#English 3 - Workbook - Welcome I Rozdział 1

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Appearance Character

Choose the correct option.

Mike is 5) slim/plump. He
has got 6) short/long
7) straight/curly hair and
8) a beard/glasses.
Anil is 1) old/young with
2) fair/grey hair. He is
3) slim/thin. He has got
4) a beard/glasses and
a moustache.

Kelly is Sally is 13) short/

9) old/young tall and thin with
and 10) plump/thin. She 14) long/short
has got long 11) curly/ 15) wavy/curly hair.
straight 12) black/fair hair.


2 Look at the pictures in Ex. 1. Who's wearing:

1 a nylon jacket? 5 leather trainers?
2 a cotton T-shirt? 6 a silk shirP
3 rubber boots? 7 a leather bełt?
4 denim trousers? 8 a plastic raincoaP

3 Write the correct character adjective.
1 Are you Still waiting on the phone? You are really p
2 Tom never smiles. Hels very s
3 Mary are you OK? You are very q today. _

4 Your cat sleeps all day long! She's very I _

5 How did Paul have an accident? Hels usually when he drives.

very c
6 Ben is not afraid when he goes to the doctor. Hels a very b _
little boy!

Chores 12:00

Cleaning House
correct option.
clear/iron the clothes
load/clear the washing
mop/dust the furniture
water/vacuum the carpets
do/make the
6 set/tidy the table

Prepositions of place/time/movement

5 Choose the correct option.

1 Leťs go to the market the 6 GO the post office and turn
afternoon. left.

A at B in C
on A along B through C past
2 We always go to our cottage 7 The cinema the sportsis

the weekend. centre and the library.

A in B on C at A against B between
3 We play football ......... Mondays. C opposite

A in B at C
on 8 Your pizza is the oven.

4 Walk the road and turn left. A at B on C in

A across B round 9 The museum is the art gallery.

5 We went on a guided tour the A next B at C near
New River Gorge Bridge yesterday. 10 Paul left .... .....
A into B under C next A at B in C

6 * Label the pictures.

s p

s D R v S A c
Musical instruments
7 * Find seven musical
instruments in the word R L S o U K

A F U x s
v U O

o s N F A o

T S A X p
Y O o G U T A R

s v


a) Label the photos.
8 *

1 b

4 6 s c

(1-6) in Ex. 8 a) to the correct sport.

* Match the photos
A swimming c
o badminton golf

o hockey
F ice
cricket D skiing

Films/TV shows
type of film.
9 * Complete the correct
1 Afilm about an imaginary world. 4 A type of film about cowboys.
2 Afilm about facts and events from 5 A film with lots of moving pictures.
the past. H
3 This film happens in the future. 6 A film that makes you feel afraid.

Choose the correct option.
2 cookery show/reality show
3 sitcom/the news
4 sports programme/quiz show

both/either/neither one/ones -

11 Choose the correct option.

1 Neither/Both Laura and Stacey like sci-fi films.
2 We can neither/either go to the cinema or to an escape room.
3 Which one/both do you like?
4 Both/Neither John nor Sandy likes horror films.
5 I don't like these gloves. I prefer those one/ones.

6 Neither Kate or/nor Steve went to the exhibition.

12 Label the pictures.

s a

c s

13 Choose the correct option.

1 He banged/sprained 2 Tom has burnt/ 3 She cut/sprained 4 Jeff burnt/twisted

his ankle at school. broken his arm. her finger yesterday. his finger while he

was cooking lunch.

14 Complete the crossword with the correct feeling. Which is the hidden word?
1 Their son won first prize.
2 He wanted to
go to Paris too like his friend
but he couldn't.
He couldn't understand What he had to do.

4 He enjoyed the sun lying

on the beach.
5 He łost his dog.
6 He screamed when he
saw a snake in the
7 He was happy she liked his present.

Write questions to which the underlined words are the answers.
1 Mary called Brian. 4 Sue sprained her ankle yesterday.

2 She went to Laos. 5 He went to the cinema.

3 Jenny met Steve at the cinema.



16 * Circle the odd word out.

1 turkey -
salmon -
2 garlic -
avocado -
3 chicken -

łuna turkey

4 broccoli - pineapple -

green peas

Countable/Uncountable nouns Quantifiers


17 Choose the correct option.

1 There's no/any sugar so we can't make jam.
2 Have you got some/any
3 There aren't any/some pears in the fruit bowl.
4 Can you give me a/an egg from the fridge?
5 Can I have any/some milk in my coffee, please?

6 There are some/any połatoes in the cupboard. We can

make chips.

7 Can you buy a/some loaf of bread on your way back home?

8 There is some/any butter in the fridge.

Complete with: many (x2), much, a few, a little, a lot of.

...0 00 18
Sally: Leťs make strawberry pancakes for breakfast. We've got
if like.
strawberries in the fridge! We can even make strawberry jam you
Bob: Great idea! There aren't 2) eggs in the fridge, though.
Sally: Thaťs OK. We only need 3) for the pancakes .

Bob: How 4) do
we need?
butter and some milk.
o Sally: Just two. We also need 200 g of flour, 5)
Bob: How 6) milk?

Sally: Let check the recipe 260 mł.

me ...

Bob: Good. There's a full carton of milk here.

