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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Thesis on Electoral College Reform

Crafting a thesis on Electoral College reform is no small feat. The intricacies of this subject require
in-depth research, critical analysis, and a comprehensive understanding of political processes. As
students delve into this complex topic, they often find themselves grappling with numerous
challenges that can impede their progress. From extensive data collection to synthesizing information
coherently, the journey towards a well-crafted thesis can be overwhelming.

One of the primary hurdles faced by students is the vast amount of information available. Sorting
through numerous articles, academic papers, and historical documents can be time-consuming and
mentally taxing. The need for up-to-date and relevant sources adds an additional layer of difficulty,
making the research process a daunting task.

The intricacies of the Electoral College system further complicate the writing process. Understanding
its historical context, the debates surrounding its effectiveness, and the proposed reforms demands a
comprehensive knowledge of political science. Students often find themselves navigating through a
complex maze of opinions, theories, and counterarguments, making it challenging to present a
coherent and well-supported argument.

Additionally, the pressure to produce original insights and contribute to the ongoing discourse on
Electoral College reform can be overwhelming. Crafting a thesis that stands out requires not only a
deep understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to present novel perspectives and
contribute meaningfully to academic discussions.

Amidst these challenges, seeking professional assistance becomes a viable option for students aiming
to submit a high-quality thesis. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for those grappling
with the complexities of Electoral College reform. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in
political science, the platform ensures that students receive expert guidance and support throughout
the thesis writing process.

By entrusting their thesis to ⇒ ⇔, students can alleviate the stress associated with
extensive research, data synthesis, and argument development. The platform's commitment to
delivering well-researched and meticulously crafted theses allows students to focus on grasping the
intricate details of Electoral College reform while ensuring their academic success.

In conclusion, tackling a thesis on Electoral College reform poses a formidable challenge for
students. The complexity of the subject matter, coupled with the need for extensive research and
original insights, can be overwhelming. ⇒ ⇔ emerges as a valuable resource,
providing expert assistance to students navigating the intricate landscape of Electoral College
reform, ensuring that their theses meet the highest academic standards.
Similarly, a candidate who comes third with 20% of popular votes gets 20% of the Electoral College
votes instead of 0%. For additional information on contemporary operation of the system. In
addition, the means by which electors are delegated allows smaller states to have greater relative
influence than larger states on the results of the electoral college. Based on the pros and cons of this
particular system, there are numerous arguments that have been duly notified regarding Electoral
College. Another point of controversy in the 2000 election was the fact that George W. USA, China,
India, Argentina are some of them. Question 2. Which amendment establish an electoral college in
India. But before that happens, it might be worthwhile to reflect on one of the causes of anxiety
during the 2020 presidential election campaign: The way votes are allocated in the Electoral College,
which is essentially the process by which state electors determine who won the presidential election.
The incomplete recount was halted, and Bush was awarded Florida’s electoral votes and declared the
president-elect. This would deliver a unanimous electoral college decision for the candidates winning
a plurality of the popular vote. Origins. For instance, in California, where a republican has not won a
presidential election since 1988 (Krishnakumar, et al.), the turnout rate was only 56.5%. Campaign
appearances, spending by campaign organizations, and collateral spending generated by the attendant
media, they might continue, were never intended to be a local economic stimulus package, nor are
the amounts in question sufficient to make much of a difference in any state, with the possible
exception of sparsely-populated New Hampshire during its quadrennial primary campaign. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. This distorts the actual result because a candidate
can fail to receive a majority of the popular vote and yet still go on to win a majority in the electoral
college vote, an example of this is in 1996 when Bill Clinton won only 49% of the popular vote but
went on to win 70% of the electoral college vote. Each state is allocated a number of electoral
college electors whom are made to be equal to the number of its senators and representatives in the
U. Documents are image-based, fully searchable PDFs with the authority of print combined with the
accessibility of a user-friendly and powerful database. Give me your paper requirements and I
connect you to an academic expert. It happened in the years of 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000 and 2016.
