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„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“

ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly

May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Monte Ceneri Base Tunnel: a successful job-site experience

Author: Enrico Dal Negro, Mapei Underground Technology Team, Italy,
Co-author: Eleonora Plescia, Mapei UTT, Italy,
Co-author: Massimo Ossola, Consorzio Condotte Cossi, Switzerland,
Co-author: Nicola Grosso, Consorzio Condotte Cossi, Switzerland,

Topic (Conventional Tunnelling Methods in Development and Use)

Keywords: Monte Ceneri Base Tunnel, Consorzio Condotte Cossi, Mapei UTT, Sigirino (CH),
superplasticizers and accelerators for shotcrete.

1. Introduction
The Monte Ceneri Base Tunnel is the southernmost portion of the new Alp Transit Railway Line
crossing the Swiss Alps from South to North. After the Gotthard and Lötschberg Base tunnels,
Ceneri Tunnel is the third largest railway tunnel project with his 15.4 km length. Tunnel project
allows fast connection for passengers travelling through the Alps, both reducing goods-traffic
through Switzerland. This important route will make possible to use long, heavy trains to ensure
optimal connections through the Alps and will also shorten passenger-journey time between Zurich
and Milan. The works were commissioned by AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd on behalf of the Swiss
Confederation. In April 2005 the preliminary work began in Sigirino and Camorino on the basis of
the plan approved by the Swiss Department for the Environment, Transport, Energy and
Communicatons. The Consorzio Condotte Cossi (a Consortium of companies formed by Società
Italiana Condotte d’Acqua S.p.A., Cossi S.p.A. and LGV SA) is the contractor of the main section of
the CBT (named Lot 852), consisting in the excavation of two parallel tunnels simultaneously
attacked (northwards and southwards) by the intermediate side-adit of Sigirino (FIS). The side adit
is located roughly in the middle of Ceneri Base Tunnel, consequently divides the twin tunnel into
two parts of similar length (about 2x8 km in north direction and approximately 2x6 km in south
Jobsite assignment and subsequent excavation works began in 2008, within the contract section
Lot 852. The side adit of 2.308 km-long has been excavated using a TBM, while the main railway
tunnels (CBT) have been excavated by
drill&blast advancing method. A total
length of about 40 km has been
excavated by drill& blast: entire tunnel,
cross-passages, exploration tunnels,
caverns, etc. This paper focuses on
the cooperation held between
Consorzio Condotte Cossi and
technical assistance of Underground
Technology Team division of Mapei,
especially with reference to muck re-
utilization jointly with the technical
assistance and supervision supplied.
More than 80% of the two tubes of
the 15.4 km Ceneri Tunnel has been
excavated at the end of December
Fig. 1 Panoramic picture of access adit Sigirino (FIS) job-site for 2014. So far, also due to the
the CBT Project. cooperation between all the
stakeholders, the project for the
Ceneri Base Tunnel is maintaining cost and timetable predefined in previous design stage. Mapei
has been supplying concrete superplasticizers and accelerators for shotcrete since 2010 for this
important railway project in the Alps. During the excavation and construction of the tunnels and
„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“
ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

cross passages, the use of chemical materials supplied by Mapei has been essential to ensure
efficiency, durability, safety and a sustainable approach to construction. The excavation of the CBT
tunnel is scheduled to be completed in 2018 and the flat route through the Alps will be in
operation by 2019.

