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Beside Gilead Pharmacy, Challenge, Ibadan, Oyo state.


















1.1 Objective and Scope of this report


2.0 Overview of Computer Hardware/Software

2.1 Equipment and Materials Utilized in Maintenance

2.2 Fundamental Components and their Roles


3.0 Troubleshooting

3.1 Setting up a Desktop Computer


4.0 Overview of Experience Gained/Problems Encountered

4.1 Conclusion

4.2 Recommendations


I, Adetunji Olalekan Mustapha, bearing matriculation number 2220630004, affirm that I completed a

16-week Industrial Training (SIWES) at Smylex Post and Computer, located in Ibadan, Oyo State.

This report is a testament to the practical knowledge I gained during the industrial training program

and is certified by me.

___________________________ _________________________


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I dedicated this SIWES report to the Almighty God who gave me the strength, knowledge and

wisdom throughout the period of my four months industrial training scheme.


I would like to express my gratitude to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adetunji, for their unwavering

support, as well as to my Head of Department, Engineer Mrs. Adeyeye A.H, Engineer Oluwaseun

Idowu, and all individuals who have played a role in contributing to the success of my academic

journey up to this point.


This SIWES report offers an in-depth account of the tasks undertaken and the valuable experiences

garnered during my time at Smylex Post & Computer in Ibadan. Throughout my tenure, I participated

in a variety of activities, starting with assisting the repairs and maintenance engineer. Our duties

encompassed conducting repairs and general maintenance on computer components within the

facility. Furthermore, I received practical instruction in the installation of computer systems and

system units as part of my Industrial Training.

The report provides concise details on the aforementioned subjects, clearly delineating the acquired

experience. Additionally, it addresses challenges encountered during the learning process and offers

several recommendations for improvement.




SIWES, which stands for Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme, serves as a valuable tool for

familiarizing students with the practical aspects of the work environment in Nigeria and globally

within their respective fields. It aims to provide students with firsthand exposure to real-world

scenarios, thereby contributing to the technological advancement of the nation. Some objectives of

SIWES include:

 Offer students opportunities to engage in the practical application of their respective disciplines,

thereby narrowing the divide between theoretical classroom learning and real-world scenarios.

 To expose students to latest developments and technological innovations in their chosen


 To prepare students for industrial working environments they are likely to meet after graduation.

 Expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machineries that may

not be available in the institution.

1.1 Objective and Scope of This Report

The following are some of the objectives of SIWES:

1. SIWES will provide students the opportunity to test their interest in a particular career before

permanent commitments are made.

2. SIWES students will develop skills in the application of theory to practical work situations.

3. SIWES will provide students the opportunity to test their aptitude for a particular career before

permanent commitments are made.

4. SIWES students will develop skills and techniques directly applicable to their careers.
5. SIWES will aid students in adjusting from college to full-time employment.

6. SIWES will provide students the opportunity to develop attitudes conducive to effective

interpersonal relationships.


This report gives details about the various activities performed within the four months attachment at

Smylex P & C Center from November 27th to February 14th. It covers the major roles performed

which include Repairs/Maintenance and Database Administration. It highlights all the tools and

softwares or materials used in carrying out day to day activities and it serves as an evidence of the

experience gained during the four months period of attachment.


2.0 Introduction to Computer Hardware/Software

In essence, computer systems consist of two main components: hardware and software. Hardware

refers to the tangible, physical parts of the computer that can be touched and felt, including

peripherals such as the keyboard, monitor, mouse, and printer. Additional hardware components may

include scanners, light pens, Random Access Memory (RAM) modules, and the processor.

On the other hand, software comprises a set of instructions that govern the computer's operations.

Unlike hardware, software cannot be physically touched or seen. There are two primary types of

software: system software and application software. System software includes Operating Systems and

Compiler Software, which serve as intermediaries facilitating communication between the user and

the hardware. Application software, such as Microsoft Excel for spreadsheets, provides specific

functionalities to address user needs.

