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Date : / /20

Reading “Second Term “

Date : / /20

Unit:4 Theme “Liberty”

Nelson Mandela: A Lifetime in Names

“Planting the Seeds of
Weekly Question:
How can ordinary people contribute to a fight for freedom?

Planting the Seeds of Freedom

The Author Kathryn Rogers

The Illustrator Brayan Hall

Genre Historical fiction

Setting Where: On a farm outside Johannesburg, South Africa
When: In the early 1960s

Theme “a good gardener thinks beyond this season and the next”
“we are planting the seeds of freedom”.
Author’s Purpose To entertain and inform

Main: Nelson Mandela

Characters Minor: Antjie’s Parents, Antjie, Peter (Antjie’s brother), Mr.
Nelson Mandela’s wife, Makgatho (Mr.Nelson’s son) .

Date : / /20

Kind : 1st person narrator

Narrator ………………………………………………………………
Name: Antjie ……………………………………………….

Preview Vocabulary

Suspicious not to be trusted


Resembled looked like something or someone else

Stalked /stɔːkt/ walked fast, as if upset or angry

Relaying passing along

Solemnly in a sad and serious way

Vocabulary Exercises
A. Fill in the blank
Direction: Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences

suspicious * resembled * stalked * relayed * solemnly

1. He ____stalked____ angrily out of the room.

2. Mary turned and nodded _____solemnly_____ her forgiveness.
3. You should be ______ suspicious _______ of someone who has already
lied to you once.
4. She _____resembles____her mom in appearance.
5. The man had ____relayed___ the mail this morning.

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Multiple choices
Directions: Choose the correct word that matches with the definition in each

1. To look like or to be like someone or something is to …….. .

a. imitate
b. resemble
c. prefer
2. Feeling doubt or no trust in someone or something.
a. trustworthy
b. suspicious
c. believable
1. When doing something in a serious way or………….. .
a. sleepy
b. noisily
c. solemnly
2. to pass along or to tell something you heard is to …………. .
a. relay
b. ignore
d. star
3. to walk fast, as if upset or angry is to ………. .
a. turn
b. trudge
c. stalk

A. Direction: Read each question. Choose the correct answer.

1- What is the true identity of Makgatho’s father?

a. He is Nelson Mandella.
b. He is David Motsamayi.
c. He is a police officer.
d. He is Antjie’s uncle.

2- How does this story relate to the theme of freedom?

a. The story is about the renaissance age.
b. The story is about a country with a government that took a way the
freedom from many people.
c. The story is about planting and harvesting.

Date : / /20

d. The story is about animals’ rights.

3- In paragraph 16, what living beings Mr. Motsamayi might be referring

a. The seeds and the plants in the garden are to be planted in good and
hard ground.
b. The seeds and plants in the garden don’t need sunlight.
c. The seeds and the plants in the garden don’t need a good gardener.
d. The seeds and plants in the garden, as well as people.

B. Direction: Answer the questions below with complete answers.

1. What do you think it means that “the ANC is banned?

This means that the meetings at the farm are illegal, so the ANC doesn’t want
the government to know about the meetings.

2. Infer what does the author wants readers to understand about Mandela’s
work to end apartheid?
He invested decades of his life, hoping that his efforts would pay off in the
long run.

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3. Why do you think Mandela chose the word “cherish” to describe his
feeling in paragraph 50?
This shows that his ideals meant a lot to him. He loved those ideals more
than anything in his life.


● My plant looks like this after two weeks:

Date : / /20

Directions: Use the anchor chart to decide whether it is historical fiction?

Date : / /20


Directions: Read the selection and answer the question.

Nicolo, the Master Craftsman

It was the 1630s, and Nicolo’s father had just died. Nicolo would now have to
carry on the Amati family business. Without my father to help me, how can I
continue making violins? he thought. There is too much work! But people heard
that Nicolo was an especially patient and caring teacher of the art of violin
making. Soon, Nicolo had a houseful of students living, learning, and working
with him, and each appreciated being taught by the master. They marveled at
touching such quality wood, and they enjoyed learning the skills he taught
Looking around, Nicolo smiled. He was training many apprentices who would
gain lifelong jobs as important instrument builders. Nicolo’s workshop was
producing beautiful instruments that could make a strong sound. His heart
sang like . . . a violin!