2. Geology encountered during the works

The whole Ceneri Base Tunnel is situated in the crystalline bedrock of the southern Alps. The
excavation crossed several fault sets characterised by disturbed rock layers with variable thickness
and orientation. The Ceneri area is
primarily formed of gneiss and, to a
lesser extent, of basic and ultra-basic
rocks (e.g. amphibolites, serpentinites)
which have all undergone
considerable metamorphism
(amphibolite facies). The contractors
encountered different kinds of gneiss
(ortogneiss, Paragneiss; Micaschist;
amphibole-bearing gneisses and
Figure 2 shows an example of tunnel
face. The gneiss rocks were
metamorphosed by the pressure and
heat in different orogenic cycles.
During evolution the crystal grains
became orientated parallel to each
Fig. 2 Example of tunnel face and the stratification encountered.
other. The lithostratigraphic units
crossed by the tunnel can be divided into two areas: in the north, the Ceneri area (Zone Ceneri:
10.4 km) and in the south the Val Colla area (Zone Val Colla: 5.0 km). The whole area is also
affected by complex tectonics that determine a high angle of dip in the planar structures
(schistosity, lithological contacts, axial plane folds). The Val Colla area also includes a series of
paragneiss and orthogneiss, combined with intermediary basic rocks (hornblende schists).

3. Excavation works for the construction of the CBT tunnels through

recycling aggregate destination.
Taking into consideration the different
rock formations which had to be
crossed, the geological data, the
tunnel length and the dense
residential area close to the portals,
the excavation was performed by
Drill&Blast Method. In figure 3 is
presented an Overview of the Ceneri
Base Tunnel.
A full face excavation is usually carried
out using mainly rock bolts, steel ribs
(if necessary) and shotcrete as
primary lining. The excavation
involved variable amounts of explosive
depending on the advance lenght.
Fig. 3 Overview of the Ceneri Base Tunnel by AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd.
Vibrations, are monitored constantly.
Since September 2010 drill&blast
operations have been running at all four attack faces. The presence of excavation sections
characterized by a strongly inhomogeneous and anisotropic rock mass (faults, high schistosity)
together with high overburden (maximun values about 800 m), has required the adoption of
special constructive and technical solutions, able to cope with high deformation phenomena, (up to
30-40 cm) strongly asymmetric, close to the face of excavation. As the major portion of the CBT is
„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“
ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

to be excavated from the intermediate

heading point (Sigirino), the material
preparation and material storage
facilities need important infrastructural
installations (motorway junctions,
workers’ village, info point and offices,
construction site areas used for
installations, railway junctions,
preparation system for concrete
aggregates, water treatment system,
excavation material deposit). At this
purpose, the owner AlpTransit
Gotthard Ltd and the Consorzio
Condotte Cossi aimed for highly
mechanized techniques. Within the
CBT project the excavation works
produced million tonnes of excavated
Fig. 4 Material deposit at Sigirino portal by AlpTransit Gotthard AG
rock and material that were
transported after every blast by a
wheel loader from the rock face over a
distance of 50 to 70 m to the mobile
crawler type crusher equipped with
primary screen and metal separator.
Then the excavated material is
removed via conveyor belts of approx.
24 km-long from the tunnel and
dumped at the Sigirino storage yard,
also to be reused as aggregate.
Unsuitable material was used for
embankments, deposits, landfilling
and renaturing as showed in figure 4.
Around 13% of the excavated rock
was suitable as aggregate for concrete
Fig. 5 Indicative quantity of different type of shotcrete applied
and shotcrete application within the
tunnel. Figure 5 shows the quantity of
different type of shotcrete applied for the four tunnels face.

3.1 Main Characteristics of the CBT project related to the sprayed concrete

The CBT consists of two parallel twin tube 15.4 km-long. Tunnel cross section area varies from 60
m2 to 300 m2 in correspondance of two big Cavern lacatd along the Tunnel in south direction (Sarè
Caverns). Tunnels are connected by cross-passages each 325 m, for a total number of 48 cross-
passages. No crossovers or multifunction stations are foreseen. The two bores have a standard
distance between tunnel axes of 40 m with a maximum distance of 210 m. The overburden of the
tunnels varies from 10 m to a maximum of 800 m. The cycling works realized for the construction
are the following: excavation (by drill&blast method and mechanical excavators), transport of the
mucking to the crusher, application of sprayed concrete primary support reinforced with or without
fibers to realize the concrete lining of the tunnels. Especially the advancement of the full section in
the unfavourable rock conditions has been done by the placement of the primary support with the
use of steel ribs and anchors for confinement and soil consolidation, followed by the sprayed con-
crete in thicknesses of 25-30 cm in successive layers. The concrete is produced in a big concrete
plant set up in the CAOP “Operative Cavern” located in an underground cavern (system of cham-
bers located at the end of Sigirino Adit). This decision to place the concrete plant underground was
made for construction logistical reasons. The aggregates are supplied by a conveyor system di-
rectly from a dedicated train station located near the job site. Concrete is prepared in a mixing
„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“
ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