Others). This proposed constitutional amendment, introduced on September 14. With respect to
ballot access, they might have asserted that existing state requirements are excessive and deliberately
stringent, that they simultaneously guarantee ballot placement for the two major parties and impede
access by new parties and independent candidates. It proposed to change the procedures under
which Congress counts and. For these reasons, the current version of the electoral college is
undemocratic such that it weights the votes of certain groups more heavily than others. At the end of
the two hours, the House and Senate vote separately on the objection, and the joint session
reassembles. Additionally, the direct voting with plurality rule would ensure that the Electoral
College system and the resultant non-competitive winner-takes-all approach to elections would be
eliminated (Alder et al 62). Michigan legislators did not approve vote allocation by congressional
district, while the Virginia legislature rejected a plan to award electoral votes based on the ticket that
won the majority of congressional districts. Thus, the allocation of electoral votes in the 2000 election
actually reflected 1990 population distribution among the states. The use of either ad hoc
presidential election districts, or existing congressional districts could be mandated, or states could
be offered the option of using either method. Despite a brief uptick following the problematic 2000
presidential election, the trend has continued: only two relevant amendments were introduced in the
110 th Congress. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert.
Opponents prevailed with 65% of the vote by countering that the state’s influence in national politics
would decline by splitting electoral votes. An amendment was proposed to the states on July 6, 1965,
and was declared to have been ratified less than 19 months later, on February 23, 1967.
This (arcane) outdated institution should be abolished because it does not represent the will of the
people and Electoral College electors are not required to faithfully represent the outcome of their
districts. Proponents also argue that the proportional plan, by eliminating the present winner-take-all
system, would give weight to the losing candidates by awarding them electoral votes in proportion to
the number of votes they obtained. On February 8, 1837, the Senate elected Richard Mentor
Johnson as Vice President over Francis Granger by a vote of 33 to 16. Our current Electoral College,
where 48 of 50 states use a “winner-take-all” system for awarding electoral votes, is not a
compromise: It’s an affliction. Check-in dates are used to track yearly reading goals. This is exactly
what happened in the most recent presidential election. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the NPV
would result in a unanimous electoral college vote: 538 electors for the winning candidates for
President and Vice President. Presently, 538 electors are apportioned to the states and the District of
Columbia based on: (1) 100 Senators; (2) 435 Representatives; and (3) 3 electors representing the
District of Columbia. Mathematicians have discovered that dividing a national election into many
separate state elections actually increases the power of each citizens vote. Relatedly, opponents
question the 40% plurality threshold. With a population of 37,254,518 making up for approximately
12.06% of the population, California’s 55 electors make up 10.2% of the total electors. The most
recent example of a third-party candidate winning electoral votes occurred in 1968 with the minor
party candidacy of George C. First, the volume of proposed amendments that would reform the
electoral college, as opposed to those that would eliminate the electoral college and substitute direct
popular election, has declined almost to zero. Under this method, the slate of electors, representing
the presidential and vice presidential ticket that wins a plurality of votes in a state is elected on
election day in November, and later meets in mid-December as the electoral college to cast all of the
state's electoral ballots for the winning presidential and vice presidential candidates. 35 The District
System. Direct popular election, they claim, would be a serious blow to federalism in the United
States. Section 4 of H.J.Res. 28 (Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr., and others) sought to. It seems to
exist simply to amplify the margin of victory in the popular vote and is exclusively However, it is a
time-tested success, another testament to the forward thinking of the creators of the electoral college
system of voting for President, the Founding Fathers. In that line, this paper will discuss the
electoral college of the US by focusing on reasons for establishment and its main functions in the
economy of the US. It is a form of indirect election in which the public casts their vote to elect
“Electors” in their respective states. It also ensures that women and other ethnic minorities are
represented. There is no such thing as an ideal electoral system. Discuss. Democrat Albert Gore won
the most votes, a half million more than his Republican opponent George W. This method has begun
in France and Brazil and is continued till date. The general public elects the entire electoral college.
Thus, to use the previously cited examples, a voter in Wyoming in 2000 could influence only three
electoral votes, whereas a voter in California could influence 54 electoral votes in the same
presidential election. Moreover, the same formula also assigns additional electors equal in number to
each state's delegation in the House of Representatives. Three recent efforts to effect change by
using the power accorded to states in Article II, Section 1, clause 2 are discussed below. 2004:
Colorado Amendment 36—A Proportional Plan State Initiative. Can you imagine the outcry from
Democratic voters in San Francisco whose EC votes went for the Republican. By 1836, only South
Carolina's legislature continued to select the state's presidential electors, and since the Civil War,
electors have been popularly chosen in all states. The 26 th Amendment to the Constitution sets a
maximum voting age of 18, but nothing prevents a state from setting a lower limit.
