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Executive Summary

In this assignment, organizational behaviors that can be seen and strategies that can be used in
Holiday Inn are written. First, there is an introduction about Holiday Inn organization. Then, five
types of communication barriers that can occur in Holiday Inn are described. After that, there is
an explanation about how teams in Holiday Inn can achieve desired outcomes. Thereafter, seven
power tactics which can be used by Holiday Inn management to improve their managerial skills
are proposed too. Moreover, three theories that can help motivate to employees at Holiday Inn to
excel in their performance & accountability are also clarified with examples. Besides, four
different strategies for managing the planned changes process in Holiday Inn are proposed.
Finally, recommendations for Holiday Inn and conclusion of this assignment are outlined.

In 1952, Kemmons Wilson's creative strategy produced reasonably priced hotels and Inns with
hygienic and secure surroundings. Thirteen years after the chain's first location debuted in
Memphis, America and the Holidex system was introduced. In 1967, the Netherlands became
home to the first Inn in Europe. The CEO of a UK brewery, William Bass, purchased Holiday
Inn International in 1988. With 365,000 rooms worldwide, Holiday Inn rose to prominence in
1993 and took the lead in the hotel industry. Approximately 800,00 reservations are made for
Holiday Inn every day, or 300 million, annually (Inn, 2015).

Question 1

Anything that makes it difficult for communicators to send the appropriate message to the
appropriate person at the appropriate time or for a recipient to receive the appropriate message at
the appropriate time might be considered a communication barrier (Martic, 2023). Five types of
communication barriers that can occur in Holiday Inn are filtering, selective perception,
information overload, defensiveness and language.

1. Filtering

Filtering manipulates information by the transmitter to make it more appealing to the receiver.
Filtering especially takes place in organizations that place a weight on gaps in status and among
those with high career progression goals (SINGH, 2022). This barrier is the deliberate of data
before to transmission. When reporting to superiors, employees at Holiday Inn may omit certain
details in order to project a more favorable impression or to avoid breaking bad news. This can
result in inaccurate or partial information being shared. That can potential to affect decision-
making procedures and possibly lead to miscommunications between employees and
management (Roundtrip, 2022)

2. Selective perception

A brain process known as selective perception causes people to focus only on the things that
they believe to be true while utterly disregarding the signs that point to their incorrect beliefs.
When people interpret information according to their own biases or assumptions, a barrier is
created. For example, a guest may have opinions about what to expect from their stay according
to materials for advertising or past circumstances. In the event that their perception of the service
or facilities is different from what they really experienced, their level of satisfaction may suffer.
Similar to this, employees may interpret customer input differently, which might result in
miscommunications or inconsistent service quality (Bhati, 2023).

3. Information overload

Overwhelming information impairs our ability to operate, which can result in bad judgments at
work and in life, as well as a decision-making paralysis commonly known as analytical
immobility. Burnout is a typical outcome when the scenario continues (Wigmore, 2023). It is
nerve-racking to handle such a busy situation such as Hotel Inn. It is because the staff members
have to deal with a lot of tasks and communicate with different guests at the same time. This can
result information overload as employees probably have to multitask by processing and
prioritizing information effectively. For instance, front desk workers may receive back-to-back
requests from guests, resulting potential mistakes or delays to complete those tasks (Wigmore,

4. Defensiveness

Defensiveness is both an emotion and an action. When a person believes that someone is
criticizing him, he will experience feelings of embarrassment, despair, and rage (Arlin Cuncic,
2022). In a hospitality process of a Holiday Inn, defensiveness can take place to staff members
when their managers complain or criticize about a service. For instance, when a manager makes
a complain about an issue, the employees are more likely defensive or protective their action or
the service rather than vigorously solving the problem. And the consequence is that this only
makes the manager more anxious and make him unsatisfied about responsibility of the staff.

5. Language

Language differences is one of the main barriers in healthy communication among the staff
members resulting in misinterpretation in the exchange of information. This is a problem not
only for the employees but also for the managers of the Holiday Inn. For example, if there is a
foreign staff member who speaks a different language or different accent in a team, there can be
some difficulties in communicating with that team member. This can lead to miscommunication
and information delays.
Question 2

Five Stages of Group Circle are Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning.

