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Married To The Devil's Son (WN) - Chapter 225: Vol3

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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 225: Vol3 Chapter 102

"A smart person will give you smart answers, but a wise person will ask
you smart questions." - Unkown.


Heaven's special qualities were actually of disadvantage to Lucifer.

Zamiel remembered when he tried to get into her mind while he was in
the coffin. It had been difficult to do that. She fought back and as an
ancient even with her fighting back, it should still have been easy for
him to get inside her head. But it wasn't.

He remembered that he could only watch her from a safe distance at first.
He couldn't get closer, but then her curiosity opened the doors for him.
Somewhere deep down she had wanted to see him, had been curious to
know him, and that is when he was able to get inside her head.

Lucifer was of course more skilled when it came to manipulation and

getting inside people's minds. But Zamiel guessed that he must have
faced some struggle as well. There must be an explanation to why he
hadn't been able to manipulate her so far.

Usually someone as young as her wouldn't have been difficult for him.
She was at the age where people looked for more in life, wanted more
from life. She was at the age where she doubted herself and tried to find
out where she fit in to the world. Lucifer could have used all that against
her, but Zamiel already knew that wouldn't work. Because more than
anything, Heaven cared for people.

She cared for her loved ones. She had no selfishness or greed inside of
her that could be used against her. If there was one thing that could be
used against her, it would be her love for him and her family. But love
only behaved as a weakness.

Love itself wasn't a weakness. Fear was a weakness. The fear of losing
those you love.

Love itself was the ultimate strength. Lucifer was fighting someone who
held so much love in their heart, and love covered many sins.

"What is special about you is that you have a strong mind and a gentle
heart." He told her.

Heaven smiled widely while shaking her head at him. She believed he
was only praising or charming her.

"I don't have a strong mind and I am not sure if having a gentle heart is
something special."

"You have both, and having them at the same time is what makes you

"Is that it?" She asked.

He chuckled. "Did you hope for something else?"

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She shrugged. "I don't know what I was hoping for."

"Do you think your grandfather wants you for the sole reason to rule? Or
do you think he wants something else?" He asked.

Heaven was quiet for a moment before she spoke. "I don't know what he
wants. I don't understand why he needs me to rule when he has other
children. I have been thinking about it and I think he wants something

Zamiel felt proud that she thought differently. "What could that other
thing be?" He asked, pushing her to think.

She became quiet again, her thoughts drifting away. "Maybe he just
wants to have someone from our family on his side. When I was little,
my family refused to follow him. Maybe he wants to show that someone
is willing to follow him."

Zamiel frowned. "You think he wants some kind of revenge?"

Heaven shrugged. "Not revenge. Perhaps, he just want to prove that it is

not that bad to follow him by tempting me to do it."

Zamiel became more confused than before. This could be a family thing
that he didn't understand yet.

"Is it really impossible for grandpa to leave his mission and be with us?
Doesn't the mate bond affect him?" She asked.

"It probably does. But how much? Does he have a heart that cares when
the bond connects him to his mate? Or does he merely feel the
connection, but he doesn't care? It is hard to know."

Zamiel knew that the bond was attached to feelings. For it to be effective,
feelings had to be involved. The bond itself couldn't create feelings. It
only strengthened and confirmed the ones you had. Did Lucifer have
feelings? Zamiel suspected he did, but maybe not enough.

Suddenly Heaven grimaced in pain and held her stomach. "Heaven?"

Zamiel reached for her, but she flinched and drew back from his touch.
She quickly got out of bed and distanced herself from him.

Zamiel got out of bed confused, but before she could approach her, she
held her hand out to stop him. "Zamiel, please. Don't come closer." Her
voice was pained, and she pleaded.

"Why?" He asked, feeling torn. He wanted to rush to her, but from the
way she looked at him, terrified, he was afraid she would run away if he

"Please, Zamiel. Just listen to me. Leave. I am hurting." She wrapped her
arms around herself and backed against the wall.

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Zamiel felt anger bubble inside of him. He suddenly wanted to punch

something but stormed out of the room instead, unable to see her in pain
anymore. While walking back to the carriage, he thought of how much
he wanted to kill Lucifer. If that was only possible, he would risk his life
doing so.

Lord help him and the people around him because they shivered as he
passed by. He knew he was giving off that cold energy that made people
freeze. He needed to calm down or he would end up killing someone.

The blood in his veins was boiling, but the heat wasn't enough to make
him stop from turning autumn into winter. His hands were clenched and
his eyes probably gleamed the brightest silver.
When he walked outside, he felt the cold breeze against his face, but it
didn't calm him. He had to tell himself repeatedly to calm down.

Zamiel wasn't angry because she told him to leave. He was angry
because he had to see her like that, knowing his presence somehow
inflicted the pain and he couldn't do anything about it. He was angry
because he couldn't protect the one he loved once again.


He took a deep breath when he saw Irene approaching him. He didn't

want to release his anger on her.

"Are you going home already?" She asked, coming to stand in front of

"Yes." He replied.

"I didn't get the chance to thank you earlier for your advice. You were
right. I am letting hatred blind me and it is stopping me from helping my
granddaughter the way I should."

Zamiel was really not in the mood, and it was probably visible. He just
wanted to say 'good that you know' but he bit his tongue.

"I felt like what I said about Heaven upset you." She continued.

Did it? Maybe it did. Or maybe he just didn't like the way she thought
of Heaven. He had expected her to know more about her granddaughter
and to put more effort into helping her.

"It is sad that you had to protect her from me." She added.
"I was not protecting her from you. I was defending her. I know you love
Heaven, but you do understand that your thoughts are concerning to me.
You seem torn and I understand that but I can't sympathise with you
since this is about Heaven's Safety. Heaven is my priority and if she not
yours in this case then I am afraid we are on apposing sides."

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The only reason Zamiel was polite to Heaven's family was because of
her, but if they didn't prioritize her the way she prioritized them, then
there was no need for him to be polite.

Irene smiled at him. "I am glad she has you, and I don't mind you
protecting her from me as well. You should protect her from everyone
that seems like a threat."

Zamiel knew she was doubting herself, and what she might do that put
everyone in danger. "Heaven loves you dearly. I hope you stay strong for

Heaven would be devastated if her grandmother made a bad decision.

Irene nodded with a weak smile. He knew she was doing her best and he
couldn't comprehend how hard that must be.

"And if you need to talk to someone…" Was he really doing this? "I'll
listen." He said.

Her smile widened. "Thank you. I thought I would be upset that you
could hear my thoughts, but I feel less burdened now that someone else

He nodded.
Irene always felt strange every time she talked to Zamiel. There was
something about his demeanor that she liked so much. She had liked him
from the beginning, before she even knew him, and just from the things
she had heard about him.

Today he had opened her eyes to the things that she had been suppressing
and denying. It was the realization that made her sad and not him.

Earlier she had seen his gaze harden when she told him she worried for
Heaven. He didn't like that and she could understand.

While she expressed worry for Heaven, what had she done really to help
her granddaughter? She hadn't even tried. At that moment he stood up
for his mate. He told her that Heaven had her priorities straight,
reminding her that she was the one confused.

It was a polite way of putting someone in their place. The demon knew
how to speak.

While she doubted Heaven in that moment, he showed utmost trust in

her. Irene knew she had to do better as a grandmother, and she was glad
that Zamiel didn't judge her, even though she felt ashamed of her own
thoughts. Maybe that was why she liked him and felt strangely
comfortable with him.

He always surprised her with his choice of words and his way of thinking.
She could see the goodness that Heaven spoke of in his eyes, but he also
made it clear that if he had to turn bad for Heaven, then he would. Her
mother had told her once that when good people turn bad, they turn
really bad. Hopefully nothing of that sort would happen because behind
those disturbingly calm silver eyes, there was a hidden threat. A
dangerous storm.

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 226: Vol3 Chapter 103

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -Albert Einstein.


This was bad. What was this feeling? Why was she feeling like this?

Heaven tried to fight it and calm down. She paced back and forth in her
room, telling herself that everything would be alright and that she was
afraid for no reason. But the heavy feeling in her chest and the pain in her
stomach was so strong that she became nauseous again.

Walking outside to her garden, Heaven breathed in the fresh air in order
to feel better. Something was wrong. This had to be more than normal
fear. No matter how those nightmares affected her, they shouldn't make
her feel this way, especially when her brain couldn't see the danger. It
was only her body alarming her.

Suddenly she felt a rush of cold air, and in front of her stood her
grandfather. Heaven frowned upon his arrival. She didn't need him here
right now.

"I see you are not feeling well." He said.

Heaven narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you want?" She asked.

"That illness of yours, you should take seriously."

"What do you mean?"

He crossed his arms behind his back and tilted his head to one side. "I
mean, you can hurt your mate. You could possibly end his life."

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Heaven stiffened. Why hadn't she thought of his before? Of course he

knew she could hurt Zamiel, but he wouldn't use that against her. Would
he? She had always thought that he wanted her to follow him willingly,
but it was never something he had said. It was just what she and her
family thought. Would he force her now? By using Zamiel against her.

No, please! Oh lord, no!

She gave him a hard glare, and he chuckled. "I won't do anything if you
come to me on your own."

"And if I don't?"

"Then unfortunately what you are really afraid of will happen." He said.

Heaven's stomach turned, but she swallowed her fear. This is probably
what he wanted. To make her so afraid that she would go to him.

"I would never hurt Zamiel." She said.

The smile left his eyes, and now he gave her a deadly stare. "I'll give you
time. You have until tonight to decide. If you don't come to me by then,
know that there will be consequences."
Heaven felt her legs wobble and her breath came out in shallow pants.
Her heart was beating in her ears. "What... will you do?" She asked,

A corner of his mouth lifted. "That will be a surprise." He said and then
vanished before she could say anything else.

Heaven fell to her knees when he left. The world around her started to
spin and this time the fear kicked her in the stomach with such force, she
thought she would vomit blood.

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Now she understood why she had been so sick. This was not only fear, it
was a real danger. She was a danger to Zamiel, and the bond and her
demon had been telling her to stay away in order to protect her mate.

How stupid she was. What was she supposed to do now? She started to
panic and shake. This wasn't the way she thought her grandfather would
make her join him.

She was so confused and terrified.


Yes! She needed her grandma before Zamiel came back to see her, but
she couldn't even get up. She tried to use her magic, but it wasn't
working since she wasn't focused. She couldn't focus.

Taking a deep breath, Heaven told herself that she had to calm down and
think of what was important at the moment and it was protecting Zamiel.
Using all her strength she stood up, and she rushed back to her room, but
before she could go looking for her grandmother, Irene came in through
the door.

"Grandma!" Heaven almost yelled.

Her grandmother looked at her, confused and worried. "What happened,

dear?" She rushed to her side.

"Grandma! I need your help. I need to you to help me. I need you
to…" She was a mess, and she didn't know what do to. She was
panicking again.

Her grandmother put her hands on her shoulders. "Calm down. Breathe."
She told her noticing that Heaven was hyperventilating. Her head spun

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Irene took her to sit down on the bed so that she wouldn't fall. Heaven
looked around. The world around her was out of focus. No! No! No! She
wouldn't faint now.

"Grandma Zamiel is in danger. You need to take away my magic so that

can I never go to see him, and then you have to tell him to stay away.
Take me somewhere far. Very far away. Please, grandma do something."
She almost began crying, knowing deep down that none of that would
help because her grandfather could find her anywhere.

"Why? Why is he in danger?"

"I can... I can kill him and grandfather knows that. He wants to use that
against me."
Irene frowned. "What do you mean you can kill him?"

"I just can. I am the thing that can kill him. " More tears fell down her
cheeks. "Oh, God! What am I supposed to do? I have to go to
grandfather or he will hurt Zamiel."

"No! Calm down. You don't have to do anything. He is just scaring you."
Irene said wrapping her arms around her granddaughter, but Heaven
shook her head.

"He is not. Something bad is going to happen. I had been feeling it and if
I don't do what he says, then he is going to hurt Zamiel."

"Stay here. I will go talk to your grandfather." She said sounding furious,
but Heaven grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Don't go. I don't have time. I only have until tonight."

"You are not going anywhere, Heaven. I will take care of this." She said.

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"How?" Heaven asked.

"I don't know. I will find a way."

Heaven shook her head. She didn't want her grandmother to be in danger
as well. It was enough that Zamiel was in danger. He had already
suffered enough. Why did this have to happen to him?

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 227: Vol3 Chapter 104
"The villain plays the victim so well." -Unknown.


Lothaire was having a good day, sitting comfortably on his throne and
sipping his wine while watching everything that was happening with his
family through The Eye.

This wasn't the way he had thought or planned on doing things.

Manipulation had been his plan, but Heaven, despite her young age,
surprisingly had a strong mind. Even stronger than her father's. Getting
into her head or manipulating her had not been easy. He knew
manipulating Zamiel wouldn't be easy, but Heaven had shocked him and
reminded him to never underestimate the enemy.

Usually as the devil he worked with desires. What people truly desired,
he presented it to them. But Heaven desired things for the people she
loved more than for herself. There was nothing she desired more than the
happiness and safety of her family. Those were not dark desires that he
could manipulate in a way that was beneficial to him.

Even with Zarin, she had surprised him. While his daughters suggested
that Heaven might follow him because of Zarin, Lucifer knew that she
cared for her family too much to do something like that. So his plan had
been to create hatred between them. If Heaven hated Zarin, then she
would be taking a step in his direction. Because nothing good ever came
out of hatred. But after everything Zarin did, she was still concerned for
the boy. Her love was still stronger than her hatred, and since she refused
to hate, he would have to use her love against her. He had already lost
his patience, and that never happened.
Lucifer had to admit to himself that Heaven succeeded to annoy him. He
never let people control his feelings, but he couldn't help it with her. He
was annoyed to the point where it made him angry. He hated how her
constant love stood in the way of his plans.

But why bother using the right method now. His new plan would of
course make Irene hate him even more, which was why he had been
avoiding it, but he would at least get her faster. With time she would
adjust to the circumstances and accept him. How long would she fight
him if she saw him every day and knew that there was no way out?

Not too long.

The latest_episodes are on_the website.

He would slowly remind her of all the good days they had together, and
eventually she would surrender to him. All women did. All women
longed to love and to be loved. He would show her again what love and
passion felt like.

A satisfied smile curved his lips when he saw Irene calling him. She was
furious, just like he expected. But what would be the best thing to do?
Ignore her or go to see her?

He knew she would keep calling until he went to see her.

"I know you can hear me. Show yourself you coward!" She called, which
caused him to laugh.

Closing The Eye, he went to see her. As soon as he arrived, he smelled

her delicious scent. He could still not pinpoint what she smelled like. It
was a unique scent, and it reminded him of their days together.
That until he saw her green eyes, that glared at him with such hatred it
could burn his soul. "How could you do that? She is your granddaughter.
How can you make her feel like this? Don't you have a heart?"

A heart?

