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I am one of Assosa University I declare that this report describes my four month practices in
Solomon Abiye Building Contractor and all source materials and pictures used while compiling
this report get fully acknowledged and I improve my practically and theoretically knowledge
and this is approved by my signature.
Name: Kirom Yibrah
Place of internship: Solomn Abiye
College of: Engineering
Department of: Civil Engineering
University: Assosa University
Approved by: Habtamu (Msc)
First all I would like to thank the Almighty GOD for keep& helping me with unending bless in
preparing this report and in general for the knowledge and strength he offered me in my life time. Special
thanks deserve to Assosa University, Civil Engineering Department and Instructor my mentor Habtamu,
for giving me the chance to have an experience on the practical work and getting better skills with
theoretical knowledge.
I would like to thank all the workers of this company specially; Ato Andualem the site engineer to
give me the knowledge that perfectly related theoretical science with practices and to all other Forman
engineer of the project. The other one I would like to thank our site friends either they come from our
university or the other that shear their knowledge & practices with me within discussion.
Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my family for their encouragement, tolerance
and endless support throughout my stay in the intern ship program.

This final intern ship report covers my four months stay in Solomon Abiye building Contractor from
MARCH, 2019 up to JUNE 2019. It is a clear the fact that the knowledge of civil engineering cannot be
upgraded without practical experience in each field of the subject matter. This paper is a written report
about the intern ship program which was planned to help apparent students grasp practical know-how of
engineering projects, their design, implementation, evaluation and management in general. This report is
telling about the back ground of our hosting company including its history and major achievements, our
overall intern ship experience, tasks and the procedures we followed, the practical and theoretical
knowledge we gained including the challenges we faced while performing those tasks.
The contents of the report have been divided into four chapters and the topics covered include the company
background, our overall intern ship experience, and the benefits we gained from the program, our
conclusions and recommendations for the company. To help anyone reading this report better
understands the discussed topics and ideas, figurative illustrations and samples of works and different
report formats which are attached at the end of the topics.
There were different tests and day to day activities which I observed in this intern ship period.
Furthermore, the major site works that were going on the project includes, excavation (bulk, pit and the
trench) of footings and footing columns, backfilling, hard core, casting of grade beams and elevation
beams, casting of slabs (ribbed & solid) and elevation columns, construction of walls. Generally, this intern
ship practice enlightened me with different theoretical and practical know-hows.

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................................................................................................4
Table of content.................................................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER ONE...................................................................................................................................................7
1. BACKGROUND OF HOSTING COMPANYS.........................................................................................7
1.1. Brief history of the company.....................................................................................................................8
1.2 The main products/services of the company.............................................................................................1
Main end users of its product and customers...............................................................................................1
1.2 Overall organization and work flow.................................................................................................1
2. Over all Internship Experience.......................................................................................................................5
2.1. How I get into the company......................................................................................................................5
2.2 Section of the Company I have been working Solomon abiye BC...........................................................5
Table2.1. the first format for takeoff sheet for reinforcement bars..........................................................................6
2.2.2 Site Work...............................................................................................................................................6
2.3 staircases....................................................................................................................................................10
2.4 Electrical Installation...............................................................................................................................11
2 .5 Hollow concert block work......................................................................................................................13
2.6 Finishing work..........................................................................................................................................14
2.7 Construction materials.............................................................................................................................15
2.8 Reinforcement...........................................................................................................................................16
2.8.1 Placing of bar.......................................................................................................................................17
2.8.2 Bar cutting and lap length...................................................................................................................17
2.9 Concrete work...........................................................................................................................................18
2.9.1 Concrete Properties............................................................................................................................18
2.9.2Mix design............................................................................................................................................19
2.9.3 Curing of concrete...............................................................................................................................20
2.9.4 Compaction of concrete......................................................................................................................20
2.10 Form work...............................................................................................................................................21
2.10.1 The Disadvantage of Timber Formwork Observed at the Site.........................................................22
2.10.2 Form Work Standards......................................................................................................................24
2.11 My performance on work tasks.............................................................................................................24

2.12 Major challenge encountered.................................................................................................................24
2.12.1 Communication challenge.................................................................................................................25
Measure to overcome the problem....................................................................................................................25
CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................................................26
3. OVER ALL BENEFIT GAINED FROM CAMPANY................................................................................26
3.1 Improving practical skills.........................................................................................................................26
3.2 Upgrading theoretical knowledge............................................................................................................27
3.3 Upgrading interpersonal communication skill.......................................................................................28
3.4 Improving team playing skill...................................................................................................................29
3.5 Improving leadership skill........................................................................................................................29
3.6 Work ethics related issues........................................................................................................................30
3.7 Entrepreneurship skill..............................................................................................................................31
CHAPTER FUOR..............................................................................................................................................32
4.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMANDATION...............................................................................................32
4.1. Conclusion................................................................................................................................................32
4.2 Recommendation......................................................................................................................................33
4.2.1 Recommendation for company..........................................................................................................33

List of figure

Figur 1.1 Organization flow chart …………………………………………………………….5

Figur 2.1 column structure with its formwork…………………………………………….......8

Figur 2.2 slab reinforcement………………………………………………………………...10
Figur 2.3 stair case construction…………………………………………………………….11
Figur 2.4 conduits……………………………………………………………………………13
Figur 2.5 HCB work…………………………………………………………………………15
Figur 2.6 reinforcement……………………………………………………………………18
Figur 2.7 form work………………………………………………………………………..24