This can also give other advantages in areas such as party funding. Well, they aren’t. Because
elections in swing states are, by definition, won or lost by a small margin, only a few votes in the
state are truly contested. Technically, the non-compacting sister states can still appoint electors, but
the Interstate Compact makes such an appointment meaningless. Consequently, it can be affirmed
that the Electoral College is less convincing in terms of its practice in modern political scenario and
can be firmly argued that this system is not an ideal system to choose President or any other
representatives. An example of this is in 2000, Al Gore won 48.8% of the popular vote; 0.8% less
than Bush but in the Electoral College Bush received 6 more votes. It is responsible for making the
voting system unfair. 6. The first electoral college came in 1787. 7. Donald Trump had the
confidence of the electoral college. 8. Each state gets to put at least three votes. 9. China has only
two electoral colleges. 10. Electoral colleges unify the country. Rhodes, struck down on equal
protection grounds an Ohio election law requiring a new political party to obtain petitions signed by
qualified electors totaling 15% of the number of ballots cast at the last gubernatorial election and to
file them in early February of the presidential election year. H.J.Res. 112 (Representative Zoe
Lofgren) proposed replacing the electoral college. In addition to these practical problems, there are
still others. If a valid objection is raised, the session recesses; the Senate returns to its own chamber,
and the two houses deliberate separately on the question. Since America's electoral system takes into
account state votes separately from one another, third-party candidates find themselves at a
comparative disadvantage right out of the gate. It also enables the electorate sharply and cleanly to
rid itself of an unwanted government. Should the UK reform the Electoral System used for General
Elections. In order to become president a candidate need to secure a minimum of 270 votes. In three
cases, however, candidates were elected who won fewer popular votes than their opponents, and in a
fourth, four candidates split the popular and electoral vote, leading to selection of the President by
the House of Representatives. In that line, this paper will discuss the electoral college of the US by
focusing on reasons for establishment and its main functions in the economy of the US. In the
contemporary context, proposed constitutional amendments generally fall into two basic categories:
those that would eliminate the electoral college and substitute direct popular election of the President
and Vice President, and those that would retain the existing system in some form, while correcting
its perceived defects. Alternatively, the office of elector could be eliminated and the electoral votes
of a state simply assigned to candidates on the basis of the popular vote each receives. The
department is a member of the FDLP Content Partnerships Program and an Affiliated Archive of the
National Archives. As noted earlier, the Help America Vote Act of 2002, which sought to remedy
deficiencies in elections administration technology and procedures, owed its passage largely to these
controversies. In the electoral college system, the States work as the Centurial groups but they are
not based on wealth. They include eight states and local jurisdictions in another eight, located largely,
though not exclusively, in the south. But things get more interesting in the two recent presidential
elections in which the Electoral College victor did not win the popular vote. If the government
themselves are divided on it ( 51 per cent of Tories were anti-AV with about 30 per cent in favour.
There are many real-world examples that illustrate this concept which include the losing (yet winners
in the eyes of the citizens) candidates: Hillary Clinton, Andrew Jackson, and Al Gore. This process
continues until a candidate with majority votes emerges. The most obvious arguments against the
practice of Electoral College is related with its anti-democratic characteristics. Sometimes both
factors have contributed to the successful passage and ratification of an amendment. It would
proposed additional powers to regulate presidential elections for the states and the federal
government. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors and a majority vote of 270 is required to
elect the president.
Although Bush worked to unite the country in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, he
proved a polarizing figure during his presidency. However, it can be argued that the primary
consideration cannot be made based on such aspects as the deeper analysis of the concerned topic
reveals that the majority of citizens in the US feel that Electoral College is required to be abolished
(Veldman, “Abolish the Electoral College”; International Debate Education Association, “Debates”).
Committee on House Administration and also to the Committee on Rules for a period to be. Voting
amps the public’s hopes up in choosing the president. The primary purpose of this paper is to lay
down an emphasis on both sides of the argument of the issues namely: Should the Electoral College
be abolished. First, all 50 states and the District of Columbia (DC) currently provide for joint tickets,
in which the public casts a single vote for electors pledged to a single pair of candidates. Of the three
principal proposals to reform the electoral college, this proposal would result in the least change from
the present system of electing the President and the Vice President. Based on the pros and cons of
this particular system, there are numerous arguments that have been duly notified regarding Electoral
College. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the NPV would result in a unanimous electoral college
vote: 538 electors for the winning candidates for President and Vice President. According to them,
the intermediate step of Electoral College takes away the national voter’s franchise and that the
choice for the person holding. Moreover, this system also fails to assure in overcoming the
limitations and complication imposed by the direct popular voting system. Bush and Richard B.
