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College of Engineering, Technology and Computational Science

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning

B.Sc. Thesis Arch 6271


The spatial assesment of condominium public open spaces. The
case of summit condominium, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
In Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Bachelor Degree of Science in Architecture and
Urban Planning in Unity University


ID NO . UU80461R
Advisor: Mr. Tewedros G/Tsadik

March 2024 GC
Table of Contents

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................... i

List of Figures ......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter One .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction and Research Design ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Backgrounds and Context Review ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Research Objectives............................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 General Objective................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3.2 Specific Objective ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Research Question ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Scope of the Study ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.5.1 Thematic Scope .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5.2 Spatial Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.5.3 Temporal Scope .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Significant of the Study .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Organization of the Paper and research design..................................................................................... 4
1.8 Research Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.8.1 Research method choice ............................................................................................................... 6
1.8.2 Research approach ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.8.3 Selection of Case Study area ......................................................................................................... 7
1.8.4 Source of data and collection methods .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.8.5 Method of Data Analysis ............................................................................................................... 8

Chapter One

1. Introduction and Research Design

1.1 Backgrounds and Context Review

The scarcity of available land is a prevalent issue in urban areas globally. Due to cities being prime locations for
commercial and business activities, there's a growing competition for property within urban areas. Even
middle-income families are finding it challenging to afford residential plots due to rising costs. Consequently,
high-rise apartment buildings and condominiums have emerged as a viable solution for accommodating large
populations within limited land space.

In Addis Ababa, acknowledged as one of the nation's swiftly expanding cities, the same challenge persists. Over
its more than 130 years of existence, the city has experienced substantial urban growth. Rapid urbanization
has led to a scarcity of land, resulting in a sharp rise in land prices per square meter. This situation places
considerable strain on the local government to allocate land for industrial expansion, infrastructure
development, and accommodating the burgeoning urban populace.

To address the housing deficit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, extensive construction of new condominiums has been
undertaken, with the government further planning many more under the Integrated Housing Development
Program (IHDP). Alongside housing provisions, this development initiative incorporates social amenities like
communal open spaces and community structures. While the primary goal of the program is to offer a
substantial number of housing units, the inclusion of communal facilities such as shared open spaces and
community structures remains integral to the overall development strategy.

Since its inception in 2005, the program initially focused on providing housing for low-income individuals until
mid-2013 when a 40/60 program catering to middle-income individuals was introduced. Condominiums were
constructed with cost-effectiveness in mind to ensure affordability for the target demographic. One cost-saving
measure employed was minimizing the area of each unit to the practical minimum standard possible.
Consequently, residents are encouraged to utilize outdoor areas for various activities, underscoring the
significance of public open spaces within the development program. These communal open spaces serve as
vital venues for residents to engage in outdoor exercise and other recreational activities.

Open spaces represent a crucial aspect within the comprehensive viability framework that demands attention.
They serve multiple roles in fostering the sustainability of a community. Open spaces contribute to mitigating
climate change, enhancing local air quality, fostering biodiversity, stimulating economic development
(particularly through site enhancement), facilitating urban regeneration, promoting social inclusion, serving as
a platform for environmental education, enhancing individual and community health, offering spaces for
relaxation, and providing areas for children to play, among other benefits .

Open spaces offer a diverse array of services that benefit the community on multiple fronts. Environmentally,
they contribute to air and water purification, filter wind and noise, and stabilize microclimates. Socially, open
spaces encourage residents to utilize outdoor areas, fostering social cohesion among neighbors. Economically,
they provide cost savings on pollution control by acting as natural air cleaners, promote cities as tourist
attractions, and enhance the value of real estate in a given area .

Open spaces hold significant importance in enhancing the quality of life within cities and are pivotal for long-term
urban development. It's imperative for every city's physical planning to prioritize the creation of high-quality,
potentially sustainable open spaces, sometimes employing unconventional approaches.

In the context of Addis Ababa's new condominium neighborhoods, the provision of open spaces could be viewed
as a commendable achievement in enhancing the city's physical landscape. However, for these spaces to
contribute effectively to the city's long-term development, they need to be evaluated from a broader, long-term
perspective. Therefore, assessing the current condition of community open spaces within established
condominium neighborhoods becomes a crucial initial step in enhancing existing conditions and ensuring the
creation of livable environments in future projects.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Due to the government's extensive housing initiatives, particularly in the outskirts of the city, the population
residing in condominium neighborhoods in Addis Ababa is steadily increasing. Initially, these residences were
mainly occupied by lottery winners who participated in the scheme. However, as part of the city's inner
infrastructure development, land-use adjustments, and redevelopment efforts, many individuals living in
private plots and government-owned houses (Kebele houses) are being relocated to newly established
condominium communities.

Numerous open and green areas within these neighborhoods serve as venues for festivals, children's
playgrounds, and other social events at the local or neighborhood level. These spaces are often not formally
designed or planned, ranging from unmanaged gaps between residential units to designated urban open

In many condominium neighborhoods developed under the Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP),
open spaces are incorporated into the neighborhood design to function as communal areas where residents
can engage in various outdoor activities. However, the ratio of available open space to built-up area varies
depending on the neighborhood's location.