1.1. Brief history of the company
Solomon abiye Building Contractor is currently a grade ii construction company registered
with the ministry of urban development, housing and construction. Since its founding
2000E.C. Solomon Abiye Building Contractor capacity building plan allows it to further its
participation in the growth of the local construction industry, which is critical for the overall
growth of the Ethiopian economy.
Solomon Abiye Building Contractor has a wealth of experience in various aspects of the
construction industry. Over and above of its present experience, Solomon Abiye Building
Contractor has accumulated know-how through its manpower while the staffs were working
under the umbrella of EACE. Record of past performance is annexed. Recently, Solomon
Abiye Building Contractor has made construction of Building one of its focus area. Solomon
Abiye Building Contractor has effectively executed and completed construction of Different
Building’s in different universities of the country, particularly at Wollo University, Jigjiga
University, Mettu University and Mekaneselam University. Solomon Abiye BC is privately
held and possesses an impressive bonding capability, financial strength and an unparalleled
record for safety.


1.2 The main products/services of the company

The main product of the company is building, electrical installation and water related
constructions which are capable of providing service to its customers just upon
In addition to that the main products are;
 Universities buildings
 Residential building.
 Market center building
Main end users of its product and customers
The client of Assosa University is the main end users of the product of this project of the
company. As this project is mixed used building it solves the problem of bank, super
market, gymnasium, cafeteria, massage and apartments of the surrounding society. But as
the company has wide range on construction sector. All societies, government and privates
are main end users of its product and customers.
The nation, nationality and peoples of Ethiopia can be considered as the main end users of
the product of these projects of this company.
Generally, the main end users of its product and customers are:
1. The client
2. the society around the project
3. Governmental and nonggovernmental organization.
1.2Overall organization and work flow
The overall organization and work flow shows the structure of the company and work flow
as well as it shows the responsibility of company workers.
Project manager
He is the person who manages and Controls the overall activities in the project. He
organizes different components of the site and assigns different professionals such
as Engineers , Forman and others to the components. All departments are responsible
for project manager.
He deciding on ፡-
 How much workers included under each work.
 Monthly budget and distribution of budget
 The distribution of construction materials and he observes the weekly and monthly
reports from the department.


 Visit overall works in a project and organizes as well as prepare meeting indifferent
stake holders.
 By making meeting solve problems and evaluate site performance.
Administrative office
Administrative a staff in which its responsibility is directly to the project manager. The
main activity of the Administration are solving conflicts between employees,
Administration office has responsibility of employed daily laborur.
Office Engineer
The main responsibility of this staff is preparation of weekly and monthly reports of the
activities on the project and reporting to the project manager. Some of the responsibilities
of the Office Engineer Staff are:-
 Preparation of Direct Cost
 Preparation of weekly and monthly schedules
 Preparation of weekly and monthly evaluations for different machineries
 Preparation of take off sheet
 Preparation of working drawings for structural works
 Preparation of Payment certificate
 Preparation of time extension
Collect data’s by the supervisor or data collector, from the site, then compile analyze these
data’s to prepare payments and take offs. He also makes reports to the project engineer and
makes detail drawings to be easy for construction and provide it to surveyor, Forman or
any concerned
Site engineer
Site engineer in construction has a responsibility to make sure that the work is
implemented based on the design and based on specifications used by the company. He
communicates with the office engineers. If the design has to be modified and orders the
general Forman to make it implemented. He visits the site on day to day basis for the
purpose of making sure that the work is flowing as planned. Control all the construction
activities on the site starting from the very beginning. In construction sites, depending on
the schedule given by the project manager, the site engineer;
 Set out the site,
 Check the bar and concrete works according to specification and drawings,
 Check the construction of all structural and finishing works,


 Make all necessary reports to the project manager, including all activities on the
site and materials used on the construction of his site.
 Check and go with the time schedule for overall activities. He follows the given
times schedule in order to avoid any delaying on the project completion time.
General Forman
The General Forman is the person who spent all time in the site and strictly follows all
works as well as who gives technical solution for problems on the site. The Forman in
construction controls distribution of Masons, bar bender, Carpenters and daily labor. He
also gives guidance on how the work is to be done and gives correction if there is any
mistake done.
Who is the person selected by site engineer and he must be know the work flow and what
daily labor works. Capo controls the distribution of labor throughout the site. He also
controls the number of labor at each work place, transfer of labor from one place to other
depending on they need. The capo has the power to give allowance to the workers to stop
work and go home at the time of sickness or any other occasions.
Daily labor
Daily labors are persons those numbers are decrease or increase according to the
necessary. They are employed depending on the work amount in the site.
Store keepers
Control the amount and type of material of the construction Entering and leaving from the
store by preparing some forms.
Time keeper
The time keeper is the person who controls the entering and leaving times of the site of all
workers. He controls how much time each workers work.
Data collectors
Data about the work being done like the type and amount of material used on the work, the
type and number of workers participated on the work is collected by data collector


Organizational flow chart

Construction Project Administrato

Department Manager r Department

Office Site Work Machinery Finance

Work case team Department

Store Keeper Accountant

Quantity Data Site Engineer Operator
Surveyor Collector


Carpenter Bar bender

Figure1.1 organizational flow chart



2. Over all Internship Experience
2.1. How I get into the company
Initially, there were two options given by the university industry linkage office (UIL office)
to get willing companies. One was to search and find by ourselves and the other was the
UIL office gave us the opportunity to select one of the available candidate companies.
So, according to the UIL office’s first option I searched willing companies by my own
and found a company’s Solomon Abiye Building Contractor. Since it is huge and well
known enterprise in the country, and more importantly I know that I have got understand a
deep knowledge in different stages of constructions, if I got in to a bigger project than a
smaller one.
Then I asked, the technical manager of the project to host me in their company and he gave
me the acceptance paper to the University. After the 1 st semester was complete I back to the
company to start my internship period. Then the first day I went to meet the site engineer
and the general Forman and they were also willing to show me all the entire work on
site. Finally, from February onwards I worked in Solomon abiye BC in four months.

