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All we know that connecting our Spectrum to a TV through RF is not the most appropriate. A good option to avoid RF output is the use of a TV with SCART. Another option is to adapt some
type of monitor that allows us a clear visualization of the computer.

In this article we will discuss the connection of any Spectrum model with the Commodore 1084 series monitors. It is a CRT monitor with excellent features, which allows the connection of almost
any computer model that has a frequency of 15Khz. Still it's not difficult to get at a reasonable price in the second hand market.


The 1084 is a monitor equipped with RGB and CVBS video inputs. It is also equipped with speakers wich we can also connect the audio of our Spectrum.

There are different variations of 1084. All of them have RGB and CVBS inputs, varying the type of RGB connector they have integrated. First models are equipped with DIN connectors while the
most modern (and perhaps the most abundant today) use DB9 connectors. These are what we will discuss in this article, the exact name of this model is Commodore 1084s-D1.

1084s-D1 Front 1084s-D1 Back

The composite video input of this device is the typical RCA connector that can be found on all types of monitors. These 1084 models also have stereo sound input through two standard RCA

1084s-D1 RGB pinouts


Unfortunately, the first Spectrum models do not have composite video output or RGB. The only option we have is the RF connector for a lifelong television. One way to connect these models to a
1084 is to make a composite video output. There are several assemblies to make a composite video output on these Spectrum:

Microhobby scheme: It is extremely simple to perform, but the output's quality is not very good. It is simply to take out the video input that goes to the RF modulator of the Spectrum board
through a resistance of 10 Ohms. As GND we will use the metal housing of the modulator.

Connectión of video output on the modulator

We need an extra RCA output in our Spectrum. You can place a hole drilling the box, or avoid that great suffering by placing an aerial that goes outside through the hollow of the RF connector.
Doesn't looks very professional, but avoid's modifying the external appearance of the computer.

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External video cable output

Regarding the resistor, you can place it directly on the video output of the modulator or inside the external RCA connector housing, if you have chosen this option.

Placement of resistance inside the RCA

Sami Vehmaa's Scheme: Something more complicated to do but with much more quality. It uses three components that can be placed inside the metal box of the modulator and thus take
advantage of the original RCA output connector, avoiding external modifications of our beloved Spectrum.

First of all we must remove the plate inside the modulator, for this we must remove the metal box from the modulator completely. Cut the two wires on the left and look at the back of the plate,
you will see that it is only two welding points that hold it. Once outside you can remove the bottom cover of the modulator and remove the board easily.

The two wires to be cut and the welding points of the modulator

Then put the bottom cover back on and re-solder the box on the board, now it is ready to be able to freely place the components inside.

The empty modulator box ready for our assembly

Now we will take advantage of this space and the RCA output of the box itself to build the small assembly based on a capacitor, a resistor and a transistor.

Spectrum 48 CVBS scheme

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An example about how to connect it

Once the output is done, we just have to connect an RCA cable to the video input of 1084.

A simple video cable with RCA male connectors


This model has a DIN connector that allows connection to both composite and RGB video. There are two different +128 models. Although they have very similar video circuitry, they have the
signas placed on a different way on the DIN connector.

One is the Spanish model manufactured by Investronica that came standard with numeric keypad and the other is the English version of Sinclair. The connection diagrams in this article refers to
the Spanish model. For english models, you only have to change the pin number to the corresponding value of the connector.

Spectrum + 128 DIN pinouts

Video Compuesto: Pretty simple to do. We should only place a 15 Ohms resistor at the output of the composite video signal of the Spectrum.

Cable for composite video connection

RGB: The highest quality. Using this output we can see our +128 with excellent image quality.

The main problem that we must solve for the connection of this computer is that we must mix the brightness signal with each of the three colors in order to see the entire Spectrum palette.
If we look at the connection diagram of the PERITEL connector, we can see that there is an additional Bright signal.

To be able to mix in brightness with each of the colors we will use only diodes and resistors. The scheme is as follows:

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RGB Cable Scheme

This time it will not be very comfortable to build the circuit inside the 1084 connector housing since the space is quite limited. It can be done at the output of the DIN connector housing cable by
soldering the diodes and resistors and isolating them from each other.

The scheme implemented on the cable

Detail of the scheme implementation

Final aspect


This model has a video circuitry very similar to that of 128, although the available signals from the connector change their positions.

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Spectrum +2 DIN pinouts

Composite Video: Same as Spectrum 128.

Spectrum +2 scheme for Composite video

RGB: The main difference is the brightness signal, although still present in the connector, now is already mixed with the three colors so that the construction of the cable is pin to pin.

Spectrum +2 scheme for RGB


These models do not have composite video output, but all have RGB with which we will achieve a perfect image quality on our monitor.

Spectrum +2a/+3 DIN pinouts

Fortunately, they also have the brightness signal mixed with the colors, so we avoid the work of having to do it ourselves, but this time we must add a resistor to each color pin of the connector to
reduce its intensity a bit.

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Spectrum +2a/+3 scheme

The resistors inside the DB9 connector of 1084

Note for +2a/+3: The sync signal is somewhat more problematic in recent models of Amstrad. For some 1084 monitors, especially the latest models, the intensity of that signal is somewhat low,
so we only get an unstable image that never stays still on the screen. The problem is a 470 Ohm resistor that is placed just at the exit and is a bit high for some 1084 needs.

If this problem appears, you must replace the resistor with one of a slightly lower value. A 390 Ohms resistor will be enough to solve it.

To change it open your Spectrum and locate the R34 resistor on the board (right of the modulator) and replace it with the 390 Ohm.

R34 position on +2a / +3

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