HEAS Assignment 2

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When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the
work is their own.

Student name: Assessor name:

Arvin Abhista Asgard Jonathan Stevens

Submission date: Submitted on: Term:

12 August 2022 12 August 2022 June 2022


International Foundation Year (BTEC Level 3 IFP)

Unit: Learning Outcome:

2. LO2 Explore research methods to select
06 - Higher Education Academic Skills appropriate resources for higher
education business studies

Assignment number and title:

2 Annotated Bibliography

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who
break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you
understand correct referencing practices. As a university-level student, you are expected to use
appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials
for the material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet.
Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

Student Declaration
Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of

Student signature: Date: 24-07-2022

Pearson Education
Higher Education Qualifications
Annotated Bibliography

Nadaradja, R. and Yazdanifard, R. (2014) SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: ADVANTAGES AND

DISADVANTAGES. Kuala Lumpur: Center of Southern New Hampshire University

Use of social media websites and platforms for product or service advertising
is known as social media marketing. Modern era marketing does not miss opportunity
utilizing available technological software to gain advantage for managements to run
the busniness well. Social media marketing is growing more well-liked among
practitioners and scholars alike, despite the fact that e-marketing and digital marketing
still have a majority in academia. Market researches are way more efficient to reach
out audience in a rapid time by utilizing social networks as a way of advertising.
Utilizing social media Here at Marketing Land The sibling site of Search
Engine Land, Marketing Land, offers comprehensive coverage of all areas of online
promotion, including these well-liked subjects in social network promotion. It is
possible to categorize using social media for a social media strategy as business
platform. Sinced internet overtaken other conventional printed platforms,
adevertisements are transitioning to the new era where interactive techniques way
more affective to catch public intentions. Growth of internet users creating privacy
issue to be faced by users where website leaks are common phenomenom nowadays.
80% research of product and services are reach by web internet platforms by
consumers. Social media have opportunity to raise the business progress in the internet
era .

Shelaa, B. and Ramya, M. (2018) SOCIAL MEDIA AS A MARKETING PLATFORM. Coimbatore:

Hindusthan College of Arts & Science.

One individual may now speak with hundreds or even thousands of people
worldwide because to the lack of Internet-based social media. The number of
individuals creating material, sharing it, bookmarking it, and networking on social
media has skyrocketed. The chance to market oneself and one's products to active
groups and potential customers is provided by all forms of social. Social media
marketing is a recent development and a fast expanding method through which
companies may quickly connect with their target audiences. Social media marketing
has introduced a new concept of exponential dispersion and trust to mass
communication and mass marketing by encouraging users to distribute messages to
personal contacts (Hafele, 2011). New marketing and outreach strategies are being
created, which gives firms access to more resources.
According to Gurau (2008), social media marketers have both possibilities
and obstacles in the online marketing landscape. Although the audiences are becoming
more dispersed and active, the business has the ability to mix multiple informational
channels and categories into a complex message. Social media has given consumers a
new role today. Consumers are evolving into "content creators" and functional
consumers as a result, as opposed to passive consumers as in the past. This is made
possible by social media platforms such as blogs, microblogging tools like Twitter,
social networking tools like Facebook, podcasts, and sites for sharing videos and
photos (such as YouTube and Flickr).

Hayes, A. (2022) Social Media Marketing [online] available at:

https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/social-media-marketing-smm.asp [Accessed 25 July 2022].

Social media influenced customers buying prefences by up to 80%. Evolution of Social Media
Marketing significantly increase as a multipronged source of marketing intelligence. 18 years of
growth of digital channel able to scoop up 46 billion users globally with increase up to 10% user grow
in one year alone by March 2022. Upward treds become a perfectly affective strategies and platforms
to compete by catching more audience rapidly. In order to develop a company's brand, boost sales, and
increase website traffic, social media marketing, also referred to as digital marketing and e-marketing,
makes use of social media platforms where users can create social networks and share information.
Social media marketing (SMM) gives businesses a way to interact with current customers and attract
new ones.

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