Addis Ababa's residents come from diverse cultural backgrounds, each with its own traditions and lifestyles
that require suitable living environments both indoors and outdoors. The transition to living in multi-story
condominium buildings, where outdoor spaces are shared among the community, represents a significant shift
for residents accustomed to ground-level living. However, existing condominium complexes may not
adequately cater to the evolving lifestyles and needs of their residents.

Communal open spaces within condominium neighborhoods serve as the primary venues for outdoor
activities. However, these spaces are often utilized for different purposes based on residents' needs, regardless
of the quality or upkeep of the physical environment or other concurrent activities in the area. Consequently,
living in condominium complexes with shared outdoor spaces can sometimes be challenging or unpleasant for

Therefore, evaluating the current experience with community open spaces, which significantly influences the
daily lives of condominium neighborhood residents, is crucial for understanding the present situation and
identifying avenues for improving the living environment in the future. In summary, communal open spaces
within condominiums are vital components of the residential environment, influencing residents' outdoor
activities, yet they often lack proper planning and maintenance. Hence, assessing the current spatial
experience of these areas is essential for enhancing the overall quality of life in these neighborhoods.
understanding the current situation and deciding how to improve and sustain the living environment in the

1.3 Research Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
The primary goal of this study is to enhance our understanding of the functionality of community open spaces
within condominiums and the dynamic relationship between the physical environment and the activities
taking place within these spaces. Additionally, the study aims to examine the long-term sustainability of open
spaces, with particular attention to their spatial characteristics. By investigating these aspects, the study seeks
to provide insights into how community open spaces can be optimized to better serve the needs of residents
over time.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

The specific objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To assess the utilization patterns of shared open areas by tenants residing in condominium houses.
2. To examine the correlation between the physical characteristics of the open space and the range of activities
conducted within it.
3. To identify the existing challenges related to communal open spaces experienced by residents.
4. To explore potential solutions for addressing communal open space-related issues at different stages of housing
development, including post-occupancy stages.

1.4 Research Question

The study aims to address the following research questions:

1. What are the functions served by community open areas within a condominium neighborhood?
2. What spatial challenges are associated with community open spaces that affect the activities of residents?
3. What are suitable and sustainable approaches to mitigate the existing spatial challenges of communal open
spaces within condominiums?

1.5 Scope of the Study

1.5.1 Thematic Scope
The thematic scope of the research encompasses the investigation of communal open spaces within
condominiums, focusing on the activities occurring within these spaces and the influence of various physical
attributes on their suitability for residents' needs. This includes examining factors such as accessibility for
different activities, location within the neighborhood, type of enclosure, and the overall physical quality of the
space as perceived by users. Additionally, the study evaluates any associated challenges faced by residents in
utilizing these open spaces effectively and explores viable strategies to enhance the current communal
environment within the community.
1.5.2 Spatial Scope
The research is geographically limited to Addis Ababa and specifically examines open spaces within
condominium neighborhoods. The spatial scope of the case study centers on the open spaces in the summit
condominium neighborhood. This area is selected as it represents one of the prototype projects initiated by
the Addis Ababa municipal administration as part of the city's Grand Housing initiative.
1.5.3 Temporal Scope
The Research Temporal scope is set is set to be accomplished within 3 months.

1.6 Significant of the Study
According to the Addis Ababa neighborhood planning and design manual, the provision of communal open spaces
is a key component of Integrated Housing Development Programs (IHDP). These programs aim to uphold previous
living standards by offering common green spaces for children's play areas and facilitating various activities such
as meetings, Iddir gatherings, and holiday celebrations for residents of all ages. However, the current condition of
previously constructed spaces suggests that communal open areas require additional attention and renovation.
Consequently, this research will focus on understanding the prevailing conditions and challenges related to
communal open spaces in condominium communities, addressing significant concerns within the examined

Since the quality of the surrounding environment significantly impacts the quality of life in residential areas, the
creation of livable open spaces is essential for enhancing the community's living standards. Therefore, this
research will play a crucial role in evaluating the performance of community open spaces in the study area, which
holds significance for all stakeholders involved in IHDP. Furthermore, the findings of the study will serve as a
valuable resource for the entity responsible for developing condominium neighborhood plans, particularly
regarding the provision of functional open spaces. Additionally, the research aims to offer insights and
recommendations to local residents and administrators on improving the current situation and fostering a more
inclusive environment.

1.7 Organization of the Paper and research design

The research paper is structured into five chapters.

Chapter One encompasses the background of the study, the statement of the problem,
objectives, significance, and the research methodology employed in conducting the

Chapter Two delves into the background study of open spaces and reviews related
literature relevant to the research topic.

Chapter Three presents case studies conducted in the city of Addis Ababa, specifically
focusing on the summit condominium area.

Chapter Four elucidates the data collected, findings interpretation, and discussion,
analyzing the results obtained from the research.

Finally, Chapter Five is organized around the findings, providing conclusions and
recommendations based on the research findings. Additionally, it outlines a design
proposal aimed at addressing the issues identified in the study.

