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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Comprehensive Oil Spill Research Paper

In the realm of academic pursuits, writing a thesis is often considered one of the most challenging
tasks. Among the myriad topics that demand meticulous research and extensive analysis, the creation
of an oil spill research paper stands out as a particularly intricate endeavor. Tackling this subject
requires not only a deep understanding of environmental science but also a keen awareness of the
complex socio-economic implications associated with oil spills.

The sheer complexity of the topic necessitates a comprehensive approach that delves into various
facets of oil spills, from the environmental impact on marine ecosystems to the long-term
consequences on human health. Crafting a thesis that effectively addresses these multifaceted aspects
poses a significant challenge for researchers.

Moreover, the extensive and ever-evolving body of literature on oil spills demands rigorous research
skills to sift through the wealth of information available. Staying abreast of the latest studies,
advancements, and regulatory frameworks is imperative for developing a well-informed and up-to-
date research paper.

To alleviate the burdens associated with the challenging task of writing an oil spill research paper,
individuals are encouraged to consider seeking assistance from professional writing services. Among
the plethora of options available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable platform that
specializes in providing expert guidance for intricate academic assignments.

By entrusting the task to experienced professionals, individuals can ensure that their oil spill research
paper is not only well-researched and structured but also adheres to the highest academic standards.
This allows researchers to focus on the analysis and interpretation of findings, confident that the
intricacies of the writing process are in capable hands.

