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Health Perception / Health The patient claims that he He sought consultation and
Management doesn’t often get sick. treatment for his arm and
An occasional drinker a year also cooperated with the
ago. physician’s instructions and

Nutritional and Metabolic The patient claims he has a Due to his arm, the patient
Pattern good appetite, he accordingly must increase food intake
mixed vegetables, meat that is rich in calcium for
chicken and fish for a faster bone development and
balanced protein. also protein for muscle

Elimination Pattern The patient defecate once a Patient EF defecates once a

day and didn’t had any day and urinates 3 to 5 times
difficulties in defecating. And a day. There are no noted
he urinated 3 to 5 times a day issues.
with bright yellow urine.

Activity and Exercise The patient works as a The patient remains on a

welder. splint that supports his arm
because he couldn’t do any
extraneous activities as of the

Cognition Pattern The patient claims that he is He is oriented and

well coordinated and has no coordinated. He was still
problems with memory. alert, he responded to
questions quickly.

Sleep and Rest Pattern He gets roughly 8 hours of The patient's sleep routine is
sleep. irregular. Normally gets
awakened by the rounds of
doctors and nurses.

Self-Perception / Self- The patient was a lot The patient was worried
Concept pattern concerned about his work. about his work and was trying
to follow all the doctor’s
orders in order to speed up
his recovery.

Roles and Relationship The patient lives in He was accompanied by his

pattern Valenzuela city and is living mother during and after the
alone. surgery.

Sexually/ Reproductive The patient is not sexually Patient EF is still sexually

Pattern active, according to his profile inactive due to limited actions
he is single. and movements that he can

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Coping and Stress The patient manages his Patient EF worries about his
Tolerance Pattern stress well and ignores any work but he is more
indicators of stress. Usually concerned about his
talks with his workmates and recovery.
colleagues when they
hangout after work.

Values and Belief Pattern The patient is Roman Patient EF’s faith in God
Catholic but doesn’t often go grows greater as time passes
to church due to his line of by.
work. But he doesn’t forget
about God.

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