plant, then transported to the tunnel for the spraying application. The spraying process used was
the wet method both for safety reasons and to obtain more homogeneous concrete layer able to
respect the technical specifications. Table 1 shows the main project data.
Table. 1 Project data – Construction of the CBT

Conventional Driving Data - Daily advance rate The advantages of wet method in
Total length of the entire tunnel 39.780 km comparison to the dry one are re-
Length of the Ceneri Base Tunnel 15.45 km sumed as follows: lower dust produc-
Length of blast 1.5 to 4 m tion, higher spraying efficiency, lower
Maximum advance rate 12 m/wd energy consumption and better ho-
Average advance rate in favorable rock condi- 5.8 m/wd mogeneity of the concrete properties.
Today, particularly in European coun-
Average advance rate in unfavorable rock condi- ca. 2.6
tions m/wd
tries alkali free accelerators are re-
Tunnel boring machine drive (TBM) – FIS Sigirino quired according to the European
Excavation diameter in TBM-driven tunnel 9.70 m standards and the increase in the
sections market is due to the health risks con-
Length access adit Sigirino (FIS) 2.308 km nected. The term alkali-free has the
meaning that the accelerator does not
contains alkali cations. Alkali-free product can satisfy following requirements:
 improved durability by reducing the risk of alkali-aggregate reaction, by reducing or even
eliminating the alkalis present in the common alkali silicate and aluminate accelerators;
 improved safety conditions of the working environment by reducing accelerator
aggressiveness in order to avoid skin burns, loss of eyesight and respiratory health
 positive environmental impact by reducing the amounts of soluble components in sprayed
concrete and its rebound that are harmful to ground water;
 reduction in the loss of concrete final (long-term) strength, which is typically in the range
of 15 to 50% for concrete sprayed with alkali-rich accelerators;
 continuous and consistent early age strength development of concrete during the critical
intermediary construction phases, reduction of construction costs;
 cleaner and safer job conditions: reduce dust generation and rebound, lower leaching of
alkali ions, higher long term performances of sprayed concrete with the control of quality
and productivity.
In the CBT the wet shotcrete technology employed accelerators with alkali-free characteristics able
to develop and increase the early strength of concrete. The wet methods provide the use of liquid
flash setting accelerators which are pumped to a nozzle and immediately projected to the rock

3.2 Description of the tunnel lining system.

Shotcrete is widely used as rock support in civil engineering projects also for the CBT project in the
Lot 852 sprayed concrete was applied to guarantee the advancement of excavation works in
safety condition.
The main purpose was to consolidate tunnel face with the use of high performance sprayed
The type of shotcrete was determined on the basis of the different section types encountered
during the excavations based on predominant features of rock mass.
The internal lining of the section excavated by drill&blast is normally not reinforced. Reinforcement
are only used in presence of geologically sensible and or geometrically complicated area, such as
the Val Colla Area or transversal tunnels crossings.
Moreover the stability of the optimized horseshoe-shaped cross-section is guaranteed by 10 cross-
section types, from SPV1 to SPV10 based on geological and geotechnical conditions and on
probable risk scenarios (falling rocks, loosening, detachment of rock wedges, plastic deformation,
tunnel face instability).
Section types present a different excavation geometry, number and type of rock bolts (friction type,
grouted anchor), shotcrete thickness and steel ribs (from SPV5 to SPV10). Three different
geometries are foreseen for tunnel section: base slab, curved base slab and circular invert.
„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“
ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Fig. 6 Section type (SPV 4) utilized for the project. (Cross section and Longitudinal profile )

