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231/1 - BIOLOGY- Paper 1


Name…………………………………….…..............Admission Number..................Stream........

Instructions to candidates
a) Write your Name, Admission Number and Class in the spaces provided above..
b) Answer all the questions in this question paper.
c) All answers must be written in the spaces provided.
d) This paper consists of 10 printed pages with 31 questions.
e) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing.
f) Candidates should answer the questions in English.

For Examiner’s Use Only

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1.In an experiment the back of a stem was ringed as shown in figure M. Figure N shows the
results after several weeks.

Account for the results obtained after several weeks (3 marks)

2. The diagram below illustrates the breathing in an animal.

(a)What happens if rubber plug is pulled in the direction shown by the arrow (1mark)
(b) Give the parts of a mammal represented by;
(i)Capillary tube (1 mark)
(ii)Rubber plug (1 mark)
(iii) Rubber balloon (1 mark)

3.The diagram below represents the epidermis of a leaf.

(a)Name the parts labelled F and G (2marks)

(b)State two adaptations of cell E to its function (2 marks)
4.What do you understand by the following terms as used in ecology (2 marks)
(i)Carrying capacity
(ii)Trophic level
5.Agroup of students visiting a national park noted that migrations of lions were closely related
to those of hyenas and vultures. Suggest a possible cause for this migration (2 marks)
6.State two adaptations of red blood cells to efficient transport of oxygen (2 marks)

7.The experiment was setup as shown below. Solution M in flask A and B were kept at 30o C.

(a)What was the aim of the experiment (1 mark)

(b)State the purpose of flask A in the experiment (1 mark)
(c)Suggest the expected result in this experiment (1 mark)
(d)Why were vacuum flasks used instead of ordinary flasks (1 mark)
8.Name the laboratory chemical one can use to test for the gas released during fermentation
(1 mark)
9.Name two bacterial diseases associated with the environment (2 marks)
10.(a)Distinguish between Homologous and Analogous structures (1 mark)
(b)Name two vestigial structures in man (2 marks)

11.The diagram below shows a type of pyramid of numbers of organisms A,B,C

(a)Name the type of pyramid represented above (1 mark)

(b)Organism with the highest population (1 mark)
(c)Organisms with the highest biomass (1 mark)
12.What do you understand by the term salinity (1 mark)
13.Construct a genetic cross to show the possible phenotypes a rising in the children of a
marriage between a woman with blood group A and a man with blood group B if both parents
were heterozygous. (3 marks)
14.State two ways in which plants compensate for their inability to move (2 marks)

15.The diagram below shows a stem of a plant growing round a tree trunk.

(a)What is the name given to this type of response (1 mark)

(b)Briefly explain how the response above is achieved. (3 marks)
16.State three differences between simple reflex action and conditioned reflex action (3 marks)
17.(a)Name two photoreceptor cells found in the retina (2 marks)
(b)From the cells named in (a) above, identify the ones that are found at the Fovea. (1 mark)

18.In an ecological survey of an old building, students collected the plant shown below.

(a)(i)State the division to which this plant belongs (1 mark)

(ii)Give a reason for your answer in a(i)above (1 mark)
(b)(i)Name the structure labeled S (1 mark)
(ii) State one function of structure labeled T (1 mark)
19.State three differences between class diplopoda and chilopoda (3 marks)
20. Explain why food is stored in an insoluble form in a cell of living things (1 mark)
21.Explain why lack of roughage in a diet often leads to constipation (2 marks)
22.Name the hormone that stimulates the gall bladder to release bile to the duodenum during
digestion (1 mark)

23.Study the equation below and answer questions that follow.
C6 H12 O6 + C6 H12O6 C22 H22 O11 + H2 O
Glucose Fructose B Sucrose Water

(i) reaction A (1 mark)
(ii) Enzyme B (1 mark)
24. The diagram below illustrates a physiological process which occurs when liquids are mixed
with salts. Some salt was put in a test-tube and sodium bicarbonate

+ Sodium bicarbonate

(a)Name the process being investigated (1 mark)

(b)Name the part of the alimentary canal where the process occurs (1 mark)
(c)State the equivalent of sodium bicarbonate in human digestive system (1 mark)
25.State three adaptations of the colon to its function (3marks)

26.(i) Excess cholesterol in the human diet can lead to blockage of the coronary arteries. What do
we refer to this condition which may lead to death (1 mark)
(ii)Name another disease that affects the coronary artery (1 mark)
27.Distinguish between blood plasma and serum (1 mark)
28.A set up was used to investigate a certain process in plants as shown in the diagram below.

(a)Which process was being investigated (1 mark)

(b)State two precaution that should be taken into consideration when setting up the experiment
(2 marks)
29.Explain why children have more red blood cells than adults (3 marks)

30. A student observing a drop of water under high power objective lens of the microscope drew
the organism below.

(a)Name the false feet the organism develops (1 mark)

(b)Name the method of feeding it uses for feeding (1 mark)
31.Study the food relationship below and answer the questions that follow

a)Construct a food chain in which the python is a quarternary consumer (1 mark)

(b)Describe the immediate effects that will be felt in the above ecosystem if an epidemic killed
all fowls. (2 marks)
(c) Name the organism with the most predators (1 mark)


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