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Nepal 871

1958 Issue The Kingdom of Nepal, the

world's only Hindu kingdom, is
a landlocked country located in
central Asia along the southern
slopes of the Himalayan Moun-
tains. It has an area of 56,136
sq. mi. (140,797 sq. km.) and
a population of 24.35 million.
Capital: Káthmandu. Nepal has
substantial deposits of coal, cop-
per, iron and cobalt but they are
largely unexploited. Agriculture
is the principal economic activity.
Livestock, rice, timber and jute are exported.In 1951, the Nepalese monarch ended the cen-
tury-old system of rule by hereditary premiers and instituted a cabinet system of government.
Reforms in 1990 established a multiparty democracy within the framework of a constitutional
monarchy. An insurgency led by Maoist extremists broke out in 1996. The ensuing nine-year
civil war between insurgents and government forces witnessed the dissolution of the cabinet
and parliament and assumption of absolute power by the king. Several weeks of mass protests
in April 2006 were followed by several months of peace negotiations between the Maoists and
of an interim constitution. The newly formed interim parliament declared Nepal a democratic
Tribhuvana Vira Vikrama Shahi Deva, 1911-1950; 1951-1955
106 50 Escudos VG VF UNC Jnanendra Vira Vikrama Shahi Deva, 1950-1951
24.7.1958. Black on multicolor. Like #102 but without text: Mahendra Vira Vikrama Shahi Deva, 1955-1972
COLONIA PORTUGUESA below bank name; without Birendra Bir Bikram Shahi Deva, 1972-2001
printing over watermark at left. Back: Ornate church Ginendra, 2001-
doorway at center. BC: Green. Watermark: Arms. Printer: MONETARY SYSTEM:
TDLR. 162x80mm. 1 Mohru = 100 Paisa to 1961
a. Issued note. 1.00 5.00 15.00 1 Rupee = 100 Paisa, 1961-
s. Specimen. — — 50.00 HEADING VARIETIES
107 100 Escudos VG VF UNC
24.7.1958. Like #103 but without text: COLONIA 2.50 10.00 50.00
PORTUGUESA below bank name; without printing over
watermark at left. Back: Ornate church doorway at center.
Type I Type II
Watermark: Arms. Printer: TDLR. 165x85mm.
Note: Issues in the Mohru System have reference to Rupees in English on the notes.
108 500 Escudos VG VF UNC The difference is in the Nepalese designation of the value.
1958. Brown-violet. Portrait C. Xavier at right. 170x99mm. 15.00 50.00 150

When the Nepalese designation changes to Rupees, this character appears thus:
Lines where either of these appear are in the lower center on the face, or on the back.
Both will never appear on the same note. All notes from the second issue of Mahen-
dra to the present are in rupees.

Government of Nepal
1951 ND First Issue

1 1 Mohru VG VF UNC
ND (1951). Blue and brown. Coin at right with date
VS2008 (1951). Back: With coin at left, mountains at
a. Signature 2. 2.00 4.00 10.00
b. Signature 3. 4.00 10.00 20.00

0829-0898_R1312.indd 871 10/14/16 11:36 AM

872 Nepal
5 5 Mohru VG VF UNC
ND (1951). Purple and multicolor. Portrait King Tribhu- 15.00 30.00 60.00
vana with plumed crown at right. Signature 3. Type II
heading. Back: Tiger.
6 10 Mohru VG VF UNC
ND (1951). Purple and multicolor. Type II heading. Por- 20.00 35.00 70.00
trait King Tribhuvana Vira Vikrama with plumed crown at
right. Signature 3. Back: Arms.
7 100 Mohru VG VF UNC
ND (1951). Dark green and multicolor. Type II heading. 70.00 180 300
Signature 3. Portrait King Tribhuvana Vira Vikrama with
plumed crown at right. Back: Rhinoceros.

Central Bank of Nepal

2 5 Mohru VG VF UNC 1960 ND Issue
ND (1951). Purple and multicolor. Portrait King Tribhu- Mohru System
vana with plumed crown at right. Type I heading. Back:
a. Signature 1. Janaph Raja. 30.00 50.00 100
b. Signature 2. Bharana Raja. 30.00 50.00 100
3 10 Mohru VG VF UNC
ND (1951). Purple on blue and brown underprint Portrait
King Tribhuvana with plumed crown at right. Type I head-
ing. Back: Arms. 145x82mm.
a. Signature 1. 30.00 70.00 150
b. Signature 2. 30.00 70.00 150
c. Signature 3. 30.00 70.00 100

8 1 Mohru VG VF UNC
ND (1960). Violet and olive. Coin at left with date VS2013 3.00 5.00 10.00
(1956). Signature 4. Back: Lilac and green.
9 5 Mohru VG VF UNC
ND (1960). Violet and aqua. Portrait King Mahendra 8.00 15.00 30.00
Vira Vikrama in civillian clothes at left. Stupa at center.
Signature 4; 5. Back: Himalayas. BC: Violet.

4 100 Mohru VG VF UNC

ND (1951). Dark green and multicolor. Portrait King 10 10 Mohru VG VF UNC
Tribhuvana with plumed crown at right. Type I heading. ND (1960). Dark brown and red. Portrait King Mahendra 10.00 20.00 50.00
Back: Rhinoceros. Vira Vikrama in civillian clothes at left. Temple at center.
a. Signature 1. 150 250 500 Signature 4; 5. Back: Arms. BC: Brown and gold.
b. Signature 2. 150 250 500
1951 ND Second Issue

11 100 Mohru VG VF UNC

ND (1960). Green and brown. Portrait King Mahendra 50.00 100 200
Vira Vikrama in civillian clothes at left. Temple at Lalitpur
at center. Signature 4; 5. Back: Indian rhinoceros at
center. BC: Green.

0829-0898_R1312.indd 872 10/14/16 11:36 AM

Netherlands 873

1961; 1965 ND Issue The Kingdom of the Neth-

erlands, a country of western
Europe fronting on the North
Sea and bordered by Belgium
and Germany, has an area of
15,770 sq. mi. (40,844 sq. km.)
and a population of 15.87 million.
Capital: Amsterdam, but the seat
of government is at The Hague.
The economy is based on dairy
farming and a variety of indus-
trial activities. Chemicals, yarns
and fabrics, and meat products are exported. The Dutch United Provinces declared their inde-
pendence from Spain in 1579; during the 17th century, they became a leading seafaring and
commercial power, with settlements and colonies around the world. After a 20-year French
occupation, a Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed in 1815. In 1830 Belgium seceded and
formed a separate kingdom. The Netherlands remained neutral in World War I, but suffered
invasion and occupation by Germany in World War II. A modern, industrialized nation, the Neth-
erlands is also a large exporter of agricultural products. The country was a founding member
of NATO and the EEC (now the EU), and participated in the introduction of the euro in 1999.
RULERS:William I, 1815-1840
William II, 1840-1849
William III, 1849-1890
Wilhelmina, 1890-1948
Juliana, 1948-1980
Beatrix, 1981-
15 100 Rupees VG VF UNC 1 Gulden = 20 Stuivers
ND (1961). Green and brown. Portrait of King Mahendra 3.00 10.00 35.00 1 Gulden = 100 Cents, to 2001
Vira Vikrama at upper left. Temple at Lalitpor at center. 1 Rijksdaalder = 2 1/2 Gulden
Signature 5; 6; 7; 8. Back: Indian rhinoceros at center. 1 Euro = 100 Cents, 2002-
Watermark: Plumed crown. REPLACEMENT NOTES:
#37-60, 72-74, 77-79, 81-82, 84-89, JEZ-printed notes only, serial numbers starting with
"1" instead of normal "o".

Gemeene Lands Comptoiren
1794 Issue
B5 3 Gulden Good Fine XF
1.12.1794-1.1.1795. Black. — — —

Committe van Financie in 's Hage

1795 Issue
B10 2 1/4 Stuiver Good Fine XF
7.4.1795. Black. Rare. — — —
B11 4 1/2 Stuiver Good Fine XF
7.4.1795. Black. Rare. — — —
B12 9 Stuiver Good Fine XF
7.4.1795. Black. Rare. — — —
B13 11 1/4 Stuiver Good Fine XF
7.4.1795. Black. Rare. — — —
B14 45 Stuiver Good Fine XF
7.4.1795. Black. Rare. — — —

1795 Issue
B17 4 Stuiver & 8 Pennigen Good Fine XF
9.5.1795. Black. Rare. — — —

1795 Issue
B20 18 Gulden Good Fine XF
ND (1795). Black. Rare. — — —
B21 27 Gulden Good Fine XF
ND (1795). Black. Rare. — — —
B22 54 Gulden Good Fine XF
ND (1795). Black. Rare. — — —
B23 90 Gulden Good Fine XF
ND (1795). Black. Rare. — — —
1795 (February) Issue
B25 2 1/2 Stuiver Good Fine XF
16.2.1795. Black. — — —
B26 5 Stuiver Good Fine XF
16.2.1795. Black. — — —
B27 24 Stuiver Good Fine XF
16.2.1795. Black. — — —
1795 (March) Issue
B30 10 Stuiver Good Fine XF
1.3.1795. Black. Rare. — — —

0829-0898_R1312.indd 873 10/14/16 11:36 AM

Nepal 775

The Kingdom of Nepal, the 12 1 Rupee VF UNC

world’s only Hindu kingdom, is ND (1965). Lilac and olive-green. Coin at left, temple at center. 2.00 7.00
a landlocked country located in Signature 8. Back: Lilac and green. Arms at center, coin at right.
central Asia along the southern Watermark: Plumed crown.
slopes of the Himalayan Moun-
tains. It has an area of 56,136
sq. mi. (140,797 sq. km.) and a
population of 24.35 million. Cap-
ital: Káthmandu. Nepal has sub-
stantial deposits of coal, copper,
iron and cobalt but they are
largely unexploited. Agriculture
is the principal economic activ-
ity. Livestock, rice, timber and jute are exported.In 1951, the Nepalese monarch ended
the century-old system of rule by hereditary premiers and instituted a cabinet system of
government. Reforms in 1990 established a multiparty democracy within the framework
of a constitutional monarchy. An insurgency led by Maoist extremists broke out in 1996.
The ensuing nine-year civil war between insurgents and government forces witnessed the
dissolution of the cabinet and parliament and assumption of absolute power by the king.
Several weeks of mass protests in April 2006 were followed by several months of peace
ber 2006 peace accord and the promulgation of an interim constitution. The newly formed
2008, the king vacated the throne in mid-June 2008, and parliament elected the country’s ND (1961). Purple and aqua. Portrait of King Mahendra Vira 3.00 12.00
¿UVWSUHVLGHQWWKHIROORZLQJPRQWK Vikrama at upper left, Stupa at center. Signature 5; 7; 8. Back:
RULERS: Himalayas. Watermark: Plumed crown.
Mahendra Vira Vikrama Shahi Deva, 1955-1972
Birendra Bir Bikram Shahi Deva, 1972-2001
Ginendra, 2001-
1 Mohru = 100 Paisa to 1961
1 Rupee = 100 Paisa, 1961-2008


1 2
Janak Raj Bharat Raj

3 4
Himalaya Shamsher
Narendra Raj (J.B. Rama)

5 6 14 10 Rupees VF UNC
Lekshmi Nath Gautam Pradhumna Lai (Rajbhandari) ND (1961). Dark brown and red. Portrait of King Mahendra Vira 3.00 15.00
Vikrama at upper left, temple at center. Signature 5; 6; 7; 8. Back:
Arms at center. Watermark: Plumed crown.
7 8
Bekh Bahadur Thapa Yadav Prasad Pant

9 10
Kul Shekhar Sharma Kalyan Dikram Adhikary

11 12
Ganesh Bahadur Thapa +DULVKDQNDU7U¿SDWKL

13 14
Satyendra Pyara Shrestha Dipendra Purush Dhakal

15 16
Dr. Tilak Rawal Bijay Nath Bhattaraí
15 100 Rupees VF UNC
17 Manandhar 18 Kshetry ND (1961). Green and brown. Portrait of King Mahendra Vira Vi- 10.00 35.00
krama at upper left. Temple at Lalitpor at center. Signature 5; 6; 7;
19 Khatiwada 8. Back: Indian rhinoceros at center. Watermark: Plumed crown.

KINGDOM 1972 ND Issue

Central Bank of Nepal
1961; 1965 ND Issue

0740-0788_R9657.indd 775 1/17/19 9:08 AM

776 Nepal
16 1 Rupee VF UNC 1974 ND Issue
ND (1972). Light brown on blue underprint. King Mahendra Vira 2.00 6.00
Vikrama wearing military uniform with white cap at left. Signature 8.
Back: Brown and purple. Lashing pioneering project rotary swing at
center right, arms at upper right. Watermark: Plumed crown.

22 1 Rupee VF UNC
ND (1974). Blue on purple and gold underprint. King Birendra Bir 1.00 2.00
Bikram in military uniform with dark cap at left, temple at center.
Signature 9; 10; 11; 12. Back: Blue and brown. Two musk deer at
center, arms at upper right. Watermark: Plumed crown.

17 5 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1972). Light green on lilac underprint. King Mahendra Vira 3.00 8.00
Vikrama wearing military uniform with white cap at left. Signature
8. Back: Green and blue. Terraced hillside with Himalayas in back-
ground. Watermark: Plumed crown.

23 5 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1974). Red, brown and green. King Birendra Bir Bikram in
military uniform with dark cap at left, temple at center. Signature
9; 10; 11. Back: Red and brown. Two yaks at center. Watermark:
Plumed crown.
a. Issued note. 6.00 12.00
s. Specimen. — 100
ct. Color trial. Green and purple face, back blue. — 165
18 10 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1972). Light brown on dull olive-green and light blue under- 2.00 5.00
print. King Mahendra Vira Vikrama wearing military uniform with
white cap at left. Signature 8. Back: Green and brown. Singha
Dunbar at Kathmandu at center. Watermark: Plumed crown.

24 10 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1974). Dark and light brown on multicolor underprint. King
Birendra Bir Bikram in military uniform with dark cap at left, Vishnu
on Garnda at center. Signature 9; 10; 11. Back: Brown and green.
Buck Antelope at center, arms at right. Watermark: Plumed crown.
a. Issued note. 2.00 5.00
s. Specimen. — 100
19 100 Rupees VF UNC ct. Color trial. Green and purple on multicolor underprint. — 165
ND (1972). Green on lilac underprint. King Mahendra Vira Vikrama 7.00 30.00
wearing military uniform with white cap at left, Himalayas at center.
Signature 8. Back: Ornate building, temple and arms at right.
Watermark: Plumed crown.
20 500 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1972). Brown and violet. King Mahendra Vira Vikrama wear- 75.00 200
ing military uniform with white cap at left. Signature 8. Back: Two
tigers. Watermark: Plumed crown.

25 50 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1974). Purple on green and multicolor underprint. King Biren-
dra Bir Bikram in military uniform with dark cap at left, building at
21 1000 Rupees VF UNC center. Signature 9. Back: Blue and brown. Himalayan Tahr stand-
ND (1972). Blue and multicolor. King Mahendra Vira Vikrama wearing 60.00 175 ing facing right at center, arms at right. Watermark: Plumed crown.
military uniform with white cap at left, Great Stupa at Bodhnath. Signa- a. Issued note. 5.00 10.00
ture 8. Back: House and mountains. Watermark: Plumed crown. s. Specimen. — 135

0740-0788_R9657.indd 776 1/17/19 9:08 AM

Nepal 777

30 5 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1987-). Brown on red and multicolor underprint. King Birendra
Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left, temple at center. Back:
Red and brown. Two yaks at center right. Watermark: Plumed
a. Serial # 24mm long. Signature 11; 12; 13; 14. 0.50 2.00
tion); 13.
26 100 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1974). Green and purple on multicolor underprint. King Biren- 7.00 20.00
dra Bir Bikram in military uniform with dark cap at left, mountains
at center, temple at right. Signature 9. Back: Green. Indian Rhi-
noceros walking left, "eye" at upper left corner, arms at upper right.
Watermark: Plumed crown.

31 10 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1985-87). Dark brown and orange on lilac and multicolor
underprint. King Birendra Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left,
Vishnu on Garnda at center. Back: Antelopes at center, arms at
right. Watermark: Plumed crown. 133x70mm.
a. Serial # 24mm long. Signature 11; 12. Without security thread. 1.00 3.00
b. Segmented security thread. Signature 13, 14. 1.00 2.00

27 500 Rupees VF UNC

ND (1974). Brown on multicolor underprint. King Birendra Bir 75.00 200
Bikram in military uniform with dark cap at left, monastery at center.
Signature 9; 10. Back: Brown and gold. Two tigers at center right,
arms at upper right. Watermark: Plumed crown.

32 20 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1982-87). Orange on multicolor underprint. King Birendra Bir
28 1000 Rupees VF UNC Bikram wearing plumed crown at left, Janakpur Temple at center.
ND (1974). Blue on multicolor underprint. King Birendra Bir Bikram Signature 10; 11. Serial # 24mm long. Back: Orange and multicolor.
in military uniform with dark cap at left, temple and Great Stupa Sambar Deer at center, arms at right. Watermark: Plumed crown.
at center. Back: Elephant at center, arms at upper right on back. a. Issued note. 1.00 5.00
Watermark: Plumed crown. s. Specimen. — 135
a. Issued note. 100 250
s. Specimen. — —

1981-1987 ND Issue

29 2 Rupees VF UNC
ND (1981-). Green on light blue and lilac underprint. King Birendra
Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left, temple at center. Back: 33 50 Rupees VF UNC
Multicolored. Leopard at center. Watermark: Plumed crown. ND (1983-). Blue on multicolor underprint. King Birendra Bir Bikram
a. Line from king's lower lip extending downward. Serial # 0.50 2.00 wearing plumed crown at left, Palace at center. Back: Himalayan
24mm long. Signature 10. Tahr at center, arms at right. Watermark: Plumed crown.
b. No line from king's lower lip. Signature 10; 11; 13. 0.50 1.00 a. With title at right. Serial # 24mm long. Signature 10. (1983). 1.00 7.00
c. As b. Serial # 20mm long. Signature 11. 0.50 1.00 b. With title at center. Serial # 20mm long. Signature 11; 12. 1.00 5.00
d. As b. Serial # 20mm long. Signature 12. 0.50 1.00 c. Segmented foil over security thread. Signature 13, 14. 1.00 5.00

0740-0788_R9657.indd 777 1/17/19 9:08 AM

778 Nepal

1988-1996 ND Issue
37 1 Rupee VF UNC
ND (1991-). Purple and dull blue on multicolor underprint. King Biren- FV 0.40
dra Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left. Signature 12; 13. Back:
Two musk deer at center, arms at upper right. Watermark: Crown.
Serial numbers shift from 1.5mm to 3.0mm from the bottom line on the note.

34 100 Rupees VF UNC

ND (1981-). Green on pale lilac and multicolor underprint. King
Birendra Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left, temple at right.
Back: Rhinoceros walking left, arms at upper right, without "eye" at
upper left. Watermark: Plumed crown. UV: value 100 in box, serial
a. Line from king's lower lip extending downward. With security 2.00 8.00
thread. Serial # 24mm long. signature 10. 38 20 Rupees VF UNC
b. No line from king's lower lip. Serial # at lower left. Signature 10. 2.00 8.00 ND (1988-). Orange on multicolor underprint. King Birendra Bir
c. Serial # 20mm long. Signature 11. 2.00 7.00 Bikram wearing plumed crown at left. Janakpur Temple at center.
d. As b. Segmented foil over security thread. Signature 12. 2.00 7.00 Multicolor border. Back: Orange and multicolor. Sambar Deer at
e. Serial # 20mm long. Signature 13. 1.00 6.00 center, arms at right. Multicolor border. Watermark: Crown.
f. Serial # 24mm long. Signature 13. 1.00 6.00 a. Serial # 24mm long. Signature 11; 12. 1.00 3.00
g. Serial number 20mm long. Signature 14. 1.00 6.00 b. Segmented security thread. Serial # 20mm long. Signature 13. 1.00 3.00
s. As a. Specimen. — 115
Note: #39 and 40 have been renumbered 35d and 36d respectively.
1997 ND Commemorative Issue
#41 and 42, Silver Jubilee of Accession, 1972-1997

35 500 Rupees VF UNC

ND (1981-). Brown and blue-violet on multicolor underprint. King
Birendra Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left, temple at center.
Back: Brown and gold on blue underprint. Two tigers at center right, 41 25 Rupees VF UNC
arms at upper right. Watermark: Plumed crown. ND (1997). Black and dark brown on multicolor underprint. King 1.00 4.00
a. Line from King's lip extending downwards. Serial # 24mm 5.00 45.00 Birenda Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left, Royal palace at
long. Signature 10. center right. Back: Dull green and orange. Pillars with chinze at left,
b. Serial # 20mm long. Signature 11. 3.00 25.00 steer at center, arms at right. Watermark: Plumed crown. 140x70mm.
c. Segmented foil over security thread. Signature 12. 3.00 20.00
d. Signature 13. (1996). 3.00 20.00

42 250 Rupees VF UNC

ND (1997). Dark gray and blue-gray on multicolor underprint. King 4.00 25.00
Birenda Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left, House of Repre-
sentatives in underprint at center, royal palace at center right. Back:
36 1000 Rupees VF UNC Blue and orange on green underprint. Pillars with chinze at left,
ND (1981-). Red-brown and gray on multicolor underprint. King Bi- steer at center, arms at right. Watermark: Plumed crown.
rendra Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left, Stupa and temple #42 was also issued in a special folder.
on face. Back: Elephant at center, arms at upper right. Watermark:
Plumed crown. 2000 ND Issue
a. Line from King's lip extending downwards. Serial # 24mm 10.00 85.00 43 500 Rupees VF UNC
long. Signature 10. ND (2000). Brown, blue-violet and silver on multicolor underprint. 3.00 20.00
b. Serial # 20mm long. Signature 11. 5.00 45.00 Large portrait of King Birendra Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown
c. Segmented foil over security thread. Signature 12. 5.00 45.00 at left, temple at center. Back: Brown and gold. Two tigers at center
d. Signature 13. (1996). 5.00 45.00 right, arms at upper right. Watermark: Plumed crown.

0740-0788_R9657.indd 778 1/17/19 9:08 AM

Nepal 779
48 50 Rupees VF UNC
ND (2002). Black and blue on multicolor underprint. Portrait King
Gyanendra Bir Bikram at right, building at center. Signature Tilak
Rawal. Back: Himalayan Tahr at center. 142x70mm.
a. Hat in black. FV 5.00
b. Hat in blue. FV 5.00

44 1000 Rupees VF UNC

ND (2000). Blue, brown and silver on multicolor underprint. Large por- 5.00 40.00
trait of King Birendra Bir Bikram wearing plumed crown at left, Stupa
and temple on face. Back: Elephant at center, arms at upper right.

2002 ND Commemorative Issue

Accession to the throne of King Gyanendra Bir Bikram

49 100 Rupees VF UNC

ND (2002). Green, light purple and blue on multicolor underprint. FV 8.00
Portrait King Gyanendra Bir Bikram at right. Signature Tilak Rawal.
Back: Rhinocerous walking left at center. 145x70mm.

45 10 Rupees VF UNC
ND (30.9.2002). Multicolor. King Gyanendra Bir Bikram wearing FV 2.00
plumed crown at left. Commemorative text in horseshoe-shaped
window: This is issued on the occasion of King Gyanendra Bir
Bikram Shah Dev's accession to the throne in BS 2058. Back: Two
antelopes at center. Printer: NPA. 133x70mm.

2002 ND Issue

50 500 Rupees VF UNC

ND (2002). Black and orange on multicolor underprint. Portrait King FV 25.00
Gyanendra Bir Bikram at right, building at center. Signature Tilak
Rawal. Back: Two tigers at center. 158x70mm.

46 5 Rupees VF UNC
ND (2002). Red and brown on multicolor underprint. Darkly engraved FV 3.00
portrait of King Gyanendra Bir Bikram at left. Signature Tilak Rawal.

47 20 Rupees VF UNC 51 1000 Rupees VF UNC

ND (2002). Portrait King Gyanendra Bir Bikram at right. Signature ND (2002). Black and red on multicolor underprint. Portrait King FV 40.00
Tilak Rawal. Back: Deer at center. 138x70mm. Gyanendra Bir Bikram at right, temple at center. Signature Tilak
a. Center title looks like 3 characters. Short signature 15. FV 4.00 Rawal. Back: Elephant at center. 172x70mm.
b. Center title looks like 4 characters. Long signature 15. FV 4.00
2005 Commemorative Issue

0740-0788_R9657.indd 779 1/17/19 9:08 AM

780 Nepal
52 50 Rupees VF UNC 62 20 Rupees VF UNC
2005. Green, yellow and red-orange. King Gyanendra Bir Bikram FV 5.00 2008. Orange on multicolor underprint. Mt. Everest at left. Back:
at left. Nepal Rastra Bank building at left center. Back: Two quail, Stag at center. Watermark: Rhododendron. 138x70mm.
mountains in background. 142x70mm. a. Signature 17. FV 1.50
b. Signature 19. FV 1.50
2005 Issue

53 5 Rupees VF UNC
2005. Red brown on multicolor underprint. King Gyanendra Bir
Bikram at left. Back: Two Oxen at center. 119x69mm.
a. Signature 15. FV 3.00
b. Top line center text with three characters. Signature 16. FV 3.00
c. Top line center text with four characters. FV 3.00

63 50 Rupees VF UNC
2008. Purple, green and blue on multicolor underprint. Mr. Everest
at left, Rama-Janaki temple of Janakpur at center. Back: Himalayan
Tahr at center, mountains. Watermark: Rhododendron. 142x70mm.
a. Signature 17. FV 2.50
b. Signature 19. FV 2.50

54 10 Rupees VF UNC
ND (2005). Brown, light blue and green on multicolor underprint. FV 3.00
King Gyanendra Bir Bikram at left. Back: Two antelopes at center.
Polymer plastic. 133x70mm.
55 20 Rupees VF UNC
ND (2005). Orange on multicolor underprint. King Gyanendra Bir FV 4.00
Bikram at left center. Signature 16. Back: Stag at center. 138x70mm.
57 100 Rupees VF UNC
ND (2005). Brown and green on multicolor underprint. King FV 4.00
Gyanendra Bir Bikram at right. Signature 16. Back: Rhinocerous
walking left at center. 145x70mm.
#58-59 not assigned.


2008. Green on multicolor underprint. Mt. Everest at left. Back:
Nepal Rastra Bank Rhinocerous at center. Watermark: Rhododendron. 140x70mm.
2008 Issue a. Signature 16. FV 3.00
b. Signature 17. FV 3.00
60 5 Rupees VF UNC
2008. Red and multicolor. Mt. Everest at left, temple at center.
Back: Yaks at center. Watermark: Rhododendron. 119x69mm.
a. Signature 17. — —
b. Signature 19. — —

61 10 Rupees VF UNC
2008. Brown on green and multicolor underprint. Mt. Everest at
65 500 Rupees VF UNC
left. Statue of Vishnu on Garuda at center. Back: Two antelopes at
2008. Brown and blue-violet on multicolor underprint. Mt. Everest FV 10.00
center. Watermark: Rhododendron. 133x70mm.
at left center. Red rhododedron covers watermark area. Back: Two
a. Signature 17. FV 1.00
tigers at center. Watermark: Gyanendra Bir Bikram. Signature 14.
b. Signature 19. FV 1.00

0740-0788_R9657.indd 780 1/17/19 9:08 AM

Nepal 781
66 500 Rupees VF UNC 78 20 Rupees VF UNC
ND (2009). Brown and violet on multicolor underprint. Mt. Everest 2016. Red. Mount Everest at left. Temple at center. Back: Pair of FV 2.50
at left Mt. Amadablam and Thyangboche monastery at center. Wide walking swamp deer. 138x70mm.
windowed security thread. Back: Two tigers at center drinking.
a. Signature 18. FV 20.00
b. Signature 19. FV 20.00
67 1000 Rupees VF UNC
2008. Blue and brown on multicolor underprint. Mt. Everest at left.
Red rhododendron in watermark area. Back: Elephant at center.
Watermark: King Gyanendra Bir Bikram.
a. Signature 16. 100 200
b. Signature 17. FV 30.00
s. Specimen. — 100
68 1000 Rupees VF UNC
ND (2010). Blue and brown on multicolor underprint. Mt. Everest at
left, Swayambhunath stupa at center. Signature 16. Back: Elephant
at center. Watermark: Rhododendron. 172x70mm.
a. Signature 16. 120 200
b. Signature 19. 120 200

2012-2013 Issue
69 5 Rupees VF UNC
2012 (2013). Lilac, brown and green. Mt. Everest, temple of Taleju, FV 0.75
obverse of coin. Signature Yuba Raj Khatiwada. Back: Bank logo,
two yaks grazing, Mt. Everest. Watermark: Rhododendron. Printer:
TDLR. 120x70mm. 79 50 Rupees VF UNC
2015. Blue. Mount Everest at left. Back: Snow leopard. 142x70mm. FV 2.00
70 10 Rupees VF UNC
2012 (2013). Brown, green and lilac. Mt. Everest, Garud Narayan FV 1.00
of Changu Narayan temple, obverse of coin. Back: Three black
bucks grazing. Watermark: Rhododendron. Printer: TDLR.
71 20 Rupees VF UNC
2012 (2013). Orange and brown. Mt. Everest, temple of Krishna FV 1.25
of Patan, Garuda atop pillar, obverse of coin. Back: Swamp deer,
trees, mountain. Watermark: Rhododendron. Printer: TDLR.
72 50 Rupees VF UNC
2012 (2013). Purple, green and blue. Mt. Everest, Rama-Janaki FV 2.00
temple of Janakpur, obverse of coin. Back: Male thar, mountains,
bank logo. Watermark: Rhododendron. Printer: TDLR. 142x70mm.
73 100 Rupees VF UNC
2012 (2013). Green and lilac. Mt. Everest, Mayadevi inside silver FV 3.25
metallic oval. Map of Nepal, Ashoka pillar, wood carvings from
temple of Tremple of Taleju in Kathmandu, clouds, obverse of coin.
Back: One-horned rhinoceros in grassy plain, bank logo. Water-
mark: Rhododendron. Printer: TDLR. 146x70mm.
74 500 Rupees VF UNC
2012 (2013). Brown and violet. Mt. Everest, god Indra, Mt. FV 15.00
Amadablam and Thyangboche monastery, wood carvings, clouds. 80 100 Rupees VF UNC
Signature Yuba Raj Khatiwada. Back: Two tigers drinking melted 2015. Green. Mount Everest at left. Back: Rhinoceros cow walking FV 7.50
snow. Watermark: Rhododendron. Printer: TDLR. 160x70mm. with calf at side. 140x70mm.

81 500 Rupees VF UNC

2016. Brown, blue-violet and multicolor. Mt. Everest at left. Back: FV 15.00
75 1000 Rupees VF UNC Single tiger standing. 160x70mm.
2013. Mount Everest at left. Back: Elephant. Bank name appears
in English. Dated at lower center. Watermark: Rhododendron.
a. 2013. FV 30.00
b. 2016. FV 30.00

2015-2017 Issue
76 5 Rupees VF UNC
2017. Red and multicolor. Mount Everest at left. Temple at center. FV 0.75
Back: Yak with mountain in background. 120x70mm.
77 10 Rupees VF UNC
2017. Brown and multicolor. Mount Everest at left. Statue of Vishnu FV 1.00
on Garuda at center. Back: Antelope in center. 142x70mm.

0740-0788_R9657.indd 781 1/17/19 9:08 AM

NEPAL 1383

Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 DATING

AH1090 — 200 240 425 600 —
Nepal Samvat Era (NS)
AH1091 — 200 240 425 600 — All coins of the Malla kings of Nepal are dated in the Nepal
AH1092 — 200 240 425 600 — Samvat era (NS). Year 1 NS began in 881, so to arrive at the AD
AH1093 — 200 240 425 600 — date add 880 to the NS date. This era was exclusive to Nepal,
AH1094 — 200 240 425 600 — except for one gold coin of Prana Narayan of Cooch Behar.
AH1095 Rare — — — — — —
AH1096 — 200 240 425 600 — Saka Era (SE)
Up until 1888AD all coins of the Gorkha Dynasty were dated
Hadarat Miknas AH1097 Rare — — — — — —
in the Saka era (SE). To convert from Saka to AD take Saka date
KM# B28.5 MUZUNA AH1098 Rare — — — — — —
and add 78 to arrive at the AD date. Coins dated with this era have
0.94 g., Silver, 18-19 mm. Obv: Central inscription in a square AH1099 — 200 240 425 600 —
SE before the date in the following listing.
in circle Rev: Central inscription in a square in circle Note: AH1101 Rare — — — — — —
AH1108 Rare — — — — — — RULERS
Anonymous issues, date and mint in segments
AH1109 — 200 240 425 600 — KINGS OF KATHMANDU
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
AH1111 — 200 240 425 600 —
AH1111 Rare — — — — — —

Illegible Mintname Hadarat Miknas

Shiva Simha,
3.52 g., Gold, 23-24 mm. Obv: Central inscription in inner
0.94 g., Silver, 18-19 mm. Obv: Central inscription in a square NSc.698-740/c.1578-1620AD
circles (the mint and the date in words as marginal legend) Rev:
in circle Rev: Central inscription in square in circle Note:
Central inscription in inner circles Note: Anonymous issues.
Anonymous issues, date and mint in segments Lakshmi
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Narasimha,
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
AH1095 Rare — — — — — —
AH1109 — — — — — —
AH1096 Rare — — — — — — NS740-761/1620-1641AD
Marrakush AH1104 Rare — — — — — —
AH1106 Rare — — — — — — Pratap Malla,
0.94 g., Silver, 18-19 mm. Obv: Central inscription in a square Illegible Mintname
in circle Rev: Central inscription in a square in circle Note: NS761-794/1641-1674AD
Anonymous issues, date and mint in segments KM# 28.3 DINAR
3.52 g., Gold, 23-24 mm. Obv: Central inscription in inner Chakravartendra
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
circles (the mint and date in words as marginal legend) Rev: Malla,
AH1088 — 5.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 — Central inscription in inner circles Note: Illegible mintname.
AH1089 — 10.00 20.00 40.00 80.00 — Anonymous issues. NS789/1669AD
AH1090 — 10.00 20.00 40.00 80.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
AH1092 — 12.00 25.00 50.00 100 — Mahipatendra
AH1112 — 120 200 350 500 —
Ribat al-Fath
0.94 g., Silver, 18-19 mm. Obv: Central inscription in a square NEPAL NS790/1670AD

in circle Rev: Central inscription in a square in circle Note: Nripendra Malla,

Anonymous issue, date and mint in segments PEOPLES REPUBLIC
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 AN
I ST NS794-800/1674-1680AD
AH1083 Rare — — — — — — K BHUTAN
AH1084 — 8.00 15.00 30.00 60.00 —
AH1085 — 5.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 — INDIA Parthivendra Malla,
AH1086 Rare — — — — — —
AH1087 — 12.00 25.00 50.00 100 — BANGLADESH
AH1088 — 8.00 15.00 30.00 60.00 —
AH1089 — 8.00 15.00 30.00 60.00 — NEPAL

AH1090 — 5.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 — The Kingdom of Nepal, the world's only surviving Hindu king- Bhupalendra Malla,
AH1091 — 8.00 15.00 30.00 60.00 — dom, is a landlocked country occupying the southern slopes of the
Himalayas. It has an area of 56,136 sq. mi. (140,800 sq. km.).
AH1092 — 12.00 25.00 50.00 100 —
Apart from a brief Muslim invasion in the 14th century, Nepal NS807-820/1687-1700AD
AH1094 — 8.00 15.00 30.00 60.00 —
was able to avoid the mainstream of Northern Indian politics, due
AH1101 Rare — — — — — — to its impregnable position in the mountains. It is therefore a KINGS OF PATAN
AH1104 Rare — — — — — — unique survivor of the medieval Hindu and Buddhist culture of Harihara Simha
AH1105 Rare — — — — — — Northern India which was largely destroyed by the successive
AH1105 — — — — — — waves of Muslim invasions. NSc.720-729/c.1600-1609AD
AH1106 Rare — — — — — — Prior to the late 18th century, Nepal, as we know it today, was
AH1106 Rare — — — — — — divided among a number of small states. Unless otherwise stated, Shiva Simha, King
AH1107 Rare — — — — — — the term Nepal applies to the small fertile valley, about 4,500 ft. of Kathmandu
AH1107 Rare — — — — — — above sea level, in which the three main cities of Kathmandu,
AH1108 Rare — — — — — — Patan and Bhatgaon are situated. NSc.729-740/c.1609-1620AD
AH1108 Rare — — — — — — During the reign of King Yaksha Malla (1428-1482AD), the
AH1110 Rare — — — — — — Nepalese kingdom, with capital at Bhatgaon, was extended north- Siddhi Narasimha
AH1111 Rare — — — — — — wards into Tibet, and also controlled a considerable area to the
AH1111 Rare — — — — — — south of the hills. After Yaksha Malla's death, the Kingdom was NS740-781/1620-1661AD
AH1112 Rare — — — — — — divided among his sons, so four kingdoms were established with
AH1112 Rare — — — — — — capitals at Bhatgaon, Patan, Kathmandu and Banepa, all situated
Srinivasa Malla
within the small valley, less than 20 miles square. Banepa was
Sijilmasa quickly absorbed within the territory of Bhatgaon, but the other
three kingdoms remained until 1769. The internecine strife NS781-805/1661-1685AD
between the three kings effectively stopped Nepal from becoming
0.94 g., Silver Obv: Central inscription in a square in circle Rev: Yoga Narendra
a major military force during this period, although with its fertile
Central inscription in a square in circle Note: Anonymous issue, Malla,
date and mint in segments land and strategic position, it was by far the wealthiest and most
powerful of the Himalayan states.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Apart from agriculture, Nepal owed its prosperity to its posi- NS805-825/1685-1705AD
AH1085 — 15.00 30.00 60.00 120 — tion on one of the easiest trade routes between the great mon- KINGS OF BHATGAON
AH1088 — 15.00 30.00 60.00 120 — asteries of central Tibet, and India. Nepal made full use of this, Trailokya Malla and
AH1089 — 15.00 30.00 60.00 120 — and a trading community was set up in Lhasa during the 16th cen- Tribhuvana
AH1090 Rare — — — — — — tury, and Nepalese coins became the accepted currency medium Malla, joint rulers,
AH1093 — 15.00 30.00 60.00 120 — in Tibet.
AH1094 Rare — — — — — — The seeds of discord between Nepal and Tibet were sown NSc.680-733/c.1560-1613AD
during the first half of the 18th century, when the Nepalese
debased the coinage, and the fate of the Malla kings of Nepal was Jagajjotir Malla,
sealed when Prithvi Narayan Shah, King of the small state of
Gorkha, to the west of Kathmandu, was able to gain control of the NS733-757/1613-1637AD
trans-himalayan trade routes during the years after 1750.
Prithvi Narayan spent several years consolidating his posi- Naresha Malla,
tion in hill areas before he finally succeeded in conquering the
Kathmandu Valley in 1768, where he established the Shah NS757-764/1637-1644AD
dynasty, and moved his capital to Kathmandu.
After Prithvi Narayan's death a period of political instability Jagatprakash
ensued which lasted until the 1840's when the Rana family Malla,
Hadarat Fas reduced the monarch to a figurehead and established the post
KM# 28.1 DINAR of hereditary Prime Minister. A popular revolution in 1950 toppled
3.52 g., Gold, 23-24 mm. Obv: Central inscription in inner the Rana family and reconstituted power in the throne. In 1959
circles (the mint and the date in words as marginal legend) Rev: King Mahendra declared Nepal a constitutional monarchy, and Jitamitra Malla,
Central inscription in inner circles Note: Anonymous issues. in 1962 a new constitution set up a system of panchayat (village
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 council) democracy. In 1990, following political unrest, the king's NS783-816/1663-1696AD
AH1087 — 200 240 425 600 — powers were reduced. The country then adopted a system of par-
AH1089 — 200 240 425 600 — liamentary democracy.

