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Ch-wise Q's & Answers

Ch. 1 Real Numbers

Ch. 2 Polynomials

Ch. 3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

*Click above to jump to the respective Chapters of this pdf

1 Real

At the petrol pump, while re lling your car tank, you must have observed
how the petrol machine shows the amount to pay based on the litres
refueled. Real number concept is used in algorithms of such machines to
provide accurate calculations based on many variables.

Topic Notes
Prime Factorisation
HCF and LCM using Prime Factorisation
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Rational and Irrational Numbers
Learning Objectives
 Students will be learning to classify positive integers as prime,
composite and co-primes.
 Students will be learning to write a number as a product of prime
Learning Outcomes
 Students will be able to generalise properties of numbers and
relations among them using factorisation.
Real Life Application
You must have WhatsApp installed on your phone or on your parent’s
phone to communicate with your friends or family. In that, you must
have seen terms like "end-to-end encryption," that means that it’s a
secure communication that will prevent third party app from accessing
your data while it's being transferred from your phone to your friend’s

Whats App is based upon cryptography, or cryptology, i.e., the study

of techniques for secure communication. It is a method of protecting
information and communicating through the use of codes.
For programmers who construct unique code using numbers that aren't
too large for computers to store or process rapidly, prime factorisation
is a key concept. Public-key encryption systems are frequently secured
using this technique.
Let us now understand prime factorisation in detail.
Prime Numbers
The numbers which have no factors other than 1 and the number itself
are called prime numbers.

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Composite Numbers
The numbers which have atleast one factor other than 1 and the number
itself are called composite numbers.
Co-Prime Numbers
The set of numbers which don’t have any common factor other than 1
are called co-prime numbers.
Factor of a Number
If a number divides another number exactly, then the number which
divides, is called a factor of that number.
Factor Tree
It is a chain of factors of a number, which is represented in the form of a
Example 1. Draw a factor tree of 32. (Understand)
Total Breakdown
Marks (As per CBSE Marking Scheme)
Represent 32 in the form of product of its smallest prime
factor and the other number. (½ m)
Repeat this process till we get the other number as a prime
number. (½ m)


2 16

2 8

2 4

2 2

Prime Factors of a Number

The set of prime numbers which when multiplied together, make the
original number.
E.g. Prime factors of 15 are 3 and 5.
Example 2. Express the number 3825 as a product of its prime
factors. (Understand)

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Total Breakdown
Marks (As per CBSE Marking Scheme)
Find prime factors of the number 3825. (½ m)
1 Write all the factors in product as well as in exponential form.
(½ m)

Ans. We have,
3 3825
3 1275
5 425
5 85
17 17
∴ Product of prime factors of 3825
= 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 × 17
= 32 × 52 × 17
 Students should follow the ladder method, i.e., always start with lowest prime
number to quickly and easily find the end result.

4 Mathematics Class X
OBJECTIVE Type Questions
Multiple Choice Questions-I
[ 1 mark each ]
1. The total number of factors of a prime number is:
(a) 1 (b) 0
(c) 2 (d) 3
Ans. (c) 2
Explanation: Factors of a prime number are 1 and the number
2. Three alarm clocks ring their alarms at regular intervals of 20
min, 25 min and 30 min respectively. If they first beep together
at 12 noon, at what time will they beep again for the first time ?
(a) 4 : 00 pm (b) 4 : 30 pm
(c) 5 : 00 pm (d) 5 : 30 pm
[CBSE Term-1 Std. 2021]
Ans. (c) 5:00 pm
Explanation: Minutes after which they beep together = LCM (20,
25, 30)

 20 = 22 × 5
25 = 52
30 = 2 × 3 × 5

\ LCM (20, 25, 30) = 22 × 3 × 52
= 300 min
= 5 hours
Now, three alarm clocks ring their alarms at 12 noon, so next they
will beep together after 5 hours i.e., at 5:00 pm.
3. If two positive integers p and q can be expressed as p = ab2 and
q = a3b; a, b being prime numbers, then LCM (p, q) is:
(a) ab (b) a2b2
(c) a3b2 (d) a3b3
[CBSE SQP Basic 2022, NCERT Exemplar]

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Ans. (c) a3b2
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP Basic 2022]
Explanation: Given that,
p = ab2 = a × b × b
And q = a3b = a × a × a × b
LCM of p and q = LCM (ab2, a3b)
= a × b × b × a × a
= a3b2 ...
[Since, LCM is the product of the greatest power of each prime
factor involved in the numbers]

 Students usually make mistakes while calculating prime factors. They should
always start with the lowest prime number.