He did have a heart, but she wasn't talking about the physical one. But
what did the other one exactly mean? Having a heart was still a mystery
to him. How could people have so much heart? And why care to have

He ended up like this because he once let himself have a heart and love
this woman, and now he was miserable and acting this way just to get her
back. Nothing good came out of it. He just made himself vulnerable.

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"I don't have a heart and you know that."

The important thing right now was to never let her suspect that it was her
he wanted. He had to make it seem like he wanted Heaven and only her.

"Can't you just let her be? You have other children who are willingly
staying with you. Why do you have to force her?"

"Because I want her."

"But why her?!" She yelled.

"You have Lucian. Why can't you just let me have Heaven? She is also
my grandchild."

"No, she is not because you are not behaving like a grandfather."
"If you hadn't turned her against me, I might have behaved like a
grandfather and not like this." He told her.

She looked at him, baffled. "So it is my fault you are behaving this

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"It is indeed." He said simply. It wasn't her fault, but he just wanted to
say it.

It infuriated her, and he didn't know why he enjoyed it.

"I am not responsible for your behavior."

He looked at her for a long moment. "You are not?"


He nodded. "But you made me a bad grandfather in your granddaughter's

mind before I became one. I only became what you said I would become.
You made her dislike me, you created distrust and distance between us,
when I never did anything to harm her. You let the fight between us
affect her. You made me her enemy and now you want me to be a good
grandfather? Why?"

She opened her mouth but then closed it again. She blinked a few times,
her mind going a thousand directions while processing what he said.

"You said you wanted her to rule your kingdom?"

"Did I say I would harm her or force her? Of course I wanted her to rule
with me because I knew she would be a good ruler. I wanted Lucian to
do that as well. Did I force him? Or manipulate him? What made you
think I would do that to Heaven? When you easily made me into the
enemy in your minds, why wish for anything different now?"

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Lucifer was happy with himself. He knew he got into her head. His
words affected her and now she was questioning herself and wondering
what she had done wrong?

At least one of them was easy.

"Don't stand in my way now. I will have Heaven no matter what. You
wanted an enemy, now you have one."

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 228: Vol3 Chapter 105

"You can't keep dancing with the devil and wonder why you are still in
hell." - Unknown.


Irene was stunned. She didn't know what to think or believe. Did she
really make him into a bad grandfather? Did she go that far with her

Maybe she did.

She was still burning with hatred. This man had once been her
everything. She had no one but him. No parents, no siblings, no children,
nothing. And she couldn't even blame him for losing all of that since she
was part of it. She fell for him and she payed for it dearly.

With him, she had been both happy and sad. She never had a moment of
full happiness. How could she? Her own blood and flesh was out there
and she couldn't see him or hold him.

And then, after many years of pain, they were all reunited, but that
happiness only lasted for a short time. Lothaire wanted suddenly to go
back to his world, and he wanted them to follow him.


He had left all that behind, and they had lived a peaceful life. Why did
he want to go back and be the devil again? That is not who she wanted
him to be. She didn't want to tell her children and grandchildren what
their father or grandfather did. She didn't want to call him the devil, and
she had already paid for her sins. She didn't want to sin anymore. The
price was too heavy.

Now she wanted to lead a good life and be a good example to her family.
She was proud of the good man her son had become; she wanted him to
be proud of her as well. Therefore, she didn't accept Lothaire's offer, but
she had asked him to stay.

She was even willing to forgive him and forget that he approached her
with the intent to experiment. To create an unique offspring because she
believed him when he said he fell in love with her despite his previous
intentions. But his love wasn't enough to make him leave his mission for

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How foolish and desperate she had been. Even after admitting that he
deceived her, she had believed everything he had said and even expected
and hoped he would stay with her.

Both Love and hatred had blinded her, and she seemed to be the only one
confused. Lucian hadn't even been surprised when his father wanted to
go back to being the devil. It was almost as if he had been able to see
through him, knowing that he couldn't change his nature easily and
maybe that was why he never got close to his father.

But Heaven loved her grandfather.

Did she really make grandchild hate her grandfather?

It seemed like she did. Irene didn't know if Lothaire ever tried to
manipulate their son, but he never forced him. So yes. Maybe she made
assumptions and let hatred misguide her, but that didn't make him right.
She might have made him the enemy in her mind, but he made himself
on in reality.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have let our fight come between you and
Heaven. Heaven should have been given the choice to make a judgment
for herself. But now… now after what you did, I am not sure if she will
ever call you her grandfather again. Do you even love your grandchild?
Do you have any love for her in your heart to blame me for making her
hate you? Did you have any love for her to begin with? Because if you
loved her, if even a little part of you loved her, no matter what I did or
said, you wouldn't do this to her."

Lothaire narrowed his eyes. "I love differently. Can you say I never loved
you?" He asked.
Irene shook her head. "I don't know you anymore. I can only speak from
what I see and you hurting our grandchild, that can't come from a place
of love. If people we love can hurt us like that, then we don't enemies."

"Heaven is hurt now, I know that. But she won't be later. She will like
being with me because she will have the freedom she never had here."
He explained.

Irene glared at with fury. "How will she be free? How will she be happy?
You are taking her away from her mate. Do you know how hard that is?
Do you think she will just forget and be happy?" She was yelling now.

"Yes, she will. With time she will forget."

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"She won't." Irene shook her head. She knew very well that even when
you hated your mate, you could never forget them.

"How do you know?" He asked.

Irene just stared at him, not wanting to reply. "Did you forget me?" She
then asked.

"How could I?" He smiled. "I think of you all the time. It makes me sad
that none of you wanted to come with me, but now I will have Heaven.
A piece of us and she looks just like you."

The way he looked at her reminded her of old days. When he looked at
her with so much love and tenderness.

"Can't you just leave her? I… I will come with you instead. I know I am
not a good ruler, but I am capable of many things."
He laughed while shaking his head. "No. Unfortunately, I can't. I want

He couldn't let her know that it was her he wanted. He had to insist to
have Heaven, and he was going to have her. If Irene ever found out that
it was her he wanted, then she would try something foolish. He wanted
his mate alive, safe and by his side.

Irene took a deep breath to calm down. "Why? She doesn't want to be
with you. I am telling you I will come with you, willingly."

He walked up to her, his hand itching to touch her face and before he
knew he was caressing her cheek. "You can come with me if you want,
but I still want Heaven."

"Please." She whispered, her eyes tearing up before she closed them.
"Please leave her alone. Whatever it is you want from her, I will do it for

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Lothaire took a step back before he did something foolish, like pulling
her into his arms and holding her tight. The right thing to do would be to
go back home and act as if he didn't care, but he wanted to be with her
a little longer.

"I don't think we have anything else to talk about and I need to go back."
He said.

Her eyes widened. "No! I am not done talking. I am begging you. Please,
don't do this to her. What do I have to do to make you stop?"

"There is nothing you can do."

"Wait!" She grabbed his arm, walking closer. Almost too close before
she looked him in the eyes. "For the love and bond that we once shared,
can't you do this one thing for me. It is all I ask."

No! He couldn't give in. He shouldn't.

"Please." She grabbed his other arm.

He looked at her. She was a beauty so breathtaking she even tempted the
devil himself. But temptation was his thing, and if she thought she could
win against him, then she was wrong.

Lothaire leaned down and kissed her. She stiffened but didn't pull back.
It was only a brief kiss, a taste, and it left him burning to have more. But
he couldn't.

This was a game, and he couldn't lose. A taste right now would confuse
her more than a proper kiss. A taste would remind her of what she could
have and make her long for more.

"I can't, my sweet." He whispered and then left her.

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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 229: Vol3 Chapter 106

"Love is when you give someone else the power to destroy you, and you
trust them not to do it." - E. Lockhart.

Heaven looked outside the window, getting more and more scared for
each time. Hopefully, her grandmother would come soon and if she
didn't come after a while, then she had to tell her parents.

As she waited, she panicked even more.

Oh, lord!

She shouldn't have let her go. It was really bad. What if her grandmother
made a bad decision because of her? Now her stomach hurt because of
her grandmother, and she ran to find her father.

"Father!" She barged into his study and he looked up, shocked by the way
she threw the door open.


"Grandma went to see grandpa because he was here and threatened me. I
told her, I shouldn't have and now she left to see him and she hasn't
come back yet. It is all my fault. Please… go find." She rambled until
she was out of breath and she didn't even know if what she was saying
was making any sense.

She leaned against the door, feeling dizzy again.

Her father quickly came to her side and caught her before she could fall.
"Grandma! Hurry!" She said before everything turned dark.

When Heaven opened her eyes again, she found herself in her bed.
Confused, she sat up and realized that the morning sun was shining
through the window. Next to her, her grandmother was sleeping.

What happened?
Slowly, she remembered everything. Her meeting with her grandfather,
his threat, and then her grandmother's disappearance. And now she was
here. She also found her mother sleeping on the couch. She had made
them all worry, but now her grandmother was back. Was she able to
make her grandfather change his mind?

The source of this_chapter;

Irene stirred in her sleep, and then slowly opened her eyes. "Heaven."

Heaven looked over. "Grandma, are you alright?"

Irene nodded. "Yes." She looked tired, as if she had been awake the
whole night.

Did she cry? Her eyes looked swollen.

"What happened with grandpa?" She asked.

"He is a bastard." She said and Heaven's eyes widened in shock.

She had never heard her grandmother or anyone in her family speak like

"Were you able to convince him?"

Her sleepy eyes opened wide and looked sad. "I am sorry, Heaven. I
couldn't do anything."

Heaven panicked. She was still here, and her grandfather waited for her
the whole night. What would he do now? She had to warn Zamiel, even
though he wouldn't listen. She had to warn him and do something else.
But what?
"Grandma, I am going to see Zamiel."

What? No!

She had wanted to tell her grandmother to go see Zamiel and warn him.
She couldn't go there herself, but she was already getting out of bed.

"You are not afraid anymore?" Her grandmother asked.

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"Should I be? I would never hurt my mate."

Her grandmother pushed herself up on an elbow. "I am glad you are

better." She smiled.


She wished her grandmother understood that it wasn't only fear caused
by manipulation. She could really kill Zamiel. It was real. No illusion,
no bad dream, no manipulation. It was a reality. Her grandmother was
taking this lightly, probably thinking her grandfather got inside her head.

"It seems like you didn't have enough sleep. You can sleep some more."
Heaven smiled.

"Alright then. I will sleep a little more." She said tucking herself under
the covers.

Heaven was strangely calm. Even though she was telling herself she
shouldn't be, she kept staying calm. Something was wrong with her, but
she kept going. She got clean, got dressed and then brushed her hair.
Katy was there to assist her.
"My Lady, do you want me to serve you breakfast now?" Katy asked.

"No. I will eat once I come back." She said.

When Katy left, Heaven looked at her mother and then grandmother.
Both were sleeping soundly.

She turned back and opened her drawer where she kept some of her
personal things, including her daggers. She had been carrying them
around lately for protection. She only grabbed one of them now before
staring at it. Roshan had given her the easiest daggers to carry yet
sharpest. A light brush against the skin and it would still cut.

Heaven held it firmly in one hand before standing up. She imagined
where she wanted to be while mumbling the spell she had learned and
shortly after she was inside Zamiel's home.

She should have put the dagger in its sheet and tied it to her thigh or her
arm under the sleeves, but she was holding it in her hand. Just hiding it
behind her back in case she came across Zamiel's old maid. Heaven
went slowly but steadily to his room. Just like she expected, she found
him sleeping.

As usual, he was sleeping on his back and was completely still, as if he

was dead.

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Now her heart raced. Somewhere in the very back of her mind a voice
was telling her to turn around and leave, but she took a step closer

And she took another one.

No! No! Go back!

And another one.


But she kept going and now she stood right next to his bed, towering
over him.

Zamiel! Wake up!

The words didn't come out, but her hands came out from behind her
back. One of them held the sharp dagger in a steel grip.

Heaven looked at the sharp tip of the dagger, and then her eyes went to
his neck. She could see the visible veins, the pulsation. She could hear
the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

Her gaze slowly went lower to his chest, where his heart was beating
behind his ribs.

There, between two ribs, she could stab him right in the heart. She
grabbed the dagger with both her hands, positioning it above where she
wanted to stab him.

Her hands began to shake. Something was wrong. She wanted to stab
him, yet not. She was stuck between holding back and wanting to stab.
And then she lost control and drove the dagger right into his chest.

She felt it cut through flesh, and she even cut herself in the process from
the force she used.

Shocked, she stepped back and Zamiel shot his eyes open with a gasp.

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 230: Vol3 Chapter 107

"Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every
solution." - Albert Einstein.


Once she stabbed him, Heaven stumbled backwards and Zamiel shot his
eyes open with a gasp. His breath came out in short rapid gasps and his
face twisted in pain. She could tell breathing was difficult for him, but
she couldn't do anything to help. Her legs refused to move, her body
refused to obey her.

She stood frozen, while the voice in the back of her mind was slowly
fighting its way through. Commanding her to move, but her body defied

It felt like her body didn't belong to her, and her mind felt like it became
two separate parts. Somewhere far in the back of her mind was what she
thought to be her real voice, and the front part, the one controlling her
body, was unfamiliar. It made her stay calm in this horrifying situation.

Zamiel sat up and stared at the dagger in his chest before he turned to her.
His eyes held so much pain she wanted to die right there. His eyes made
her voice become louder and louder, fighting through with more force.
Her heart raced, and she felt the panic slowly built up.
Zamiel grabbed the dagger and pulled it out. So much blood seeped from
the wound and stained the white bedsheets.

He grimaced in pain before looking at her again. Those silver eyes

looked tormented. They looked like the ones she had seen when she first
met him. She had hoped she would never see that look in his eyes again,
but here she was. Gazing into a pair of agonizing silver eyes.

"Did… did you have to poison it?" He asked, not sounding angry but


No! She didn't poison it. She would never! But even as she was thinking,
nothing came out of her mouth.

Heaven felt as if she was suffocating. She was trapped in her own body.

Her body betrayed her, and she betrayed Zamiel. How could she do this?
This wasn't her. She would never….

Tears streamed down her cheeks. She had to move or else she would kill
him. But if she could move, would she run to him or run away? She
wanted to help him, run to him, save him. She was desperate, but she
knew she would have to leave him.

Come on Heaven! Move!

Zamiel looked like he could barely breathe. His face turned all shades
and colors until no color was left. It turned pale while he lost more blood.
He placed one hand on the wound to stop the bleeding, but his eyes
never left hers. He looked her straight in the eyes and she wondered what
he was thinking.
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Hurt. He must be hurt and feeling betrayed and disappointed if he didn't

hate her already. He must be angry.

But she wished his anger would make him move. Make him leave, since
she wasn't leaving. Did he have a death wish?

Move Zamiel! Leave!

She prayed to God to give her the strength to move since Zamiel wasn't
doing anything to save himself. She refused to think he would die. She
couldn't let that happen.