Actual section type to be applied is defined by job-

site manager jointly with the contractor, on the basis
of geological evaluation of tunnel face and on rock
massif behavior monitored by convergence section.
Figure 6 and 7 shows SPV4 section type (cross
section, longitudinal profile and construction details).
The advancement of the tunnel face excavation has a
minimum value of 1.20 m and maximum value of 2.0
m. The works consist of a sprayed concrete
application with fibers in thicknesses of 5 cm, then
consolidation of the top heading area by cemented
and frictions anchors of 4 and 5 m-long (in the L1
zone 5.0 m long starting from the tunnel face). In
standard condition the lining is composed of three
strata: first 5 cm of fiber reinforced concrete
(protection shotcrete), a second 10 cm of shotcrete
Fig. 7 In evidence the thickness of shotcrete with fibers and then the last inner strata 10 cm thick
lining system applied in successive layers (7cm with fibers, 3 cm without).

4. Sprayed concrete used for the tunnel lining according with

technical requirement
In underground environment, concrete must not harden when transported over several kilometres
and must continue to be workable for hours. In particular for shotcrete the Consorzio Condotte
Cossi need highly specific concrete to be transported over the long distances in the tunnel, remain-
ing constantly workable. In general concrete begins stiffening after roughly half an hour. In the
CBT, the concrete needs to remain fluid for two hours, due to transportation times from production
site to excavation faces. Also at the CBT the shotcrete must solidify as soon as it is applied with
the nozzle to the tunnel sidewalls and crown. This was made possible only by using the correct
combination of Mapei concrete admixtures: superplasticizers for making concrete flowing and an
accelerator for sprayed concrete, in order to ensure the initial setting time in few seconds thus
ensuring that concrete, once applied, solidifies in few seconds. In the Lot 852 specific technical
requirement were established, the first was to use a concrete with guaranteed performance as
defined in the standards SN EN 206-1 and SIA 262. One of the principal requirements which has
been respected is the use of chemical additives with eco-friendly property. Also good adhesion
„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“
ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

between the shotcrete and the rock was one of the most important properties required. Other re-
quirements for Sprayed concrete quality for this project were: high economy due to rebound re-
duction, increase in compressive strength and tensile bond strength, thicker sprayed layers due to
increased cohesion, better waterproofing and high frost and freeze/thaw resistance.
Table. 2 Technical basic requirements of the CBT
The main requirements that were
respected are summarized in the
Type of shotcrete CPG SB1/ CPG SB2/ CPG SB3/ CPG SB4
following table 2.
Destination Use L1 (for SB1,SB2) L2 / L3 (for SB3,SB4) Generally in sprayed concrete technol-
Waterproofing under 1/400 1/200 1/400 1/200 ogy application setting times and me-
pressure (m3) (SB1) (SB2) (SB3) (SB4) chanical strength developments are
Strength Development J2 (SIA 198, annex B) the most important factors. The main
Compressive Strenght (28 days) C20/25 – C25/30
Preliminary Tests Yes
types of sprayed concrete for the tun-
W/C < 0.5 nel were with high performance con-
Granulometry 8 mm crete (CPG): CPG SB1: securing the
Type of cement 42.5 II ALL work zone L1 (according to SIA 198),
Workability time 2 hours
CPG SB3: lining and safety works in
Cement content 425 kg/m3
Consistence Class F5 (560-620 mm) areas L2 / L3 (according SIA198). The
conditions established in the technical
specifications before starting the projects and works are respected.

4.1 Tests and works realized on job-site.

Many tests were carried out by the Underground Technology Team both on mortar samples in
Mapei R&D laboratory of Milan and in the job-site in order to establish the perfect type of products
related to: type of cement and type of aggregate, water-to-cement ratio (W/C), consistency, tem-
perature, etc. Those tests were carried out to reach performance and to confirm that the right
materials had been selected in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system and
to establish the Mix-design. Figure 8 shows an application of shotcrete lining in a cross-passages.

