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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Writing a Thesis on Youth Unemployment

Embarking on a journey to write a thesis on youth unemployment is no small feat. It's a complex
topic that demands thorough research, critical analysis, and insightful interpretation. As aspiring
scholars delve into the depths of this issue, they often encounter a multitude of challenges that can
impede their progress and stifle their creativity.

The intricacies of youth unemployment extend far beyond mere statistics and numbers. They delve
into socioeconomic factors, policy implications, and the very fabric of societal structures. Crafting a
comprehensive thesis on this subject requires not only a deep understanding of the underlying causes
and consequences but also the ability to present nuanced arguments and propose meaningful

One of the primary obstacles faced by researchers is the sheer magnitude of available data and
literature. Navigating through the vast sea of research papers, reports, and academic journals can be
overwhelming, often leaving scholars feeling lost and directionless. Moreover, synthesizing this
information into a coherent narrative that adds value to the existing discourse requires time, patience,
and meticulous attention to detail.

Another challenge lies in the process of data collection and analysis. Gathering relevant data on youth
unemployment can be a daunting task, especially in regions where access to information is limited or
unreliable. Moreover, interpreting this data in a meaningful context and drawing valid conclusions
requires a solid foundation in statistical analysis and research methodology.

Furthermore, the process of writing a thesis demands unwavering commitment and discipline. It
involves long hours of solitary work, constant revisions, and relentless pursuit of academic
excellence. As scholars grapple with writer's block, self-doubt, and the pressure to meet deadlines,
staying motivated and focused can become increasingly challenging.

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In conclusion, writing a thesis on youth unemployment is a formidable task that demands

unwavering dedication, intellectual rigor, and scholarly integrity. While the journey may be fraught
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with confidence and conviction.
Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. Even traffic rules are
flouted by those people who are. As when strong winds come, they devastate only poorly structured.
Some made it to the headlines, newspapers and even in the blogs. The Government of the country
and the youth of the country should move in a single path to remove the unemployment of the
country. It is of a note that entrepreneurs are the drivers of a nation’s economy irrespective of
government practices. Thus, the information provided suggest direction from where to start
addressing youth unemployment problem by stakeholders and policy makers while further research is
required to pinpoint the primary causes of the problem with proven evidence. By providing a right
direction to the citizens this future risk of suicide etc can be eliminated from their lives. In many
countries we see integrational problems of minorities or persons with migration background. Many
graduates still live with their parents even long after graduation and depend heavily on their friends
and parents in almost all aspects. The youth unemployment in Algeria has been unresponsive to the
economic changes, which implies reduction of youth unemployment in the absolute terms will be
larger in the medium term. Companies should use less robotics in their manufacturing rather than
provide jobs for the unemployed people in their countries. Hence, the study sought to identify the
skills required by youths for employment in green jobs in Anambra state. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. The European countries have again showed mixed results. There is
famous African saying that don’t see where you fell but see where you slipped. The study revealed
that unemployment has discouraged majority of the students to be serious with academic activities
which hinders their creative imagination and enhances criminal activities in schools. The frequency-
domain signal obtained from the data is symmetrical about the Nyquist frequency with irregular
oscillation signal between consecutive output measurements signifying the presence of bottleneck
problem in the production system. The researcher hopes to explore the many causes of
unemployment, a realization of the seriousness of the problem in the country and suggestions as to
what can be done to alleviate this problem. Countries like India should not depend only on large-
scale companies due to the large need for jobs. Hence, education is a means to an end, not an end in
itself. This approach was basically adopted for easy access of the sampled respondents. Download
Free PDF View PDF Skills required by Youths for Employment in Green Jobs in the Agricultural
Sector (Grassland Management and Agritourism) in Anambra State, Nigeria Toochukwu C. The
government could impose a higher tax level on businesses in the private sector to generate income for
the unemployed youth. High youth unemployment is caused by fewer job opportunities, lower youth
wages, and a large youth labor force. The sad part is that the youth is the ones who suffer among
these mistakes made by professionals. Literature review helps us to find its causes, degree, historical
developments and its failure in the society. PROBLEM STATEMENT: “The aim of this research is to
control rampant unemployment and to counter its negative impacts on the society”. Report this
Document Download now Save Save Research on unemployment For Later 89% (28) 89% found
this document useful (28 votes) 45K views 13 pages Research On Unemployment Uploaded by
Tarick Edwards AI-enhanced title and description This study intends to discover the effects of
unemployment on family lives in brown's town, and the factors contributing to the increase in the
number of unemployed persons. Many studies investigate determinants of unemployment.
