GO Ingles

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Go went gone
= travel or move to another place

1. go + gerund
(a) Did you go shopping?
(b) We went fishing yeterday
Go is followed by a gerund in certain idiomatic expressions to express, for the
most part, recreational activities.
Go + gerund

go birdwatching ir a observar aves

go boating ir en bote

go bowling ir a los bolos

go camping ir de camping

go canoeing ir en canoa

go dancing ir a bailar

go fishing ir a pescar

go hiking practicar senderismo

go hunting Ir a cazar

go jogging salir a correr

go mountain climbing ir a escalar a las montañas

go running ir a correr

go sailing ve a navegar

go shopping ir de compras

go sighseeing ir a hacer turismo

go skaing ir a patinar

go skiing Ir a esquiar

go sledding Ir en trineo

go swimming ir a nadar
go tobogganing ir a trineo
go window shopping ir a mirar escaparates

I’m going home/to home

I’m going to bank/ the bank

Home. Downtown, go+ activity/sport
Deaf sordo
Abroad en el extranjero
On line en linea
West oeste
Right correcto
Blind ciego
Crazy loco
Mad enojado
Bad malo
Green verde
Bold calvo
Ej. I would like to go fishing this weekend
Many old people go deaf.
We shoul go abroad on holiday this year.
I’ll just go online and look up her address
Tha old cat is starting to go blind
The old man is going to go crazy.
The milk will go bad if is not kept in the fridge
Many men go bald at an early age.

Go to
Class, work, school, college, unversity, bed, prisión, jail, citys (Japan, Italiy,
Europe, Asia, etc.) , dinner, hell, sleep.

Go to the (se utiliza este porque se sabe el donde queda el sitio)

Doctor’s, dentinst, specialist, bank, supermarket, mail, airport, zoo, moon,
gym,lake, park, mountains, beach, gym, cinema.

Go to a ( no sabemos cual ………)

Party, conference, concert, meeting, restaurant,

Go on
A vacation, a cruise, a trip, a tour, a safari, an adventure, a trip, Holiday, a
date, a pincin, a strike (una huelga)

Go for
A walk, a swim, a drive, a meal, a nap, a ride, a rest, a hike, a drink, a run, a
coffee, a jog, a walk.
Phrasal Verbs.
Go with
= to match = to look good together = to taste good together
Para que coincida

Go off
= to explode
A bomb has gone off in the city center.
= to make a loud noise/ to ring loudly

If food or drink goes off, it is no longer good to eat drink.

The milk has gone off. Don’t drink it.

Go over
= to examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way
They are going over the accounsts.

Go on
= to happen/ to occur

To Go back, similar to “Get Back”, basically means to retunr where you come
from or make some room.
Or if you’re recording someone, and, you want them to go bakc: “okay, go

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