Juvenile Delinquency, Crime, Substance Abuse, HIV AIDS

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Juvenile Delinquency

is a major social
Juvenile delinquency is the criminal offence done by the children. This antisocial practice
problem. In the understanding way, we can say the juvenile delinquents are under age criminals or child


O Juvenile delinquency means involving the wrong doing by a child or young person who is under an age
specified by the law at the place concerned. -MJSethn

Young, causes of Juvenile 165


Family disorganization
delinquency are:
Immigrant communities


Lack of satisfied relationship

Bad companionship

Social change
As per A Bronner and W Healy, causes of Juvenile Delinquency are:
Mental conflicts
School dissatisfaction

Sudden impulses
Bad companionship
Love for adventure

.Extremesocial instability

Truancy (or) Kindergarten crime: School child has a bad companionship and escapes from the school
and gets involved in wandering.
Vagrancy: Children are neglected and wandering in nature. This happens to the child who belongs to
disorganized family or poor families where the basic needs are unmet.

Forms (or) Patterns

Robbery, gambling, damaging properties, murder, sexual offences or rape, suicide, bullying, truancy from
school or home, etc.

Measures to Control Juvenile Delinquency

Preventive Measures

Commencement of child guidance clinics

Education to the family members to prevent the juvenile delinquency
Guidance to the underprivileged children
Enhancing the healthy family environment
Involvement of the youth in recreational activities

Legislative and Rehabilitation Measures

APprentice Act (1850): Educating the craft works for juvenile delinquents to enhance their standard ot
elormatory Schools Act (1877): Schools where the child will be provided institutional training along
with the basic needs such as
food, clothing, etc.
Venile Justice Act (1986): Minimal basic needs, living conditions and treatment services to Juvenile
institutions were provided.
166 Crime
civilized societies, which is wrong
act as per
in the modern
Crime is the major social problem the law
which is forbidden by the law under the pain of co
Crime is defined as form of conduct
Crime is an act forbidden by the law of the land
and for which penalty is prescribed -MJ Selh
C Darre
Classification of Crime

Crimes against property: Theft orcheating of one's property

others, etc.
body: Murder o r homicide, kidnapping. injuring
Crimes against
or sexual harassment, cruel behavior of husband.
Crimes against women: Dowry, rape
Economic crimes: Cheating others for money.

Crimes against public order: Riots

the child, infanticide, forcing the
children: Child abuse, kidnapping

Crimes against child i

sexual activities.
Professional crimes: Pick-Pocketing. passing bad cheques, illegal

Factors Influencing Crime

crime behavior
thebelow factors which influence the
MA Elliot & FE Merrill listed
mental illness, stressor, emotional instability.
Psychological factors: Insanity or
Physical factors: Physical disability
Economic factors: Poverty
Environmental tactors: Home a s disorganized as the parents are drunken, insane, etc.
Urbanization and industrialization: Growth of industries cause shifting of people in huge members gie
a chance of provoking crime.
Sociological factors: Social disorganization, social competition, social mobility, lack of educationin t
society, conflicts, etc.
Regional differences: Higher rate of crimes occur in cities where there is more instability.
Social class: Individuals in the lower class of society are toward greater risk of involving in Crini

Measures to Prevent Crime

Legislative measures are:

.Explosive Act & Explosive Substarnce Act, 1883
National Prohibition Act, 1919
Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939
Essential Commodities Act, 1955
Arms Act, 1959
Narcotics & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
Terrorist& Disruptive Activities Act, 1987
20005 167
n of Child kights Act, 2005

Act, 20
Child Moral education has to be incorporated in everyschool, Awarenesm in regard to the
eventive Meaures; M.
values necd to be crealed to the general public that the parents will teach the
teaching moral
inportanee o f teac


to the

Substance Abuse

the India. This damage to the

aCCabuse is more serious
social problem among youths in causes


Substance Abuse
used in
in the Jevel of substancein order to get the same desired effect.
Tolerance: lncrease
and repeated use ofsubstance, which results in tolerance toward the
Dependence: Compulsive of the
withdrawal symptoms when it is commenced to quit or decrease the dosage
and also leads to
Abuse: Maladaptive pallern leading to clinically significant distress or impairment
ol substance use

use results in failure to perform well in home,

school or at work or recurrent
with recursent substance
is physically hazardous or recurrent legal problems related
to substance
substance use in situation which
or continucd substance use night
lead to recurrent interpersonal problems.

Common Substance Abuse in India

Hypnotics, sedatives and antianxiety drugs
'OpioidsHeroin,morphine and meperidine
Polysubstance abuse
Other or unknown substance abuse

lack of
hemployment, peer pressure, influence of mass media, love failure, raised work pressure,
love and
affection among the family members.
ychological: 1Low self esteem, low coping skils, low stress tolerance limit, loneliness, pleasure seeking o
poor impulse control, inferiority comnplex.
ICal: mbalance in the neurotransmitters (norepinephrine or dopamine).
168 preventive Measures
educating the public in
Primary prevention:
Limiting the availability
of drugs and
regard to preventig
re.. .

of drug abuse. abusers and treat them appropriatol..

identification of drug
Secondary prevention: substance abuse disorder by dd..
der hu
Tertiary prevention:
Treatment ofindividuals
with severe

admiting himin
de-addiction centers.

(AIDS) is caused by human immuno-deficiency viruc HIV).
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Mode of Transmission

Sexual transmission
Blood transfusion
Injection of drugs
Needle stick injury
Mother to child transmission during pregnancy

Clinical Features
Fever or persistent cough more than a month, weight loss, diarrhea, swollen glands, oral thrush, skin itdhing
chronie generalized herpes simplex, pulmonary tuberculosis (as an opportunistic infection).

Diagnostic Tests

Immunosorbent Assay (ELIZA), Western Blot confirmation test for HIV/AIDS

T-Lymphocytes count.

Prevention and Management of AIDS

Safe sexual relations: Use of condoms to have safe sex. Be faithful to the sexual partner and have sea

relationship with the married single life partner.

Control of blood borne transmission: HIV screening has to done in all the blood products berote the
to be
Health education: Sex education has to be included in moral values have
curriculum and
Miscellaneous: Provide retroviral therapy, treat the complications at the earliest, 1p
ement to patien
monitoring and research, providing psychological support/coping skills
and their family members, addressing the stigma toward HIV,
enhancenc. friendl dl
creating a HIV Pae

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