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I. (PRAYER) (lynlyn): “So at this juncture, we are pleased to welcome, MR.

______________________________________________, of QUIDAN Kaisahan to give
(lynlyn): “Good afternoon sa tanan… And of course, Mayong hapon sa aton nga very his/her message. So the floor is yours…..”
very special guest, the QUIDAN Kaisahan Non-Governmental Organization headed by
Mr. Joel John S. Pacrim and Mr. Roy L. Baladhay, Palakpakan naton sila… Kag
syempre sa aton nga punong barangay, Hon. Barangay Captain Meda A. Rama kag sa
tanan nga YMPHO Officers, Advisers, kag members nga ari di subong.” V. GIVING OF CERTIFICATE TO QUIDAN

“So before we start our short Assembly, let us have first a prayer. So we are (RenRen): “Madamo gid nga salamat sirs.. (May “s” kay damo) For sure sa inyo nga
requesting everyone to please stand and we may call on Maam Ramelie Samiana, to paghatag sang impormasyon sa amon kag pagbulig sa ini inga organisasyon, Damo
lead the prayer.” gid nga YMPHO members ang may natun-an labi nagid sa mga tawo nga ari di

(lynlyn): “Kag we are glad that you came here all the way from ________________, to
II. (OPENING REMARKS) support our organization and for us to practice how the organization will be
strengthen. Thank you for giving us the knowledge…. So may ihambal kapa partner?”
(Renren): “So thank you gid Maam Ramelie. For today’s endeavor, let’s hear first our
Barangay Captain, Kap. Meda A. Rama for the Opening Remarks and to be followed by (Renren): “Anyways, we appreciate all your efforts and of course your presence
the Introduction of YMPHO Organization and together with the QUIDAN Kaisahan maam/sir, and additionally, we are here also to help and support the QUIDAN
Organization.” KAISAHAN.”

(lynlyn): “Okay.. Gani man ah. So at this moment, let us have the giving of certificate to
QUIDAN KAISAHAN. We are requesting, ______________________________, to please
III. (INTRODUCTION OF YMPHO) come to the front in giving the certificate of Appreciation!”

(Lynlyn): ”Okay. So Madamo gid nga Salamat Kap. Before we go on to our actual
Assembly no…. and as to what the QUIDAN Kaisahan has prepared for us, Let’s call
on first the President of the YMPHO Organization, Ms. Ronna Mary Gavileno to VI. CLOSING REMARKS
introduce to us the YMPHO Organization itself, and the persons behind it.”
(Renren): “Madamo gid nga Salamat sa tanan no!” For the closing remarks,”

(lynlyn): “Let’s hear from our YMPHO Chairman,”

(Both): “Raymond Mar Pescadera to give his words of Acknowledgement!.”
(Renren): “Okay so madamo gid nga Salamat Ms. President! So YMPHO Officers and
members! Kag sa tanan nga ari di subong nagatipon, READY NA BALA KAMO???!!!!
Ready na bala kamo mamati kag may matun-an sa programa sang QUIDAN?”

“So ikaw partner, READY KANA BALA?”

(lynlyn): “Ay oo syempre partner eh.. Kalayo daan sang Aranda, te dapat may matun-
an gid ta nga new learnings kag kabay pa makabulig ina sa aton organization. Kag
syempre dapat kita makabulig man in return..”

(Renren): “Inchakto kagid partner… So Ari na ipakilala tana ang aton nga mga bisita.”

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