[A-R] [ 1 mark each ]

In the following questions, two statements in the form of an

Assertion (A) and a Reason (R) have been put forward. Read both
statements carefully and choose the most appropriate option:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is
the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
4. Assertion (A): If product of two numbers is 5780 and their HCF
is 17, then their LCM is 340.
Reason (R): HCF is always a factor of LCM
[CBSE SQP Std. 2022]
Ans. (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of assertion (A)
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP Std. 2022]

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Explanation: We know that,
HCF × LCM = Product of the numbers
Þ 17 × LCM = 5780
Þ LCM = 340
The LCM of the two numbers = 340
HCF of two numbers is always a factor of their LCM.
Hence, both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the
correct explanation of assertion.

CASE BASED Questions (CBQs)

[ 5 marks each ]

Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow:
5. The school principal wants to address the students of classes
eighth to tenth on the importance of personal hygiene. He asks
the teacher in charge of the school to arrange all the students
of eighth, ninth and tenth classes in a single hall. There are 84
students from eighth class, 63 students from ninth and 42 students
from tenth class.

(A) What is the minimum number of rows in which the students

can be seated such that students belonging to the same
class are seated in the same row?

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(a) 7 (b) 9
(c) 21 (d) 42
(B) Realising that the hall can accommodate more students,
the school Principal now wants to include 98 students of
class seventh also. What will be the number of students and
minimum number of rows such that students belonging to
the same class are seated in the same row?

Number of students of Minimum number of

same class in one row rows
(a) 14 21
(b) 21 14
(c) 41 7
(d) 7 41
(C) Suppose the bus incharge of the school has to arrange
buses in the morning for a picnic. There are two lines of
buses, line A and line B. Buses on line A leave after every 15
minutes while buses on line B leave after every 20 minutes.
In a day, how many times do buses on both lines A and B
leave together between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m, if firstly, buses
leave together at 8 a.m.?

(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
(D) Three numbers are in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5 and their LCM is
2400. The HCF of the numbers is:
(a) 40 (b) 60
(c) 80 (d) 120

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(E) The product of two numbers is 2028 and their HCF is 13. The
LCM of the numbers is:
(a) 13 (b) 156
(c) 2028 (d) 26364
Ans. (A) (b) 9
Explanation: As we have to find the minimum number of
rows, we have to first take the HCF of 84, 63 and 42.
84 = 22 × 3 × 7
63 = 32 × 7
42 = 2 × 3 × 7
\ HCF = 3 × 7 = 21
So, 21 students of each class can be seated in one row. That
means there will be 4 rows for class eighth, 3 rows for class
ninth and 2 rows for class tenth.
Total number of rows = 4 + 3 + 2 = 9
(B) Number of students of Minimum number of
same class in one row rows
(d) 7 41
Explanation: We will now calculate the HCF of 42, 63, 84
and 98.
42 = 2 × 3 × 7
63 = 32 × 7
84 = 22 × 3 × 7
98 = 2 × 72
\ HCF = 7
So, 7 students of each class can now be seated in one row.
That means there will be 12 rows for class eighth, 9 rows
for class ninth, 6 rows for class tenth and 14 rows for class
Total number of rows = 12 + 9 + 6 + 14 = 41

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(C) (a) 3
Explanation: To calculate the number of times the buses on
lines A and B leave together between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., if
they first leave at 8 a.m., we first need to calculate the LCM of
15 and 20.
15 = 3 × 5
20 = 22 × 5
LCM = 22 × 3 × 5 = 60
So, the buses will leave together after every 60 minutes. They
will leave together at 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.

(D) (a) 40
Explanation: Let the numbers be 3x, 4x and 5x.
Their LCM = 3 × 4 × 5 × x = 60 x = 2400
Þ x = 40.
Thus, the numbers are 120, 160 and 200.
To find their HCF, we find their prime factors:
120 = 23 × 3 × 5
160 = 25 × 5
200 = 23 × 52
\ HCF = 23 × 5 = 40

(E) (b) 156
Explanation: The relation between the numbers a and b and
their HCF (a, b), LCM (a, b) is given by:
HCF (a, b) × LCM (a, b) = a × b
So, 13 × LCL = 2028
Þ LCM = = 156


[ 1 mark each ]
6. Write the number of zeroes in the end of a number whose
prime factorisation is 22 × 53 × 32 × 17. [CBSE 2019]

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Ans. Given, 22 × 53 × 32 × 17
= (2 × 5)2 × 5 × 32 × 17
= (10)2 × 5 × 32 × 17
[ on multiplying 2 × 5, we get 10]
The power of 10 in the given expression is 2.
Hence, the number of zeroes in the end will be 2.