1360-1404_R7634.indd 1383 1/11/18 12:57 PM


Bhupatindra Malla,


Tanka Series, c.1560-1639AD
The main Nepalese silver coinage began soon after 1560AD
with fine silver coins, struck to a tanka standard of about 10.6 g.
Although the first coins were purely Hindu in design, the later
issues of tankas were copied from Muslim prototypes, and
although Hindu elements were included in the design, the bulk of
the field was taken up by debased Arabic legends. This may have
been to make the coins acceptable amongst a population used
to a currency of Muslim tankas.
While some of the tankas were struck in the names of spe-
cific kings, most were anonymous, and it is not known which of
the kingdoms of the Nepal Valley was responsible for their issue.
However, with Kathmandu dominant at this period, (Shiva Simha NUMERICS
being king of both Kathmandu and Patan between at least 1609
Shri 3 Bhavani
and 1620AD) it may be assumed that most of them were struck
Half (around outer circle)
in Kathmandu.
During the early 17th century many of the tankas struck were
in very debased silver. This may have been due to the fact that
Ram Shah of Gorkha cut the Valley off from the Tibetan trade dur- One
ing part of this period.
Apart from the coin of Mahendra Malla, the tankas fall into Shri Shri Shri Gorakhanatha
two distinct groups, one may be called the 'Ala-ud-din type, which Two
has an inscription copied from the tankas of Ala-ud-din Khilji, the
Sultan of Delhi, 1295-1315AD, although the inscription reads
clock-wise around the coin, quite unlike the prototype. The sec-
ond main type may be called the Ghiyas-ud-din type, as it is cop-
ied from coins of the Bengal Sultan Ghiyas-ud-din Mahmud Shah
III, 1526-1532AD, although the design is inverted. Five
The minor denominations of this period present a problem,
as surviving specimens do not readily indicate what fraction they Jagajjotir Malla
represent of the tanka. There are many small pieces with weights Ten NS733-757 / 1613-1637AD
ranging from about 0.04 g to 0.14 g but varying very little, if at all,
in diameter. If different denominations were intended, they would TANKA COINAGE
have been impossible to distinguish in circulation, so they have Twenty
all been included in this listing under the general term “Dam”,
KM# 35 1/128 TANKA
0.08 g., Silver, 8 mm.
which should be a 1/128th part of a tanka, or about 0.08 g.
After 1639AD the tanka coins seem to have been withdrawn Twenty-five Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
from circulation, which probably accounts for their rarity. ND(1613-37) — — — 45.00 75.00 —
Mohar Series
In about 1640 the weight standard of the Nepalese coinage Fifty Jagatprakash Malla
was completely changed, and it is probable that all the old tanka NS764-793 / 1644-1673AD
coins were withdrawn from circulation.
The new standard coin was the Mohar, weighing about 5.4
g, or rather more than half the old tanka. The Mohar was sub-
divided in factors of 2, as follows: DENOMINATIONS KM# 40 1/16 MOHAR
2 Mohar (Rupee) = 10.80 g 0.33 g., Silver
1 Mohar = 5.40 g Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
1/2 Mohar = 2.70 g ND(1644-73) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 —
1/4 Mohar (Suki) = 1.35 g Paisa
1/8 Mohar = 0.67 g KM# 45 1/4 MOHAR
1/16 Mohar = 0.34 g 1.33 g., Silver
1/32 Mohar = 0.17 g Dam Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
1/128 Mohar (Dam) = 0.04-0.08 g NS775(1655) — 24.00 60.00 120 200 —
1/512 Mohar (Jawa) = 0.01 g KM# 46 1/4 MOHAR
The weights given above correspond to the average weight Mohar 1.33 g., Silver Note: In the name of Prime Minister, Chandra
of actual specimens, rather than the theoretical weight, which has
Sekhar Simha.
been said to be 86.4 grains, or 5.60 g.
The coinage was almost entirely of silver, with the tiny Jawa Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Rupee NS782(1662) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 —
being easily the smallest coin in the world. Gold coins were struck
on only one or two occasions during the Madras period, from the
same dies as the silver coins, but these were probably only used
for ceremonial purposes. Gold after 1777AD was struck in Ashrapi
greater quantity.
Initially the coinage was of fine silver, in contrast to the tanka
coins, which were frequently debased. During the early 18th cen- Asarfi
tury, however, the coins became debased, but the fineness was
improved after 1753AD. The coinage was again debased in the
first half of the 19th century.
Many of the mohars circulated in Tibet as well as in Nepal,
and on a number of occasions coins were struck from bullion sup-
plied by the Tibetan authorities. The smaller denominations KM# 50 MOHAR
never circulated in Tibet, but some of the mohars were cut for use 5.34 g., Silver
as small change in Tibet. Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
In these listings only major changes in design have been NS765(1645) — 20.00 47.00 95.00 165 —
noted. There are numerous minor varieties of ornamentation or
4 Dam = 1 Paisa Jaya Jitamitra Malla
2 Paisa = 1 Dyak, Adhani NS793-816 / 1673-1696AD
Nepal has used more variations of numerals on their coins 0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
than any other nation. The most common are illustrated in the Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
numeral chart in the introduction. The chart below illustrates ND(1663-96) — — — 15.00 25.00 —
some variations encompassing the last four centuries.
KM# 60 1/16 MOHAR
0.33 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1663-96) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 —
Shri Shri Shri Surendra Vikrama Saha Deva (date) KM# 61 1/16 MOHAR
0.33 g., Silver Note: In the name of Prime Minister, Jagat
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1663-96) — 30.00 75.00 150 250 —

1360-1404_R7634.indd 1384 1/11/18 12:57 PM


Lakshmi Narasimha
NS740-761 / 1620-1641AD

KM# 63 1/8 MOHAR

0.66 g., Silver KM# 145 1/128 TANKA
0.08 g., Silver Rev: Nara and lion Note: Size varies: 8-9
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1663-96) — 24.00 60.00 120 200 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 65 1/4 MOHAR KM# 86 MOHAR ND(1620-40) — — — 24.00 40.00 —
1.33 g., Silver 5.34 g., Silver Obv: Three characters in upper two lines
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS798(1678) — 30.00 75.00 150 250 — NS816(1696) — 20.00 50.00 100 165 —
5.34 g., Silver Rev: Coronation date, “Chaitre Sudi 9,783
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS783(1663) — 100 200 350 500 —
KM# 147 1/4 TANKA
Silver Note: Weight varies: 1.90-2.30 grams.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1620-40) — 75.00 150 250 350 —

5.34 g., Silver Obv: Four characters in all three lines Note:
Varieties exist.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS816(1696) — 10.00 25.00 50.00 80.00 —
5.34 g., Silver
KM# 148 1/4 TANKA
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KINGDOM OF Silver Note: Weight varies: 1.90-2.30 grams.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS783(1663) — 24.00 60.00 120 200 —
KATHMANDU ND(1620-40) — 60.00 120 200 300 —

Jaya Bhupatindra Malla

NS816-42 / 1696-1722AD KINGDOM
KM# 75 DAM
0.04 g., Silver Obv. Inscription: Shri Shri Bhupa Shiva Simha
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1696-1722) — — — 20.00 35.00 —
NS698-740 / c.1578-1620AD
KM# 137 DAM
Silver, 9 mm. Obv. Legend: Sri Jaya Note: Weight varies: 0.04-
0.14 grams.
KM# 76 DAM Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
0.04 g., Silver Obv. Inscription: Shri Bhupati ND(1578-1620) — — — 45.00 75.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 138 DAM Silver Note: Weight varies: 8.90-10.00 grams. Ala-ud-din type.
ND(1696-1722) — — — 15.00 25.00 —
Silver, 9 mm. Obv. Legend: Sri Note: Weight varies: 0.04-0.14 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 78 1/16 MOHAR grams. ND(1620-40) — 100 200 350 500 —
0.33 g., Silver Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 ND(1578-1620) — — — 45.00 75.00 —
ND(1696-1722) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 —


KM# 80 1/8 MOHAR 0.30 g., Silver
0.66 g., Silver Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 ND(1578-1620) — 30.00 75.00 150 250 —
ND(1696-1722) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 —
Silver, 30 mm. Note: Ala-ud-din type. Weight varies: 9.90-10.50 Silver Note: Weight varies: 8.90-10.00 grams. Ghiyas-ud-din
grams. type.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1578-1620) — 100 200 350 500 — ND(1620-40) — 100 200 350 500 —


KM# 82 1/4 MOHAR KM# 158 DAM

1.33 g., Silver Note: Varieties exist. 0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS816(1696) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 — ND(1620-40) — — — 15.00 25.00 —


Silver, 30 mm. Note: Ghiyas-ud-din type. Weight varies: 9.90-
10.50 grams.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1578-1620) — 125 250 420 600 —

KM# 84 1/2 MOHAR

2.67 g., Silver Obv: Coronation date, “Bhadra Vadi 11,816 KM# 160 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 5.34 g., Silver Note: Size varies: 25-29 milimeters.
NS816(1696) — 85.00 170 280 400 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND-1641 — 22.00 55.00 110 185 —

1360-1404_R7634.indd 1385 1/11/18 12:57 PM


Pratap Malla Chakravartendra Malla

NS761-794 / 1641-1674AD NS789 / 1669AD

KM# 162 DAM

0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1641-74) — — — 15.00 25.00 —
5.34 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Rev: Sword at center
KM# 171 1/2 MOHAR Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
2.67 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center NS794(1674) — 15.00 35.00 70.00 145 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND-1669 — 27.00 67.50 135 225 —


5.34 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS761(1641) — 15.00 35.00 75.00 145 —
5.34 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Rev: Sword at center
KM# 173 MOHAR Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
5.34 g., Silver Obv: Five arrows at left of inner circle, bow at NS794(1674) — 15.00 37.50 75.00 145 —
right Obv. Inscription: Shri 2 Jaya Cakra Va- Rev: Noose and
elephant goad in triangle Rev. Inscription: rtindra Malla Parthivendra Malla
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS789(1669) — 15.00 35.00 65.00 110 —
NS800-807 / 1680-1687AD
KM# 188 DAM
0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Mahipatendra Malla Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 164 MOHAR NS790 / 1670AD ND(1680-87) — — — 15.00 25.00 —
5.34 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center KM# 175 1/2 MOHAR KM# 190 1/4 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 2.67 g., Silver 1.33 g., Silver
NS775(1655) — 11.00 27.00 55.00 90.00 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND-1670 — 45.00 110 220 325 — NS800(1680) — 20.00 50.00 100 175 —

KM# 196 1/4 MOHAR

1.33 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Note: In the names of
Parthivendra Malla and Queen Rajya Lakshmi.
KM# 177 MOHAR Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
5.34 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Obv. Inscription: Shri NS802(1682) — 17.00 42.50 85.00 140 —
Jaya Mahipa- Rev: Sword at center Rev. Inscription: tindra
KM# 166 2 MOHARS Malla Deva
11.12 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Shape: square Note: Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
27x27 mm. ND-1670 — 22.00 55.00 110 185 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS781(1661) — 165 330 550 850 — Nripendra Malla
NS794-800 / 1674-1680AD
Rupamati Devi KM# 197 1/2 MOHAR
Queen of Pratap Malla, NS769 / 1649AD 2.67 g., Silver Obv: Pedestal at center Rev: Sword at center
Shape: Square, 17x17 mm Note: In the names of Parthivendra
Malla and Queen Rajya Lakshmi.
KM# 179 DAM Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface. ND(1680-87) — 125 250 420 600 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1674-80) — — — 24.00 40.00 —

KM# 168 1/4 MOHAR

1.33 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Obv. Inscription: Shri
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS769(1649) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 —
KM# 181 1/16 MOHAR
0.33 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KM# 194 MOHAR
ND(1674-80) — 15.00 37.50 75.00 145 — 5.34 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Note: Size varies: 26-27
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS800(1680) — 15.00 37.50 75.00 145 —
KM# 169 1/4 MOHAR
1.33 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Obv. Inscription: Shri
Rupamati Rev. Inscription: Bihari Rajkanya
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS769(1649) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 — KM# 183 1/4 MOHAR
1.33 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS795(1675) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 160 —

1360-1404_R7634.indd 1386 1/11/18 12:57 PM


KM# 198 MOHAR Riddhi Lakshmi Devi KM# 155 TANKA

5.34 g., Silver Rev: Vase at center Note: In the names of 10.00 g., Silver Note: Ala-ud-din type.
Parthivendra Malla and Queen Rajya Lakshmi. Size varies: 26- Regent for Bhupalendra, NS808 / 1688AD Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
27 milimeters. ND(1620-40) — 150 300 500 700 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS802(1682) — 12.00 30.00 65.00 125 —

Bhupalendra Malla
NS807-820 / 1687-1700AD
KM# 200 1/4 MOHAR
1.33 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Obv. Inscription: Shri 2
Hrdhi Laksmi Raje Rev: Pedestal at center
KM# 202 DAM Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface. NS808(1688) — 8.00 20.00 40.00 65.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1687-1700) — — — 15.00 25.00 —
10.00 g., Silver Obv: Sword at center Obv. Inscription: Shri
Shri Siddhi” at center Rev: lion left at center Rev. Inscription:
KINGDOM Nara” above lion Note: Ghiyas-ud-din type.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS759(1639) — 150 300 500 700 —
Harihara Simha
KM# 204 1/32 MOHAR ND720-729 / c.160-1609AD
0.16 g., Silver Note: Uniface. Srinivasa Malla
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 TANKA COINAGE NS781-805 / 1661-1685AD
ND(1687-1700) — 12.00 30.00 60.00 100 —
0.33 g., Silver Obv. Inscription: Shri Bhupalendra Note: KM# 302 DAM
Uniface. 0.04 g., Silver Obv. Inscription: Shri Nivasa Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KM# 153 DAM Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1687-1700) — 5.00 12.00 24.00 40.00 — 0.08 g., Silver ND(1661-85) — — — 45.00 75.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 303 1/16 MOHAR
ND(1600-09) — — — 75.00 125 —
0.33 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Siddhi Narasimha ND(1661-85) — — — — — —
NS740-781 / 1620-1661AD KM# 304 1/4 MOHAR
1.33 g., Silver
MOHAR COINAGE Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 295 DAM ND(1661-85) — 30.00 75.00 150 250 —
0.04 g., Silver Obv: Four characters Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 206 MOHAR ND(1620-61) — 9.00 22.50 45.00 75.00 —
5.34 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Rev: Sword at center
KM# 296 DAM
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 0.04 g., Silver Obv: Three characters
NS808(1688) — 20.00 50.00 100 175 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1620-61) — 5.00 12.00 24.00 40.00 —
KM# 310 1/4 MOHAR
1.33 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Rev: Sword in center of
6-pointed star Note: In the names of Srinivasa Malla and Queen
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1661-85) — 30.00 75.00 150 250 —

KM# 299 1/4 MOHAR

1.33 g., Silver, 17 mm. Obv: Sword at center Obv. Inscription:
KM# 207 MOHAR Shri Shri Siddhi Rev: Lion standing left at center Rev.
5.34 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Rev: Sword at center Inscription: Nara
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS809(1689) — 20.00 50.00 100 175 — NS774(1654) — 25.00 60.00 120 200 —
Note: Leather, clay, or gold coins with this design are


5.34 g., Silver Obv: Sword in center Obv. Inscription: Shri
Shri Jaya” in center Rev. Inscription: Shri Ni-” above, “vasa
Malla” in center
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS781(1661) — 15.00 36.00 72.00 120 —


5.34 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Rev: Sword at center
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS812(1692) — 8.00 20.00 40.00 70.00 — 5.34 g., Silver Obv: Sword at center Obv. Inscription: Shri
Shri Siddhi” at center Rev: Lion left at center Rev. Inscription:
Nara” above lion Note: Size varies: 26-28 milimeters.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS761(1641) — 7.50 18.00 36.00 60.00 —


5.34 g., Silver Obv: Sword at lower center in 6-pointed star
Obv. Inscription: Shri Shri Jaya” in center, “Shri Nivasa Malla”
in star points Rev: Staff betwen two water jugs with streamers,
date below within circle Rev. Inscription: Nepalesvara
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 209 MOHAR NS786(1666) — 9.00 22.50 45.00 75.00 —
5.34 g., Silver Obv: Trident at center Rev: Sword at center
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS820(1700) — 14.00 35.00 70.00 120 —

1360-1404_R7634.indd 1387 1/11/18 12:57 PM


KM# 334 1/2 MOHAR

2.76 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1685-1705) — 30.00 75.00 150 275 —


5.34 g., Silver Obv: Sword at lower center in 6-pointed star 5.34 g., Silver Note: In the names of Yoga Lakshmi and Queen
KM# 319 3/4 MOHAR Yoga Lakshmi
Obv. Inscription: Shri shri Jaya” in center, “Shri Nivasa Malla” 3.96 g., Silver Shape: Square Note: Center hole, 19x19 mm.
in star points Rev: Staff between two water jugs with streamers Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
within circle, date below Rev. Inscription: Nepalesvara Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS808(1688) — 15.00 37.50 75.00 125 —
NS804(1684) — 100 200 350 500 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS786(1666) — 9.00 22.50 45.00 75.00 —

Yoga Narendra Malla

NS805-825 / 1685-1705AD
KM# 312 DAM
0.05 g., Silver Obv. Inscription: Shri Yoga Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1685-1705) — — — 15.00 25.00 —
KM# 315 1/4 MOHAR
1.38 g., Silver Obv: Shorter inscription KM# 320 MOHAR
KM# 324 MOHAR 5.34 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 5.34 g., Silver Note: In the names of Yoga Lakshmi and Queen
NS805(1685) — 15.00 37.50 75.00 125 — Yoga Lakshmi Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS820(1700) — 12.00 30.00 60.00 100 —
KM# 316 1/4 MOHAR Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
1.38 g., Silver Obv: Vase, date in square Obv. Inscription: NS805(1685) — 65.00 130 220 325 —
Shri Shri Yoga Narendra Malla Rev. Inscription: Shri Shri
Lokanatha.Shri Talejo
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1685-1705) — 25.00 60.00 120 200 —
KM# 317 1/4 MOHAR
1.38 g., Silver Obv: Date in square Obv. Inscription: Shri
Yoga Narendra Malla Rev. Inscription: Shri Shri Lokanatha.
Shri Taleju
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1685-1705) — 20.00 50.00 100 165 —
KM# 328 1/4 MOHAR KM# 325 MOHAR
1.38 g., Silver 5.34 g., Silver Note: In the names of Yoga Lakshmi and Queen The Kingdom of the Netherlands, a country of western
Yoga Lakshmi Europe fronting on the North Sea and bordered by Belgium and
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1685-1705) — 100 200 320 450 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Germany, has an area of 15,770 sq. mi. (41,500 sq. km).
NS805(1685) — 12.00 30.00 60.00 100 — After being a part of Charlemagne’s empire in the 8th and
9th centuries, the Netherlands came under control of Burgundy
and the Austrian Hapsburgs, and finally was subjected to
Spanish dominion in the 16th century. Led by William of Orange,
the Dutch revolted against Spain in 1568. The seven northern
provinces formed the Union of Utrecht and declared their
independence in 1581, becoming the Republic of the United
Netherlands. In the following century, the Golden Age of Dutch
history, the Netherlands became a great sea and colonial
KM# 314 1/4 MOHAR power, a patron of the arts and a refuge for the persecuted. The
1.38 g., Silver Obv: Inscription, date within 4-trefoiled petals United Dutch Republic ended in 1795 when the French formed
around square with staff at center Obv. Inscription: Shri Shri the Batavian Republic. Napoleon made his brother Louis, the
Yoga” within, “Narendra Malla.” around square Rev: Curved King of Holland in 1806, however he abdicated in 1810 when
5-pointed star Rev. Inscription: Shri Shri Shri Lokanatha.Shri KM# 332 MOHAR Napoleon annexed Holland. The French were expelled in 1813,
Taleju Sahaya 5.34 g., Silver Note: In the names of Yoga Narendra Malla and and all the provinces of Holland and Belgium were merged
Queen Jaya Lakshmi. into the Kingdom of the United Netherlands under William I, in
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS807(1687) — 27.50 67.50 135 225 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 1814. The Belgians withdrew in 1830 to form their own kingdom,
NS805(1685) — 10.00 25.00 50.00 85.00 — the last substantial change in the configuration of European
KM# 321 1/2 MOHAR Netherlands. German forces invaded in 1940 as the royal family
2.76 g., Silver Rev: Without vase Note: In the names of Yoga fled to England where a government-in-exile was formed. A
Lakshmi and Queen Yoga Lakshmi German High Commissioner, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, was placed
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 in command until 1945 when the arrival of Allied military forces
NS804(1684) — 30.00 75.00 150 250 — ended the occupation.
2.76 g., Silver Rev: Vase Note: In the names of Yoga Lakshmi United Netherlands, 1543-1795
and Queen Yoga Lakshmi
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 The Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands
NS805(1685) — 25.00 60.00 120 200 — was a confederation of states (“provinces”) that formerly made
part of the Spanish Netherlands. The highest authorities were the
KM# 336 MOHAR Provincial States. They were in fact autonomous concerning the
5.34 g., Silver Note: In the names of Yoga Narendra Malla and coinage, but made agreements about a uniform legislation within
Queen Narendra Lakshmi. the Staten General (notably in 1603, 1606, 1659, 1693 and 1694).
Furthermore there were a number of cities, counties and lordships
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
possessing minting rights within the Holy Roman Empire.
NS805(1685) — 10.00 25.00 50.00 85.00 —
Province Mint Mark
Friesland Leeuwarden lion
KM# 330 1/2 MOHAR Gelderland Harderwijk cross with crossed ends
2.76 g., Silver Holland Dordrecht rosette, city arms
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Amsterdam city arms
ND(1685-1705) — 30.00 75.00 150 275 — Utrecht Utrecht city arms
Zeeland Middelburg castle

1 Penning = 1/2 Duit
KM# 337 MOHAR 1 Duit = 1/8 Stuiver
5.34 g., Silver Note: In the names of Yoga Narendra Malla and 1 Oord = 1/4 Stuiver
Queen Narendra Lakshmi. 1 Schelling = 6 Stuivers
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 1 Gulden = 20 Stuivers
NS805(1685) — 8.00 21.00 42.00 70.00 — 1 Florijn = 28 Stuivers
1 Daaler = 30 Stuivers
1 Lion Daaler = 1606: 38 Stuivers, rising to 1659: 42 Stuivers

1360-1404_R7634.indd 1388 1/11/18 12:57 PM

NEPAL 1223


3.45 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1781) — 35.00 65.00 125 225 —

KM# A1 1/2 PYA (1/2 Pice)

Copper Obv: 2 fish Rev: Unread inscription
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND — — — — — —

KM# 5 KYAT (Rupee)

9.98 g., Silver
The Union of Myanmar, formerly Burma, a country of Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Southeast Asia fronting on the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman KM# 1 1/2 PYA (1/2 Pice) ND (1781) — 65.00 125 175 250 —
Sea, has an area of 261,218 sq. mi. (678,500 sq. km.) and a Copper Obv: 2 fish Rev: Burmese legends
population of 38.8 million. Capital: Yangon (Rangoon). Myanmar Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
is an agricultural country heavily dependent on its leading CS1143 — 100 150 250 — —
product (rice) which occupies two-thirds of the cultivated area
and accounts for 40 % of the value of exports. Mineral resources
are extensive, but production is low. Petroleum, lead, tin, silver,
zinc, nickel cobalt, and precious stones are exported.
The first European to reach Burma, in about 1435, was
Nicolo Di Conti, a Venetian merchant. During the beginning of
the reign of Bodawpaya (1781-1819AD) the kingdom comprised
most of the same area as it does today including Arakan which
was taken over in 1784-85. The British East India Company,
while unsuccessful in its1612 effort to establish posts along
the Bay of Bengal, was enabled by the Anglo-Burmese Wars
of 1824-86 to expand to the whole of Burma and to secure
its annexation to British India. In 1937, Burma was separated The Kingdom of Nepal, the world’s only surviving Hindu
from India, becoming a separate British colony with limited self- kingdom, is a landlocked country occupying the southern slopes
government. Burma became an independent nation outside the KM# 2.1 1/4 PE (Pice) of the Himalayas. It has an area of 56,136 sq. mi. (140,800
British Commonwealth on Jan. 4, 1948, the constitution of 1948 Copper, 31-32 mm. Obv: Two fish Rev: Burmese legend Note: sq. km.) and a population of 18 million. Capital: Kathmandu.
providing for a parliamentary democracy and the nationalization Center hole. Nepal has deposits of coal, copper, iron and cobalt, but they
of certain industries. However, political and economic problems are largely unexploited. Agriculture is the principal economic
persisted, and on March 2, 1962, Gen. Ne Win took over the Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
CS1143 — 45.00 75.00 145 — — activity. Rice, timber and jute are exported, with tourism being
government, suspended the constitution, installed himself the other major foreign exchange earner.
as chief of state, and pursued a socialistic program with Apart from a brief Muslim invasion in the 14th century,
nationalization of nearly all industry and trade. On Jan. 4, 1974, Nepal was able to avoid the mainstream of Northern Indian
a new constitution adopted by referendum established Burma as politics, due to its impregnable position in the mountains. It is
a socialist republic under one-party rule. The country name was therefore a unique survivor of the medieval Hindu and Buddhist
changed to Myanmar in 1989. culture of Northern India which was largely destroyed by the
The coins issued by kings Mindon and Thibaw between successive waves of Muslim invasions.
1852 and 1885 circulated in Upper Burma. Indian coins Prior to the late 18th century, Nepal, as we know it today,
were current in Lower Burma, which was annexed in 1852. was divided among a number of small states. Unless otherwise
Burmese coins are frequently known by the equivalent Indian stated, the term Nepal applies to the small fertile valley, about
denominations, although their values are inscribed in Burmese 4,500 ft. above sea level, in which the three main cities of
units. Upper Burma was annexed in 1885 and the Burmese Kathmandu, Patan and Bhatgaon are situated.
coinage remained in circulation until 1889,when Indian coins During the reign of King Yaksha Malla (1428-1482AD),
became current throughout Burma. Coins were again issued the Nepalese kingdom, with capital at Bhatgaon, was extended
in the old Burmese denominations after independence in 1948, northwards into Tibet, and also controlled a considerable
but these were replaced by decimal issues in 1952. The Chula- KM# 2.2 1/4 PE (Pice) area to the south of the hills. After Yaksha Malla’s death, the
Sakarat (CS) dating is sometimes referred to as BE-Burmese Copper Obv: Two fish Rev: Burmese legend Note: Without Kingdom was divided among his sons, so four kingdoms were
Era and began in 638AD. hole. established with capitals at Bhatgaon, Patan, Kathmandu and
RULERS Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Banepa, all situated within the small valley, less than 20 miles
Arakanese CS1143 — 45.00 75.00 145 325 650 square. Banepa was quickly absorbed within the territory of
Sanda Thuriya, BE1093-96/1731-34AD Bhatgaon, but the other three kingdoms remained until 1769.
Narapawara, BE1097-98/1735-36AD The internecine strife between the three kings effectively
Sanda Wizala, BE1098-99/1736-37AD stopped Nepal from becoming a major military force during this
Madarit Raza, BE1099-1104/1737-42AD period, although with its fertile land and strategic position, it was
Nara Apaya, BE1104-23/1742-61AD by far the wealthiest and most powerful of the Himalayan states.
Sanda Parama, BE1123-26/1761-64AD Apart from agriculture, Nepal owed its prosperity to its
Apaya Maha Raza, BE1126-35/1764-73AD position on one of the easiest trade routes between the great
Sanda Thumana, BE1135-39/1773-77AD monasteries of central Tibet, and India. Nepal made full use
Sanda Wimala, BE1139/1777AD of this, and a trading community was set up in Lhasa during
Thaditha Dhammarit, BE1139-44/1777-82AD the 16th century, and Nepalese coins became the accepted
Maha Thamada, BE1144-46/1782-84AD currency medium in Tibet.
Amarapura Lord, Bodawpaya, BE1146/1784AD The seeds of discord between Nepal and Tibet were sown
during the first half of the 18th century, when the Nepalese
Burmese KM# 3.1 1/4 PE (Pice)
Bodawpaya, CS1143-1181/1782-1819AD debased the coinage, and the fate of the Malla kings of Nepal
Copper, 27-28 mm. Obv: Two fish Rev: Burmese legend Note:
Bagyidaw, CS1181-1198/1819-1837AD was sealed when Prithvi Narayan Shah, King of the small state
Center hole.
Tharawaddy, CS1198-1207/1837-46AD of Gorkha, to the west of Kathmandu, was able to gain control
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 of the trans-himalayan trade routes during the years after 1750.
Pagan, CS1207-1214/1846-53AD
CS1143 — 45.00 75.00 145 — — Prithvi Narayan spent several years consolidating his
Mindon, CS1214-1240/1853-78AD
Thibaw, CS1240-1248/1880-85AD KM# 3.2 1/4 PE (Pice) position in hill areas before he finally succeeded in conquering
British, 1886-1948 Copper Obv: Two fish Rev: Burmese legend Note: Without the Kathmandu Valley in 1768, where he established the Shah
hole. dynasty, and moved his capital to Kathmandu.
MONETARY SYSTEM After Prithvi Narayan’s death a period of political instability
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
(Until 1952) ensued which lasted until the 1840’s when the Rana family
CS1143 — 25.00 45.00 70.00 120 — reduced the monarch to a figurehead and established the post
4 Pyas = 1 Pe
2 Pe = 1 Mu of hereditary Prime Minister. A popular revolution in 1950 toppled
2 Mu = 1 Mat the Rana family and reconstituted power in the throne. In 1959
5 Mat = 1 Kyat King Mahendra declared Nepal a constitutional monarchy, and
NOTE: Originally 10 light Mu = 1 Kyat, eventually 8 heavy in 1962 a new constitution set up a system of panchayat (village
Mu = 1 Kyat. council) democracy. In 1990, following political unrest, the king’s
Indian Equivalents powers were reduced. The country then adopted a system of
1 Silver Kyat = 1 Rupee = 16 Annas parliamentary democracy.
1 Gold Kyat = 1 Mohur = 16 Rupees

1197-1250_R1311.indd 1223 9/20/16 3:06 PM

1224 NEPAL

Nepal Samvat Era (NS)
All coins of the Malla kings of Nepal are dated in the Nepal
Samvat era (NS). Year 1 NS began in 881, so to arrive at the AD Vishnu Malla, Mahamahesvari
date add 880 to the NS date. This era was exclusive to Nepal, NS849-865/1729-1745AD
except for one gold coin of Prana Narayan of Cooch Behar.
Saka Era (SE)
Up until 1888AD all coins of the Gorkha Dynasty were Lalita Tripura Sundari
dated in the Saka era (SE). To convert from Saka to AD take Rajya Prakash Malla,
Saka date and add 78 to arrive at the AD date. Coins dated with NS865-878/1745-1758AD
this era have SE before the date in the following listing.
Girvan Yuddha Vikrama
Vikrama Samvat Era (VS)
From 1888AD most copper coins were dated in the Vikram Queens of Girvan Yuddha Vikrama
Samvat (VS) era. To convert take VS date - 57 =AD date. Coins
Visvajit Malla,
with this era have VS before the year in the listing. With the
exception of a few gold coins struck in 1890 & 1892, silver and
gold coins only changed to the VS era in 1911AD, but now this Siddhi Lakshmi
era is used for all coins struck in Nepal. Goraksha Rajya Lakshmi
KINGS OF KATHMANDU Jaya Prakash Malla, King of Kathmandu, MONETARY SYSTEM
NS880-881,883-884/1760-1761,1763-1764AD Mohar Series
In about 1640 the weight standard of the Nepalese
coinage was completely changed, and it is probable that all the
Bhaskara Malla, old tanka coins were withdrawn from circulation.
NS821-835/1701-1715AD The new standard coin was the Mohar, weighing about5.4
Ranajit Malla, King of Bhatgaon, g, or rather more than half the old tanka. The Mohar was
NS882-883/1762-1763AD subdivided in factors of 2, as follows:
2 Mohar (Rupee) = 10.80 g
1 Mohar = 5.40 g
1/2 Mohar = 2.70 g
Mahindra Simha,
1/4 Mohar (Suki) = 1.35 g
NS835-842/1715-1722AD Dala Mardana Saha, 1/8 Mohar = 0.67 g
NS884-885/1764-1765AD 1/16 Mohar = 0.34 g
1/32 Mohar = 0.17 g
1/128 Mohar (Dam) = 0.04-0.08 g
Jagajjaya Malla 1/512 Mohar (Jawa) = 0.01 g
NS842-855/1722-1735AD The weights given above correspond to the average
Tej Narasimha Malla, weight of actual specimens, rather than the theoretical weight,
NS885-888/1765-1768AD which has been said to be 86.4 grains, or 5.60 g.
KINGS OF BHATGAON The coinage was almost entirely of silver, with the tiny
Jawa being easily the smallest coin in the world. Gold coins
Jaya Prakash Malla, were struck on only one or two occasions during the Madra
NS855-866,870-888/1735-1746,1750-1768AD period, from the same dies as the silver coins, but these were
probably only used for ceremonial purposes. Gold after 1777AD
Bhupatindra Malla, was struck in greater quantity.
NS816-842/1696-1722AD Initially the coinage was of fine silver, in contrast to the
tanka coins, which were frequently debased. During the early
Jyoti Prakash Malla, 18th century, however, the coins became debased, but the
NS866-870/1746-c.1750AD fineness was improved after 1753AD. The coinage was again
debased in the first half of the 19th century.
Many of the mohars circulated in Tibet as well as in Nepal,
Ranajit Malla,
and on a number of occasions coins were struck from bullion
supplied by the Tibetan authorities. The smaller denominations
SHAH DYNASTY never circulated in Tibet, but some of the mohars were cut for
Yoga Narendra Malla, use as small change in Tibet.
NS805-825/1685-1705AD In these listings only major changes in design have been
noted. There are numerous minor varieties of ornamentation or
Prithvi Narayan spelling.
In Gorkha: SE1664-1690/1742-1768AD Initially the copper paisa was not fixed in value relative
In Kathmandu: SE1690-1696/1768-1775AD to the silver coins, and generally fluctuated in value from1/32
Loka Prakash Malla, mohar in 1865AD to around 1/50 mohar afterc1880AD, and was
NS825-826/1705-1706AD Queen of Prithvi Narayan fixed at that value in 1903AD.
SE1696-1699/1775-1777AD 4 Dam = 1 Paisa
2 Paisa = 1 Dyak, Adhani
Indra Malla (Purandara Malla), Narindra Lakshmi Relation between the Coins of Nepal and Tibet
NS826-829/1706-1709AD Nepal Sino-Tibetan Tibetan Coinage
1 Mohar (8 petals) 1,5 Sho 1 Tangka 15 Skar
2/3 Mohar (5 petals) 1, 0 Sho 2/3 Tangka 10 Skar
Pratap Simha
½ Mohar (4 petals) 0, 75 Sho ½ Tangka 7-1/2 Skar
Vira Narasimha Malla, Queen of Pratap Simha 1/3 Mohar (3 petals) 0, 5 Sho 1/3 Tangka 5 Skar
NS829/1709AD SE1699-1720/1777-1799AD
Nepal has used more variations of numerals on their coins
than any other nation. The most common are illustrated in the
Vira Mahindra Malla, Rajendra Lakshmi numeral chart in the introduction. The chart below illustrates
NS829-835/1709-1715AD some variations encompassing the last four centuries.