More tears fell down her cheeks. Was she just going to watch her mate


Her voice became louder, slowly getting through, and then suddenly she
moved. But it was too sudden. Almost as if she woke up from a trance or
a force left her body. It threw her off balance, but she didn't take the
time to think about it. Her first instinct was to run to Zamiel, and that is
what she did.

She shouldn't have, but her brain wasn't functioning right.

"Zamiel!" She pressed her shaking hands against his wound and over his
hand, while bursting into tears. "What should I do? What have I done? I
am so sorry. I have to... what... I need to…"
She was a mess and Zamiel looked at her with those dead eyes. Almost as
if he couldn't see her or couldn't focus on looking at her. He was in too
much pain and too weak. She was killing him.

His heartbeat was slowing down. She had to leave, and it was the hardest
thing she ever had to do. "I am sorry. I...I have to go!"

How could she? It killed her. She felt like a part of her died as she
teleported back home.

Heaven jumped straight into her bed and shook her grandmother
violently to wake her up. Her cheeks were wet with tears and her hands
covered in blood.

"Grandma!" She cried loudly.

Irene jumped out of her sleep.

"Heaven." When she saw the blood in her hands sat up hastily.

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"Heaven. What is this? What…"

"Zamiel! I… I stabbed him. him. I can't... he...

die." She could barely speak. She was shaking, crying, panting.

"What… why?"

"I don't have time." She got out of bed and dragged her grandmother out
of bed as well. "Please, just go help him."

"Alright, alright." She said.

"What is happening?" Her mother woke up and when Heaven turned to
her with the blood on her hands, she could see the horror in her mother's

Her mother hurried to her side with a thousand questions. "Did you hurt
yourself? What happened? What is this blood?"

But Heaven was focused on her grandmother, who just wrapped a cloak
around herself. "He will be fine." She assured before teleporting away.

Heaven didn't realize that she had been holding her breath and ignoring
her mother completely until she shook her. "What is happening,

Yes. What just happened?

"Heaven! You are frightening me!"

Heaven turned to her mother, feeling completely helpless and lost. She
felt defeated. She had no strength left to even cry. She became numb for
a short moment.

"I stabbed Zamiel. With a poisoned dagger. I stabbed him right in the
heart." She spoke in a flat tone.

Her mother frowned. "He will be fine. He is ancient."

Heaven chuckled darkly.

She had promised Zamiel only one thing. To protect him. To never let
him go through the same pain again, and now she stabbed him in his
sleep. With a poisoned dagger. The thing he hated and feared the most.
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This might not have been her doing, but it was her fault. Her grandfather
had warned her, but she insisted on finding other solutions.


More than her grandfather, she was angry with herself. She was warned
many times. Through the dreams, through the bond and now her
grandfather. She ignored all of that.

"Mother, I want to die." It came out as a whisper, yet the words left her
mother shaken.

She was usually very protective of her mother and never made her worry,
but right now she wanted to be held. She wanted to hide. Disappear.

"N0! Don't say that." Her mother hugged her tightly and stroke her hair.
"Everything will be alright."

"No mother. Nothing is or will be alright."

Her grandfather kept his promises, and he must want her desperately if
he was using such extreme methods to get her. She still couldn't
understand what happened to her.

"Why did you leave?" Her mother seemed confused.

But Heaven understood everything. The way she had observed her
mother and grandmother sleeping soundly. That must also have been her
grandfather. The observations had been intentional to show her his
power. He set up everything. He could do anything. He could put her
whole family to sleep if he wanted to. She was powerless against him.
They all were powerless against him.

Sometimes Heaven forgot that her grandfather was an ancient and not
just any ancient. He was the devil. She should never forget. Forgetting
was her first mistake.

She should have realized earlier that fighting was pointless. If she had
just followed him, none of this would have happened.

She couldn't let her grandfather hurt anyone else because of her.

Who would he hurt next? Her father? Her mother?

He had so many ways to hurt her.

A shiver went down her spine as she thought of all the people she loved.
One of them was already….

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Tears burned her eyes. Her heart felt heavy, as if weighing on her lungs
and making it harder to breathe.

It was killing her to be away from Zamiel when she knew his condition.
She wanted to stab herself in the heart, but she didn't have to. Her heart
was already bleeding.

Zamiel. She couldn't live with herself if anything happened to him. She
would never forgive herself if anything happened to him.

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 231: Vol3 Chapter 108
"Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already." -Dave


"Father! What have you done?" Tezz looked at him as if he had become

He had done nothing like this before, but again he had never been this
desperate before. Heaven annoyed him. The girl was impossible, and she
never listened.

"What have I done?" He asked calmly.

Lothaire hadn't told Hezz and Tezz the whole plan, and now both were

"You want Heaven to rule. She has to do it willingly so your job is to

tempt and manipulate her. Not control her."

She was right. Except it was not Heaven he wanted.

Manipulation and temptation rarely worked on Heaven. She had strong

moral values and her desires were good ones. Besides, he tempted and
manipulated those he wanted to sin because sin must be done by choice
and if he controlled them to sin, then it wouldn't be their choice.

But he wasn't interested in making Heaven sin. Not now, anyway. Right
now, he just wanted her to come to him and stay with him, and what
better way to do it than to threaten the existence of her mate.

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Lothaire had no other choice. Heaven was strong and her family made
her even stronger. Whenever he managed to manipulate her and make
her weak, her family would help her find strength again.

He was tired of playing that game and doing the same thing over and
over again and have her family ruin it for him. As long as she stayed with
them, she would remain strong. It made him realize that he had to change
his plan. He had to separate her from her family if he wanted to
manipulate her successfully.

Creating fear in her of what might happen wasn't very affective since she
knew he had something to do with it. So he had to show. He had to make
her believe that what she feared wasn't just a mind game but could
actually happen in reality.

If she had just been weak and surrendered sooner, then this wouldn't
have happened. But she fought back, and now this was what she got.

"I don't understand. You have always been patient. Why go to such
extreme just to get her now? Does she have something you need right
now?" Tezz asked.

She was confused, and it scared her that she couldn't predict his actions
anymore. She was worried he would do something reckless. In fact, she
already thought that his actions had been reckless. Possessing someone
wasn't safe. But it was the fastest route, and he was willing to take the

Heaven would never hurt her mate simply by being manipulated. He had
to use her body.

Lothaire had only once possessed someone before. That wasn't what he
did as the devil. He could have just compelled Heaven to do what he
wanted, but he wasn't sure if his compulsion would be strong enough to
make her go against her strongest desire, which was to protect her mate.
He had to make sure that his plan would work this time, and possessing
her body was the surest way. She wouldn't be able to fight him once he
possessed her.

The nightmares he gave her didn't completely go to waste. It might not

have affected her moral values, but it made her body and mind weaker,
and while she was unconscious, he could easily enter her body.


Tezz and Hezz took care of the rest. Poisoning the dagger with the
deadliest poison they could find and making everyone tired and sleepy.

Lothaire made sure everything was under control, but there was one thing
he wondered. Would Zamiel's healing slow down if Heaven stabbed him
while possessed? Because even if it was her body that stabbed him, she
wouldn't be the one who made the decision to do so.

He didn't want Zamiel to heal fast. He needed Heaven to believe that her
mate was going to die.

Lothaire added the poison in case the stabbing didn't work. Poison was
the only thing that could bring a demon to the brink of death before they
could recover. He also added it because it was Zamiel's greatest fear and
that would have an affect on Heaven. She would blame herself even
more. The guilt would eat at her soul.

The possession itself would also affect her. Losing control completely
was the most frightening thing humans could experience. It would make
her lose complete trust in herself and in her abilities, which would also
benefit him in the future.

He would have to tear her down in order to build her up the way he
wanted her to be. At that moment, he almost forgot he was doing all of it
to get Irene. He found excitement in this new experiment. Experimenting
was his next favorite thing after manipulating.

Would he be able to change Heaven completely?

And would she be the only one changing? Possession had consequences
for both parties involved. What would the consequences be for him?

"Father, you don't just possess someone. Especially not someone who
doesn't share your values." Hezz looked at him with judging eyes.

"I know. Don't worry. A simple possession won't change me."

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Possessing someone could make you end up with their memories, or their
feelings and thoughts could affect yours, sometimes so much that you
could start liking the things they like. The longer you stayed in someone
else's body, the worse the consequences would be.
But what could staying inside Heaven's body really do to him? He
wasn't the least worried about any consequences. Changing his mind was
not an easy task for anyone.

"I hope you make no more hasty decisions." Hezz spoke.

Lothaire looked at both of his daughters. Both of them seemed worried

and suspicious.

"No more decisions. Now we just have to wait." He assured.

He would give Heaven some time. He didn't give her time earlier
because he already knew she wouldn't come to him by just scaring her
with words. So he gave her little time with the purpose to make her panic.
That would make her weaker.

"What should we do with Zarin? It seems like your son is pulling him
back." Tezz crossed her arms over her chest.

"Don't worry. Once Heaven is here, he will be pulled equally from both

Lucian had a way of speaking. Lothaire had no doubt that his son's
speech had an impact on Zarin. He had already expected that. No parent
would watch their child walk toward hell without trying everything they
could. Roshan was only restricted by Gina, and he knew what it meant to
raise a finger against him.

"When will Heaven come here?" Tezz asked.

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It would depend on Zamiel's condition and her own. Lothaire knew she
would want to make sure that Zamiel was alright first.

"Soon." Was all he said.

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 232: Vol3 Chapter 109

"Beware of false knowledge. It is more dangerous than ignorance."-

George Bernand Shaw


Irene was shaken as she made her way to Zamiel's home. She had never
seen Heaven look like that before. She looked like a ghost, or someone
whose soul had left their body. There was terror in her eyes that terrified
her by just gazing into them. Whatever happened must be serious, but
she couldn't understand how.

Zamiel was an ancient demon. He had survived being poisoned, having a

sword thrust in and out of his body and a stab in the spine. What could
Heaven have done that could possibly kill him? Why did she look so

Was this Lothaire's doing? Did he put so much fear in her that she
actually thought she could kill Zamiel? And where did the blood come

Heaven would never hurt Zamiel, which made her realize that she must
have been compelled. Irene was shocked and deeply disturbed. She
never thought Lothaire would go that far to hurt their grandchild. She
knew manipulation was what he did, so she wasn't shocked when he
manipulated, but this was different. Heaven had never done anything to

Irene hoped she was wrong and all this was just a bad dream. She held
her breath as she made her way to Zamiel's room, hoping and wishing,
but it was all in vain. She could already feel the smell of blood and hear
someone grunting. When she walked into the room, she found Zamiel on
the floor in a pool of blood.

He was groaning and writhing in pain and breathing heavily in between.

Irene could immediately tell it was serious from all the blood on the floor,
but also from his pale complexion. He had no color left on his skin and
he could barely bring himself to say something or even help himself stop
the bleeding.

Irene hurried to his side and went down on her knees. The blood
overwhelmed her, but she became dizzy when she realized where the
wound was located. He was stabbed in the heart and the wound seemed
deep. If Heaven truly stabbed him, then Irene could be in danger. Would
he trust her to take care of him, or would he unleash his fury on her?

It didn't matter. She had to save him or Heaven would never forgive
herself if anything happened to her mate.


He shot his eyes open, but they seemed unfocused and pained. He didn't
even care to look at her too long before he shut them tightly and clenched
his jaw to endure the pain. Something was happening to him. This was
more than just a pain from a stab.

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"What is happening to you?"

He sucked in a deep breath, his hands clenched and unclenched. His legs
trembled and his face twisted in pain. She could see all the veins on his
neck and forehead.

"You have to tell me so that I can help you." She urged.

While she spoke to him, she put her hand on the wound to stop the
bleeding. She knew nothing about taking care of wounds. She could take
away the pain with magic, but would she be able to endure it? She
would have to stay awake if she wanted to take care of him, and taking
his pain would make her unable to help him.

Healing him using a spell was another option, but just like the pain, the
damage would have to go somewhere. With magic, giving something
needed a source of power, but taking something needed strength. Taking
her son's emotional pain had made her sick for days. Healing a wound
that could lead to death would probably kill her, and it would take her a
very long time to recover from death.

But why wasn't he healing? She couldn't understand.

"Will you heal? What happened to you?"

"Poi... son." He said.

Poison? Did Heaven poison him?

Wait! This meant she wouldn't just have to heal the wound from the stab
but also take the poison into her body. She would die immediately before
she could even help him. It would be useless. She had to find another
way, but hopefully he would heal by himself. There was no reason he
wouldn't. He would have to endure the pain for a long time, but he
would heal.

Irene felt a rush of cold air against her back and her heart skipped a beat.
Before she could turn, she already knew a demon was in the room with
her. Turning back, she found a silver-haired demon standing in the room
and he stared at her with his pale blue eyes. She hoped he was someone
loyal to Zamiel who could help.

The man didn't introduce himself. He just hurried to Zamiel's side and
looked at his face, almost as if he was communicating with him. From
the way Zamiel calmy looked back at the man, he probably trusted him.

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"Will he heal?" Irene asked the silver-haired demon.

"I am not sure." He replied.

"But why? Why won't he heal?"

"Because it was Heaven who stabbed him. Pain inflicted by her heals
slower, even more in her presence."

So Heaven was right. She wasn't just afraid. It was all true.

Irene felt her heart sink. Before she could digest the information, she
received the silver-haired demon put his hand inside the wound on
Zamiel's chest causing him to groan in pain.

Irene winced. "What are you doing?"

"I need to find the blood vessel to stop the bleeding." He said, then he
frowned and pulled his hand out. "He stopped bleeding."

Irene knew it wasn't good news. It was bad. They were sitting in a pool
of blood, so he probably lost all blood in his body. Her heart skipped a
beat. Was he going to die?

She looked at Zamiel. His eyes seemed to roll back in his head before his
body went limp. His heart was quiet and his breathing nonexistent. But
this was normal with ancients. It didn't have to mean that he was dead.
He couldn't be dead.

"The poison is slowing down his healing." The man said.

"We need to find an antidote."

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The man shook his head. "His body has already absorbed the poison and
his organs are already damaged."

"We need to do something." Irene said desperately. "I will heal him."

She put her hand on the wound and the first surge of damage into her
body made her heart almost seize to beat. Irene pulled her hand away.
The pain was shocking and made her shiver.

"It is useless. You will just kill yourself and it won't help him. It is not
just his heart that needs healing." The man spoke.

"It is better than nothing." She said stubbornly and put her hand on the
wound again. She couldn't let him die.
The man grabbed her hand to stop her. "It is useless." He repeated more
firmly this time. "I can sense your power. It won't even heal his heart
before you die, let alone his whole body."

"I am stronger than you think." She said.

"Not stronger than him, but look at him. If you can heal him than he can
heal himself."

It was true. There was nothing her healing could do that his already

What was she supposed to do now? What would happen to him?


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Lots of love ❤

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 233: Vol3 Chapter 110

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."