Cheney were elected over Al Gore, Jr. In the contemporary context, proposed constitutional
amendments generally fall into two basic categories: those that would eliminate the electoral college
and substitute direct popular election of the President and Vice President, and those that would
retain the existing system in some form, while correcting its perceived defects. Three relevant
amendments were introduced in the 110th Congress. H.J.Res. 36, (Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr.)
sought to provide for direct popular election, requiring a majority of votes for election. H.J.Res. 4,
the Every Vote Counts Amendment, (Representative Gene Green et al.) also sought to establish
direct popular election, but with a popular vote plurality, rather than a majority, for election. They
reject the suggestion that it is undemocratic. Until our representatives and senators, on both sides of
the aisle, are able to come to a nonpartisan solution, American democracy will carry on as is.
Although thus proposal would not eliminate the winner-take-it-all nature of the Electoral College
system, it would compensate for the irregular powers the Electoral College gives to the states. Every
electoral college has provision for each state to provide at least three votes. Similarly, it was Brazil
which elected its President through an electoral college during the military rule. Relatedly, opponents
question the 40% plurality threshold. These lawsuits argue that voters in traditionally Democratic or
Republican voters have been disenfranchised by the Electoral College. These changes might
eliminate some distortion of the popular vote, but they would not answer the complaint that the
people don’t elect the president directly. They know the chance their vote will make a difference in
how Illinois awards its votes is figmental. It can be stressed that selection of representatives by
Electoral College is associated with arbitrary choices. It proposed to change the procedures under
which Congress counts and. Why change from the well known FPTP to a system that would only do
the same and more. McCarthy challenged the constitutionality of a number of state statutes providing
ballot access procedures for independent presidential candidates, many of which the federal courts
invalidated on equal protection grounds as being discriminatory to independent presidential
candidates. 68 During the 1980 election, independent presidential candidate John B. In February
2018, the organization worked with Democratic voters to file suit against state officials in South
Carolina and Texas. This process would have continued until the computed allocation of votes
reached nine. While a system that allows such a perceived miscarriage of the popular will might have
been acceptable in the 19 th century, opponents maintain that it has no place in the 21 st. 110 th
Congress Proposals.
Only 5 states have penalties for deviating from the popular vote, but the sanctions are very small.
McCormack, and the 86-year-old President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Carl F. Hayden. The obvious
need for constitutional procedures to replace a Vice President who had succeeded to the presidency,
or left office for some other reason, coupled with the shock following President Kennedy's death, led
to a broad national consensus for change, both in Congress and among the public. Despite a number
of close contests, the electoral college system has selected the candidate with the most popular votes
in 47 of 51 presidential elections since the current voting system was established by the 12th
Amendment in 1804. This concept holds that, in order for any policy proposal to be able to claim
legitimacy in a continent-spanning federal republic such as the United States, it needs to gain broad
acceptance by a majority of citizens, representing a wide range of geographic regions, within a
limited period of time. Here again, however, the argument may be made that election of the
President and Vice President is of such profound national importance, it must transcend the
convenience of state and local governments. Only 5 states have penalties for deviating from the
popular vote, but. This variation is known as the strict proportional plan. Long Essay on Electoral
College 500 Words in English Long Essay on Electoral College is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9,
and 10. Those few votes belong primarily to fringe, centrist, or independent voters. What’s
interesting though id the increase in the percent of people that that are still undecided. Prior to the
amendment's ratification in 1961, inhabitants of Washington, D. C. had much in common with the
current status of residents of the territories, since they were also U.S. citizens who did not reside in a
state, and could not vote for President and Vice President. The qualifications for the office are rather
broad: the only persons prohibited from serving as electors are Senators, Representatives, and people
“holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States” (U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section
1). Rather, why not eliminate winner-takes-all completely, and simply allocate each state’s electors
proportionally to the popular vote in that state. This would bypass the electoral college system
through a multi-state compact enacted by the states. Hayes was elected with a slim electoral vote
majority over Samuel Tilden, who gained more popular votes, and 1888, when Benjamin Harrison
gained the presidency with a comfortable electoral vote majority, but fewer popular votes than
incumbent President Grover Cleveland. It usually leads to a one-party majority government. In fact,
in 2000 it would have lead to a less proportionate result with Gore losing by 38 votes rather than 5.