Rana Bahadur
Queens of Rana Bahadur
Riddhi Narasimha, SE1720-1738/1799-1816AD

Raja Rajesvari
Mahindra Simha, King of Kathmandu,
Amara Rajesvari

Yoga Prakash Malla,

NS842-849/1722-1729AD Suvarna Prabha

1197-1250_R1311.indd 1224 9/20/16 3:06 PM


Ranajit Malla
NS842-889 / 1722-1769AD

KM# 90 DAM
Silver Note: Uniface, without sword. KM# 103 1/4 MOHAR
Two Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1722) — 2.50 4.00 7.00 10.00 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS842 (1722) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 35.00 50.00

Ten KM# 91 DAM

Silver Note: Uniface. Sword on stand.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Twenty ND (1722) — 3.25 5.00 8.50 12.50 —

KM# 105 1/2 MOHAR

Twenty-five Silver Obv: Coronation date, Vaisakh, Sudi 15, 842
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 92 DAM NS842 (1722) — 50.00 100 200 300 —
Silver Note: Uniface; Sword not on stand.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1722) — 3.25 5.00 8.50 12.50 —


KM# 94 1/32 MOHAR

Paisa Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1722) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 — KM# 107 MOHAR
Dam Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS842 (1722) — 40.00 75.00 150 200 —

KM# 96 1/16 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1722) — 20.00 35.00 70.00 100 —


Asarfi KM# 97 1/16 MOHAR KM# 108 MOHAR

Silver Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KINGDOM OF BHATGAON ND (1722) — 10.00 20.00 35.00 60.00 — NS842 (1722) — 4.00 7.00 12.00 20.00 —

Jaya Bhupatindra Malla KINGDOM OF KATHMANDU

NS816-42 / 1696-1722AD
Bhaskara Malla
MOHAR COINAGE NS821-835 / 1701-1715AD
KM# 75 DAM KM# 99 1/8 MOHAR
0.04 g., Silver Obv. Inscription: Shri Shri Bhupa Silver Obv: Sword on stand MOHAR COINAGE
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1696-1722) — — — 20.00 35.00 — ND (1722) — 8.00 13.50 22.50 32.50 —

KM# 211 DAM

KM# 76 DAM Silver Note: Uniface.
0.04 g., Silver Obv. Inscription: Shri Bhupati Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 100 1/8 MOHAR
Silver Obv: Sword not on stand ND (1701) — 5.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 —
ND(1696-1722) — — — 15.00 25.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 78 1/16 MOHAR ND (1722) — 5.00 7.50 13.50 18.50 —
0.33 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 213 1/32 MOHAR
ND(1696-1722) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 —
Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1701) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 —
Silver Note: Many vartieties exist.
KM# 102 1/4 MOHAR Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Silver Rev: Die of Bhupatinddra Malla in error
NS821 (1701) — 8.00 13.50 22.50 32.50 —
KM# 80 1/8 MOHAR Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
0.66 g., Silver NS816 — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Mahindra Simha
ND(1696-1722) — 18.00 45.00 90.00 150 — NS835-842 / 1715-1722AD
KM# 219 DAM
Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1715) — 5.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 —

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Jaya Prakash Malla, first reign

NS855-66 / 1735-1746AD
KM# 221 1/16 MOHAR
Silver, 12 mm.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 273 1/4 MOHAR
ND (1715) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 —
KM# 235 DAM Silver Note: Two different forms of 6 in this date.
Silver Obv: Without sword Note: Uniface. Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 NS866 (1746) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —
ND (1735) — 2.50 4.00 7.00 10.00 —
KM# 239 1/32 MOHAR
Silver Obv: 4 characters, sword. Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1735) — 10.00 16.50 26.50 37.50 —
KM# 223 1/4 MOHAR
KM# 274 1/4 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Silver Note: Struck in the name of Jaya Lakshmi Devi
NS835 (1715) — 8.00 13.50 22.50 32.50 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 226 1/4 MOHAR KM# 243 1/16 MOHAR NS866 (1746) — 18.50 32.50 55.00 75.00 —
Silver Note: In the names of Mahindra Simha and Queen Silver Obv: 4 characters Rev: 2 characters
Mahindra Lakshmi. Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 ND (1735) — 10.00 18.50 30.00 45.00 —
NS838 (1718) — 10.00 18.50 30.00 45.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS835 (1715) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 25.00 — KM# 275 1/4 MOHAR
Jaya Jagajjaya Malla KM# 247 1/8 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Silver Obv: 4 characters Rev: 2 characters
NS842-855 / 1722-1735AD NS866 (1746) — 8.00 13.50 22.50 32.50 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 227 DAM ND (1735) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 — KM# 279 MOHAR
Silver Note: Uniface. Silver Note: Two forms of 6 in this date.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1722) — 5.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 — NS866 (1746) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —
KM# 228 1/32 MOHAR
Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1722) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 —
KM# 229 1/16 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KM# 255 1/2 MOHAR
ND (1722) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 — Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS856 (1736) — 50.00 100 200 300 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS866 (1746) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 —
Silver Note: Varieties exist.
KM# 232 1/4 MOHAR Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Silver Note: In the names of Jagajjaya Malla and Queen NS866 (1746) — 8.00 13.50 22.50 32.50 —
Kumudini Devi. KM# 282 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Silver
NS842 (1722) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 259 MOHAR NS866 (1746) — 75.00 125 200 300 —
KM# 233 1/4 MOHAR Silver Note: For clipped coinage of this piece refer to Clipped
Silver Obv: Longer legend Note: In the names of Jagajjaya
Malla and Queen Kumudini Devi.
Coinage KM#264-265, 267-268, 270-271 at the end of this ruler. Jaya Prakash Malla,
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40

VG8 F12 VF20
8.00 12.00 18.00

second reign
NS842 (1722) — 8.00 13.50 22.50 32.50 — NS c.870-888; c.175-1768AD

KM# 236 DAM

Silver Obv: Sword Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1735) — 2.50 4.00 7.00 10.00 —
KM# 234 1/4 MOHAR
Silver Note: Struck in the name of the Queen Mother Kumndini
Silver Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS856 (1736) — 8.00 13.50 22.50 32.50 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS842 (1722) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 25.00 —
Jyoti Prakash Malla KM# 240 1/32 MOHAR
KM# 231 MOHAR Silver Obv: 5 characters
Silver Note: Varieties exist. NS866-870 / 1746-1750AD Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KM# 277 DAM ND (1735) — 10.00 16.50 26.50 37.50 —
NS848 (1728) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 25.00 — Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1746) — 3.25 5.00 8.50 12.50 —

KM# 244 1/16 MOHAR

Silver Obv: 5 characters Rev: 3 characters
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1735) — 10.00 18.50 30.00 45.00 —

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KM# 284 1/4 JAWA

0.00 g., Silver Note: 2x2 millimeter, square. Cut part of Jawa.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1746) — 8.00 13.50 22.50 32.50 —
KM# 247a 1/8 MOHAR KM# 267 3/4 SHO
Silver Note: Cut with straight line, 4 petals.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS856 (1736) — 6.00 9.00 13.00 20.00 —
ND (1735) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 —

KM# 285 1/4 JAWA

Gold Note: Cut part of Jawa. KM# 268 3/4 SHO
KM# 248 1/8 MOHAR Silver Note: Center or other parts cut out, 4 petals.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Silver Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1746) — 12.50 22.50 35.00 60.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 NS856 (1736) — 4.00 6.00 9.00 14.00 —
ND (1735) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 —

KM# 287 JAWA

0.01 g., Silver Note: 4x4 millimeters, square.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1746) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —


Silver Note: Cut with straight line, 5 petals.
KM# 251 1/4 MOHAR KM# 237 DAM
Silver Gold Obv: Sword Note: Similar to KM#236. Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS856 (1736) — 6.00 9.00 13.00 20.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS873 (1753) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 — ND (1735) — 20.00 32.50 55.00 75.00 —
KM# 241 1/32 MOHAR
Gold Obv: 5 characters Note: Uniface. Similar to KM#240.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1735) — 25.00 45.00 70.00 100 —
KM# 245 1/16 MOHAR KM# 271 SHO
Gold Obv: 5 characters Rev: 3 characters Note: Similar to Silver Note: Center or other parts cut out, 5 petals. While most
KM#244. cut pieces are of this type, or of Pratap Simha Shah, 1775-1777,
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 a few other types are known cut, but these have not been listed
ND (1735) — 32.50 55.00 90.00 125 — separately.
KM# 256 1/2 MOHAR KM# 249 1/8 MOHAR Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Silver Gold Obv: 4 characters Rev: 6 characters Note: Similar to NS856 (1736) — 4.50 7.00 10.00 15.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KM#248.
NS873 (1753) — 50.00 100 200 300 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 ANONYMOUS GOLD COINAGE
ND (1735) — 45.00 80.00 130 190 — Period of Jaya Prakash Malla

KM# 253 1/4 MOHAR KM# 288 JAWA

Gold Note: Period of Jaya Prakash Malla.
Gold Obv: 8 characters Rev: 6 characters Note: Similar to
KM#251. Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1746) — 20.00 32.50 55.00 85.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS873 (1753) — 80.00 130 225 325 —
Gold Obv: 5 characters Rev: 8 characters Note: Similar to
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Yoga Narendra Malla
NS873 (1753) — 200 300 500 750 — NS805-825 / 1685-1705AD
Gold Obv: Legend surrounded by 8 symbols Note: Similar to
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KM# 312 DAM
KM#261. For coins in the name of Jaya Prakash Malla dated
NS873 (1753) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 — 0.05 g., Silver Obv. Inscription: Shri Yoga Note: Uniface.
NS880, see Kingdom of Patan.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS873 (1753) — 225 375 625 875 — ND(1685-1705) — — — 15.00 25.00 —
KM# 316 1/4 MOHAR
CUT COINAGE 1.38 g., Silver Obv: Vase, date in square Obv. Inscription:
The Mohar, KM#259, was struck in large quantities in base Shri Shri Yoga Narendra Malla Rev. Inscription: Shri Shri
metal and sent to Tibet, where it was often cut for use as small Lokanatha...Shri Talejo
change. The full coin circulated at the value of 1.5 Sho, and it was Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
cut into fractions of 2/3, 1/2, and 1/3, circulating at 1 Sho, 0.75 ND(1685-1705) — 25.00 60.00 120 200 —
Sho and 0.5 Sho. Two methods of cuttng were used, the earliest
method merely used a straight line cut, whereas during the early KM# 317 1/4 MOHAR
19th century it became normal to cut much of the center out of 1.38 g., Silver Obv: Date in square Obv. Inscription: Shri Yoga
the fractions. The denomination was determined by the number Narendra Malla Rev. Inscription: Shri Shri Lokanatha...Shri
KM# 261 MOHAR of petals visible and how it is cut. Lucky emblems were in petals. Taleju
Silver These pieces continued to circulate until the 1920s. Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KM# 264 1/2 SHO ND(1685-1705) — 20.00 50.00 100 165 —
NS873 (1753) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 25.00 — Silver Note: Cut with straight line, 3 petals. KM# 328 1/4 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 1.38 g., Silver
MOHAR COINAGE NS856 (1736) — 6.00 9.00 13.00 20.00 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1685-1705) — 100 200 320 450 —

KM# 265 1/2 SHO

Silver Note: Center or other parts cut out, 3 petals.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 290 1/4 MOHAR NS856 (1736) — 6.00 9.00 13.00 20.00 —
0.01 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS873 (1753) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 — KM# 330 1/2 MOHAR
2.76 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1685-1705) — 30.00 75.00 150 275 —

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KM# 355 1/4 MOHAR

Silver Note: In the name of Jaya Indra Malla.
KM# 334 1/2 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
2.76 g., Silver
ND (1706) — 32.50 55.00 90.00 125 — KM# 365 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 5.34 g., Silver
ND(1685-1705) — 30.00 75.00 150 275 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS829 (1709) — 75.00 125 200 300 —
Jaya Loka Prakash Molla
NS825-826 / 1705-1706AD

KM# 339 DAM KM# 350 1/2 MOHAR

Silver Note: Uniface. Silver Note: In the names of Jaya Indra Malla and Queen
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Bhagyavati.
ND (1705) — 5.00 7.50 13.50 18.50 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS826 (1706) — 100 200 300 500 —
5.34 g., Silver Rev: Branches with buds Note: In the names of
Vira Narasimha Malla and Queen Yogamati.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS829 (1709) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —

KM# 341 1/4 MOHAR

Vira Mahindra Malla
Silver NS829-835 / 1709-1715AD
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1705) — 50.00 75.00 125 200 —
5.44 g., Silver Obv: 3 letters on both sides of square Note: In the
names of Jaya Indra Malla and Queen Bhagyavati. Varieties exist.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS826 (1706) — 20.00 25.00 40.00 50.00 —
KM# 368 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Silver Obv. Legend: SHRI SHRI TALEJU Rev. Legend:
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1709) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —


Silver Obv: Legend reads “Shri 2 Jaya Lokaprakashna Malla
Deva” around “Shri Karunamaya” in center Rev: Legend below
date Rev. Legend: SHRI YOGAMATI Note: In the name of Loka
Prakash Malla and Queen Yogamati.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS826 (1706) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 — KM# 357 MOHAR
5.44 g., Silver Obv: 2 letters on both sides of square Note: In
KM# 344 MOHAR the names of Jaya Indra Malla and Queen Bhagyavati.
Silver Obv: Date Rev: Date Note: In the name of Loka Prakash Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Malla and Queen Yogamati. NS826 (1706) — 75.00 125 200 300 — KM# 370 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Silver Note: Varieties exist.
NS826 (1706) — 18.50 32.50 55.00 75.00 — Vira Narashimha Malla Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS829 / 1709AD NS829 (1709) — 10.00 16.50 26.50 37.50 —

Riddhi Narasimha
NS835-837 / 1715-1717AD
KM# 361 DAM
0.05 g., Silver Note: Uniface. Legend reads SHRI VIRA. In the
name of Vira Narasimha Malla alone.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1709) — 3.25 5.00 8.50 12.50 —


Silver Obv: Date Note: In the name of Loka Prakash Malla and
Queen Yogamati.
KM# 372 1/4 MOHAR
1.28 g., Silver Obv. Legend: SHRI RIDDHI NARSIM Rev.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Legend: SHRI LOKANA
NS826 (1706) — 18.50 32.50 55.00 75.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1715) — 40.00 60.00 100 150 —
Jaya Indra Malla KM# 363 1/4 MOHAR
NS826-829 / 1706-1709AD Silver
KM# 348 DAM Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
0.05 g., Silver Note: Legend reads Shri Indra. Uniface. In the ND (1709) — 18.50 32.50 55.00 75.00 —
name of Jaya Indra Malla.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1706) — 10.00 15.00 25.00 50.00 —
KM# 349 DAM
Gold Note: In the name of Jaya Indra Malla.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1706) — 25.00 45.00 70.00 100 —
KM# 354 1/4 MOHAR
Silver Note: Last digit of date badly formed. In the name of
Purandara Malla. KM# 374 MOHAR
KM# 359 MOHAR Silver Note: Five varieties exist.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 5.34 g., Silver Rev: Pellets Note: In the names of Vira
NS826 (1706) — 25.00 45.00 70.00 100 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Narasimha Malla and Queen Yogamati. Varieties exhist
NS835 (1715) — 10.00 16.50 26.50 37.50 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS829 (1709) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —

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Silver 5.47 g., Silver Rev: Circle in center Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS835 (1715) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 25.00 — NS842 (1722) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 25.00 — NS849 (1729) — 10.00 16.50 26.50 37.50 —

Jaya Mahindra Simha Jaya Vishnu Malla

NS837-842 / 1717-1722AD NS849-865 / 1729-1745AD

KM# 388 DAM

0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1729) — 10.00 12.50 18.50 30.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS849 (1729) — 25.00 45.00 70.00 100 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS837 (1717) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 25.00 —
KM# 390 1/8 MOHAR
Jaya Yoga Prakash Malla Silver
NS842-849 / 1722-1729AD Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1729) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —

KM# 379 DAM KM# 399 MOHAR

0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface. Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1722) — 5.00 7.50 13.50 18.50 — NS849 (1729) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 25.00 —
KM# 392 1/4 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS849 (1729) — 10.00 18.50 30.00 45.00 —

KM# 381 1/4 MOHAR

1.33 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS842 (1722) — 10.00 18.50 30.00 45.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS851 (1731) — 5.00 7.50 13.50 18.50 —

Jaya Rajya Prakash Malla

KM# 394 MOHAR NS865-878 / 1745-1758AD
Silver Note: Flowers sprout from under sword.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 GOLD COINAGE
KM# 383 1/2 MOHAR NS849 (1729) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 — KM# 401 DAM
Silver 0.04 g., Gold Obv: 4 characters Note: Similar to KM#388.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS842 (1722) — 100 200 300 500 — ND (1745) — 25.00 45.00 75.00 100 —


KM# 402 DAM

0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface. 3 characters.
Silver Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1745) — 5.00 7.50 13.50 18.50 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS849 (1729) — 8.00 13.50 22.50 32.50 —


5.47 g., Silver Rev: Octagon in center
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 403 DAM
0.04 g., Silver Note: 4 characters.
NS842 (1722) — 25.00 45.00 70.00 100 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1745) — 3.25 5.00 8.50 12.50 —


Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS849 (1729) — 10.00 16.50 26.50 37.50 —

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KM# 405 1/4 MOHAR

1.34 g., Silver Obv: Without date
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1745) — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —
5.27 g., Silver KM# 422 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Silver
NS865 (1745) — 10.00 18.50 30.00 45.00 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS878 — 16.50 27.50 45.00 65.00 —

Jaya Prakash Malla

also King of Kathmandu;
KM# 406 1/4 MOHAR
1.44 g., Silver Obv: Date at bottom NS880-881 / 1760-1761AD
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS865 (1745) — 5.00 7.50 13.50 18.50 —


5.27 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS865 (1745) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 —

KM# 407 1/4 MOHAR

1.44 g., Silver Rev: Pellets in outer angles
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Silver
NS865 (1745) — 6.50 10.50 17.50 25.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS880 (1760) — 75.00 125 200 300 —


5.27 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS865 (1745) — 75.00 125 200 300 —


5.43 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Silver
NS865 (1745) — 75.00 125 200 300 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS880 (1760) — 75.00 125 200 300 —

Jaya Ranajit Malla

also King of Bhatgaon;
NS882-883 / 1762-1763AD
5.27 g., Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS865 (1745) — 18.50 32.50 55.00 75.00 —

KM# 410 MOHAR Jaya Visvajit Malla

5.43 g., Silver
NS878-880 / 1758-1760AD
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS865 (1745) — 5.00 7.50 13.50 18.50 — MOHAR COINAGE

KM# 418 DAM

0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1758) — 10.00 15.00 20.00 35.00 —


5.43 g., Silver Silver
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS865 (1745) — 12.50 21.50 35.00 50.00 — NS882 (1762) — 18.50 32.50 55.00 75.00 —

KM# 420 1/4 MOHAR

Dala Mardana Saha
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 NS884-885 / 1764-1765AD
NS878 — 35.00 75.00 100 150 — KM# 429 DAM
0.03 g., Silver Note: Uniface. Without sword.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1764) — 3.25 5.00 8.50 12.50 —


5.43 g., Silver KM# 430 DAM
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 0.03 g., Silver Note: Sword.
NS865 (1745) — 10.00 18.50 30.00 45.00 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1764) — 3.50 6.00 10.00 15.00 —

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SE1692 — 10.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 —
Shah Dynasty SE1693 — 30.00 45.00 50.00 60.00 —

Prithvi Narayan
In Kathmandu; SE1690-1696 / 1768-1775AD
With Arabic inscription. The Nepalese copper coins within
the border of Nepal were struck in the Nepalese hills.
KM# 448 1/2 PAISA
KM# 432 MOHAR 5.00 g., Copper Note: Similar to 1 Paisa, KM#449.
5.50 g., Silver Note: Normal type of Gorteha mohar Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KM# 453 1/2 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 ND (1742) — — 4.00 7.00 12.00 25.00 2.80 g., Silver
NS884 (1764) — 75.00 125 200 300 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1693 — 50.00 75.00 125 200 —


10.00 g., Copper
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1742) — — 4.00 7.00 12.00 25.00
5.20 g., Billon Obv: legend in scalloped square Obv. Legend:
SILVER COINAGE Sri Sri Prithvi Nareyan Shah Deva, 1671 Note: Also in the name
of Queen Narindra Laksmi.
5.46 g., Silver Obv: Trident in center Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1671 — 100 150 250 400 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS884 (1764) — 75.00 125 200 300 —

Tej Narasimha Malla KM# 450.1 DAM

NS885-888 / 1765-1768AD 0.00 g., Silver Note: Uniface; Size varies 7 - 8 mm.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1768) — 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 —

KM# 435 DAM

Silver Note: Uniface. Varieties exist.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1765) — 8.00 10.00 12.50 18.50 —
KM# 440 1/4 MOHAR KM# 450.2 DAM 5.10 g., Silver Obv: Trident Obv. Legend: Sri Sri Prithvi
Silver Obv. Legend: Shri Janani Matesvari Devi, 885 Note: 0.00 g., Silver Note: Crescent above inscription; actual size Nareyam Shah Deva, 1671 Note: Also in the name of Queen
Struck in name of Matesvari Devi, Queen varies 7 - 8 mm. Narindra Laksmi.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
NS885 (1765) — 75.00 125 200 300 — ND(1768) — 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 — SE1676 — 150 200 350 500 —

KM# 451 1/16 MOHAR

0.35 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1768) — 25.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 —


5.20 g., Silver
KM# 454.1 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 5.60 g., Silver Obv: Sun at left, moon at right above legend
NS885 — 75.00 125 200 300 — Note: Also in the name of Queen Narindra Laksmi.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 452 1/8 MOHAR SE1676 — 6.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 —
0.70 g., Silver
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1768) — 35.00 50.00 60.00 75.00 —

KM# 463 1/4 MOHAR

KM# 438 MOHAR 1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Narindra Laksmi.
5.20 g., Silver Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 KM# 454.2 MOHAR
ND(1768) — 25.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 — 5.60 g., Silver Obv: Moon at left, sun at right above legend
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
NS885 — 50.00 75.00 150 200 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1676 — 6.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 —
SE1678 — 6.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 —
SE1682 — 9.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 —
SE1683 — 9.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 —
SE1690 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —
SE1691 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —
SE1692 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —
KM# 464 1/4 MOHAR SE1693 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Narindra Laksmi. SE1694 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1695 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —
SE1690 — 10.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 — SE1696 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —

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Pratap Simha KM# 469 1/8 MOHAR

0.70 g., Silver
SE1696-1699 / 1775-1777AD Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1774) — 20.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 —
The silver Mohar, KM#472.2, was struck in large quantities
and sent to Tibet, where it was often cut for use as small change.
The full coin circulated at the value of 1.5 Sho, and it was cut into
fractions of 2/3, 1/2, and 1/3, curculating at 1 Sho, 0.75 Sho, and
0.5 Sho. Two methods of cutting were used, the earliest method
merely used a straight line cut, whereas during the early 19th
century it became normal to cut much of the center out of the
fractions. The denomination was determined by the number of
KM# 454.3 MOHAR KM# 470.1 1/4 MOHAR
petals visible and how it is cut with letters in the petals. These
1.40 g., Silver Note: Also in the name of Queen Rajendra
5.60 g., Silver pieces continued to circulate until the 1920s.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 KM# 481 1/2 SHO (1/3 Mohar) Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1685 — 15.00 25.00 45.00 100 — Silver Note: Cut with straight line, 3 petals. SE1696 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 —
KM# 455 2 MOHARS Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1697 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 —
11.20 g., Silver SE1697-99 — 4.00 6.00 10.00 18.00 — SE1698 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1699 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 —
KM# 482 1/2 SHO (1/3 Mohar)
SE1693 — 100 200 300 500 — Silver Note: Center or other parts cut out, 3 petals.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
GOLD COINAGE SE1697-99 — 4.00 6.00 10.00 18.00 —
KM# 456 DAM
0.04 g., Gold Note: Uniface. Similar to 1 Dam, KM#450.1.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1768) — 25.00 35.00 45.00 60.00 —
KM# 457 1/32 MOHAR
0.18 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
KM# 471 1/2 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
2.80 g., Silver
ND(1768) — 35.00 45.00 55.00 70.00 —
KM# 483 3/4 SHO (1/2 Mohar) Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 458 1/16 MOHAR Silver Note: Cut with straight line, 4 petals. SE1697 — 75.00 100 125 175 —
0.35 g., Gold Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 SE1697-99 — 3.00 5.00 8.00 15.00 —
ND (1768) — 45.00 60.00 70.00 85.00 —
KM# 459 1/8 MOHAR
0.70 g., Gold
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1768) — 55.00 75.00 85.00 100 —

KM# 484 3/4 SHO (1/2 Mohar)

Silver Note: Center or other parts cut out, 4 petals.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 KM# 472.2 MOHAR
SE1697-99 — 3.00 5.00 8.00 15.00 — 5.60 g., Billon Note: Struck in billon for circulation in Tibet. For
clipped or cut coins refer to Clipped Coinage at end of reign.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 466 1/4 MOHAR
SE1695 — 40.00 50.00 65.00 90.00 —
1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Narindra Laksmi.
SE1697 — 5.00 8.00 13.00 20.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 SE1698 — 5.00 8.00 13.00 20.00 —
SE1693 — 75.00 100 125 150 — SE1699 — 7.00 10.00 16.00 24.00 —

KM# 485 SHO (2/3 Mohar)

Silver Note: Cut with straight line, 5 petals.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1697-99 — 4.00 6.00 10.00 18.00 —

KM# 460 1/2 MOHAR

2.80 g., Gold
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1693 — 140 175 200 250 —
KM# 461 MOHAR KM# 472.1 MOHAR
5.60 g., Gold KM# 486 SHO (2/3 Mohar) 5.60 g., Silver
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Silver Note: Center or other parts cut out, 5 petals. Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1693 — 200 250 300 375 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1696 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —
SE1694 — 200 250 300 375 — SE1697 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —
SE1697-99 — 3.00 5.00 8.00 15.00 —
SE1695 — 200 250 300 375 — SE1698 — 4.50 7.00 10.00 13.50 —
SE1699 — 6.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 —
11.20 g., Gold With Arabic inscription. The Nepalese copper coins within KM# 473 2 MOHARS
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 the border of Nepal were struck in the Nepalese hills. 11.20 g., Silver
SE1693 — 450 500 550 625 — KM# A466 1/2 PAISA Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1695 — 450 500 550 625 — 5.00 g., Copper Note: Similar to 1 Paisa, KM#B466. SE1696 — 100 175 250 300 —
SE1696 — 450 500 550 625 —
ND (1775)


F12 VF20
7.00 15.00
KM# B466 PAISA 0.04 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
10.00 g., Copper
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 ND(1774) — 25.00 35.00 45.00 55.00 —
ND (1775) — — 4.00 7.00 15.00 25.00
KM# 475 1/16 MOHAR
SILVER COINAGE 0.35 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1774) — 45.00 60.00 70.00 85.00 —

KM# 467 DAM

Silver Note: Size varies 7 - 8 mm.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 465 2 RUPEES ND(1774) — 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 —
23.32 g., Gold Rev. Legend: Sri Sri Gorakhanatha KM# 468 1/16 MOHAR KM# 476 1/8 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 0.35 g., Silver Note: Uniface. 0.70 g., Gold
SE1693 (1772) — 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,500 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Note: Struck c.1849AD ND(1774) — 25.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 — ND (1774) — 55.00 75.00 85.00 100 —

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1.40 g., Gold Note: Also in the name of Queen Rajendra
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1700 — 40.00 50.00 65.00 85.00 —
KM# 478 1/2 MOHAR KM# 492 1/32 MOHAR
2.80 g., Gold 0.18 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1697 — 140 175 200 250 — ND(1777) — 5.50 9.00 13.50 20.00 —
5.60 g., Gold KM# 502.1 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 5.60 g., Silver
SE1697 — 200 250 300 375 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1698 — 200 250 300 375 — SE1699 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
KM# 493.1 1/16 MOHAR SE1700 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
0.35 g., Silver SE1701 — 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1702 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
ND(1777) — 7.50 11.50 16.50 22.50 — SE1703 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1704 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1705 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1706 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1707 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1708 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
KM# 493.2 1/16 MOHAR SE1709 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
0.35 g., Silver Obv: Die of 1/32 Mohar used in error SE1710 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1711 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1777) — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 —
KM# 480 2 MOHARS
11.20 g., Gold
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1696 — 900 1,000 1,100 1,250 —

KM# 494 1/8 MOHAR
0.70 g., Silver
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1777) — 6.00 10.00 14.00 22.00 —
KM# 502.3 MOHAR
5.60 g., Silver
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1699 — 40.00 50.00 60.00 75.00 —

KM# 470.2 1/4 MOHAR

KM# 488 2 RUPEES 1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Rajendra Lakshmi,
23.32 g., Gold regent for her son.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1698 (1776) — 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 — SE1700 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 —
Note: Struck c.1849AD

KM# 502.2 MOHAR

Rana Bahadur 5.60 g., Silver
SE1699-1720 / 1777-1799AD Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1711 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
COPPER COINAGE SE1712 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
With Arabic inscription. The Nepalese copper coins within SE1713 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
the border of Nepal were struck in the Nepalese hills. KM# 495 1/4 MOHAR SE1714 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Raha Bahadur SE1716 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1717 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1718 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1707 — 8.50 12.50 18.50 25.00 —
SE1719 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1708 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 —
SE1720 — 4.50 6.50 9.00 12.50 —
SE1712 — 8.50 12.50 18.50 25.00 —

KM# 489 1/2 PAISA

Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
VS1834 — 5.50 9.00 15.00 25.00 —
VS1844 — 5.50 9.00 15.00 25.00 —
VS1849 — 5.50 9.00 15.00 25.00 — KM# 496 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Raja Rajesvari.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1711 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 —
SE1712 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 20.00 —
SE1716 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 20.00 — KM# 503.1 2 MOHARS
SE1722 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 — 11.20 g., Silver, 28 mm.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1703 — 30.00 50.00 70.00 115 —
SE1705 — 30.00 50.00 70.00 115 —
KM# 503.2 2 MOHARS
KM# 490 PAISA 11.20 g., Silver, 25 mm.
Copper Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 SE1712 — 16.00 30.00 40.00 75.00 —
VS1834 — 4.50 7.50 12.00 20.00 — SE1719 — 25.00 40.00 60.00 100 —
VS1843 — 4.50 7.50 12.00 20.00 — SE1720 — 20.00 35.00 50.00 85.00 —
VS1844 — 4.50 7.50 12.00 20.00 — KM# 501 1/2 MOHAR
2.77 g., Silver
VS1849 — 4.50 7.50 12.00 20.00 — GOLD COINAGE
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1701 — 6.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 — KM# 504 DAM
SE1712 — 4.50 7.50 12.50 18.50 — 0.04 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1777) — 10.00 14.00 18.00 25.00 —

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KM# 505 1/32 MOHAR

0.18 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1777) — 14.00 20.00 25.00 35.00 —
KM# 506 1/16 MOHAR
0.35 g., Gold KM# 519 1/32 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 0.18 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
ND (1777) — 15.00 22.50 27.50 40.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 8.00 13.50 18.50 25.00 —


5.60 g., Silver Obv: 3 “Shri’s” above square
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1721 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 13.00 —
KM# 507 1/8 MOHAR SE1722 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 13.00 —
0.70 g., Gold KM# 520 1/16 MOHAR
0.35 g., Silver Note: Varieties exist. GOLD COINAGE
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND (1777) — 25.00 30.00 40.00 55.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 KM# 535 DAM
ND(1799-1816) — 7.50 11.50 16.50 22.50 — 0.04 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
KM# 477.1 1/4 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Rajendra Lakshmi.
ND(1799-1816) — 10.00 14.00 20.00 30.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1698 — 55.00 70.00 85.00 100 — KM# 536 1/32 MOHAR
0.18 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
KM# 509 1/4 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Raja Rajesvari.
ND(1799-1816) — 14.00 20.00 25.00 40.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 KM# 521 1/8 MOHAR
SE1716 — 40.00 50.00 65.00 85.00 — 0.70 g., Silver Obv: Shri above sword
KM# 513 1/2 MOHAR Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
2.80 g., Gold ND(1799-1816) — 6.00 10.00 13.50 18.50 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1701 — 195 225 255 300 — KM# 537 1/16 MOHAR
SE1712 — 195 225 255 300 — 0.35 g., Gold Note: Three varieties exist.
KM# 514.1 MOHAR Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
5.60 g., Gold ND(1799-1816) — 15.00 20.00 25.00 40.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1700 — 350 375 425 500 — KM# 522 1/8 MOHAR
SE1702 — 350 375 425 500 — 0.70 g., Silver Obv: Umbrella above sword
SE1703 — 350 375 425 500 —
SE1705 — 350 375 425 500 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1706 — 350 375 425 500 — ND(1799-1816) — 6.00 10.00 13.50 18.50 —
SE1708 — 350 375 425 500 —
SE1709 — 350 375 425 500 — KM# 538 1/8 MOHAR
0.70 g., Gold Obv: Shr” above sword
KM# 514.2 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
5.60 g., Gold
ND(1799-1816) — 22.50 27.50 40.00 60.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1716 — 350 375 425 500 —
SE1719 — 350 375 425 500 — KM# 523 1/8 MOHAR
SE1720 — 350 375 425 500 — 0.70 g., Silver Obv: Wreath around and umbrella above sword
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 6.00 10.00 13.50 18.50 —
KM# A539 1/8 MOHAR KM# 539 1/8 MOHAR
0.70 g., Gold Obv: Wreath around and umbrella above sword 0.70 g., Gold Obv: Umbrella above sword
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 18.50 25.00 40.00 60.00 — ND(1799-1816) — 22.50 27.50 40.00 60.00 —

KM# 515 2 MOHARS

11.20 g., Gold
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1711 — 1,350 1,500 1,650 1,900 —
KM# 541 1/2 MOHAR
KM# 526 1/2 MOHAR
2.77 g., Silver Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1721 — 140 160 200 270 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1721 — 7.50 12.50 20.00 30.00 — KM# 544 MOHAR
5.60 g., Gold Note: Similar to 1 Mohar, KM#529.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1721 — 270 300 350 470 —
SE1721 — 270 300 350 470 —


23.32 g., Gold
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1718 (1796) — 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 —
Note: Struck c.1849AD 5.60 g., Silver Obv: 2 “Shri’s” above square
KM# 549 2 MOHARS
Girvan Yuddha Vikrama Date
Mintage VG8 F12
— 10.00 13.50 17.50
VF20 XF40
— 11.20 g., Gold
SE1720-1738 / 1799-1816AD Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1721 — 750 825 975 1,150 —
KM# 552 2 RUPEES
23.32 g., Gold Note: Also in the name of Queen Goraksha
KM# 518 DAM Rajya Lakshmi.
0.04 g., Silver, 7-8 mm. Note: Uniface. Size varies. Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1721 (1799) — 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 —
ND(1799-1816) — 4.00 8.00 11.50 16.00 — Note: Struck c.1849AD

1197-1250_R1311.indd 1234 9/20/16 3:06 PM



Without inscription United Netherlands, 1543-1795 3.50 g., Gold Obv: Inscription, date Obv. Inscription: • N • TRA
Fine copper pieces - non magnetic - and copper/iron alloy BATAVIAN REPUBLIC IEC TUM date Rev: Crowned arms divides 2 S Edge: Reeded
- magnetic - were produced in the hills. Mainly exported to India. French domination, 1795-1806 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
The pieces are normally unstamped. The 4 Paisa sometimes MINT MARKS 1797 — — — 1,500 2,500 3,250
has traces of the Arabic inscription. B - Brussels (Belgium), 1821-1830 1799 — — — 1,500 2,500 3,250
KM# E517 PAISA D - Denver, 1943-1945 KM# 6 2-1/2 STUIVER (1/8 Livire)
Copper Note: Local issues. No inscription, plain both sides. P - Philadelphia, 1941-1945 6.00 g., Copper Obv: Crowned arms of Zeeland under LUCTOR
Weight varies: 8-12g. S - San Francisco, 1944-1945 ET EMERGO Obv. Inscription: LUCTOR ET EMERGO
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MINT PRIVY MARKS Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 — 1795 — 600 1,500 2,500 3,500 6,000
Harderwijk (Gelderland)
Copper Alloys Note: Local issues. No inscription, plain both Date Privy Mark
sides. Weight varies: 8-12g. Magnetic - Iron alloy. 1730-45 Horse on mountain
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 1750-52 Falconer
1753-57 Crane
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 —
1758-76 Tree
KM# B517 2 PAISA (Dhyak) 1782-1806 Ear of corn
Copper Note: No incscription, plain both sides. Weight varies:
Dordrecht (Holland)
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Privy Mark
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 — 1600-1806 Rosette
1795-1806 None KM# 7 10 STUIVERS
KM# B517a 2 PAISA (Dhyak) 5.30 g., 0.912 Silver 0.1554 oz. ASW, 29 mm. Obv: Crowned
Copper Note: No inscription, plain both sides. Magnetic, Enkhuizen (West Friesland)
arms divide N S Obv. Legend: MO : ARG : ORD : FOE : BELG
copper-iron alloy. Weight varies: 18-22g. : TRAI (=Utracht) Rev: Standing figure leaning on short pillar
Date Privy Mark
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 1761-71 Ship Rev. Legend: HAC NITEMVR HANC TVEMVR Edge: Reeded
(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 — 1791-96 Rosette Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
1796-1803 Star 1795 — 65.00 100 250 400 450
1796 696 200 600 1,000 2,000 2,500
Hoorn (West Friesland)
KM# 10.1 RIJKSDAALDER (2-1/2 Gulden)
Date Privy Mark 28.08 g., 0.868 Silver 0.7836 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Obv: Standing
1751-61 Rooster armored knight, crowned shield by legs Obv. Legend:
1781-91 Rosette MO:ARG:PRO:CONF:BELG:GEL:&:C:Z Rev: Crowned shield
Kampen (Overyssel) divides date Rev. Legend: CONCORDIA RES PARVAE
CRESCUNT * Edge: Reeded Note: Silver Ducat
Date Privy Mark Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
1763 Half eagle 1795 5,000 800 1,200 1,700 2,400 3,000
1763-64, 1795-1807 Eagle 1797 19,000 500 800 1,200 1,500 2,000
1764-65, 1795 3 dots 1800/1790 253,925 250 500 800 1,200 1,700
KM# D517 4 PAISA (Ganda) 1800 Inc. above 250 500 800 1,200 1,700
40.00 g., Copper Note: Local Issues. No inscription, plain both Medemblik (West Friesland)
sides. Weight varies: 40-44g. KM# 10.3 RIJKSDAALDER (2-1/2 Gulden)
Date Privy Mark 28.08 g., 0.868 Silver 0.7836 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Obv: Standing
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 1771-81 Ship
ND(1799-1816) — 4.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 — armored knight, crowned shield by legs Obv. Legend: MO:N
Middelburg (Zeeland) O:ARG:CONFOE:BELG:PRO:TRANSI Rev: Crowned shield
KM# D517a 4 PAISA (Ganda) divides date Rev. Legend: CONCORDIA RES PARVAE
Copper Note: Local issue. Traces of arabic inscription. Weight Date Privy Mark CRESCUNT Edge: Reeded Note: Silver Ducat
varies: 40-44g. Copper-iron alloy, magnetic. 1601-1799 Castle Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Utrecht (Utrecht) 1795 49,000 600 1,200 2,500 3,500 5,000
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 — 1796 Inc. above 400 800 1,500 2,500 4,000
Date Privy Mark
KM# F517 4 PAISA (Ganda) 1738-1805 Shield
Copper Note: Local issues. No inscription, plain both sides.
Weight varies 39-42g. Slight traces of former Arabic inscription. MONETARY SYSTEM
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 8 Duits = 1 Stuiver (Stiver)
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 — 6 Stuiver = 1 Schelling
20 Stuiver = 1 Gulden (Guilder or Florin)
50 Stuiver = 1 Rijksdaalder (Silver Ducat)
60 Stuiver = 1 Ducaton (Silver Rider)
14 Gulden = 1 Golden Rider