SHORT ANSWER Type-I Questions (SA-I)

[ 2 marks each ]
7. Three bells ring at an interval of 4, 7 and 14 minutes. All three
bells rang at 6 am, when the three bells will ring together
next? [CBSE SQP 2020]
Ans. 4=2×2
14 = 2 × 7
LCM = 2 × 2 × 7 = 28
The three bells will ring together again at 6 : 28 am
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2020]
Explanation: The time after which the three bells will ring together is
the LCM of 4, 7 and 14.
Now, 4=2×2
14 = 2 × 7
\ LCM = 2 × 2 × 7 = 28
Since, the bells rang at 6 am, so they will again ring together at
6 : 28 am.

SHORT ANSWER Type-II Questions (SA-II)

[ 3 marks each ]

8. Prove that 5 is an irrational number. [CBSE 2014]

Ans. Let, 5 be a rational number and its simplest form is b , where
a and b are integers having no common factor other than 1 and
b ¹ 0.

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Now, 5 =
Squaring both sides, we get
5= 2
Þ 5b2 = a2 ...(i)
Þ a2 is divisible by 5[ 5b2 is divisible by 5]
Þ a is divisible by 5[ 5 is a prime number
and divides a2 Þ 5 divides a]
\ Let a = 5c, for some integer ‘c’.
On substituting a = 5c in equation (i), we get
5b2 = (5c)2
Þ 5b2 = 25c2
Þ b2 = 5c2
Þ b2 is divisible by 5 [5c2 is divisible by 5]
Þ b is divisible by 5
Since, a and b are both divisible by 5, 5 is common factor of a and b.
But this contradicts the fact that a and b have no common factor
other than 1.
This contradiction has arisen because of our incorrect assumption that
5 is a rational number.

Hence, 5 is an irrational number.

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SHORT ANSWER Type-I Questions (SA-I)

[ 2 marks each ]
1. On a morning walk, three persons step out together and their
steps measure 30 cm, 36 cm and 40 cm respectively. What is
the minimum distance each should walk so that each can cover
the same distance in complete steps?

[CBSE Topper 2019]

Real Numbers 13
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Learning Objectives
 Students will be learning to identify the degree of a polynomial in
order to find its number of zeroes.
Learning Outcomes
 Students will be able to calculate the value of a polynomial at
different points.
Real Life Application
If you have ever been to Rishikesh, you must have visited the famous
Ramjhula. The bridge, which spans 450 feet and hangs 70 feet above the
lake, is well-known to visitors and tourists who have been to Rishikesh
from all over the world.

Have you ever wondered what went into building such a large structure
while keeping security and durability in mind? To build these bridges,
architects use polynomials to design the shape of a bridge and also
to draw the blueprints for it. To make sure the bridge's supports are
sturdy enough to handle the desired load, engineers use polynomials to
calculate the stress on those structures.
This is how polynomials work in real world. Let’s study polynomials and
the terms related to it in brief.
A polynomial is a finite expression constructed from variables and
constants, using the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication
and taking non-negative integer powers. It can be written as the sum of
a finite number of terms.

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An algebraic expression of the form a0xn + a1xn – 1 + a2xn – 2 + ..........+ an.
Where a0, a1, a2..... an are real numbers, n is a non-negative integer, a0 ≠
0, is called a polynomial in x of degree n. A polynomial in x is generally
denoted by p(x), r(x), f(x), or g(x).
Degree of a Polynomial
The highest power of x in a polynomial p(x), is called the degree of the
polynomial p(x).
Example 1. Write the degree of the polynomial:
5x5 + 4x3 – 4x + 3 (Remember)
Total Breakdown
Marks (As per CBSE Marking Scheme)
Check the highest power x in the given polynomial. This
highest power of x is the degree of the polynomial. (1 m)
Ans. Here, the given polynomial is:
5x5 + 4x3 – 4x + 3
Here, the highest power of variable 'x' is 5.
Hence, the degree of polynomial is 5.
 Students should remember that, while finding the degree of a polynomial,
arrange the terms in descending powers.

Value of a Polynomial
If p(x) is a polynomial in x and a is a real number, then the value obtained
by putting x = a in p(x), is called the value of p(x) at x = a and is denoted
by p(a).
Example 2. Find the value of the polynomial p(x) = 9x2 + 5 at x = 1.
Total Breakdown
Marks (As per CBSE Marking Scheme)
Substitute x = 1 in the given polynomial. (½ m)
Calculate the value of the polynomial. (½ m)
Ans. Here, p(x) = 9x2 + 5
\ p(x = 1) = 9(1)2 + 5
= 9 + 5
= 14

Polynomials 3
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Learning Objectives
 Students will be learning to identify different types of polynomials.
Learning Outcomes
 Students will be able to identify the type of polynomials by
observing the highest power of variable.
Real Life Application
Have you ever watched a javelin throw competition at your school or
the most popular event that happens in our recent memory, the Tokyo
Olympics, when our national athlete Neeraj Chopra competed and
brought home the gold for us?

