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Celebrity endorsements have long been employed by brands as a strategy to enhance
their market presence and influence consumer behavior. This research paper aims to
explore the impact of celebrity endorsement, specifically focusing on the influence of
Indian actress Kiara Advani on Slice advertisements. The study investigates how Kiara
Advani's association with the brand affects various aspects of consumer perception,
engagement, and purchase intent. The paper proposes a series of hypotheses to
examine the potential effects of Kiara Advani's endorsement on Slice advertisements.
Through a combination of surveys, controlled experiments, and data analysis, the
research assesses the extent to which her presence in the advertisements contributes
to brand recognition, recall, viewer engagement, emotional connection, perceived
product attractiveness, and purchase behavior. The findings of this research provide
insights into the role of celebrity endorsements in contemporary advertising strategies.
By examining the impact of Kiara Advani on Slice advertisements, the study contributes
to the understanding of how celebrity endorsements can shape consumer perceptions
and behavior, shedding light on the effectiveness of such strategies in a competitive
market landscape.
As businesses continue to seek innovative ways to connect with their target audiences,
understanding the dynamics between celebrity endorsements and brand success
becomes increasingly pertinent. The implications of this study extend to marketers,
advertisers, and brand managers, providing actionable insights for crafting impactful
campaigns and leveraging celebrity endorsements to drive brand growth.

❖ KEYWORDS: Kiara advani, slice , presence , effect , celebrity,

endorsement .

The research paper extensively investigates the captivating influence of Kiara Advani in
Slice advertisements. It thoroughly explores how her presence, demeanor, and
association with the brand have significantly influenced consumer perceptions,
engagement, and sales in the competitive beverage market. By conducting an in-depth
analysis, the paper delves into the various ways in which Kiara Advani's endorsement
has played a pivotal role in the success and impact of Slice advertisements. This
comprehensive examination sheds light on the intricate relationship between celebrity
endorsement and the overall effectiveness of marketing strategies. The ad starring
Kiara was launched on March 4, 2023. Conceptualized and executed by Leo Burnett, it
focuses on a flirty banter at a cafe between Kiara and a diner.


This research is conducted to accomplish the following objectives or aim :-

1-To Determine the level of brand recall and recognition among the target audience
before and after the introduction of Kiara Advani as the brand ambassador for Slice.
Measure how well consumers associate Kiara Advani with the brand.

2-To Examine the engagement metrics (views, likes, shares, comments, etc.) of Slice
advertisements featuring Kiara Advani across various platforms, such as television,
social media, and digital channels. Determine the extent to which her presence drives
viewer engagement.

3-To Investigate whether Kiara Advani's endorsement helps Slice reach a wider and
more diverse target audience. Analyze any shifts in demographics and audience
characteristics following her association with the brand.

4-To Examine the engagement metrics (views, likes, shares, comments, etc.) of Slice
advertisements featuring Kiara Advani across various platforms, such as television,
social media, and digital channels. Determine the extent to which her presence drives
viewer engagement.

5-To Examine how Kiara Advani's image aligns with Slice's target market and its cultural
relevance. Assess whether her association enhances the brand's relatability and
connection with consumers.


There Were Several Limitations While Studying On Impact Of Kiara Advani On Slice
1- The impact of Kiara Advani's endorsement could be influenced by various
external factors such as market trends, competitor strategies, economic
conditions, and social changes. Isolating her impact from these factors could
be challenging.

2- Consumer attitudes and perceptions are subjective and can be influenced by

individual biases and personal preferences. It may be challenging to
objectively measure the exact extent of Kiara Advani's influence on these

3- Kiara Advani's public image and popularity may evolve over time, potentially
affecting her impact on Slice's advertisement. Her personal life, controversies,
or shifts in public perception might influence consumer responses.

4- Respondents in surveys or focus groups may provide socially desirable

responses or may be influenced by the presence of the researcher, potentially
leading to biased data.

5- Understanding the direct impact of Kiara Advani's endorsement on consumer

loyalty and repurchase behavior may be complex, as various other factors
(product quality, price, competition) also influence these outcomes.


● Celebrity Endorsement Advertising: Brand Awareness, Brand Recall, Brand

Loyalty as Antecedence of South African Young Consumers’ Purchase Behaviour

by - Tinashe Chuchu

Celebrity endorsement advertising has received much attention in recent

years from marketing practitioners and academic researchers. Pepsi spent
$50 million dollars on an endorsement contract with Beyoncè Knowles which
accounted for a sixth of the company’s total budget. This research paper
aims to examine whether or not South African marketers can utilize
celebrity endorsements to promote their products or brands to young
consumers effectively. The other purpose of this study is also to establish
whether brand recall, brand awareness, brand loyalty and purchase behavior
are positively influenced by celebrity endorsement advertising. Furthermore the
study also revealed that participants in the 18-20 year age group were more
inclined towards purchasing and paying more for celebrity endorsed brands as
compared to any other age group in the survey.Lastly this study provides
marketing practitioners an understanding of how firms can benefit from the use
as it was found that brand recall and brand loyalty positively influence
purchase behavior whilst brand awareness had no direct influence on purchase

● Impact of celebrity advertising on purchase intention of University

by Lawrence Yaw Kusi Henry Ameyaw Domteh, Pansoo Kim.