3.84 g., Copper, 22 mm. Obv: CEE/LAN/DIA/date Obv.
Legend: ZEELANDIA, ZEL Rev: Crowned shield of Zeeland
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
The Kingdom of the Netherlands, a country of western 1795/4 — 6.00 12.00 20.00 45.00 100
Europe fronting on the North Sea and bordered by Belgium and 1795/2 — 6.00 12.00 20.00 45.00 100
Germany, has an area of 15,770 sq. mi. (41,500 sq. km.) and a 1795 — 6.00 12.00 25.00 60.00 140
population of 16.4 million. Capital: Amsterdam, but the seat of 1796/95 — 6.00 12.00 20.00 45.00 100
government is at The Hague. The economy is based on dairy 1796/66 — 6.00 12.00 25.00 60.00 140
farming and a variety of industrial activities. Chemicals, yarns 1796/3 — 6.00 12.00 20.00 45.00 100 KM# 10.4 RIJKSDAALDER (2-1/2 Gulden)
and fabrics, and meat products are exported. 1796 — 7.00 15.00 25.00 60.00 140 28.08 g., 0.868 Silver 0.7836 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Obv: Standing
After being a part of Charlemagne’s empire in the 8th and 1797/69 — 10.00 20.00 40.00 80.00 200 armored knight, crowned shield by legs Obv. Legend:
9th centuries, the Netherlands came under control of Burgundy 1797/3 — — — — — — MO:NO:ARG:PRO:CONFOE:BELG:TRAI Rev: Crowned
and the Austrian Hapsburgs, and finally was subjected to 1797/6 — 6.00 12.00 25.00 60.00 140 arms divides date Rev. Legend: CONCORDIA RES PARVAE
Spanish dominion in the 16th century. Led by William of Orange, 1797 — 6.00 12.00 25.00 60.00 140 CRESCUNT Edge: Reeded Note: Silver Ducat. 1795-1805
the Dutch revolted against Spain in 1568. The seven northern mintage total of 6,282,780
provinces formed the Union of Utrecht and declared their Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
independence in 1581,becoming the Republic of the United 1795 6,282,780 400 750 1,500 2,000 3,000
Netherlands. In the ollowing century, the Golden Age of Dutch 1796 Inc. above 40.00 70.00 120 200 300
history, the Netherlands became a great sea and colonial 1797 Inc. above 135 350 750 1,000 1,500
power, a patron of the arts and a refuge for the persecuted. The 1798 Inc. above 40.00 75.00 140 250 400
United Dutch Republic ended in 1795 when the French formed 1799 Inc. above 50.00 100 200 300 400
the Batavian Republic. Napoleon made his brother Louis, the 1800 Inc. above 40.00 70.00 120 200 300
King of Holland in 1806, however he abdicated in 1810 when 1800 small 8 Inc. above 40.00 70.00 120 200 300
Napoleon annexed Holland. The French were expelled in 1813, KM# 13 2 STUIVERS KM# 10.5 RIJKSDAALDER (2-1/2 Gulden)
and all the provinces of Holland and Belgium were merged 1.60 g., 0.558 Silver 0.0287 oz. ASW, 20 mm. Obv: Inscription, 28.08 g., 0.868 Silver 0.7836 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Obv: Standing
into the Kingdom of the United Netherlands under William I, in date Obv. Legend: • N • / TRA / IEC / TUM / 1797 Rev: armored knight, crowned shield by legs Obv. Legend: MO:NO:
1814. The Belgians withdrew in 1830 to form their own kingdom, Crowned arms divides 2 S Edge: Reeded ARG:PRO:CONFOE:BELG:WESTF, (WESTRI) Rev: Crowned
the last substantial change in the configuration of European shield divides date Rev. Legend: CONCORDIA RES PARVAE
Netherlands. German forces invaded in 1940 as the royal family Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
1796 2,110 70.00 150 250 400 500 CRESCUNT Edge: Reeded Note: Silver Ducat
fled to England where a government-in-exile was formed. A
German High Commissioner, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, was placed 1797 — 200 300 700 1,200 1,750 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
in command until 1945 when the arrival of Allied military forces 1799 4,070 65.00 120 250 400 500 1795 — 300 700 1,450 2,200 3,000
ended the occupation. 1796 — 250 500 850 1,200 1,600

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After Prithvi Narayan’s death a period of political instability MONETARY SYSTEM

ensued which lasted until the 1840’s when the Rana family COPPER
reduced the monarch to a figurehead and established the post Initially the copper paisa was not fixed in value relative
of hereditary Prime Minister. to the silver coins, and generally fluctuated in value from1/32
mohar in 1865AD to around 1/50 mohar afterc1880AD, and was
DATING fixed at that value in 1903AD.
Nepal Samvat Era (NS) 4 Dam = 1 Paisa
All coins of the Malla kings of Nepal are dated in the Nepal 2 Paisa = 1 Dyak, Adhani
Samvat era (NS). Year 1 NS began in 881, so to arrive at the AD GOLD COINAGE
date add 880 to the NS date. This era was exclusive to Nepal, Nepalese gold coinage until recently did not carry any
except for one gold coin of Prana Narayan of Cooch Behar. denominations and was traded for silver, etc. at the local bullion
exchange rate. The three basic weight standards used in the
KM# 13 1/4 ANNA Saka Era (SE) following listing are distinguished for convenience, although all
Copper Ruler: Faisal bin Turkee Obv: Value and inscription Up until 1888AD all coins of the Gorkha Dynasty were were known as Asarphi (gold coin) locally as follows:
within circle, English legend, star above Obv. Legend: dated in the Saka era (SE). To convert from Saka to AD take GOLD MOHAR
IMAMOFMUSCATANDOMAN.... Rev: Arabic inscription within Saka date and add 78 to arrive at the AD date. Coins dated with 5.60 g multiples and fractions
wreath Note: Error: Date retrograde. this era have SE before the date in the following listing. TOLA
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 12.48 g multiples and fractions
AH5131 — 6.00 12.00 25.00 40.00 — Vikrama Samvat Era (VS)
From 1888AD most copper coins were dated in the Vikram
11.66 g multiples and fractions
Samvat (VS) era. To convert take VS date - 57 =AD date. Coins
(Reduced to 10.00 g in 1966)
with this era have VS before the year in the listing. With the
NOTE: In some instances the gold and silver issues were
exception of a few gold coins struck in 1890 & 1892, silver and
struck from the same dies.
gold coins only changed to the VS era in 1911AD, but now this
era is used for all coins struck in Nepal. NUMERALS
Nepal has used more variations of numerals on theircoins
than any other nation. The most common areillustrated in the
numeral chart in the introduction. Thechart below illustrates
Girvan Yuddha Vikrama
some variations encompassing thelast four centuries.

KM# 14 1/4 ANNA

Copper Ruler: Faisal bin Turkee Obv: Value and inscription
within beaded circle, English legend Obv. Legend: Queens of Girvan Yuddha Vikrama:
IMAMOFMUSCAT&OMAN... Rev: Arabic inscription within
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
AH1316 — 5.00 10.00 20.00 35.00 — Siddhi Lakshmi

KM# 15 1/4 ANNA

Copper Ruler: Faisal bin Turkee Obv: Value and inscription
within circle, English legend Rev: Arabic inscription within Goraksha Rajya Lakshmi
wreath, star above
Rajendra Vikrama
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
AH1316 — 15.00 25.00 45.00 90.00 —

Queens of Rajendra Vikrama:


Samrajya Lakshmi

Rajya Lakshmi Two

Surendra Vikrama Four

The Kingdom of Nepal, the world’s only surviving Hindu
kingdom, is a landlocked country occupying the southern slopes Ten
of the Himalayas. It has an area of 56,136 sq. mi. (140,800 sq. Queens of Surendra Vikrama:
km.). Twenty
Apart from a brief Muslim invasion in the 14th century,
Nepal was able to avoid the mainstream of Northern Indian Twenty-five
politics, due to its impregnable position in the mountains. It is Trailokya Raja Lakshmi
therefore a unique survivor of the medieval Hindu and Buddhist Fifty
culture of Northern India which was largely destroyed by the
successive waves of Muslim invasions. Hundred
Prior to the late 18th century, Nepal was divided among Sura Raja Lakshmi
a number of small states. Unless otherwise stated, the term DENOMINATIONS
Nepal applies to the small fertile valley, about 4,500 ft. above
sea level, in which the three main cities of Kathmandu, Patan
and Bhatgaon are situated. Deva Raja Lakshmi Paisa
During the reign of King Yaksha Malla (1428-1482AD),
the Nepalese kingdom, with capital at Bhatgaon, was extended
northwards into Tibet, and also controlled a considerable area
to the south of the hills. After Yaksha Malla’s death, the Kingdom
was divided among his sons, so four kingdoms were established Punyakumari Raja Lakshmi Mohar
with capitals at Bhatgaon, Patan, Kathmandu and Banepa,
Prithvi Vira Vikrama
all situated within the small valley, less than 20 miles square.
SE1803-1833/1881-1911AD, VS1938-1968
Banepa was quickly absorbed within the territory of Bhatgaon, Rupee
but the other three kingdoms remained until 1769. The
internecine strife between the three kings effectively stopped
Nepal from becoming a major military force during this period, Queen of Prithvi Vira Vikrama:
although with its fertile land and strategic position, it was by far Ashrapi
the wealthiest and most powerful of the Himalayan states.
Apart from agriculture, Nepal owed its prosperity to its
position on one of the easiest trade routes between the great Asarfi
Lakshmi Divyeswari
monasteries of central Tibet, and India. Nepal made full use
of this, and a trading community was set up in Lhasa during DIE VARIETIES
the 16th century, and Nepalese coins became the accepted Although the same dies were usually used both for
currency medium in Tibet. silver and gold minor denominations, the gold Mohar is easily
The seeds of discord between Nepal and Tibet were sown recognized being less ornate. The following illustrations are of
during the first half of the 18th century, when the Nepalese a silver Mohar, KM#602 and a gold Mohar KM#615 issued by
debased the coinage, and the fate of the Malla kings of Nepal Surendra Vikrama Saha Deva in the period SE1769-1803/1847-
was sealed when Prithvi Narayan Shah, King of the small state 1881AD. Note the similar reverse legend. The obverse usually
of Gorkha, to the west of Kathmandu, was able to gain control will start with the character for the word Shri either in single or
of the trans-himalayan trade routes during the years after 1750. multiples, the latter as Shri Shri Shri or Shri 3.
Prithvi Narayan spent several years consolidating his
position in hill areas before he finally succeeded in conquering
the Kathmandu Valley in 1768, where he established the Shah
dynasty, and moved his capital to Kathmandu.

0949-0983_T9078.indd 977 9/21/15 2:05 PM


KM# A517 2 DAM

2.00 g., Copper
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
VS1861 — 1.50 2.00 4.00 8.00 —

KM# 500 1/4 MOHAR

1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Lalita Tripura
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1728 — 10.00 13.50 18.50 28.00 —
SE1729 — 10.00 13.50 18.50 28.00 — KM# C517 PAISA
SE1738 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 — 7.60 g., Copper
SE1741 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 20.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1744 — 10.00 13.50 18.50 28.00 — VS1859 — — 7.00 15.00 20.00 —

Shri Shri Shri Surendra Vikrama Saha Deva (date)

KM# 518 DAM

0.04 g., Silver, 7-8 mm. Note: Uniface. Size varies.
KM# A501 3/8 MOHAR Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Silver Note: In the name of Queen Lalita Tripura Sundari. ND(1799-1816) — 4.00 8.00 11.50 16.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1726 — 250 320 400 500 —

KM# 509 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Raja Rajesvari. KM# 519 1/32 MOHAR
0.18 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1723 — 45.00 55.00 70.00 90.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1724 — 45.00 55.00 70.00 90.00 — ND(1799-1816) — 8.00 13.50 18.50 25.00 —

Shri 3 Bhavani
(around outer circle) KM# 520 1/16 MOHAR
KM# 511.1 1/4 MOHAR 0.35 g., Silver Note: Varieties exist.
1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Suvarna Prabha. Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 ND(1799-1816) — 7.50 11.50 16.50 22.50 —
Shri Shri Shri Gorakhanatha SE1723 — 45.00 55.00 70.00 90.00 —

0.70 g., Silver Obv: Shri above sword
Shah Dynasty
KM# 510 1/4 MOHAR Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60

Rana Bahadur 1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Amara Rajesvari.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
ND(1799-1816) — 6.00 10.00 13.50 18.50 —

SE1699-1720 / 1777-1799AD SE1724 — 85.00 100 125 150 —


1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Mahamahesvari.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1725 — 150 250 350 500 —
KM# 522 1/8 MOHAR
0.70 g., Silver Obv: Umbrella above sword
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 6.00 10.00 13.50 18.50 —
KM# 496 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Raja Rajesvari.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 KM# 512 3/8 MOHAR
SE1723 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 — 1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Lalita Tripura Sundari.
SE1724 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 22.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1728 — 45.00 50.00 65.00 85.00 — KM# 523 1/8 MOHAR
SE1729 — 45.00 50.00 65.00 85.00 — 0.70 g., Silver Obv: Wreath around and umbrella above sword
SE1741 — 45.00 50.00 65.00 85.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 6.00 10.00 13.50 18.50 —
Girvan Yuddha Vikrama KM# A539 1/8 MOHAR
SE1720-1738 / 1799-1816AD 0.70 g., Gold Obv: Wreath around and umbrella above sword
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
COPPER COINAGE ND(1799-1816) — 18.50 25.00 40.00 60.00 —
KM# 498 1/4 MOHAR With Arabic inscription. The Nepalese copper coins within
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Suvarna Prabha.
the border of Nepal were struck in the Nepalese hills.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1723 — 5.50 9.00 13.50 20.00 —
KM# 497 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Amara Rajesvari.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1725 — 50.00 75.00 85.00 100 — KM# 517 DAM
1.00 g., Copper
KM# 524 1/4 MOHAR
KM# 499 1/4 MOHAR 1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Siddi Lakshmi.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Mahamahesvari. Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
VS1861 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1730 — 10.00 13.50 18.50 25.00 —
SE1725 — 65.00 75.00 85.00 100 — SE1733 — 10.00 13.50 18.50 25.00 —
SE1735 — 10.00 13.50 18.50 25.00 —

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KM# 538 1/8 MOHAR

KM# 525 1/4 MOHAR 0.70 g., Gold Obv: Shr” above sword
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Goraksha Rajya Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Lakshmi. ND(1799-1816) — 22.50 27.50 40.00 60.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1738 — 65.00 75.00 85.00 120 —
KM# 532 1-1/2 MOHARS
8.40 g., Silver
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1727 — 75.00 125 175 250 —
KM# 533 3 MOHARS KM# 539 1/8 MOHAR
16.80 g., Silver Obv: Without Àourishes outside central legend 0.70 g., Gold Obv: Umbrella above sword
Rev: 3 dots each side of “Sri” inscription Rev. Inscription: Sri Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 ND(1799-1816) — 22.50 27.50 40.00 60.00 —
SE1725 — — 150 200 275 —
KM# 526 1/2 MOHAR
2.77 g., Silver
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1728 — 7.50 12.50 20.00 30.00 —
SE1729 — 7.50 12.50 20.00 30.00 —
SE1730 — 5.00 8.50 15.00 22.50 —
SE1733 — 7.50 12.50 20.00 30.00 —
KM# 540.1 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Siddhi Lakshmi.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1730 — 75.00 80.00 95.00 115 —


16.80 g., Silver Obv: Flourishes outside central inscription
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1725 — — 150 200 275 —

KM# 527 3/4 MOHAR KM# 540.3 1/4 MOHAR

4.20 g., Silver 1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Siddhi Lakshmi.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1727 — 100 200 250 300 — SE1732 — 75.00 80.00 95.00 115 —
SE1733 — 75.00 80.00 95.00 115 —


16.80 g., Silver Obv: Without Àourishes outside of central KM# 540.4 1/4 MOHAR
inscription Rev: Moon and sun each side of inscription Rev. 1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Siddhi Lakshmi.
Inscription: Sri Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1736 — 75.00 80.00 95.00 115 —
5.60 g., Silver Obv: 3 “Shri’s” above square SE1725 — — 150 200 275 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1723 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1724 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1725 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1728 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1729 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — KM# 540.2 1/4 MOHAR
SE1730 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — 1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Goraksha
SE1731 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — Rajyalakshmi.
SE1732 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1733 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — SE1738 — 120 150 170 200 —
SE1734 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1735 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1736 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1737 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — KM# 534 3 MOHARS
SE1738 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — 16.80 g., Silver Note: Similar to 1-1/2 Mohars, KM#532.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 530 MOHAR SE1726 — — 200 300 400 —
5.60 g., Silver Obv: KM#547 Rev: KM#529 Note: Mule.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1728 — 50.00 80.00 100 140 —
SE1729 — 50.00 80.00 100 140 — KM# 535 DAM KM# 541 1/2 MOHAR
0.04 g., Gold Note: Uniface. 2.80 g., Gold
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 10.00 14.00 20.00 30.00 — SE1728 — 150 170 200 270 —
SE1729 — 150 170 200 270 —
KM# 536 1/32 MOHAR SE1730 — 150 170 200 270 —
0.18 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 14.00 20.00 25.00 40.00 —

KM# 531 1-1/2 MOHARS

8.40 g., Silver
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 KM# 537 1/16 MOHAR KM# 542 1/2 MOHAR
SE1725 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 — 0.35 g., Gold Note: Three varieties exist. 2.80 g., Gold
SE1726 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 15.00 20.00 25.00 40.00 — SE1732 — 300 400 500 650 —
SE1733 — 300 400 500 650 —

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Copper Alloys Note: Local issues. No inscription, plain both
sides. Weight varies: 8-12g. Magnetic - Iron alloy.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 —
KM# B517 2 PAISA (Dhyak)
Copper Note: No incscription, plain both sides. Weight varies:
18-22g. KM# 558 1/4 MOHAR
KM# 543 1/2 MOHAR Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Samrajya Lakshmi.
2.80 g., Gold
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1745 — 8.50 12.50 18.50 25.00 —
SE1736 — 300 400 500 650 — KM# B517a 2 PAISA (Dhyak)
SE1746 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 18.50 —
Copper Note: No inscription, plain both sides. Magnetic,
KM# 544 MOHAR copper-iron alloy. Weight varies: 18-22g. SE1753 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 18.50 —
5.60 g., Gold Note: Similar to 1 Mohar, KM#529. SE1755 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 18.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 (1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 —
SE1723 — 270 300 350 470 —
SE1724 — 270 300 350 470 —
SE1728 — 270 300 350 470 —
5.60 g., Gold Obv: Square in center
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1733 — 300 350 450 525 — KM# 559 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Samrajya Lakshmi.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1746 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 18.50 —
SE1759 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 18.50 —
KM# D517 4 PAISA (Ganda)
40.00 g., Copper Note: Local Issues. No inscription, plain both
sides. Weight varies: 40-44g.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 4.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 —

KM# 547 1-1/2 MOHARS KM# D517a 4 PAISA (Ganda)

Copper Note: Local issue. Traces of arabic inscription. Weight
8.40 g., Gold KM# 560 1/4 MOHAR
varies: 40-44g. Copper-iron alloy, magnetic.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 1.40 g., Silver Obv: Wreath above vase Note: In the name of
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Queen Samrajya Lakshmi.
SE1726 — 400 450 550 700 —
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 —
SE1728 — 400 450 550 700 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1729 — 400 450 550 700 — KM# F517 4 PAISA (Ganda) SE1746 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 18.50 —
Copper Note: Local issues. No inscription, plain both sides. SE1753 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 18.50 —
Weight varies 39-42g. Slight traces of former Arabic inscription. SE1759 — 5.00 8.50 12.50 18.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 —

Rajendra Vikrama
SE1738-1769/ 1816-1847AD
KM# 548 1-1/2 MOHARS KM# 561.1 1/4 MOHAR
8.40 g., Gold Rev: Hexagon 1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Rajya Lakshmi.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1736 — 400 450 550 700 — KM# 553 DAM SE1764 — 8.50 12.50 18.50 25.00 —
0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface. SE1766 — 8.50 12.50 18.50 25.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1767 — 8.50 12.50 18.50 25.00 —
ND(1816-47) — 4.00 6.00 8.00 12.50 —

KM# 554 1/32 MOHAR

0.18 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 KM# 561.2 1/4 MOHAR
KM# 550 2 MOHARS ND(1816-47) — 5.50 9.00 12.50 17.50 — 1.40 g., Silver Rev: Circle Note: In the name of Queen Rajya
11.20 g., Gold Obv: Square in center Lakshmi. Struck with gold dies.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1733 — 525 575 675 800 — SE1764 — 30.00 40.00 55.00 75.00 —


2.80 g., Silver Obv: KM#563 Rev: KM#526 Note: Mule.
KM# 555 1/16 MOHAR Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
0.35 g., Silver SE1730 — 15.00 25.00 40.00 60.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1816-47) — 5.00 8.50 12.00 17.00 —


11.66 g., Gold Obv: Square in center Note: In the name of
Queen Goraksha Rajya Lakshmi. KM# 556 1/8 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 0.70 g., Silver Obv: Shri” above sword KM# 563 1/2 MOHAR
SE1735 — 800 1,000 1,100 1,350 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 2.80 g., Silver
ND(1816-47) — 3.00 5.00 8.50 15.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ANONYMOUS COINAGE SE1738 — 3.50 6.50 10.00 16.00 —
Without inscription SE1744 — 7.50 12.50 20.00 30.00 —
Fine copper pieces - non magnetic - and copper/iron alloy SE1746 — 4.50 7.50 12.50 18.00 —
- magnetic - were produced in the hills. Mainly exported to India.
The pieces are normally unstamped. The 4 Paisa sometimes
has traces of the Arabic inscription.
Copper Note: Local issues. No inscription, plain both sides. KM# 557 1/8 MOHAR
Weight varies: 8-12g. 0.70 g., Silver Obv: Umbrella above sword
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1799-1816) — 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 — ND(1816-47) — 3.00 5.00 8.50 15.00 —

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KM# 564 1/2 MOHAR

2.80 g., Silver
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1746 — 3.50 6.50 10.00 16.00 —
SE1753 — 3.50 6.50 10.00 16.00 —
SE1755 — 3.50 6.50 10.00 16.00 —
SE1757 — 3.50 6.50 10.00 16.00 —
SE1759 — 3.50 6.50 10.00 16.00 — KM# 576 1/2 MOHAR
SE1762 — 3.50 7.50 12.50 17.50 — 2.80 g., Gold
SE1764 — 3.50 7.50 12.00 17.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1765 — 3.50 7.50 12.00 17.50 —
SE1744 — 140 160 180 215 —
SE1766 — 3.50 7.50 12.00 17.50 — KM# 568 2 MOHARS SE1746 — 140 160 180 215 —
KM# 565.1 MOHAR 11.20 g., Silver SE1753 — 140 160 180 215 —
5.60 g., Silver Rev: Moon and sun Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1738 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 —
SE1738 — 50.00 90.00 120 150 — SE1740 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 —
SE1742 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 —
SE1743 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 —
SE1744 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 —
SE1753 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 —
SE1757 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 —
SE1764 — 25.00 35.00 50.00 75.00 —
KM# 577 1/2 MOHAR
2.80 g., Gold
GOLD COINAGE Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 569 DAM SE1757 — 140 160 180 215 —
0.04 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 565.2 MOHAR ND(1816-47) — 22.50 30.00 45.00 65.00 —
5.60 g., Silver
KM# 570 1/32 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
0.18 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
SE1739 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1740 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1741 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — ND(1816-47) — 30.00 42.50 55.00 85.00 —
SE1742 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — KM# 571 1/16 MOHAR
SE1743 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — 0.35 g., Gold KM# 578 1/2 MOHAR
SE1744 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 2.80 g., Gold
SE1745 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — ND(1816-47) — 30.00 42.50 55.00 85.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1746 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — SE1757 — 140 160 180 215 —
SE1747 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — KM# 572 1/8 MOHAR SE1758 — 140 160 180 215 —
SE1748 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — 0.70 g., Gold SE1764 — 140 160 180 215 —
SE1749 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1766 — 140 160 180 215 —
SE1750 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — ND(1816-47) — 47.50 57.50 75.00 105 —
SE1751 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1752 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1753 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1754 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1755 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1756 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1757 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1758 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1759 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — KM# 573.1 1/4 MOHAR
SE1760 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — 1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Samrajya Lakshmi.
SE1761 — 8.00 11.00 15.00 20.00 — Varieties exist.
SE1762 — 8.00 11.00 15.00 20.00 — 5.60 g., Gold, 24 mm. Obv: Square in center
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1764 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1746 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
SE1765 — 8.00 11.00 15.00 20.00 — SE1738 — 400 450 525 675 —
SE1757 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
SE1766 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — SE1758 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
SE1767 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — SE1759 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
SE1768 — 6.00 9.00 14.00 19.00 —
SE1769 — 8.00 11.00 15.00 20.00 —

KM# 573.2 1/4 MOHAR KM# 580 MOHAR

1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Samrajya Lakshmi. 5.60 g., Gold, 27 mm. Obv: Circle in center
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1757 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 — SE1741 — 400 450 525 675 —
SE1758 — 400 450 525 675 —
KM# 566 MOHAR SE1760 — 400 450 525 675 —
5.60 g., Silver Obv: Sri 3” at top
SE1764 — 400 450 525 675 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1766 — 400 450 525 675 —
SE1740 — 8.00 11.00 14.50 18.50 — SE1768 — 400 450 525 675 —

KM# 574 1/4 MOHAR

1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Rajya Lakshmi.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1764 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —


5.60 g., Silver Obv: Ornamentation reversed 5.60 g., Gold Obv: Square in center
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1762 — 8.00 11.00 14.50 18.50 — SE1746 — 400 475 600 800 —
KM# 575 1/2 MOHAR SE1757 — 400 475 600 800 —
2.80 g., Gold
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1741 — 300 400 500 650 —

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KM# 582 2 MOHARS

11.20 g., Gold
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1738 — 775 825 975 1,150 —
SE1741 — 775 825 975 1,150 —
SE1766 — 775 825 975 1,150 —
SE1768 — 775 825 975 1,150 —
KM# 587 1/2 PAISA
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1802 — 45.00 75.00 125 200 —
KM# 591 2 PAISA (Dak)
10.60 g., Copper Rev: Twelve characters in legend
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1787 — 30.00 40.00 50.00 75.00 —
KM# 592.1 2 PAISA (Dak)
Copper Obv: Sun on top shows dots Rev: Nine characters
Note: Varieties exist.
KM# 583 2 MOHARS
11.20 g., Gold Obv: Square in center Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1788 — 2.00 3.50 5.00 10.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1790 — 1.50 2.50 3.50 6.00 —
SE1746 — 1,000 1,100 1,300 1,550 —
SE1757 — — — — — —
Copper Rev: Twelve characters in legend
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
PRESENTATION COINAGE SE1787 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 9.00 —

KM# 592.2 2 PAISA (Dak)

Copper Obv: Sun on top shows Àames pointing up or down
KM# 584 EKTOLA ASARPHI Note: Varieties exist in planchet size and thickness.
11.66 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Samrajya Lakshmi
KM# A588 PAISA Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Copper SE1790 — 1.50 2.50 3.50 6.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1791 — 1.50 2.50 3.50 6.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1759 — 1,600 2,000 2,200 2,600 — SE1796 — 1.75 3.00 4.00 8.00 —
SE1787 — 25.00 40.00 75.00 100 —
SE1798 — 1.75 3.00 4.00 8.00 —
SE1802 — 30.00 40.00 50.00 75.00 —


KM# 593 DAM

0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
KM# 589 PAISA Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Copper Obv: Border of dots Rev: Border of dots ND(1847-81) — 5.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 —
KM# 585 DUITOLA ASARPHI Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
23.32 g., Gold Note: In the name of King Rajendra Vikrama SE1787 — 3.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 —
Saha Deva.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1762 — 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 —
KM# 594 1/32 MOHAR
Surendra Vikrama 0.18 g., Silver Note: Uniface.
SE1769-1803 / 1847-1881AD Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1847-81) — 6.00 10.00 13.50 18.50 —
With Arabic inscription. The Nepalese copper coins within 0.35 g., Silver
the border of Nepal were struck in the Nepalese hills. KM# 590 PAISA Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Copper Rev: Nine characters Note: Varieties exist. ND(1847-81) — 6.00 10.00 13.50 18.50 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1787 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 —
SE1788 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 —
SE1789 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 —
SE1790 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 —
KM# 586.1 DAM SE1791 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 —
Copper Rev. Inscription: Sarkar Note: Prev. KM#586. SE1792 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 —
Handstruck. SE1793 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 — KM# 596 1/8 MOHAR
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 SE1794 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 — 0.70 g., Silver Note: 3 varieties.
SE(17)88 — 2.00 3.50 5.00 7.50 — SE1796 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE(17)90 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 — SE1797 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 — ND(1847-81) — 5.00 8.50 12.50 17.50 —
SE(17)91 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 — SE1798 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 —
SE(17)92 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 — SE1799 — 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 —
SE(17)93 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 — SE1802 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 35.00 —
SE(17)94 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 —
SE(17)96 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 —
SE(17)97 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 —
SE(17)98 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 —
SE(17)99 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 3.50 —
SE(18)02 — — — — — — KM# 597 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Trailokya Raja
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1769 — 15.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 —
SE1770 — 15.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 —
SE1772 — 15.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 —
KM# 586.2 DAM KM# A591 2 PAISA
Copper Note: Machine struck. Prev. KM#586.1. Copper
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE(17)90 — 30.00 45.00 85.00 175 — SE1786 — 35.00 60.00 100 150 —

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Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 GOLD COINAGE

SE1777 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1778 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1779 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1780 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1781 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — KM# 604 DAM
SE1782 — 6.00 9.00 14.00 19.00 — 0.04 g., Gold Note: Uniface. Legend in two lines.
SE1785 — 8.00 11.00 15.00 20.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 598.1 1/4 MOHAR SE1786 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — ND(1847-81) — 25.00 32.50 42.50 53.00 —
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Sura Raja Lakshmi. SE1787 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1788 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1769 — 15.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 — SE1789 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1770 — 15.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 — SE1790 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1772 — 15.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 — SE1791 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — KM# A604 DAM
SE1775 — 15.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 — SE1792 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — 0.04 g., Gold Note: Legend in three lines.
SE1776 — 15.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 — SE1793 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1782 — 15.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 — SE1794 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — ND(1847-81) — 32.50 42.50 52.50 67.50 —
SE1787 — 15.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 — SE1796 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1797 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — KM# 605 1/32 MOHAR
SE1788 — 15.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 —
SE1800 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — 0.18 g., Gold Note: Uniface.
SE1801 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1802 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — ND(1847-81) — 30.00 42.50 55.00 70.00 —
SE1803 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —

KM# 599 1/4 MOHAR KM# 606 1/16 MOHAR

1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Deva Raja Lakshmi. 0.35 g., Gold
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1769 — 9.00 13.50 20.00 30.00 — ND(1847-81) — 32.50 42.50 55.00 75.00 —
SE1770 — 9.00 13.50 20.00 30.00 —
SE1773 — 9.00 13.50 20.00 30.00 —
SE1775 — 9.00 13.50 20.00 30.00 —
SE1776 — 9.00 13.50 20.00 30.00 — KM# 602.1 MOHAR
5.60 g., Silver Edge: Plain Note: Machine struck.
KM# 598.2 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Sura Raja Lakshmi. Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Struck with gold dies. SE1786 — 13.50 16.00 21.00 28.50 — KM# 607 1/8 MOHAR
SE1787 — 8.50 11.00 16.00 23.50 — 0.70 g., Gold
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1788 — 13.50 16.00 21.00 28.50 —
SE1777 — 40.00 50.00 75.00 100 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1789 — 13.50 16.00 21.00 28.50 —
ND(1847-81) — 47.50 57.50 75.00 105 —
KM# 602.2 MOHAR
5.60 g., Silver Note: Struck using gold dies.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1801 — 13.50 16.00 21.00 28.50 —
KM# 603 2 MOHARS
11.20 g., Silver Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 600 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Silver Note: In the name of Queen Punyakumari Raja SE1769 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 —
KM# 608 1/4 MOHAR
Lakshmi. SE1770 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 —
1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Sura Raja Lakshmi.
SE1771 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1772 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 —
SE1802 — 40.00 50.00 75.00 100 — SE1769 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
SE1777 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 —
SE1782 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 — SE1787 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
SE1796 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 — SE1790 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
SE1797 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 —
SE1801 — 17.50 20.00 25.00 40.00 —
SE1802 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 —

KM# 601 1/2 MOHAR

2.80 g., Silver
KM# A608 1/4 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Trailokya Raja
SE1769 — 7.00 11.50 15.50 22.00 — Lakshmi.
SE1770 — 7.00 11.50 15.50 22.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1771 — 7.00 11.50 15.50 22.00 — SE1769 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
SE1772 — 7.00 11.50 15.50 22.00 — SE1770 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
SE1773 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 —
SE1775 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 —
SE1776 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 — KM# 603.1 2 MOHARS
SE1787 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 — 11.20 g., Silver Edge: Milled Note: Machine struck.
SE1802 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1786 Rare — — — — — —

KM# 609 1/4 MOHAR

1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Deva Raja Lakshmi.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1770 — 70.00 85.00 110 140 —
KM# 610 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Punyakumari Raja
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
KM# 602 MOHAR KM# 603.2 2 MOHARS SE1802 — 85.00 115 150 215 —
5.60 g., Silver 11.20 g., Silver, 26-28 mm. Note: Struck with regular gold dies.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Size varies. KM# 611 1/2 MOHAR
SE1769 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 2.80 g., Gold
SE1770 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — SE1801 — 11.50 20.00 28.50 50.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1771 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — SE1802 — 22.50 30.00 40.00 55.00 — SE1769 — 135 150 165 195 —
SE1772 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — SE1770 — 135 150 165 195 —
SE1773 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 — SE1802 — 135 150 165 195 —
SE1774 — 8.00 11.00 15.00 20.00 —
SE1775 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —
SE1776 — 6.00 8.00 10.00 14.00 —

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KM# 612 1/2 MOHAR

2.80 g., Gold Rev: Without horizontal lines KM# 617.2 RUPEE KM# 624 PAISA
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 11.66 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Trailokyaraja Copper Obv: Crossed khukris, circular legend, border of Àowers
SE1790 — 135 150 165 195 — Lakshmi. Note: Two reverse die varieties
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
KM# 613 MOHAR SE1771 — 575 700 850 1,100 —
5.60 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Deva Raja Lakshmi. VS1945 — 30.00 50.00 75.00 100 —
VS1945 — 30.00 50.00 75.00 100 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Note: Without obverse footprints
SE1769 — 265 280 310 365 —
SE1791 — 265 280 310 365 —
SE1794 — 265 280 310 365 —
SE1802 — 265 280 310 365 —


Copper Obv: Two footprints above khukris
KM# 614.1 1/2 TOLA Silver Note: In the name of King Surendra. Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
6.24 g., Gold, 21.5 mm. VS1945 — 3.00 5.00 8.50 13.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 VS1948 — 9.00 15.00 22.50 35.00 —
SE1769 (1847) — — 750 1,000 1,250 —
SE1773 — 295 310 350 400 —
23.32 g., Gold Note: In the name of King Surendra.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1769 — 1,150 1,350 1,600 1,950 —
SE1771 — 1,150 1,350 1,600 1,950 —
KM# 619 2 RUPEES
Gold Note: In the name of (Crown Prince) Trailokya Vira
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1771 (1849) — — 2,150 2,500 3,000 —
Copper Obv: Border of XXX’s Rev: Border of XXX’s
KM# 614.2 1/2 TOLA
6.24 g., Gold, 26.5 mm. Note: Larger size. Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
VS1948 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
VS1948 Inverted date — 2.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
SE1786 — 295 310 350 400 —
VS1949 — 2.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
SE1787 — 295 310 350 400 —


Silver Note: In the name of (Crown Prince) Trailokya Vira Copper Obv: Border of crescents Rev: Border of crescents
KM# 615 TOLA Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 VS1949 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
12.48 g., Gold Obv. Inscription: Sri/Sri Sri Sure/ndra Vi/krama/ SE1771 (1849) — — 1,000 1,250 1,500 —
Saha Deva Edge: Oblique reeding VS1950 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
VS1951 — 1.25 1.75 3.50 6.00 —

XF40 MS60
700 — Prithvi Bir Bikram KM# 628 PAISA
SE1773 — 585 600 650 700 — VS1938-1968 / 1881-1911AD Copper Obv: Legend within sprays Rev: Legend within sprays
SE1774 — 585 600 650 700 — Note: Varieties in sprays exist. Coin and medal alignment
SE1778 — 585 600 650 700 — COPPER COINAGE varieties exist. Also struck between VS1343-1357/1943-57AD.
SE1780 — 585 600 650 700 — With Arabic inscription. The Nepalese copper coins within Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1786 — 585 600 650 700 — the border of Nepal were struck in the Nepalese hills. VS1949 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
SE1787 — 585 600 650 700 — VS1950 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
SE1791 — 585 600 650 700 — VS1951 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
SE1793 — 585 600 650 700 — VS1952 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
SE1794 — 585 600 650 700 — VS1953 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
SE1802 — 585 600 650 700 — VS1954 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
KM# 616 2 TOLA KM# 620.1 DAM VS1955 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
23.00 g., Gold, 26 mm. Obv. Inscription: Sri / Sri Sri Sure Copper VS1956 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
/ ndra Vi / krama / Saha Deva Edge: Oblique reeding Note: Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1957 — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 —
Similar to 1 Tola, KM#615. SE(18)18 — 7.50 12.00 15.00 20.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Note: Reverse inscription SARKAR
SE1794 — 1,150 1,250 1,450 1,750 — SE(18)19 — 7.50 12.00 15.00 20.00 —
Note: Reverse inscription SURKAR (error)
KM# A617 2 TOLA
23.05 g., Gold, 26 mm. Obv. Inscription: Sri Sri Sri/Trailokya
Vi/krama/Saha Deva Edge: Oblique reeding
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1796 Rare — — — — — —


