Chapter 6

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 Communication methods/media:
1. Newsletter And Posters
2. Websites
3. Multimedia Presentations
4. Media Streaming
5. E-Publications

1. Newsletter and Posters:

Produced very easily as you require a word-processor for them.
They contain:
-> General Features:
-photos that can be taken from internet with the permission of the
copyright holder/taken by camera/hard copy images converted to soft copy
by scanning/ upload from HDD or SDD
-A file is needed to import the images on the newsletter/poster
-Addition of text through keyboard
-Modify the text (text wrap) place the images (orientation)
-Proofread the newsletter/poster

 very useful method for getting important information to a target group
 Newsletters can be either printed out or available online as an e-publication
depending upon the target audience
 Printing the newsletter makes it certain that people have received it
 However, it is never certain if people read it.
General features of a newsletter:
o Do not squeeze in too much information onto one page
o Use clear, easy-to-read fontsvisible font like Arial and appropriate font size
like 12-14 pt
o Decide on whether to use columns (a useful feature if there are diagrams
and photos)
o Avoid using capital letters as this appears to be ‘shouting’!
o Use bold text in headings rather than underlining text.
o Use real photos rather than clip art to make the newsletter more

Posters: good way of publicising, for example, a sporting event or an

advertisement for a forthcoming movie. It includes the necessary
information about the event/product.

o For instance, for a sporting event, the poster will include information
regarding the venue, timings , admission fee (if any) and contact details etc.
 Can be printed using a high quality printer or read online

Advantages of posters:
 Printed posters can be any size. Large posters have the advantage
that they are eye-catching and usually very difficult to miss.
 By placing the posters in strategic positions, it is possible to target
certain people rather than the general public

 Subjected to weather conditions hence have a limited life.
 The drawback is the cost of display (the advertising areas can only be

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