2.1 Equipment and Materials Utilized in Maintenance

To facilitate maintenance tasks on computer systems and components, a specific set of tools is

necessary to streamline the process. Recommended tools include precision screwdrivers, pliers, a

parts bag, flashlight, Compact Discs (CDs) or portable hard disks/flash drives, and a multimeter.

Precision screwdrivers are essential for removing and inserting screws when assembling or

disassembling computer components. They come in various types, such as star head and flat

screwdrivers, with precision screwdrivers being particularly useful for handling smaller screws found

in laptop computers.

Pliers serve as an alternative to fingers, particularly in instances where components are small and

delicate, such as on the motherboard. Needle nose pliers are commonly used for this purpose.

Flashlights are compact lighting devices used in dimly lit environments or within the system unit to

enhance visibility of components during maintenance tasks.

Compact Discs (CDs) are utilized for storing information and are essential for software installation

during maintenance activities. Recordable CDs and re-writable CDs offer flexibility in usage, with the

latter being reusable.

Portable hard disk drives or flash drives are indispensable for transferring files during maintenance

operations. While CDs can also serve this purpose, portable drives are more suitable for smaller file

transfers and may contain diagnostic software for system troubleshooting. Portable hard disks are

sometimes referred to as external hard disks.

A multimeter may be necessary for checking power supplies, particularly in desktop systems, to

ensure proper functioning.

These tools collectively aid in performing maintenance tasks efficiently and effectively on computer

systems and components.

2.2 Fundamental Components and their Roles

They are several component parts of a computer, we have the outer parts of the computer like the

monitor, keyboard, mouse, system unit and we have the inner part of the computer which contains the

motherboard, the processor, the RAM sticks or modules, the cables, the hard disks or secondary

storage and many other components. Let us look at them in detail.


This is the visual part of the computer that looks like a television. It is called an output device because

it enables the user to view an output of whatever operation he or she is performing. It is also called the

visual display unit (VDU). Common problems we find with it include, slacking of the video connector

(VGA connector).


The keyboard is an input device and is typically used for inputting data into the computer. The mouse

is also an input device used as an alternative to the keyboard. The common problem with the

keyboard and the mouse is breaking of the pins in the PS/2 connectors on their connector cables due

to frequent plugging and unplugging.

System Unit/Chassis or Case:

The system unit basically holds the core components of the computer. It has a casing or container.

This container is designed such that some of the features of the core components within the casing can

be used. Within the system unit, we can find the motherboard.

Chassis or case


This is the most important component on a computer system. It is also called the main board. Every

internal component in a computer connects to the motherboard and its features largely determine what

the computer is capable of plus its overall performance. Motherboards are classified based on form

factors (form factor refers to the physical dimensions, sizes and shape as well as certain connector,

screw hole, and other positions that dictate into which type of case the motherboard will fit).

Motherboard sample


The Central Processing Unit (CPU) or processor could be thought of as the engine of the computer. It

is identified by mainly two features, its speed and its width. The speed is a simple concept graded in

Megahertz (MHz). The faster the speed of the processor, the better the performance (speed) of the


Memory (RAM): The system memory is often called Random Access Memory (RAM). This is the

primary working memory. It holds all the programs and the data that the processor is using at a given


RAM (memory) modules

Power Supply: The power supply feeds electrical power to the internal components in the computer.

Video Card: This is the component on the motherboard that controls the information that we see on

the monitor.

Sound Card: A sound card is the component on the motherboard that enables the PC to generate

complex sounds.

Sound/audio device

Hard Drive: The hard disk is the primary high-capacity storage media for the system. All you data is

stored on hard disks.

Network Card/Modem: This is a component that is usually integrated on the motherboard to provide

an interface for network connectivity.

2.1 Troubleshooting Network Card


3.0 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting entails identifying the root cause of a malfunctioning device or component and

subsequently resolving or repairing the issue. The approach to troubleshooting varies depending on

the specific component or problem encountered. Below are some fundamental troubleshooting

techniques I acquired during my attachment, outlined in the table provided.