In conclusion, the difficulty inherent in crafting a thesis on oil spills is undeniable, given the intricate
nature of the subject and the depth of research required. Seeking support from reputable platforms
like ⇒ ⇔ can prove to be a valuable resource for individuals looking to navigate
the complexities of academic writing while ensuring the quality and integrity of their research paper.
The oil spill grants that BP provided to assist in environmental agencies’. The occurrence of the oil
spill significantly reduced the output of these industries hence affecting the overall GDP. The oil has
also reached the Gulf of Mexico beaches significantly decreasing tourists turn out in the area.
Language Skills. Speaking: To answer the question about the story. This damage which is caused to
the animals and the fishes is one of the most adverse affect on the environment. This paper will also
discuss about the environmental damage, clean up measures and the future environmental policies by
KOC, Kuwait Government and OPEC to manage the oil fields and develop plans for fixing the
existing damages. We are all aware that one of the main causes that let to the disaster were the result
of bad decisions, in which a less expensive option whether to run a test or use a particular kind
casing pipe, for example would save lives. On April 20, 2010, an explosion aboard the Deepwater
Horizon killed eleven crewmen. NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration works with other
NOAA offices to form the Damage Assessment, Remediation and Restoration Program. The Oil spill
heavily impacted on the sea food industry. Birds that are left often end up in giving away their lives
to other wildly animals as they become easy prey due to their feathers being covered with oil.
Expand 142 PDF Save Temporal variability of microbial response to crude oil exposure in the
northern Gulf of Mexico Melissa L. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research,
International FDP on. The strategy that BP used to handle the fishing industry’s implications. The
strategy that BP used to handle the fishing industry’s implications. This affects the livelihood of the
indigenous people who depend on the ecosystem services for survival leading to increased poverty
and displacement of people. The public can also use ERMA to get a better understanding of what is
happening. U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen called it “the best thing to have happened out of
the spill.” NOAA has since rapidly expanded its development into other regions at risk of a chemical
or oil spill. I have a few points like;; -enviormental impact and cleanup -Lack of govt. Mbarrett, P.
(2013). Spillapalooza: How Bp Got Screwed In The Golf. These reports will be considerably more
trustworthy than verbal affirmation of the quality check of the parts. Commercially important
species such as oysters, shrimp, mahi-mahi, grouper, swordfish and tuna also could suffer population
declines or become too contaminated to be safely caught and eaten. Environment and Economic
Impacts on the Economy Oil spills often result to significant harm to aquatic life as well as severe
costs to businesses and the entire public at large. This paper will discuss the origin, purpose, aims,
and the works of RCRA act putting maximum emphasis on the storage and transportation of
chemical spill and the clean up waste under the RCRA. You can use it for research and reference
purposes to write your own paper. There is a huge level of stress, depression and anxiety on people
being affected directly along with people being affected indirectly as well. Also, his administration
had failed to adequately reform the Minerals Management Service, the scandal-ridden federal
agency that for years had ssentially allowed the oil industry to do what it planed under self-
regulation. There is a high level of perceived risk which is faced by the people along with problems in
dealing stress level and depression level. The overall process may take 10 years or more further
increasing the final cost of the bill inclusive of liabilities totaling up to approximately 20 billion. OPA
directs these trustees to act on behalf and return injured resources to their original condition and
recover compensation for interim losses (Hagerty 29). In the course of the research, it was revealed
that during low price era the tensions were access to and control of hydrocarbons while during crude
oil price boom the state struggles for permanent ownership, the rate and extent of exploration.
In recent years, many researchers have designed various kinds of assessment models for evaluating
oil spill damages. Additionally NOAA, the Coast Guard and regional partners have been working
with industry and academia to fill the Arctic ERMA mapping system with advanced scientific based
information concerning natural resources, communities and existing infrastructure that could be
affected, as well as developing proposed response plan scenarios. The deepwater horizon oil spill or
BP Oil Spill is among the worst. Various mathematical models have been developed in order to
describe this behavior and predict the oil spill trajectory and impacts after a sea accident for
operational actions to avoid or mitigate the pollution impacts. Spill Reports Managed: 3,994
Petroleum: 2,800 Hazmat: 269 Meth Labs: 40 Other: 885 Field Responses: 915 ( 23 %). other. meth.
hazmat. oil. other. meth. I need to explain the issues going on with the BP Oil spill, but I'm having
trouble constructing the body of the paper. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Expand 5 PDF 1 Excerpt Save Rapid Response of Eastern Mediterranean Deep Sea Microbial
Communities to Oil Jiang Liu S. Environmental protection and human health promotion was the
main. The BP spill led to closure of a considerably large area of the Gulf of Mexico fishery. Social
Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. Oil gets stuck with the sensory hair which
causes problems in eating and there is also infection in dugongs and also there are inflammations. In:
Proceedings of 5th Biennial Freshwater Spills Symposium, 6-8 April. (2004). Literature review
Current oil spill cleaning techniques There are a number of oil spill cleaning techniques, which have
been used for decades to address this problem. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a
particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper.
Some birds end up in being safe which can swim however they are also found full covered in oil.
Please see our Cookie Policy for further information. The company drilled two relief well with the
aim of intersecting deep water horizon well near the bottom and plugging it with heavy mud and
cement (Hagerty 22). The focus of the message while developing and implementing the. Brock
Rachel M. Richardson Melissa Ederington-Hagy L. While handling the oil spill issue, the company
ought to have avoided. A tanker carrying 38 million gallons of oil caught on fire, and leaked oil into
the Gulf of Mexico. In the wake of the Exxon Valdez oil spill—one of the worst U.S. spills in
history—responders took shovels and hoses in hand. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free
reading experience with a simple link. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
your own, that is cheating. Also you. Skin damage, irritation of skin, nasal along with mouth cavities.
There is an increase in the heart attack rate along with major problems like diabetes, respiratory
disorders and problems and also diabetes which is extremely bad for human health (Australian
Maritime Safety Authority, 2012). The feeding system is affected as well through the feeding done to