So, the javelin throw is a track and field event in which a spear that is 2.5
metres (8 feet 2 inches) long is launched and to throw that spear, the
thrower have to gain the momentum by running within a predetermined
area. In a competition, throw’s distance is measured, and for that, release
speed, angle, and height of the javelin along with air resistance and drag
are to be taken into account. And to calculate overall path of the javelin,
quadratic equation is used which is one of the type of polynomial, in
this, the degree of the polynomial is two.
Let us study more about different types of polynomials.
Constant Polynomial
A polynomial of degree zero, is called a constant polynomial. It is of the
form a, where a is any number.

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Linear Polynomial
A polynomial of degree one, is called a linear polynomial. It is of the
form ax + b, where a and b are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
Quadratic Polynomial
A polynomial of degree two, is called a quadratic polynomial. It is of the
form ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
Bi-quadratic or Quartic Polynomial
A polynomial of degree four, is called a biquadratic or quartic polynomial. It
is of the form ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e, where a, b, c, d, and e are real numbers and
a ≠ 0.
Example 3. Identify the type of polynomial for the following:
(A) 3x2
(B) 5x4 + 2x3 + 4
(C) 25z3 + 45z2 + 7z + 63 (Remember)
Total Breakdown
Marks (As per CBSE Marking Scheme)
(A) (B), (C) Check the highest power of the variable x and z.
(½ m + ½ m + ½ m)
(A) (B), (C) Identify the type of polynomial from the highest
power of x and z. (½ m + ½ m + ½ m)
Ans. (A) Highest power of the variable x is 2.
So, it is a quadratic polynomial.
(B) Highest power of the variable x is 4.
So, it is a bi-quadratic polynomial.
(C) Highest power of the variable z is 3.
So, it is a cubic polynomial.

Polynomials 5
OBJECTIVE Type Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
[ 1 mark each ]
1. In graph, a polynomial P(x) is shown. The number of zeroes of
P(x) is:
C x

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4 [CBSE Term-1 Std. 2021]
Ans. (c) 2
Explanation: The number of zeroes of a polynomial is equal to the
number of points at which graph of the polynomial cut the x-axis.
Here, graph of P(x) cuts x-axis at three points, namely, A, B and C.
So, number of zeroes of P(x) is three.
2. If x – 1 is a factor of the polynomial p(x) = x3 + ax2 + 2b and a +
b = 4, then:
(a) a = 5, b = –1 (b) a = 9, b = –5
(c) a = 7, b = –3 (d) a = 3, b = 1 [CBSE Term-1 Std. 2021]
Ans. (b) a = 9, b = –5
Explanation: Since, x – 1 is a factor of p(x)
\ x – 1 is a factor of p(x)
Þ x–1=0
Þ x=1
Þ p(1) = (1)3 + a(1)2 + 2b = 0
Þ a + 2b = –1 ...(i)
Also, a+b=4 ...(ii)
Solving equation (i) and (ii), we get
a = 9, b = –5

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3. While having a banana during breakfast, Sakshi realised that
the shape of the banana on the dining table resembles the
shape of a parabola, about which she had just studied. And she
can also find out the zeroes of the banana, if its shape is drawn
on a graph paper.

She randomly thought that how many number of polynomials

have zeroes as –2 and 5?
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) more than 3 [NCERT Exemplar]
Ans. (d) more than 3
Explanation: Sum of the zeroes = – 2 + 5 = 3
and product of the zeroes = (–2)5 = –10
A quadratic polynomial is given by
k{x2 – (sum of the zeroes)x + (product of the zeroes)}
which becomes,
⇒ k{x2 – 3x – 10}
where k is any real number.
Thus, we can say that kx2 – 3kx – 10k will also have –2 and 5 as
their zeroes.
As k can take any real value, so there can be infinite polynomials
having –2 and 5 as their zeroes.
Hence, the required number of polynomials is infinite i.e., more
than 3.

Fill in the Blanks

[ 1 mark each ]
4. If one zero of the quadratic polynomial (k − 1)x2 − 10x + 3 is
reciprocal of the other, then the value of k is .................... .

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Ans. 4
Explanation: Let a be one of the zeroes of the given quadratic
Then, its other root is α .
We know that,
Constant term
Product of roots = Coefficient of x 2
1 3
Þ a× =
α k −1
Þ 1=
k −1
Þ k–1=3
Þ k=4

[A-R] [ 1 mark each ]
In the following questions, two statements in the form of an
Assertion (A) and a Reason (R) have been put forward. Read both
statements carefully and choose the most appropriate option:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is
the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is
not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
5. Assertion (A): The graph y = f(x) is shown in figure, for the
polynomial f(x). The number of zeroes of f(x) is

x' x


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Reason (R): The number of zeroes of the polynomial f(x)
is the number of point at which f(x) cuts or
touches the axes.
Ans. (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Explanation: As the number of zeroes of polynomial f(x) is the
number of points at which f(x) cuts (intersects) the x-axis and
number of zeroes in the given figure is 3.
Hence, assertion is true but the reason is false..