The silver-haired demon's name was Ilyas. He helped her clean up, and
they placed Zamiel on his bed. He looked dead, but Ilyas assured her he
Irene mixed some herbs with healing properties and put it on his wound
before bandaging him up. Now they would just have to wait and hope
that he would heal.

Feeling anxious, she sat beside his bed, praying that he would be alright.
She wanted to go back to Heaven and assure her that everything was
alright. She never felt this desperate before. If anything happened to this
man, her granddaughter would never be the same.

Irene looked over at llyas. She wondered why he let her stay if he knew
it was Heaven who hurt Zamiel. She wanted to explain to him that
Heaven would never hurt her mate and there was something else going
on. But looking at his expression, it looked like he didn't want or need an
explanation. He was the type to just follow orders and he wouldn't do
anything besides what he was ordered. She was only there because
Zamiel didn't order him to make her leave.

The one she might have to explain to would be Zamiel. Poison and a
witch wasn't a good combination for someone who has been through
what he had been through. How would he react if he recovered? Would
he resent Heaven?

Irene shook her head. Right now, the most important thing was for him to
recover. She couldn't imagine what Heaven must feel at this moment,
knowing she hurt her mate and not being able to be by his side.

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Did Lothaire really do this? She didn't know who to be more

disappointed at. At him or at herself for believing he was better than this,
when she knew he was very well capable of such things.
Wasn't that why she had decided to not be with him if he went back to
his mission? He had told her the kind of person he became when he went
there. He never hid that from her, and he had wanted her to be his queen
and rule by his side. He wanted all of them to live there together and rule.
But wouldn't they eventually turn out to be like him if they went with
him? Wouldn't that mean accepting what he did or turning a blind eye
even if they didn't join him in his activities?

Irene didn't want to live amongst or associate herself with people who
did evil deeds. She didn't want to be one of them because she didn't
believe that one could remain good in the company of bad people. She
didn't want to abandon her morals and values and she didn't want to lose
her humanity because according to Roshan, that is what happened when
you went to the devil's world.

Irene had explained to Lothaire why she couldn't follow him, and he had
seemed to understand. And he had explained why he couldn't stay with
her, and she had accepted it. Now that she thought about it, they were
fine when he left. Both of them had made their choices and chose
different lifestyles where the other didn't fit in. When did things turn

She didn't seem to recall the exact moment things changed. Only after.

While waiting for Zamiel to recover, Irene couldn't stop pondering on it.
She was sure that she and Lothaire went separate ways with no bad
feelings between them. She had felt sad that he left, but she hadn't tried
to hate him, to replace the love she had for him, because she had no
reason to.

So when did the guilt of loving him start which caused her to try hating
him instead?
She shook her head. Maybe he was right, and she was thinking too much.
After some time she had probably missed him and it became hard to
endure a life without him, so she made up lies to make it easier for
herself. She was disappointed with herself. Heaven was truly unlucky to
have two bad grandparents.

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She looked over at Zamiel and her eyes teared up. She prayed to God to
at least save her granddaughter's mate. Heaven deserved to have more
good people in her life.

Zamiel started coughing and Irene shot up from her seat and loomed over
him. "Zamiel?"

He didn't reply and seemed to fall back into unconsciousness again. He

kept doing that, scaring her and giving her hope every time he opened his
eyes, but then disappointing her when he fell back like a dead body.

She could see that his body was fighting the poison and trying to heal.
He was sweating, but his body remained freezing cold. He would
tremble sometimes and groan in pain when he was awake.

Irene had never seen someone go through so much agony. She could see
relief in his eyes every time he was becoming unconscious again. Relief
that the pain would end and that he wouldn't have to endure it anymore.
It frightened her of what this torture would do to his mind.

"Please, don't hate Heaven." She whispered even though he couldn't hear
The next time he opened his eyes, he moved his mouth. He was saying
something, but she couldn't understand. She leaned over him, bringing
her ear closer.

"He... Hea... ven."

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Heaven. He was asking for Heaven. Was it in a good way or a bad way?

Suddenly his hand came up and his fingers wrapped themselves around
her arm in a steel like grip. After everything he had been through, she
was shocked by his strength.

"Hea... ven. Where... she?"

Oh no. From his tone, this seemed bad.

"Heaven… she sent me here. She is reall…"

"Where is she?!" He cut her off.

His voice gained its strength, but his hand loosened and fell as if he
couldn't hold it up anymore.

Irene took several steps back to put some safe distance between them.

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"Heaven. I...I... need... see her." His speech became sloppy again. He
was loosing consciousness.

Irene slowly came closer again and before he closed his eyes, he said
Heaven's name one last time.
Married To The Devil's Son (WN)
Chapter 234: Vol3 Chapter 111

"They never want to discuss what triggered you. Just how you reacted."


This time Zamiel was unconscious for a long time, and it made Irene
worry. Was his recovery not doing well? At one time she thought he
might have died and called Ilyas, who assured her he wasn't dead. Yet.

Irene was getting more and more worried. She took turns with Ilyas to
take care of Zamiel and while he was gone, she tried to heal him despite
being fully aware that she couldn't save him from death. She would have
to find ways to help him heal on his own because interfering with magic
in matters of life and death had severe consequences.

Magic couldn't prevent death. Yes, it could help him heal, but if his
injuries were lethal, then there was little magic could do to save him.
And all of Zamiel's injuries were lethal. Poison, a stab in the heart and
slow healing were grave, but combined they were deadly. The only
reason demons survived every injury beside the stab in the spine was
because of their healing abilities. If the fast healing was taken away, then
they could die from many types of injuries, just like humans.

That Zamiel's healing was slow when he was poisoned and stabbed in
the heart was life threatening. She didn't know how much the poison and
Heaven slowed down his healing.

Even if she healed his heart, which would kill her temporarily before she
succeeded, his body would still need to produce blood to function. And
all his other organs would also need to heal from the damage the poison

The payment of healing him would mean she would have to take the
damage herself. One lethal injury would be enough to kill her. She
would have to recover from death to take the other lethal injuries, and the
recovery could take days. That wouldn't be an affective way to help him.

This was the only time Irene wished that magic had no consequences or
limits, but she knew they were there for a reason.

Irene observed Zamiel. He lay unmoving, without breathing and with no

heartbeat. His body was freezing cold and pale. His wound wasn't
bleeding anymore. Irene took off the bandage to see if the wound healed
and it didn't, which meant he just didn't have any blood left. It was
amazing what an ancient's body was capable of surviving with slow or
no healing.

Or maybe he did start healing, but in other parts of his body. The healing
would probably take days, if not weeks. His whole body would need to

When Ilyas came back, Irene took the opportunity to go visit Heaven.
But what would she tell her when she asked about her mate? Irene
thought being honest would be the best way. She didn't really know how
things would turn out with Zamiel.

When she arrived at Heaven's room, both Hazel and Lucian were
guarding their daughter. Heaven was lying curled in her bed. Her eyes
looked absent, and she didn't even notice her arrival. Both Lucian and
Hazel looked worried and Lucian quickly came to her, asking what
happened. Irene could tell that both Lucian and Hazel were confused.
Heaven jumped out of bed when she finally noticed her arrival.

"Zamiel? Is he alright?" She asked, running to her.

Irene felt her heart race as she looked at her granddaughter. She didn't
want to be in this position.

"He is recovering." She said despite not being sure.

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What happened to being honest?

It would be bad if she gave her granddaughter high hopes, and it didn't
turn out well, but Irene discarded the thought quickly. Zamiel would be

From Heaven's expression, Irene could tell that her granddaughter

already knew it was bad. She could probably sense Zamiel's pain and
she didn't bother to say ask anything else. She just turned around and
went back to bed, lying down curled. Her eyes turned empty,
emotionless. It was a frightening and a disturbing sight.

Lucian was also disturbed as he took her aside to ask what happened.
Irene told her son everything she knew, and Lucian became furious. She
had to tell him to calm down.

"Don't do anything. Heaven needs you right now, so don't go anywhere

and stay beside her." She told him.

Irene didn't know what Lothaire was planning next, but from his moves
he was willing to go far. She didn't want another person to get hurt while
she was gone.
The most important thing right now was for Zamiel to recover so her
granddaughter could get a little life back into her eyes. If Lucian did
something hasty and got hurt, then Heaven would never recover.

"Think of Heaven. Someone she loves is already in a critical condition."

Irene added to make Lucian think straight.

After making her son promise to stay with his daughter, Irene went back
to Zamiel.

Ilyas stood looming over his body with that deep frown he had since he
came to help her.

"Is something happening?" She asked.

Please. She didn't want to hear the word. She refused.

Holding her breath, she waited for Ilyas to reply. "He is… suffering." He

Irene exhaled, feeling bad that she was relieved to hear that he was
suffering. He probably preferred death right now. She had seen it in his
eyes sometimes.

Ilyas looked into her eyes for more than a short moment for the first time.
"Did you eat?" He asked.

Irene shook her head.

"I asked the maid to make some food. It is served on the table." He said.

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Irene thanked him and went to eat. When she came back, he left to eat,
and she looked after Zamiel.

Sitting beside his bed for a while, he finally moved his fingers, and then
lifted his hand that went straight to the wound on his chest.


His eyes were still closed, but his expression told her he was in pain.
This time from the wound in his heart.

"Zamiel." She called his name carefully, and he opened his eyes with a

She still couldn't hear his heartbeat, but he started breathing fast. His
chest rising and falling while he stared at the ceiling for a while before he
turned to her.

She went closer. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

He gasped before trying to speak, but she could barely understand him.
Talking pained him and his voice sound as if he had swallowed sharp
blades. It was raw and raspy.

Water. She had to give him some water to drink, but when she stood up
to leave, he grasped her wrist.


Irene pulled her arm away, a little frightened. He made her shiver as if
she got cold. Maybe it was his cold hand.
He rolled over to get up, but he didn't have the strength and ended up
falling out of bed.

"What are you doing?" Irene went to help him up, but he was already
pushing himself up and she realized that the wound on his chest started to
bleed through the cloth. It was a good sign, but he had to lay still to not
bleed out again.

"Heaven. I need…" He coughed and his breath came out in harsh pants.
" see Heaven."

"Heaven is alright." She assured him.

"I need to see her." He tried to push himself up with his arms, but they
gave away.

"You can't see her. You will have to heal first."

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Her words seemed to annoy him and he found the strength to push
himself up and grab her arm before looking at her with a deadly stare. "I
need to see Heaven."

"You will kill yourself." She told him.

"I am...I...I need to see her… before I die."

"No!" Irene almost yelled. "You are not dying"

His head fell down as if he couldn't fight anymore, and then slowly he let
himself fall back. He closed his eyes, grimacing in pain while breathing
"You will be alright and I can't let you see Heaven because I need you
alive." She told him. "Heaven needs you alive."

"Please." He pleaded. "I just want to see her once."

Why was he talking like he would die?

"No! You have to fight if you want to see her." Irene didn't realize that
she almost started crying.

She crawled to his side and loomed over him. "Listen to me. You can't
give up. Heaven can't live without you. She will...she will...." Her voice
broke thinking of what would happen to Heaven.

Ilyas came quickly into the room, and Zamiel opened his eyes to look at
him. "Ilyas, bring me Heaven." He ordered.

Ilyas' eyes widened. "My Lord, it is not good for …"

"Bring her to me!"

Ilyas frowned, but then his gaze hardened, and he clenched his jaw. "I
am sorry but I refuse." He said.

Zamiel opened his mouth and looked like he was going to say something
harsh or make a threat, but he ended up gasping in pain and then cursing.

It was strange to hear him curse.

"Then I will go see her myself." He said.

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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)
Chapter 235: Vol3 Chapter 112

"Comparison is the death of joy." -Mark Twain.


Zamiel tried to get up again, but failed. Irene put her hand gently on his
shoulder. "Please, Zamiel. You are going to cause the wound to open
even more."

He stopped struggling to get up and let his head fall back. He was
panting while holding his chest.

More blood seeped from the wound on his chest. Blood should normally
be bad, but in his case it was good. She just needed to stop him from
trying to move.

"You will be alright." She told him when he looked at her with pleading
eyes. "You will be alright and then you will see Heaven again."

He turned away from her and stared at the ceiling. He was quiet for a
moment before he spoke. "I have wondered how I got so lucky to meet a
wonderful woman again and fall in love. It always seemed too good to be
true. Maybe… this is how lucky I will get."

He turned back to her. "I want to be able to say goodbye this time. I
want to look at Heaven and tell her how much I love her. I want to make
sure she is alright. I want to..." He stopped and grimaced in pain.

"Say no more. Heaven is alright and I will let her know how you feel."
Irene knew how she felt. She knew why he was so desperate to see
Heaven. He wanted to free her from her guilt before he died. He wanted
to let her know that his feelings for her remained the same.

Zamiel grabbed her hand that rested on his shoulder to keep him down.
"Will… you… let me see her?"

Irene didn't know what to say. She could be making a mistake if she
didn't let him see her and he died, but she could also be making a
mistake if she let him see her, and his condition got worse. She was torn,
and she looked at Ilyas for help. He didn't seem to know what to do

Zamiel's grip on her hand loosened, and he started to lose consciousness

again. This time, she didn't see relief in his eyes before he disappeared.
She saw fear. He didn't want to go before seeing Heaven.

Irene panicked. "He is not dead yet. Is he?"

Ilyas shook his head, coming forward. "He is bleeding again. It is a good


Hopefully now, while he was unmoving, he would heal before bleeding


Irene and Ilyas kept watching him in silence. It felt like forever before he
finally stirred in bed again. But it was only for a short moment, and then
he was gone again. Irene thought she would get a heart disease from all
this. She couldn't relax even for a moment, but after long hours of
watching over him, she somehow fell asleep by accident.
When she woke up and realized that she had fallen asleep, she panicked.


She quickly turned to his bed, but it was empty. He was gone. Her heart
dropped to her stomach. He must have gone to see Heaven.

Where was Ilyas?


Heaven lay in her bed, curled up under the sheets. She wasn't sleeping,
but she didn't feel awake either. She just felt empty. After drowning in
her own pain and Zamiel's pain for too long, she became numb to all of
it. She just stared emptily in-front of her, feeling dead inside.

Someone as weak as her, someone who didn't even have the strength to
stop themselves from hurting their mate, didn't deserve to have one. She
had stabbed him with her own hands, and of all the places, she stabbed
him in the heart. Just thinking about it made her chest feel tight.

And the poison. She remembered the pained look in his eyes and wished
the ground would open and swallow her. But she didn't deserve to be
released from this shame and this pain. Not when her mate was suffering.
She deserved to suffer as much, and now she didn't know what felt worse.
To feel pain or to feel completely numb?

Her parents were somewhere in her room. They had tried to talk to her,
but their voices seemed distant. No words reached her ears. The only
words she wanted to hear was that Zamiel was alright. Nothing else
mattered at this moment.
In her absent state of mind she suddenly felt a chilling cold and then
heard the distance gasp of her mother.