2.2 Section of the Company I have been working Solomon Abiye BC

In Solomn Abiye Building Contractor I’ve been working in different sections of the
company both in the site and in the office.
2.2.1 Office Work
From the office work I was engaged in doing different activities on the drawing (amount
of reinforcement bars, blocks, form worked.), specifying materials for different
finishing works.



Table2.1. the first format for takeoff sheet for reinforcement bars

It. Locat Typ Shape (mm) Len No. No. Tot Total length (m)
No ion gth of of al
(m) bars me no.
per mb of Ø6 8 10 12 14 16 20 2
mem er bar 4
ber s

Total length(m)

Weight(kg/m) .222 . .617 .88 1.2 1.5 2.467 3.

3 8 09 79 5
9 5
5 2

Total weight(kg)

2.2.2 Site Work

 Superstructure work
 Plastering work
In the site work practically I observe structural works of beam , column ,slab,
staircase,HCB work and concrete work etc. site work was good for me because it
enables to me;-
 To upgrade my theoretical knowledge
 To improve my communication skill
 To know more about construction
 To have confidence on construction
Columns are rigid, relatively slender structural members, designed primarily to support
axial compressive loads of the members. Column may be rectangular, square and circle in

The site there are two types of columns, rectangular and square shapes.

Figure 2.1 Column structure with its form work

A beam is a horizontal structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by
resisting bending.. Beams generally carry vertical gravitational forces but can also be used
to carry horizontal loads (i.e., loads due to an earthquake or wind). The loads carried by a

beam are transferred to columns, walls, which then transfer the force to adjacent structural
compression members. Negative bars are provided by a length of L/3 from the column
edge to both sides. It is provided on the top part of the beam. Beams are casted together
with the slab and stays for 21 days for cured completely after that the form work removed
Construction steps for beams and columns: -
 Both longitudinal bars and stirrups are provided according to their spacing
 Spacers are tied with bars
 formwork is constructed for the member
 Its verticality is checked with plumb bob
 Concrete is poured into formwork and vibrated around rod reinforcement
 Formworks are removed after expiry of their period and the concrete surface is
watered until it sufficiently cures
Slabs are structural part of a building having plate shape and used to firm floors and roofs of
the building. Their aim is to provide a level surface capable of supporting the occupants of a
building, equipment, furniture’s and sometimes internal partitions. The top surface of the
slab is kept rough to create a proper bond with any type of floor finish desired. In our site
solid slab used.
a. Solid slab: s. this type of slab is made up from concretes and steel bars. The concrete used in
the slab work used to resist compression loads while steel bars used to resist tensile loads. It
was constructed from a concrete quality C-25 and its reinforcement details were the same to
those of beams. The bottom reinforcement is continuous over the entire span and top
reinforcement is provided at the support section to take up the tensile force since solid slabs
have a greater concrete depth, they are meant for their greater prevention of water
percolation a part from its structural function
Construction: for solid slab: -
 Supporting system is constructed
 formwork is laid with panels and checked entirely for not being pierced
 Reinforcements are provided according to their details a
 spacers are placed between panels and reinforcement bars



 All fixtures such as sanitary, electrical and water pipes are positioned and installed
according to their drawings
 Concrete is casted properly while fulfilling its requirement

Figure 2.2 slab reinforcement

2.3 staircases
Staircases provide means of movement from one floor to another in a structure. Staircases
consist of a number of steps with landings at suitable intervals to provide comfort and safety
for the users. For building up to three floors, only stairs are usually provided but for
buildings more than three floors, both electrical lifts and stairs are to be provided. On our
project site the building being public and G+1, it is provided with both stair and lift. The



stair case is doglegged type half turn stairs and it is provided with main longitudinal bars
bedded into the slab and transverse reinforcements tied with main bars. The stair case was
made of reinforced concrete quality of C-25. C-25 concrete is attained by the following
process. The ratio of mix is 1:2:3.

Figure 2.3 stair case constructions

The common terms used in stairs

 Tread: The horizontal top portion of a step where foot rests
 Riser: In some cases, the tread is projected outward to increase the space. This
projection is designated as nosing
 Flight: The vertical distance between two successive steps
 Waist: The thickness of the waist-slab on which steps are made
 Going: the horizontal projection between the first and the last riser of an inclined
 Soffit: the bottom surface of a stair slab

2.4 Electrical Installation

Electrical installation starts parallel with the slab work by installing conduits. Conduits
are installed inside the reinforced slab. The ends of the conduits ware installed to the top
direction and to the bottom direction. This is in case of circuits and switches.

Conduits installed to the top direction are for switches and ampoules but the conduits in
bottom direction are for circuits.
I observed when they install the conduits according to the design, before slab is filled
with concrete. Additionally the conduits are covered before concrete is filled to prevent
clogging of cables. At site, electrical installation is done for different kinds of utilities
such as light bulbs, bells, switches, air conditioners, fire and smoking alarms etc.
At site, they have some check list for electrical installation:

 The electrical installation is approved by designated professional.

