Vec Assignment

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1- HEAROy behird makng a NDIAN Carsttutan

The making ce the Indlian Canstituti an as a long and

copureV paoces. TIne ey g9ctt poitical and
tn ihoia: -he cunstitution ak lhoia as
oal ehange
adapted an Nayebc
26 1949 and it earne ito eyect an Jenuahy 26 1950.
Hitoical evoutian @y lnolian CHktitutan -Thee ae vasieus
ayus in the baekaund ek the Indlian Caratctutian -
ROgulating Act 1973 Fitts Inalia Act 1784 " chatea et y P13
1nda at 185/ India Cuncl t 161 India Cuncl At I092
" MORly- Mirto kexos 1404 " Matague - Chemord RepmsI919
INDIA act 1435 " Indian Indepenoence dt 1947
The&e at& ou in same uay endturnlntel in the deloment
cO% Inoian cantitution. The making S the ihdian CanSituKon
3 characteid by greual hey tates - Denoctatic Pocess,
NI7ting boAS, Pun damental ighte andl 9uties
The conßtituton ncOPORates mechangsms or ammendmerto
to aceoMGdate changig Kotol nede and egcundtances,
Indian canstituton rUlete a remakable comnitnent
to olemocay ;duru 0ty . arol oUal gustice , laying the
toundatian Kor Inoa democPatic rapublic.
2 tat and eplain Malint tures ak INDIAN Conttteien .
the indian cantitution o knouen t% eural aint keatures
"Pedoalism ot) Bios - Irdia
coithmotonrg wbay
Bias, ol.ce the cental Gavenment
poeuoer cmpatod to the gtota .toeuer, it aso
Ao a diision a paQos betuoen thh certal anot
dtati govementa.

Poliamertay ysten: It adapts he

a poume minist as the headd e pauiaumtag anol
Purndaur -The Canbituticn quasantees
kintn cluding ight to quaity4unalamntel
ight against euplsitotien. ea
Cultur and educatianal rught to eoen
gt and ight to a naljian
Henecies. These sigrte are nyercedl by the cAUNtS.
" 191ctiue
Painwpls ek Stat þaliy - t
t8 k tat ncopcr ates
peiuy, ohich ae guoines toA allsecti
Thauyh Lcohshie justice
not gay entor ble . they u and oyar ay
thu ouanm
the pesaple
thu ousnane at the ndamertal to
-These heatues co Lle ctiuely reslat the
anol adhtiue ntusu ek INDIAN CentittiN. inclu denweatic,
3 Wte and abonato Constitutiona vaup nshned nolO
Peeamble ex INDIAN canstitutian.
objectiue ak the Indian censhtutan -
jveignty mis entitles Aupene , uncartholable
ahseute pococ to the Gevennent e
Censdtien and þotects thu aightl ak the
Pepla gsOULNL0Gnty an be ey
too types, te0al
nteunal KOVeHUGAty añd Eutenal mavovignty
Kavengnty: enttles the atatis oith the
the cetein cases
2eyerignty: eclakes govenment as the eupreme atthoouty
andl entttes it to eede a paot ey any tenttoNy
glecialist - The Indian uellon ek eocialism is knon as
democotic OÒallsrm, shich meens th at the
beliwes in a 'mineol ecoristin ohih the
Public ndl paivate sector
The Indian gitate's gocilist cudentials thae been
rded by, the ne econoC *baKatien,
Pivatacthan anol Globali th
ut censtituti on to
eker te þalitical, goial and
CConomic democC2QY
The INDIAN Polit cal ytem is based en indlu t
dornocHay. yottimes rekKerd to as rep resentatue
in ohith the
addminotration es
and acte. to the legislatiue or al rolids
The incian
demo cAra yCansitution
oth a atabshey a
regoes entatiue pasliamtay
Repubic: In the 0ambl ak eu cansitutin. the OGrd
IUpublic' 7eos to the tat that n Indua he heacl
ttate uaaye elected Cresidunt). They e
Chasan ter a tiue - yer tem wa an
JUAtiee: The Peaall @ the Indian canstitution , the
phlare Justice' ukers to thou typs aek Jusiee :
dOdal. economic . and baiioal. Fundametal
Rights nd 9ireciu inei ples ax tat Poliy
dbeEg: The paeonble K aut eensfibtion
al indicn itien& paotects
epesLSn . bliek
'aeclanm cs thught
thçs undamntal kaith and o0hip
torced ein a ceutkight k ,lauohichek thy
ae vialated

Q Beul 0xitatian.
Patontg: The conn ats a keirg ak atoby
syetem aty eih ge Gtranshi' anot stticle
CfundaMert al uties ).

"Fnatunity guanarta too things: " Indiduel

" Nati anal
and irtegrity (hlzh
(4. Lt a hot en veaies bguisions acdoptia byY

the ooud
Tha B9iAih canttituten inkuenced the Pasiarnentay ytem
The gmeican CerBbitutjan cartibuted to fundamental pighte,
naPenduc es gudiiy . the prüniplu cay udidal euo.
the peat ex ice-Paiolert nemaval ey uages and
Mmpaachmert ay the tusdent. The tcotiah canttitutjean inspisud
the 19iseetiue Pünubl tate paiuy and methed& Ck
Bußidentel tlectien.
Candlian Censtitutian inluenced the ederal
Pooers in
Loth pauNe tates uatig et residuaoy
Ppntmurt ey tati goueunh by Cerdoe ànd adusory
9udietian e eupeene Unt The utallan cNEtttutON
Conti buted to the cen cutornt ilt, trectarn @s traole aral
ComeAce and a joint siting ay bath hauaes ay Pariamt.
he Geman cantitutian inkuenced the yeesp2nkish ak gundatneta
ughts duirg an ernetgeny , eohils the Mut ocialist Rzpublics
Censtitutan added dnmtal dutU and the ioea ey
HOUOL - eoonomic and'aitca justiee enshoiracl n the Pre anble.
Thisoctheraugh olannandttates the cansittien et INDJA
nat totien but oas gn7icarty
nkuenced by a varity ag Canstitubiona jaleas ad
Yarieus antrie .

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