Hastily she turned in bed and sat up. Her eyes searched the room until
they found Zamiel. He was standing in the middle of the room, looking
pale and pained.

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Heaven didn't know what got into her, but she jumped out of bed and
ran to him, wrapping her arms around him. She had told herself she
would stay away, but at this moment, all rational thoughts fled her mind.
She was relieved to see him alive and be able to hold him.

"Heaven." His voice was filled with pain as he wrapped one arm around
her. That is when all of her emotions came back and hit her hard,
knocking all the air out of her lungs.

"Zamiel." She pulled back, but he kept his arm around her.

Heaven gazed up at him. His face was pale, his lips were purple and dry,
and his hair was wet from sweating too much. As he held her close, she
realized how cold his body was. Colder than usual. His breathing was
uneven, and his eyes looked tired.

She was the one who put him in this state. She was the one who caused
him this much pain. How could he hold her so close and not look at her
with hatred, disgust, or at least mistrust?
"I did this to you." She said, tears filling her eyes.

He shook his head. "No, you didn't. You would never hurt me."

Tears rolled down her cheeks. It pained her so much to hear those words,
knowing that she did almost kill him.

He wiped the tears away from her cheeks with thumb and then grabbed
her face with his icy hand. "I am sorry you had to go through this. I am
always failing to protect…"

She covered his mouth with her hand to stop him from saying what he
was going to say. He shouldn't talk about failing when she was the one
who failed. "Don't say that." She felt ashamed to even look at him.

"You shouldn't be here." She said, afraid that something would happen
again. She wouldn't take risks again when he finally survived.

Placing her hand on his chest, she tried to push him away when she felt
something wet under her palm. She turned her hand over; it was stained
with blood.

Heaven looked at his chest. Blood was seeping through his white shirt.

"Zamiel. You are bleeding." She panicked.

She thought he came here because he had already healed. How stupid of
her to not think!

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"You have to go. You can't be here. Are you trying to kill yourself?" She
pushed him away gently, but he grabbed her arm instead. "Zamiel! You
have to go or I will."

He pulled her closer. "Don't leave."

The strength in his grip didn't match the weakness in his voice.

"Don't...leave." He repeated, wobbling slightly and dropping his arm.

"Zamiel!" She grabbed his arms to prevent him from falling, but she
wasn't strong enough, and he fell to his knees. Before she could do
anything, he quickly grabbed her wrist, as if he was more afraid of her
leaving than the vulnerable state he was in.

"Can I… be selfish once and ask of you to stay by my side… when I am


He could barely breathe as he spoke.

"You are not dying." She said firmly. It was almost as if she denied him

She tried to pull her hand away, but his grip was even stronger this time.
How could he hold her with such strength when he couldn't even speak

"You have to let me go." She tried to remove his hand with dread, but he
refused to let go.

Instead, he pulled her down on her knees so they came face to face. She
looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Please." She pleaded. She was
panicking. He was going to die because of her.
She was the selfish one, hoping he wouldn't die when he was in agony.
Refusing to listen to him or stay with him because she refused to let him

She didn't know what to do. It felt like whatever she did would have
great consequences. She had to find out if there was hope, but at the
same time, how could she give up hope. How could she give up on him?

She shook her head. For a brief moment, she hoped to take his place, but
then she remembered what losing someone he loved again would do to
him. She felt completely helpless.

Zamiel slowly let go of her hand as if giving up.



What did this mean?

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 236: Vol3 Chapter 113

"Don't let someone who has done nothing, tell you how to do anything."
- Unknown.


Zamiel let go of Heaven's hand when he saw her eyes tearing up. He
realized he was being too selfish and asking too much. He had just
wanted to see her face before he died and have her hold him as he took
his last breath.
His heart was telling him it reached its limit. Everything he did was
causing him pain. Even holding his eyes open or breathing felt like
torture. His body had enough after going through so much. It felt as if his
soul was slowly leaving his body and he didn't have the strength to hold
it back.

Maybe he should have died that day. When Heaven was willing to kill
him. If he had died then, he would spare her and himself all this pain.


Actually, he should have been locked forever in that coffin. He shouldn't

have been released. What good did he bring?

"I'll be alright." He told her.

He wanted to say he would be alright with whatever decision she made.

He didn't want to see her hurt anymore.

As he spoke, he felt his vision becoming blurry again. The darkness

came back to take him away. He tried to look at Heaven one last time,
but he couldn't see her face clearly.

No, he wasn't ready to leave yet. He still had a lot to say.

He reached out with his hand blindly and was relieved when Heaven
took it and held it between both of her hands.

"Don't go to your grandfather. This is not your fault." He wished he could

see her face, to know if she was listening to him. "I want to see you when
I wake up." If he woke up. He hoped he would to see her again.

Before he could hear her reply, darkness swept him away.

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For a while there was no pain or agony until his consciousness slowly
crawled back, but not completely. He was stuck somewhere in the
darkness, awake yet not. It was as if his body was tied and he couldn't
move, but he could feel pain. He could feel it coming from every place
in his body. His mind screamed, but his body remained chained by the

After what felt like years of torture, he finally saw a glimpse of light, and
the chains around him loosened. He was being carried toward that light,
leaving the darkness behind until he found himself in a place that seemed
like heaven.

Did he die?

Under his feet, he felt something soft and warm. He looked down. He
was barefoot and stood on the greenest grass he had ever seen.

He found himself in a garden unlike any he had seen before. The colors
were harmonies; the breeze was as soft as the warm sunrays against his
skin. The sky was the clearest blue and far on the horizon he could see
mountains with the colors of the rainbow.

Where was he?

A soft laughter caught his attention. He turned back and saw the back of
a woman sitting on a white bench. Zamiel slowly walked toward her, but
stopped abruptly when the woman stood up. She stood still for a moment
before she slowly turned around to face him.

Zamiel froze when he locked eyes with her. Those amber eyes…
"Zamiel." She smiled.

Zamiel couldn't believe his eyes. This had to be a dream, but the way
she called his name was so familiar and her voice was so clear.


She looked so happy to see him. "I shouldn't be happy that you are here,
but I am. I have been waiting for you." She said, walking over to him.
She slowly reached out and touched his upper arms, as if she couldn't
believe she was seeing him.

"You are finally here." She breathed, her eyes tearing up. "I hope you
came here without much pain."

Zamiel just stared at her, astounded. What was happening? She felt so
real. He could feel her touch on his arms.

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He reached for her face slowly. The feel of her skin on the tip of his
fingers felt exactly like he remembered. She was real.

Gamila took his hand and placed her face in his palm. "I have missed you
so much."

"Gamila? It is you?"

"Yes. It is me." She gazed into his eyes.

He couldn't count how many times he had wished to see her, and now
she was here. Standing right in front of him and he was touching her and
smelling her.

Without thinking, he drew her into his arms and hugged her tightly. He
was happy to see her alive and replace the images of her lifeless body
that had been haunting him for so long.

He pulled back to look at her again. He was still in disbelief. "Are you
alright?" He asked.

She smiled widely. "Yes."

They just stared at each other for a while before her gaze shifted to
something behind him and she smiled again. Zamiel turned to see what
she was looking at.

A young woman in a light blue dress stood a few feet away from them.
She looked at him closely, as if trying to recognize him, but it took him
no time to recognize her. She looked just like him, with her pale skin,
dark hair, and silver eyes.

"Micah?" His daughter. She was alive and... she had grown.

She was so little when he buried her.


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His heart shuddered when she called him.

"Micah. This is your father. I told you he would be here one day."
Gamila smiled at her daughter.
Micah stared at him in silence, and he stared back. He was an awe. No
words came out of his mouth.

Zamiel remembered all the times he had played with her, carried her,
showered her with kisses and hugs and let her sleep in his arms. But she
had been a child and could probably not remember him. But oddly, she
recognized him.

"Father, I have been waiting to meet you." She finally spoke and came
near him.

Tears burned his eyes and his heart felt heavy and warm at the same time.
This was his daughter. His own flesh and blood and last time he held her
she was dead in his arms. He wanted to hold her again. Feel her alive in
his arms.

He took a step forward and wrapped his arms around her while tears
streamed down his face. "Micah, I have longed to see you."

She carefully put her arms around him and Zamiel felt his heart burst
with the joy of holding her in his arms. He never wanted to let go. He
kissed her hair and smelled her scent.

He held her tightly, then grabbed her face between his hands. He wanted
to look at her. She looked just like him, but with feminine features.

"She didn't inherit any of my looks. She looks just like you." Gamila said
causing Micah to smile.

Zamiel didn't tear his gaze away from his daughter. It felt like she would
disappear if he looked away, even for a short moment.
"You look beautiful and… you have grown." Without a father, he added
in his mind. "I am sorry I wasn't there when you grew up."

Micah placed her hands on top of his and smiled. "You are here now. It is
all that matters." She said.

Gamila nodded beside him. "Yes. We are here and we are safe. No one
can harm us here."

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Here? Where were they?

Zamiel turned to Gamila. "What is this place?" He asked.


Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 237: Vol3 Chapter 114

"When you do not seek or need approval, you are at your most
powerful."- Caroline Myss.



He died? And he came to heaven? Leaving Heaven behind?

"Am I dead?" He asked.

Gamila turned to her left, and he followed her gaze. Somewhere far away,
he saw an opening. It was dark inside, and the opening seemed to shrink
in size slowly.

"You are dying." She said, turning back to him.

Zamiel looked between her and the opening, then he looked at his
daughter. He was in heaven, reunited with his family again. Wasn't this
all he had wished for all those years inside that empty, dark coffin? Why
wasn't he happy now?


He couldn't leave her behind. He had to go back. But then he looked at

Gamila and his daughter and guilt weighed on his heart. He was going to
disappoint them. Again.

"You don't want to be here?" Gamila asked with a frown.

Zamiel felt a sharp pain in his chest and his eyes burned with tears again.

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"Gamila." He took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. How was he
going to explain himself? It felt like he betrayed her. Like he betrayed

"I love you. I always have and I always will. But I have to go back. I am

Tears filled her eyes, but she shook her head as if refusing to cry. "Don't
apologize. I understand. I have always prayed for you to find happiness
and it seems like you found it."
He nodded. He did find happiness with Heaven.

"What is her name?" She asked.

"Heaven." He said.

"Heaven?" She smiled. "You found Heaven on earth."

He did.

"Then there is no reason for you to stay here." Tears fell down their

Both were crying as they held each others hands. "You deserve all the
happiness in the world. You deserve to have heaven on earth and even
after. It pained me to see you hurt all those years. I am happy that you are
happy now."

"Could you see me?" He asked.

She nodded. "Once a year the gates of heaven open and we can go down
to see our loved ones. Micah and I have gone down every year and for a
thousand years I couldn't see you because you were locked. And I
couldn't do anything about it. This year's opening is still to come, so I
didn't know you were released."

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She turned to Micah, who also had tears in her eyes. "Micah and I will
come down to visit you again when the gates open." She said.

Micah nodded while she cried, and Zamiel went to hug his daughter. He
hated this. After all those years when he finally saw his daughter, he
made her cry. "I am sorry you had to have a father like me." He said and
she shook her head. "I want you to know that I love very much."

Now he was truly crying. His daughter had been his everything. She had
been the light in his life. She had been a blessing from God.

Gamila put a hand on shoulder. "Zamiel. You have to go now before it is

too late." She said. "Micah and I will be fine."

Zamiel's heart broke as he pulled away from his daughter. The warmth
left his body, and he was cold again. Gamila came to stand in front of
him. She grabbed his face gently. "I have never blamed you for what
happened. I want you to go back and be truly happy and let go of that
guilt." She said. "Promise me."

He felt a lump in his throat that made it difficult to talk. "I promise." He
said, then took her hands and kissed both of her knuckles. In old times, it
was a sign of respect.

Gamila smiled at him. "I will come to see you with Micah when the gates
open again. I hope to see you happy."

He nodded. "Will I be able to see you when you come down?" He asked.

"I don't know. Some people can see and others can't. I hope you can see
us, otherwise remember the scent of this garden. When we come down,
you should be able to smell it."

Zamiel nodded.

He hugged Gamila and Micah one last time before he started walking
toward the opening that was getting smaller. Tears streamed down his
eyes as he walked away. He was overwhelmed by all the emotions he felt
inside. There was both joy and sadness, both pain and relief.

He turned back to wave one more time, and they waved back, smiling at
him one last time. He would honor this memory and all of their other
memories, and one day he would see them again.

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Heaven left Zamiel in her room with Ilyas and Irene. She went to her
parents' quarters to stay away from him so that he could heal. She cried
and cried, not knowing if she did the right thing by leaving him behind.
But if she stayed, he would surely die.

Her crying made her mother cry, who held her in her arms. "He will be
alright." Her mother murmured some encouraging words while stroking
her hair.

Her father was silent, but she could see he was going through his own
struggle to see her like that. She could tell he was restless, angry and was
trying to hold himself from rushing to her grandfather to fight him. But
what was the point? Her grandfather would always win. He would
always have a way to get back at them by hurting the people they loved.

After crying for so long, Heaven just leaned against her mother's
shoulder, feeling exhausted. When would this nightmare end?

Just when she asked herself that question, her grandmother appeared.

Heaven stood up hastily. "Is he alright?" She asked before her

grandmother opened her mouth.
"Heaven." From the way Irene said her name, Heaven knew it wasn't
good news. She felt her heart sink. "I think you need to come and see

Heaven shook her head in denial.

"His condition is getting worse, and I don't want you to have any regrets.
It was also his last wish. You should honor it." Her grandmother

Heaven burst into tears. Her heart felt so tight in her chest it suffocated
her. She didn't want to accept this, but she had to see him if it was his
last wish. It was the least she could do for him, after all the pain she
caused. She would have to deal with her own pain later.

Heaven wanted to be there for him. Ease his pain in any way she could,
even though she was dying inside.

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Feeling completely destroyed, she went back to her room. Zamiel was
lying in her bed, his body looking dead. Ilyas stood next to him, and the
look on his face wasn't one she had hoped to see.

Slowly she neared her bed where Zamiel was lying. Her heart raced for
every step she took and her legs felt heavy, as if refusing to obey her.
She remembered the day she released him from the coffin. She wasn't
supposed to make him live just to kill him later. She wasn't supposed to
release him from suffering, to make him suffer again.

This was wrong. Zamiel didn't deserve this. If he left, then her heart and
soul would leave with him.
Married To The Devil's Son (WN)
Chapter 238: Vol3 Chapter 115

"Direction is more important than speed. Many are going nowhere fast."


Heaven went down on her knees next to her bed where Zamiel was lying
and took his icy cold hand between hers.

"Zamiel." She called him gently, as if he could hear her.

He didn't move. He wasn't even breathing. Heaven looked at Ilyas.

"What happened to him?" She asked.

Of all of them, he probably knew more about the death of ancients.

Ilyas looked down. "I think he is… leaving." He said.