Label the pictures.

2 3

5 6

Animals/Parts of the body

20 Complete the descriptions.

O from
their beautiful
green parrots have got Sharp b
green f
to eat hard foods and get
They have got Sharp c.
their name

on their
Polar bears have got large p to help them
move on the ice and snow and
very small w on their face. Their thick f.... helps them survive in
the Arctic's cold climate.

O Blackonrhinos
each foot. Each
got h to protect themselves. They also have three
toe is covered by a hard Shell called
a h......
O Armadillos have
This is covered
hard s with
got that does not cover their face or ears.
like fish or snakes.
Elephants are huge animals. An elephantls long
nose is a t.
Some elephants have two very long teeth. We call them t..

some any- no every & compounds

- -

21 Choose the correct option.

1 I don't know no one/anyone who would
like to work in the local animal shelter.
2 Would you like something/nothing to drink, Keith?
3 Everyone/Anyone in our Class took part in the environmental project.
4 There is any/no dog food in the cupboard.
5 Will there be anyone/someonethere tomorrow?
6 ľm afraid there's nothing/anything I can do to help.
7 I think Jane put the boxes anywhere/somewhere in the basement.
8 There is every/no author who has sold
more books before the age of 20 than him.

22 Choose the correct option to complete the exchanges.

Whaťs Harry like? 6 A: How about watching TV?

B: a He's tall and slim. B: a ľm in!
b He's
careful and patient. b Oh, I
Did you like the performance? 7 A: Get well
B: a Not really. B: a Oh, come on!
b Yes, come on. b Thanks, Steve.
We have pizza tonight. 8 A: Whaťs the matter?
B: a Awesome! I love pizza. B: a I think
ľve sprained my ankle.
b Sure I do. b You're right.
Is that all?
9 A: ľm happy everything is OK now.
B: a Exactly! B: a Certainly!
b Yes iťs easy. b Soam l!

Can you help me? A: Can

you take these bags to Ms
B: a Sure. Whaťs wrong? Harris, please?
b Poor you! B: a Me too!
b Sure, Mum.

a) Choose the correct option.
helpful/noisy patient/messy

hardworking/polite Ą_șelfish/organised messy/helpful rude/patient

* Now list the adjectives in Ex. la under the headings.


What is each person like? Complete the descriptions with the adjectives in the

• helpful • organised • rude •

selfish • •
patient • hardworking polite
messy •

1 Alex never tidies his room. He is

2 Sandra always says 'please' and 'thank you'.She is
Eva is always
very calm even when there are problems. She is
4 Phil knows where everything is in his office. He is
5 Leo tries very hard to do his homework well. He is

6 Sarah never does anything for anyone. She is

7 Ann loves doing things for other people. She is
8 Steve always makes fun of me. I don't like him. He is

3 Complete the correct personality adjective.

1 Freddie Wilson has a good job as a teacher. At home, he likes to watch sports on TV. He
tries to be a goodhusband and father by not thinking just of himself. He doesn't want to

2 Evelyn Wilson loves her family, and she is always kind and h There is often so .

much excitement in their home, so she needs to be really p

3 Sally likes to have fun, and she is a bit n She loves playing her drums or singing loud.

She is also m and her parents have to help her tidy her room
every day.
4 Billy is a great student who is very h w His teacher is very happy with him.

He is also very p _ and cares about other people's feelings. He wants to be a teacher

like his father.

Presentsimple -
Presentcontinuous Stativeverbs -

Choose the correct option.

1 Sorry, but my father talks/is talking on the phone.
2 Does/ls your mother look/looking for a part-time job?
3 Our family doesn't go/isn't going to our cottage every summer.

4 Stop doing this. You always interrupt/are always interrupting me!

5 My brother saves/is saving money to buy a car.
6 Do/Are you clean/cleaning your room on Sundays?
7 Most families here have/are having two children.

8 We don't stay/aren't staying at home tonight.

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

Rob: Hey, Ivan! What 1) (you/do) on your laptop?

Ivan: (plan) a surprise parły for my sister.
Rob: (she/have) a special birthday this year?
Ivan: Yes, iťs her 16th. 1 4) (email) her friends now.

Rob: (you/not/invite) your friends?

Ivan: No, 1 6) (not/think) they would like ił.

Rob: What 7) (you/mean)? 1 8) (want) to come!

Ivan: You are invited. You are my best friend.

3 Use the verbs in the list in the present simple or the present continuous to
complete the gaps.
• love •
think (x2) •
have (x2) • live • miss o not feel (x2)
see o look (x2) • smell

know • stay • not see


Hey Ann,
you are at your grandparentsl house. 2) you
there only for the summer?1 3) you. I

4) about you every day. Our group of friends 5)

the same without you. 1 6) a film with them soonłbut I
7) a few minutes to write to you now. What/s new with you?
8) you for a summer job?

Hi Sarah/
Good to hear from you. It/s great here. 1 9) about coming back next summer. My
grandparents 10) in a really cool part of the City. When I look out the window, I
11) anything except the sea. Ił 12) so beautiful. And I
13) spending time with my grandparents. My grandfather is cooking dinner nowł
and ił 14) delicious. My grandmother is resting now because she
15) well. Oh/ time to go. We 16) dinner now.
Miss you too!


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