Latin America has shown a widely divergent performance in terms of youth unemployment. In many
countries we see integrational problems of minorities or persons with migration background. Many
graduates still live with their parents even long after graduation and depend heavily on their friends
and parents in almost all aspects. It has negative effect on the economy as it raises the internal and
external issues of the nation, such as; poverty, break down, social isolation that result in erosion of a
healthy society. To try and fight against youth unemployment, the chancellor Alistair Darling has
said that getting younger people into work is one fo the primary objectives for the government. The
youth unemployment in Algeria has been unresponsive to the economic changes, which implies
reduction of youth unemployment in the absolute terms will be larger in the medium term. The
United Nations has defined youth unemployment as the level of unemployment among the age
group of 15-24years. In this regard, government must formulate pro-poor policies, as they. Centre for
Social and Development Studies, University of Natal, 1992. Unemployed people may express their
disappointment and depression by the way they behave toward other people. A Critical View of
Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State, Munich, GRIN Verlag. On the other hands, there are
factor that affect unemployment. The problem peaked during 2004 and reached a minimum in 2009.
The following factors can be identified as the causes of rural unemployment (Petersen and
Mortimer, 2006). Gizaw Economics, Sociology 2011 The problem of urban youth unemployment is
rapidly assuming dangerous proportions in many developing countries including Ethiopia. Studies
from various independent organizations identify Brazil as the most promising country of Latin
America, in terms of economic development, in the near future. The entire generation is “jilted”
because if unemployment percentage under the age of 35 is considered, then this figure rises to 60%.
The questionnaire used in collecting data and responses of students was developed on a 4-point
Likert scale. Also, the decline in the manufacturing industry has had an impact on youth
unemployment, more those without degrees (or low skills). These will not adjust and not start at low
to reach high. One of the many attacks to enable pupils and other peoples to protect themselves from
the ever-increasing sum and scope of cybercrime. Poorest countries show very low youth
unemployment rates, but high rates of employment (Jimenez, 2006). Countries like India should not
depend only on large-scale companies due to the large need for jobs. Failure to pay mortgage
payments or to pay rent may lead to homelessness through foreclosure or eviction. The overall
structure of youth unemployment in developing countries is also quite similar and is higher than adult
unemployment. High joblessness rate in South Asian nations is an essential concern which should be
kept in a lime light. Despite the concerted efforts by government, cooperate bodies and well-meaning
individuals to curb it yet it remains unabated, and still shows up in the society. OLIPHANT, M.
(2011, December 5). Doing business with SA. To what extend does this influence the productivity of
students? iv. Unemployment is nothing but the scarcity of jobs for people with skills and talent.
Statistics show a higher rate of Youth Unemployment compared to the overall unemployment rate.