The study sought to assess the impact advertising on purchase intention of

university students, after controlling the moderating effect celebrity advertising
risk. The study was conducted at the University of Cape Coast. Descriptive survey
design was used to survey 392 university students out of a total regular student
population of 19389. The sample was selected systematically and issued with
questionnaires through self- administration. A 100% return rate was recorded.
Regression analysis was conducted to test hypotheses H1, H2, H3 and H4.
Pearson product-moment correlation was conducted to test H5 and H6. It was
found that celebrity advertising roles significantly predict positive variance in
purchase intention for telecommunication products that are promoted through
celebrity advertising. Same was the case with celebrity advertising. Celebrity
advertising risk moderates the predictive relationship between celebrity
advertising role and purchase intention but does not moderate the predictive
relation between celebrity personality characteristics and purchase intention

● The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement on Customer Purchase Intention

by Aamir Abbas', Gul Afshan, Iqra Aslam, Laila Ewaz-

In Pakistan the trend of celebrity endorsement is increasing rapidly as in other

developed and developing countries. The purpose of this paper is to examine the
effect of celebrity endorsement on mobile phone purchase intention of male and
female customers. A model was made to examine the factors affecting customer
purchase intention and it was tested empirically using a sample of 800 (400
males and 400 females). The questionnaire strategy was used for this research
and both male and female respondents were provided with the same
questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and regression was run to find the results.
The paper found likeability, attractiveness, experience and personality to be the
most effective components of the celebrity endorsement construct of the
research model, making them key influencers of mobile phone purchase intention
of male customers.

● Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement

by H.M.G.Y.J. Hennayake-

Celebrity endorsement is a highly effective strategy to gain consumer interests

and brand loyalty in a cluttered marketplace. Celebrity Endorsement increases
awareness of a company's advertising, creates positive feelings towards brands
and is perceived by consumers as more entertaining. Using a celebrity in
advertising is therefore likely to positively affect consumers' brand attitudes and
purchase intentions. It is noticed that services sector brands intensively depend
on celebrity endorsement strategies in a noticeable trend. However, the notion of
brand evaluation context is highlighted as empirical research gaps found in
relation to the services sector in Sri Lanka Alongside, this concept paper
attempts to review the notion of effectiveness of celebrity endorsement,
mechanism of celebrity worship motives and influence of effectiveness of
celebrity endorsement in line with brand related contexts. Accordingly, this paper
populates to examine the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement on perceived
brand evaluations leading to brand- related behaviors in the service sectors
namely telecommunication, insurance and financial sector


There are several research methodologies that can be used to study the
impact of physical health on mental health but the one used for this is
qualitative research using empirical techniques for deriving conclusions.
The data is collected using both primary and secondary sources.

● Primary Data –It is collected using survey techniques that is it can

be used to collect self-reported data on physical and mental health.
This type of data can be useful for understanding the subjective
experience of the relationship between physical and mental health.
The respondents are selected using convenient sampling. The tool
used for collecting the data is a questionnaire. The sample size has
been 48 respondents. The analysis of the data is done by
observation and the use of descriptive and inferential statistics.
● Secondary Data –This data is obtained from research articles,
research thesis, websites, etc

● H0- There is no impact of Kiara Adavani on Slice Advertisement.
● H1- There is impact of Kiara Adavani on Slice Advertisement.


A survey was conducted among 80 participants ,the results of which can be seen below:


The primary data collected shows that 57.5% of respondents were female.

The rest 42.5% were male.

2] AGE :

The majority 77.5% of the respondents were in the age group of 18-24.

13.8% were in the age group of 25-34.

The rest 8.7% respondents were of age 35 and above.


91.3% respondents have seen the advertisement featuring Kiara advani and remaining
8.8% have answered that they haven't seen that advertisement.

Most of the respondents have known this advertisement through television

commercials that is around 55.7%

Few of the respondents have known this advertisement through online platforms
that is around 35.4%

Rest 8.9% have known this advertisement through print media and other

46.8% people's impression about Kiara Advani presence in Slice advertisement is


25.3% have respondents very positive about her presence while 21.5% feel that her
presence was somewhat positive.

Remaining 6.4% respondents somewhat negative and very negative.


Out of all respondents 51.3% feels that the advertisement featuring Kiara Advani has
influenced the perception of the brand.