KM# 617.1 RUPEE Copper Obv: Circular legends Rev: Circular legends Note:
11.66 g., Gold Note: In the name of Queen Trailokyaraja Varieties exist with dot or with cross below khukris.
Lakshmi. KM# 623 PAISA Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Copper Obv: Trident Rev: Legend in four lines VS1948 — 2.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
SE1769 — 1,200 1,500 1,650 1,950 — Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 VS1949 — 2.50 3.50 5.00 8.00 —
SE1810 — 30.00 50.00 75.00 100 — VS1950 — 2.50 3.50 5.00 8.00 —

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KM# 635 DAM

0.04 g., Silver Obv: Five characters around sword Note:
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1881-1911) — — 8.00 10.00 15.00 25.00
KM# 646 1/2 MOHAR
2.77 g., Silver Obv: Legend modi¿ed Note: Hand struck
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1805 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 —
KM# 654 2 MOHARS
KM# 636 DAM 11.20 g., Silver, 29 mm. Edge: Plain Note: Machine struck using
0.04 g., Silver Obv: Four characters around sword gold dies.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
ND(1881-1911) — — 15.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 SE1821 — 12.00 17.00 28.00 48.00 —

KM# 647 1/2 MOHAR

2.77 g., Silver, 21 mm. Edge: Plain Note: Machine struck.
KM# 637 1/32 MOHAR Varieties exist. Also struck between SE1803-1817.
0.18 g., Silver, 11 mm. Obv: Sun and moon
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1816 — 4.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 —
ND(1881-1911) — 5.00 8.50 12.50 16.50 — SE1817 — 4.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 —

KM# 657 4 MOHARS

22.40 g., Silver Edge: Plain
KM# 638 1/32 MOHAR
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
0.18 g., Silver, 11 mm. Obv: Without sun and moon
SE1817 — 60.00 100 140 200 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1881-1911) — 5.00 8.50 12.50 16.50 —
5.60 g., Silver Edge: Milled Note: Hand struck.
KM# 659 DAM
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 0.04 g., Gold Obv: Five characters around sword Note: Uniface.
SE1803 — 5.50 7.50 10.00 13.50 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1804 — 5.50 7.50 10.00 13.50 —
ND(1881-1911) — — 22.50 30.00 45.00 60.00
KM# 660 DAM
KM# 639 1/16 MOHAR 0.04 g., Gold Obv: Four characters around sword Note:
0.35 g., Silver, 13 mm. Note: Varieties exist.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1881-1911) — — 6.00 10.00 13.50 20.00
ND(1881-1911) — — 22.50 30.00 45.00 60.00

KM# 651.1 MOHAR

KM# 640 1/8 MOHAR 5.60 g., Silver, 26 mm. Edge: Plain Note: Machine struck. Also
0.70 g., Silver Note: Varieties exist. struck between SE1807-1822.
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
ND(1881-1911) — — 7.50 12.50 18.50 27.50 KM# 661 DAM
SE1803 — 18.00 30.00 42.00 60.00 — 0.04 g., Gold Obv: Circle around characters Note: Uniface.
SE1804 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1805 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
ND(1881-1911) — — 22.50 30.00 45.00 60.00
SE1806 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
SE1807 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
SE1808 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
SE1809 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
SE1810 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
SE1811 — 18.00 30.00 42.00 60.00 —
KM# 641 1/4 MOHAR SE1816 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
1.40 g., Silver Rev: Two moons Note: Handstruck SE1817 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1818 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 —
SE1804 — 15.00 17.50 25.00 35.00 — SE1819 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 — KM# 662 DAM
SE1806 — 20.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 — SE1820 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 — 0.04 g., Gold Obv: Two characters below sword Note: Uniface.
SE1808 — 15.00 17.50 25.00 35.00 — SE1821 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 — Varieties exist.
SE1811 — 20.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 — SE1822 — 6.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1881-1911) — — 22.50 30.00 45.00 60.00
11.20 g., Silver, 27 mm. Note: Hand struck using gold dies.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1803 — 40.00 60.00 80.00 100 —

KM# 642 1/4 MOHAR

1.40 g., Silver Rev: Moon and spiral sun Note: Machine struck KM# 663 1/64 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 0.09 g., Gold Obv: Four characters around sword Note:
SE1816 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 7.00 — Uniface.
SE1817 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 7.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
ND(1881-1911) — — 27.50 37.50 50.00 65.00

KM# 653 2 MOHARS

11.20 g., Silver, 27 mm. Note: Machine struck.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1804 — 40.00 60.00 80.00 100 —
Note: Milled edge
SE1811 — 40.00 60.00 80.00 100 —
KM# 645 1/2 MOHAR Note: Plain edge
2.77 g., Silver Note: Hand struck SE1817 — 10.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 — KM# 664 1/64 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 Note: Plain edge 0.09 g., Gold Obv: Five characters around sword Note: Uniface.
SE1803 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 — Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1804 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 — ND(1881-1911) — — 27.50 37.50 50.00 65.00

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KM# 673.1 MOHAR

5.60 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1804 — 290 300 450 550 725
KM# 665 1/32 MOHAR SE1805 — 290 300 450 550 725
0.18 g., Gold Obv: Five characters around sword Note: Uniface. SE1809 — 290 300 450 550 725
SE1817 — 290 300 450 550 725
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
SE1820 — 290 300 450 550 725
ND(1881-1911) — — 40.00 80.00 150 200
KM# 673.3 MOHAR
5.60 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1949 — 190 205 300 375 —
KM# 666 1/32 MOHAR KM# 674.1 TOLA The Kingdom of the Netherlands, a country of western
0.18 g., Gold Obv: Four characters around sword Note: 12.48 g., Gold Note: Oblique edge milling. Europe fronting on the North Sea and bordered by Belgium and
Uniface. Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Germany, has an area of 15,770 sq. mi. (41,500 sq. km.).
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 SE1803 — 575 600 650 800 — After being a part of Charlemagne’s empire in the 8th and
ND(1881-1911) — — 30.00 60.00 150 200 SE1805 — 575 600 650 800 — 9th centuries, the Netherlands came under control of Burgundy
SE1810 — 575 600 650 800 — and the Austrian Hapsburgs, and finally was subjected to
SE1811 — 575 600 650 800 — Spanish dominion in the 16th century. Led by William of Orange,
the Dutch revolted against Spain in 1568. The seven northern
KM# 674.2 TOLA provinces formed the Union of Utrecht and declared their
12.48 g., Gold Note: Vertical edge milling. independence in 1581,becoming the Republic of the United
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Netherlands. In the following century, the Golden Age of Dutch
KM# 667 1/16 MOHAR SE1803 — 575 600 650 800 — history, the Netherlands became a great sea and colonial
0.35 g., Gold power, a patron of the arts and a refuge for the persecuted. The
SE1804 — 575 600 650 800 —
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 United Dutch Republic ended in 1795 when the French formed
ND(1881-1911) — — 30.00 80.00 150 200 the Batavian Republic. Napoleon made his brother Louis, the
King of Holland in 1806, however he abdicated in 1810 when
Napoleon annexed Holland. The French were expelled in 1813,
and all the provinces of Holland and Belgium were merged
into the Kingdom of the United Netherlands under William I, in
1814. The Belgians withdrew in 1830 to form their own kingdom,
the last substantial change in the configuration of European
KM# 669.1 1/8 MOHAR Netherlands.
0.70 g., Gold Obv: Six characters
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 United Netherlands, 1543-1795
ND (1881) — 45.00 80.00 150 200 — BATAVIAN REPUBLIC
KM# 674.3 TOLA French domination, 1795-1806
12.48 g., Gold Edge: Plain KINGDOM OF HOLLAND
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 French Protectorate
SE1807 — 600 625 675 825 — Louis Napoleon, 1806-1810
SE1817 — 600 625 675 825 — FRENCH ANNEXATION
SE1820 — 600 625 675 825 — Napoleon I, 1810-1814
0.70 g., Gold Obv: Five characters Note: Varieties exist.
KM# 675.2 TOLA William I, 1815-1840
12.48 g., Gold Edge: Plain
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 William II, 1840-1849
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 William III, 1849-1890
ND (1881) — 45.00 80.00 150 200 —
VS1947 — 625 650 675 800 — Wilhelmina I, 1890-1948
12.48 g., Gold Note: Oblique edge milling. B - Brussels (Belgium), 1821-1830
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 D - Denver, 1943-1945
VS1949 — 625 650 675 800 — P - Philadelphia, 1941-1945
KM# 676 DUITOLA ASARPHI S - San Francisco, 1944-1945
23.32 g., Gold MINT PRIVY MARKS
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Harderwijk (Gelderland)
KM# 671.1 1/4 MOHAR
SE1811 — 1,150 1,250 1,450 1,750 2,250
1.40 g., Gold Date Privy Mark
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 1782-1806 Ear of corn
SE1808 — 115 150 200 255 —
SE1811 — 115 150 200 255 — Dordrecht (Holland)
SE1817 — 105 125 150 200 — 1600-1806 Rosette
1795-1806 None

Enkhuizen (West Friesland)

1796-1803 Star

Hoorn (West Friesland)

1803-1809 Star
23.32 g., Gold Rev: Die of 4 Mohars, KM#657 Utrecht (Utrecht)
KM# 672.1 1/2 MOHAR Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 1738-1805 Shield
2.80 g., Gold SE1817 — 1,150 1,250 1,450 1,750 2,250
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
1806-present Caduceus
SE1805 — 145 165 185 225 — PATTERNS
Including off metal strikes
KM# Date Mintage Identification Mkt Val Brussels Mint
Date Privy Mark
1821-1830 Palm branch

Utrecht Mint
1806-1810 Bee
1810-1813 Mast
KM# 672.2 1/2 MOHAR 1815-1816 Cloverleaf
2.80 g., Gold 1817 Child in swaddling clothes
1818-1840 Torch
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Pn1 SE1810 (1888) — Paisa — 1839-1846 Fleur de lis
SE1817 — 210 240 270 325 — 1846-1874 Sword
1874 Sword in scabbard
1875-87 Broadaxe
1887 Broadaxe and star
1888-1909 Halberd

NOTE: A star adjoining the privy mark indicates that the

piece was struck at the beginning of the term of office of a
successor. (The star was used only if the successor had not
chosen his own mark yet.)
Pn2 ND(ca.1888) — Paisa — MONETARY SYSTEM

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1604 NAURU

7.78 g., 0.583 Gold 0.1458 oz. AGW Obv: National arms
Obv. Legend: BANK OF NAURU Rev: Queen Elizabeth
and Winston Churchill standing facing while inspecting bomb Queen of Mahendra Bir Bikram: Ratna Rajya Lakshmi
damage to palace in 1940 Rev. Legend: QUEEN ELIZABETH
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
1998 — PF65 225 PF67 275 Birendra Bir Bikram
VS2028-2058 /1971-2001AD

Queen of Birendra Bir Bikram: Aishvarya Rajya Lakshmi

VS2028-2058 /1971-2001AD

Many of the mohars circulated in Tibet as well as in Nepal,
and on a number of occasions coins were struck from bullion
supplied by the Tibetan authorities. The smaller denominations
KM# 9 10 DOLLARS never circulated in Tibet, but some of the mohars were cut for
31.47 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9359 oz. ASW, 38.61 mm. Series: use as small change in Tibet.
Olympics Obv: National arms Rev: Weight lifter Edge: Reeded In these listings only major changes in design have been
The Kingdom of Nepal, the world’s only surviving Hindu noted. There are numerous minor varieties of ornamentation or
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 kingdom, is a landlocked country occupying the southern slopes spelling.
1995 Est. 30000 PF65 27.00 PF67 32.00 of the Himalayas. It has an area of 56,136 sq. mi. (140,800 sq. With a few exceptions, most all coins were struck at
km.) and a population of 27 million. Capital: Kathmandu. Nepal Kathmandu.
has deposits of coal, copper, iron and cobalt, but they are largely COPPER
unexploited. Agriculture is the principal economic activity. Rice, Initially the copper paisa was not fixed in value relative
timber and jute are exported, with tourism being the other major to the silver coins, and generally fluctuated in value from1/32
foreign exchange earner. mohar in 1865AD to around 1/50 mohar after 1880AD, and was
Apart from a brief Muslim invasion in the 14th century, fixed at that value in 1903AD.
Nepal was able to avoid the mainstream of Northern Indian 4 Dam = 1 Paisa
politics, due to its impregnable position in the mountains. It is 2 Paisa = 1 Dyak, Adhani
therefore a unique survivor of the medieval Hindu and Buddhist
culture of Northern India, which was largely destroyed by the COPPER and SILVER
successive waves of Muslim invasions. Decimal Series
Apart from agriculture, Nepal owed its prosperity to its 100 Paisa = 1 Rupee
position on one of the easiest trade routes between the great Although the value of the copper paisa was fixed at 100
monasteries of central Tibet, and India. Nepal made full use paisa to the rupee in 1903, it was not until 1932 that silver coins
of this, and a trading community was set up in Lhasa during were struck in the decimal system.
the 16th century, and Nepalese coins became the accepted GOLD COINAGE
currency medium in Tibet. Nepalese gold coinage, until recently, did not carry any
KM# 16 10 DOLLARS A popular revolution in 1950 toppled the Rana family denominations and was traded for silver, etc. at the local bullion
Silver, 39 mm. Obv: National arms Obv. Legend: BANK OF and reconstituted power in the throne. In 1959 King Mahendra exchange rate. The three basic weight standards used in the
NAURU Rev: Castle Mey in Scotland declared Nepal a constitutional monarchy, and in 1962 a new following listing are distinguished for convenience, although all
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 constitution set up a system of panchayat (village council) were known as Asarphi (gold coin) locally as follows:
1998 — PF65 30.00 PF67 35.00 democracy. In 1990, following political unrest, the king’s GOLD MOHAR
powers were reduced. The country then adopted a system of
KM# 48 10 DOLLARS parliamentary democracy.
5.60 g multiples and fractions
31.47 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9359 oz. ASW, 38.61 mm. Subject: TOLA
On June 2, 2001 tragedy struck the royal family when
Queen Mother, 98th Birthday 12.48 g multiples and fractions
Crown Prince Dipendra used an assault rifle to kill his father,
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 mother and other members of the royal family as the result of GOLD RUPEE or ASHRPHI/ASARFI
1998 — PF65 40.00 PF67 45.00 a dispute over his current lady friend. He died 48 hours later, 11.66 g multiples and fractions
as King, from self inflicted gunshot wounds. Gyanendra began (Reduced to 10.00 g in 1966)
his second reign as King (his first was a short time as a toddler, NOTE: In some instances the gold and silver issues were
1950-51). struck from the same dies.
Nepal has used more variations of numerals on their coins
Saka Era (SE) than any other nation. The most common are illustrated in the
Up until 1888AD all coins of the Gorkha Dynasty were numeral chart in the introduction. The chart below illustrates
dated in the Saka era (SE). To convert from Saka to AD take some variations encompassing the last four centuries.
Saka date and add 78 to arrive at the AD date. Coins dated with
this era have SE before the date in the following listing.
KM# 4 50 DOLLARS Bikram Samvat Era (VS)
8.05 g., 0.583 Gold 0.1509 oz. AGW Series: 1996 Olympics From 1888AD most copper coins were dated in the Bikram
Obv: National arms Rev: Javelin throwing Samvat (VS) era. To convert take VS date - 57 =AD date. Coins
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 with this era have VS before the year in the listing. With the
1994 3,000 PF65 240 PF67 290 exception of a few gold coins struck in 1890 & 1892, silver and
gold coins only changed to the VS era in 1911AD, but now this
era is used for all coins struck in Nepal.

Prithvi Bir Bikram

SE1803-1833/1881-1911AD, VS1938-1968/

7.78 g., 0.5833 Gold 0.1458 oz. AGW Obv: National arms Rev: NUMERICS
Crowned emblem above steamship Queen of Prithvi Bir Bikram: Lakshmi Divyeswari
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
1994 — PF65 225 PF67 275 Half

Tribhuvana Bir Bikram

VS1968-2007, 2007-2011/1911-1950, 1951-1955AD (First reign) One
VS2058-/2001-AD (Second reign)

Gyanendra Bir Bikram
7.78 g., 0.5833 Gold 0.1458 oz. AGW Subject: Endangered
Wildlife Obv: National arms Rev: Sea otter Mahendra Bir Bikram
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2012-2028/1955-1971AD Five
1995 Est. 2000 PF65 245 PF67 295

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1604 4/20/18 12:29 PM


Ten Shri 3 Bhavani

(around outer circle)

Shri Shri Shri Gorakhanatha
Copper-Iron Alloy Obv: Legend within square Rev: Legend
within circle Note: Magnetic and non-magnetic alloy.


VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
7.50 12.50 20.00 33.50
Shah Dynasty

Prithvi Bir Bikram
VS1938-1968 / 1881-1911AD
With Arabic inscription. The Nepalese copper coins
Paisa within the border of Nepal were struck in the Nepalese hills. KM# 631 PAISA
Copper, 23 mm. Note: Also Tribhuvaua Bir Bikram struck a
Paisa VS1968, see KM#685.1.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Dam VS1964 — 5.50 9.00 15.00 22.50 —
VS1968 — 8.50 13.50 20.00 30.00 —
VS1968 — PF60 80.00 PF63 90.00
KM# 620.2 DAM
Copper Rev. Inscription: Sarkar
KM# 633 2 PAISA (Dak)
Mohar Copper-Iron Alloy Obv: Legend within square Rev: Legend
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 within circle Note: Magnetic and non-magnetic alloy. Similar to
VS(19)64 — 7.50 12.00 15.00 20.00 — KM#630.
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Rupee VS1959 — — 12.50 17.50 25.00 50.00

KM# 621 DAM
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Asarphi (Asarfi) VS(19)68 — 4.50 7.50 10.00 17.50 —
VS(19)68 — PF60 55.00 PF63 60.00
Although the same dies were usually used both for KM# 634 2 PAISA (Dak)
silver and gold minor denominations, the gold Mohar is easily Copper, 26.5 mm.
recognized being less ornate. The following illustrations are of
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
a silver Mohar, KM#602 and a gold Mohar KM#615 issued by
Surendra Bikram Saha Deva in the period SE1769-1803/1847- VS1964 — 8.50 13.50 20.00 30.00 —
1881AD. Note the similar reverse legend. The obverse usually VS1968 — 9.00 15.00 22.50 35.00 —
will start with the character for the word Shri either in single or VS1968 — PF60 100 PF63 115
multiples, the latter as Shri Shri Shri or Shri 3.
Copper, 19 mm.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS(19)64 — 4.50 7.50 10.00 17.50 —
VS(19)68 — 4.50 7.50 10.00 17.50 —
VS(19)68 — PF60 55.00 PF63 60.00
Copper Obv: Legend within sprays Rev: Legend within sprays
Note: Varieties in sprays exist. Coin and medal alignment KM# 643 1/4 MOHAR
varieties exist. Also struck between VS1343-1357/1943-57AD. 1.40 g., Silver Rev: Moon and dot for sun Note: Machine
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 struck. Also struck between SE1804-1817.
VS1959 — — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1960 — — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 SE1827 — 2.25 5.00 7.00 9.00 15.00
VS1961 — — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00
VS1962 — — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00
VS(19)62 — — — — — —
VS1963 — — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00
VS1964 — — 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00
VS(19)64 — — — — — —

Shri Shri Shri Surendra Bikram Saha Deva (date). KM# 644 1/4 MOHAR
1.40 g., Silver, 15.5 mm. Note: Machine struck.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1833 — 2.25 5.00 7.00 9.00 15.00
SE1833 — PF60 30.00 PF63 35.00


Copper Obv: Legend within squares Rev: Legend within
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
VS1959 — — 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00
VS1962 — — 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00
VS1963 — — 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 KM# 647 1/2 MOHAR
VS1964 — — 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 2.77 g., Silver, 21 mm. Edge: Plain Note: Machine struck.
VS1965 — — 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 Varieties exist. Also struck between SE1803-1817.
VS1966 — — 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1967 — — 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 SE1824 — 30.00 35.00 42.00 48.00 65.00
VS1968 — — 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00

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KM# 655 2 MOHARS

11.20 g., Silver, 27 mm. Edge: Milled Note: Machine struck.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1829 — 15.00 20.00 35.00 50.00 75.00
SE1831 — 9.00 13.00 17.00 30.00 45.00

KM# 648 1/2 MOHAR KM# 664 1/64 MOHAR

2.77 g., Silver, 21 mm. Note: Machine struck. 0.09 g., Gold Obv: Five characters around sword Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1826 — 5.00 7.00 9.00 15.00 25.00 ND(1881-1911) — 27.50 37.50 50.00 65.00 —
SE1827 — 5.00 7.00 9.00 15.00 25.00
SE1829 — 5.00 7.00 9.00 15.00 25.00

KM# 656 2 MOHARS KM# 665 1/32 MOHAR

Silver, 29 mm. Note: Machine struck. 0.18 g., Gold Obv: Five characters around sword Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1832 — 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 35.00 ND(1881-1911) — 40.00 80.00 150 220 —
SE1833 — 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 35.00
KM# 649 1/2 MOHAR SE1833 — PF60 100 PF63 115
2.77 g., Silver, 19 mm. Edge: Milled Note: Machine struck.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1832 — 30.00 35.00 42.00 48.00 65.00 KM# 666 1/32 MOHAR
SE1833 — PF60 50.00 PF63 55.00 0.18 g., Gold Obv: Four characters around sword Note:
SE1833 — 3.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 15.00 Uniface.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
ND(1881-1911) — 30.00 60.00 150 220 —

KM# 667 1/16 MOHAR

KM# 658 4 MOHARS 0.35 g., Gold
22.40 g., Silver, 29 mm. Edge: Milled Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 651.1 MOHAR Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 ND(1881-1911) — 30.00 70.00 150 220 —
5.60 g., Silver, 26 mm. Edge: Plain Note: Machine struck. Also SE1833 — 50.00 75.00 125 200 275
struck between SE1807-1822. SE1833 — PF63 625
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1823 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00
SE1824 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00 KM# 659 DAM
SE1825 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00 0.04 g., Gold Obv: Five characters around sword Note: Uniface. KM# 668 1/16 MOHAR
SE1826 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 0.35 g., Gold
SE1827 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00 ND(1881-1911) — 22.50 30.00 45.00 60.00 — Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 660 DAM SE(18)33 — — 38.00 75.00 190 255
0.04 g., Gold Obv: Four characters around sword Note: SE(18)33 Proof — — — — — —
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
ND(1881-1911) — 22.50 30.00 45.00 60.00 —

KM# 669.1 1/8 MOHAR

0.70 g., Gold Obv: Six characters
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 652 MOHAR ND (1881) — — 45.00 80.00 170 250
5.60 g., Silver, 26 mm. Rev: Gold die, in error
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1825 — 14.00 20.00 35.00 45.00 65.00
KM# 661 DAM
0.04 g., Gold Obv: Circle around characters Note: Uniface.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
ND(1881-1911) — 22.50 30.00 45.00 60.00 — KM# 669.2 1/8 MOHAR
0.70 g., Gold Obv: Five characters Note: Varieties exist.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
ND (1881) — — 45.00 80.00 170 250

KM# 651.2 MOHAR

5.60 g., Silver, 26 mm. Edge: Milled Note: Machine struck.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 662 DAM KM# 670 1/8 MOHAR
SE1826 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00 0.04 g., Gold Obv: Two characters below sword Note: Uniface. 0.70 g., Gold
SE1827 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00 Varieties exist. Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1828 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 SE(18)33 — — 55.00 110 190 285
SE1829 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00 ND(1881-1911) — 22.50 30.00 45.00 60.00 —
SE1830 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00
SE1831 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00
SE1832 — 3.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 20.00
SE1833 — — — — 45.00 75.00
Note: The date SE1833 was only issued in presentation sets

KM# 671.1 1/4 MOHAR

1.40 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 663 1/64 MOHAR SE1823 — — 115 150 200 300
0.09 g., Gold Obv: Four characters around sword Note: SE1829 — — 110 125 175 275
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
ND(1881-1911) — 27.50 37.50 50.00 65.00 —

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KM# 671.2 1/4 MOHAR

1.40 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 685.2 PAISA
SE1833 — — 110 125 175 275
Copper Note: Hand struck. Many varieties exist.
SE1833 Proof — — — — — — KM# 675.1 TOLA
12.48 g., Gold Edge: Vertical milling Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1969 — — 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50
SE1828 — — 625 650 750 1,000 VS1970 — — 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50
SE1829 — — 625 650 750 1,000 VS1971 — — 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50
SE1831 — — 625 650 750 1,000 VS1972 — — 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50
SE1832 — — 625 650 750 1,000 VS1973 — — 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50
SE1833 — — 625 650 750 1,000 VS1974 — — 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50
SE1833 Proof — — — — — — VS1975 — — 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50
VS1976 — — 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50
KM# 678 DUITOLA ASARPHI VS1977 — — 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50
KM# 672.3 1/2 MOHAR 23.32 g., Gold Edge: Plain
2.80 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1825 — 1,250 1,300 1,600 2,000 2,750
SE1823 — — 300 350 400 550

KM# 686.1 PAISA

5.20 g., Copper, 23.5 mm. Rev: Without “Nepal” below
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 672.4 1/2 MOHAR VS1975 — — — 37.50 50.00 75.00
2.80 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
23.32 g., Gold Edge: Milled 3.70 g., Copper, 21.5 mm. Rev: Without “Nepal” below
SE1829 — — 195 220 245 350
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
SE1829 — 1,250 1,300 1,600 2,000 2,750 VS1975 — — — — — —
Note: The above issues are believed to be patterns

KM# 672.5 1/2 MOHAR

2.80 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
SE1833 — — 290 325 375 525 KM# 687.1 PAISA
SE1833 Proof — — — — — — Copper, 21.5 mm. Obv: Outlined Khukris Note: Machine struck.
Fine style. Weight varies: 3.50-3.80 g.
KM# 680 DUITOLA ASARPHI Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
23.32 g., Gold Edge: Milled VS1975 (1918) — — 6.00 8.00 12.00 25.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1976 (1919) — — 6.00 8.00 12.00 25.00
SE1833 — 1,250 1,300 1,600 2,000 2,750 VS1977 (1920) — — 3.00 5.00 8.00 15.00
SE1833 Proof — — — — — — Note: Inverted date
VS1977 (1920) — — 3.00 5.00 8.00 15.00
Tribhuvana Bir Bikram VS1978 (1921) — — 3.00 5.00 8.00 15.00

VS1968-2007 / 1911-1950AD
5.60 g., Gold With Arabic inscription. The Nepalese copper coins
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 within the border of Nepal were struck in the Nepalese hills.
SE1823 — 300 350 450 550 750
SE1825 — 300 350 450 550 750
SE1826 — 300 350 450 550 750
SE1827 — 300 350 450 550 750
KM# 687.4 PAISA
KM# 673.2 MOHAR 3.75 g., Brass Obv: Fine style crossed khukris
5.60 g., Gold Edge: Milled
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1975 — 0.50 1.25 1.75 3.00 6.00
SE1828 — 300 350 450 550 750 VS1976 — 0.50 1.25 1.75 3.00 6.00
SE1829 — 300 350 450 550 750 KM# 684 1/2 PAISA
Copper Note: Struck only for presentation sets.
SE1831 — 300 350 450 550 750
SE1833 — 300 350 450 550 750 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
SE1833 Proof — — — — — — VS1978 — — — — 50.00 75.00
VS1985 — — — — 50.00 75.00

KM# 687.2 PAISA

Copper, 22 mm. Obv: Outlined Khukris always right over left
Note: Machine struck. Weight varies: 2.6-3.1 grams. Prev.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 685.1 PAISA VS1978 — 1.25 1.75 3.00 6.00 —
KM# 674.3 TOLA Copper Note: Machine struck. Also Prithvi Bir Bikram struck a VS1979 — 1.25 1.75 3.00 6.00 —
12.48 g., Gold Edge: Plain Paisa VS1968, see KM#631. VS1980 — 1.50 3.00 5.00 10.00 —
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 VS1981 — 1.50 3.00 5.00 10.00 —
SE1823 — — 625 650 750 1,000 VS1968 — — — — 10.00 20.00 VS1982 — 1.25 1.75 3.00 6.00 —
SE1824 — — 625 650 750 1,000 VS1984 — 1.25 1.75 3.00 6.00 —
SE1825 — — 625 650 750 1,000 VS1985 — 1.25 1.75 3.00 6.00 —
SE1826 — — 625 650 750 1,000 VS1986 — 1.25 1.75 3.00 6.00 —
VS1987 — 1.25 1.75 3.00 6.00 —

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KM# 687.3 PAISA Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
3.75 g., Copper, 21 mm. Obv: Outlined Khukris left over right VS1976 — 6.00 10.00 14.00 20.00 —
and right over left Note: Crude, hand struck. Varieties of the Note: Fine style
Khukris exist VS1977 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 6.00 —
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 VS1977 — 3.00 5.00 8.50 12.50 —
VS1978 — 2.00 3.00 4.50 7.50 — Inverted date
VS1979 — 2.00 3.00 4.50 7.50 —
VS1980 — 4.00 5.00 7.50 12.50 —
VS1981 — 4.00 5.00 7.50 12.50 — KM# 681 1/2 MOHAR
VS1982 — 4.00 5.00 7.50 12.50 — 2.77 g., Silver Note: In the name of “Queen Lakshmi Divyeswari”
VS1983 — 4.00 5.00 7.50 12.50 — - Regent for Tribhuvana Bir Bikram.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1971 — — 6.00 9.00 13.00 16.00

KM# 690.2 5 PAISA

Copper Obv: Outlined Khukris, left over right and right over
left Note: Crude hand struck. Weight varies: 11.0-13.2 g. Size
KM# 689.1 2 PAISA varies: 29.0-32.5mm.
Copper, 26 mm. Obv: Outlined Khukris Note: Machine struck. Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Varieties of the Khukris exist. Weight varies: 6.9-7.5 grams. VS1978 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 — KM# 694 MOHAR
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 VS1979 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 — 5.60 g., Silver
VS1976 — — 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 VS1980 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1977 — — 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 VS1981 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
VS1968 — — 7.00 9.00 12.00 15.00
VS1977 — — 3.50 5.00 8.50 13.50 VS1982 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
Inverted date VS1969 — — 7.00 9.00 12.00 15.00
VS1983 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
VS1971 — — 7.00 9.00 12.00 15.00
VS1984 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
VS1985 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
VS1986 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
VS1987 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 —
VS1988 — 6.00 10.00 14.00 20.00 —
VS1989 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.00 —

KM# 689.4 2 PAISA

Brass Obv: Fine style crossed khukris KM# 682 MOHAR
5.60 g., Silver Note: In the name of “Queen Lakshmi Divyeswari”
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
- Regent for Tribhuvana Bir Bikram.
VS1976 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 —
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1971 — — 7.00 9.00 13.00 16.00

KM# 690.3 5 PAISA

14.00 g., Copper Obv: Outlined Khukris always right over left
Note: Machine struck. Weight varies: 13.5-14.0 g. Varieties
exist. Size varies: 29.0-30.0mm.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1978 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 5.00 —
VS1979 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 5.00 —
KM# 689.2 2 PAISA VS1979 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 5.00 —
Copper Obv: Outlined Khukris left over right and right over left Backwards date
Note: Crude struck. Varieties of the Khukris exist. Weight varies: VS1980 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 5.00 —
4.6-5.5 grams. VS1981 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 5.00 —
VS1982 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 5.00 — KM# 695 2 MOHARS
Date Mintage G4 VG8 F12 VF20 XF40
VS1983 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 5.00 — 11.20 g., Silver, 29 mm. Note: Varieties exist for this type.
VS1978 — — 1.00 2.00 3.50 6.50
VS1984 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 5.00 — Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1979 — — 1.00 2.00 3.50 6.50
VS1991 — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 — VS1968 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1980 — — 1.00 2.00 3.50 6.50
VS1981 — — 1.00 2.00 3.50 6.50 VS1969 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1982 — — 1.00 2.00 3.50 6.50
SILVER COINAGE VS1970 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1983 — — 1.00 2.00 3.50 6.50 KM# 691 DAM VS1971 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1984 — — 1.00 2.00 3.50 6.50 0.04 g., Silver Note: Uniface. VS1972 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1985 — — 1.00 2.00 3.50 6.50 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1973 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1986 — — 1.50 2.50 4.00 7.50 ND (1911) — 20.00 32.00 40.00 65.00 — VS1974 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1987 — — 1.50 2.50 4.00 7.50 VS1975 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1988 — — 2.00 3.00 5.00 9.00 VS1976 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1977 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
KM# 689.3 2 PAISA VS1978 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
5.00 g., Copper Obv: Outlined Khukris always right over left VS1979 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
Note: Machine struck. Weight varies: 5.00-5.700 grams. VS1980 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 VS1982 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1978 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 — KM# 692 1/4 MOHAR VS1983 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1979 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 — 1.40 g., Silver, 16 mm. VS1984 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1980 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 — VS1985 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1981 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 — VS1986 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1969 — — 2.50 5.00 7.00 10.00
VS1982 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 — VS1987 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1970 — — 2.50 5.00 7.00 10.00
VS1983 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 — VS1988 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1984 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 — VS1989 — — — 13.00 17.00 30.00
VS1991 — 1.50 2.50 4.00 6.00 —

KM# 693 1/2 MOHAR

2.80 g., Silver
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1968 — — 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00
VS1970 — — 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00
VS1971 — — 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00
KM# 696 4 MOHARS
KM# 690.1 5 PAISA 22.40 g., Silver
Copper, 29.5 mm. Obv: Outlined Khukris Note: Weight varies: Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
18.1-18.8 g.
VS1971 — — 50.00 90.00 155 220

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1608 4/20/18 12:29 PM


GOLD COINAGE Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 circle Rev: Right wreath with round end
VS1978 — — 450 475 525 650 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1979 — — 450 475 525 650 VS1993 — 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.00
VS1980 — — 450 475 525 650 VS1994 456,000 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.00
VS1981 — — 450 475 525 650 VS1995 — 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.00
KM# 697 DAM VS1982 — — 450 475 525 650 VS1996 — 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.00
0.04 g., Gold Note: Uniface. VS1983 — — 450 475 525 650
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1984 — — 450 475 525 650
ND (1911) — 40.50 55.00 100 140 — VS1985 — — 450 475 525 650
KM# 697a DAM VS1986 — — 450 475 525 650
0.04 g., Gold Note: Uniface, machine struck. VS1987 — — 450 475 525 650
VS1988 — — 450 475 525 650
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1989 — — 450 475 525 650
ND (1911) — 40.50 55.00 100 140 —
VS1990 — — 450 475 525 650
KM# 698 1/32 MOHAR VS1991 — — 450 475 525 650
KM# 707a PAISA
0.18 g., Gold Note: Uniface. VS1998 — — 450 475 525 650 Brass, 20 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1999 — — 450 475 525 650 circle Rev: Crescent moon and star Àank dagger at center
ND (1911) — 55.00 80.00 125 180 — VS2000 — — 450 475 525 650
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2003 — — 450 475 525 650
KM# 699 1/16 MOHAR VS2001 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50
0.35 g., Gold VS2003 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2004 — 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00
VS(19)77 — 70.00 125 165 205 — VS2005 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50
VS2006 — 0.60 1.00 1.25 1.75 3.00
KM# 700 1/8 MOHAR
0.70 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS(19)76 — 110 165 205 275 —
KM# 701 1/2 MOHAR
2.80 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 727 ASHRAPHI (Tola)
VS1969 — — — — — — Gold Obv: Trident between moon and sun above crossed
KM# 717 1/2 MOHAR Khukris in center KM# 707 PAISA
1.97 g., Brass, 20 mm.
2.80 g., Gold Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1992 — 475 475 550 700 800 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2005 — 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.50 4.00
VS1995 — — — — — — KM# 703.2 ASHRAPHI (Tola)
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2005 — — 450 475 525 650
KM# 703.3 ASHRAPHI (Tola)
Gold Rev: 3 dots each side in center Rev. Legend: SRI
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2033 (1976) — — 450 475 500 625
Gold Note: Similar to 1 Tola, KM#703. KM# 708 2 PAISA
KM# 702 MOHAR Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Copper, 27 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within
5.60 g., Gold VS2005 — 875 925 1,000 1,450 — circle Rev: Crescent moon and star Àank trident at center
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage VG8 F12 VF20 XF40 MS60
VS1969 — 295 325 325 350 550 DECIMAL COINAGE VS1992 — 3.00 5.00 8.50 13.50 —
VS1975 — 295 325 325 350 550 100 Paisa = 1 Rupee
VS1978 — 295 325 325 350 550
VS1979 — 295 325 325 350 550
VS1981 — 295 325 325 350 550
VS1983 — 295 325 325 350 550
VS1985 — 295 325 325 350 550
VS1986 — 295 325 325 350 550
VS1987 — 295 325 325 350 550
VS1989 — 295 325 325 350 550
KM# 704 1/4 PAISA
Copper, 14 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within
VS1990 — 295 325 325 350 550
circle Rev: Crescent moon and star Àank center dagger Note:
VS1991 — 295 325 325 350 550
Struck only for presentation sets.
VS1998 — 295 325 325 350 550
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 709.1 2 PAISA
VS1999 — 295 325 325 350 550
VS2000 — — — — 35.00 40.00 Copper, 27 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within
VS2000 — 295 325 325 350 550 circle Rev: Crescent moon and star Àank dagger at center
VS2003 — 295 325 325 350 550 VS2004 — — — — 35.00 40.00
Note: 2mm wide rim.
VS2005 — 295 325 325 350 550
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 683 MOHAR VS1992 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
5.60 g., Gold Note: In the name of “Queen Lakshmi Divyeswari” VS1993 473,000 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
- Regent for Tribhuvana Bir Bikram. VS1994 1,133,000 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1995 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
VS1971 — — 300 325 350 450 VS1996 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
KM# 722 MOHAR KM# 705 1/2 PAISA VS1997 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
5.60 g., Gold Copper, 16 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within
circle Rev: Crescent moon and star Àank dagger at center
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Note: Struck only for presentation sets.
VS1993 376,000 — — — — —
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1994 283,000 — — — — —
VS2004 — — — — 35.00 40.00
KM# 706.1 PAISA
Copper, 23 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within
circle Rev: Right wreath with sharp end Note: Prev. KM#706.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1990 — 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.00
VS1991 — 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.00 KM# 709.2 2 PAISA
VS1992 — 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00 7.00 Copper, 25 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within
circle Rev: Crescent moon and star Àank dagger at center
Note: Rim is 1mm wide or less.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 703.1 ASHRAPHI (Tola) VS1992 — 0.60 1.00 1.75 3.00 5.00
Gold Rev: Moon and sun in center Rev. Legend: SRI 3 VS1993 — 0.60 1.00 1.75 3.00 5.00
BHAVANI VS1994 — 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50 4.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1995 — 2.00 3.50 5.00 7.50 10.00
VS1969 — — 450 475 525 650 VS1996 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.50
VS1974 — — 450 475 525 650 VS1997 — 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50 4.00
VS1975 — — 450 475 525 650 VS1998 — 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50 4.00
VS1976 — — 450 475 525 650 KM# 706.2 PAISA VS1999 — 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50 4.00
VS1977 — — 450 475 525 650 Copper, 23 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within

