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National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values and Standards

Short Term Long Term

ug/Ncm ppm Averaging Time ug/Ncm ppm Averaging Time

Suspended Particulate Matter

230 24 hours 90 1 year
150 24 hours 60 1 year

Sulfur Dioxide 180 0.07 24 hours 80 0.03 1 year

Nitrogen Dioxide 150 0.08 24 hours

140 0.07 1 hour

Photochemical Oxidants as Ozone
60 0.03 8 hours

35 mg/Ncm 30 1 hour
Carbon Monoxide
10 mg/Ncm 9 8 hours

Lead 1.5 3 months 1.0 1 year

Pollution from Stationary Sources

Stationary sources refer to any trade, industry, process, fuel-burning equipment, or industrial plant emitting air pollutants. The
concentration at the point of emission shall not exceed the limits set in Table 2.

Table 2. National Emission Standards for Source Specific Air Pollutants (NESSAP)

Pollutant Standard Applicable to Source Maximum Permissible Limits (mg/Ncm)

Antimony and its
Any source 10 as Sb
Arsenic and its
Any source 10 as As
Cadmium and its
Any source 10 as Cd
Carbon Monoxide Any industrial source 500 as CO
Copper and its
Any industrial source 100 as Cu
Hydrofluoric Acid and Any source other than manufacture of
50 as HF
Fluoride Compounds Aluminum from Alumina
1. Geothermal power plants 1. 150 g/GMW-Hr (constructed before January 1, 1995); 200
2. Geothermal Exploration and Well g/GMW-Hr (existing) as H2S
Hydrogen Sulfide Testing 2. Compliance with air and quality standards
3. Any source other than I. and II. 3. 7 as H2S

Lead Any trade, industry, or process 10 as Pb

Mercury Any source 5 as elemental Hg
Nickel and its
Compounds (except Any source 20 as Ni (Nickel Carbonyl shall not exceed 0.5 mg/Ncm)
Nickel Carbonyl)
Pollutant Standard Applicable to Source Maximum Permissible Limits (mg/Ncm)
1. Manufacture of Nitric Acid 1. 2,000 as acid & NO2 calculated as NO2
2. Fuel Burning Steam Generators 2. Fuel burning steam generators
1. Existing sources 1. 1,500 as NO2
2. New sources 2. 1,000 as NO2 (coal fired); 500 as NO2 (oil fired)
NOx 3. Diesel Powered Electricity Generators 3. 2,000 as NO2
4. Any sources other than I, II, III 4. Other sources
1. Existing Source 1. 1,000 as NO2
2. New Source 2. 500 as NO2

1. Fuel Burning Equipment

1. Fuel Burning Equipment
1. Urban and industrial area 1. 150
2. Other area 2. 200
Particulates 2. Cement Plants
3. Smelting Furnance 1. 150
4. Other Stationary Sources 2. 150
3. 200

Phosphorus Pentoxide Any source 200 as P2O5

Sulfur Oxides 1. Existing sources 1. Existing sources
1. Manufacture of Sulfuric Acid 1. 2,000 as SO3
and Sulfonation 2. 1,500 AS SO2
2. Fuel Burning Equipment 3. 1,000 AS SO3
3. Other Stationary Sources 2. New Sources
2. New Sources 1. 1,500 as SO3
1. Manufacture of Sulfuric Acid 2. 700 as SO2
and Sulfonation 3. 200 as SO3
2. Fuel Burning Equipment
Pollutant Standard Applicable to Source Maximum Permissible Limits (mg/Ncm)
3. Other Stationary Sources

Zinc and its

Any source 100 as Zn

Visible Emission Standards for Smoke and Opacity

 The opacity of light or dark smoke emitted from any emission point in all stationary sources shall not appear darker than shade
1 on the Ringelmann Chart, nor exceed 20% opacity using USEPA Method 9

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