 Material to be used for installation strictly follow the specifications and the
 The conduits are free from defects and cover the wires all the ways
 All switches and outlets are properly fixed according to the drawings.



Figure2.4 Electrical installation (conduits)



2 .5 Hollow concert block work

In our site HCB was manufactured at the site for external and internal wall construction.
The size of blocks used on our site
 HCB with dimension 40cm*20cm*20cm used for external walls.
 HCB with dimension 40cm*20cm*15cm used for partition walls and external walls.
 HCB with dimension 40cm*20cm*10cm used for partition walls.
Procedure to place HCB
 Maintain vertical and horizontal alignment with tumb and ligna to make HCB work
coincide with upper beam respectively.
 With help horizontal alignment, lay the horizontal row HCB after placing mortar
 At every three steps of HCB they place PLAIN BAR to prevent vertical cracks
 Then with help of tumbi lay HCB up.
Constructions of walls with HCBs require strict technical supervision as their improper
construction greatly affects the final appearance and the strength of the building.
One should remember that if block work is to be efficient for construction, the dimension of
rooms, walls, etc. should fit the block size modules so that there will be a minimum number
of blocks cut and



Figure 2.5 shows HCB work (author)

2.6 Finishing work

The final appearance of a building depends greatly on its finishing such as plastering,
pointing, and painting. As I observed, plastering is started from top such as ceiling and
worked down towards the floor. The surface must be thoroughly raked, chipped, roughened
and kept wet before the work is commenced. Then to ensure even thickness and leveled
surface, guide points are first set on the concrete surface that to be plastered. Plaster should
be plastic and adhere to the concrete surface and this property is achieved by using
appropriate cement-water ratio and finer sands, otherwise it will crack due to shrinkage. At
our site plastering has been undertaken by two coats: -the base coat or the rendering coat
and the finishing coat. Generally plastering is the work used for covering rough surfaces of
building components such as walls and ceilings with a coat to form a smooth and durable



Plastering is also found to resist rain penetration besides its aesthetics and durability.
Plastering consists of three coats. These are: -first coat plastering, second coat plastering
and third coat plastering
 Has maximum thickness of 3mm.
 Should be finished truly and level, fine sand used for smooth finish as final coat.
 Cement plastering is wetted for seven days after the application of the final coat.

2.7 Construction materials

Constructions materials should be unloaded safely to ensure their safety against breaking,
crushing and being damage during delivered to the site. Major constructions materials such
as cement, reinforcements, HCBs and pre-cast type beams were delivered by the client,
ERA. The contractor should also take care for the construction materials that can easily lose
their qualities by not being properly stored and damp
At all stages up to the time of use, cement must be kept dry so as to prevent or minimize
deterioration from the effects of moisture, atmospheric humidity and carbonation. It is
obvious that cement need to be stored on dry areas and where uniform temperature is
expected to prevail. On events we should check the quality of cement, example, visual
inspection test by which a sample of cement taken from the bag showing bright gray color
(as specified by the manufacturer) gives an indication of freshness & purity of cement. This
is the usual test on the site we were implementing.

Aggregate has to be delivered to the site in clean and suitable vehicles, especially damp
track. Different types or sizes of aggregate were stored in a separate bin or compartment
having a base such that contamination of the aggregate is prevented. General requirement of
aggregate for construction is that it should be hard, clean and free of any harmful matter to
an extent which would adversely affect the hardening of a binder, or the strength or
durability of the finished material in which they are put. They need to be tested for their
quality such as flakiness test, abrasion test and crashing value test for course aggregate. And
silt test and sieve analysis for fine aggregate, sands. But on our site we usually checked the
quality of sands by rubbing a sample of sand and looked for the stains left on our hand.



2.8 Reinforcement
There had been two types of reinforcements they used on the site: deformed bars and plain
bars. Reinforcing bars should be kept from wet areas, oils and grease that may lead to
corrosion and eventually results in potential failure. There are work executed on site related
to reinforcing bar like placing of bar, bar cutting and lap length.
In beam negative bars are provided by a length of L/3 from the column edge to both sides. It
is provided on the top part of the beam. Beams are casted together with the slab and stays
for 21 days to cure completely after that the form work removed away.
In slab bars are arranged to both directions with the same distance among the bars on the
bottom of the slab based on the architectural drawing.
The no of bar is known dividing the side length of the panel to the given spacing. On the top
part of the slab negative bars are placed across the beam to both panels and the distribution
bars are placed or tied over the negative bars. In column the length of the main bar is 4m
without the lap length. The column size is 45 by45cm without cc. The shape of the stirrup
of the column is two types, rectangular and zed shape. The stirrup is spaced by 15cm in
column. Bars distributed in both direction at the bottom at the top part of the stair case. The
stirrups or L bars are important to form rising and trade. Cabeleto was entered on the
landing of the stair case between the top and bottom bars. The purpes of the cabeleto is to
provide space and to support the top bar.