CASE BASED Questions (CBQs)

[ 5 marks each ]

Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow:
6. SLV-3 was successfully launched on July 18, 1980 from Sriharikota
Range (SHAR), when Rohini satellite, RS-1, was placed in orbit,
thereby making India the sixth member of an exclusive club of
space-faring nations. SLV-3 employed an open loop guidance
(with stored pitch programme) to steer the vehicle in flight along a
pre-determined trajectory. The successful culmination of the SLV-3
project showed the way to advanced launch vehicle projects such
as the Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV), Polar Satellite
Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch
Vehicle (GSLV).

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Instrument collect data



ude (in kilometer)




Expanded stages are dropped


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

A toy rocket is fired into the air from the top of a tall building. Let
its height above the ground after time t seconds be given by the
p(t) = 24t2 – 41t + 12.
(A) What will be the shape of the graph representing the
height of the rocket above the ground?
(B) Find the number of zeroes of the graph given.
Ans. (A) As the height of the rocket above the ground is given by a
quadratic polynomial, p(t) = 24t2 – 41t + 12, its graph will be
a parabola.
(B) The graph intersects the x-axis at two points.
So, number of zeroes are 2.


[ 1 mark each ]
7. Write a quadratic polynomial, sum of whose zeroes is 2 and
product is – 8. [CBSE SQP 2020]
Ans. Quadratic polynomial is given by
  x2 – (a + b) x + ab
  x2 – 2x – 8 [CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2020]
Explanation: A quadratic polynomial with sum and product of
zeroes is written as,

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x2 – (sum of zeroes) x + product of zeroes
\ x2 – 2x + (– 8)
Þ x2 – 2x – 8.

SHORT ANSWER Type-II Questions (SA-II)

[ 3 marks each ]
8. Find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are reciprocals of
the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = ax2+ bx + c, a ¹ 0, c ¹ 0.
 [CBSE 2020]
Ans. Let α, β be the zeroes of f(x) = ax + bx + c.
b c

Thus, α + β = a and αβ = a

1 1
Now, α and
β are the zeroes of required polynomial.

1 1 αα++ββ == ––bb/a/aa == ––bb
So, + = αβ αβ = cc/c/aa = cc
α β
1 1 1 1
1 a
And, . = c =
= αβ = c / a = c
α β a
\ Required polynomial is:
x2 – (sum of zeroes)x + product of zeroes.
2  −b  a
Þ x −   x +
c c
Þ cx + bx + a
So, the required polynomial is cx2 + bx + a.

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 4 & 5 marks each ]
9. If the zeroes of the polynomial x2 + px + q are double in value
to the zeroes of 2x2 – 5x – 3, find the value of p and q.
Ans. We have, 2x2 – 5x – 3 = 0
= 2x2 – 6x + x – 3
= 2x(x – 3) + 1(x – 3)
= (x – 3) (2x + 1)
Polynomials 11
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Zeroes are:
x – 3 = 0 or 2x + 1 = 0

Þ −
x = 3 or x = 2

Since, the zeroes of required polynomial is double of given

Zeroes of the required polynomial are:
3 × 2, ( − × 2), i.e., 6, –1
Sum of zeroes, S = 6 + (-1) = 5
Product of zeroes, P = 6 × (-1) = -6
Quadratic polynomial is x2 – Sx + P
Þ x2 – 5x – 6 ...(i)
On comparing (i) with x + px + q, we get
p = –5, q = –6

12 Mathematics Class X
“ I relied on NCERT as the bible. But I also
referred different difficulty level Q's like
from PYQs and new pattern Q's that my
teachers recommended. It's a must!

(99.80%), CBSE Topper 2023

According to this year's topper Arihant Kapkoti, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, our special book covers the below things:

Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's

(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(all difficulties with explanations)
Real-life examples of Topics
CBSE Paper Checker Tips
Topper Answers


These books are the best reference books that every

CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Rita Gupta Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
HOD, Social Science teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
Reputed CBSE School answers & coverage all possible Questions

I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They

know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and Arun Sharma
practice. Must buy book!!! Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23

Learning Objectives
 Students will be learning the properties of a linear equation.
Learning Outcomes
 Students will be able to classify the given equations as linear and


Real Life Application

Every month we need to pay the bills for the appliances for we use in
our daily lives, such as for televisions, bulbs, laptops, etc. Each device
consumes some amount of electricity in the form of units. One unit of
electricity refers to 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of power. If you lit a 100-watt
bulb at your home for 10 hours, the amount of power used to keep this
bulb lit for 10 hours would be equal to 1 unit of electricity.