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Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 721 50 PAISA
VS1994 — 3.75 6.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 5.54 g., 0.333 Silver 0.0593 oz. ASW Obv: Without dots around
VS1995 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50 trident Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
VS1996 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1997 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50 VS2006 — 2.25 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.00
VS1998 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50 VS2007 — 2.25 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.00
VS1999 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50 VS2009/7 — 2.25 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.00
VS2000 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50 VS2009 — 2.25 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.00
VS2001 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50 VS2010 — 2.25 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.00
KM# 710 2 PAISA VS2003 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50
Copper, 23 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within VS2004 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50
circle Rev: Crescent moon and star Àank dagger at center KM# 715 20 PAISA
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 2.22 g., 0.333 Silver 0.0237 oz. ASW
VS1999 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2000 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 VS1989 — 2.25 4.00 6.00 8.50 12.50
VS2003 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 Note: The date VS1989 is given in different style char- KM# 713 1/16 RUPEE
VS2005 — 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 12.00 acters. Refer to 50 Paisa KM#719 and 1 Rupee, Silver Obv: Inscription Rev: Inscription
KM#724 for style Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS(19)96 — 12.50 20.00 32.50 50.00 70.00
KM# 716 20 PAISA
2.22 g., 0.333 Silver 0.0237 oz. ASW
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2006 — 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.25 4.00
VS2007 — — — — — —
VS2009 — 1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 5.00
VS2010 — 1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 5.00

KM# 710a 2 PAISA

Brass Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within circle
Rev: Crescent moon and star Àank dagger at center
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1999 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00
VS2000 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 KM# 723 RUPEE
VS2001 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 11.08 g., 0.800 Silver 0.285 oz. ASW Obv: Trident within small
VS2005 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 center circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
VS2008 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2009 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 KM# 718 50 PAISA VS1989 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 30.00
VS2010 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.54 g., 0.800 Silver 0.1425 oz. ASW Obv: Trident within small VS1991 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
center circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above VS1992 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS1993 1,717,000 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1989 — 8.00 9.00 11.00 17.00 22.00 VS1994 2,097,000 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1991 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS1995 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1992 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS1996 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1993 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS1997 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1994 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS1998 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1995 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS1999 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1996 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS2000 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1997 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS2001 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1998 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS2003 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
VS1999 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS2005 — 10.00 12.00 15.00 20.00 28.00
KM# 711 5 PAISA VS2000 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
Copper, 30 mm. Obv: Footprints above crossed daggers within VS2001 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
circle Rev: Crescent moon and star Àank trident at center VS2003 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2004 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
VS1992 — 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.50 9.00 VS2005 — 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
VS1993 878,000 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.50 9.00
VS1994 403,000 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.50 9.00
VS1995 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
VS1996 — 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.50 9.00
VS1997 — 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.50 9.00
VS1998 — — — — — —


11.08 g., 0.800 Silver 0.285 oz. ASW Obv: Trident within small
center circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
KM# 719 50 PAISA Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
5.54 g., 0.800 Silver 0.1425 oz. ASW Obv: Trident within small VS1989 — 13.00 15.00 18.00 22.00 30.00
center circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Note: The date is given in different style characters
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 712 5 PAISA VS1989 — 4.50 6.50 9.50 11.50 15.00
Copper-Nickel-Zinc Obv: Lamp within center circle Rev: Note: The date is given in different style characters
Crescent moon and star Àank trident above inscription
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2000 — 0.65 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00
VS2009 — 1.75 3.00 5.00 8.50 12.00
VS2010 — 1.25 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00
KM# 712a 5 PAISA
Copper-Nickel Obv: Lamp within center circle Rev. Inscription:
Crescent moon and star Àank trident above inscription
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 725 RUPEE
VS2010 Restrike — 0.65 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 11.08 g., 0.333 Silver 0.1186 oz. ASW Obv: Four dots around
KM# 720 50 PAISA trident Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
5.54 g., 0.333 Silver 0.0593 oz. ASW Obv: Four dots around
trident Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2005 — 7.00 9.00 14.00 18.00 22.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2005 — 45.00 65.00 85.00 115 145

KM# 714 20 PAISA

2.22 g., 0.333 Silver 0.0237 oz. ASW Obv: Trident Rev: Dagger
Àanked by garlands from above
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS1989 — 2.25 4.00 5.00 6.50 9.00
VS1991 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50
VS1992 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50
VS1993 — 1.75 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1610 4/20/18 12:29 PM


KM# 726 RUPEE Gyanendra Bir Bikram

11.08 g., 0.333 Silver 0.1186 oz. ASW Obv: Without dots around
trident Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above VS2007 / 1950-51AD (first reign)
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 DECIMAL COINAGE
VS2006 — 5.00 6.00 7.00 12.00 15.00
VS2007 — 5.00 6.00 7.00 12.00 15.00 100 Paisa = 1 Rupee
VS2008 — 5.00 6.00 7.00 12.00 15.00
VS2009 — 5.00 6.00 7.00 12.00 15.00
VS2010 — 5.00 6.00 7.00 12.00 15.00
KM# 736 5 PAISA
ASARFI GOLD COINAGE 3.89 g., Bronze Obv: Sun rising above three hills within grain
Fractional designations are approximate for this series. sprigs Rev: Hand divides date within decorative outline
Actual Gold Weight (AGW) is used to identify each type.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
(Asarphi) VS2010 — 2.75 4.50 7.00 10.00 12.00
KM# 741 1/2 ASARPHI VS2011 — 0.65 1.00 2.75 5.00 7.00
5.80 g., Gold Obv: Head of Tribhuvan Bir Bikram right on VS2012 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.25 2.00
5-pointed star Note: Portrait type. VS2013 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.25 2.00 KM# 729 50 PAISA
5.54 g., 0.333 Silver 0.0593 oz. ASW Obv: Trident within small
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2014 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.25 2.00
center circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
VS2010 — — 325 350 400 450
KM# 736a 5 PAISA Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Note: KM#741 is normally found as a restrike ca. 1968
4.04 g., Copper-Nickel Obv: Sun rising above three hills within VS2007 26 — 175 275 350 425
grain sprigs Rev: Hand divides date within decorative outline
Fine copper pieces - non magnetic - and copper/ Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2014 — — — — — —
iron alloy - magnetic - were produced in the hills. Mainly Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
exported to India. The pieces are normally unstamped. The VS2007 Rare — — — — — —
4 Paisa sometimes has traces of the Arabic inscription.
Without inscription

KM# 733 PAISA KM# 737 10 PAISA

Bronze Obv: Sun rising above three hills within grain sprigs
Brass, 18 mm. Obv: Sun rising above three hills within grain
Rev: Dagger in front of three hills within circle
sprigs Rev: Dagger in front of hills within circle KM# 730 RUPEE
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 11.08 g., 0.333 Silver 0.1186 oz. ASW Obv: Trident within small
VS2010 — 2.75 4.50 7.00 10.00 12.00
VS2010 — 8.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 32.00 center circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
VS2011 — 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.25
VS2011 — 17.50 25.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2011 Restrike — — — 0.15 0.25 0.45
VS2012 Restrike — — 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 VS2007 — 5.50 7.50 10.00 16.00 20.00
VS2012 — 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.25
KM# 734 PAISA KM# 732 TOLA
Brass, 17.5 mm. Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2012 — 1.25 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 VS2007 Rare — — — — — —

Trivhuvan Bir Bikram

VS2007-2011 / 1951-1955AD (second reign)
KM# 738 20 PAISA
Copper-Nickel, 18 mm. Obv: Sun rising above three hills within
grain sprigs Rev: Dagger in front of three hills within circle
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2010 — 12.50 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00
KM# 735 2 PAISA VS2010 Restrike — — — 2.50 3.00 5.00
Brass, 21 mm. Obv: Sun rising above three hills within grain VS2011 — 32.50 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00
sprigs Rev: Dagger in front of hills within circle
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2010 — 12.50 20.00 37.50 60.00 70.00 KM# 740 50 PAISA
VS2011 — 30.00 40.00 50.00 70.00 80.00 Copper-Nickel, 25 mm. Obv: Head of Tribhuvan Bir Bikram right
VS2011 Restrike — — — 1.50 2.50 4.00 on 5-pointed star Rev: Sun rising back of hills, grain sprigs Àank
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2010 — 0.50 1.00 2.00 4.00 7.00
VS2011 — 0.35 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00

KM# 739 25 PAISA

Copper-Nickel, 19 mm. Obv: Sun rising above three hills within
grain sprigs Rev: Dagger in front of three hills within circle
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2010 — 2.00 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50
KM# 749 2 PAISA VS2011 — 2.00 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.50
Brass, 19.5 mm. Obv: Sun rising above three hills within grain VS2012 — 1.25 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.50
sprigs Rev: Dagger in front of hills within circle VS2014 — 1.25 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.50
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 768 1/5 ASARPHI
VS2012 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50 2.33 g., Gold
VS2013 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50
VS2014 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 742 RUPEE
VS2010 — — 110 120 135 150 Copper-Nickel Obv: Head of Tribhuvan Bir Bikram right on
Note: Coins dated VS2010 are normally found as restrikes 5-pointed star Note: Equal denticles at rim.
ca. 1968 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2012 — — — — — — VS2010 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 4.50 7.00
KM# 774 1/4 ASARPHI VS2011 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 4.50 7.00
2.90 g., Gold
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2010 — 120 125 135 150 165
Note: Coins dated VS2010 are normally found as restrikes
KM# 754 4 PAISA ca. 1968
Brass Obv: Legend around center circle Rev: Date below VS2012 — — — — — —
center circle
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2012 — 1.00 1.75 3.00 5.00 7.00


Copper-Nickel Obv: Head of Tribhuvan Bir Bikram right on

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1611 4/20/18 12:29 PM


5-pointed star Rev: Sun rising back of hills, grain sprigs Àank KM# 750.2 2 PAISA
Note: Unequal denticles at rim. Brass Subject: Mahendra coronation Obv: Crown Rev:
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Numeral at center Note: Wide rim.
VS2011 — 0.75 1.25 2.25 4.50 7.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2013 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50
Fractional designations are approximate for this series.
Actual Gold Weight (AGW) is used to identify each type.
11.66 g., Gold Obv: Head of Tribhuvan Bir Bikram right on 3.85 g., Bronze, 22.5 mm. Obv: Trident at center Rev:
5-pointed star Numerals with shading
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2010 — — 600 625 650 700 KM# 751 2 PAISA VS2014 — 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.75 1.25
Note: KM#744 normally found as a restrike ca. 1968 2.16 g., Brass, 19.1 mm. Obv: Crescent moon and sun Àank VS2015 — 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.75 1.25
trident Rev: Numerals with shading VS2016 — 0.10 0.30 0.50 1.00 1.50
Mahendra Bir Bikram Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2017 — 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.75 1.25
VS2012-2028 / 1955-1971AD VS2014 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50 VS2018 — 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.75 1.25
VS2015 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50 VS2019 — 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.75 1.25
DECIMAL COINAGE VS2016 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50 VS2020 — 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.75 1.25
VS2018 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50
100 Paisa = 1 Rupee
VS2019 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50
VS2020 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50

KM# 745.1 PAISA KM# 758 5 PAISA

Brass, 18 mm. Subject: Mahendra Coronation Obv: Crown Aluminum-Bronze, 22.5 mm. Obv: Crescent moon and sun
Rev: Numeral at center, sprigs at sides Note: Prev. KM#745. KM# 752 2 PAISA Àank trident at center Rev: Numerals without shading
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Brass Obv: Crescent moon and sun Àank trident at center Rev: Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2013 Narrow rim — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 Numerals wtihout shading VS2021 — 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.50 4.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2021 — 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.35 0.45
VS2022 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2023 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75


Brass, 16 mm. Obv: Crescent and star Àank trident at center
Rev: Numerals with shading
KM# 758a 5 PAISA
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
3.08 g., Bronze, 21 mm. Obv: Crescent moon and sun Àank
VS2014 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50
KM# 753 2 PAISA trident at center Rev: Numeral within shaded Àoral outline
VS2015 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50
VS2018 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50 0.91 g., Aluminum, 18.6 mm. Obv: Trident with sun and moon Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2019 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50 Àanking above hills Rev: Himalayan Monal pheasant VS2021 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2020 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2022 — 0.10 0.15 0.30 0.60 0.85
VS2023 — — 0.10 0.15 0.75 1.25 VS2023 — 0.10 0.15 0.30 0.60 0.85
KM# 745.2 PAISA VS2024 — — 0.10 0.15 0.75 1.25
Brass Subject: Mahendra coronation VS2025 — — 0.10 0.15 0.75 1.25
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2026 — — 0.10 0.15 0.75 1.25
VS2013 Wide rim — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 VS2027 — — 0.10 0.15 0.75 1.25
VS2027 2,187 PF63 1.50
VS2028 — — 0.10 0.15 0.75 1.25
VS2028 2,380 PF63 1.50

KM# 759 5 PAISA

Aluminum, 21 mm. Obv: Trident with sun and moon Àanking
KM# 747 PAISA above hills Rev: Ox left
1.45 g., Brass, 16.5 mm. Obv: Crescent moon and star Àank Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
trident at center Rev: Numerals without shading VS2023 — — 0.15 0.25 1.00 1.50
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2024 — — 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.50
VS2021 — 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.45 VS2025 — — 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.50
KM# 756.1 5 PAISA
VS2022 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50 Bronze, 22 mm. Subject: Mahendra Coronation Obv: Crown VS2026 — — 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.50
Rev: Numeral within Àoral outline Note: Wide rim with accent VS2027 — — 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.50
mark. VS2027 2,187 PF63 1.75
VS2028 — — 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.50
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2028 2,038 PF63 1.75
VS2013 — 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00


0.61 g., Aluminum, 16.6 mm. Obv: Trident with sun and moon
Àanking above hills Rev: National Àower
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2023 — — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.35
VS2025 — — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.35
VS2026 — — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.35
VS2027 2,187 PF63 1.25 KM# 756.2 5 PAISA KM# 761 10 PAISA
VS2028 — — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.35 Bronze, 22 mm. Subject: Mahendra coronation Obv: Crown
Bronze, 24.5 mm. Subject: Mahendra Coronation Obv: Crown
VS2028 2,380 PF63 1.25 Rev: Numeral within Àoral outline Note: Narrow rim.
Rev: Shaded numeral
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2013 Restrike — 0.35 0.60 1.00 1.50 2.50
VS2013 — 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50

KM# 750.1 2 PAISA KM# 756.3 5 PAISA

Brass, 20.5 mm. Subject: Mahendra Coronation Obv: Crown Bronze, 22 mm. Subject: Mahendra coronation Obv: Crown
Rev: Numeral at center Note: Narrow rim. Rev: Numeral within Àoral outline Note: Without accent mark.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2013 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 VS2013 — 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1612 4/20/18 12:29 PM


KM# 762 10 PAISA

6.30 g., Bronze, 25 mm. Obv: Crescent moon and sun Àank
trident Rev: Numerals with shading
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2014 — 2.75 4.50 7.00 10.00 15.00
VS2015 — 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.25
VS2016 — 3.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00
VS2018 — 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.25
VS2019 — 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.25
VS2020 — 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.25
KM# 772 25 PAISA
3.05 g., Copper-Nickel, 19 mm. Obv: Trident within small center KM# 778 50 PAISA
circle Rev: Large different character at bottom Copper-Nickel, 25 mm. Obv: Trident within small center circle
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Rev: Large different character at bottom
VS2021 — 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 1.50 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2022 — 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 1.50 VS2021 — 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25
VS2023 — 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 1.50 VS2022 — 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.00
VS2023 — 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50

KM# 763 10 PAISA

Aluminum-Bronze Obv: Crescent moon and sun Àank trident at
center Rev: Numerals without shading
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2021 — 0.75 1.25 2.00 3.00 5.00
KM# 764 10 PAISA
4.93 g., Bronze, 25 mm. Note: Modi¿ed design. KM# 773 25 PAISA
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Copper-Nickel Obv: Five characters in line above trident Rev:
Dagger Àanked by garlands from above KM# 779 50 PAISA
VS2021 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 Copper-Nickel Obv: Four characters in line above trident Rev:
VS2022 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Note: Reduced size,
VS2023 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 VS2024 — — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25 23.5mm.
VS2025 — — 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00
VS2026 — — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2027 — — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25 VS2023 — 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.00
VS2027 2,187 PF63 2.50
VS2028 — — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25
VS2028 2,380 PF63 2.50
VS2030 — — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25

KM# 765 10 PAISA

4.01 g., Brass, 21.2 mm. Obv: Trident with sun and moon
Àanking above hills Rev: Ox left
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 780 50 PAISA
VS2023 — — 0.15 0.25 1.00 1.50 Copper-Nickel Obv: Five characters in line above trident Rev:
VS2024 — — 0.15 0.25 1.00 1.50 Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
VS2025 — — 15.00 17.50 20.00 28.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2026 — — 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.50 VS2025 — — 0.30 0.50 1.00 —
VS2027 — — 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.50 VS2026 — — 0.30 0.50 0.85 1.35
VS2027 2,187 PF63 2.00 VS2027 2,187 PF63 3.00
VS2028 — — 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.50 KM# 777 50 PAISA VS2028 2,380 PF63 3.00
VS2028 2,380 PF63 2.00 Copper-Nickel, 25 mm. Obv: Trident within small center circle VS2030 — — 0.30 0.50 0.85 1.35
Note: Birendra Bir Bikram also struck a 10 Paisa VS2028, Rev: Small character at bottom
see KM#806
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Copper-Nickel, 30 mm.
VS2011 — 0.50 1.00 1.50 3.00 5.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2012 — 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50
VS2011 — 1.25 2.25 3.50 5.50 8.50
VS2013 — 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00
VS2012 — 1.00 1.75 2.50 4.00 6.50
VS2014 — 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00
VS2015 — 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00
VS2016 — 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00
VS2017 — 0.25 0.30 0.75 1.25 1.75
VS2018 — 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00
VS2020 — 0.25 0.30 0.75 1.50 2.00
KM# 766 10 PAISA
4.06 g., Brass, 21 mm. Series: F.A.O. Obv: Grain sprig at
center Rev: Ox left
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2028 1,500,000 — 0.10 0.20 1.00 1.50
KM# 770 25 PAISA
Copper-Nickel Subject: Mahendra Coronation
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2013 — 0.30 0.50 0.70 1.00 1.50
Copper-Nickel, 28.5 mm. Obv: Trident within center circle Rev:
Small character at bottom Note: Reduced size.
KM# 795 50 PAISA Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Copper-Nickel Obv: Trident within small center circle Rev: VS2012 — 0.50 0.85 1.25 1.75 2.50
Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Note: In the name of VS2013 — 0.50 0.85 1.25 1.75 2.50
“Queen Ratna Rajya Lakshmi”. VS2014 — 0.50 0.85 1.25 1.75 2.50
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2015 — 0.50 0.85 1.25 1.75 2.50
VS2012 — — 100 125 150 200 VS2016 — 0.50 0.85 1.25 1.75 2.50
VS2018 — 0.50 0.85 1.25 1.75 2.50
VS2020 — 0.50 0.85 1.25 1.75 2.50
KM# 771 25 PAISA
Copper-Nickel, 19 mm. Obv: Four characters in line above
trident Rev: Small character at bottom (outer circle)
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2015 — 1.50 2.50 4.00 6.00 8.50
VS2018 — 0.25 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.35
VS2020 — 0.25 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.35
VS2021 — 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50
VS2022 — 2.00 3.50 6.00 9.00 14.00
KM# 771a 25 PAISA KM# 776 50 PAISA
2.99 g., 0.084 Silver 0.0081 oz. ASW Obv: Trident within small Copper-Nickel Subject: Mahendra Coronation Obv: Crown
center circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 797 RUPEE
VS6/5/2017 — — — — 100 125 VS2013 — 0.35 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 Copper-Nickel Obv: Trident within center circle Rev: Dagger

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1613 4/20/18 12:29 PM



Fractional designations are approximate for this series.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Actual Gold Weight (AGW) is used to identify each type. Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
96  ²     96 ² ²    
KM# 767 1/6 ASARPHI
J*ROGSubject:0DKHQGUD&RURQDWLRQ Birendra Bir Bikram
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2028-2058 / 1971-2001 AD
96 ² ²    
100 Paisa = 1 Rupee


Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Rev:1DWLRQDOÀRZHU
96 ² ²    
96 ² ² ²    Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
96  ²    
96  ²    
96 PF63
96  ²    
96 PF63
96  ²    
96 PF63
96  ²    
96  ² ²   
96  ²    
96  ²    
KM# 782 1/2 ASARPHI 96 ² ²    
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 96 ² ²    
96 ²      KM# 796 1/2 ASARPHI
96 ²      KM# 800 PAISA
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 $OXPLQXPSubject:%LUHQGUD&RURQDWLRQObv:&URZQ
96 ² ² ² ² ² ²
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 781 1/2 ASARPHI 96  ²    
KM# 800a PAISA
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 &RSSHU1LFNHOSubject:%LUHQGUD&RURQDWLRQObv:&URZQRev:
KM# 783 1/2 ASARPHI Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
96 ² ² ²   


Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 1012 PAISA
96 ²      $OXPLQXPObv:&URZQRev:9DOXH
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
96 ² ²    
96  ² ² ² ² ²
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
96 ² ²    
96 ² ²    
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 96 ² ²     Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
96 ² ²     96 ² ²     96  ²    
96 ² ²     96  ²    
96 PF63 96  ²    
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
96 PF63
96 ² ²    
96 PF63
96  ²    
96  ²    


KM# 802 5 PAISA
DERYHJUDLQVSULJ Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
96 ² ²    
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 96  ²    
96  ²     96  ²    

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1614 4/20/18 12:30 PM


Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2029 3,943 PF63 1.50 VS2030 5,670,000 — 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50
VS2030 12,320,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25 VS2030 8,891 PF63 0.70
VS2030 8,891 PF63 1.50 VS2031 11,000 PF63 0.70
VS2031 15,730,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25
VS2031 11,000 PF63 1.50
VS2032 19,747,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25
VS2033 29,619,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25
VS2034 27,222,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25
VS2035 27,613,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25 KM# 1014.2 10 PAISA
VS2036 — — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25 1.30 g., Aluminum, 21.5 mm. Obv: Crown Rev: Small ears of
VS2037 13,235,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25 grain
VS2038 15,137,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2039 8,971,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.75 1.25 VS2041 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
KM# 808 10 PAISA VS2042 Inc. above — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Aluminum Subject: Birendra Coronation Obv: Crown Rev:
VS2043 10,000 — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
VS2044 30,172,000 — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2045 4,140,000 — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
VS2031 192,000 — 0.10 0.20 0.35 0.45 VS2046 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
KM# 808a 10 PAISA VS2047 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Copper-Nickel Subject: Birendra Coronation Obv: Crown Rev: VS2048 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Dagger Àanked by garlands from above VS2049 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2050 — — — 0.10 0.20 0.30
KM# 803 5 PAISA VS2031 1,000 PF63 3.50
1.23 g., Aluminum, 21 mm. Series: F.A.O. Obv: Value Rev:
Irrigation dam
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2031 4,584,000 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.35

KM# 1014.3 10 PAISA

0.72 g., Aluminum, 17 mm. Obv: Crown Rev: Value, grain ears
KM# 809 10 PAISA Àank Edge: Plain Note: Reduced size.
Brass Series: F.A.O. International Women’s Year Obv: Busts
left Rev: Value within grain sprigs Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2051 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2052 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
VS2032 2,500,000 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.35
KM# 804 5 PAISA VS2053 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Aluminum Subject: Birendra Coronation Obv: Crown Rev: VS2054 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Dagger Àanked by garlands from above VS2055 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2056 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
VS2031 2,869,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 VS2057 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
KM# 804a 5 PAISA
Copper-Nickel Subject: Birendra Coronation Obv: Crown Rev:
Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 810 10 PAISA
VS2031 1,000 PF63 3.00 Brass Subject: Agricultural Developement Obv: Sheep’s head
right Rev: Value
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2033 10,000,000 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.35
KM# 813 20 PAISA
Brass Series: F.A.O. Obv: Trident within small circle at center
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2035 234,000 — 0.35 0.75 1.00 1.50

KM# 1013 5 PAISA

0.85 g., Aluminum, 18 mm. Obv: Crown Rev: Value
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2039 8,971,000 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
VS2040 6,430,000 — — 0.10 0.25 0.35
VS2041 9,634,000 — — 0.10 0.25 0.35
KM# 811 10 PAISA
Aluminum Series: International Year of the Child Obv: Trident
VS2042 58,000 — — 0.10 0.25 0.35
within small circle at center Rev: Symbol at center, rising sun
VS2043 2,937,000 — — 0.10 0.25 0.35
VS2044 3,126,000 — — 0.10 0.25 0.35
above KM# 814 20 PAISA
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Brass Series: International Year of the Child Obv: Trident within
VS2045 1,030,000 — — 0.10 0.25 0.35
VS2036 213,000 — 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.35 small center circle Rev: Emblem below rising sun
VS2046 — — — 0.10 0.25 0.35
VS2047 — — — 0.10 0.25 0.35 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2036 30,000 — 0.35 0.75 1.00 1.50

KM# 812 10 PAISA

KM# 806 10 PAISA Aluminum Subject: Education for Village Women Obv: Trident KM# 815 25 PAISA
Brass Obv: Trident with sun and moon Àanking above hills Rev: 3.00 g., Copper-Nickel Obv: Trident within small center circle
within small circle at center Rev: Open book
Ox left Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Note: Varieties
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 exist.
VS2036 Inc. above — 0.10 0.15 0.50 0.75
VS2028 Sets only 5,035 — — — 1.50 2.50 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Note: Mahendra Bir Bikram also struck a 10 Paisa VS2028, VS2028 5,691 — 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.35
see KM#765 VS2029 3,943 PF63 2.00
VS2030 8,676,000 — 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.75
VS2030 8,891 PF63 1.25
VS2031 1,172,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25
VS2031 11,000 PF63 1.50
VS2032 4,584,000 — 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.75
VS2033 1,837,000 — 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.75
VS2034 3,808,000 — 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.75
KM# 1014.1 10 PAISA VS2035 5,964,000 — 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.75
1.30 g., Aluminum, 21.5 mm. Obv: Crown Rev: Large ears of VS2036 — — 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.75
grain VS2037 2,047,000 — 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.75
KM# 807 10 PAISA
4.14 g., Brass, 21 mm. Obv: Trident with sun and moon Àanking Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2038 1,580,000 — 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.75
above hills Rev: Value with grain sprigs at sides of coin VS2039 796 — 7.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 VS2039 7,185,000 — 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.75
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2040 — — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
VS2029 3,297,000 — 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.50 VS2041 7,834,000 — — 0.10 0.30 0.40
VS2029 3,943 PF63 1.00 VS2042 99,000 — — 0.10 0.30 0.40

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1615 4/20/18 12:30 PM


Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63

VS2051 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2052 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2053 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2054 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2055 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2056 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2057 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
KM# 815a 25 PAISA KM# 821 50 PAISA
Aluminum, 19 mm. Obv: Trident within small center circle Rev:
5.00 g., Copper-Nickel, 23.5 mm. Obv: Trident within small KM# 824 50 PAISA
Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Edge: Reeded Copper-Nickel Series: International Year of Disabled Persons
center circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Obv: Trident within small center circle Rev: Emblem at center
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2030 (1973) — — — — — — Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2028 5,343 — 0.35 0.50 1.00 —
VS2029 347,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.90 1.45 VS2038 Inc. above — 0.50 0.75 1.25 1.75
VS2029 3,943 PF63 2.00
VS2030 998,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.90 1.45
VS2030 8,891 PF63 1.50
VS2031 16,000 — 0.35 0.50 1.00 1.50
VS2031 11,000 PF63 1.50
VS2032 227,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.90 1.45
Note: Dot in moon on reverse
KM# 816.1.1 25 PAISA VS2033 3,446,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25
2.93 g., Copper-Nickel, 18.8 mm. Subject: Birendra Coronation
VS2034 6,016,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25
Obv: Crown Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
VS2035 2,355,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2036 — — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25 KM# 1016 50 PAISA
VS2031 431,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25 VS2037 4,861,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25 3.00 g., Copper-Nickel, 20 mm. Subject: Family Planning Obv:
VS2038 929,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25 Logo above inscription Rev: Value
KM# 816.2.2 25 PAISA
2.93 g., Copper-Nickel, 18.8 mm. Subject: Birendra Coronation VS2039 2,954,000 — 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.25 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Obv: Crown Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above VS2041 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2031 1,000 PF63 4.00

KM# 821a 50 PAISA

5.09 g., Copper-Nickel, 20 mm. Obv: Trident within small center
KM# 817 25 PAISA circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above KM# 1018 50 PAISA
Brass Series: World Food Day Obv: Trident within small center Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Stainless Steel, 23.5 mm. Obv: Small trident in center Rev:
circle Rev: Corn ear at left, logo at right VS2039 Inc. above — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2040 72,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2038 2,000,000 — — 0.10 0.30 0.50 VS2041 5,917,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 VS2044 6,341,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2045 7,350,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
Note: Varieties with small and large Nepalese “5” exist
VS2046 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2049 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75

KM# 818 25 PAISA

Brass Series: International Year of Disabled Persons Obv:
Trident within small center circle Rev: Emblem at center KM# 822.1 50 PAISA
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Copper-Nickel Subject: Birendra Coronation Obv: Crown Rev:
VS2038 Inc. above — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Note: 1mm thick.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2031 136,000 — 0.50 0.75 1.25 1.75
KM# 1072 50 PAISA
KM# 822.2 50 PAISA 1.41 g., Aluminum, 22.5 mm. Obv: Royal crown Rev: Crown
Copper-Nickel Subject: Birendra Coronation Edge: Reeded Edge: Plain Note: Coins dated VS2051 exist in two minor
Note: 1.5mm thick. varieties being struck at Kathmandu (round edge) and
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Singapore (sharp edge).
VS2031 1,000 PF63 5.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2051 — — 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.65
VS2052 — — 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.65
VS2053 — — 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.65
VS2054 — — 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.65
KM# 1015.1 25 PAISA VS2055 — — 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.65
1.80 g., Aluminum, 24.5 mm. Obv: Crown Rev: Value Àanked
VS2056 — — 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.65
by grain ears
VS2057 — — 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.65
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2039 — — 4.00 6.00 8.00 12.00
VS2040 7,603,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2041 15,534,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 KM# 846 50 PAISA
VS2042 12,586,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 4.90 g., Copper-Nickel, 23.56 mm. Obv: Trident within small
VS2043 54,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 center circle Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
VS2044 13,633,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 Note: In the name of Queen Aishvarya Rajya Lakshmi
VS2045 13,046,000 — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2046 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 VS2031 — — — — 1.00 1.50
VS2047 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2048 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2049 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
VS2050 — — 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75
KM# 828.1 RUPEE
10.20 g., Copper-Nickel Obv: Trident within small center circle
Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2028 5,030 — 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.50
KM# 823 50 PAISA VS2029 22,000 — 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.50
Copper-Nickel Series: World Food Day Obv: Trident within VS2029 3,943 PF63 3.50
small center circle Rev: Corn ear at left, logo at right VS2030 5,667 — 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.50
KM# 1015.2 25 PAISA Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2030 8,891 PF63 2.50
1.50 g., Aluminum, 20 mm. Obv: Crown Rev: Value Àanked by VS2038 2,000,000 — 0.10 0.30 0.60 0.90 VS2031 11,000 PF63 2.00
grain ears Edge: Plain Note: Reduced size.

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KM# 1115 RUPEE

Brass, 20 mm. Subject: Visit Nepal ‘98 Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Moon and sun Àanking mountaintop
KM# 829.1 RUPEE KM# 1061 RUPEE Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Copper-Nickel Subject: Birendra Coronation Obv: Crown at 6.75 g., Stainless Steel Obv: Small trident in center Rev: VS2054 — — — — 1.00 1.50
center of ornamental frame Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
from above Note: 2 millimeters thick.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2045 ProoÀike — — 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50
VS2031 — — 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.75 VS2048 ProoÀike — — 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50
KM# 829.2 RUPEE Note: Varieties exist
Copper-Nickel Subject: Birendra Coronation Obv: Crown at VS2049 ProoÀike — — 0.25 0.50 1.25 2.00
center of ornamental frame Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands
from above Edge: Reeded Note: 2.5 millimeters thick.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 1139 RUPEE
VS2031 1,000 PF63 6.00 Brass, 20 mm. Subject: Gorkhapatra Centenary Obv:
Traditional design Rev: Inscription within wreath of ten people
reading newspapers Rev. Inscription: Gorkhapata 1958-
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2057 — — — — 1.00 1.50
KM# 1073 RUPEE
3.50 g., Brass Plated Steel, 22 mm. Obv: Small trident at center
Rev: Large legends Edge: Plain Note: Sharp and round edge
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2051 — — 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50
VS2052 — — 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50
Copper-Nickel Obv: Trident within small circle at center Rev:
Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Note: In the name of
Queen Aishvarya Rajya Lakshmi.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 KM# 832 2 RUPEES
VS2031 — — — — 150 180 Copper-Nickel Series: World Food Day Obv: Trident within
circle at center Rev: Corn ear at left, logo at right
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2038 1,000,000 — 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50
KM# 1073a RUPEE
4.08 g., Brass, 20 mm. Obv: Traditional design Rev: Small
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2052 — — — — 1.00 1.50
VS2053 — — — — 1.00 1.50
VS2054 — — — — 1.00 1.50
VS2055 — — — — 1.00 1.50
VS2056 — — — — 1.00 1.50
VS2057 — — — — 1.00 1.50
Copper-Nickel Series: F.A.O. International Women’s Year Obv:
Busts left Rev: Value above logo, grain ears Àank KM# 1025 2 RUPEES
Copper-Nickel Series: F.A.O. Obv: Traditional design Note:
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Size of obverse square varies. With or without dot in reverse
VS2032 1,500,000 — 0.25 0.50 1.25 2.00 sun.
KM# 828a RUPEE Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
7.50 g., Copper-Nickel, 27.5 mm. Note: Reduced weight. Coins VS2039 366,000 — 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50
dated VS2036 were struck at the Canberra Mint and have a very
shiny surface. High quality examples of VS2034 were struck
at Canberra Mint while dull surfaced examples were probably
struck at Kathmandu Mint. KM# 1092 RUPEE
Brass Plated Steel, 22 mm. Series: U.N. 50th Anniversary Obv:
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Traditional design Rev: UN logo and dates
VS2033 58,000 — 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.50
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2034 30,000,000 — 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50
VS2052 — — — — 1.75 2.75
VS2035 — — 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50
VS2036 30,000,000 — 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50
KM# 828.2 RUPEE
Copper-Nickel Note: Reduced size: 23mm. Like 821a.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
KM# 1020 2 RUPEES
Copper-Nickel Subject: Family Planning Obv: Emblem within
VS2039 (1982) — — 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50
decorative outlines Rev: Value
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2041 11,000 — 0.50 0.75 1.50 2.50

KM# 1019 RUPEE

Copper-Nickel Subject: Family Planning Obv: Logo at center
within design Rev: Value KM# 1074.1 2 RUPEES
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 4.96 g., Brass Plated Steel, 24.4 mm. Obv: Small trident at
VS2041 21,000 — — — 0.75 1.25 center Rev: Building above value Edge: Plain Note: Sharp and
KM# 1152 RUPEE round edge varieties exist.
28.16 g., 0.999 Copper-Nickel 0.9045 oz., 38.5 mm. Subject:
UN 50th Anniversary Obv: Traditional design Rev: UN 50 logo Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Edge: Reeded VS2051 — — 0.35 0.60 1.25 1.75
VS2052 — — 0.35 0.60 1.25 1.75
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2052 (1995) — — — — 3.00 5.00

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KM# 1074.2 2 RUPEES

Brass, 25 mm.
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2053 (1996) — — 0.35 0.60 1.25 1.75
VS2055 (1998) — — 0.35 0.60 1.25 1.75
VS2056 (1999) — — 0.35 0.60 1.25 1.75
VS2057 (2000) — — 0.35 0.60 1.25 1.75

KM# 1023 5 RUPEE

Copper-Nickel Subject: Year of Youth Obv: Value Rev:
Emblem below hills
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2042 1,124,000 — — — 2.50 4.00

KM# 1116 2 RUPEES

Brass, 25 mm. Subject: Visit Nepal ‘98 Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Moon and sun Àanking mountaintop
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2053 — — — — 1.25 1.75 KM# 1043 5 RUPEE
VS2054 — — — — 1.25 1.75 Copper, 38.7 mm. Subject: 3rd SAARC Summit Obv:
Traditional design Rev: Summit emblem
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2044 2,000 — — — 6.50 9.00

KM# 1047 5 RUPEE

Copper-Nickel Subject: Social Services Obv: Value Rev: Ox
left within small center circle
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2042 Inc. above — — — 3.50 6.00
KM# 833 5 RUPEE
Copper-Nickel Subject: Rural Women’s Advancement Obv:
Trident within small circle at center
KM# 1053 5 RUPEE
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Copper-Nickel Series: World Food Day Obv: Traditional design
VS2037 50,000 — 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00 Rev: Emblem above symbols
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2047 — — — — 4.00 7.00

KM# 1028 5 RUPEE

Copper-Nickel Series: World Food Day Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Fish left below logo
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2043 99,000 — — — 3.50 6.00
KM# 834 5 RUPEE
Copper-Nickel, 28.7-30.0 mm. Subject: National Bank Silver
Jubilee Obv: Trident within small circle at center Rev: Small KM# 1063 5 RUPEE
¿gurine of native god at center Note: Size varies. Copper-Nickel Subject: New Constitution Obv: Traditional
design Rev: Flags above open book
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2038 64,000 — 0.75 1.50 3.00 5.00 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2047 — — — — 3.25 6.00