the children by their mammal’s mothers. Similarly, thousands of businesses were thrown into
extinction. The focus of the message in the context of the tourism or travel.
There is a huge increase in the domestic violence which is caused by the stress increase which causes
also an increase in the suspiciousness. Secondary data was used and analysed using descriptive
method. Large areas of mangrove forest have been destroyed over a wide area affecting terrestrial
and marine resources. Some people have criticized dispersants claiming that they do not form a
permanent solution to oil spill but rather reduces the effects of the same on the environment hence
failing to offer a permanent remedy to the situation (Hagerty 18). The objective of this study is to
develop an integrated stochastic approach for quantifying the risk of oil spill in marine waters. Many
plants and animals are endangered, or are now extinct. Marine animals, which are fully dependent on
water for survival, were also adversely affected as the spill posed danger to their lives (Szabo par 5).
This indicates that the company through attorneys agreed to the idea. Oil gets stuck with the sensory
hair which causes problems in eating and there is also infection in dugongs and also there are
inflammations. It did this by determining the entire cost of this issue under legal courts’. This paper
points out the importance of environmental problems such as water contamination because of oil
spill. Download Free PDF View PDF ( Vol 1 ),2012 Reference Notes on Risk Assessment for the
Marine and Offshore Oil and Gas Industries. Communicating with responders and decision makers
on other ships, on shore at a command post, or even farther away in the lower 48 states will be an
enormous challenge. They skim or scoop oil from the water surface so it can be collected for proper
disposal. BP Oil Spill was also called the deepwater horizon oil spill. This paper is assessing the oil
industry in Nigeria, and the impacts that it has had on the environment. Lungs and air passages are
also affected of the mammals and turtles which cause pneumonia, congestion and also emphysema.
While handling the issue of oil spill, BP ought to have focused on the. When oil is not floating on the
water surface and is basically sinking inside the marine environment the delicate ecosystem which is
based underground is badly affected. Nigro Richard A. Snyder W. Jeffrey Environmental Science
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2023 Oil spills are common occurrences in the United States and
can result in extensive ecological damage. Expand 142 PDF Save Temporal variability of microbial
response to crude oil exposure in the northern Gulf of Mexico Melissa L. There is a high level of
perceived risk which is faced by the people along with problems in dealing stress level and
depression level. At, we promise our clients quality sample essay and. Online
publication. Wheat, Amanda. the American BP oil spill spells disaster for West Africa, commatters
Kenya ltd, 2010. This paper, in short, tries to address the issue of the oil Spillage at Clod Lake and
evaluate the possible measures that can reverse the damage caused. Chris Grant (on boat, right), a
consultant representing the State of Louisiana, uses a pole to check for oil in the marsh island's
sediment. (NOAA) Download Image. Mbarrett, P. (2013). Spillapalooza: How Bp Got Screwed In
The Golf. The drilling rig, located 66 kilometers southeast of the Louisiana coast, left an oil gusher
that was finally capped on July 15, almost 2 months later. You can use them for inspiration, an
insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain
type of paper. We work together with the responsible parties to identify both the harm to natural
resources and lost recreational uses.
As a result of the explosion, oil has leaked into the ocean killing the aquatic life. In the wake of the
Exxon Valdez oil spill—one of the worst U.S. spills in history—responders took shovels and hoses
in hand. In response to the catastrophe, the US set up a regional response team including; national
oceanic and atmospheric administration, department of homeland security, the department of
commerce as well as environmental agencies which set out to develop strategic plans, provide
technical advice to the response team as well as overseeing the response by BP company (Hailes
619). Studies have shown that the quantity of oil spilled over 50 years was a least 9-13 million
barrels, which is equivalent to 50 Exxon Valdez spills. Actual Responses by BP Bp Company utilized
dispersants such as COREXIT which is a chemical agent that is composed of surfactants solvents
and other compounds which reduce the interfacial tension between oil and water facilitating the
break up of an oil slick into small oil droplets that mix with the water column (Hagerty 18).
Temperature augments with height in the thermosphere. Large areas of mangrove forest have been
destroyed over a wide area affecting terrestrial and marine resources. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Stress level for the mammals is increased and
there is also visible decrease in the egg shells thickness. Abstract-Problem Statement: Oil exploration
and exploitation has been ongoing for several decades in the Niger Delta. Oil gets stuck with the
sensory hair which causes problems in eating and there is also infection in dugongs and also there are
inflammations. Their goal is to make the most of the cleanup while protecting natural resources.
When countries are at war one country may decide to dump gallons of oil into the other countrys
oceans. Oil. These reports will be considerably more trustworthy than verbal affirmation of the
quality check of the parts. Therefore, how to claim compensation for oil spill damages has become
very crucial for the environmental restoration. This damage which is caused to the animals and the
fishes is one of the most adverse affect on the environment. This can also affect human lives who
may rely on seafood as a source of food or livelihood. There are not only small incidents but also
long term incidents causing many diseases which include cancer of various kinds (National
Geographic News, 2012). Some spills evaporate rapidly off the water surface without any active
clean-up needed. Two, oil may penetrate the bodies of marine animals, lessening their insulating
capacity, and making them more susceptible to temperature changes and less active in water. There is
a high level of perceived risk which is faced by the people along with problems in dealing stress level
and depression level. There are huge toxic problems which are a result of oil being exposed. The
focus of this strategy was on promoting environmental and health. One of the biggest oil spill
occurrences within our United States is the Exxon Valdez supertanker ocean-going vessel. Everyone
is fast to point the finger when an error happens but at the end of the day the average person that
watches the news and thinks; how bad a company can be for letting such a disaster happen is the
same one that fuels this huge and global industry. First, the spill is controlled using booms then the
oil is skimmed from the surface. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific
literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. To browse and the wider internet faster
and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Operations in the travel
industry, oil industries, fishing industries and. Whilst there is a strong push toward greener cleaner
energy sources, the fossil fuel industry continues to draw on the support of the Australian
Government and others, principally, due to the economic benefits and financial rewards for all.

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