The youths if they develop entrepreneurial culture and acquire Download Free PDF View PDF
Josephine Ivoma Orga Anulika Virginia Obi and Johnson I. Hence it stands established that our
youth should be held responsible for their inability to seek dreamy. A nation which forgets its
blessed bounties and pursues other. These small-scale industries or startups company need
economical support which can be provided by the government of the countries. NGOs organization
working for the betterment of people. As many researchers (Pia, 2004, Ayodele et al, 2015, Daku,
2015) assert, the private sector, which should provide more of the jobs opportunities do complain
about the proficiency of graduates and cannot employ people who are not able to rise up to the
challenges of their jobs. However, subsidies also carry indirect costs like deadweight loss,
displacement of other workers, and potential stigma effects. Similarly, with previous points, the
below essay on Unemployment will explain the troubles of the people and for the nation. The
following table shows average of the unemployment rates of various countries. What are the roles of
education in curbing unemployment in Nigeria. Jimenez, E., 2006. Development and the Next
Generation. The authors have identified the problem of NEET (not educated, employed or trained)
among the youth (9% faces the NEET problem). Of all aspects of social misery, nothing is so
heartbreaking as unemployment. High joblessness rate as tape-recorded in 1999 is 2.9%, in 2010 its
5.6%, in 2013 its 6%, and now its 6.2% estimated. It has actually been observed that it is more in
rural ares than in city locations. A large fraction of the respondents agreed that unemployment had
made youths desperate to do anything that attract money (3.50), lose trust in Government (3.36) and
enhances sense of vulnerability and inadequacy among youths (3.30) which invariably increase social
vices, ills, and conflict (3.45). Consequently, all these slow down the rate of national development
(3.25). A male corps respondent corroborated this when he said. He has described his plan as
“preventing a new generation of young people becoming a lost generation” So the government has
set up a series of policies to try and reduce youth unemployment. Twenty (20) self-structured
questionnaire was used to elicit information on the effect of unemployment, perceptions about
education and how these perception affect students’ productivity and quality of education in Nigeria.
It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that the education system of Sri Lanka itself prevents our.
However, he did not pass the qualifications and standard of that company (e. The sad part is that the
youth is the ones who suffer among these mistakes made by professionals. As one can see this is
beneficiary for the student as well as the private sector. 4Conclusion The main problem concerning
unemployment under the youth is communication within the education system. On the other hand in
the context of Sri Lanka, there stand. This idea is also reflected through Brazil’s performance, in
terms of youth unemployment abatement. Matriculation is an important stage in the educational life
of a student. Howker, E. and Malik, S., 2010. Jilted Generation: how Britain has bankrupted its
youth. The scope consists of the following things that should be done for instance: development
programs, trainings, conduct research, policies that benefit the citizens of Pakistan. These are just
some of the factors that can really affect the problem of unemployment. Two hypotheses were tested
at 0.5 level of significance. USA is one of the most developed nations of the world; yet,
unemployment ratio of the youth is very high.
Due to cultural mindset people keep themselves away from education and became unskilled. One of
the concerns it that what is the guarantee that people would really use the subsidy to go job seeking.
Unemployment is a phenomenon that is different in the different economies of the world.
Unemployed people may express their disappointment and depression by the way they behave
toward other people. As in the world every year a lot of students being graduated and getting ready
for the jobs but due to several reasons, the graduates are unable to work. The developed countries
also need to assure that the level of university level education is attained by majority of students.
This causes sf(k) to shift down from sfl(k) to sf2(k). Hence, the study sought to identify the skills
required by youths for employment in green jobs in Anambra state. Data was collected by the
researcher with the help of four research assistants. On the other hands, there are factor that affect
unemployment. It isn’t clear how successful this policy will be in generating jobs, and keeping the
younger people in work. The con of this proposal is that business tax is already at a very high level.
Despite the concerted efforts by government, cooperate bodies and well-meaning individuals to curb
it yet it remains unabated, and still shows up in the society. The study also provides an impetus to
relevant government agencies and concerned stakeholders in developing effective entrepreneurial
curriculum and programme that will equip youths and make them more self-reliant and less
dependent on government and other private stakeholders. How repressive was Lord Liverpool's Tory
government in dealing with the cri. All the major problems emanate from overpopulation. No human
in the world will not be high at the starting stage or the graduate stage. Changing Demography: Over
the past few decades there has been a huge surge in the number of workers entering the labour
market. The problem in Germany regarding youth unemployment had begun much before the
financial crisis, which had peaked during 2005. It has been observed that why unemployment is high
in Pakistan and there are various effects of it on the society. To overcome poverty has become a
global goal and it must be achieved until 2015. It would be no exaggeration to say that Sri Lanka has
been blessed with almost all the natural bounties. Hence it stands established that our youth should
be held responsible for their inability to seek dreamy. Some argue that education may need to be
required for those above the age of 17, so the government may expand further education in
universities across the UK. Parents being compelled by the pangs of hunger send their children to.
