrases or
independent thinking but often recycles/repeats or logic • Shows a range of academic vocabulary/ major divergence from original
source ideas Presents both sides of the debate, but may be phrases, but may be somewhat limited meaning in one paraphrase
 Ideas in body paragraphs are sometimes not somewhat superficial and/or lack specific • Paragraphs may lack cohesive language in • Paraphrasing may be significantly
obviously relevant and/or well elaborated; most relevance places longer than original, and/or a little
evidence is weak and/or poorly explained; Contains one or more factual inaccuracies • Some intrusive inaccuracies with cohesive clumsy
devices • Some non-essential source wording

ENGL102 Grading Rubric | English Language Department | King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals | Term 232 Page 1 of 2
frequent oversimplifications and/or  Thesis states position but may lack specificity with • Produces some errors in word choice, noticeably remains (lacks changes to
overgeneralizations regard to an agent and/or reasons spelling, and/or word formation – occasionally grammar structure, vocabulary and/or
 Source material is included after the elaboration Conclusion lacks one important element, shows a intrusive numbers)
of the main idea in each body paragraph; misunderstanding of implications, is overly • Some lapses in academic style
somewhat limited and/or illogical formulaic, and/or distinctly lacks relevance and
 Poor use of source material to support argument persuasiveness
in one paragraph
 One of the two topic sentences may lack
specificity and/or contain more than one idea
D+ satisfies all requirements for the band below, but not all of those above
 Two body paragraphs fail to mention the Poorly sets the wider social context, and/or uses • Uses little variety of grammatical structures • One missing in-text citation
argument the distant past with flexibility (often dependent on simple • Two in-text citation errors
 Little evidence of higher order independent Moves awkwardly from general to specific; sentence structure) • Some source information not cited or
D thinking; over-reliance on ideas in sources contains frequent intrusive jumps in cohesion or • Frequent grammar errors, often intrusive inaccurate
Poor  Citation comes before the elaboration of the logic • Significant errors in punctuation, often • Poor paraphrasing: much longer than
main idea in either body paragraph Debate is missing, superficial and/or completely intrusive original, very clumsy and/or original
 Inadequate use of sources to support argument irrelevant • Uses a limited range of academic vocabulary/ source wording dominates (very little
 Poor use of sources to support argument in both contains two or more factual inaccuracies phrases change to grammar structure,
body paragraphs  Thesis states position but lacks specificity with • Paragraphs noticeably lack cohesive vocabulary and/or numbers).
 One body paragraph has no source material regard to an agent or reasons language • Major divergence from original
 Both topic sentences may lack specificity  Thesis states position, but the two reasons are • Frequent inaccuracies with cohesive devices meaning in both paraphrases
and/or contain more than one idea missing and/or indiscernible – often intrusive
• Produces frequent errors in word choice,
 Both body paragraphs are not unified and/or  Conclusion lacks more than one important element
and/or shows weak comprehension of task spelling, and/or word formation –often
focus on more than one idea
requirements intrusive
Missing paraphrase in one body paragraph
• Frequent lapses in academic style
 Response fails to make an argument, merely  Fails to set any relevant context in relation to • Little grasp of basic and complex sentence  Multiple errors in both in-text
F presents information the prompt structure; very little use of grammatical variety citations
Fail  Body paragraphs present random information Fails to move from general to specific; dominated • Very poor range of vocabulary  Missing citations in both
from sources with no argument function by a lack of cohesion and logic • Minor and major errors (syntax and lexis) paragraphs (see Task Specifics
 No source material used in either body Thesis is missing, does not directly address dominate throughout – frequently intrusive; below*)
paragraph prompt, or state a position very difficult to read  Little evidence of paraphrasing –
 May not be enough to evaluate Conclusion completely fails to follow the task • Very poor academic style throughout paraphrases are close to direct quotes
 Both topic sentences missing requirements  Both paraphrases are indiscernible
 Missing one body paragraph Missing conclusion from original meaning

Notes: • Bolded phrases represent a grade ceiling: if true the grade cannot exceed this point in the column. Grades can only be achieved if all requirements for that grade are met.
• Plagiarism results in a penalty imposed after the final grade for this assignment. Penalties should be equivalent to the total amount of inexcusable text matching.
Note: Where source material comes before the elaboration of the main idea in either body paragraph, the grade for Body Paragraphs will be D.
Task specifics
(1). Must be a strong argument essay (2). Must be at least 250 words. Under 200 words: -50% of total score. Between 200 – 250 words: -5% of total score. (3). Contains at least one
text-based paraphrase. (4). Must use APA referencing. (5). An F in Body Paragraphs is an F overall. (6). *If there are no citations in either body paragraph, the grade for Paraphrase and
Citation will be F zero. (7) Using the same source in both body paragraphs will result in a 10% penalty.

ENGL102 Grading Rubric | English Language Department | King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals | Term 232 Page 2 of 2

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