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elase- o-A

(Maximum Marks: 80)
(Time allowed: Two and HalfHours)

Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Attemptall questions from SECTION A and any four questions from SECTION B.
All working, including rough work, must be clearly shown, and must be done on the
same sheet as the rest of the answer.

Omission of essential working willresult in loss of marks.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Mathematicaltables are provided.


(Attempt all questions from this section.)

Question: 1 |15 x1=15]
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options:
If A=| B- .c= . then the matrix Xsuch that A+2X =
2B + C will be

The value of j56 + v56+ V56 + = xis

(a) 7 (b) -8 (c)8 (d) -7
111. A dealer purchased a washing machine from a manufacturer for Rs. l0,000 and sold it
to a retailer at aprofit of 10%. The rate of GST is 18%. The amount of CGST paid bv
the dealer is
(a) Rs 90 (b) Rs l80 (c) Rs 990 (d) 1800

This paper contains SEVEN printed papes Page 1 of 7

quadratic equation if
iv. The equation x+ 2x + 1 = (4- kx)² +3 will be a
(a) k = 1 (b) k 1 4
(d) k # following
(c) k = 4 ofthe
V. The nth term of an A.P is given by an =3t 4n. Then which
statements are true?
Statement 1: The common difference is 4.
Statement 2: The sum of its fiust five terms is 30.
26 Statement 3: The 5lh term of its is 23.
(a) Only l and 2 (b)Only 2 and 3 (c) Only Iand 3 6on

(d) All 1,2 and 3

V1, T'wo numbers whose mean proportion is 16 and the third
proportion is 128 are
(a) 20, 25 (b) 16, 20 (c) 4, 15 (d)8, 32
vii. In the given figure AABC~AOPR with 4C = 6cm, BC = 4.5
cm, QR=3cmand RP = x cm. The value of 'x' is
(a) 4 cm (b) 2.25 cm (c) 4.5 cm (d) 5.2 cm
viii. A shuttle cock used for playing badminton has the
shape of the combination of
(a) A cylinder and a sphere
(b) A cylinder and a hemisphere
(c) A sphere and a cone
(d) Frustum of a cone and a hemisphere
ix. Statement 1: In a family of three children, the probability of having at least one boy is

2: The probability of not getting a number divisible by 3 in throwing a die

Statement 3: To obtain a number between I and 6 when rolling an ordinary die is a

sure event.
Which of the above statements are true?
(a) Only I and 2 (b) Only 2 and 3 (c) Only i and 3 (d) All 1,2 and3
X. A circle of radius l cm, lying in the fourth quadrant touches the x-axis at (10, 0). The
centre of the circle has coordinares
(a) (-1, -10) (b) (-10, -1) (c) (1, 10) (d) (10, -1)
X1. In the given figure. O is the centre. The measure of ZBOC is
(a) 140° (b) 30° (c) 70° (d) 40°
xi. If the angles of elevation of the top of a tower from two points
at the distance of 'a' km and 'b' kmfrom the base of the
tower are on the same line and complementary to each other.
then the height of the tower (in km) is
a (b) vab (c) (a +b) (d) (a - b)
xii. Rajveer invested Rs. 10320on Rs. 100slhares at a discount of Rs l4
Nisha invested Rs. 19200 on Rs. 50shares at apremium of 20%
Jacob invested Rs. 14000 on Rs. 40 shares at a premium of 25%
The relation between the number of shares bought by them will be

This paper contains SEVEN printed pages Page 2 of 7

(a) Kajveer>Nisha>Jacob (b) Nisha>Jacob>Rajveer (c) Rajveer>Jacob>Nisha
(d) Jacob>>Nisha>Rajveer
XIV. The cquation of the line CD shown in the figurc is

2 C

(a) 3x+ 5y = 15 (b) 5x + 3y = 15 (c) 3x - 5y = 15 (d)5x3y = 15

XV. Assertion (A): If the value of mode and mean is 6() and 66 respectively, then the value of
median is 64.
Reason (R): Median=
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation ofA.
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of R.
(c) Ais correct but R is incorrect.
(d) A is incorrect but R is correct.

Question: 2 14+4+4]
a) A solid cylinder of diameter 12 cm and height 15 cm is melted and
recast into 12toys in the shape of a right circular cone mounted on
a hemisphere. Find the radius of the hemisphere and the total
height of the toy if height of the conical part is 3 timnes its radius.
b) Mr. Richard deposits a certain sum of money each month in a
Recurring Deposit Account of a bank. If the rate of interest is 8%
per annum and he gets Rs 8088 from the bank after 3 years, find the value of his
monthly instalment.
sin 9+cos sin 8-cos 8 2 2
c) Prove that: +
sin +cos sin20-cos² 0 2sin?9-1
sin -cos 0

Question: 3 |4 +4+5]
a) Ifx = va+i-va-i using properties of proportion show that x -2ax+1=0.
b) Inthe adjoining figure, AB is adiameter of acircle with
centre O. PO | AB and zABP= 20°. Calculate (i) LAOP
(ii) ZPOQ (ii) 2PBQ (iv) ZPQB

This paper contains SEVEN printed pages Page 3 of 7

c) Study the graph showing the
marks obtained by 200 students in
an examination and answer the
following questions:
(i) Estimate the median.
(i) Estimate the lower
(ii) Estimate the number of
students who obtained
more than 80% marks in
the examination,
(iv) Estimate the number of
students who did not pass,
if pass percentage was 35.