Heaven tightened her hold around his hand. He must be in so much pain
if he was leaving this slowly. She couldn't even tell how much pain
because she couldn't differentiate between his pain and her pain

If he would only open his eyes once. She wanted to say some comforting
words, tell him that she loved him and how the time she had with him
had been the best time of her life. She wanted to tell him that she would
keep him in her heart forever and strangely, she even wanted to assure
him that she would be alright, so he could leave in peace.
Maybe it wasn't as bad as she thought. He would leave this world that
only caused him suffering. He would be reunited with his family and
hopefully be truly happy again.

Oh God. Was this really happening? Her heart tightened again and her
head throbbed in pain from all the crying.

She looked at his face when she sensed a slight movement coming from
him. "Zamiel?"

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He didn't respond, but a tear fell out of his closed eye. "Is he in more
pain?" Heaven asked Ilyas.

How would he know? She should be the one to know.

"I don't know." He said.

Another tear fell down. He was crying without moving or making a

sound. Heaven tried to take away his pain in silence, but she felt nothing.
There was no pain. There was nothing. She tried again, but it she felt an
unsettling emptiness.

It was as if he wasn't there, inside his body. She couldn't feel his
presence like she used to do.

"No!" She stood up, grabbed his shoulders, and started to shake him. "No
Zamiel. No! Please."

She wasn't able to say goodbye. He couldn't leave without a goodbye.

Her parents came to her side and tried to hold her back, but she pushed
them away and threw herself on Zamiel, hugging his cold body. "Please
Zamiel. Don't leave me. Please." She cried.

Her cries were so loud they scarred her throat. The pain cut through her
veins, causing her heart to bleed. Sadness drained through her, traveled
through every cell in her body and caused every nerve to scream in
agony. She never felt a pain like this before. It left her beaten and

So this is what it felt like to lose someone you loved. Zamiel had already
gone through this. Now it was her turn.

She kept holding him, resting her head on his chest. Her surroundings
disappeared. It was only her and Zamiel and she couldn't let go of his
body. She wasn't ready to let him go yet.

Heaven didn't know how long she had been holding on to him. Time
didn't seem to matter anymore. Nothing mattered anymore.

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With her head resting on his chest, she suddenly felt like she heard a
sound. A heartbeat. She stopped crying and listened carefully.

Yes. She heard it again. Another heartbeat. She quickly got up and
turned to look at him. "Zamiel?"

He was still. Heaven was sure she had heard his heartbeat. Her hand
went to his face, and she let her fingers slide over his cheek.

"Zamiel?" She called him again.

She held her breath, hopeful he would respond. It felt like forever before
his eyebrows moved slightly.

Heaven's heart skipped. He was alive.

His eyebrows settled into a frown, and she saw his eyes move behind his
eyelids. But he was crying again. Tears fell down his temples, and
Heaven wiped them away gently. "Zamiel."

Ever so slowly, he opened his eyes until she could see his silver gaze.
She smiled at him in relief, while hearing sighs of relief come from her
family in the room.

Zamiel kept looking up. His eyes were void of any emotion, even though
more tears fell out of them. They were red, like he had been crying for
too long, even though he just woke up. Heaven wondered why he was
crying, but she guessed it could be for many reasons after everything he
went through.

She wiped his tears away again. "It is alright now." She whispered.

His gaze shifted, and his silver eyes finally met hers. He just stared.
Maybe he wasn't fully awake yet, because she hoped he recognized her.

His lips parted, and then he uttered her name. "Heaven."

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Her heart had endured a lot today, but the simple sound of her name
coming from his lips closed the veins in her heart that had been bleeding.

"I am here." She said, taking his hand and holding it tightly.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. She knew he was exhausted,
so she kept holding his hand and waited for him patiently. Meanwhile,
she listened to his heartbeat. It was very slow and uneven at first, but
gradually the rhythm got better.

Tears of relief streamed down her cheeks. She thanked God for hearing
her prayers.

Zamiel's cold fingers encircled around her hand. He held her back, and
she looked up at him.

"Don't cry." His voice was hoarse. "I am not… going anywhere."

"I thought you left." She sobbed.

He was quiet for a moment. "Maybe I did. I just remembered I had to go

to heaven and you are here."

She chuckled through her tears, and he smiled. "I am glad you
remembered." She said.

He turned away from her and looked around. Her family had gathered
around the bed. "I am glad you are alright." Her father spoke.

Heaven could tell her mother and grandmother had been crying with her
from their red, swollen eyes.

Ilyas looked alright, but Heaven knew even he had panicked.

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"Lets stop crying and bring him some water." Her father said.
Married To The Devil's Son (WN)
Chapter 239: Vol3 Chapter 116

"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it." -


Zamiel had survived, but he still had to recover. Heaven took care of
him every day, feeding him, cleaning his wound and wrapping it in a
new cloth. She combed his hair and helped him bathe. It was a strange
feeling to take care of him, but very satisfying. Usually, she was the one
to be taken care of.

Heaven knew that it was her presence that caused his slow recovery, but
she didn't try to separate herself from him. If he wanted her there, then
she would stay. She would make his slow recovery worth it.

The pain was worst at nighttime. He would wake up sometimes in pain

and other times he would keep turning in bed. How stubborn, she

If he had just let her leave for a few days, he would have healed faster
instead of enduring this pain. The stab in his chest had almost healed,
now. It was the damages from the poison that remained. Heaven knew
how dangerous poison was, even for demons. But she didn't know it
would be this difficult to recover from.

Her father told her about the pain of being poisoned. It was not
something anyone would want to go through. Demon or human.
Since Zamiel came back from the brink of death, she saw a change in
him. He seemed much calmer, and he had already been a calm person.
But this time the calmness was clearly visible in his eyes.

His scent had also changed. Apart from the scent of earth after rain, there
was another scent she couldn't recognize.

What was it, and what had changed? What happened while he was gone?
She wanted to ask, but she didn't want to bring back painful memories.

Today, as she combed his hair, he stared at her through the mirror as
usual. He talked less and observed more lately. At first she thought he
was like that because talking pained him, but he remained the same even
after getting better. Every time he looked at her, it was as if he saw her
for the first time, but still recognized her.


His eyes were calm, but his gaze was intense. "You have regained some
color on your face." She said to break the silence.

"Do I look better now?" He asked.

She looked at his reflection in the mirror. Did he even need to ask? He
had a face that would make any woman daydream. Even now when he
looked a little sick.

"Yes." She replied, putting the comb down on the dresser. "I need to look
at your wound." She said.

He stood up and went to sit on her bed as usual, while taking his shirt off.
Heaven followed him, then removed the piece of cloth that was wrapped
around his torso. She crouched to inspect. Only a small opening was left,
and it wasn't bleeding anymore. Still, she wrapped it with a new piece of
cloth for protection. Again Zamiel watched her in silence while she took
care of him. He was making her nervous.

"Can you lift your arms?" She asked so she could wrap the cloth around

He did as he was told. Not once did he question her, refuse her help, or
not comply. He was like an obedient child. Doing exactly what he was
told and following along.

He had become a bit thinner after the injury, and even though she tried to
make him eat, he didn't seem to be able to digest the food, so he only ate
small portions. The poison seemed to have damaged his stomach as well.

Once she was done, Heaven grabbed his shirt and helped him wear it.
Again, he let her dress him, even though he had healed enough to do it
on his own. She was glad that he didn't protest and let her take care of

Deep down she knew why he was being like this. He wanted to release
her from her guilt. But no matter how much she helped him, it would
never undo the damage she caused.

Her grandfather had come to see her a few days ago. It didn't surprise her
that he came. She knew it was only a matter of time before he came back
to collect her. She had asked him to give her more time. She wanted to
care for Zamiel before she left.

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She had been waiting for the right moment to tell him what she was
planning to do, but she kept delaying it in fear of hurting him. Either way,
he would be hurt.

If not by leaving, then by some other crueler way that her grandfather
came up with. He threatened not only Zamiel, but the rest of her family
as well. He had said "your loved ones". She had no doubt he could hurt
his own family. He had already broken her to pieces.

"You smell different." She told him as she helped him wear his shirt.

"How so?" He asked.

"I am not sure, but you have got an additional scent."

"What is that scent?"

Heaven tried to think of what it was. It was like nothing she smelled
before. It was warm, gentle, and soothing. It was colorful; she wanted to
say. Strange. How could smell have colors?

"I don't know what it is, but it makes me think of heaven. As if you have
been there." She shook her head with a smile. What a silly thing to say.

Something in Zamiel's gaze changed. He looked more serious and didn't

find what she said to be funny.

"I have been there." He said. "I met my wife and my daughter."

Heaven paused. "You did?" It was hard to imagine.

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He nodded.

"How?" She asked astounded.

He shrugged. "I don't know."

Both became silent. Heaven tried to digest what he said. He went to

heaven and met his family. Was that when he was crying? He must have
been so happy to be reunited with his family. Did he want to stay there
and not come back? Was that why he was crying?

"How did that feel?" She asked.

"Overwhelming." He said.

"Did you talk to them?"

"Yes.I… I hugged my daughter." His face lit up when he spoke about her,
but his eyes remained sad. "She isn't a child anymore. She grew up into
a beautiful woman. Beautiful and kind."

Heaven nodded. She didn't know which part made her sad. The thought
of him wanting to stay with them or the fact that he got separated from
them again.

She didn't want him to die, but she didn't want him to be sad, either. "I
am sorry." She said, looking down. She was sorry for what she did and
for what she was going to do. She was the worst mate anyone could

Zamiel put his hand under her chin and lifted her head. "For what?" He

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"For wanting you to come back to me and separating you from them."
Just to leave you. "You must have been so happy to see them."

He smiled at her. "I was happy, but I would be disappointed if you didn't
want me to come back. And you didn't separate me from them. I chose to
come back to you."

Tears stung her eyes. He chose her, but she was going to leave him.

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 240: Vol3 Chapter 117

"The best way out is always through." -Robert Frost.


"Why are you crying?" He asked when she couldn't stop the tears from
leaving her eyes.

"I… I have to go." She sobbed. "I can't stay with you. I can't stay here."
She let it out. She had been trying to find the right moment or the right
way to say it but there was no such thing.

He didn't seem surprised. It was almost as if he was expecting it to


"You don't have to go. You know I would go through the same pain again
just to be with you." He spoke calmly.

Heaven stood up and took a step back. "But I can't go through the same
pain again." She cried. "I am not that strong."
"So you will just leave?" He asked.

"Yes!" She almost yelled. "I want to leave. I am tired of this." She fought
back the tears, but they fought against her, forcing their way out.

There was so much buildup of anger and frustration inside of her that was
pushing its way out.

"I don't want to be here. I can't find peace here, and people will never
accept me as a ruler. In fact, I don't even want to be one. I just want to
live a peaceful life and with grandpa I can do that. I can live freely and
not have to hide that I am a demon."

Now she was just spitting lies, but who was she lying to? Zamiel
certainly didn't believe her.

She continued, as if trying to convince him. "All I have done is worry

and cry. That is not how I want to live. I want to be happy. In grandpa's
kingdom I don't have to worry about being a royalty and doing my duties.
I will be free from all of that. I will make new friends and go wherever I
want and do whatever I want. That is how I want to live."

"Would living like that make you happy?" He asked.

"Yes!" She held her chin up.

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"Then you shouldn't be crying while pursuing your happiness."

"I am only crying because I am tired." She said. That wasn't a complete
Zamiel remained calm the whole time. She couldn't tell what he was
thinking or feeling. Then he stood up from his seat and walked up to her.

"What if I still tell you not to go?" He asked.

"You told me once I could decide. You told me you would let me go if I
wanted to go."

He grabbed her jaw gently. "I did. But I don't think you understood what
I meant. I would let you go if you found happiness somewhere else or
with someone else. You are not convincing me right now."

"I will be happy with grandpa." She insisted. "I can be a ruler there
without trying."

Zamiel dropped his hand. "Alright. You can leave if you want to leave."
He said.


Did she hear him correctly? She blinked a few times in surprise, and
then stared at him.

"You will let me leave?" She asked.

He shrugged. "I can't force you to stay. If it makes you happy to leave,
then I want you to be happy."

No! He was not supposed to be nice to her. If she didn't know him better
she would think he was trying to make her feel guilty, but there was
something else going on with him. He wouldn't just let her go. Would
he ?
What was he trying to do?

"Do you mean it?" She asked.

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He caressed her cheek and wiped some tears along the way. "Yes."

Heaven was confused. She thought she would have to fight him to get
away, but he agreed so easily.

"You don't want me here anymore?" She blurted.

He chuckled. "You are the one leaving." He reminded.

Yes. She shook her head. What got into her? This was just so strange.


Zamiel could see that Heaven was confused. He didn't want to confuse
her, but he couldn't let her know what he was thinking. If she was
confused about him letting her go, then the devil would certainly be
confused. He realized running away or fighting the devil wasn't the

Heaven had already endured a lot. It was visible in the way she said that
she was tired. That part hadn't been a lie. She had been put under a lot of
stress and it could break her. He didn't want that to happen.

If he asked her to stay, she would always feel like she had to watch her
back, and if anything happened again, then she would never forgive
herself. Carrying guilt was a heavy burden, and he realized how heavy
that burden was once it was lifted off his shoulder after meeting his

He didn't want Heaven to go through the same thing. Since he failed to

protect her, he should at least not burden her. So he would let her do
what she wanted while he tried to find a better solution.

Heaven would have to trust him without him explaining, just like he
trusted to let her go and know that she wouldn't change while staying
with her grandfather.

"Are you letting me go for my own happiness?" She asked.

"Well, it can't be for my happiness."

She was trying to read him, and she didn't seem to find answers.

"How will you convince your parents?" He asked curiously.

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"I won't convince them. I will just tell them that I want to leave."

From the way she spoke, Zamiel realized how tired she was. She became
even thinner, paler, her eyes were darker and despite all that, she never
made him feel as if she was the least tired while taking care of him. If she
kept going this way, she would collapse.

Taking a step closer, he wrapped his arms around her. "Do what you want
to do. I'll support you." He said.

She looked up at him. "I don't understand you." She said.

"You will, one day." He smiled.

Zamiel stayed by her side when she decided to tell her parents. Her father
was silent, but Zamiel knew that inside his emotions were loud. Her
mother, on the other hand, made it clear that she wasn't going to let her

Despite saying that she wouldn't convince them, Heaven tried her best to
explain to her mother why she wanted to leave.

While they fought, Lucian studied Zamiel, and they stared at each
without talking. He was thinking of why Zamiel was allowing his mate to
go to the devil? He couldn't figure him out, and he wasn't supposed to.

Would he ask? Or did he know it was pointless? He was not going to tell
him anything when his thoughts were exposed to his father.

"Heaven! You are not going anywhere!" Her father finally spoke with his
authoritative voice, but without breaking eye contact with Zamiel.

Heaven turned away from her mother to face him. "You can't force me to
stay, father."

He stood up hastily and glared at her. "I don't need you to sacrifice
yourself for everyone else."

