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Escola Estadual da Polícia Militar Tiradentes Cel Celso Henrique Souza Barbosa

Teacher: Keissy Silva

Name: ____________________________________________Date:____________________________

Class:___________________________ PESO: 10,0 NOTA:___________


Questão 1. Marque a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I e II da sentença a seguir:

__________ Dr. Brown refused to talk to (I)

__________ doctor who wanted to help him. (II)

a) the, the
b) ---, the
c) ---, an
d) the, a
e) the, an
Questão 2. Complete corretamente o texto a seguir:

The pianist I told you about lives in _____ (I) one-story building on Main Street. Although she isn’t _____
(II) professional musician, she plays _____ (III) piano extremely well.
a) an, a, the
b) ---, ---, a
c) a, a, the
d) an, ---, ---
e) the, ---, ---
Questão 3. lemon originated in _____ China and spread south to_____ Malaysian islands and west to ____

a) A / the / the / ---

b) --- / --- /--- / ---
c) The / the / the / the
d) A / the / --- / ---
e) The / --- / the / ---
Questão 4. Smith, _____ man you met yesterday is _____ honest man.
a) the – the
b) the – an
c) an – the
d) a – a
e) the – a
Questão 5. Em qual das alternativas abaixo a Questão 8. Choose the option with the correct tag
'question tag' está errada? questions for the sentences below.

a) Let’s go to a disco, shall we? 1. You weren’t listening, __________?

b) Do the exercises, will you? 2. She doesn't know him, __________?
c) Mariah put the book on the armchair, doesn’t
3. I'm a bit overweight, __________?
d) Let me go with you, shall I? 4. Don't open your eyes, __________?
e) The teacher came to help us, didn’t she?
a) weren't you / does she / aren't I / do you
Questão 6. Complete corretamente: b) were you / doesn't she / aren't I / do you
The Titanic sank in 1912, __________? c) were you / does she / aren't I / will you
d) weren't you / does she / am I not / will you
a) didn’t she e) were you / doesn't she / am I not / do youa) The
b) didn’t it rays sun’s are good
c) hadn’t it
d) hadn’t she
e) doesn’t it
Questão 9. Choose the correct tag to finish the
Questão 7. Observe as afirmações e marque a
“Yes. Probably we should. Did you take the
alternativa correta:
number of the cab?"
I. He never came back, ______?
“No. You didn't notice it, ____________ ?"
II. She can rarely come these days, _______?
Extracted from The Necklace, by Guy de
III. The boys were playing soccer, _________?
Respectivamente, a ordem correta é:
a) did you
a) doesn't he/can't she/didn't they b) didn't I
b) didn't he/can't she/weren't they c) do you
c) does he/can't she/weren't they d) do I
d) did he/can she/didn't they e) didn't you
e) did he/can she/weren't they

Questão 10. Qual opção completa o parágrafo abaixo corretamente?

“Would you like to go to Vyas Chhatri, madam?” Lal asks, as I get back into the car. “It was built in honour
of Maharishi Ved Vyas. I'm sure your head tells you to go back, but your heart doesn't want to let go of the
opportunity, _______?

(Adapted from www

a) aren't you
b) isn't it
c) does it
d) is it
e) doesn't it

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