The Importance of Cleanliness

Jane learned that her mother was going to assist in a Civil War hospital. “The
wounded soldiers have many needs,” explained Mrs. Carrington. Jane begged
to come along.

When they arrived at the Robertson Hospital, Jane met the director, Ms.
Tompkins, in her office. “We have food, medicine, and supplies to deal with,”
explained Ms. Tompkins.
“Jane, your duty will be cleaning,” said Ms. Tompkins.

Cleaning? thought Jane. No adjective could describe how much she disliked
cleaning. Sweeping wasn’t exciting, and it didn’t seem like it would help
wounded soldiers very much. Later, Jane actually learned that the patients of
Robertson Hospital continued to live at a higher rate than patients did at any
other hospital.

“It is Ms. Tompkins’s sternness about cleanliness that has saved so many lives,”
Mrs. Carrington told Jane.

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After that, Jane attacked her duties with eagerness, and she decided right then
to study to become a trained nurse.

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Directions: Read the question. Choose the best answer.

1. Which detail helps you predict a theme, or central message, of the story in
the first selection?
a. Nicolo's father had just died.
b. Nicolo was an especially patient and caring teacher.
c. They marveled at touching such quality wood.
d. His heart sang like . . . a violin!

2. Which detail helps you predict a theme, or central message, of the story in
the second selection?

a. Cleanliness has saved so many lives.

b. Jane and her mother were at a hospital.
c. The wounded soldiers have many needs.
d. Jane attacked her duties with eagerness.

3. What is a theme in both selections?

a. Cleanliness is very important.
b. People can enjoy learning new skills.
c. Family relationships should be kept strong.
d. There are many ways of making instruments from wood.

4. Think about the theme “a person can be confused or disappointed about

his or her situation.” Which details support this theme in both selections?
Without my father to help me, how can I continue making violins? he
thought. There is too much work!
Cleaning? thought Jane. No adjective could describe how much she disliked

Date : / /20


Directions: Read the selections and answer the question.

An Invention for the People

George’s eyes couldn’t take in all the buildings workers had constructed in
St. Louis for the 1904 World’s Fair. Mr. Highland had brought George on a
mission to visit the Palace of Electricity, exclaiming, “This is a must-see for
those of us concerned with progress!” Inside the Palace of Electricity exhibit
was new electrical machinery that George had never seen.

Many people wandered around the room. All the while, George looked with
curiosity at the dozens of lights lit up all around. Before he could get a question
out, a guide asked, “You want to know how all of this electrification is actually
possible?” As George nodded, the guide pointed to an invention. “It’s a simple
plug and socket,” she explained. George soon noticed that the sockets were
everywhere. “Electricity is the lifeblood of the twentieth century! Thomas
Edison will be wiring your home next, if you’re lucky!” she teased, and George
felt electrified.
Up on the Mountain

Carol craned her neck because the enormous rock carving on Mount Rushmore
showed faces nearly 60 feet high! Grandpa Robert said this day in 1941, today,
was special because Carol was among the first members of the public to see
the monument. Later, people from all over the world would come visit Mount

Carol's uncle, James, had earned $8 per day running a jackhammer on the
mountain. He had climbed 700 stairs to the top to begin working each day.
Grandpa and Carol studied the faces of U.S. Presidents Washington, Jefferson,
Roosevelt, and Lincoln.

As they were leaving, Carol heard a visitor asking, “How can I get a rock?”
Grandpa and Carol smiled. They already had a piece of history, for Uncle James
had given them each a piece of granite for themselves.

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Directions: Read the question. Choose the best answer.

1. Which detail helps you predict a theme, or central message, in the first
a. Many people wandered around the room.
b. George looked with curiosity at the dozens of lights.
c. As George nodded, the guide pointed to an invention.
d. “It's a simple plug and socket," she explained.

2. Which detail from the second selection helps you infer that progress is
a. Grandpa Robert said this day in 1941, today, was special.
b. People from all over the world would come visit Mount Rushmore.
c. He had climbed 700 stairs to the top to begin working each day.
d. Carol heard a visitor asking, "How can I get a rock?"