Communication unquestionably plays a very important role in our growth as humans through our
inevitable interaction with the self and others to sustain relationships within our growing social
networks. The following factors can be identified as the causes of rural unemployment (Petersen and
Mortimer, 2006). The authors suggest that both the government and the business communities need
to work hand-in-hand to deal with this crisis (Howker and Malik, 2010). Indian Farmers' Protest
2020-2021: Using a Food Security Lens to Conduct a Th. Italy, on the other hand, has been
performing poorly in abating unemployment.
Unemployment pertains to a condition wherein a willing person lacks opportunity to obtain any job
or work. (Sinfield) Such lacking of opportunity can be either caused by the person himself or by the
different factors that affect the community (i. e. economics, politics, etc. ) The unemployed person
could really find difficulty in finding job when he himself lacks certain requirements. Lankai society
is concerned it differs considerably from those of other societies. Goals are to be set in the beginning
then start to accomplish the objectives. The problem of youth unemployment is more sensitive than
that of adult unemployment. Hence, education is a means to an end, not an end in itself. There stand
many hurdles which account for the ever increasing youth unemployment which includes. As one
can see this is beneficiary for the student as well as the private sector. 4Conclusion The main
problem concerning unemployment under the youth is communication within the education system. It
has negative effect on the economy as it raises the internal and external issues of the nation, such as;
poverty, break down, social isolation that result in erosion of a healthy society. Giles, C., 2012.
Soaring youth unemployment stokes fears. It is based on this premises that the relevance of transition
from informal to formal entrepreneurship practices must occur for the existence of economic growth.
This cause due to the urban atmosphere that the skill-less person expects a high-level job. This
significantly affects the living standard of many Nigerians and contributes to poverty in the nation
with direct consequence on national development (Bankole, 2006). Their whole stake is in abroad:
their investment, their bank. U.K. had introduced the minimum wage law in the late nineties, which
fixes the wage rate that is legally to be paid to employees in skilled, unskilled or semi-skilled labour
markets. Essays More Categories CBSE MCQ Books Board Result Board Time Table Board Hall
Ticket NCERT Board Syllabus Search Sign in Welcome. Due to the manageable size of the
population, the entire 121 respondents were involved in the study. Another question that arises is
what is the guarantee that the firms would recruit through this channel. It was observed that for 1%
increase in the minimum wage, teenage employment was reduced between 1% and 3% (Bell and
Blanchflower, 2010). The problem of unemployment relates to businesses, social, economic sectors
because due to unemployment all the socio economic evils arise. The mission of this research is to
the employment level. The people may find difficulty in looking for jobs when they are situated in a
place wherein companies would most likely refuse to establish themselves. Thus the result would be
the refusal of the companies to hire new workers. (Walters) Lastly, environmental element can also
be a factor in the problem of unemployment. The problem peaked during 2004 and reached a
minimum in 2009. The rate of unemployment is increasing day by day around the world due to
various reasons and the development of technology. All the companies and many others should be
brought to invest in their countries for the goal of reducing the rate of unemployment. PROBLEM
STATEMENT: “The aim of this research is to control rampant unemployment and to counter its
negative impacts on the society”. According to (RANKLIN, How will a job-subsidy create jobs?,
2013) at least three criteria needs to be met to create jobs for those who receive a subsidy: 1. Twenty
(20) self-structured questionnaire was used to elicit information on the effect of unemployment,
perceptions about education and how these perception affect students’ productivity and quality of
education in Nigeria. What are the roles of education in curbing unemployment in Nigeria.
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Further below in the article, the quotes on Unemployment are listed. It has been observed that level
of unemployment in Argentina has been the highest; whereas, it has been lowest in Mexico. A study
in 2008 confirmed that 12% of 18-24 year olds only had temporary jobs, and 40% of them failed to
find permanent work. They find so much difficulty in meeting their everyday needs such as food,
clothing, shelter and others. Graduates, Undergraduates, Corps members, teachers at primary,
secondary and tertiary institutions located within the local government constitute the population of
the study. Apart from these basic reasons, there may be additional psychological factors like,
boredom and exploring new opportunities, which can make young workers voluntarily retire from
their jobs (Pedersen and Lund, 1987). Researchers have suggested that programs that combine
training with short periods of job experiences can greatly enhance the employment level (ILO, 2013).