So, you may have noticed that every month, a representative from the
electricity department visits your home to record the units in the metre
located outside your home. With the help of the mathematical equations
by writing down the total units, and then, following the calculations,
they send a bill to your house.
This is how the bills are generated by taking the meter readings into
Let us discuss linear equations in detail.

Linear Equation In One Variable

An equation which involves only one variable with highest power 1, is
called a linear equation in one variable.

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E.g. 2x – 3 = 0, 2 – y = 0, 5m + 3 = 5.
The value of the variable, which satisfies the given linear equation in one
variable, is its solution.
E.g. For given equation 2x – 3 = 0, if x = 3 , then it will satisfy the given
equation, Hence, x = is the solution of given equation.

Linear Equation In Two Variables

If the number of variables in a linear equation is two with highest power
of each variable being 1, then the equation is called linear equation in
two variables.
E.g. x – 3y = 0, 2x – 7y = 3, 5m + 3n = 0.

Standard Form of a Linear Equation In Two Variables

The standard form of a linear equation in two variables x and y is ax +
by + c = 0, where a, b, c are real numbers and a ¹ 0, b ¹ 0.
Any pair of values of x and y which satisfies the equation ax + by + c = 0,
a ¹ 0, b ¹ 0 is its solution.
E.g. x = 3 and y = –1 is the solution of the linear equation 4x + 7y = 5.

Way to Write and Draw the Graph of Linear Equation in Two

Step 1: Consider any two variables, say in x and y.
Step 2: Form an equation from these variables.
Step 3: Now consider two or three coordinates of x and y which satisfy
the equation formed in step 2.
Step 4: On a graph paper, draw XOX' and YOY' as coordinates axes, and
taking a suitable scale plot these points on it.
Step 5: Join these points to form a straight line.
The graph, so obtained is the required graph of the linear equation in
two variables.

Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 3

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 The graph of a linear equation in two variables is always a straight line.

Example 1. The coach of a cricket team buys 3 bats and 6 balls for
` 3,900. Represent this situation algebraically and graphically.
Total Breakdown
Marks (As per CBSE Marking Scheme)

Represent the cost of one bat and that of one ball in terms
of variables. (½ m)
Form a linear equation in terms of the two variables. (½ m)
Plot the graph of the linear equation, formed in step 2. (1m)

Ans. Step 1: Consider the cost of one bat be ` x and the cost of one ball
be ` y.
Step 2: The required equation is:

3x + 6y = 3900
Step 3: 3x + 6y = 3900

3900 − 3 x
Þ y=
x 0 1300 400
y 650 0 450

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 Students should make sure that while plotting the points on a graph, double
check whether the point is to be plotted on x-axis or y-axis.

Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 5

OBJECTIVE Type Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
[ 1 mark each ]
1. On comparing with the general from for a pair of linear
equations in two variables x and y, which option is correct for
the following pair of equations.
10x – 8y = –12
–3x + 12 y – 11 = 0
(a) a1 = 10 (b) a1 = –8
a2 = 3 a2 = 12
b1 = 8 b1 = 10
b2 = 12 b2 = –3
c1 = 12 c1 = 12
c2 = 11 c2 = –11
(c) a1 = 10 (d) a1 = 10
a2 = –3 a2 = –3
b1 = –8 b1 = 12
b2 = 12 b2 = –11
c1 = 12 c1 = –8
c2 = –11 c2 = 12 [Diksha]
Ans. (c) a1 = 10
a2 = –3
b1 = –8
b2 = 12
c1 = 12
c2 = –11
Explanation: General form is:
a1x + b1y + c1 = 0
a2x + b2y + c2 = 0

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On comparing,
a1 = 10
a2 = –3
b1 = –8
b2 = 12
c1 = 12
c2 = –11
2. The value of k for which the lines 5x + 7y = 3 and 15x + 21y =
k coincide is:
(a) 9 (b) 5
(c) 7 (d) 18 [CBSE Term-1 SQP 2021]
Ans. (a) 9
a b c
1 = 1 = 1
For lines to coincide: a b c
2 2 2

5 7 −3
So, 15 = 21 = −k i.e., k = 9

[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]

Explanation: The lines 5x + 7y = 3 and 15x + 21y = k will coincide,

a b c
1 = 1 = 1
a b c
2 2 2

5 7 ( -3)
or, = =
15 21 -k
1 3
Þ 3 = k
Þ k=9
3. Anushka and her friends went to a carnival on Christmas. The
price of one adult ticket was ` x and that of a children’s ticket was
` y. The total cost was a linear equation in two variables.

Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 7

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3 5
The pair of linear equations is x + yy++77==00 and 9x + 10y +
2 3
14 = 0.
It is:
(a) consistent
(b) inconsistent
(c) consistent with one solution
(d) consistent with many solutions [CBSE 2020]
Ans. (b) inconsistent
For the given pair of equations, we have:
a 32 1
a = 9 = 6
b 53 1
b = 10 = 6

c 7 1
c = 14 = 2

a b c
1 = 1 ¹ 1
\ a b c
2 2 2
Hence, the given pair of linear equations is inconsistent.

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Fill in the Blanks
[ 1 mark each ]
4. The value of a so that the point (3, a) lies on the line represented
by 2x – 3y = 5, is .................... .
Ans. 3
Explanation: Given : (3, a) lies on 2x – 3y = 5.
Þ 2 × 3 – 3a = 5
Þ 3a = 6 – 5 = 1
Þ a = 3

[A-R] [ 1 mark each ]
In the following questions a statement of Assertion (A) is followed
by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct option as:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is
the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
5. Assertion (A): If the pair of lines are coincident, then we say
that pair of lines are consistent and it has a
unique solution.
Reason (R): If the pair of lines are parallel, then the pairs
has no solution and is called inconsistent pair
of equations.
Ans. (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Explanation: If the pair of lines are coincident, then the system of
linear equations is said to be consistent and has infinitely many
solutions and if the pair of lines are parallel, then the system of
linear equations is said to be inconsistent and has no solution.
Hence, the assertion is false but the reason is true.

Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 9

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CASE BASED Questions (CBQs)
[ 5 marks each ]
Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow:
6. A book store shopkeeper gives books on rent for reading. He has
variety of books in his store related to fiction, stories and quizzes
etc. He takes a fixed charge for the first two days and an additional
charge for subsequent day. Amruta paid ` 22 for a book and kept for
6 days; while Radhika paid ` 16 for keeping the book for 4 days.
Assume that the fixed charge be ` x and additional charge (per day)
be ` y.

(A) The situation of amount paid by Radhika, is algebraically

represented by:
(a) x – 4y = 16 (b) x + 4y = 16
(c) x – 2y = 16 (d) x + 2y = 16
(B) The situation of amount paid by Amruta, is algebraically
represented by:
(a) x – 2y = 11 (b) x – 2y = 22
(c) x + 4y = 22 (d) x – 4y = 11
(C) What are the fixed charges for a book ?
(a) `9 (b) `10
(c) `13 (d) `15
(D) What are the additional charges for each subsequent day
for a book ?
(a) `6 (b) `5
(c) `4 (d) `3

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(E) What is the total amount paid by both, if both of them
have kept the book for 2 more days?
(a) `35 (b) `52
(c) `50 (d) `58
Ans. (A) (d) x + 2y = 16 [CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: Here, Radhika kept book for 4 days and paid `16.
Since, there are fixed charges for first two days.
\ x + (4 – 2)y = 16
or, x + 2y = 16
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
(B) (c) x + 4y = 22
Explanation: Since, Amruta kept book for 6 days and paid `22.
\ x + (6 – 2)y = 22
or, x + 4y = 22

(C) (b) `10 [CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: From A and B, we have
x + 2y = 16 ...(i)
x + 4y = 22 ...(ii)
Solving equations (i) and (ii), we get
y = 3, x = 10

\ Fixed charges = `x = `10

(D) (d) `3 [CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: Additional charges for each subsequent day =
`y = `3 [From ‘C’]

(E) (d) `50 [CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: New amount paid by Radhika = `(16 + 2y)
and new amount paid by Amruta = `(22 + 2y)

\ Sum = `(16 + 2y) + `(22 + 2y)
= `(38 + 4y)
= `(38 + 4 × 3)
= `(38 + 12)
= `50

Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 11

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[ 1 mark each ]
7. For what values of p does the pair of equations 4x + py + 8 = 0
and 2x + 2y + 2 = 0 has unique solution? [CBSE SQP 2020]
a1 b1
≠is the condition for the given pair of equations to have
Ans. a b
2 2
unique solution.
4 p

2 2
Therefore, for all real values of p except 4, the given pair of

equations will have a unique solution.
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2020]

SHORT ANSWER Type-I Questions (SA-I)

[ 2 marks each ]
8. Find the value(s) of k for which the pair of equations kx + 2y =
3 and 3x + 6y = 10 has a unique solution. [CBSE 2019]
Ans. Given: pair of linear equations is,
kx + 2y = 3
3x + 6y = 10
a1 b1
For a unique solution, ≠
a2 b2

Here, a1 = k, b1 = 2, a2 = 3, b2 = 6
k 2
∴ 3 ≠ 6
∴ k ≠1
Hence, the pair of equations has a unique solution for all real
values of k except.