(A copy of the graph is also

attached at the last page)


(Attempt any four questions from this Section)

Question-4 (3+3+4|
a) IfA = Rand B=hfind xand ywhen 4² =B

b) Solve the following equation and calculate the answer correct to two decimal places:
x?- 5x - 10 = 0. S R
c) In the adjoining figure. PQRS is a
parallelogram. A is a point on PQ such that
PA: AQ =2:3. Find (i) AB: PS (ii) Area of
AABQ : Area of APQS (ii) Areaof
AABQ : Areaof trapezium ABSP (iv) Area A
of AABO :Area of A0QR.
Question-5 |3+3+4]
as given below:
a) The weights of 50 apples were recorded
Weights 80-85
85-90 95-100 100-105 105-110 110-115
(gm) 12 !8
Number 5
of apples the
Calculate mean weight. to the nearest gram, by Step Deviation Method.

This paper contains SEVEN printed pages Page 4 of 7

b) A shopkeeper buys an article from a nanucturer for Rs. I2000 and marks up it
by 2$°%. The shopkeeper gives a discount of 10° on the marked-up price and heprice
a further of-season discount of $°% on tlhe balance to a rof T.V. If the sales
are inra-state and the rate of GST is 12%, find:
(i) the price inclusive of tax (undei Which the consumer pays for the T.V.
(i) the amount of tax (under GST) paid by the
shopkeeper to the State Govenment.
(ii) the amount of tax (under GST)received by the
Central Government.
c) Inthe given figure, O is the
centre of the crcle. If
LDAE = 70°, find the measurements of (1) ZBCD
LBOD (ii) z0BD.
Question-6 |3+3+4]

a) Three numbers whose sum is 70are in U.r. Teach of the extreme numbers is
multiplied by 4 and the mean number by , the numbers will be in AP. Find the
b) The daily wages (in Rs.) of few workers of afactory are recorded as follows:
50-60 60-70 70-80 S0-90 90-100
Dailv 40-50
12 |4 6
Draw a histogram on a graph paper taking l cm along x-axis = Rs 10and I cm along
y-axis = 2workers. Hence find the modal daily wage of the workers.
c) A
solid toy is in the fom of aright circular cylinder with a hemispherical shape at one
end anda cone at the other end. Their com1non dianmeter is 4.2 cm and the height
the cylindrical and conical portions are 12 cm and 7 cm respectively. Find the volume
and the total surface area of the given tov. (Take n=)
Question-7 |5+5]
a) Given map is showing the positions of
Anita's home and school. Her school is
at the position A and home is at the
position B. Assuming O as the origin,
OA aiong x-axis and OB along y-axis,
answer the following questions:
() Write the coordinates of the
points A and B. 3 krd

(ii) Write the equation of the line

passing through Aand B.
(iii) Ashopping mall is situated at the nosition C. Ifthe slope of the line BC is.
then write the equation of the line BC.
(iv) What willbe the distance of the orimin from the line BC"?
(v) What would be the distance between the mall and the school?

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b) A hot air balloon is rising vertically
ground which is at a distance from
on the apoint
of s0m frod
car parked at a point P on the ground
riding the balloon, observes that it tookAmit,
who s
seconds to reach a point B which he estimated10 to
equal to the horizontal distance of his starting pomi 60°
from the car parked at P.
(i) Find the angle of depression of the point b
(from the balloon)to the car at the point
(ii) Find the speed of the balloon.
ei d cetain time, Amit observes that the angle of depression 1s equal to
60°. Find the vertical distance travelled by the balloon during this time.
(iv) Find the total time taken bythe balloon toreach the point C from the ground.
(v) Findthe straight line distance of the line jouning the point C ffom the car
parked at P.
Question-8 [3+3+4|
a) Solve the following inequation, write the solution set and represent it on number line:
-3(x - 7) > 15 - 7x > 3 xER
b) In the adjoining figure, PQ = QR, LRÌP = 68°. PC and CQ
are tangents to the circle with centre O. Find the
measurements of (i) 2QOP (iil cQCP
c) The base QR of an equilateral triangle PÌR lies on X-axis.
The coordinates of the point Q are (4,0) and the origin 68
(0,0) is the mid-point of the base QR. Find:
(i) the coordinates of the point P and R.
(iüi) the centroid of the triangle PQR.

Question-9 |3+3+4|
then using properties of proportion fnd: )= (i)y
a) If
b) In an auditorium, seats are aTanged in rows and columns. The number of rows was
equal to the number of seats in each row. When the number of rows was
the nunber of seats in each row was reduced by 0, the total
doubled and
number of seats
increased by 300. Find:
(i) the number of rows in the orignal arrangement.
(ii) the number of seats in the auditorium after
c) Use ruler and compasses only lor the following question, AlIl construction lines and
arcs must be clearly shown.
(i) Construct a AABC in which BC =6.5cm, LABC= 60° AB=Scm.
(ii) Construct the locus of ponts at à distance of 3.5 cnn from A.
(iii) Construct the locus of pomts equdistant from AC and BC.
(iv) Mark two points X and Y which are at distance of 35 cm fom A and also
equidistant from AC and BC. Measure XY

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Question-10 |3+3+4|
a) Using the remainder and factor y3 4 10x factorise
the polynomial:
- 37x+ 26following
white balls. 7 red balls, 4 black balls and 2 blue balls. One ball is
b) Abag contains 5 What is the probability that the ball drawn is (i) white
drawn at random from the bag.
(ii)neither white nor black
or blue, (ii) not white,
this question. (Take l cm = 1unit on both axes.)
c) Use graph paper for reflected to p' in the x-axis, and 0' is the image ofO(the origin)
The point P(3, 4) is
PP'. Write
when reflected in the line and 0'
(i) the coordinates of p'
segments PP and 00'
(ii) the lengths of the quadrilateral POP'o
(ii) the perimeter of

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Unlque lID Index No.

! Q.No.
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Mane obtaind by student

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