Group 13 - Laws of Gestalt Percption Assignment

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Consumer Behaviour

Laws of the Gestalt perception

Group 13
Anshul Kaushik 22BM63019
Guneet Singh 22BM63051
Pankaj Kaushik 22BM63083
Shonali Sharma 22BM63119
Sneh Ankit 22BM63123
Gestalt Gestalt psychology proposes that our brains aren't simply passive receivers of information. Instead,
they actively organize and interpret sensory information to create a unified whole.

Gestalt principles explain how our brains organize and interpret visual information

These principles create a unified whole from individual elements

Understanding Gestalt helps us improve communication and design

Law of common region Law of similarity
Elements located within the same Elements that share visual properties like
physical or implied boundary are color, shape, size or orientation are seen
Law of proximity perceived as a group as belonging together
Elements placed close together are Nike uses consistent visual
perceived as a unified group Ferrero Rocher’s golden branding with the iconic
wrapped chocolate "swoosh" logo, thick sans-serif
Ikea catalogs and candy is featured in ads font, and red/black/white
website layouts group inside a glass bowl, color scheme across all their
furniture pieces into clearly defining a marketing materials, product
room/living space common region that packaging, stores, etc. This
sections so related items associates the product ties together their entire brand
are seen as unified with an elegant, classy identity through similarity of
collections image design elements

Law of good form Law of common fate Law of continuity or good

We naturally perceive objects as Elements with the same movement or continuation
simple, complete, and regular shapes. directional path are seen as belonging to Elements arranged on a line or curve
Our minds will apply the simplest a unified group are perceived as a whole
interpretation or organization to a
pattern The Animated icon
Audi print ad leads the
advertisement for
Google's brand uses very viewer's eye along the
Android's operating
clean geometry and continuous swooping
system brings together
simple shapes/colors lines of the car from the
different graphic
across all of their product front badge to the rear
elements through shared
designs, website layouts taillight
clockwise spinning
and marketing visuals
Law of closure Law of Symmetry
Inspite of distance between elements,
Objects that aee unfinished and they are perceived as symmetrical figures
Law of unity or uniform incomplete are perceived as finished or
connectedness complete whole
Mercedes-Benz, use symmetry
Elements that are similar to each other in their designs to convey
The Amazon logo utilizes elegance and sophistication.
tend to be perceived as a unified group
closure to depict a smile The symmetrical layout of the
Coca-Cola logo uses that connects from A to Z, car's exterior, creates a sense
consistent red and white implying that Amazon offers of harmony and aesthetic
colors and a distinct font, everything from A to Z appeal, which aligns with the
which helps consumers easily
identify the brand across brand's premium image.
various platforms

Law of Meaningfulness Law of Figure & Ground Law of Parellelism

& Familiarity Figure has a form and appears to be more Objects that are parellel to one another
substantial than the ground appear to be more related than those that
Objects that form patterns that are
are not
familiar or meaningful are perceived as
single unit The bitten apple stands out as
McDonald's Golden Arches is the figure against a plain, Advertisement for a skincare
an iconic symbol that has monochromatic background. product, the parallel
become deeply ingrained. This contrast draws attention presentation emphasizes the
This familiarity plays a to the logo and reinforces contrast between the "before"
crucial role in influencing Apple's minimalist design and "after" states, making the
consumer perception and aesthetic, making it instantly benefits of the product more
behavior. recognizable and memorable. apparent to consumers.

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