1. Forming stage

During the Forming stage of team development, team members are excited about joining and
have high expectations for the experience. They may also feel anxiety about their place and
performance. The main task is to create a clear team structure, goals, direction, and roles,
building trust. A good orientation process helps ground members in the team's mission and
expectations. During this stage, task accomplishment may be low (Stein, 2023). When a team is
created at Holiday Inn, members may comprise employees from several departments who are
working together on a single project or effort. During this stage, it is crucial to communicate the
project's targets and expectations effectively (RESORTS, 2023).

2. Storming stage

Team members push against established boundaries during the storming stage, resulting in
conflict and friction. This stage can lead to physical confrontations or online tensions. Undefined
roles can result in workload overload or frustration (Team, 2023). In a hotel setting of Holiday
Inn, effective communication and conflict resolution skill are crucial to navigate disagreements
on customer service, bookings, and facility management.

3. Norming stage

Members resolve gaps between expectations and reality during the Norming stage of team
development, fostering acceptance and acceptance. Members shift their attention to the team's
goals and show an increase in productivity, both individually and collectively. The team may
decide that this is an appropriate time to evaluate team productivity and processes (Stein, 2023).
As conflicts are resolved, the team within Holiday Inn begins to form unity and norms. They
might improve their working methods by better understanding each other's strengths and
weaknesses and collaborating more effectively. This stage promotes team members'
collaboration and cohesiveness.
4. Performing stage

At the performing stage of group development, true interdependence is the norm. Individuals
adapt to fulfill the wants of other team members, resulting in a flexible team. This is a very
beneficial period, both professionally and personally (UNIVERSITY, 2022). When the Holiday
Inn team performs at its best, efficiently handling guest services, operations, and other aspects of
hotel management. Through effective teamwork, synergy, and expertise, the team achieves its
goals and produces the desired outcomes (hospitalitynet, 2023).

5. Adjourning stage

Adjourning stage is the final stage of a team's work, which includes task completion and
breakup. This stage is critical for ongoing teams like software development teams as well as
project-based teams. Before disbanding, the team may decide to hold a celebration or ceremony
to recognize contributions and achievements. The adjourning stage is an important part of
providing closure, and it can help team members successfully transition to the next work project
or team with a sense of accomplishment (lumen, 2023). Upon the completion of a project, it is
crucial to acknowledge individual contributions and celebrate the collective success of the
Holiday Inn team.

By evaluating what went well and setting the stage for future collaborations, this closure
strengthens the culture within the team. This stage enables one to draw lessons from the event
and use these understandings in subsequent projects.

Question 3

The term "power tactics" describes the ways in which individuals in positions of authority use
their influence or capacity to dominate others within an organization. They are frequently used to
enforce compliance or implement alterations in behavior and attitudes to meet particular
organizational goals (UK, 2024). Seven power tactics which can be used by Holiday Inn
management to improve their managerial skills are legitimating tactics, rational persuasion
tactics, coalition tactics, sanctions, personal appeals, ingratiation and pressure.

1. Legitimating Tactics
The formal authority given upon an individual within an organization is known as legitimate
power. Legitimate power is a type of positional power because it derives from a position or work
title. It involves depending on the position of authority or claiming that a request complies with
organizational guidelines or policies (Perry, 2021).

The power strategy of legitimation is one way that Holiday Inn management can improve at their
managing tasks. In order to gain over their staff members' confidence and respect, they must
first establish their authority and trustworthiness. Managers can give their team a feeling of
direction and purpose by clearly conveying the organization's aims and values. Additionally,
managers can empower their staff members and create a healthy work atmosphere by setting
clear expectations and norms, offering tools and assistance, and more. Moreover, attentively
hearing what employees have to say and attending to their issues might show that you care about
their growth and well-being. The management of Holiday Inn can improve their managerial
abilities and successfully guide their staff to success by employing the legitimating power
technique (Chen & Ro, 2011).