Fig. 8 Application of shotcrete lining in a cross-passages with high-performances products.

„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“
ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

During the excavation works Technical Assistance of Mapei UTT has kept under control:
 performances of the automatic pump for sprayed concrete;
 accelerator consumption in relation to shotcrete pumping ;
 temperature;
 properties of concrete and water eventually added;
 checking of the strength development of concrete sprayed;
 timing and speed of production rate;
 state of the equipment.
Many trials and preliminary tests were performed primary and secondary lining by Mapei Team to
demonstrate the achievement and overcoming of all requirements, as indicated in the SN EN 206-1.
Also, periodically in accordance with SN EN 206-1 were subjected at the production controls with
all measures to ensure shotcrete performances. Also, all the compliance checks have been fulfilled.

4.2 Alkali-free accelerator products used in the CBT tunnel for shotcrete.

In order to guarantee good and durable performance during the shotcreting phases, Mapei UTT
provided a wide range of products (superplasticizers, accelerators etc..).Two types of products
were used in different times and for different types of lining. Two different types of alkali-free
agents were used to speed up and accelerate the setting process: MAPEQUICK AF 1000 for “ordi-
nary” working conditions and MAPEQUICK AFK 888 when the early resistances were required in
case of extremely case of securing during excavation through problematic geological condition (es:
Val Colla ). The shotcrete was set in place in one single uninterrupted operation.
The shotcrete with development curve J2 has required the use of the setting accelerator based on
liquid inorganic salts without alkali, MAPEQUICK AF 1000. Thanks to its high accelerating action
allows to obtaining quality shotcrete with high mechanical strength at very short curing times (un-
der 60 minutes), short (60 minutes to 24 hours ) and long stages of curing. The absence of alkali
allows to reduce the risk of ignition of the alkali-aggregate reaction and avoid leaching phenomena.
Thus ensures fast setting and hardening rates and, at the same time, good resistance strength
ratings (at 28 days Rck=40-50 N/mm2) quicker setting time with a very low rebound.
For the shotcrete with development curve J3 was adopted another setting accelerator liquid, the
MAPEQUICK AFK 888, which is also free of alkali and can be used with the presence of water in
the tunnel. Due to its even quicker setting time, it produces self-supporting cast concrete in a high
resistance strength. Such an high-
performance concrete (at 28 days
Rck=40-50 N/mm2) allowed to control
convergence in the tunnel cavity even
in presence of unstable materials.
Figure 9 shows the shotcrete works.
The accelerator rate was chosen in
order to have a good adhesion of the
sprayed material on the rock wall. The
dosage employed for the first type
MAPEQUICK AF 1000 were 6.5% and
the second one MAPEQUICK AFK 888
were 9% by cement mass (normally
the dosages depend on cement and
accelerator type and for the perform-
Fig. 9 Shotcrete works in safety condition in a single attack face. ance as specified in the technical spe-
cific). According to the practice and
job-site experience, shotcrete in the phases immediately after application needs an initial and final
setting times able to guarantee self-sustaining performance with a low rebound rate. In this specif-
ic case, the dosage tested and chosen of accelerants has allowed the achievement of the stand-
ards considered necessary to perform the shotcrete in safety condition with a minimum percentage
„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“
ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

of rebound. Also the most important guidelines (EFNARC, CEN, and Austrian Concrete Association)
have been followed by Technical assistant of Mapei UTT and job-site personnel for the application
of sprayed concrete. Thus the efficiency of the alkali-free setting agents have allowed a safely and
quickly advance within the difficult excavations conditions of the job-site.