3. What is a theme in both selections?

a. It's important to keep souvenirs.
b. Progress is exciting and satisfying.
c. The original form is always the best one.
d. Progress always makes people nervous.

4. Which details from both selections support the theme that people can be
amazed by very large things?
Many people wandered around the room. All the while, George looked with
curiosity at the dozens of lights lit up all around.

people from all over the world would come visit Mount Rushmore.

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Directions: Read the selection and answer the question.

Year-Round School—Why It Works

Everyone enjoys a break from work. Kids are no different. A year-round school
calendar allows students to have numerous breaks. This type of schedule is on
the rise for good reason!

Parents, students, and teachers are finding that the conditions of year-round
school are just different, instead of being more challenging. Using a 45-15 plan,
everyone is generally in school for 45 days, followed by a 15-day vacation. In
addition to the 45-15 plan, there are 60-20 and 90-30 plans.

Some critics believe that having breaks every few weeks might be
troublesome. Students gear up for learning. Then they take a break. However,
students report feeling more interested when given bursts of instruction
followed by short breaks.

Some schools that have converted to a year-round schedule find that it affects
students’ grades positively. Also, when school starts again, teachers spend less
time reviewing material that students forgot over a long summer break. Thus,
year-round schooling supports continuous learning. Students in year-round
school have an advantage. They don’t forget their lessons during short breaks.

Other schools have adopted a year-round schedule to decrease student and

teacher exhaustion. Everyone’s stress is reduced because of the many breaks
during the year. Sick students or teachers also have time to recover when they
get more time off during the year. Families get to take more vacations
together, too.

Finally, for families where both parents work, problems such as boredom
during a long summer are solved.

Improving student’s grades and helping kids and teachers stay refreshed is
important. Will you support year-round schooling?

Date : / /20

Directions: Read the question. Choose the best answer.

1. What is the author’s claim?
a. Teachers need the support of tutors.
b. Students become bored during long breaks.
c. Year-round schooling is generally a good idea.
d. Year-round schooling will be difficult for families.

2. What details support the author’s claim?

a. Everyone enjoys a break from work.
b. Teachers are finding that the conditions of year-round school are just
c. In addition to the 45-15 plan, there are 60-20 and 90-30 plans.
d. Everyone's stress is reduced because of the many breaks during the

3. Read this quotation from paragraph 4 of the selection: “Some schools that
have converted to a year-round schedule find that it affects students’
grades positively.” Which detail from the selection supports this idea?
a. Students gear up for learning. Then they take a break.
b. They don't forget their lessons during short breaks.
c. Other schools have adopted a year-round schedule to decrease
student and teacher exhaustion.
d. Sick students or teachers also have time to recover when they get
more time off during the year.

4. Who is the intended audience for this selection? Which details from the
selection tell you that?

Parents, students, and teachers are finding that the conditions of year-round
school are just different, instead of being more challenging.

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Directions: Read the selection and answer the question.

Benefits of Pilates for Kids

Dear School Board:

Pilates as exercise can take many forms and is an important artistic form of
expression in most cultures. Our school already includes forms of expression
such as drawing and singing. So, why not add Pilates, both for its importance as
a form of expression and for its physical benefits?

Our school could have the same experience as one Denver public school.
Students there are learning many Pilates styles, including modern Pilates,
dance and hip hop. About 43 percent of students nationwide currently receive
Pilates instruction.

There are many benefits of Pilates as exercise. First, there are the physical
benefits. Pilates athletes use their entire bodies for fitness. Therefore, Pilates
affects the development of strength and balance through the many different
movements. Furthermore, mixed-ability Pilates makes this form of exercise an
option for students with disabilities.

A second benefit is social awareness. Pilates athletes communicate to others

through body movement. They also learn to cooperate as part of a group while
mastering skills together. Pilates athletes gain confidence, building a
foundation for working together and solving problems.

Finally, Pilates athletes is a great outlet for stress. Along with burning calories,
Pilates athletes’ brains release chemicals, resulting in a feeling of well-being.

We strongly believe our students will benefit from the positive aspects of this
fun form of exercise. Please help us express ourselves through Pilates.

Sincerely yours,

Members, Student Council


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