2. Rational persuasion Tactics

A reasonable approach for persuading someone that a request or proposal can be performed
successfully and that it is related to accomplishing a task or goal is rational persuasion Logic and
factual evidence should be presented to show that a request is reasonable. Leaders can utilise
facts, figures, and examples to persuade others through the use of rational persuasion, a
successful influencing strategy. It entails offering proof and utilising reason to support the
applicability and need of a topic.Persuading people that a suggested course of action is the best
and most sensible choice is the aim of rational persuasion (Kahn, 1994).

When all factors have an alignment and interpersonal persuasion is acknowledged, Holiday Inn
management can use rational persuasion to enhance their managerial abilities. Since consumers
are now more likely to base their decisions on their emotions than ever before, they may also
focus on giving them a satisfying emotional experience. Holiday inn can also use experiential
marketing to build client loyalty and take into account the factors that affect customer behaviors
in the industry of travel and tourism. Additionally, training programs can be used to raise
employee motivation and efficiency, both of which will increase management efficacy overall.
Holiday Inn management may assess how customers make decisions by applying theories like
projection bias and restricted attention, as well as by comprehending the concepts of bounded
rationality and behavioral economics. Rational persuasion can effectively achieve influence for
Holiday inn if it is applied to a person who believes the claim because there are shared
objectives. (Shin & Hyun, 2019).

3. Coalition tactics

A coalition tactic is a strategy that calls for enlisting the help of others in your attempt to
persuade someone (Toppr, 2023). Managers at Holiday Inn can use coalition tactics to encourage
cooperation, communication, and teamwork among various departments and team members.
They can improve problem-solving, decision-making, and overall organizational performance by
forming alliances and utilizing the varied abilities and viewpoints within their team.

4. Sanctions

The term "sanctions" refers to the use of incentives and penalties that are obtained from within
the organization. Examples of sanctions include promising or refusing a pay raise, threatening to
provide a subpar performance review, or delaying a promotion (iEduNote, 2023). Managers in
Holiday Inn can set clear objectives, reaffirm corporate values, and promote staff adherence to
established procedures by using sanctions. Applying sanctions consistently and equitably can
help resolve performance concerns and promote an accountable culture in the organization.

5. Personal appeals

Personal appeal is a request-making strategy that alludes to friendship and faithfulness (Toppr,
2023). Utilizing personal appeals as a power tactic can prove to be a clever and influential
approach in enacting organizational changes at Holiday Inn. With this method, support for the
intended changes is gained by utilizing personal ties and interpersonal interactions. Holiday Inn
managers can use personal appeals by highlighting how the suggested modifications support the
employees' personal beliefs, goals, or professional development.

6. Ingratiation
Ingratiation is a strategy that places a strong emphasis on making someone feel good before
asking for something. It entails extending a warm greeting, offering assistance, and use flattery
or praise (Toppr, 2023). Using ingratiation as a power tactic at Holiday Inn entails making
deliberate attempts to foster goodwill and create favorable relationships within the company.
People can become more likeable and appealing to coworkers, supervisors, and subordinates by
using charm, friendliness, and other interpersonal skills. This tactic can be advantageous for
Holiday Inn in a number of situations, including periods when changes are scheduled.

7. Pressure

Pressure of Power tactics is a strategy that concentrates on threats or intimidation in order

encourage collaboration (Toppr, 2023). Pressure tactics in Holiday Inn can be useful for
immediate action, crisis management, and performance boosts. However, overuse can lead to a
toxic work environment, decreased morale, impaired innovation, trust issues, and reputational
damage. Balancing pressure tactics with a supportive, empowering work environment is crucial
for long-term organizational success.

Question 4

McGregor’s X And Y Theories, Adam’s Equity Theory and Vroom’s Expectancy Theory can
help to motivate employee at Holiday Inn.

1. McGregor’s X and Y Theories

According to theories X and Y,

Theory X: leaders believe that individuals are lazy, unmotivated, and unwilling to take on
responsibility. As a result, they need to be managed, guided, and, punished. It seems more
appropriate for an unmotivated workforce with relatively low skill levels, for basic activities
requiring little judgment or involvement.

