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Renzo: Good morning everyone so for today we are going to discuss our topic which is about the

properties of gas

Jamema: we hope that you will learn something throughout our report but before that let us introduce
ourselves first I am (NAME)

Renzo: and I am Renzo meg f. dela cruz, our objective is to prove that gases have the following
properties mass, volume, temperature and pressure. now lets begin A gas is a substance that is in a
gaseous, or vaporous, state of matter. The term gas is also used in reference to the state itself when
applied to matter that has the properties of a gaseous substance. Gas is one of four natural states of
matter, along with liquid, solid and plasma. A gas has no fixed shape or volume.there are different types
of gas properties the mass, volume, temperature and pressure.

Jamema: Mass is the amount of matter or substance that makes up an object. Volume refers to the
amount of space the object takes up. Temperature is the measure of hotness or coldness expressed in
terms of any of several scales, including Fahrenheit and Celsius. And Pressure is defined to be the
amount of force exerted per area.

Renzo: So we well show you a short video clip that proves gases have mass.


Renzo: So what have you observed in the video, so the person pinpointed and contrast the weight of the
deflated and inflated balloon, the one which is heavier is the inflated balloon which shows gases and its

Jamema: we all know that volume is the amount of space the object takes up, a gas volume can change.
Gases can be compressed or expand like the balloon example that Renzo had given the molecules of the
gas that is being filled up which is the balloon is the volume.

Renzo: The other property is temperature as you can see at the picture gases can be differentiate
through temperature it could be the coldness or hotness of gas. For example heating up a water in one
beaker and on the other beaker we put water with ice by measuring the steam which is being exerted by
both we can identify its certain temperature.

Jamema: And the last one is pressure so at this point we are going to show you a short video which talks
about gas and pressure.


Jamema: so in conclusion Gas pressure is the force exerted by gaseous molecules as they collide with
the walls of their container. If the volume and temperature of a container of gas are held constant, an
increase in the number of gas particles will result in an increase in pressure, and vice versa.

Renzo: You have just learned that gases have volume, mass, temperature and exerts pressure. From
daily experience there are instances we came across these properties. For example the warm
temperature we are experiencing is from the heat trapped by the greenhouse gases

Jamema: The basketball is filled with air, so it bounces while you are dribbling it. The same is true with
the other kinds of ball.
Renzo: And then when you open a can or bottle of soft drinks, it fizzes because of the escaping dissolved
carbon dioxides due to change of pressure. When the winds blows, it exerts pressure too. There are a lot
of manifestations of gases though we cannot see them.

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