Figure 2.6 Reinforcement

2.8.1 Placing of bar

Reinforcing bars are placed at a critical place in RCS structures so that it will carry the
tension stress in the RCS member. Based on the position of bars, they are called as negative
bars if placed at the top and positive when they are placed at the bottom. This is in beams,
slabs and stair case structure members.
2.8.2 Bar cutting and lap length
The nominal length of bar is 12 m to achieve the required length bar is curtailed. The length
of lapping is a function of diameter of bars to be lapped. Lapping in column and beam is
mandatory. In beams positive bars will lap each other at the support or near to the support.
But negative bars will lap at the middle span at the beam. In column, lapping will be at each
floor level and in all cases the length lapping is about 75 or 80cm.
Bars are curtailed: -
 At one third distance from the support for beam and slab.
 At supports for slab for negative reinforcement.
 At length including both column height and lapping length.
 At length equal to the perimeter of main reinforcement plus 50 mm on both side.



2.9 Concrete work

Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, aggregates and water. Sometimes admixture will be
added to enhance workability and setting of concrete. Concrete work includes batching and
mixing of concrete materials, placing of concrete, compaction and curing of concrete. The
mixing ratio is 2:4:6 for cement sand and aggregate respectively. If there is admixture in the
concrete the structure cured in ten days for slab and beam but column is cured in one day.
The equipment used to measure aggregate or sand is 40cm by15cm in size.

2.9.1 Concrete Properties

1. Consistency

It’s the degree of fluidity or degree of mobility of the freshly mixed concrete. A concrete
which has a high consistence and which is a more mobile ,need not be of right
workability for a particular job ,every job regimes a particular workability. To get good
consistency the water cement ratio must be proportion. Consistency is neither stiff and
crumble mix, nor too fluid and water mix. It is checked by the site engineer.

2. Segregation

It is separation of the constituent materials of concrete. A good concrete is one in which

all ingredients are properly distributed to make a homogenous mixture. Sometimes
segregation is created on the site and correction is taken. The concrete mixing is done by
mixer, so segregation is occurred rarely due to workmanship.

3. Bleeding

It the tendency of water to rise in freshly placed concrete when the solids settle through
the body of water .it is occurred do to constitutes of the mixed materials weight and
compaction results to be weak the upper portion of the concrete.



2.9.2Mix design
Mix design can be defined as the process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and
determining their relative proportions with the object of producing concrete of certain
minimum strength and durability and economical as possible.

The aim of studying the various properties of materials of concrete and hard concrete is
enable the concrete technology to design a concrete mix for a particular strength.

Design of concrete mix needs:-

1. Knowledge of material properties of concrete in plastic condition.

2. Wider knowledge of experiencing on concrete.

There are various methods of concrete mix. These are:-

 Trial method proportioning.

 Arbitrary proportioning.
 ACI method of mix design

From those in this site we used arbitrary proportioning. It established by experience. But
this method of proportioning dose not secure concrete of certain strength because the
amount of water cement ratio is not defined.

The mix design used in this site is 2:4:6 that means with a box dimension of 40*15*40
centimeter in volume.

2 bag of cement
4 boxes of sand
6 boxes of aggregate

2.9.3 Curing of concrete

The strength of concrete increase by general chemical action of cement in setting. There
are two setting times of concrete namely, initial setting time and final setting time. The
former one is setting time from placing of concrete up to dismantling of the formwork.
It is one day for column. The final setting time is the time from dismantling of
formwork to final setting of concrete.



After placing concrete in position, it should remain protected for sufficient time to become
durable and strong. Concrete shall be protected from premature drying and excessively hot
temperatures for at least 28 days from the date of casting. The concrete surface shall be kept
continuously wet by application of water for at least 7 days to maintain constant
temperature and thus regulate its heat of hydration. Where the temperature is excessively
high the surface of concrete shall be covered with absorptive mat, fabric or sand
continuously kept wet or the application of other moisture retaining covering as approved
by the Engineer. The watering of concrete shall continue until the concrete has achieved its
designed strength. Proper curing of concrete has a prominent use such as: -
 Increase impermeability and durability of concrete
 Reduces shrinkage and thus cracking
 Increase resistance to abrasion
 Gives a hard dense surface and so prevent cracking and dusting
2.9.4 Compaction of concrete
Once the concrete has been placed, it is ready to be compacted. The purpose of
compaction is to get rid of the air voids that are trapped in loose concrete.

It is important to compact the concrete fully because:

 Air voids reduce the strength of the concrete. For every 1% of entrapped air, the
strength falls by somewhere between 5 and 7%. This means that concrete containing a
mere 5% air voids due to incomplete compaction can lose as much as one third of its

 Air voids increase concrete's permeability. That in turn reduces its durability. If
the concrete is not dense and impermeable, it will not be watertight. It will be less able to
withstand aggression and its exposed surfaces will weather badly.

 Moisture and air are more likely to penetrate to the reinforcement causing it to

 Air voids impair contact between the mix and reinforcement (and, indeed, any
other embedded metals). The required bond will not be achieved and the reinforced
member will not be as strong as it should be.



 Air voids produce blemishes on struck surfaces. For instance, blowholes and
honeycombing might occur.

Summing up, fully compacted concrete is dense, strong and durable; badly
compacted concrete will be porous, weak and prone to rapid deterioration. Sooner or
later it will have to be repaired or replaced. It pays, therefore, to do the job properly in
the first place.

Stiff mixes contain far more air than workable ones. That is one of the reasons why
a low-slump concrete requires more comp active effort than one with a higher slump -
the compaction needs to continue for a longer time, or more equipment has to be used.

Even air-entrained concrete needs to be compacted to get rid of entrapped air voids.
The difference between air voids and entrained air bubbles should be noted at this stage.
The air bubbles that are entrained are relatively small and spherical in shape, increase the
workability of the mix, reduce bleeding, and increase frost resistance. Entrapped air on
the other hand tends to be irregular in shape and is detrimental to the strength of the mix.
It is to remove this air that the concrete must be properly compacted. There is little
danger that compaction will remove the minute air bubbles that have been deliberately
entrained, since they are so stable.