5. Product optimization for the workability of the sprayed con-

The mix-designs defined together with Mapei Underground Technology team has brought to batch
smooth class consistency of shotcrete with absolutely no bleeding, workable for 2 hours and with
excellent rheological properties. With the use of superplasticizer in the mix, concrete fluidity is
increased and a lower amount of water can be used thus allowing higher compressive strengths
development with long workability. It was possible also to increase and stabilize the dispersion of
cement particles in water. The superplasticizer DYNAMON SX MC used, is based on modified acrylic
with the DPP technology (designed performance polymer) and it was subjected at two version of
optimization formulae. This system allows to modulate, through the complete design of the
monomers, properties in relation to the specific performances required for concrete. The
consistency class of F5 has been achieved according to UNI EN 206-1 t. Aggregates provided by
an external quarry were used since 2010-2011. AlpTransit Ltd according to the contract excavated
and together with Consorzio Condotte Cossi have recycled from the excavation works part of the
usable rocks with good characteristics. In this way the materials excavated were kept in a stock
pile, crushed and then managed. Part of the material excavated was used as aggregate for the
production of concrete and shotcrete. The aggregate crushed and recycled from excavation works
has been used in addition to the natural aggregate from quarry.
The quantity used are in variable ratio: 80/20 and 60/40 for aggregate derived from:
quarry/excavation works.
This introduction of the recycled aggregate in combination with the first type has incremented the
variability of the granulometric characteristics of the aggregate of the mix-design, even modifying
the rheology.
Only in case of supply difficulties of the recycled aggregate from the excavation of the rocks is
expected to use a percentage equal at 100% of the aggregate from quarry as safety factor.
A new type of the formula was worked out by Mapei with an adapted and optimized version of
superplasticizer, in order to guarantee and to reach the same performances in workability
compared to the previous version. The objective was to respect the requirement of the workability
of shotcrete to obtain the same mechanical strength developments always in safety condition.
In the CBT project thanks to these important studies and optimizations realized together with
Mapei UTT is possible to use in combination the two different types of aggregates depending on
the case of material available in the job-site.

5.1 Measurements of the sprayed concrete early strength for mixes with both types
of aggregate.

In the CBT for the measurement of the sprayed concrete compressive strength at the job site was
used Standard SN EN 206-1 according to the specifications required by the project. The early
strength classes J1, J2 and J3 are derived from the Austrian Concrete Society: Code of Practice for
Sprayed Concrete, is used to define the behavior of the early strength (concrete with a maximum
age of 24 hours). Test methods specifications of Österreichischer Betonverein (Austrian concrete
association) was followed. The method basically consists of correlating the initial strength
development of fresh shotcrete to the penetration of different size needles (depending on defined
strength classes) in sprayed concrete specimens and to measure the compressive strength by
needle penetration methods. The resistances were measured as follows: with penetrometer needle
up to 1 hour, with 103 mm nails and green cartridges after 6 hours and with 60 mm nails and
green cartridges after 24 hours. The early strength of the young concrete is explicate through the
curves J1, J2 and J3. The J1 class is considered to be applied only in case of stable rocks. But in
the case of CBT project, at least the class J2 must be used. Also, in special section is used the
class J3 especially in the case of unstable faces. In order to evaluate the strength development a
standard box with dimension of: 60x60x25 cm is filled with shotcrete. The control must be
completed within the first 60 minutes taking a needle penetrometer according to the recently
„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“
ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

