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Exploring Diverse Landscapes through Art


Students will be able to research and create a drawing or painting of a landscape from a randomly
assigned country, utilizing appropriate techniques and materials.


Students will be assessed on their ability to accurately depict the landscape of the assigned country in
their drawing or painting, demonstrating understanding of the unique characteristics of that particular

Key Points:

 Identify and research a country with a unique landscape

 Utilize appropriate artistic techniques and materials in creating a landscape drawing or painting

 Demonstrate understanding of the key elements that make the landscape unique


 Introduction to the lesson topic: Exploring diverse landscapes from around the world

 Discuss the importance of landscapes in art and culture

 Engage students with a visual presentation of various landscapes and ask: "How do landscapes
inspire art?"

Introduction to New Material:

 Explain the assignment of researching a randomly assigned country's landscape

 Provide guidance on how to research effectively

 Anticipate misconception: Assuming all landscapes are similar and can be depicted the same way

Guided Practice:

 Model how to start sketching or painting the chosen landscape

 Provide examples of different techniques to use

 Ask questions to scaffold learning from easier to more challenging

 Monitor student progress and offer assistance as needed

Independent Practice:

 Students will work independently on their landscape drawing or painting

 Encourage creativity and attention to detail

 Ensure students are using appropriate materials and techniques


 Have students share their artworks with a partner and discuss what makes each landscape

 Summarize key learnings about the diversity of landscapes around the world

Extension Activity:

Students who finish early can research an additional landscape from a country of their choice and create
a comparison chart showcasing the differences and similarities with the originally assigned landscape.


For homework, students are tasked with writing a short reflection on the cultural significance of
landscapes in art, citing examples from their research and artwork.

Standards Addressed:

 TEKS Standard 117.315: Art, Grade 8

 TEKS Standard 117.313: Art, Grade 8

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