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Conctining of low cost arch li ffiventias Sep fp Eo 2 — None, Starbucles, Tes Our Purpie Ocean = When _Campebieng trey te ‘male \nnavalive preduch » Such blue Océan tise compe Mt ancl mor vet becwrmea _ purple Cesen va Ae te Modyte— A — New work ok; doing Anirg to lower costo 3 | s_Sidensiy tine prep finalise ene ye prsces is geisg fh Mowe, where ne problem weg iN Cho _be? wed We \n_ pve. ae % Tesh_onck Ampiement to be Set dence” Yo evaluot@ wheahey any A ey q —charqea "is ‘ Me _Wusinss dug to) jmptemmlabic a La) Mergers b)_Requsision | 2) Stroty ic Stange : A) Joint Vertures ae | 2) offensive anc _‘Tefteshe _Stratpyee —__| _ + offens\ve 1) Direct Meck !~ stash prices, new feotires » ‘omparisan Advertisements , morkebk Wh ere oa peters have Failed or pooy performance « 2) End Sun’ @ Morkel qrorecl by everyore 3) Pre-er prep / Fivst Mover verrbog © 4) Fey essi tion —]) mteving in | A 4 & a eee 5 Sentral a Defensiwe — on ent with Suppliers fe _biscke he rivals | 2) Matern Price curs witin Compe 4s (same prising) 3) New Features | u) pftey sole ond warrardies _s) Public _campaigin 40 _meek compet. ys__mrank Of —_____ werner ane, “ovaregiss_ieplom i. > cake onc“ era | nave _oxinievech tne —¢ ee stict | 1408 ee 4. To understand internal ond 8 \n Ane reanagernent neces, —ers_if nee axe change ‘Whe measure Ihe SPIE howe Aue to _stratecy of WS : * Contrye! Systern helps #to_prosioke_necessory mid ~courge correction OY _medifieaHion ty align with jhe _siateg oy fey Amings 40 go 1 “Framework Saye iG ne requirement of Mnonaes are nosy met fey a PeciCic oveon take mickourse Correction ( intemal / frrernah _ Factors onck perrmanac de be Cormpovect) Ayrernal anh Groponative Mugs Modure 1 es Crange Mech re On Urgency te charac ee Guero: guiding ~ Trang . aK Deverop G_visie ny fer change % Communicate the vision > x Ero porue y Retiow }—%__ Creede Shovt Term Weg +—*__Buitsh_on tre change * Mare i} _saiek Cire _GEnPetve _Relvantege | of qo eeeA Tecte Condisions _ —— Lisiong Ae k a. 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