released UNI EN 14488-2 “Testing sprayed concrete - Part 2: Compressive strength of young
sprayed concrete” and with the range resistance expected.
The resistance values of the compressive strength at early curing ages till the first hours (when
the samples are still too soft) is measured with the digital penetrometer.
Then the values is obtained by relating the depth of insertion of nails, by means of the gun nail
HILTI DX 450 and using green cartridges, special nails are used to measure the mechanical
resistance (from 6 hours to 24 hours).
Each resistance value is the average of ten measurements (firing and extraction of the nails)
performed in ten different points on the surface of the sprayed concrete box. Generally results
are plotted in graph with superimposed onto the J-curves specified by the Austrian Concrete
Association. Sprayed concrete falling in the J1 envelope are considered to be suited for placing in
thin layers, on a dry rock substrate, and no load-bearing capacity is required. However, if concrete
is to be sprayed in thick layers, overhead, at high delivery rates, and sustain immediate loading,
then it must have a strength development that falls in the J2 envelope. J3 sprayed concrete
typically exhibits rapid development of high early strength, and this typically leads to dust
formation and high rebound, which can cause health and environmental risks. In this case in order
to achieve J3 and J2 behaviour (depends of the type section we worked), concrete is sprayed with
accelerators. Therefore, it is strictly specified by the EFNARC, CEN, and Austrian Concrete
Association guidelines that only alkali-free accelerators should be used for spraying concrete falling
in the J3 category. At later curing ages (when the samples be-come harder), the mechanical
strength is measured according to the EN 196/1 by a compressive test machine.
Figure 10 shows the comparison of
the compressive resistance evolution
curves in the class J2 and J3, of the
two type of superplasticizer versions
in combination with the two alkali
free accelerators MAPEQUICK AF
1000 and MAPEQUICK AFK 888 for
shotcrete (with the same quantity
admixed of the percentage of recy-
cled aggregate and external aggre-
gate) The prefix “DYSXMC(1)” indi-
cates the first version of superplasti-
cizer and with “DYSXMC(2)” it is indi-
cates the second version of super-

plasticizer adopted. It is possible to

Fig. 10 Compressive resistance evolution curves for the two mix-
design adopted for the shotcrete lining. note that the mix of the second ver-
sion of superplasticizer shows a
slightly increment of the values of compressive strength curve if compared with the first mix. This
slight deviation of the strength development of the curves is related to the efficiency of the best
combination used between superplasticizer and accelerator. In conclusion, this behaviour indicates
an increment of the mix-design performance together with an increase of workability properties.
For the same class of J2 and J3, the compressive strength curves presents a similar behaviour be-
tween the two type of mix-design utilized. Therefore, the required performance for the CBT tunnel
were fully respected for shotcrete and concrete works.

6. Conclusions
The salient aspect of this project is the collaboration between Mapei and Consorzio Condotte Cossi,
mainly with the promotion and the management of excavated materials, possible thanks to
logistics of the construction site both outside and inside the tunnel as well as the development of
important high-tech sprayed concretes. The Underground Technology Team, has been always
present at the jobsite, to ensure a specialized technical support and facilitate the construction work
in relation to different aspects of the conventional excavation. Mapei UTT was an active part in the
supply of the materials used for the production of the sprayed concrete as primary support and for
„SEE Tunnel:Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region“
ITA WTC 2015 Congress and 41st General Assembly
May 22-28, 2015, Lacroma Valamar Congress Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia

final support of the completed tunnel. The application of a high quality sprayed concrete, by the
use of an alkali-free accelerator and superplasticizer, allowed to achieve very rapid setting times
and therefore safe working conditions and the quick development of mechanical strengths,
according to the job site requirements. In this case, Consorzio Condotte Cossi created the
conditions for optimum works progression, particularly focusing to a good selection of plants,
concrete trucks, pumps and trained nozzle man: the result were primarily construction cost savings
and improvement of safety. Essential economical and safety aspects have also been taken into
account for the CBT, granting better condition and improved safety, both maintaining the required
heading performance, deadlines and costs. Also, this new Rail Link through the Alps led to a
rationalization of the construction sequences, to a remarkable increase in productivity.
The technologies used for the development of this project have been of great importance in the
international area, due to the special attention to environmental protection orientation, durability
and safety of the works. Finally, the Ceneri Base Tunnel is one of the first project where the good
quality rock was recycled and used as aggregate for concrete and shotcrete within the tunnel.

[1] EFNARC. 1999. “European Specification for Sprayed Concrete”, European Federation of Producers and Applicators
of Specialist Products for Structures. Österreichischer Betonverein. October 1998. Guideline Sprayed Concrete,
Richtlinie Spritzbeton “Anwendung und Prüfung”, 1040 Wien.


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