"You told me that was the quality of a great ruler. To sacrifice your wants
and needs for the greater good."

Zamiel could see that Lucian regretted saying that ever.

"You are not a ruler." He told her.

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"But you are. Will you sacrifice everyone else to keep me here? Do you
think I will be thankful?"

Lucian clenched his jaw, and Heaven regretted what she said. She went
up to her father and took his hands in hers. "I will be alright. You know
I am strong." She assured him.

"You are not supposed to be this strong. I am still your father." He said.
"You stay here. I will go."

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 241: Vol3 Chapter 118

"Being there isn't the same as belonging there." -Rigel J. Dawson.


Heaven waited for her father, who insisted he would go in her place,
ignoring her wishes completely. She found out that her grandmother had
already offered herself in exchange, but her grandfather only wanted her.
So Heaven hoped he wouldn't accept her father's offer.

Her grandmother started to pack her clothes. "What are you doing?"
Heaven asked.

"If you are going, then I am coming with you. Your grandfather doesn't
want Lucian."

"No! You need to stay. Father and mother will be sad once I leave so you
need to stay with them."
"They have each other. I am not letting you go alone." She said with

"I don't think Lothaire will allow you to come with me."

She stopped packing and turned to her. "Lothaire didn't accept an

exchange, but he told me I could come to him if I wanted too."

"That is why you shouldn't. He will be happy to have more of us joining


"Heaven. We will go there but we will never belong there. We have to

make him realize that." She said.

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It wasn't a bad strategy. Following her grandfather to his kingdoms but

not following his footsteps. Wouldn't he tire eventually and let her go if
she didn't become the person he wanted her to be? She would have to
keep her mind strong.

Just like her grandmother suspected, Lothaire didn't accept her father's
offer. Now it was time for her and her grandmother to leave. Her mother
was still not convinced, but Heaven used the mate excuse.

"Would you not do the same for father?" She asked. "I don't want to lose
Zamiel or any of you."

Her mother understood her reasons, but she just had a hard time
accepting them.

While her mother struggled to accept her decision, Heaven was still
confused by how easily Zamiel let her go. She shouldn't be. All of them
should have realized sooner that there was no way out. The devil could
and would do whatever he wanted.

Zamiel watched her in silence while she packed. She tried to focus on the
task and not think of anything else, otherwise, she would end up crying.

No! She wouldn't think of how the separation would feel for all of them.
She would just go and leave her emotions behind.

Once she was done packing, she turned to Zamiel. She dreaded this
moment, but she would have to say goodbye. She couldn't avoid him.
Besides, he had been supportive, so she owed to thank him as well.

Don't cry Heaven!

She smiled at him. "I guess it is time to leave." She said, trying to sound
as optimistic as possible.

Zamiel walked up to her and grabbed her face between his hands. "You
don't have to pretend with me." He told her. "Just tell me what you truly
want to say before you leave."

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She placed her hands on top of his and looked into his silver eyes. "I will
miss you." She said.

A selfish thing to say when she was leaving.

He smiled. "I will miss you too." He said, and then he leaned down and
kissed her.
One kiss. Just one kiss made her feel at peace at that moment. It chased
away all the fear and exhaustion and oddly; it made her feel strong
instead of weak. The way his kisses usually made her feel.

He kissed her as if he wanted her to remember what kissing him felt like
and hold on to that memory. When their lips parted, all the emotions she
had been pushing away started to come swim to the surface.

She wouldn't be able to kiss him or hold him once she left. She wouldn't
be able to hear his voice or smell his scent. She wouldn't…

Stop Heaven! She had to stop because her eyes teared up and she didn't
want to cry while saying goodbye.

"Heaven. I will be happy as long as you are happy. So I don't want you
to be sad."

Zamiel knew her so well. He knew why she was leaving, even though
she lied to him, and he must have had his reasons for letting her go so
easily. Maybe he had a plan and he couldn't tell her. Whatever his plan
was, she didn't want him to be in danger.

"I won't be sad as long as you don't get yourself hurt." She told him.

"I won't get myself hurt. Lets both take care of ourselves." He said.

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She nodded.

It wasn't easy to say goodbye to everyone, especially her mother, but

Heaven promised to see her again. She didn't know how that would
happen, but she knew it would.
Her grandmother had already made up her mind to follow her. "We will
be back." She said determined. She didn't know what her grandmother
had in mind, but she made her parents calm down a bit.

If there was anyone who could have a plan without Lothaire knowing,
then it was Zamiel and her grandmother. She made sure that Zamiel
wouldn't get himself hurt, but her grandmother worried her.

Lothaire didn't come to escort them. He had told her that once she was
ready, a portal would open in her garden, and she just had to walk
through it.

Heaven and her grandmother walked outside to her garden, and soon
after, a portal opened. This proved that her grandfather knew their every
step. Her grandmother took her hand and they slowly but steadily walked

It went by fast. It was almost as if someone pushed them from behind,

causing them to stumble forward, and suddenly they were somewhere

Heaven looked around. It felt like she was inside a castle, but with the
strangest interior. Everything was dark. Mostly black, red or grey. The
lights were dim, casting shadows everywhere and giving a mysterious

It was quiet until the clicking sound of footsteps echoed in silence.

Heaven and Irene turned to where the sound came from.

It was her grandfather. Lucifer. The devil. He appeared from the

shadows with an amused smile on his face.

"Welcome." He said.
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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 242: Vol3 Chapter 119

"The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the
problem." - Captain Jack Sparrow.


Lucian gave Zamiel a confused look when his daughter left. Zamiel
detected a hint of doubt in the demon's eyes. He was questioning how he
was doing things, but he didn't say anything because he knew he didn't
do anything better himself. He had also let his daughter go, so he
couldn't blame anyone else.

Hazel was very sad, but she didn't look at him with doubt or resentment.
To his surprise, she crossed the distance between them and took his hand
in hers. "You are not upset with her, are you? She suffered with you
while you were suffering. She died on the inside. I saw her empty eyes.
She was even willing to give you up, just to end your suffering. Are you
giving up on her?"

Zamiel had no doubt that Heaven suffered as much as him, if not even
more. No one knew the feeling of seeing your loved one hurt more than
him and not be able to do anything. It was something he never wanted
Heaven to go through, and that was the reason he let her go. He couldn't
be selfish and force her to stay, just because he was willing to go through
the same pain again.
If he got hurt, he could always assure her that it wasn't her fault, but if
anything happened to anyone in her family, then there would be nothing
he could do to assure her. She would blame herself forever.

Besides, letting her stay and assuring her all the time wasn't working. It
wasn't effective. Letting her go, on the other hand, would confuse the
devil. Zamiel knew that Heaven had a plan. She was going to get closer
to her grandfather to know his ways. She couldn't do it from where she
was. She had to go to him. He was surprised by her way of thinking, but
it wasn't a bad idea.

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"I am not giving up on her. I am only trusting and respecting her

decision." He said.

She shook her head. "It is a bad decision."

"It is a logical one." He replied. He couldn't believe he was agreeing with

Heaven. He should have been panicking and going crazy. Lock her in
somewhere, if he had to. But he let her go.

He either did the right thing or the near death experience messed with his

Once he got back home, he smelled Heaven's scent. A smile curved his
lips, and he shook his head. She failed at pretending to not care. He
looked around to find what she took from him. He knew she took
something with her that belonged to him before she left. He owned so
many things, so he couldn't tell what she took away, except for herself.

He didn't own her, but she belonged with him. His other half was
missing now.
Zamiel looked outside the window and up into the sky. It was clear blue,
but not as blue as the one he saw in heaven. He remembered his
daughter. Micah. She was a grown woman now. He was still in awe of
her. Of her beauty, her kindness, and even her wisdom. The words she
said to him before he left had stuck with him. She told him to not give up
on life easily and to live as long as he could. Heaven could wait, but life
only came once. Some people never got the chance to live, like herself,
so he shouldn't choose to die when he still could live.

The source of this_chapter;

It pained him to hear those words, but it also opened his eyes. Some
people didn't want to live and others never got the chance to live. Some
only existed and others lived their lives to the fullest. People couldn't
control what happened in their lives, but they could control how they
react to the things that happened to them. Maybe that is why he felt so
calm now.

He was also calm, because he knew Gamila and Micah were somewhere
safe and they were happy. She had told him that sadness didn't last more
than a brief moment in heaven.

"We are happy and we have everything we need." She assured him.

Once, they had been his responsibility. It had been his duty and his
pleasure to protect and provide for them. But God decided to take back
what he had given him. Now, they were under God's protection. They
were in heaven.

But Heaven was on earth and just like his family had been given to him
by God, so was Heaven. Now, as long as he or she lived, she was his
responsibility. It was his duty to protect her. He couldn't choose to die
now, when he had chosen to live once. He chose to live the day he
disappeared before Heaven could stab him.

Because of his daughter, never again would he wish to die. Death would
come one day without wishing for it, so he would live. He would live for
himself, for his daughter who never got to live long, and for Heaven.

To die for someone, you only needed to find courage once. But to live
for someone, you needed to have courage every day.


Zamiel watched the sky change color. He had been standing and
watching for too long, deeply lost in thoughts. The sun was setting,
painting the sky with warm shades of orange and pink.

When the sun rises again, it would be a new day. A new day to behave
differently and cause confusion. He would put his theories to test to see
the devil's reaction. Lucifer liked to know everything, to feel like he was
in control. It was time to take the control away from him and make him
feel like he knew nothing.

The next day Zamiel went to the castle to meet Lucian. He wasn't
surprised to find him with Roshan, but there was another demon present.
An ancient demon. Darius Golchin. He was well known in the trading
world, but most ancient demons knew of each other.

Zamiel knew they were discussing Heaven and her grandfather and they
included him in the discussion. Roshan agreed with Zamiel to let Heaven
go until they found a solution, but Lucian wasn't hopeful.

"What can we possibly do?" He asked.

"The devil took without giving. Heaven always says it's give and take."


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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 243: Vol3 Chapter 120

"The more I stay at home, the more homeless I look."- Unknown.


Lothaire was surprised when he saw Heaven and Irene standing in the
garden with their clothes packed. He expected more resistance and didn't
think that Heaven would come to him yet. Or to be more correct, he
knew she would come, but he didn't expect her family or Zamiel to let
her go so easily.

As expected, Lucian came to him to take his daughter's place, but

Lothaire insisted to have Heaven. It was great to be immortal. None of
them could do anything.

And could it get better? It certainly could, even if Irene already came
with her granddaughter. He had waited for this moment. Maybe he
should have done things this way long before instead of trying to be
careful. He couldn't die. So what could consequences do to him?
Nothing much that he couldn't recover from or fix.

No one and nothing could do him anything.

Once they arrived at his kingdom, to his very own castle, he went to see
them. Heaven looked like she came back from the death, and she
probably did. She had lost color and weight and as soon as she saw him
her eyes gaze darkened and he could see the hostility in them. Not that he
expected any less.

Then he looked at Irene. She was as beautiful as ever, but she looked
exhausted. Unlike Heaven, she didn't look at him. It was like she
couldn't bear to look at him. As if the sight of him alone repulsed her.

"Welcome." He said.

None of them replied. "You both look tired, let me show you to your
rooms." He continued.

Both of them were extremely angry right now, so he didn't bother to

converse. He led them to Heaven's room first. They followed him in
silence while looking around. He knew his castle had a unique interior. It
was dark, mysterious, and sinister. Once they arrived in Heaven's room,
he motioned for her to go inside. Irene followed her in.

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"I have a different room for you." He told her.

"I would like to stay here." She said.

He nodded. "Alright then. If you need anything…"

"We don't." She cut him off.

He nodded again. "I'll leave you alone then." He said, and closed the
door behind him.
Lothaire knew that Irene wouldn't forgive him easily after what he did.
That was the only reason he had been avoiding to go about it this way in
the beginning. But he got impatient.

Did he regret it? No.

Unlike Lucian, Irene was easy to manipulate. His son had somehow
always managed to see through him, but not Irene. He only needed to
play the victim to make her feel guilty, like the last time they met. He
only needed to put her in a vulnerable situation where she felt alone, and
then he would make her feel cared for. That is all she needed, and that is
how he got her first.

She had been young when she was sent as a bride to the king's castle.
She had been at the age where the heart and the self-esteem were
vulnerable. Her husband hadn't given her love and attention, and that is
when he struck. He gave her all that and more, and she easily fell into his
trap. But he couldn't deny that he also fell into his own trap as well. He
didn't know when it happened, but he became sure when she died and he
grieved for the first time. When had he ever cared if someone died?

That day he knew she was special to him and he was glad when he
discovered that she was alive. It was true that he left his mission at that
time, but it was never for her. It was for himself. He was curious and
wanted to try to live a normal life.

Irene had wanted to leave him several times, thinking that her son was
separated from her because she was being punished for her wrong deeds,
and didn't want to keep going on the same path. And staying with the
devil was certainly not the right path to redemption.

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The struggles she went through somehow opened her eyes to what she
was doing wrong. It made her mature and learn. Sad thing for him, but
he convinced her to stay, saying he left his mission. It wasn't a lie, but it
wasn't the whole truth, either.

He had finally found his mate. He had no intention of letting her go.

He went to his throne and sat down. The first few weeks or even months
wouldn't be easy, but his daughters were good at doing their jobs. He
would even include his sons and grandchildren.

It was all about changing Heaven's perception of him, his people, and
his kingdoms. His children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren were
good at deceiving just like him. He would make them get closer to her
and eventually she would get attached and enjoy being with them. They
were good at making themselves relatable. He wouldn't have to do

Once Heaven got along with everyone else, Irene would feel left out. She
would join them slowly. She loved to have a family, and one way he had
convinced her before was to introduce her to Roshan and Enoch. It made
her feel like she was part of a family.

Meanwhile, Hazel wouldn't be able to live without her daughter. She

would come to him, and Lucian would follow his mate. They would all
join him.

But Zamiel was a concern. It looked like the demon had a plan, or he
wouldn't let his mate leave so easily. Lothaire wondered what he was
planning. He would have to keep an eye on him.
"Did they arrive?" Hezz came into the throne hall, with Tezz trailing

"Yes. You can start from tomorrow. Did you inform the others?" He

"I did. They will be here when needed." Hezz said.

Tezz smirked, excited. She enjoyed seeing people change for the worse.

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"It won't be easy to change Heaven." He warned them.

"Of course." Hezz agreed. "She has a mate she needs to go back to."

"That will make it more fun." Tezz spoke.

Hezz looked at her sister with a serious expression. "As long as the mark
is there, it won't be fun. She will be very protective."

"Maybe not, but it will fade one day." Tezz said, then turned to her father.
"Father, can mates betray their mate?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Well then, we need to find an irresistible demon for Heaven. Someone

with exceptional skills at seducing. Someone to make her feel less
lonely." Tezz suggested.

Hezz chuckled. "I don't think that will work."

"Not now, but eventually. Don't underestimate lust, my sister. That is the
sin all of them fall into at least once."