1. Computer Heating up

This is a very common desktop PC troubleshooting problem that is experienced by 70% of general

users and up to 90% of hardcore users. It could be mid(which will only be limited to under your

computer, or could be very hot(which could even be felt on every part of the computer casing)


The first DIY solution is by opening the PC or CPU case to make sure the fans are running. You can

use a tiny brush to clean off the dust particles and make sure the fan is plugged properly.

Another easy way you can fix this is by tuning up heat sinks and applying a thermal paste. To prevent

this from happening, always give your PC proper heat exhaustion means. This is done by avoiding the

pc in an enclosed space when operating. Also, you should always have a cleaning routine (to stop dust

accumulations) and place your pc at an elevated level and not directly on your table. This will allow

external and internal air to circulate over your hardware.

2. Faulty USB Port

A troubleshooting computer problem where the USB not working or being unable to connect with an

external device happens often. It could be two ways, it could either be your connection cord, or the

USB port, so you first try the cord with another device to know where the problem is. If it works on

another port, then the USB port might be selective to cords or faulty.

Open device manager in windows, right-click your mouse (or trackpad), then from the options, select

“scan for hardware changes.” Then scroll down and expand the “universal serial bus controller”

option and uninstall all the USB controllers under this option.

Clean your USB port, this could be done with a cotton bud to fit the tiny port space.

3. PC too slow

A slow PC could be a result of many things (which we’ve discussed fully in our slow PC solution

post). The reason which is a more frequent and common troubleshooting cause is due to too many

apps and programs running (filling up the RAM storage). Also, if you use an HDD storage type, and

it’s getting close to being filled up, it could result in a slow response of your computer.


The simplest solution to this by going to your task manager settings and stop stopping running apps

that are making too much use of your CPU. If you don’t use any of these apps, it’s best you uninstall

them. For storage type HDD, delete as many as possible files you are not using, or any duplicate

programs or files. You can also go to your computer file manager and delete the Temp folders (which

can be found under the “windows” file option).

4. Blue Screen

Commonly known as the blue screen of death, for first-time experience, it could be scary. The blue

screen of death (BDS) can be brought on by poorly designed device drivers or broken hardware, such

as defective memory, a bad power supply, overheated parts, or operating hardware past its design

specifications. Incompatible DLLs or flaws in the operating system kernel might potentially result in

BSDs in the Windows 9x period.


If you recently installed new software or hardware, updated a driver, or installed a Windows update

that caused this, kindly roll back the device driver or use the Windows restore mechanism to reverse

them. If you didn’t engage in any updates before the bluescreen, you can update your Windows OS

and hardware drivers. Additionally, you may run a virus or malware scan on your computer to find

and delete them and free up space on your hard drive. You can also check the system and application

logs in the event viewer for problems or warnings that could offer further hints as to the BSD’s root


5. Computers Won’t Turn on

You could be in a situation where you happy switch off your PC then boom, it doesn’t turn on. Don’t

panic, this could be due to the external devices you plugged in. Also, it could be due to not getting

enough power from the power source or battery defaults. You can remove the battery and then plug in

your computer to power, if it switches on, then the battery might be faulty but still put it back and

check if it will switch on.


Unplug every external device plugged into your computer or PC, either modem, USB, or external

cord then try and switch it on.

Plug in your computer onto a direct power source and not an extension and make sure there’s power

flowing through. If you are using a standard charger, then you can try again after 15mins to switch it


In case none of these works, then you’ll need to do a bit of opening up. These include checking your

motherboard, capacitors, and CPU chips. Don’t do this if you are not an expert, you can call a

computer repair technician near you.

3.1 Setting up a desktop computer

Step 1

Unpack the monitor and computer case from the box. Remove any plastic covering or protective

tape. Place the monitor and computer case on a desk or work area.

Be sure to place your computer case in an area that is well ventilated and has good air flow. This will

help to prevent the computer from overheating.