29.4% have responded not that positively while 19.2% have responded that they are not
at all influenced by her presence regarding their perception about the brand

38.5% are not sure of purchasing the product because of Kiara Advani's presence in

32.1% respondents feels that Yes because of her presence they have been influenced by
purchasing the brand (Slice)

While rest 29.5% have responded as No that they are not purchasing the product
because of her presence only


Majority of them feel that her effectiveness in promoting the brand is somewhat
effective ; 38% and 36.7% responded as neutral.
21.5% responded as very effective.
Remaining 3.8% thinks somewhat effective and very ineffective.

As respondents have multiple options to go with their choices while responding to this
question. Below are their responses -
53.8% think that advertisement appealed to the respondents because of her appearance
and attractiveness, 48.7% because of her acting skills, 32.1% because of the overall
concept and storyline of the advertisement, 15.4% because of humor and entertainment
value, 5.1% because of any other reasons.


43% feel that they will try another product endorsed by Kiara Advani based on her
presence in Slice advertisement.
30.4% feels that somewhat likely while 17.7% feels that very likely they might try another
product endorsed by Kiara Advani.
Rest 8.9% feels somewhat unlikely or very unlikely about trying other products endorsed
by her.


47.5% responded Yes to some extent on endorsement of celebrity enhances the

brand's credibility and trustworthiness while 35% responded Yes significantly.
Rest 17.5% feels that presence of a celebrity does not enhance the brand's credibility
and trustworthiness.

The primary data collected from the questionnaire is aimed at people of all
genders from the age above 18. The research conducted was to determine the
impact of celebrity endorsement in advertisements on audiences. From the
research I've found, 91.3% respondents have seen the advertisement featuring
Kiara advani in Slice Advertisement. After asking the respondents about the
resource from where they got to know about the advertisement, Most of the
respondents have known this advertisement through television commercials that
is around 55.7%. Out of 80 respondents 51.3% feel that the advertisement
featuring Kiara Advani has influenced the perception of the brand. 38.5% are not
sure of purchasing the product because of Kiara Advani's presence in
advertisement. 32.1% respondents feel that Yes because of her presence they
have been influenced by purchasing the brand (Slice). 53.8% think that
advertisement appealed to the respondents because of her appearance and
attractiveness, 48.7% because of her acting skills, 32.1% because of the overall
concept and storyline of the advertisement, 15.4% because of humor and
entertainment value, 5.1% because of any other reasons. 43% feel that they will
try another product endorsed by Kiara Advani based on her presence in Slice
In conclusion, the research paper highlights the significant impact of Kiara Advani
on Slice advertisements. Through a comprehensive analysis of her association
with the brand, it's evident that her persona, relatability, and popularity have
contributed to heightened brand recognition and consumer engagement. The use
of Kiara Advani as a brand ambassador has not only attracted a wider audience
but also fostered a positive brand image. As advertising strategies evolve, her
influence serves as a testament to the effectiveness of celebrity endorsements in
shaping consumer perceptions and increasing brand appeal.


1- What is your gender? : This question is asked in order to

understand what is the gender of the respondent.

2- What is your age?: This question is asked in order to understand

what is the age of the respondent.

3- Have you seen the slice advertisement featuring Kiara Advani?:

This question is asked in order to understand if the respondent knows
about the subject.

4- How did you come across the Slice advertisements featuring Kiara
Advani?: This question is asked in order to understand from where
did the respondent get to know about the advertisement.

5- What is your overall impression of Kiara Advani's presence in the

Slice advertisements?: This question is asked in order to understand
whether Kiara Advanis presence in the Advertisement affected then
respondent in any aspect of purchasing the product.

6- Did Kiara Advani's presence in the Slice advertisements influence

your perception of the brand? This question is asked in order to
understand whether the respondents perception about the brand is
influenced by Kiara Advanis presence in the advertisement or not.

7- Did Kiara Advani's presence in the Slice advertisements make you

more likely to consider purchasing the product?: This question is
asked in order to understand whether Kiara Adavanis presence in the
advertisement influenced the buying behavior of the respondent or

8- How would you rate Kiara Advani's effectiveness in promoting the

Slice brand?: As Kiara Advani is the Brand face for the
advertisement, this question is asked in order to understand how
effectively has the celebrity promoted the brand and product.

9- Which specific aspects of Kiara Advani's presence in the Slice

advertisements appealed to you the most?: This question is asked in
order to understand which aspect of Kiara Advanis presence in the
advertisement appealed the respondent the most towards the product
and brand.

10- How likely are you to try other products endorsed by Kiara Advani
based on her presence in the Slice advertisements?: This question is
asked in order to understand whether the respondents will try other
products endorsed by Kiara Advani based on her presence in the
Slice advertisements or not.

11- Do you think the presence of a celebrity like Kiara Advani in Slice
advertisements enhances the brand's credibility and trustworthiness?:
This question is asked in order to understand whether celebrity
endorsement helps consumers or customers trust the brand more.

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