KM# 1042 5 RUPEE

Copper-Nickel Subject: 15th World Buddhist Conference Obv:
Value Rev: Figure at center of globe within ornamented circle
Note: Two different obverse dies exist.
KM# 1009 5 RUPEE Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Copper-Nickel Obv: Traditional design Rev: Dagger Àanked by VS2043//1986 135,000 — — — 3.50 6.00 KM# 1062 5 RUPEE
garlands from above Note: Circulation coinage Copper-Nickel Subject: Parliament Session Obv: Traditional
design Rev: Outlined drawings symbolizing ¿gures of
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 parliament
VS2039 Inc. above — 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2040 478,000 — 0.30 0.50 1.00 1.50
VS2048 — — — — 3.00 5.00

KM# 1030 5 RUPEE

Copper-Nickel Subject: 10th Year of National Social Security
Administration Obv: Traditional design Rev: Emblem at center
KM# 1017 5 RUPEE KM# 1075.1 5 RUPEE
Copper-Nickel Subject: Family Planning Obv: Value Rev: Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 6.52 g., Brass Plated Steel, 27 mm. Obv: Traditional design
Logo above inscription VS2044 104,000 — — — 3.50 6.00 Rev: Temple Edge: Plain
VS2045 — — — — 3.50 6.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2041 458,000 — 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 VS2051 — — — — 1.50 2.00

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KM# 1075.2 5 RUPEE KM# 838 25 RUPEE

Brass, 25 mm. Edge: Reeded 25.60 g., 0.500 Silver 0.4115 oz. ASW Subject: Birendra
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 Coronation Obv: Crown Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from
VS2053 — — — — 1.50 2.00 above Edge: Reeded Note: 2mm thick.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2031 75,000 — — 12.00 17.00 22.00
KM# 838a 25 RUPEE
28.28 g., 0.925 Silver 0.841 oz. ASW Obv: Crown Rev: Dagger
Àanked by garlands from above Edge: Reeded Note: 3mm
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2031 2,000 PF63 45.00 PF65 55.00
KM# 1089 10 RUPEE
Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: 50th Anniversary - F.A.O. Logo
KM# 1117 5 RUPEE Obv: Traditional design Rev: Logo with grain ears Àanking
Copper, 25 mm. Subject: Visit Nepal ‘98 Obv: Traditional design Edge: Plain
Rev: Sun and moon Àanking mountaintop Edge: Reeded Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2052 — — — — 4.00 6.00
VS2054 — — — — 1.50 2.00

KM# 1118 10 RUPEE

Copper-Nickel, 25 mm. Subject: Visit Nepal ‘98 Obv:
Traditional design Rev: Moon and sun Àanking mountaintop
KM# 835 10 RUPEE Edge: Reeded
8.00 g., 0.250 Silver 0.0643 oz. ASW Series: F.A.O. Obv: Value Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
and dates Rev: Family scene VS2054 — — — — 3.00 5.00
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2031 39,000 — — 5.00 7.00 9.00

KM# 839 25 RUPEE

25.60 g., 0.500 Silver 0.4115 oz. ASW Series: Conservation
Obv: Bust of Birendra Bir Bikram right Rev: Himalayan Monal
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2031 11,000 — — 13.00 18.00 27.00

KM# 836 20 RUPEE

14.85 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2387 oz. ASW Series: F.A.O.
International Women’s Year Obv: Busts left Rev: Value within
grain sprigs
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
KM# 1004 10 RUPEE VS2032 50,000 — 8.00 12.00 15.00 17.00
Copper-Nickel, 40 mm. Subject: 30th Anniversary - Ascent of
Mt. Everest Obv: Traditional design Rev: Mount Everest
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2040 2,000 — — — 12.50 15.00

KM# 839a 25 RUPEE

28.28 g., 0.925 Silver 0.841 oz. ASW Obv: Bust of Birendra Bir
Bikram right Rev: Himalayan Monal Pheasant
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2031 11,000 PF63 40.00 PF65 42.00

KM# 837 20 RUPEE

14.85 g., 0.250 Silver 0.1194 oz. ASW Series: International
KM# 1076 10 RUPEE Year of the Child Obv: Trident within small circle at center Rev:
8.00 g., Brass Plated Steel, 29 mm. Obv: Traditional design Emblem below rising sun
Rev: Closed book Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 VS2036 — — 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
VS2051 — — — — 2.50 4.00 KM# 837a 20 RUPEE
15.00 g., 0.925 Silver 0.4461 oz. ASW Obv: Trident within small
circle at center Rev: Emblem below rising sun
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2036 1,000 PF65 35.00
KM# 1051 25 RUPEE
12.00 g., 0.250 Silver 0.0965 oz. ASW Obv: Crown Rev: Value
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2041 — — — — 12.00 15.00

KM# 1083 10 RUPEE

Copper-Nickel Subject: 75th Anniversary - International Labor
Organization Obv: Traditional design Rev: Logo above legend
Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
VS2051 — — — — 4.50 7.00

KM# 1048.1 25 RUPEE

12.00 g., 0.250 Silver 0.0965 oz. ASW Subject: 25th

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Anniversary of Panchayat Obv: Thin 25 Rev: Small rosette KM# 842 50 RUPEE
Note: Varieties exist with hollow or solid hand-like symbol below 25.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.4019 oz. ASW Subject: Education for
on obverse. Village Women Obv: Traditional design Rev: Open book
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2042 9,962,000 — — — 8.00 10.00 VS2036 15,000 — — — 14.00 17.00
KM# 1048.2 25 RUPEE KM# 842a 50 RUPEE
12.00 g., 0.250 Silver 0.0965 oz. ASW Subject: 25th 25.00 g., 0.925 Silver 0.7435 oz. ASW Obv: Traditional design
Anniversary of Panchayat Obv: Thick 25 Rev: Large rosette Rev: Open book
Note: Varieties exist with hollow or solid hand-like symbol below Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
on obverse. VS2036 1,000 PF63 55.00 PF65 65.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2042 (1985) Inc. above — — — 8.00 10.00 KM# A651 50 RUPEE
15.00 g., 0.400 Silver 0.1929 oz. ASW Series: International
Year of the Child Note: Similar to 100 Rupee, KM#851.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2038 — — — — — —
KM# 1127 50 RUPEE
Brass, 38.7 mm. Subject: Buddha Obv: Traditional square
design Rev: Buddha and four ¿gures Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2057 30,000 — — 6.00 10.00 12.50

KM# 1135 25 RUPEE

8.50 g., Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: Silver Jubilee of King’s
Accession Obv: Traditional design Rev: Crown on radiant
emblem Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2053 — — — — 3.50 5.00

KM# 843 50 RUPEE

14.90 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2395 oz. ASW Series: International
Year of Disabled Persons Obv: Traditional design Rev: KM# 1137 50 RUPEE
Emblem within grain ears Brass, 37.5 mm. Subject: St. Xavier’s Golden Jubilee Obv:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Traditional design Rev: Coat of arms Edge: Plain
VS2038 16,000 — — — 10.00 12.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2057 — — — 6.00 10.00 12.50
KM# 1165 100 RUPEE
KM# 1126 25 RUPEE 25.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.4019 oz. ASW, 36 mm. Obv: Crown
Copper-Nickel Subject: Silver Jubilee Obv: Traditional design in square design Rev: Garland draped above sword Edge:
Rev: Stylized face design Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2055 — — — — 3.50 5.00 VS2031 1,000 PF63 55.00 PF65 60.00

KM# 1046 50 RUPEE

15.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2411 oz. ASW Subject: 50th
Anniversary of Kathmandu Mint Obv: Trident within small center
circle Rev: Mint press
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2039 8,765 — — 12.00 14.00 18.00 KM# 850.1 100 RUPEE
KM# 841 50 RUPEE 25.49 g., 0.500 Silver 0.4098 oz. ASW Series: World Food Day
KM# 1119 50 RUPEE Obv: Traditional design Rev: Figure working in ¿eld
31.80 g., 0.500 Silver 0.5112 oz. ASW, 42 mm. Series: Bronze Obv: Traditional square in circle design Rev: Buddha’s
Conservation Obv: Bust right Rev: Red panda Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
portrait and Ashoka pillar Note: Lord Buddha; Similar to 1500
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2038 18,000 — — 15.00 18.00 22.00
Rupee, KM#1120.
VS2031 11,000 — — 15.00 22.00 32.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
KM# 841a 50 RUPEE VS2055 30,000 — — 6.00 10.00 12.50
35.00 g., 0.925 Silver 1.0409 oz. ASW, 42 mm. Obv: Bust right
Rev: Red panda
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2031 10,000 PF63 42.00 PF65 45.00

KM# 850.2 100 RUPEE

25.49 g., 0.925 Silver 0.7581 oz. ASW Series: World Food Day
KM# 1136 50 RUPEE Obv: Traditional design Rev: Figure working in ¿eld Note:
Brass, 37.5 mm. Subject: 50th Anniversary - Radio Nepal Obv: Obverse and reverse are different.
Traditional design Rev: Stylized design Edge: Plain Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2038 — PF63 60.00 PF65 80.00
VS2056 — — — 6.00 10.00 12.50

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KM# 1010 250 RUPEE

28.28 g., 0.925 Silver 0.841 oz. ASW Subject: Year of the
Scout Obv: Traditional design Rev: Boy and girl scouts planting
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2039 10,000 — — — 35.00 40.00
VS2039 Inc. above PF65 55.00

KM# 1103 100 RUPEE

Copper-Nickel Series: Nepal Wildlife Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Multicolor Great Indian rhino
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
KM# 851 100 RUPEE VS2054-1998 25,000 — — — 16.00 22.00
19.44 g., 0.500 Silver 0.3125 oz. ASW Series: International
Year of the Child Obv: Crowned bust right Rev: Children ¿lling
water jug
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2031(1974) 9,270 PF63 20.00 PF65 25.00 KM# 1026 250 RUPEE
Note: Struck in 1981 19.44 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5781 oz. ASW Series: Wildlife
Preservation Obv: Traditional design Rev: Musk deer
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2043 20,000 PF63 25.00 PF65 30.00

KM# 1141 100 RUPEE

12.50 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2009 oz. ASW Series: International
Year of Older Persons Obv: Traditional design Rev: Emblem
and inscription
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2056 — — — 6.00 10.00 12.00

KM# 1049 250 RUPEE

19.44 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5781 oz. ASW Subject: Silver Jubilee
of Nepal Red Cross Society Obv: Traditional design Rev:
KM# 1005 100 RUPEE Emblem at center
31.10 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9249 oz. ASW, 38.6 mm. Subject: 30th Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Anniversary Ascent of Mt. Everest Obv: Trident within small VS2045 6,360 — — 15.00 25.00 30.00
circle at center Rev: Mount Everest
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1031 200 RUPEE
VS2040 1,500 PF63 65.00 PF65 75.00 15.00 g., 0.600 Silver 0.2894 oz. ASW Subject: 10th
Anniversary of National Social Security Administration Obv:
Traditional design Rev: Emblem at center within small circle
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2044 4,145 — — 15.00 25.00 30.00

KM# 1052 250 RUPEE

19.44 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5781 oz. ASW Subject: 25th
Anniversary of Nepalese Power Company Obv: Traditional
KM# 1024 100 RUPEE
design Rev: Rising sun back of hills
15.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2411 oz. ASW Subject: Year of Youth
Obv: Value Rev: Emblem below hills Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2046 — — — 15.00 25.00 30.00
VS2042 8,199 — — 7.50 12.00 15.00

KM# 1007 250 RUPEE

28.28 g., 0.925 Silver 0.841 oz. ASW Subject: 10th Anniversary
of Reign Obv: Conjoined busts left Rev: Value
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2038 10,000 PF63 35.00 PF65 45.00

KM# 1055 250 RUPEE

KM# 1114 100 RUPEE 19.44 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5781 oz. ASW Series: Save the
12.04 g., 0.600 Silver 0.2323 oz. ASW Series: 50th Children Obv: Traditional design Rev: Children dancing
Anniversary - F.A.O. Obv: Traditional design Rev: Logo at
center, grain ears Àank Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2047 20,000 PF63 18.00 PF65 22.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2052 — — — 8.50 14.00 18.00 KM# 1134.1 250 RUPEE
18.10 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5383 oz. ASW, 36 mm. Subject: Silver
KM# 1102 100 RUPEE Jubilee - Nepal Disabled Association Note: Large ¿gures, large
Copper-Nickel Series: Nepal Wildlife Rev: Multicolor tiger inscriptions.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2054 25,000 — — — 16.00 22.00 VS2052(1995) — PF63 20.00 PF65 25.00

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KM# 1134.2 250 RUPEE KM# 1065 300 RUPEE KM# 1166 500 RUPEE
17.70 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2845 oz. ASW, 36 mm. Subject: Nepal 18.32 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5447 oz. ASW Subject: Parliament 31.10 g., 0.999 Silver 0.9989 oz. ASW, 38.7 mm. Obv:
Disabled Association Obv: Traditional square design Rev: Session Obv: Traditional design Rev: Outlined ¿gures Traditional design Rev: Ceremonial vase
Human ¿gures Logo and value Edge: Reeded Note: Small symbolizing members of parliament Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
¿gures, small inscriptions Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2046(1989) 5,000 — — — 40.00 45.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2048 — — — 12.00 22.00 30.00
VS2052(1995) — — — 12.00 22.00 30.00
KM# 1134.3 250 RUPEE
17.70 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2845 oz. ASW, 36 mm. Subject: Nepal
Disabled Association Obv: Traditional square design with small
inscriptions Rev: Human ¿gures logo and value Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2052(1995) — — — 12.00 22.00 30.00

KM# 1068 300 RUPEE

17.81 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5297 oz. ASW Obv: Traditional design KM# 1058 500 RUPEE
Rev: Figure between hands holding grains, hills in background 31.47 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9359 oz. ASW Subject: 1992 Olympic
games - Barcelona Obv: Traditional design Rev: Boxers
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2049 — — — 12.00 22.00 30.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2049 Est. 40000 PF63 25.00 PF65 32.00
KM# 1069 500 RUPEE
KM# 1029 300 RUPEE 31.47 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9359 oz. ASW Subject: XV World
25.29 g., 0.500 Silver 0.4065 oz. ASW Subject: First Scout Soccor Championship - USA Rev: Soccer goal being scored
Jamboree in Nepal Obv: Traditional design Rev: Emblems Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
within temple outline, hills in background VS2049 20,000 PF63 27.00 PF65 35.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2043 6,967 — — — 25.00 32.00

KM# 1094 300 RUPEE

18.13 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5392 oz. ASW Subject: Rastriya
Beema Sansthan Silver Jubilee Obv: Traditional design Rev:
Eyes below design
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2049 — — — 12.00 22.00 30.00
KM# 1142 300 RUPEE
18.00 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5353 oz. ASW Subject: 75th KM# 1071 500 RUPEE
Anniversary of I.L.O. 31.83 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9466 oz. ASW Series: 1992 Olympics -
KM# 1044 300 RUPEE Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Ski Jumping Obv: Traditional design Rev: Ski jumper
25.00 g., 0.925 Silver 0.7435 oz. ASW Subject: 3rd SAARC VS2051 — — — 12.00 22.00 30.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Summit Obv: Traditional design Rev: Summit emblem VS2049 Est. 40000 PF63 25.00 PF65 32.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2044 5,000 — — 20.00 30.00 35.00

KM# 1032 350 RUPEE

23.30 g., 0.500 Silver 0.3746 oz. ASW Subject: Crown Prince,
Sacred Thread Ceremony Obv: Traditional design
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1090 500 RUPEE
KM# 1057 300 RUPEE VS2044 5,217 — — — 25.00 32.00 31.47 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9359 oz. ASW Series: Endangered
18.05 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5368 oz. ASW Obv: Traditional design Wildlife Obv: Traditional design Rev: Red Panda
Rev: Rastriya Banijya Bank logo Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2049 Est. 15000 PF63 27.00 PF65 35.00
VS2047 — — — 12.00 22.00 30.00
KM# 1064 300 RUPEE
18.32 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5447 oz. ASW Subject: New
Constitution Obv: Traditional design Rev: Flags above open
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2047 — — — 12.00 22.00 30.00

KM# 1066 500 RUPEE

31.75 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9442 oz. ASW Series: 1994 Olympics
KM# 1035 500 RUPEE Obv: Traditional design Rev: Cross-country skiing
35.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.5626 oz. ASW Subject: 50th
Anniversary of National Bank Obv: Traditional design Rev: Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Figure at center of designed globe VS2050 40,000 PF63 22.00 PF65 30.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2044 19,000 — — — 35.00 40.00

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KM# 1077 500 RUPEE

31.10 g., 0.925 Silver 0.925 oz. ASW Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Buddha
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2052 15,000 PF63 25.00 PF65 30.00

KM# 844 1000 RUPEE

33.44 g., 0.900 Gold 0.9675 oz. AGW Series: Conservation
KM# 1070 500 RUPEE Obv: Crowned bust right Rev: Great Indian Rhinoceros Note:
31.47 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9359 oz. ASW Series: Endangered Very small quantity restruck in 1979.
Wildlife Obv: Traditional design Rev: Himalayan Black Bear Date Mintage XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 MS66
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2031 2,176 — — — 1,750 1,950
VS2050 10,000 PF63 27.00 PF65 35.00 VS2031 671 PF65 1,850 PF67 2,250 PF69 2,750
KM# 1000 1000 RUPEE
33.44 g., 0.900 Gold 0.9675 oz. AGW Subject: Rural Women’s
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2038 500 PF65 1,900

KM# 1125 500 RUPEE

31.35 g., 0.999 Silver 1.0069 oz. ASW Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Gold-plated lotus Àowers
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2052 — PF63 27.00 PF65 35.00

KM# 1084 500 RUPEE

28.28 g., 0.925 Silver 0.841 oz. ASW, 38.6 mm. Subject: 40th
Anniversary - Conquest of Mt. Everest Obv: King’s name above
Nepelese calendar date surrounded by religious and cultural
emblems Rev: Route taken by Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa
Norgay Tensing’s ascent in 1953 to the summit of the highest
mountain in the world
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2050 Est. 10000 PF63 25.00 PF65 32.00
KM# 1091 500 RUPEE
31.47 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9359 oz. ASW Series: Endangered
Wildlife Rev: Tiger
KM# 1138 500 RUPEE KM# 1036 1000 RUPEE
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 19.44 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5781 oz. ASW, 36 mm. Series: UNICEF 155.52 g., 0.999 Silver 4.9949 oz. ASW, 65 mm. Obv: Traditional
VS2050 Est. 15000 PF63 45.00 PF65 55.00 Obv: Traditional design Rev: Standing girl serving seated boy design Rev: Snow Leopard Note: Illustration reduced.
Edge: Reeded Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2045 — PF63 150 PF65 175 PF67 200
VS2054(1997) 25,000 PF63 22.00 PF65 28.00

KM# 1133 500 RUPEE

35.20 g., 0.900 Silver 1.0185 oz. ASW Subject: International
Monetary Fund Obv: Traditional design Rev: Conjoined globes
within rectangle above banner
KM# 1143 500 RUPEE
25.20 g., 0.925 Silver 0.7494 oz. ASW Subject: 50th KM# 1169 1000 RUPEE
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights Obv: 40.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.643 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Obv: Traditional
VS2051 — — — 20.00 28.00 35.00 Traditional design Rev: Logo above inscription square calendar with trident in circle at center Rev: Living
Goddess Kumari Edge: Reeded
KM# 1192 500 RUPEE Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
35.00 g., 0.825 Silver 0.9284 oz. ASW Subject: 50th VS2055 — — — — 22.00 28.00
VS2057(2000) — — — — 35.00 45.00
Anniversary World Bank Obv: Traditional design Rev: World
Bank globe logo
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2051(1994) — — — 25.00 35.00 40.00

KM# 1041 600 RUPEE

31.10 g., 0.999 Silver 0.999 oz. ASW Subject: 60th Birthday - KM# 1095 1500 RUPEE
Queen Mother Obv: Traditional design Rev: Bust left 31.10 g., 0.925 Silver 0.925 oz. ASW Subject: Buddha’s Birth
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Obv: Traditional square in circle design Rev: Figure standing in
VS2045 5,000 PF63 35.00 PF65 45.00 center, cameo at right, small ¿gure at left
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2054 15,000 PF63 25.00 PF65 35.00

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Fractional designations are approximate for this series.
Actual Gold Weight (AGW) is used to identify each type.
1.24 g., 0.999 Gold 0.0398 oz. AGW, 13.92 mm. Obv: Arms
Rev: Budda seated
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
1999 — PF65 75.00
KM# 1167 1/3 ASARFI
11.65 g., 0.900 Gold 0.3371 oz. AGW, 28.5 mm. Obv:
Traditional design Rev: Ceremonial Vase Note: The Prince’s
Coming of Age
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2046(1989) 1,000 — — — 550 600
KM# 1120 1500 RUPEE KM# 1105 2000 RUPEE
20.00 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5948 oz. ASW Subject: Lord Buddha KM# 1050a 0.3G ASARPHI
31.17 g., 0.999 Silver 1.0011 oz. ASW Series: Nepal Wildlife
Obv: Traditional square in circle design Rev: Portrait of 0.25 g., 0.999 Gold 0.008 oz. AGW
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Multicolor elephants
Buddha, Ashoka pillar, portrait halo glows under ultraviolet light Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2051 — — — — — 40.00
VS2054-1998 8,000 PF65 40.00
VS2055 15,000 PF63 25.00 PF65 35.00 VS2052 — — — — — 40.00
KM# 1121 2000 RUPEE VS2053 — — — — — 35.00
KM# 1168 1500 RUPEE 20.00 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5948 oz. ASW with Gold inlay. Obv: VS2054 — — — — — 35.00
0.999 Silver, 38 mm. Obv: Traditional square design Rev: Tiger Traditional square in circle design Rev: Buddha’s portrait with VS2055 — — — — — 35.00
in tall grass Edge: Reeded gold insert halo, Ashoka pillar at right Note: Lord Buddha; VS2056 — — — — — 35.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Similar to 1500 Rupee, KM#1120. VS2057 — — — — — 35.00
VS2054-1998 — — — — 30.00 40.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2055 5,000 PF65 85.00

KM# 1129 0.3G ASARPHI

0.30 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.0096 oz. AGW, 7 mm. Subject: Buddha
Obv: Traditional square design Rev: Buddha with halo Edge:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2057 25,000 — — — — 25.00
KM# 825 5.0G ASARPHI
5.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.1606 oz. AGW
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2028 4 — — — — —
VS2030 — — — — — 300
VS2031 — — — — — 300
VS2036 36 — — — — 300
KM# 1128 1500 RUPEE
20.00 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5948 oz. ASW, 38.7 mm. Subject: VS2037 45 — — — — 300
Buddha Obv: Traditional square design Rev: Buddha with Note: Reports indicate a mintage of 44 pieces struck in
golden aura Edge: Reeded .960 gold in 1980
VS2038 — — — — — 300
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
2000 15,000 PF65 50.00

KM# 1085 2500 RUPEE

155.51 g., 0.999 Silver 4.9948 oz. ASW Subject: Conquest of
Mt. Everest Obv: Traditional design Rev: Busts facing in front
of Mount Everest Note: Illustration reduced.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2050 Est. 3000 PF63 140 PF65 170
KM# 1078 2500 RUPEE
155.51 g., 0.999 Silver 4.9948 oz. ASW Obv: Traditional design KM# 822a 5.0G ASARPHI
Rev: Buddha Note: Similar to 500 Rupee, KM#1077. 5.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.1606 oz. AGW Subject: Birendra
Coronation Obv: Crown at center Rev: Dagger Àanked by
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
garlands from above
VS2052 3,000 PF63 150 PF65 180
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2031 500 — — — — 300

KM# 1100 2000 RUPEE

31.24 g., 0.999 Silver 1.0034 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Subject: Silver
Jubilee of King’s Accession Obv: Traditional design Rev:
Multicolor crown
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2053 Est. 5000 PF65 35.00
KM# 1021 5.0G ASARPHI
5.00 g., 0.900 Gold 0.1447 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2039 23 — — — — 275

KM# 1101 5000 RUPEE

155.50 g., 0.999 Silver 4.9944 oz. ASW, 65 mm. Subject:
Silver Jubilee of King’s Accession Obv: Traditional design Rev:
Multicolor crown
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1021a 5.0G ASARPHI
VS2053 — PF65 200 5.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.1606 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
KM# 1104 2000 RUPEE Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
KM# 1106 5000 RUPEE
31.17 g., 0.999 Silver 1.0011 oz. ASW Series: Nepal Wildlife 155.55 g., 0.999 Silver 4.9961 oz. ASW Series: Nepal Wildlife
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Multicolored leopard Rev: Multicolor elephants Note: Similar to 2000 Rupee, VS2042 — — — — — 300
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM#1105. VS2043 — — — — — 300
VS2054-1998 8,000 PF65 40.00 VS2044 — — — — — 300
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2045 — — — — — 375
VS2054 500 PF65 250
VS2046 — — — — — 375
VS2048 — — — — — 285
VS2049 — — — — — 285
VS2050 — — — — — 375

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1624 4/20/18 12:30 PM


Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Obv: Traditional square design Rev: Buddha with halo Edge:
VS2051 — — — — — 375 Reeded
VS2052 — — — — — 375 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2053 — — — — — 375 VS2057 30,000 — — — — 75.00
VS2054 — — — — — 375
KM# 1033 1/20-OZ. ASARFI
VS2056 — — — — — 375 5.83 g., 0.960 Gold 0.1799 oz. AGW Subject: Crown Prince,
KM# 1060 5.0G ASARPHI Sacred Thread Ceremony Obv: Traditional design
5.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.1606 oz. AGW Subject: The New Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Constitution Obv: Traditional design Rev: Flags above open VS2044 2,774 — — — — 325
book Note: Similar to 10 Asarphi, KM#1054.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1079 1/20-OZ. ASARFI
VS2047 — — — — — 300 1.55 g., 0.999 Gold 0.0499 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
KM# 1006 10.0G ASARPHI Rev: Buddha Note: Similar to 1-oz. Asar¿, KM#1082.
KM# 1144 5.0G ASARPHI 10.00 g., 0.500 Gold 0.1608 oz. AGW Subject: 30th Anniversary Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
5.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.1606 oz. AGW Subject: New Parliament Ascent of Mt. Everest Obv: Trident within small circle at center VS2052 15,000 — — — — 85.00
Session Rev: Mount Everest
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1096 1/20-OZ. ASARFI
VS2048 — — — — — 300 VS2040 350 PF65 325 PF67 400 1.55 g., 0.999 Gold 0.0499 oz. AGW Subject: Buddha’s
Birth Obv: Traditional design Rev: Standing ¿gure at center,
KM# 1022a 10.0G ASARPHI cameo at right, small ¿gure at left Note: Similar to 1500 Rupee,
10.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.3212 oz. AGW KM#1095.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2042 — — — — — 575 VS2054 15,000 — — — — 85.00
VS2046 — — — — — 575
VS2048 — — — — — 575 KM# 1107 1/20-OZ. ASARFI
1.56 g., 0.999 Gold 0.050 oz. AGW Series: Nepal Wildlife Obv:
VS2049 — — — — — 575
Traditional design Rev: Multicolor leopard Note: Similar to
VS2050 — — — — — 575
2000 Rupees, KM#1104.
VS2052 — — — — — 575
VS2054 — — — — — 575 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2056 — — — — — 575 VS2054 15,000 PF65 95.00
KM# 827 10.0G ASARPHI KM# 1108 1/20-OZ. ASARFI
10.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.3212 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design 1.56 g., 0.999 Gold 0.050 oz. AGW Series: Nepal Wildlife Obv:
Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above Traditional design Rev: Multicolor tiger Note: Similar to 100
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Rupees, KM#1102.
VS2028 Est. 4 — — — — — Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2030 50 — — — — 575 VS2054 15,000 PF65 95.00
VS2031 — — — — — 575
VS2033 — — — — — 575 KM# 1050 1/10-OZ. ASARFI
VS2035 — — — — — 575 2.50 g., 0.900 Gold 0.0723 oz. AGW
VS2036 52 — — — — 575 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2037 30 — — — — 575 VS2039 11 — — — — 200
Note: Reports indicate a mintage of 44 pieces struck in
KM# 1037 1/10-OZ. ASARFI
.960 gold in 1980 3.11 g., 0.999 Gold 0.0999 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
VS2038 — — — — — 575 KM# 1034 10.0G ASARPHI Rev: Snow leopard Note: Similar to 1-oz. Asarphi, KM#1040.
10.00 g., Gold Subject: Crown Prince, Sacred Thread
Ceremony Obv: Traditional design Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2045 2,000 PF65 185
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2045 Est. 10000 — — — — 175
VS2044 1,962 — — — — 575
KM# 1080 1/10-OZ. ASARFI
3.11 g., 0.999 Gold 0.0999 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Buddha Note: Similar to 1-oz. Asarphi, KM#1082.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2052 15,000 — — — — 175
KM# 1097 1/10-OZ. ASARFI
3.11 g., 0.999 Gold 0.0999 oz. AGW Subject: Buddha’s Birth
KM# 829a 10.0G ASARPHI Obv: Traditional design Rev: Standing ¿gure at center, cameo
10.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.3212 oz. AGW Subject: Birendra at right, small ¿gure at left Note: Similar to 1500 Rupee,
Coronation Obv: Crown Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from KM#1095.
above Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2054 15,000 — — — — 175
VS2031 Est. 500 PF65 475 PF67 575 KM# 1054 10.0G ASARPHI KM# 1109 1/10-OZ. ASARFI
10.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.3212 oz. AGW Subject: The New
KM# 829b 10.0G ASARPHI 3.11 g., 0.999 Gold 0.0999 oz. AGW Series: Nepal Wildlife
Constitution Obv: Traditional design Rev: Flags above open
10.00 g., 0.500 White Gold 0.1608 oz. Obv: Traditional design Rev: Multicolor leopard Note: Similar
to 2000 Rupees, KM#1104.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2031 Est. 250 PF65 375 PF67 475 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2047 — — — — — 575
Note: Sometimes referred to as 1000 Rupees VS2054 10,000 PF65 175
KM# 1145 10.0G ASARPHI KM# 1123 1/10-OZ. ASARFI
10.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.3212 oz. AGW Subject: 50th Anniversary
3.11 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.100 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional square in
International Monetary Fund
circle design Rev: Buddha’s portrait and Ashoka pillar Note:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Lord Buddha; Similar to Asar¿ KM#1124.
VS2051 — — — — — 575
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
KM# 1146 10.0G ASARPHI VS2055 15,000 PF65 175
10.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.3212 oz. AGW Subject: 50th Anniversary
World Bank
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2051 — — — — — 575
KM# 1147 10.0G ASARPHI
KM# 852 10.0G ASARPHI 10.00 g., 0.999 Gold 0.3212 oz. AGW Subject: Queen
11.66 g., 0.900 Gold 0.3374 oz. AGW Series: International
Aishwariya Golden Anniversary
Year of the Child Obv: Crowned bust right Rev: Child reading,
emblems Àank Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1131 1/10-OZ. ASARFI
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2056 — — — — — 575 3.11 g., 0.999 Gold 0.0999 oz. AGW, 18 mm. Subject: Buddha
VS2038 4,055 PF65 475 PF67 550 KM# 1122 1/25-OZ. ASARFI Obv: Traditional square design Rev: Buddha with halo Edge:
Note: Struck in 1981 1.24 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.040 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional square Reeded
in circle design Rev: Buddha’s portrait and Ashoka pillar Note: Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Lord Buddha; Similar to Asar¿ KM#1124. VS2057 30,000 — — — — 180
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2055 30,000 PF65 75.00

KM# 1022 10.0G ASARPHI KM# 819 1/4-OZ. ASARFI

10.00 g., 0.900 Gold 0.2894 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above 2.50 g., 0.999 Gold 0.0803 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1130 1/25-OZ. ASARFI
VS2039 25 — — — — 525 1.24 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.040 oz. AGW, 18 mm. Subject: Buddha

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1625 4/20/18 12:30 PM


Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1112 1/4-OZ. ASARFI
VS2028 4 — — — — — 7.78 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2498 oz. AGW Series: Nepal Wildlife
VS2030 — — — — — 170 Obv: Traditional design Rev: Multicolor rhinoceros Note:
VS2031 — — — — — 170 Similar to 100 Rupees, KM#1103.
VS2036 — — — — — 170 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2037 48 — — — — 170 VS2054 2,000 PF65 475
KM# 1113 1/4-OZ. ASARFI
7.78 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2498 oz. AGW Series: Nepal Wildlife
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Multicolor leopard Note: Similar
to 100 Rupees, KM#1104.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2054 2,000 PF65 475 KM# 1027 1-OZ. ASARFI
11.66 g., 0.900 Gold 0.3374 oz. AGW Series: Wildlife Protection
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Ganges River Dolphins
KM# 816a 1/4-OZ. ASARFI Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
7.77 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2496 oz. AGW Subject: Birendra VS2043 5,000 PF65 600 PF67 700
Coronation Obv: Crown Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2031 500 — — — — 475
KM# 1038 1/4-OZ. ASARFI
7.77 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2496 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Snow leopard Note: Similar to 1-oz. Asarphi, KM#1040,
Bullion Series. KM# 1008 1/2-OZ. ASARFI
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 15.98 g., 0.900 Gold 0.4624 oz. AGW Subject: 10th Anniversary
VS2045 8,000 — — — — 450 of Reign Rev: Dagger Àanked by garlands from above
VS2045 — PF65 475 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2038 27 — — — — 875
VS2038 5,092 PF65 825
KM# 1040 1-OZ. ASARFI
31.10 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.9998 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Snow leopard
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2045 Est. 10000 — — — — 1,650
VS2045 2,000 PF63 1,600 PF65 1,750

KM# 1056 1/4-OZ. ASARFI

11.66 g., 0.900 Gold 0.3374 oz. AGW Series: Save the Children KM# 1011 1/2-OZ. ASARFI
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Older and younger children 15.98 g., 0.917 Gold 0.4711 oz. AGW Series: Year of the Scout
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Obv: Traditional design Rev: Girl scout ¿lling water jug
VS2047 3,000 PF65 575 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
KM# 1059 1/4-OZ. ASARFI VS2039 2,000 — — — — 850
7.77 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2496 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design KM# 1045 1/2-OZ. ASARFI
Rev: Flags above open book Note: Similar to 1-oz. Asarphi, 15.00 g., 0.900 Gold 0.434 oz. AGW Subject: 3rd SAARC
KM#1054. Summit Obv: Traditional design Rev: Summit emblem Note: KM# 1082 1-OZ. ASARFI
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Similar to 300 Rupees, KM#1044. 31.10 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.9999 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
VS2047 — — — — — 475 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Rev: Buddha
KM# 1081 1/4-OZ. ASARFI VS2044 1,000 — — — — 775 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
7.78 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2498 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design KM# 1039 1/2-OZ. ASARFI VS2052 2,500 PF65 1,800
Rev: Buddha Note: Similar to 1-oz. Asarphi, KM#1082. 15.55 g., 0.999 Gold 0.4994 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional design
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Rev: Snow leopard Note: Similar to 1-oz. Asarphi, KM#1040.
VS2052 15,000 — — — — 450 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2045 Est. 8000 — — — — 875
VS2045 — PF65 900

KM# 1099 1-OZ. ASARFI

31.10 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.9999 oz. AGW Subject: Buddha’s Birth
KM# 1093 1/4-OZ. ASARFI Obv: Traditional square in circle design Rev: Standing ¿gure at
7.78 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2498 oz. AGW Series: Olympics Obv: center, cameo at right, small ¿gure at left
Traditional design Rev: Runner and temple KM# 1124 1/2-OZ. ASARFI Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 15.55 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.500 oz. AGW Obv: Traditional square in VS2054 2,500 PF65 1,750
VS2052 Est. 3000 — — — — 475 circle design Rev: Lord Buddha, Ashoka pillar
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
KM# 1098 1/4-OZ. ASARFI
VS2055 2,500 PF65 900
7.78 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2498 oz. AGW Subject: Buddha’s Birth
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Standing ¿gure at center, cameo
at right, small ¿gure at left Note: Similar to 1500 Rupees,
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2054 15,000 — — — — 450
KM# 1110 1/4-OZ. ASARFI
7.78 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2498 oz. AGW Series: Nepal Wildlife
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Multicolor elephants Note:
Similar to 2000 Rupees, KM#1105.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2054 2,000 PF65 475 KM# 1132 1/2-OZ. ASARFI
KM# 1111 1/4-OZ. ASARFI 15.55 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.500 oz. AGW, 27 mm. Subject: Buddha
7.78 g., 0.999 Gold 0.2498 oz. AGW Series: Nepal Wildlife Obv: Traditional square design Rev: Buddha with halo Edge: KM# 1086 1-1/2 OZ. ASARFI
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Multicolor tiger Note: Similar to Reeded 44.64 g., 0.9167 Gold 1.3157 oz. AGW Subject: Conquest of
100 Rupees, KM#1102. Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Mt. Everest Obv: Traditional design Rev: Mount Everest
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2057 — PF65 900 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2054 2,000 PF65 475 VS2050 Est. 100 PF65 2,250