Step 2

Locate the monitor cable. There are several types of monitor cables, so the one for your computer

may not look like the one in the image below.

If you're having trouble finding your monitor cable, refer to the instruction manual for your computer.

(If you have an all-in-one computer that's built into the monitor, you can skip to Step 4).

Step 3

Connect one end of the cable to the monitor port on the back of the computer case and the other end

to the monitor.
Many computer cables will only fit a specific way. If the cable doesn't fit, don't force it or you might

damage the connectors. Make sure the plug aligns with the port, then connect it.

To figure out which cables belong in which ports, try our Connecting Cables interactive.

Step 4

Unpack the keyboard and determine whether it uses a USB (rectangular) connector or a PS/2 (round)

connector. If it uses a USB connector, plug it into any of the USB ports on the back of the computer.

If it uses a PS/2 connector, plug it into the purple keyboard port on the back of the computer.

Step 5

Unpack the mouse and determine whether it uses a USB or PS/2 connector. If it uses a USB

connector, plug it into any of the USB ports on the back of the computer. If it uses a PS/2 connector,

plug it into the green mouse port on the back of the computer.

If your keyboard has a USB port, you can connect your mouse to the keyboard instead of connecting

it directly to your computer.

If you have a wireless mouse or keyboard, you may need to connect a Bluetooth dongle (USB

adapter) to your computer. However, many computers have built-in Bluetooth, so an adapter may not

be necessary.

Step 6

If you have external speakers or headphones, you can connect them to your computer's audio

port (either on the front or back of the computer case). Many computers have color-coded

ports. Speakers or headphones connect to the green port, and microphones connect to

the pink port. The blue port is the line in, which can be used with other types of devices.

Some speakers, headphones, and microphones have USB connectors instead of the usual audio plug.

These can be connected to any USB port. In addition, many computers have speakers or microphones

built into the monitor.

Step 7

Locate the two power supply cables that came with your computer. Plug the first power supply cable

into the back of the computer case and then into a surge protector. Then, using the other cable,

connect the monitor to the surge protector.

You can also use an uninterruptable power supply (UPS), which acts as a surge protector and

provides temporary power if there is a power outage.

Step 8

Finally, plug the surge protector into a wall outlet. You may also need to turn on the surge

protector if it has a power switch.

If you don't have a surge protector, you can plug the computer directly into the wall. However, this

is not recommended because electrical surges can damage your computer.

Step 9

If you have a printer, scanner, webcam, or other peripherals, you can connect them at this point.

Many peripherals are plug and play, which means they will be recognized by your computer as soon

as they are plugged in.

Other peripherals may include software that needs to be installed before you can begin using them.


4.0 Overview of Experience Gained and Problems Encountered

Throughout the four-month attachment period, my knowledge and skills have significantly expanded,

as evidenced by my report thus far. Initially, my understanding of hardware, computer assembly, and

disassembly was limited, but through hands-on experience, I have developed proficiency in basic

troubleshooting operations, assembling computers from scratch, and disassembling them when

necessary. Additionally, I gained practical experience in computer installation, which I applied during

class practices. Overall, I have surpassed my previous knowledge and acquired a wealth of new skills

and insights.

4.1 Conclusion

SIWES was instituted to offer students opportunities to engage in the practical application of their

respective disciplines within industrial settings. Throughout my four-month industrial training, I

acquired a diverse range of experiences through various assignments, including computer installation

and troubleshooting, system assembly, and small network repairs. The cumulative experience gained

contributes to fulfilling the objectives of SIWES.

4.2 Recommendations

After completing the 4-month industrial training, I have several recommendations to enhance the

effectiveness of SIWES:

 Companies should demonstrate greater commitment to training engineering students to

enhance the quality of the training provided.

 The government should strive to strengthen business relationships with companies hosting

SIWES students to underscore the significance of the scheme in practice.

 Students or trainees should prioritize professional conduct during their time in these

companies to avoid sending negative signals that may deter future participation of the

company in hosting SIWES students.


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