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SHORT ANSWER Type-II Questions (SA-II)
[ 3 marks each ]
9. A train covered a certain distance at a uniform speed. If the
train would have been 6 km/h faster, it would have taken
4 hours less than the scheduled time. And, if the train were
slower by 6 km/hr ; it would have taken 6 hours more than the
scheduled time. Find the length of the journey.
[CBSE SQP Std. 2022]
Ans. Let the actual speed of the train be x km/hr and let the actual
time taken be y hours.
Distance covered is xy km
If the speed is increased by 6 km/hr, then time of journey is reduced
by 4 hours i.e., when speed is (x + 6) km/hr, time of journey is
(y − 4) hours.
\ Distance covered = (x + 6) (y − 4)
Þ xy = (x + 6)(y − 4)
Þ −4x + 6y − 24 = 0
Þ −2x + 3y − 12 = 0 ...(i)
Similarly xy = (x − 6)(y + 6)
Þ 6x − 6y − 36 = 0
Þ x−y−6 =0 ...(ii)
Solving (i) and (ii) we get x = 30 and y = 24
Putting the values of x and y in equation (i), we obtain
Distance = (30 × 24) km = 720 km.
Hence, the length of the journey is 720 km.
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP Std. 2022]
10. A man wished to give `12 to each person and found that he fell
short of `6 when he wanted to give to all the persons present.
He, therefore, distributed `9 to each person and found that `9
was left over. How much money did he have and how many
persons were there? [Diksha]

Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 13

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Ans. Let, number of persons = x
Money share per person = `y
Therefore, total money = `xy
According to the question,
12 × x = xy + 6

Þ 12x – 6 = xy ...(i)
and 9x = xy – 9
Þ 9x + 9 = xy ...(ii)
Equating (i) and (ii), we get
12x – 6 = 9x + 9
3x = 15

Þ x =5
Put the value of x in equation (i), we get
12 × 5 – 6 = x × y
⇒ xy = 54
So, he have ` 54 and there were 5 persons.

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 4 & 5 marks each ]
11. A shopkeeper sells a saree at a profit of 8% and a sweater at a
discount of 10%, thereby getting a sum ₹1,008. If she had sold
the saree at a profit of 10% and the sweater at a discount of
8%, she would have got ₹1,028. Find the cost of the saree and
the list price (price before discount) of the sweater.
 [NCERT Exemplar]
Ans. Let the cost price of a saree = ₹x
and the list price of a sweater = ₹y
Case I :
(S.P. of saree at 8% profit) +
(S.P. of a sweater at 10% discount) = ₹1008
Þ (100 + 8)% of x + (100 – 10)% of y = 1008

14 Mathematics Class X
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Þ 108% of x + 90% of y = 1008

108 90
Þ x+ y = 1008
100 100
108 x + 90y
Þ 100 = 1008
Þ 108x + 90y = 100800
Þ 6x + 5y = 5600 ...(i)
Case II:
(S.P. of saree at 10% profit) +
(S.P. of a sweater at 8% discount) = ₹1028
Þ (100 + 10)% of x + (100 – 8)% of y = 1028
Þ 110% of x + 92% of y = 1028
Þ 110x + 92y = 102800
Þ 55x + 46y = 51400 ...(ii)
Eq.(i) × 46 – eq. (ii) × 5, we get
Þ (276x + 230y) – (275x + 230y)
= 257600 – 257000
Þ x = 600
Putting the value of x in eq. (i) we get
6(600) + 5y = 5600
Þ 5y = 5600 – 3600
Þ y =
Þ y = 400
Hence, the cost price of a saree and the list price (price before
discount) of a sweater are ₹ 600 and ₹ 400, respectively.

Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 15

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SHORT ANSWER Type-I Questions (SA-I)
[ 2 marks each ]
1. The present age of a father is three years more than three
times the age of his son. Three years hence the father's age
will be 10 years more than twice the age of the son. Determine
their present ages.

[CBSE Topper 2020]

16 Mathematics Class X
“ I relied on NCERT as the bible. But I also
referred different difficulty level Q's like
from PYQs and new pattern Q's that my
teachers recommended. It's a must!

(99.80%), CBSE Topper 2023

According to this year's topper Arihant Kapkoti, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, our special book covers the below things:

Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's

(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(all difficulties with explanations)
Real-life examples of Topics
CBSE Paper Checker Tips
Topper Answers


These books are the best reference books that every

CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Rita Gupta Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
HOD, Social Science teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
Reputed CBSE School answers & coverage all possible Questions

I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They

know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and Arun Sharma
practice. Must buy book!!! Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23

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