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1626 4/20/18 12:30 PM


Including off metal strikes
KM# Date Mintage Identification Mkt Val
Pn3 VS1975 (1918) — 5 Paisa. Copper. KM#690.1. —
KM# 109.2 1/2 CENT
1.25 g., Bronze, 14 mm. Ruler: Wilhelmina I Obv: Crowned
PIEDFORT rampant lion left on ¿eld of 17 small shields all within
beaded circle, date below Obv. Legend: KONINGRIJK DER
KM# Date Mintage Identification Mkt Val NEDERLANDEN Rev: Crowned rampant lion left on ¿eld of 17
P1 VS2038 (1981) 88 100 Rupee. Silver. KM#851. 900 small shields all within beaded circle, date below Edge: Reeded
P2 VS2039 (1982) 48 Asarphi. 2,250 Note: Privy mark: Halberd
VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
7.00 12.00 30.00 45.00
KM# Date Mintage Identification Issue Mkt Val
MS1 1932 (0) — Set makeup requires — — The Kingdom of the Netherlands, a country of western
con¿rmation Europe fronting on the North Sea and bordered by Belgium and
MS2 1949 (1) — KM#716, 718, 723 — 8.00 Germany, has an area of 15,770 sq. mi. (41,500 sq. km.) and a
(restrikes) population of 16.4 million. Capital: Amsterdam, but the seat of
MS3 1953 (8) — KM#733, 735-740, — 160 government is at The Hague. The economy is based on dairy
742 farming and a variety of industrial activities. Chemicals, yarns KM# 133 1/2 CENT
MSA4 1953 (7) — KM#745.1, 750.1, — 14.00 and fabrics, and meat products are exported. 1.25 g., Bronze, 14 mm. Ruler: Wilhelmina I Obv: Crowned
756.3, 761, 770, 776, After being a part of Charlemagne’s empire in the 8th and arms with 15 small shields within beaded circle Obv. Legend:
790 Coronation 9th centuries, the Netherlands came under control of Burgundy KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN Rev: Value within wreath
MS4 1955 (3) — KM#712 (2000); 733; 0.85 7.00 and the Austrian Hapsburgs, and finally was subjected to Edge: Reeded
749 (2012) Spanish dominion in the 16th century. Led by William of Orange, Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
MS5 1956 (7) — KM#745.1, 750.1, — 75.00 the Dutch revolted against Spain in 1568. The seven northern 1903 10,000,000 1.00 2.00 4.00 15.00 30.00
756.2, 761, 770, 776, provinces formed the Union of Utrecht and declared their 1906 10,000,000 1.00 2.00 4.00 15.00 30.00
790 independence in 1581, becoming the Republic of the United
MS6 1956 (7) — KM#745.1, 750.1, — 15.00 Netherlands. In the following century, the Golden Age of Dutch
756.3, 761, 770, 776, history, the Netherlands became a great sea and colonial
790 (restrikes) power, a patron of the arts and a refuge for the persecuted. The
MS7 1957 (4) — KM#740 (2011), 742, 2.00 95.00 United Dutch Republic ended in 1795 when the French formed
738 (2010), 769 (2014) the Batavian Republic. Napoleon made his brother Louis, the
MS8 1957 (2) — KM#709.1 (1996), 755 0.85 30.00 King of Holland in 1806, however he abdicated in 1810 when
(2014), 760 (2011); 2 Napoleon annexed Holland. The French were expelled in 1813, KM# 138 1/2 CENT
pieces each and all the provinces of Holland and Belgium were merged 1.25 g., Bronze, 14 mm. Ruler: Wilhelmina I Obv: Crowned
MS9 1964 (7) — KM#747, 752, 758, — 12.00 into the Kingdom of the United Netherlands under William I, in arms with 15 large shields within beaded circle, date and legend
763, 772, 778, 785 1814. The Belgians withdrew in 1830 to form their own kingdom, Rev: Value within wreath Edge: Reeded
MS10 1964 (7) — KM#747, 752, 758a, — 50.00 the last substantial change in the configuration of European Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
764, 772, 778, 785 Netherlands. German forces invaded in 1940 as the royal family 1909 5,000,000 1.00 2.00 3.00 12.00 25.00
MS11 1965 (7) — KM#747, 752 (2022), 2.75 12.50 fled to England where a government-in-exile was formed. 1911 5,000,000 1.00 2.00 3.00 12.00 25.00
758, 763, 772, 778, 786 1912 5,000,000 1.00 2.00 3.00 12.00 25.00
WORLD WAR II COINAGE 1914 5,000,000 1.00 2.00 3.00 12.00 25.00
U.S. mints in the name of the government in exile and its
MS12 1966 (7) — KM#748, 753, 759, — 8.00 1915 2,500,000 5.00 10.00 15.00 35.00 70.00
remaining Curacao and Suriname Colonies during the years
765, 772, 779, 787 1916 4,000,000 2.00 4.00 7.00 15.00 30.00
1941-45 minted coinage of the Netherlands Homeland Types
MS13 1967 (3) — KM#748, 753, 759, — 7.00 1917 5,000,000 1.00 2.00 4.00 12.00 25.00
-KM #152, 153, 163, 164, 161.1 and 161.2 -. The Curacao and
765, 772, 779, 787 1921 1,500,000 5.00 10.00 15.00 30.00 60.00
Suriname strikes, distinguished by the presence of a palm tree
MS14 1971 (7) — KM#799, 801, 802, — 8.00 1922/1 Inc. above 200 400 600 800 1,300
in combination with a mint mark (P-Philadelphia; D-Denver;
806, 815, 821, 828.1 1922 2,500,000 5.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 45.00
S-San Francisco) flanking the date, are incorporated under
MS15 1974 (7) — KM#800, 804, 808, — 25.00 those titles in this volume. Pieces of this period struck in the 1928 4,000,000 1.00 2.00 3.00 8.00 15.00
816.1, 822.1, 829.1, 838 name of the homeland bear an acorn and mint mark and are 1930 6,000,000 1.00 1.50 2.50 6.00 10.00
MS16 1974 (2) — KM#829.1, 841 32.50 40.00 incorporated in the following tabulation. 1934 5,000,000 0.75 1.75 2.50 5.00 8.00
MS17 1975 (5) — KM#808, 816.1, — 25.00 NOTE: Excepting the World War II issues struck at U.S. 1936 5,000,000 0.75 1.75 2.50 5.00 8.00
822.1, 829.1, 838 mints, all of the modern coins were struck at the Utrecht Mint 1937 1,600,000 1.00 2.50 4.00 8.00 15.00
MS18 1975 (3) — KM#809, 831, 836 — 12.50 (or at the annex in the Birmingham Mint 1980-2000) and bear 1938 8,400,000 0.75 1.50 2.00 3.00 5.00
MSA19 1996, 1995, — KM#709.2 (1996); 711 — 8.00 the caduceus mint mark of that facility. They also bear the 1940 6,000,000 0.75 1.50 2.00 3.00 5.00
2011 (3) (1995); 737 (2011) mintmasters’ marks.
MS19 1997 (3) — KM#1096-1098 — 600
PROOF SETS Wilhelmina I, 1890-1948
KM# Date Mintage Identification Issue Mkt Val Juliana, 1948-1980
Price Beatrix, 1980-2013
PS1 1911 (9) — KM621, 622, 631, 634, — 1,150 MINT MARKS
644, 649, 651.2, 656, 658, D - Denver, 1943-1945
Copper, Silver
PS2 1911 (6) — KM668, 671.2, 672.5, — —
P - Philadelphia, 1941-1945 KM# 130 CENT
S - San Francisco, 1944-1945 2.50 g., Bronze, 19 mm. Ruler: Wilhelmina I Obv: Crowned
673.2, 675.1, 680, Gold
arms with 15 large shields within beaded circle Obv. Legend:
PS3 1970 (7) 2,187 KM#748, 753, 759, 765, 10.00 25.00 MINT PRIVY MARKS
773, 780, 788 Utrecht
Edge: Reeded
PS4 1971 (7) 2,380 KM#748, 753, 759, 765, 10.00 25.00 Date Privy Mark
773, 780, 788 Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
1806-present Caduceus
PS5 1972 (7) 3,943 KM#799, 801, 802, 807, 10.00 9.00 1901 10,000,000 1.00 2.50 5.00 20.00 50.00
815, 821, 828
U. S. Mints
PS6 1973 (7) 8,891 KM#799, 801, 802, 807, 10.00 7.50
815, 821, 828.1 Date Privy Mark
PS7 1974 (7) 10,543 KM#799, 801, 802, 807, 10.00 7.00 1941-45 Palm tree
815, 821, 828.1
Utrecht Mint
PS8 1974 (2) 30,000 KM#839a, 841a 50.00 60.00
PS9 1981 (7) 1,000 KM#800a, 804a, 808a, 62.00 62.50 Date Privy Mark
816.2, 822.2, 829.2, 838a 1888-1909 Halberd
Coins dated 2031 (1974) 1909 Halberd and star KM# 131 CENT
but this set was issued 1909-1933 Seahorse 2.50 g., Bronze, 19 mm. Ruler: Wilhelmina I Obv: Crowned
in 1981 to celebrate the 1933-42 Grapes arms with 10 large shields within beaded circle Obv. Legend:
7th Anniversary of the 1943-1945 No privy mark KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN Rev: Value within wreath
Coronation. 1945-69 Fish Edge: Reeded
PS10 1988 (4) 2,000 KM#1037-1040 — 2,800 1969-79 Cock Date Mintage F12 VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63
PS11 1995-97 (2) — KM#1077, 1099 — 1,550 1980 Cock and star (temporal) 1901 10,000,000 1.00 2.50 6.00 35.00 70.00
1980-88 Anvil with hammer
1989-99 Bow and arrow
2000 Bow, arrow and star
NOTE: A star adjoining the privy mark indicates that
the piece was struck at the beginning of the term of office of
a successor. (The star was used only if the successor had
not chosen his own mark yet.)
NOTE: Since October, 1999, the Dutch Mint has taken the
title of Royal Dutch Mint.
KM# 132.1 CENT
MONETARY SYSTEM 2.50 g., Bronze, 19 mm. Ruler: Wilhelmina I Obv: Crowned
Until January 29, 2002 arms with 15 medium shields within beaded circle Obv. Legend:
100 Cents = 1 Gulden KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN Rev: Value within wreath
Edge: Reeded

1602-1645_R7635.indd 1627 4/20/18 12:30 PM


KM# 1179 50 PAISA

1.41 g., Aluminum, 22.5 mm. Obv: Crown above crossed Àags
Rev: Swayambhunath Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 (2003) — — — 0.40 0.60 0.75
VS2061 (2004) — — — 0.40 0.60 0.75
KM# 1150.1 RUPEE
Brass Plated Steel Rev: Large (8.5mm) temple, medium ‘1’
(4.5mm) Edge: Reeded Note: Non-magnetic.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00
One KM# 1150.2 RUPEE
Brass Plated Steel Obv: Traditional design Rev: Small (7mm
high) temple, small (4mm) “1” Edge: Plain Note: Magnetic.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Two VS2058 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00
VS2059 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00
VS2060 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00

Ten KM# 1150.3 RUPEE

KM# 47 10 DOLLARS 3.96 g., Brass, 20 mm. Obv: Traditional design Rev: Small
Silver, 39 mm. Subject: WWII AZNAC troops Obv: Head in (6.5mm high) temple, small (4mm) “1” Edge: Plain
tiaria right, National arms at right Rev: Flag and Bugler
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2058 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00
2011 — PF65 30.00 Twenty-five
KM# 1150.4 RUPEE
3.96 g., Brass Plated Steel, 20 mm. Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Small (7mm high) temple, large (4.5mm) “1” Note:
Fifty Magnetic.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2059 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00
Hundred VS2060 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00


Legend on reverse
The Kingdom of Nepal, the world’s only surviving Hindu KM# 1180 RUPEE
kingdom, is a landlocked country occupying the southern slopes 3.96 g., Brass Plated Steel, 20 mm. Obv: Traditional
of the Himalayas. It has an area of 56,136 sq. mi. (140,800 sq. design Rev: Wagheshwari Temple Edge: Plain Note: “1” in
km.) and a population of 27 million. Capital: Kathmandu. Nepal Shri Shri Shri Gorakhanatha in 8 petals denomination of a different style.
has deposits of coal, copper, iron and cobalt, but they are largely
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
unexploited. Agriculture is the principal economic activity. Rice,
timber and jute are exported, with tourism being the other major
KINGDOM VS2061 (2004) — — — 0.75 1.25 1.75
foreign exchange earner. Shah Dynasty
On June 2, 2001 tragedy struck the royal family when
Crown Prince Dipendra used an assault rifle to kill his father,
mother and other members of the royal family as the result of
Gyanendra Bir Bikram
a dispute over his current lady friend. He died 48 hours later, VS2058-2064 / 2001- 2007AD
as King, from self inflicted gunshot wounds. Gyanendra began
his second reign as King (his first was a short time as a toddler, DECIMAL COINAGE
1950-51). 100 Paisa = 1 Rupee
Aluminum, 17 mm. Obv: Royal crown Edge: Plain
3.94 g., Brass Plated Steel, 19.95 mm. Obv: Traditional design
Bikram Samvat Era (VS) Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Rev: Sri Talbarahi Temple with outline mountain scene behind
From 1888AD most copper coins were dated in the Bikram VS2058 (2001) — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00 Edge: Plain
Samvat (VS) era. To convert take VS date - 57 =AD date. Coins
with this era have VS before the year in the listing. With the KM# 1148 25 PAISA Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
exception of a few gold coins struck in 1890 & 1892, silver and Aluminum, 20 mm. Obv: Royal crown Edge: Plain VS2062(2005) — — 0.50 1.20 1.60 2.25
gold coins only changed to the VS era in 1911AD, but now this Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1151.2 2 RUPEES
era is used for all coins struck in Nepal. VS2058 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 Brass, 25 mm. Obv: Traditional design Rev: Three domed
VS2059 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 building Edge: Plain
VS2060 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — 1.50 2.00 3.00
VS2059 — — — 1.50 2.00 3.00
VS2060 — — — 1.50 2.00 3.00
Gyanendra Bir Bikram

Nepal has used more variations of numerals on their coins
than any other nation. The most common are illustrated in the
numeral chart in the introduction. The chart below illustrates KM# 1149 50 PAISA
some variations encompassing the last four centuries. Aluminum, 22.5 mm. Obv: Royal crown Rev: Swayambhunath
Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 KM# 1170 2 RUPEES
VS2059 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 4.94 g., Brass, 25 mm. Obv: Traditional square design Rev:
People with Àag celebrating 50 Years of Democracy Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058(2001) — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00

0944-0993_R7731.indd 949 6/11/18 12:48 PM


KM# 1174 300 RUPEE

22.50 g., 0.500 Silver 0.3617 oz. ASW, 31.8 mm. Subject:
Economic Growth Through Export Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Two joined hands in front of globe Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 — — — — 22.00 28.00

KM# 1151.1 2 RUPEES

5.07 g., Brass Plated Steel, 25 mm. Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Three domed building Edge: Plain Note: Edge varieties
exist. Prev. KM#1151. Magnetic.
KM# 1161 200 RUPEE
18.10 g., 0.500 Silver 0.291 oz. ASW, 29.6 mm. Subject:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 50th Anniversary of the Nepal Chamber of Commerce Obv:
VS2060 — — — 1.50 2.00 3.00 Traditional design Rev: Swastika within rotary gear Edge: Plain
KM# 1151.1a 2 RUPEES Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
6.70 g., Silver, 25 mm. Obv: Traditional design Rev: Three VS2059 — — — — 20.00 25.00
domed building Edge: Plain
KM# 1163 500 RUPEE
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
23.34 g., 0.900 Silver 0.6754 oz. ASW, 32 mm. Subject: 50th
VS2060(2003) — — — 100 125 145
Anniversary of the Conquest of Mt. Everest Obv: Traditional
design Rev: Mountain and map above value Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 — — — — 30.00 35.00

KM# 1162 200 RUPEE

18.10 g., 0.500 Silver 0.291 oz. ASW, 29.6 mm. Subject: 50th
Anniversary of Civil Service Obv: Traditional design Rev:
KM# 1159 25 RUPEE Crown above Àags and value Edge: Plain
8.36 g., Copper-Nickel, 29.1 mm. Obv: Crowned bust right Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Rev: Traditional design Edge: Plain VS2059 — — — — 20.00 25.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — 3.50 5.00 6.00 KM# 1177 500 RUPEE
VS2059 — — — 3.50 5.00 6.00 23.00 g., 0.900 Silver 0.6655 oz. ASW, 31.7 mm. Subject:
Management Education 50th Anniversary Obv: Traditional
KM# 1164 25 RUPEE design Rev: Six point star outline Edge: Reeded
8.60 g., Copper-Nickel, 29.1 mm. Subject: Silver Jubilee Obv:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Traditional design Rev: Stylized face design Edge: Plain
VS2060 (2003) — — — — 30.00 35.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 — — — 3.50 5.00 6.00 KM# 1185 500 RUPEE
20.10 g., Silver, 32 mm. Subject: 50th Anniversary of Nepal-
KM# 1183 25 RUPEE United Nations Obv: Traditional design Rev: Head of the late
8.55 g., Copper-Nickel, 29.1 mm. Subject: World Hindu King Mahendra Bir Birkam Edge: Reeded
Federation Obv: Traditional design Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1171 250 RUPEE VS2062 — — — — 25.00 30.00
VS2062 (2005) — — — 3.50 5.00 6.00 18.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2894 oz. ASW, 29 mm. Subject: 2600th
Anniversary of Bhagawan Mahavir Obv: Traditional design KM# 1175 1000 RUPEE
Rev: Haloed head above value Edge: Plain 35.00 g., Silver, 40 mm. Subject: 100 Years - Rotary Club
Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — — 25.00 30.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2062 (2005) — — — — 45.00 50.00
KM# 1178 1000 RUPEE
35.20 g., 0.500 Silver 0.5659 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Subject:
Rastriya Bank 50th Anniversary Obv: Traditional square design
Rev: Bank seal above value Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2062 (2005) — — — — 27.00 32.00
KM# 1158 1500 RUPEE
20.00 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5948 oz. ASW, 38.7 mm. Subject:
Buddha Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha teaching
¿ve seated monks Edge: Reeded
KM# 1160 50 RUPEE Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
20.10 g., Brass, 37.7 mm. Subject: 50th Anniversary of Scouting VS2058 15,000 PF63 30.00 PF65 35.00
KM# 1176 250 RUPEE
in Nepal Obv: Traditional design Rev: Scouting emblem within 17.83 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2866 oz. ASW, 31.6 mm. Subject:
beaded wreath Edge: Plain Marwadi, non-pro¿t making organization Obv: Traditional
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 design Rev: Swastika within circle Edge: Reeded
VS2058 — — — 9.00 11.00 14.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 (2003) — — — — 25.00 30.00
KM# 1184 250 RUPEE
18.00 g., Silver, 32 mm. Subject: 400th Anniversary of Guru
Granth Sahib Obv: Traditional design Rev: Holy Book of Sikhs
Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2061 — — — — 25.00 30.00

KM# 1157 100 RUPEE

20.00 g., Brass, 38.7 mm. Subject: Buddha Obv: Traditional
design Rev: Seated Buddha teaching ¿ve seated monks Edge:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 30,000 — — 10.00 12.00 15.00

0944-0993_R7731.indd 950 6/11/18 12:48 PM


KM# 1172 2000 RUPEE KM# 1211 100 RUPEE

31.20 g., 0.720 Silver 0.7222 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Subject: Copper-Nickel Subject: 50th Anniversary - Nepal Philatelic
Gyanendra’s Accession to the Throne Obv: Crowned bust Society Obv: Early stamp Rev: Small Temple, denomination
right Rev: Upright sword above value in circular design Edge: at sides
Reeded Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2073-2016 — — — 3.50 5.00 8.00
VS2058 — — — — 40.00 45.00
KM# 1201 2000 RUPEE
31.11 g., 0.999 Silver 0.999 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Subject:
Conquest of Mt. Everest 50th Anniversary Rev: Sir Edmond
Hillary and Tenzing Norgay at Summit
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 (2003) 8,000 PF63 70.00 PF65 80.00


Fractional designations are approximate for this series. 8.50 g., Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: 125th Anniversary
Actual Gold Weight (AGW) is used to identify each type. - First Nepal Postal Stamp Issue Obv: Features image of
legendary 1 Anna stamp Rev: Traditional mailman on the
KM# 1200 ASARPHI Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
7.77 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.2498 oz. AGW, 22 mm. Subject: KM# 1190 500 RUPEE
VS2063 — — — 7.00 9.00 11.00 14.19 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2281 oz. ASW, 32 mm. Subject: 250th
Conquest of Mt. Everest Rev: Sir Edward Hillary and Tenzing
VS2064 — — — 7.00 9.00 11.00 Anniversary Hindu festival “Kimari Jatra” Obv: Kumari Temple
Norgay at Summit
KM# 1182 50 RUPEE at Durbar Square in Kathmandu Rev: Bust of Goddess Kumari
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
8.60 g., Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: Golden Jubilee of facing Edge: Reeded
VS2060 (2003) 2,000 — — — 750 800
Supreme Court Obv: Traditional design Rev: Supreme Court Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
KM# 1153 0.3G ASARPHI building Edge: Plain VS2064 — — — — 25.00 30.00
0.30 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.0096 oz. AGW, 7 mm. Subject: Buddha
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1205 1000 RUPEE
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha Edge: Plain
VS2063 (2006) — — — 6.00 8.00 10.00 22.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.3537 oz. ASW, 32 mm. Subject:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
50th Anniversary - Nepal-German Diplimatic Relation Obv:
VS2058 (2001) 30,000 — — — — 25.00
Temple Rev: Brandenburg Gate, anniversary dates above,
KM# 1154 1/25-OZ. ASARFI denomination below
1.24 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.040 oz. AGW, 13.92 mm. Subject: Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Buddha Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha Edge: VS2064-2008 — — — — 7.50 12.50
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 (2001) 25,000 — — — — 75.00

KM# 1189 50 RUPEE

8.60 g., Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: 250th Anniversary
Hindu festival “Kimari Jatra” Obv: Kumari Temple at Durbar
Square in Kathmandu Rev: Bust of Goddess Kumari facing
KM# 1155 1/10-OZ. ASARFI Edge: Plain
3.11 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.100 oz. AGW, 17.95 mm. Subject:
Buddha Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha Edge: Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Reeded VS2064 — — — 8.00 10.00 12.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 (2001) 15,000 — — — — 185
KM# 1207 1000 RUPEE
KM# 1156 1/2-OZ. ASARFI 35.20 g., 0.500 Silver 0.5659 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Subject:
15.55 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.500 oz. AGW, 27 mm. Subject: Buddha International year of Cooperation Rev: Stick ¿gures holding up
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha Edge: Reeded large square
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 (2001) 2,500 PF63 900 PF65 950 VS2069 — PF65 32.00
KM# 1210 1000 RUPEE
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 10.10 g., Silver, 29.2 mm. Subject: Diamond Jubilee - National
Museum Obv: Center ¿gure, date lower right Rev: Museum
DECIMAL COINAGE KM# 1206 50 RUPEE building, denomination below
100 Paisa = 1 Rupee
8.60 g., Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: International year of Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Cooperation Rev: Stick ¿gures holding large square VS2070-2013 — — — — 15.00 20.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1212 1000 RUPEE
VS2069 — — — — 10.00 12.00 Silver Subject: 50th Anniversary - Nepal Philatelic Society Obv:
Early stamp Rev: Large Temple, denomination below
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2073-2016 — — — — 35.00 40.00

KM# 1204 RUPEE

Brass Plated Steel, 19 mm. Obv: Mt. Everest within square
Rev: Map of Nepal
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2064 — — — 2.00 3.50 5.00

KM# 1208 50 RUPEE

Silver Subject: National Numismatic Museum
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2069//2012 — — — — 12.00 15.00
KM# 1188 2 RUPEES KM# 1209 50 RUPEE
5.00 g., Brass Plated Steel, 24.93 mm. Obv: Mount Everest 8.50 g., Copper-Nickel, 29.2 mm. Subject: Diamond Jubilee
within square Rev: Farmer plowing with water buffalos Edge: - Nepal Scouts Obv: Center symbol, date lower right Rev:
Plain Denomination, Jubilee dates in legend
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1191 2000 RUPEE
VS2063(2006) — — 1.50 2.75 4.00 6.00 VS2069-2012 — — — 4.00 5.00 7.00 31.20 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9279 oz. ASW, 38.61 mm. Subject:
2006 FIFA World Cup - Germany Obv: Traditional design
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2063 (2006) — — — — 45.00 50.00

0944-0993_R7731.indd 951 6/11/18 12:48 PM


KM# 1179 50 PAISA

1.41 g., Aluminum, 22.5 mm. Obv: Crown above crossed Àags
Rev: Swayambhunath Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 (2003) — — — 0.40 0.60 0.75
VS2061 (2004) — — — 0.40 0.60 0.75
KM# 1150.1 RUPEE
Brass Plated Steel Rev: Large (8.5mm) temple, medium ‘1’
(4.5mm) Edge: Reeded Note: Non-magnetic.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00
One KM# 1150.2 RUPEE
Brass Plated Steel Obv: Traditional design Rev: Small (7mm
high) temple, small (4mm) “1” Edge: Plain Note: Magnetic.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Two VS2058 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00
VS2059 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00
VS2060 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00

Ten KM# 1150.3 RUPEE

KM# 47 10 DOLLARS 3.96 g., Brass, 20 mm. Obv: Traditional design Rev: Small
Silver, 39 mm. Subject: WWII AZNAC troops Obv: Head in (6.5mm high) temple, small (4mm) “1” Edge: Plain
tiaria right, National arms at right Rev: Flag and Bugler
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2058 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00
2011 — PF65 30.00 Twenty-five
KM# 1150.4 RUPEE
3.96 g., Brass Plated Steel, 20 mm. Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Small (7mm high) temple, large (4.5mm) “1” Note:
Fifty Magnetic.
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2059 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00
Hundred VS2060 — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00


Legend on reverse
The Kingdom of Nepal, the world’s only surviving Hindu KM# 1180 RUPEE
kingdom, is a landlocked country occupying the southern slopes 3.96 g., Brass Plated Steel, 20 mm. Obv: Traditional
of the Himalayas. It has an area of 56,136 sq. mi. (140,800 sq. design Rev: Wagheshwari Temple Edge: Plain Note: “1” in
km.) and a population of 27 million. Capital: Kathmandu. Nepal Shri Shri Shri Gorakhanatha in 8 petals denomination of a different style.
has deposits of coal, copper, iron and cobalt, but they are largely
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
unexploited. Agriculture is the principal economic activity. Rice,
timber and jute are exported, with tourism being the other major
KINGDOM VS2061 (2004) — — — 0.75 1.25 1.75
foreign exchange earner. Shah Dynasty
On June 2, 2001 tragedy struck the royal family when
Crown Prince Dipendra used an assault rifle to kill his father,
mother and other members of the royal family as the result of
Gyanendra Bir Bikram
a dispute over his current lady friend. He died 48 hours later, VS2058-2064 / 2001- 2007AD
as King, from self inflicted gunshot wounds. Gyanendra began
his second reign as King (his first was a short time as a toddler, DECIMAL COINAGE
1950-51). 100 Paisa = 1 Rupee
Aluminum, 17 mm. Obv: Royal crown Edge: Plain
3.94 g., Brass Plated Steel, 19.95 mm. Obv: Traditional design
Bikram Samvat Era (VS) Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Rev: Sri Talbarahi Temple with outline mountain scene behind
From 1888AD most copper coins were dated in the Bikram VS2058 (2001) — — — 1.00 1.50 2.00 Edge: Plain
Samvat (VS) era. To convert take VS date - 57 =AD date. Coins
with this era have VS before the year in the listing. With the KM# 1148 25 PAISA Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
exception of a few gold coins struck in 1890 & 1892, silver and Aluminum, 20 mm. Obv: Royal crown Edge: Plain VS2062(2005) — — 0.50 1.20 1.60 2.25
gold coins only changed to the VS era in 1911AD, but now this Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1151.2 2 RUPEES
era is used for all coins struck in Nepal. VS2058 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 Brass, 25 mm. Obv: Traditional design Rev: Three domed
VS2059 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 building Edge: Plain
VS2060 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — 1.50 2.00 3.00
VS2059 — — — 1.50 2.00 3.00
VS2060 — — — 1.50 2.00 3.00
Gyanendra Bir Bikram

Nepal has used more variations of numerals on their coins
than any other nation. The most common are illustrated in the
numeral chart in the introduction. The chart below illustrates KM# 1149 50 PAISA
some variations encompassing the last four centuries. Aluminum, 22.5 mm. Obv: Royal crown Rev: Swayambhunath
Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 KM# 1170 2 RUPEES
VS2059 — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00 4.94 g., Brass, 25 mm. Obv: Traditional square design Rev:
People with Àag celebrating 50 Years of Democracy Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058(2001) — — — 0.50 0.75 1.00

0944-0993_R7731.indd 949 6/11/18 12:48 PM


KM# 1174 300 RUPEE

22.50 g., 0.500 Silver 0.3617 oz. ASW, 31.8 mm. Subject:
Economic Growth Through Export Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Two joined hands in front of globe Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 — — — — 22.00 28.00

KM# 1151.1 2 RUPEES

5.07 g., Brass Plated Steel, 25 mm. Obv: Traditional design
Rev: Three domed building Edge: Plain Note: Edge varieties
exist. Prev. KM#1151. Magnetic.
KM# 1161 200 RUPEE
18.10 g., 0.500 Silver 0.291 oz. ASW, 29.6 mm. Subject:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 50th Anniversary of the Nepal Chamber of Commerce Obv:
VS2060 — — — 1.50 2.00 3.00 Traditional design Rev: Swastika within rotary gear Edge: Plain
KM# 1151.1a 2 RUPEES Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
6.70 g., Silver, 25 mm. Obv: Traditional design Rev: Three VS2059 — — — — 20.00 25.00
domed building Edge: Plain
KM# 1163 500 RUPEE
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
23.34 g., 0.900 Silver 0.6754 oz. ASW, 32 mm. Subject: 50th
VS2060(2003) — — — 100 125 145
Anniversary of the Conquest of Mt. Everest Obv: Traditional
design Rev: Mountain and map above value Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 — — — — 30.00 35.00

KM# 1162 200 RUPEE

18.10 g., 0.500 Silver 0.291 oz. ASW, 29.6 mm. Subject: 50th
Anniversary of Civil Service Obv: Traditional design Rev:
KM# 1159 25 RUPEE Crown above Àags and value Edge: Plain
8.36 g., Copper-Nickel, 29.1 mm. Obv: Crowned bust right Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Rev: Traditional design Edge: Plain VS2059 — — — — 20.00 25.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — 3.50 5.00 6.00 KM# 1177 500 RUPEE
VS2059 — — — 3.50 5.00 6.00 23.00 g., 0.900 Silver 0.6655 oz. ASW, 31.7 mm. Subject:
Management Education 50th Anniversary Obv: Traditional
KM# 1164 25 RUPEE design Rev: Six point star outline Edge: Reeded
8.60 g., Copper-Nickel, 29.1 mm. Subject: Silver Jubilee Obv:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Traditional design Rev: Stylized face design Edge: Plain
VS2060 (2003) — — — — 30.00 35.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 — — — 3.50 5.00 6.00 KM# 1185 500 RUPEE
20.10 g., Silver, 32 mm. Subject: 50th Anniversary of Nepal-
KM# 1183 25 RUPEE United Nations Obv: Traditional design Rev: Head of the late
8.55 g., Copper-Nickel, 29.1 mm. Subject: World Hindu King Mahendra Bir Birkam Edge: Reeded
Federation Obv: Traditional design Edge: Plain
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1171 250 RUPEE VS2062 — — — — 25.00 30.00
VS2062 (2005) — — — 3.50 5.00 6.00 18.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2894 oz. ASW, 29 mm. Subject: 2600th
Anniversary of Bhagawan Mahavir Obv: Traditional design KM# 1175 1000 RUPEE
Rev: Haloed head above value Edge: Plain 35.00 g., Silver, 40 mm. Subject: 100 Years - Rotary Club
Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 — — — — 25.00 30.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2062 (2005) — — — — 45.00 50.00
KM# 1178 1000 RUPEE
35.20 g., 0.500 Silver 0.5659 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Subject:
Rastriya Bank 50th Anniversary Obv: Traditional square design
Rev: Bank seal above value Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2062 (2005) — — — — 27.00 32.00
KM# 1158 1500 RUPEE
20.00 g., 0.925 Silver 0.5948 oz. ASW, 38.7 mm. Subject:
Buddha Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha teaching
¿ve seated monks Edge: Reeded
KM# 1160 50 RUPEE Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
20.10 g., Brass, 37.7 mm. Subject: 50th Anniversary of Scouting VS2058 15,000 PF63 30.00 PF65 35.00
KM# 1176 250 RUPEE
in Nepal Obv: Traditional design Rev: Scouting emblem within 17.83 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2866 oz. ASW, 31.6 mm. Subject:
beaded wreath Edge: Plain Marwadi, non-pro¿t making organization Obv: Traditional
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 design Rev: Swastika within circle Edge: Reeded
VS2058 — — — 9.00 11.00 14.00 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 (2003) — — — — 25.00 30.00
KM# 1184 250 RUPEE
18.00 g., Silver, 32 mm. Subject: 400th Anniversary of Guru
Granth Sahib Obv: Traditional design Rev: Holy Book of Sikhs
Edge: Reeded
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2061 — — — — 25.00 30.00

KM# 1157 100 RUPEE

20.00 g., Brass, 38.7 mm. Subject: Buddha Obv: Traditional
design Rev: Seated Buddha teaching ¿ve seated monks Edge:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 30,000 — — 10.00 12.00 15.00

0944-0993_R7731.indd 950 6/11/18 12:48 PM


KM# 1172 2000 RUPEE KM# 1211 100 RUPEE

31.20 g., 0.720 Silver 0.7222 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Subject: Copper-Nickel Subject: 50th Anniversary - Nepal Philatelic
Gyanendra’s Accession to the Throne Obv: Crowned bust Society Obv: Early stamp Rev: Small Temple, denomination
right Rev: Upright sword above value in circular design Edge: at sides
Reeded Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 VS2073-2016 — — — 3.50 5.00 8.00
VS2058 — — — — 40.00 45.00
KM# 1201 2000 RUPEE
31.11 g., 0.999 Silver 0.999 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Subject:
Conquest of Mt. Everest 50th Anniversary Rev: Sir Edmond
Hillary and Tenzing Norgay at Summit
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2060 (2003) 8,000 PF63 70.00 PF65 80.00


Fractional designations are approximate for this series. 8.50 g., Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: 125th Anniversary
Actual Gold Weight (AGW) is used to identify each type. - First Nepal Postal Stamp Issue Obv: Features image of
legendary 1 Anna stamp Rev: Traditional mailman on the
KM# 1200 ASARPHI Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
7.77 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.2498 oz. AGW, 22 mm. Subject: KM# 1190 500 RUPEE
VS2063 — — — 7.00 9.00 11.00 14.19 g., 0.500 Silver 0.2281 oz. ASW, 32 mm. Subject: 250th
Conquest of Mt. Everest Rev: Sir Edward Hillary and Tenzing
VS2064 — — — 7.00 9.00 11.00 Anniversary Hindu festival “Kimari Jatra” Obv: Kumari Temple
Norgay at Summit
KM# 1182 50 RUPEE at Durbar Square in Kathmandu Rev: Bust of Goddess Kumari
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
8.60 g., Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: Golden Jubilee of facing Edge: Reeded
VS2060 (2003) 2,000 — — — 750 800
Supreme Court Obv: Traditional design Rev: Supreme Court Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
KM# 1153 0.3G ASARPHI building Edge: Plain VS2064 — — — — 25.00 30.00
0.30 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.0096 oz. AGW, 7 mm. Subject: Buddha
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1205 1000 RUPEE
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha Edge: Plain
VS2063 (2006) — — — 6.00 8.00 10.00 22.00 g., 0.500 Silver 0.3537 oz. ASW, 32 mm. Subject:
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
50th Anniversary - Nepal-German Diplimatic Relation Obv:
VS2058 (2001) 30,000 — — — — 25.00
Temple Rev: Brandenburg Gate, anniversary dates above,
KM# 1154 1/25-OZ. ASARFI denomination below
1.24 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.040 oz. AGW, 13.92 mm. Subject: Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Buddha Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha Edge: VS2064-2008 — — — — 7.50 12.50
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 (2001) 25,000 — — — — 75.00

KM# 1189 50 RUPEE

8.60 g., Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: 250th Anniversary
Hindu festival “Kimari Jatra” Obv: Kumari Temple at Durbar
Square in Kathmandu Rev: Bust of Goddess Kumari facing
KM# 1155 1/10-OZ. ASARFI Edge: Plain
3.11 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.100 oz. AGW, 17.95 mm. Subject:
Buddha Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha Edge: Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Reeded VS2064 — — — 8.00 10.00 12.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 (2001) 15,000 — — — — 185
KM# 1207 1000 RUPEE
KM# 1156 1/2-OZ. ASARFI 35.20 g., 0.500 Silver 0.5659 oz. ASW, 40 mm. Subject:
15.55 g., 0.9999 Gold 0.500 oz. AGW, 27 mm. Subject: Buddha International year of Cooperation Rev: Stick ¿gures holding up
Obv: Traditional design Rev: Seated Buddha Edge: Reeded large square
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2058 (2001) 2,500 PF63 900 PF65 950 VS2069 — PF65 32.00
KM# 1210 1000 RUPEE
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 10.10 g., Silver, 29.2 mm. Subject: Diamond Jubilee - National
Museum Obv: Center ¿gure, date lower right Rev: Museum
DECIMAL COINAGE KM# 1206 50 RUPEE building, denomination below
100 Paisa = 1 Rupee
8.60 g., Copper-Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: International year of Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
Cooperation Rev: Stick ¿gures holding large square VS2070-2013 — — — — 15.00 20.00
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1212 1000 RUPEE
VS2069 — — — — 10.00 12.00 Silver Subject: 50th Anniversary - Nepal Philatelic Society Obv:
Early stamp Rev: Large Temple, denomination below
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2073-2016 — — — — 35.00 40.00

KM# 1204 RUPEE

Brass Plated Steel, 19 mm. Obv: Mt. Everest within square
Rev: Map of Nepal
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2064 — — — 2.00 3.50 5.00

KM# 1208 50 RUPEE

Silver Subject: National Numismatic Museum
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2069//2012 — — — — 12.00 15.00
KM# 1188 2 RUPEES KM# 1209 50 RUPEE
5.00 g., Brass Plated Steel, 24.93 mm. Obv: Mount Everest 8.50 g., Copper-Nickel, 29.2 mm. Subject: Diamond Jubilee
within square Rev: Farmer plowing with water buffalos Edge: - Nepal Scouts Obv: Center symbol, date lower right Rev:
Plain Denomination, Jubilee dates in legend
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65 KM# 1191 2000 RUPEE
VS2063(2006) — — 1.50 2.75 4.00 6.00 VS2069-2012 — — — 4.00 5.00 7.00 31.20 g., 0.925 Silver 0.9279 oz. ASW, 38.61 mm. Subject:
2006 FIFA World Cup - Germany Obv: Traditional design
Date Mintage VF20 XF40 MS60 MS63 MS65
VS2063 (2006) — — — — 45.00 50.00

0944-0993_R7731.indd 951 6/11/18 12:48 PM

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