Electoral College Reform Proposals Several proposals or reform options have been suggested
regarding the need to reform the Electoral College in the U.S. First, the Electoral College could be
reformed by altering the organization of the states in the U.S. That is, the territory should be re-
divided into equally sized 50 bodies with roughly equal populations. Each state’s entitled allotment
of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation, one for each member in
the House of Representatives and two for the Senators. Some commentators suggest that the
political parties, employing their rules providing for the filling of presidential and vice presidential
vacancies, would designate a substitute nominee. This body can bring political stability to any
country and also has the power to protect the minority section. This evisceration of political
effectiveness is a sufficient interest to invoke the constitutional safeguard of congressional consent.
61. In 1976, the Democratic presidential and vice presidential candidates received 40,831,000 votes
over the Republican presidential and vice presidential candidates, who received 39,148,000 votes.
Similarly, it was Brazil which elected its President through an electoral college during the military
rule. Many only interested in voting for parties would not appreciate being forced into choosing
between candidates of the same party about each of whom they know little. AV on its own, because
it makes use exclusively of single-member constituencies, would fail to address several of the more
significant defects of FPTP. For example a very small state such as Wyoming gets an Electoral
College vote for every 165,000 people, this is because their population is much less, in contrast a
large state such as California only gets one electoral college vote for every 617,000 th person. It is
less clear whether the amendment would have made an implicit grant of authority to Congress to
intervene in the process of replacing party candidates under such circumstances, an eventuality that
has historically been addressed by the parties through internal procedures. 16 If so, this would have
constituted a departure from current practice and political tradition by empowering Congress to
intervene in the internal workings of the political parties. Argentina too established its original
electoral college back in 1853. Opponents of the automatic plan argue that it perpetuates many of the
perceived inequities inherent in the present electoral college system of electing the President and the
Vice President.
The electors are chosen by the states “in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct” (U.S.
Constitution, Article II, Section 1). The House required 35 deadlocked ballots before the impasse
was broken and Jefferson was elected. Granted, under the present EC, Republican efforts in
California are desultory at best, and the Compact would have provided more incentive for Romney to
campaign there, so let’s assume he might have cut the margin to a million votes. On the practical side,
there are about 200,000 voting districts in the United States. After each decennial census, the 435
Representatives are reapportioned to the states based on their respective populations: some states
gain Representatives while other states lose them, in accordance with shifts in population. 39
Therefore, the gain or loss of a state's representation in the House of Representatives affects the size
of its electoral college delegation. Constitutional amendments to that effect have been introduced in
congress but none has passed. They reject the suggestion that it is undemocratic. Reform Proposals
Following the 2000 Presidential Election. Further, it would eliminate what they characterize as an
even greater potential for distortion of the public will by abolishing the contingent election process.
For additional information on contemporary operation of the system. Moreover, nearly all electoral
college reform plans would. Relatedly, opponents question the 40% plurality threshold. The
American Bar Association endorsed Bayh’s plan in 1967 and the 1968 presidential election provided
momentum among Democrats and Republicans to support changes. As noted previously, this
legislation substantially expanded the role of the federal government in the field of voting systems
and election technology through the establishment of national standards in these areas and the
provision of federal assistance to the states to improve their registration and voting procedures and
systems. 76 The congressional response to the 2000 election controversy was incremental, rather than
fundamental. Opponents prevailed with 65% of the vote by countering that the state’s influence in
national politics would decline by splitting electoral votes. Lofgren, proposed to eliminate the
electoral college and provide for direct election of the President. In 2004, for instance, Colorado
voters rejected a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would have established the
proportional system, one variant of electoral college reform (discussed in the Appendix ) in that state.
They make the argument that their proposal is simple and democratic: the candidates winning the
most popular votes would always be elected. Even in this case, the President, John Quincy Adams,
was able to govern successfully, despite criticism that he was selected in the House of
Representatives. This provision ensures that the election of the President takes place through a
method of indirect election. The controversy that was raised was eventually decided in the Supreme
Court which ruled to stop voter recounting and the Bush was consequently accepted as the winner.