Theory Y: Its leaders operate under the assumption that people identify with the objectives of the
organization. Consequently, people are assumed to require little control or direction, seek
rewards commensurate with their performance, accept and enjoy responsibility, exhibit initiative
and creative skills, and may be driven by higher-order needs for self-actualization, esteem, and
affiliation (Brook, 2018).
These presumptions are frequently employed by Holiday Inn to categorize managers into two
groups: Theory X and Theory Y. A majority of managers, apply theory X, and think that their
staff members would choose not to work in order to avoid accountability. Therefore, theory X
forced managers to use coercive measures, controlling, and occasionally. However, employees
expressed dissatisfaction with the hotel's lack of management theory Y, which states that they
strive to improve their abilities, enjoy their work, and support admirable company objectives. It
is acknowledged by Theory X and Theory Y that the primary source of motivation for employees
must come from either an internal or external source (Researchomatic, 2022).

2. Adam’s Equity Theory

According to the equity theory, people would take action to remove any perceived disparity in
the compensation they receive for their efforts relative to others. Adams contends that any
perceived unfairness is a motivating mental state when people assess how fair their work
outcomes are in comparison to others. When someone feels that the compensation, they receive
for their labor is less than what others seem to have received, this is known as perceived
unfairness. According to the hypothesis, when there is perceived imbalance, people will be
motivated to take actions that ease their feelings and bring their sense of felt equity back
(Schermerhorn, et al., 1999).

When it comes to inspiring staff at the Holiday Inn Belgrade, Adam's Equity Theory holds
significance. "Holiday Inn" investigates the relationship between employee well-being and the
company's success as determined by the loyalty and contentment of its customers. In order to
maintain its position in the market and satisfy customers, Holiday Inn invests in its staff, making
sure they are motivated and satisfied overall. Thus, by using Adam's Equity Theory, the hotel
may establish an environment that encourages justice and equality, which will ultimately inspire
workers and aid in the development of the company ( Demirović, et al., 2014).

3. Expectancy Theory

According to expectancy theory, the tendency to behave in a particular way is based on how
strongly individuals expect and find a particular outcome to be appealing. More practically,
workers will be motivated to put in a lot of effort if they think it will result in a positive
performance review; if they think a positive review will result in organizational rewards like
bonuses, pay raises, or promotions; and if they believe these rewards will meet their own
personal objectives. The more employee values the outcomes, the more motivated they will be
achieved (Robbins & Judge, 2013).

Holiday Inn staff members can be motivated by Expectancy Theory, which emphasizes three
important elements: valence, instrumentality, and expectancy. By establishing unambiguous
standards and furnishing staff with essential resources and assistance, Holiday Inn can bolster
their confidence in their capacity to deliver quality work. Believing that one would be rewarded
for good achievement is known as instrumentality. By putting in place a performance review
system that honors and rewards employees for their accomplishments, Holiday Inn may inspire
staff members. The significance or worth a person assigns to the benefits they obtain is known as
their valence. Holiday Inn may boost employee motivation and job satisfaction by providing
incentives that are significant and in line with their requirements and preferences (Supatn &
Puapradit, 2019).

Question 5

An intentional effort by managers and staff to enhance the performance of groups, divisions,
departments, or an organization as a whole is known as planned organizational change. To carry
out planned changes, managers and other change agents employ a variety of strategies
(Hellriegel & W. Slocum, Jr., 2009). Four different strategies for managing the planned change
process in Holiday Inn are top-down approach, force-coercion approach, rational persuasion
approach and shared power approach.

1. The top-down approach

An approach to change management that is top-down suggests that change is enforced because it
originates at the top. Although lower-level employees are consequently impacted by change, they
are not included in the change process because decision-making is concentrated at higher levels
of the organization (Anderson, 2020).