The design structure of the study is geared towards addressing the research question that initiated the study,
providing solutions or responses to the findings and objectives of the research.











Figure 1 Research design structure

1.8 Research Methodology
1.8.1 Research method choice
The aim of this study is to understand and characterize the activities that occur in the open spaces of
condominium housing developments in Addis Ababa. These activities vary depending on the context in which
they occur, and it is essential to grasp the local context to ensure the validity of the study's conclusions. Therefore,
the case study technique is chosen as the most suitable approach to gain a deeper understanding of the unique
characteristics and individuals within a specific local context.

This research focuses on investigating various aspects related to communal open spaces, including their usage
patterns, the relationship between physical characteristics and activities, the outcomes of this relationship (both
challenges and advantages), and the implications thereof. Hence, the case study research method is deemed
appropriate for examining these real-life phenomena. Given the nature of the research topics, a qualitative
analytic methodology is employed.

The qualitative approach is utilized to explore how communal open spaces are utilized in relation to residents'
experiences, as well as to investigate the link between the physical environment of open spaces and the activities
occurring within them. Additionally, it is employed to examine the nature of obstacles related to community open
spaces faced by individuals, with the aim of developing feasible solutions tailored to the specific issues identified.
1.8.2 Research approach
This study primarily focuses on defining and analyzing the open spaces within condominium
sites, with a specific emphasis on evaluating the quality of these spaces and their contribution
to the long-term viability of the neighborhood.

Given that open spaces in urban settings vary in scale, ranging from public urban open spaces
to private residential open spaces, neighborhood open spaces occupy a middle ground
between these extremes. In this context, neighborhood open spaces are closely linked to the
majority of open spaces found within Addis Ababa's condominium sites.

The overarching goal of this research is to investigate and analyze the current operation of
shared open spaces among selected condominium complexes. The study aims to gain a deeper
understanding of individuals' interactions with their surroundings, as well as the dynamic
relationship between these outdoor areas and the residents. Therefore, the research focuses
on both the activities occurring in communal open spaces and the physical attributes of the
study area.

Communal open

User s Non- users

Activity performed
HOW The participants in WHY (Reasons)

The relation between

the Physical
Environment and the
Activities Figure 2 Research Framework

Activity related
Physical space related

1.8.3 Selection of Case Study area

The author prioritized the neighbourhood locations where he has been residing and persons in these
areas whom he may approach in order to obtain relevant primary data and for the simplicity of the survey.
Another case study area selection parameter studied was the temporal dimension, which might demonstrate
the consequences of the phenomena through time by assuming a somewhat historical location. Furthermore,
a condominium site (SUMMIT) is chosen from Addis Ababa’s inner city to demonstrate the intensity of
habitation and activity.

1.8.4 Source of data and collection methods

Certainly, here's a rephrased version:

Data Collection Methods:

Primary Data Sources:

1. Interviews:
- Semi-structured interviews were conducted with residents, neighborhood representation groups, and
government authorities to gather primary data. These interviews focused on understanding the purpose of open
space usage, as well as exploring attitudes and issues related to these spaces.

2. Direct Observation and On-Site Measurement:
- Site visits were undertaken to directly observe and measure selected locations within the study area. These
visits provided firsthand insights into the utilization of open spaces and allowed for on-site measurements to be
taken, aiding in updating existing maps and documenting any deviations from the intended neighborhood design.

3. Photography:
- Photographs were captured across the study area to visually document the activities occurring in common
open spaces and to depict the physical environment. These photographs served as visual evidence and helped in
correlating respondents' responses with the current situation.

4. Mapping:
- Mapping activities were conducted during interviews with residents to pinpoint the locations of activities and
delineate activity areas for subsequent spatial analysis. Additionally, drawing was utilized during observational
research to document physical aspects and elements of open spaces.

Secondary Data Sources:

- Supplementary data was gathered from manuals, past research, master (development) plans, satellite images
(Google maps), and related literature.

Data Gathering Approaches:

- Various data collection methods were employed, including interviews, direct observation, on-site measurement,
photography, and mapping. These approaches were selected to complement each other and provide a
comprehensive understanding of the open spaces and their usage within the condominium neighborhoods of
Addis Ababa.

1.8.5 Method of Data Analysis

Various forms of data obtained from residents, observations, surveys of the physical
environment, and documents are analyzed to address the primary study questions. By
aligning the research inquiries with the collected data, an analysis is conducted to
derive essential findings.

Qualitative analysis techniques are employed to explore spatial phenomena by

mapping respondents' activities in community open spaces across different locations
and comparing planned versus existing conditions. Additionally, qualitative analysis is
employed to scrutinize the data and assess the impact of each activity on communal
open spaces over time.

Data triangulation is utilized to evaluate the quality and validity of the acquired data
from multiple sources, including respondents' responses, direct observation of open
spaces and activities, and comparison with the neighborhood design plan.

Consistently revisiting the study objectives throughout the review process is crucial to
maintain focus and ensure that relevant themes are uncovered. Regularly revisiting and

reassessing the research's core objectives and resulting themes leads to more robust
and targeted aims and analyses.

Figure 3 Method of data triangulation


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