Group 7 - Reflection Report Eumind

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Reflection Report

Sukriti Singh
I was the group leader for the business EUMIND project and that
taught me numerous things. I learned how to delegate tasks
efficiently, how to coordinate with the members of my team, time
management, and how to work collaboratively. Furthermore, the
business EUMIND improved my editing skills as I edited the
introductory video and improved my decision-making skills.
Although my main role in this project was to ensure proper
communication and efficient work, I also made sure that our work
was presented in a readable manner. I got to develop my Canva
skills in this project as I made the presentations and documents
for each task. Moreover, I learned about marketing, molecular
gastronomy, and more due to this project. I got to indulge in
the world of hydroponics and I learned and got to experience
growing the herbs hydroponically. I learned how advantageous
hydroponics is for us and the environment. I also researched on
herbs and discovered the numerous uses each herb has and
realized how helpful these natural remedies are. I ensured that
I was present and oversaw every task to ensure that it was done
efficiently and on time. We did have problems in the way like
having to redo our interview with a local expert but we tackled
them and did our work efficiently. Looking back we could have
improved on our time management skills as we struggled to meet
the deadlines due to the fact that we did our work meticulously.
This project allowed me to be creative and pushed me to work
outside my comfort zone.
Shreya Singh
The business EUMIND has been a great, informative experience for me.
I was extremely excited about the project as we as a group had
decided to take up on my suggestion of implementing hydroponics to
produce high-end balms and other herbal remedies. I researched
intensively on hydroponics which was quite intriguing. I was mainly
tasked with writing and proofreading our work to ensure that there
were no grammatical errors and that the language was easy to
understand. Utilising all the information my fellow group members
and I gathered I edited it making our information more
understandable. I learned invaluable lessons and editing skills. I
increased my language writing proficiency. I admired our group
leader, Sukriti, as she exercised great patience and served as
communication in our group. She urged us to ensure we adhered to
deadlines and made sure no disputes occurred in the tension-filled
environment near our deadlines. I, for most of the part, worked with
Sukriti and Saisha and it was a wonderful experience that I will
never forget. EUMIND has taught me the unsurmountable lesson of
teamwork and these lessons will follow me and aid me later on in
Saisha Kapoor
During my involvement in the business EUMIND, I ensured I helped
wherever I got the chance. From making the presentations to helping
in making the product. Essentially, all went well for us in most of
the things we did. The only thing that went wrong was the first
interview, but our team leader helped us solve that issue by
organizing a new interview which she conducted. I felt my work for
the project was good as I learned about three crucial factors
necessary for achieving success: teamwork, hard work, and
dedication. Working with my teammates taught me the value of making
decisions collectively and taking everyone's opinions into account
when discussing a topic. The process of creating products and
marketing strategies showed me that running a business requires a
lot of effort and hard work, which will benefit me now and in the
future. Dedication is a critical element that one must possess to
achieve their goals to the fullest. While making all the power-
points and searching for packaging and the right materials to make
our products I figured out the amount of dedication my team and I
put into making sure that our product was worthy of its customers.
Ultimately, the project was a valuable learning experience that
broadened my knowledge of the business world and taught me
principles that will continue to guide me throughout life.
Tarun Pathak
Throughout the course of completing this project, I have learnt
several values, shared experiences, and most of all, had a
tremendous amount of laughter-filled conversations. I have gained
certain experiences, like learning how different products are made,
and even had the privilege to make one myself, but not without the
help of my very appreciable companions, who unbeknownst to
themselves have added so much more to the journey. I have learned
how plants are grown hydroponically and sat for interviews with a
very interesting person who flawlessly explained all the specifics
of his journey in the same venture we decided to stride through. In
the project, my main job was writing the research my peers and I
gathered. This helped me hone my writing skills. Moreover, I also
took part in the production-making process and made both our
products along with my group leader. Through this project, I have
learned the importance of hard work and teamwork. I can say with a
heavy heart and a smile on my face, that we have successfully
created our product and reached our goal, mentally and physically,
because, at the end of it, it's not about the destination, it's
about the journey it took you through.
Ananya Chechani
The recent business project, EUMIND undertaken by my team and I
proved to be a significant learning experience. Despite running into
unexpected challenges, such as identifying the appropriate business
owner for an interview we proficiently explored answers to these
hurdles. Rethinking our approach and interviewing an alternative
candidate required additional effort, but our cohesive teamwork
allowed us to successfully resolve the issues.
Effective planning was a great assistance in our project, stressing
the need for careful and accurate preparation. Moreover, our ability
to adapt and remain flexible when faced with unexpected progress
played an important role in our project's success. Personally, this
experience contributed significantly to my professional development.
It sharpened my skills in time management, deepened my understanding
of the matter, particularly in the topic of Hydroponics, and
enhanced the importance of ethical considerations in business
practices. My main task in the project was researching and writing
about the marketing of our product alongside my teammate, Saisha.
This helped me explore the world of marketing and I got the
opportunity to learn about the 4Ps of marketing.
Reflecting on the project, this experience has undoubtedly molded me
better for upcoming projects, teaching me valuable insights to
execute a successful project. I would like to thank our group
leader, Sukriti who urged us all to work efficiently due to which
our business project resulted in a success.

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