The first crucial step in implementing the top-down approach for managing planned change at
Holiday Inn is determining which areas need change by top management, including executives
and senior managers. Then, they have to make decisions and develop a clear vision for the
required changes. In 2016, according to the annual report, there was a decline in the number of
customers using Holiday Inn services throughout several nations. At that moment, the company
employed the InterContinental Hotels Group's recommended strategy for change. The strategy
was to offer an abundance of incentives and awards to loyal customers who have utilized the
brand’s services. And the company was able to maintain its existing position. Therefore, when
the organizations need quick decisions and plans for change, the top-down approach is the most
suitable (IvyPanda, 2020).

2. The force-coercion approach

Legitimacy, incentives and penalties serve as the main inducements to change in a force-coercion
approach. That is to say, the change agent acts independently to "command" change by using the
official power of his or her position to compel change by threatening punishment or to promote
change by offering specific rewards. Individuals respond to this approach mostly because they
want to be rewarded for following through on a change command or because they fear
punishment for not doing so (R. Schermerhorn,Jr, et al., 2002).

When the force-coercion approach is implemented for managing the planned change in Holiday
Inn, there could be using authoritative measures to promote organizational transformations. This
approach focuses on implementing change without necessarily asking for the input or active
engagement of staff. To guarantee the implementation of new policies or procedures, Holiday
Inn's leaders could use mandates and directives. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,
employees are motivated when their needs are fulfilled. Therefore, Holiday Inn’s leaders can
enforce their employees to involve in change by giving incentives and punishments upon their

3. The rational persuasion approach

Change agents who employ a rational persuasion approach try to bring about change by utilizing
their expertise, facts or logical reasoning. This approach makes the assumption that reasonable
individuals will make decisions about whether or not to support a change based on logic and self-
interest. Expert power is used to persuade others that the change will improve their situation (R.
Schermerhorn,Jr, et al., 2002).

With this approach, Holiday Inn’s executives and change agents highlight the rationale for the
change while offering an in-depth analysis of the advantages and benefits that the new projects
and procedures will provide the company. To persuade staff members, this approach depends on
factual facts and straightforward communication. In order to communicate effectively and gain
the trust, the leaders need to connect with the core values of the workforce and persuade the
employees to accept and implement the necessary changes by using data, research and well-
reasoned arguments (CHEPKONGA, 2021).

4. The shared power approach

The shared power approach involves the individuals who will be impacted by a change in the
planning and decision-making process in an active and sincere manner. By participation and
empowerment, this approach seeks to provide paths and support for change. It establishes
fundamental pillars like individual principles, collective standards and common objectives so
that support for a suggested change develops organically (R. Schermerhorn,Jr, et al., 2002).

With this approach, Holiday Inn’s leaders aim to distribute the authority to make decisions
throughout the organization’s different levels, making sure that employees at all levels are
actively involved in the change process. They also empower the employees to address and
overcome any obstacles that stand in the way of the change's effective execution. Holiday Inn
can leverage the collective intellect of its staff by embracing varied viewpoints and allowing
employees to participate in decision-making processes.


In order to have a successful relationship between the manager and employee, theories x and y of
McGregor can be applied depending on the type of employees. Theory x is useful in some
situations and theory y is preferable in some situations. Nevertheless, the two methods have to be
combined in some circumstances so that it can bring out the best in the employees based on their
inherent motivations and aspirations. Holiday Inn is a great choice for a comfortable stay with
reliable amenities. From cozy rooms to friendly service, they often offer a convenient location
and a good value for money. It's also a solid option for a fantastic and enjoyable hotel

It is essential to recognize barriers to communication in order to work efficiently at Holiday Inn.
In order to cope with those problems, it is suggested that Holiday Inn create clear
communication channel, technological integration, and noise reduction methods. The Group Life
Cycle's five stages offer a framework for accomplishing goals. They have the managerial
abilities to positively impact employee behavior. Teams can improve cohesion, resolve issues,
establish clear norms, align goals, and celebrate succeeds by navigating through the formation,
storming, norming, performance, and adjourning stages. These theories can motivate employees
at Holiday Inn by providing clear and challenging goals, ensuring equity in the allocation of
rewards, and fostering the idea that effort correlates with performance and rewards.

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