In the interests of fairness and accuracy, most proportional plans divide whole electoral votes into
thousandths of votes, that is, to the third decimal point. Should presidential and vice presidential
candidates fail to receive the percentage, most proportional plan proposals provide that the Senate
and the House of Representatives would meet and vote in joint session to choose the President and
the Vice President from the candidates having the two highest numbers of electoral votes. Direct
popular election, they claim, would be a serious blow to federalism in the United States. Addressing
the question of when there is a President elect, the report states. This would deliver a unanimous
electoral college decision for the candidates winning a plurality of the popular vote. Origins. It is
immaterial whether or not the votes have been counted, for the person becomes the President elect as
soon as the votes are cast. 59. State and District of Columbia Appointment of Electors. But in truth,
it was disappointing only for the 53 per cent of Iowans who voted for Trump. Law should be passed
to bring Political parties under the ambit of RTI act.
In China, the electoral college is the electoral committee set up in Hong Kong and Macau. Three
recent efforts to effect change by using the power accorded to states in Article II, Section 1, clause 2
are discussed below. 2004: Colorado Amendment 36—A Proportional Plan State Initiative. This
plan, which could be adopted by any state, under its power to appoint electors in Article II, Section
1, clause 2 of the Constitution, is currently used by Maine 83 and Nebraska, as noted earlier in this
report. 84 Under the district plan, the presidential and vice presidential candidates winning a simple
majority of the electoral votes would be elected. Any amendments proposed by such a convention
would also require approval of. The number of EC votes affected amounts to 132 of the 270 that
would be needed for an Electoral College majority. This alternative method, however, has never been
used. While a system that allows such a perceived miscarriage of the popular will might have been
acceptable in the 19 th century, opponents maintain that it has no place in the 21 st. 110 th Congress
Proposals. The election of 1824, unique in American political history, saw the electoral and popular
vote split among four major candidates. A graphical representation of public opinion regarding the
Abolition of Electoral College is being depicted here under: Source: (Facts on File News Services,
“Update: The Electoral College”). With this in mind an argument frequently given (at least in my
experience) is that because information is so quickly spread and knowledge is on hand nowadays,
then the population should be able to make their own vote- by the majority. Opponents of the
automatic plan argue that it perpetuates many of the perceived inequities inherent in the present
electoral college system of electing the President and the Vice President. Gore almost won because
he carried six of the nine largest states, an advantage of 165 to 78, while Bush carried thirteen of the
nineteen smallest, a 54-23 lead. Documents are image-based, fully searchable PDFs with the
authority of print combined with the accessibility of a user-friendly and powerful database. The
United States is a federal republic, in which the states have a legitimate role in many areas of
governance, not the least of which is presidential elections. This research paper “Impact of the
Elimination of the electoral college ” examines the abolition of the electoral college system of voting.
Under the proportional plan, Candidate A would win six electoral votes, Candidate B would receive
three, and Candidate C would receive one vote. It can be further argued that the Electoral College
system of counting votes by States are more complicated and may cause recount problems as well.
Such objections must be presented in writing and signed by one Senator and one Representative to
be in order. Conclusion The Electoral College is a system in which the winner in each state receives
all the electoral votes allocated to that state. Since its inception at the birth of our constitutional
government, the electoral college has been an issue that has been widely debated. America Vote Act,
please CRS Report RL32685, Election Reform: The Help America Vote Act and Issues. Only then
would we know if the Electors have followed the Compact, as required by state law. The
commentator notes, however, that since ratification of the 12 th Amendment, only one contingent
election has been necessary and, further, since gradual adoption by the states of the winner-take-all
or general ticket system of awarding electoral votes, discussed infra, there have been no contingent
elections. The obvious advantage of this proposal would be voter motivation, turnout, and party
representation at all voting levels (Bugh 67). By the time the referendum comes, predicts political
bloggist Jim Pickard, support may plummet as low as support for the lib dems. USA, China, India,
Argentina are some of them. Question 2. Which amendment establish an electoral college in India.
Notwithstanding these circumstances, however, none of the proposals introduced in either the 107th.
The importance of the electoral college is immense in the USA. For instance, as the presidential
election of 2000 demonstrated, close results. Facts on File News Services, 2013. Web. 23 Sep. 2013.
“Debates.” This House Would Abolish the Us Electoral College.

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