2.10 Form work

The formwork available at site is a temporarily ancillary construction used as a mould for
structure in which concrete is placed and hardened.
The construction of form work involves considerable expenditure of time and material.
In site when the concrete has reached certain required strength the formwork is no longer
needed and is removed and also reused for another structure.
It is a temporary structural element which supports and molds slabs, beams, and other
structural members in casting concrete. It shall be designed and erected to safely support,
vertical and lateral loads that might be applied until such load can be supported by the
concrete structure. One should always remember that these works should be constructed in
such a way that removal of form work can be done easily as planned. Most common
materials used for temporary works, form works, are timber, plywood and steel.



2.10.1 The Disadvantage of Timber Formwork Observed at the Site

Wooden formwork is possibility of warping, swelling, and shrinkage. However,
those defects can be overcome by applying to the shuttering water impermeable coatings.
This coating also prevents the shuttering from adhering to concrete and hence make
stripping easier. Mostly at this NRH site plastic coating and grease oil is dominant which
facilities stripping.

In addition to wooden formwork, steel formwork is used for structural elements

such as slabs, and cylindrical column for the following advantages;

 It can be put to high number of uses

 It provides ease of stripping
 It ensures an even and smooth concrete surface
 It possesses greater rigidity
 It is not liable to shrinkage or distortion.
 Even though steel formwork is more advantageous than wooden
formwork, it is comparatively coaster.



Figure 2.7 Form work

Requirements of form work: -

 Form work should be coated with form oil to prevent adhesion of concrete such that
it allows easy stripping
 should be fixed in position and stiff enough to resist the pressure and weight during
casting and in other cases
 It should be rigid enough to retain the shape without excessive deformation
 Formwork must be easily removable
 It is prepared either wood or panel
 It should be straight and alien
 If it is a wood it should be dry

 It should be easily available

2.10.2 Form Work Standards.
1) General- the formwork shall conform to the shape, lines and
dimensions, as shown on the planes and be so constructed as to remain
sufficiently rigid during the placing and compacting of the concrete,
and shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of liquid from the
2) Cleaning and treatment of concrete- all rubbish , particularly
chippings ,shavings and saw dust, shall be removed from the interior of
the formwork before concrete is placed and the formwork in contact
with the concrete shall be cleaned and thoroughly wetted or treated
with an appropriate composition is kept out of contact with the
3) Stripping time- in no circumstances forms shall be struck until the
concrete reaches strength of at least twice the stresses to which the
concrete may be subjected at time of striking.

2.11 My performance on work tasks

From the very beginning and start of my internship program, I was eager to know all the
practical aspects that I thought I should know. It is a part of the student, practitioner, to have a
great interest and eager to know about works performed on the site and to have interest
towards asking engineers and formants on the ambiguities and unclear ideas. But I sincerely
assure that I had a quality of observing and inspecting works that were executed on the site
and asking experts on the issues that I should know. More or less I performed all the tasks that
I have given responsibly and I had commensurate theoretical concepts with practical ones and
grasped an ample of knowledge

2.12 Major challenge encountered

Challenging things are encountered when we face new things. Internship program arranged
to have good understanding of new environment the practical world which we going to face
after graduation. As we are practical student the environment is new and challenging that
require one’s motivation to achieve the objective. In this long time i have faced the
following challenge.

 Lack of assigned personal we are going to ask question come to our mind in time of
 Communication difficult on site
 Lack of exposure to office work
 Reading drawing and some new software program
2.12.1 Communication challenge
The primary challenge that I faced was adapting the words and language that have been
used by the masons, Forman and carpenters for deferent structural parts and construction
works and tools. These words were totally new for me and most of them were Italian and
sound similar. For this reason, it was confusing and hard to memorize these words in the
first few weeks of the internship period. But by repeatedly asking and trying to memorize
them, I learned the words and as time progresses I was able to understand their meaning and
start responding to the queries raised rounding this word.
Measure to overcome the problem
As practical student there are many things new and create question in our mind. At this
time, we have to get answer for this question and to do so there must be someone who has
good experience on site to respond to our question, but as matter of chance this is not. To
solve this problem, I took the following measure: -
 Asking anybody on the site i think he can answer me
 Discussing the question with my friends
 Going to another site and ask responsible body
Writing the question and ask the site engineer when he was available





Internship program is a method of letting the students to assume themselves as a potentially
responsible workman for a particular work by assigning them to actively participate in
construction as well as consulting companies. And such trend has helped to have valuable work
experience. Internship programs are also potentially valuable to company. Unfortunately, some
companies continue to regard interns as little more than a free source of labor to catch up on
filing and other tedious office tasks. But many business owners and managers realize that
internship programs can provide them with an early opportunity to gauge the talents of a new
generation of workers and, in many cases, sell themselves as a quality place for students to
begin their careers after they graduate.
The overall benefits of the intern ship are not limited to the practical skill only. So it is better to
group them in to different categories such as: -
 In terms of improving my practical skill
 In terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge
 In terms of improving my interpersonal communication skill
 In terms of improving my team playing skill
 In terms of improving my leadership skill
 In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues

3.1 Improving practical skills

Internship program expected to create practical environment that make one who take an
internship program on the site to come up with a tremendous practical skill, since the field of
civil engineering mostly comprises of field activities. The site, site engineers and employers
who are responsible and engaged on the site work and strive towards erecting the civil
engineering structures are the main from which practical skill is gained. The student leaves the
site with a great practical skill and problem solving mechanisms. All tasks executed on site have
their own steps and needs a technical skill by which one can see the problems and solve easily
without a difficulty. In this time of inter program one can able to relate practical lesson with
theatrical knowledge gained in class. Theoretically we may know about foundation types,
columns, beams and their detail designs, yet we did not know how they are erected and how its



detail provisions are made. But after this three-month internship program I confidently say I
gained good practical skill and answer question come to my mind in theatrical lesson that need
practical solution.
Communication skill is very important to communicate with professional on site which have a
lot to offer. Being able to easily communicate and understand each other with supervisors
greatly improves one’s practical skill. I would like to list the practical skills I gained from the
internship program as the following:
 Supervision of construction materials such as cement, aggregate, sand, HCBs and etc.
 The methods and steps of how structural members are erected
 Problem solving skills when it encountered
 How to curtail bar and make lap?
 How to produce concrete of required strength?
 How to manufacture HCB on site?
 How concrete is mixed, poured and vibrated to reduce segregation
 How to construct form work for beam, slab, column and staircase
 Reading drawing and check the drawing on site.
 How bar is bend.

3.2 Upgrading theoretical knowledge

Theoretical lessons have a considerable difference from practical ones when they are seen from
different perspectives. One should know the theoretical aspects prior to going for practice on
site, as one should have something to relate with what he is seeing on the site. As such we found
the internship very important in upgrading theoretical knowledge that we grasped during our
past stay in the university. There were brand new ideas that we never got the chance to know
about when attending regular classes.
Generally, an internship program is the system by which the students can observe the practical
real world and relate it with the theoretical lessons. Being attended this program effectively, we
made clear on issues that were remaining unclear and we were vague of. I can also assure
internship’s paramount important in providing a brand new ideas that we were not familiar with
before and ideas that are proven quite helpful when it comes to solving practical problems. But
what worth mentioning is some of the courses have a premier position in contributing for the



success of the internship program and ease in understanding the tasks conducted on the site. Of
such courses include: -construction material, structural courses and foundation courses.
Besides accomplishing my practical tasks, I had been learning the need, the objective behind,
the definition and uses of the things I was doing.
I realize that the reinforcement bars are designed according to the theories I learned on RC I
and theory of structures.
For example, I saw that much reinforcement bars for slabs are found near the beams.
This ensures that the maximum bending moment for slab is most of the time found at the face of
support. And for beams it is at the midpoint. I also observed that negative bars are placed near
the column because of maximum moment. I also realize that the reinforcement bars that are
provided in the design can be changed to the equivalent area of reinforcement available on site.

3.3 Upgrading interpersonal communication skill

Effective communication skill plays a great roll in engineering than writing. This skill is
developed through practice and effort of individual. The site is a place where you got different
person having different skill and position. So to come across that person one should have good
interpersonal communication skill. By interpersonal communication is to mean one’s ability to
easily engage itself in a discussion with a professional manner and able to gain something
useful out of it. Of course it was not as easy as it sounds at first but through the course of time
and with a great deal of help from professionals around me, I was able to improve what is
proven to be one of the most important skills. Since the aim of the project is to accomplish the
work in good way, I just try to have good communicative skills with people around. As I tried to
know some things that are strange to me on the site, I would ask those nearby to me and whom I
supposed they know. In turn, besides understanding the ambiguities and vague, I was
developing the communication ways and interpersonal communications. What I could assure
was site engineers, supervisors and office engineers are easier to ask them than university
teachers. As such the internship program was being an ideal place where we greatly developed
our interpersonal communication skill.
Generally, I believe that I have improved my interpersonal communication skill as I have
learned the barriers of effective communication lies in the difference between interpersonal
needs and failures to acknowledge the rules associated with interpersonal communication. I am
surprised to learn that one of the most significant ways to influence others in a positive way is



by effectively listening to them. I have also seen that listening can let a person earn respect and
trust and sense of concern while receiving better quality of information.

3.4 Improving team playing skill

Construction involves many professionals that are skilled and non-skilled, because of this it is a
team work. In this field of work, we get people of different knowledge and experience, different
religion and belief, different nationality and language.
Therefore, team playing skill plays the most important role for the speed and quality of projects.
I have developed a major experience of working with workers starting from the contractor up to
the ordinary daily labor.
I learnt that as part of a team, an engineer should have to works with a positive attitude within a
group for the success of a project. When called upon to lead, an engineer must have good
managerial and organizational skills. Confident and enthusiastic engineers are able to succeed
by gaining the trust of co-workers.
When we work as team, be prepare to do this
 Communicate
 Coordinate
 Collaborate
 Cooperate
 Compromise
During the times I was involved as an intern in the project, I try to work with colleagues
because it gives me a chance to grasp knowledge and furthermore it is possible to share
knowledge and it is preferable to work in group.

3.5 Improving leadership skill

Leadership is the process of influencing individuals or groups to accomplish an organizational
goal or mission. The skill of leadership is the ability to guide, control and monitor peers and
colleagues that are taking part in a given activity may it be in the office or at construction sites.

