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1. What date is Halloween?

31 October
2. Which fruit do we carve and use as lanterns on Halloween?
3. Which country does Halloween come from?
4. Which animal can vampires supposedly turn into?
5. Which animal is a witch’s best friend?
A black cat
6. When do werewolves turn into wolves?
When there’s a full moon
7. How many legs do spiders have?
8. What was the original name for Halloween?
All Hallow's Eve
9. What do you say on Halloween to get candy?
Trick or Treat
10. Which are the two colours most often associated with Halloween today?
Black and orange
11. Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
A Fruit
12. What Halloween monster is wrapped in bandages?
A mummy
13. What Halloween creature has fangs?
14. What do you put inside of a jack-o-lantern to make it glow?
A light or a candle
15. What does the Halloween color black represent?
16. What are the bones in our body called?
A skeleton
17. When do vampires sleep?
During the day
18. What do witches ride on?
19. Which vegetable is considered to repel a vampire?
20. What is a vampire's favourite drink?

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