The graph shows that the level of unemployment has been rising ever since the economy was hit by
the recession of 2008. The people may find difficulty in looking for jobs when they are situated in a
place wherein companies would most likely refuse to establish themselves. Therefore, if we succeed
in removing following barriers, there is every. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Government performs two
functions- protection ( and security. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of
service and privacy policy. Hence, students lose touch with education and see education merely as an
avenue of gaining freedom from parents, meeting new friends and getting certificates. Finally the
government has promised to supply education for all 16 and 17 year olds. Several questions arise:
Why is the youth unemployment level so high. In a swiftly evolving country like ours, the youth.
Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. As similar to the work of
youth, there should be similar work of the governments of the country. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. When applying for certain courses, a Gr 12
learner needs to write tests like the National Benchmark Test, as well as tests focusing on the
learner’s ability in a certain field of work. Discuss the Types of Unemployment and the Benefits of
Controlling It In the. The relationship between authorities outgo and economic growing has
continued to bring forth series of argument among bookmans. This table clearly shows that the level
of unemployment is highest for the African countries. U.S.A., on the other hand, has maintained
moderate levels of unemployment. Structured questionnaire was employed as instrument for data
collection. The unemployment of the country does pause for the economical growth and development
of the country. The respondents consisted of twenty-five (25) corps members, twenty-five (25)
graduates and twenty-five (25) undergraduates comprising the NCE and Degree students, ten (10)
primary school teachers, ten (10) secondary school teachers and ten (10) lecturers made up the 105
respondents. In fact Sri Lanka is a resilient nation which is justified by its. Nevertheless, between
1906 and 1914, the Liberals made a series of welfare. On the other hands, there are factor that affect
The above essays on youth unemployment in India are helping the student to motivate and in their
exams like UPSC, SSC, other competitions. Report this Document Download now Save Save Youth
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now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 6 Search inside document. Importance of skills: It has been
observed in a survey conducted among OECD countries that U.K., in particular, has very low
numeracy and literacy skill. There is no conducive atmosphere and materials for real practical
experience are not available. In India every year the unemployment rate will increase at 6.75% on
average according to the previous year’s data. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. This graph shows that
though the level of unemployment in Algeria has been one of the highest among the sample
considered, yet the government of the country has been successfully bringing down the level of
unemployment. I was with 3rd Battalion 6th Marines, and deployed for the Battle of. Growing blind
influence of westernization has also left our society tempted to lust and pleasure. The government
has been highly successful in reducing youth unemployment. It will be helpful for the Economists,
citizens and researchers. All the major problems emanate from overpopulation. The literature review
is a source to solve the research problem. The mission of this research is to the employment level.
According to the Former Minister of Finance; Nenadi E. As technology is developing the youth
should move on the path to achieve employment easily. These students, when walking into the
private sector, have the ability to incorporate their theoretical knowledge with their practical
knowledge. This is because many intelligent minds that have already undergone tertiary education
are unable to contribute their own quota to the development of the nation. This research
demonstrates the usefulness of it for the rural and urban development. Also, the decline in the
manufacturing industry has had an impact on youth unemployment, more those without degrees (or
low skills). Noland (2007) suggests that multinational corporations could reduce these
unemployment rates and improve businesses. Log into your account your username your password
Forgot your password. Detection, identification and control of the problem are the keys to a
sustainable production system. In the opinion of Adewale (2015), if unemployment and
underemployment is not addressed on time, it will continue to have tremendous impact on the
society. Because unemployment insurance in the U.S. typically does not replace 50% of the income
one received on the job (and one cannot receive it forever), the unemployed often end up tapping
welfare programs such as Food Stamps or accumulating debt. There will be one more thing that will
not take into cosideration that is the natural calamities. The real wages received by the youth has
fallen particularly for the age group of 16-24years from 2003-2011. The sad part is that the youth is
the ones who suffer among these mistakes made by professionals. The work that the learner is tested
on has not yet been done at school and this has a negative influence on the results of the tests and
could lead to the learner not being accepted for a certain course. 3. 8. 2Miscommunication between
the universities and the private sector of the economy. Unemployment increases susceptibility to
malnutrition, illness, mental stress, and loss of self-esteem, leading to depression.

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