As a leader, one needs to learn how to handle and resolve such cases without too many negative
consequences. Plus, controlling the overall activities taking place on a construction site by itself
is a big leadership quality that needs to be encouraged. Thanks to my supervisor and employers,
I was able to observe and witness a great leadership quality and was able to take some points on



how to develop my own leadership qualities after all and in the near future. After all I observed
the following.

 I observed how each worker is controlled and organized to perform its day to day
activities. Among all other managements I have seen that human resource management
is the most important and difficult one
 I observed the method of controlling the working time and amount of work done by each
worker so that the work proceeds according to the work plan.
 Leadership is a skill to guide, control and monitor peoples.
 For effective leadership I understood that personal values like confidence, effective
communication and devotion are very important

3.6 Work ethics related issues

Work ethics is behaviour of conduct related to work. It is the overall quality in one’s behaviour
towards appreciating the process of work flow and performing rather well on the job so that this
work flow will not be jeopardized in the long run. Work ethics involve such characteristics as
honesty and accountability.
The behaviour that one shows towards his peers and colleagues is also one manifestation of the
concept of work ethics. Personally, I always respected and gave priority for the employers of
the company. Elements of work ethics that worth mentioning are: -punctuality, honesty,
reliability, efficiency, cooperation and responsibility.
 Punctuality: - arriving at work place on time helps the task to be executed according to
the schedule and increase our efficiency
 Reliability and honesty: - helps one body to gain more responsibility, respect and
believe from other. So this benefits both company and individual.
 Efficiency: - I have to be efficient so that the work done has no errors and result in no
 Open mindedness:-I have to be open minded, to learn from other
 Cooperation: - construction is team work, so cooperation is necessary.
Generally, we us a student should follow the rules and regulations set by the company and avoid
complaining any work load, activity or assignment that may arise on the site or office. It is a
pleasure of supervisors if we have a good work ethics and we are responsible for any given
tasks. Since the aim of internship is to let students know the outside environment pertinent to



their field, which includes of such the above dealt qualities, I was with the great interest that I
tried to meet my responsibilities and work ethics that I supposed to be based on my wisdom.

3.7 Entrepreneurship skill

Even though I was not come up with the brand new set of ideas that were implemented in to
action, to the best of my abilities, I tried to observe and learn the ways and systems that lead to
the creation of a whole new set of ideas leading to better outcomes in the production process. It
is apparent that entrepreneurship skill is more related with engineering field and we as engineers
should have some the thing to create or feed ideas that contributes for the entrepreneur, but what
should be known is creating idea is not so short term process that we were not come up with.
But the internship program let and made us bear in mind some ideas that are related with
creating, upon seeing site activities, the method of executing and equipment used.





4.1. Conclusion
Construction industry is the fast growing sector in our country which utilizes large number of
money and profession. So to actively engage in this sector practical lesson is very mandatory in
addition to theoretical knowledge. Internship program is arranged by targeting this objective.
From this angle I find that internship is school that teaches me about civil engineering
theoretical with practical knowledge and understanding what I am going to do after graduation.
During my stay in the company I could learn how to communicate with workers: in turn I could
improve my personal communication skills.
Besides, I was able to understand work ethics related issues such as punctuality, reliability,
efficiency etc. On top of these I learned how to come up with a solution when challenges are
facing during work time and I also improved my team playing and leader ship skills. I assure
that the skills I gained in the internship will actually help me to be efficient when I get into
work after graduation because I was already familiar with the skills which are essential in the
working environment. Therefore, I appreciate the institute keep up with giving the intern ship
for the rest of students who come after us.
Generally, internship is a very important program rated both in gaining practical, theoretical,
communication, entrepreneur skill and work ethics. So internship program is real, necessary and
important for engineering students which arose no question. Practical programs used to develop
theoretical principles. We have seen what we are going to do and well informed about
construction sites.

4.2 Recommendation
4.2.1 Recommendation for company
In general description the quality and quantity of the material they use for construction is good
with safe structure. The owner of the project is Assosa University. The project is needed for
lectures room.But I recommend totally for the company in a certain point: -



About safety of daily Labors-I recommend on this the daily labors should be ware
appropriate waring system specially shoes and during happen of accident should
give first aid and then go to clinic. But this is not applied in the company.
About store place of bar (safety of bar) even if there is ashes and try to placed
wood inside the bar, but this is not sufficient for all type and dia. of bar, since the
bar were affected by rain and mud (dust).
About design structure of the b/g; for the first time I was go to the company and I
saw the design project of the b/g was G+5. But the position of the work is at G+3
to the right side, and we ask the site engineer for the design structure and he reply
the design structure of the b/g was G+4 on the left side G+5 on the right side.



1. Company profile of Solomon abiye plc.
2. Day to day reports during internship program
3. Hand book
5. Samples of recent reports( Hapte final internship report)



[1]. Cravat: yoke: used to fix the column form works together in their positive
[2]. Staffa: stirrup: shear resistant bar of the column, beams, etc.
[3]. Ferayo: bar benders: someone who works with reinforcement
[4]. Fondo: bottom soffit: used as a form work for beam and slab at the bottom
[5]. Kebeleto: used as a support stirrup between reinforcement
[6]. Kreste: supports a form work of a beam
[7]. MPa; Mega Pascal
[8]. Ponte: Prop: supports a form work of slabs at bottom
[9]. RC: reinforcement concrete
[10]. Staffa: syrup holds bars in position
[11]. Tumbi: plumb bob: it is used to check the perpendicularity of columns
[12].Tumbi: plumb bob keeps vertical alignment of HCB work.

1. cc: concrete cover
2. BC: building contractor




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