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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 244: Vol3 Chapter 121

"Do not mock a pain that you haven't endured." -Unknown.


Heaven couldn't sleep for the whole night. The new bed, new space, new
room felt odd to stay in. This wasn't her home, and she already missed
her home. She slept holding onto Zamiel's shirt, which she took from his
room. His scent made her stay strong. She had to stay strong for
everyone. She couldn't keep running away or hiding. She had already
tried that technique and it almost killed her mate. He didn't deserve to go
through that again. None of her family deserved to go through such a
thing just because she wanted to stay.

Zamiel had fought death to come back to her. The least she could do was
to fight back for him. Not hide or run away. Rule number one to defeat
the enemy was to know your enemy. She had to stay with her grandfather
to learn his weaknesses. There must be something or some way out.

After what her grandfather did to Zamiel, even if it took her a thousand
years, she wouldn't let him win. She would never give him that

Her thoughts drifted back to Zamiel. He had given her a smile before she
left and a slight nod. It was encouraging. That is what she loved the most
about him. His trust and belief in her. He had been able to see through
her lies. In fact, her lies had sounded so bad that it caused her to grimace
just thinking about them.

Zamiel. She would find a way to get back to him. Comforting herself
with his scent and with the memory of the beautiful moments they've had
together, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When she woke up in the morning, she found her grandmother already
awake. She sat near the large window in the room, staring outside. She
seemed deeply lost in thoughts. Heaven knew this was going to be very
difficult for her grandmother and that is why she wished her grandmother
had stayed back home.

But now was not the time to think of what should have happened or what
she should have done. Now was the time to think ahead.

"Good morning, grandma." Heaven greeted, bringing her grandmother

back to this world.

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She was startled at first, but then smiled. "Heaven, come here." She said.

It seemed like she wanted to show her something. Heaven got out of bed
and went to the window where her grandmother sat. She looked outside
to see what her grandmother was trying to show her.

Heaven gasped when she looked outside. What was this?

A garden, but not a usual one. The colors were blinding, the brightest of
greens, pinks, whites, oranges, and many more colors. The way they
blended together was so unique.
A few fountains and statues were scattered in the garden. There were
benches and swings where people could sit, and the paths through the
garden were made out of marble. Some bushes were shaped into the
forms of different animals.

Small lakes divided the garden, but the land was joined with small
bridges. The place looked heavenly. It was so bright and so different
from the feeling his home gave.

"It is just an illusion." Heaven said.

Her grandfather was wrong if he thought he could entice her with

materialistic things.

A knock on the door made them turn their heads away from the window.
Who could it be? They looked at each other and then Heaven called for
whoever it was to come in.

The door opened and four men carrying a large table with food on came
in. Other men followed behind them, holding more trays and some
glasses and drinks. They were all dressed alike.

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The men put the table in the middle of the room, then bowed. "Your
breakfast, My Lady."

Heaven stared, wide eyed. What was happening? She never received this
kind of service, even as a princess.

They placed chairs around the table, poured them some drinks, and
removed the locks so they could see and smell the food. This was too
much. What was her grandfather trying to do?
The service didn't end. Once they ate breakfast, a few women came to
their room with a large suitcase. When they opened it, there were several
jewelries made of gold and silver and many dresses of expensive fabrics.

"We already have clothes." Her grandmother told them.

"We dress differently here. I suggest you wear these if you don't want to
draw attention." One of the women spoke.

Heaven looked at how the women were dressed. Their style of dressing
was the type to draw attention. They wore silken fabrics that covered
their chests and sometimes their arms as well. But the stomach was bare.
And a long, silken skirt, with splits on the sides. Some of them wore long
velvet garments above, and others adorned themselves with jewelry.

The women excused themselves without arguing any further. Heaven

looked at the clothes and jewelry. She would not wear these revealing
clothes. Her grandmother already went ahead to wear her own clothes,
and Heaven did the same. She was going to leave the room and get
acquainted with this place.

Her grandmother followed her and behaved like a guard. Both of them
were shocked by what they found once they left the room. The place they
were in was not only a castle. It seemed to be an indoor market place or
just something else all together. There were all kinds of shops, different
places for theatre, entertainment places, which made her jaw drop. Her
grandmother rushed her through before she could see anything. People
participating in provocative and disgraceful behavior, but they seemed to
find it normal.

The female demons were dressed just like the women who came to their
room, and the males only wore a garment around their waist. Some of
them wore jewelry around their upper arms, wrists, or necks. The women
were right. They were drawing too much attention by being dressed
differently. Everyone they passed stared at them.

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"Where are we going?" Her grandmother asked, overwhelmed by the

new environment.

Heaven didn't know where, but she knew why she was here. She would
gain nothing from staying locked in her room. To find a solution, she
needed information.

"Everywhere and nowhere." Heaven replied.

"I was thinking of finding Zarin." She said.

Zarin. She had forgotten about him. How was he staying in this place? It
was so odd and uncomfortable to be here. There was a part of her that
wanted to talk to him, help him realize that he needed to go back. At
least one of them wouldn't have parents who were separated from their

The other part of her was exhausted. Just thinking of talking to him made
her feel drained. What would she say? Her mind was too tired to think of
anything clever.

"You should find him. I don't think I should talk to him yet."

Until she had something good to say, it would be better to stay away.

"I can't leave you alone." She said.

"No one will kill me here and I need to be alone." She couldn't figure
things out with her grandmother trailing behind her all the time.

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Being guarded didn't help. It was time to be adventurous.

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 245: Vol3 Chapter 122

"Be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same." -Unknown.


Her grandmother went to find Lothaire and Zarin. Heaven had seen that
her grandmother had been avoiding to look or speak to Lothaire and
avoiding was not the solution. If she was angry, disappointed or feeling
any other way, it would be easier for her if she addressed her feelings.
Not that Heaven believed it would make a difference to Lothaire, but she
wanted her grandmother to find closure and peace within herself.

None of them could really avoid Lothaire anymore. He was everywhere,

seeing and hearing everything. And this was his kingdom. A very strange
place, but she was going to explore every corner of it. She didn't know
what she was looking for, but once she found it, she would know.

While walking around, she came to the garden that she saw outside the
window earlier. It looked even more beautiful close up. Heaven
wandered around, observing her surroundings. She saw a few demons
here and there, but mostly she was alone. The demons didn't seem to like
spending time in the garden. They preferred a different kind of
environment and entertainment.
While looking around, something far away caught her eye. Or someone.
Her heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be.

Zamiel couldn't be here.

A man stood on the bridge, turned away from her. From behind, he
looked exactly like Zamiel, but it was probably not him. Still, curiosity
made her walk toward the man. Once she came to the bridge, she could
see the side of his face. Not all of it, because his dark hair covered him.
But the little she saw confused her even more.

She walked closer, but the man stood still and didn't turn to her. When
she stood a few feet away, she expected him to at least look her way. But
he didn't. Closer he looked even more like Zamiel and she just wanted to
see his face once.

"Excuse me." She spoke.

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The man slowly turned to her, and Heaven froze. It wasn't Zamiel, but
he looked so much like him. The dark hair, the eyebrows, the face shape
was all so similar to Zamiel's except for the eyes. This man had light
brown eyes, almost yellow or golden. But the rest of him reminded her of

He looked at her questioningly and she realized he had said something. "I
am sorry. I thought you were someone else." She gave him a weak,
apologetic smile.

He raised one brow. "I never thought I could be mistaken for someone
Heaven gave him a halfhearted smile as a response.

His gaze followed along her body and then back to her face. "You are
new here?" He said.

Of course. Her dress exposed her.

The man was half dressed and the golden jewelries around his arms and
wrists matched his golden eyes.

"Yes." Heaven replied, reminding herself that people who stayed in this
place were those who followed her grandfather's path.

"You are not a full-blood and you are part witch." His eyes gleamed with
curiosity. "I think you will already get all the attention you need without
dressing like this." He told her with a smirk.

It seemed like he was implying that she tried to get his attention. From
his attitude she got a feeling that he was admired by many women and
now he thought she became one of them. But he was wrong.

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Heaven flipped her hair back so he could see the mark on her neck. "I
like attention." She said, simply.

His smile widened. "Well, now you have mine."

Heaven felt disturbed by his smile. She just turned her back to him and
started to walk away.

"What is your name?" He called after her, but she kept ignoring him.
Why did he look so much like Zamiel? She didn't want anyone to look
like him. Certainly not anyone here.

Envisioning her room, she teleported back. Was this some kind of trick
from her grandfather? But demons couldn't disguise themselves from
other demons. That only worked with humans.

She shook her head. It didn't matter. She wouldn't trust anyone here.

Someone knocked on the door as if they had been waiting for her to get
back. "Come in." Heaven called and watched the door open carefully.

Two of the most stunning women she had ever seen walked inside. They
looked identical, but one had shorter hair.

Their hair was the richest brown she had ever seen, and it complimented
their golden eyes and golden skin. Their skin had a radiant glow that

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and their faces were shaped to look sharp, yet delicate.

"Who are you?" Heaven asked, unable to tear her gaze away.

"I am Hezznin and this is my sister Tezznin. We are your aunts." The one
with shorter hair spoke. "We heard from father that you came here so we
wanted to welcome you." She smiled. Her teeth were so white and her
smile so beautiful.

"Eh… thank you." Heaven replied, still dazzled by their beauty.

"We would love for you to meet the rest of our family. They are already
asking about you. Especially my daughters, so we were wondering if you
wanted to have dinner with us tonight?" Hezznin asked.

Heaven hesitated for a moment. She wanted to decline but didn't know
how to do it without being rude, but then she wondered why she wanted
to decline. She came here to know more about her grandfather and what
better way to know him than through his family.

"I would love too." Heaven faked a smile.

Hezznin looked at her dress with a genuine concern. "Were you provided
with clothes?" She asked.

Heaven realized that her clothes were probably not appropriate." Yes."
She replied curtly.

Hezznin nodded. "Good. If you need anything for tonight, then we are
happy to help. I will come to personally escort you."

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"Thank you."

They said goodbye, then left her alone. Heaven knew it was all an act,
even though they seemed really nice. She would have to be on her guard.
She wanted information, and they wanted something. There must be a
reason to why they invited her and why they were being so kind.

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 246: Vol3 Chapter 123
"Don't be upset about the results you didn't get from the work you didn't
do." -Unknown.


"Excuse me. Do you know where I can find Lucifer?" Irene stopped to
ask a demon who passed by.

She could just call him but wanted to know the way to where he stayed,
but also to see if others knew.

Suddenly, another demon appeared before the first one could even reply.
The demon bowed. "I'll escort you, my Lady." He said.

Irene got startled. Lothaire was really keeping an eye on her.

The demon escorted her like he said he would. He led her through halls
that were darker than the usual ones. Some walls were painted with
strange frightening creatures and others told a story, she guessed. The
story followed a hideous creature that seemed to represent the devil. He
led people through dark paths and tunnels and brought them to hell.

Right behind him was what seemed to be his family. He was also leading
them to hell, and then they were all burning. Him, his family, and
everyone else who followed him.

The painting of the devil leading his family to hell reminded her of the
conversation she had with Ilyas while they watched over Zamiel. He had
asked her why the devil went so far to get Heaven. He didn't seem to
understand, either.
"Maybe he wants to be an enemy because I made him an enemy." She
said, thinking that could be the reason to why he was more angry now
and acted the way he did.

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"How did you make him an enemy?" Ilyas asked.

"I warned Heaven of her grandfather. He thinks I separated them by

creating fear and hatred in her heart."

Ilyas had smiled while shaking his head. "Do you know what it means to
be the devil? The devil doesn't need to be made into an enemy. He is the
enemy. As soon as he went back to his mission, he became the enemy.
He doesn't discriminate when it comes to manipulation and temptation.
Just because you are his mate doesn't mean that he will spare you. His
family will be the first ones he tricks into following his path. He wants
everyone to burn with him in hell."

"How do you know?" She had asked him.

"All ancient demons know each other. My parents were ancient. We used
to live in the kingdoms. The devil made his kingdoms very enticing. He
is very honest about being the tempter and wanting everyone to burn
with him in hell. It is no secret and he doesn't pretend to be a saint. That
is how good he is. You know he is the enemy, but because sin becomes
your friend, you begin to ignore the truth. He makes you feel like you are
no better than him, so you accept him and keep sinning." He explained.

Looking at the painting, Irene understood what Ilyas told her. Everyone
knew what the devil did. He never hid who he was. He even had a whole
story painted on his walls, yet people stayed in his kingdoms. His family
stayed in his kingdoms.

She could understand why. She was a sinner too. Once she had also been
blinded by temptations. It wasn't easy to resist. She had a weaker
willpower than her son and granddaughter so she prayed to God to give
her the strength to fight the temptations that would come her way while
staying here.

The demon took her to a great hall that looked like a throne hall and right
in front of her was the devil's throne. Of course he had to have a throne.
At least he wasn't wearing a crown. Only a devious smile.

He stood up from his seat and walked down the stairs to meet her
halfway. "Where can I find Zarin?" She asked before he could speak.

"I would escort you to his room but he is not here currently." He replied.

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"Then are we all free to come and go as we please?"

He smiled. "Everyone except for you and Heaven."

"Why?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Because you didn't choose to be here unlike everyone else."

Irene stared at him for a long while. There were so many things she
wanted to say, but it would be a waste of her time.

"I would like to know where he stays. I will visit once he comes back."
She said.
"I can show you the way." He offered.

Lothaire led the way, and Irene followed him in silence. She remained
one step behind him, feeling a little uncomfortable to be in his company.
He didn't say anything, probably knowing very well that she had no
desire to talk to him.

Irene tried to pay attention to where she was going instead so she could
find Zarin later when he came back.

"He stays here." Lothaire came to a halt and motioned toward a locked

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Irene nodded, then the awkward silence followed. "I will go back to my
room." She said.

She knew her silence would disturb him more than if she said something,
so she stayed quiet. Turning around, she walked away. Again, he didn't
try to talk to her. At least he knew he did something that no words could

Her heart used to skip a beat every time she saw him, but this time it
stayed quiet the whole time. He had silenced her heart when he made her
watch Heaven suffer. He killed her heartbeat.

If she was this tired, then she wondered how tired Heaven must be. How
tired he must have made his own granddaughter. She wasn't surprised
when Zamiel let her go. He was the kind of person to understand and see
others' pain. Heaven had to endure a lot at the same time, without getting
breaks in between to recover or at least process what happened.
She lost her friend, had to deal with nightmares and fears that her
grandfather planted while learning to become a ruler and fighting to be
accepted. And then she almost lost her mate and was forced to leave him

"I am letting her go. She is strong, but I don't want to test her limits. This
is enough." Zamiel had told her and he was right.

It wouldn't be good if she was pushed beyond her limit, and that is
probably what Lothaire wanted to happen. But Heaven was quick to get
up. If she cried and complained one night, then she would wake up the
next morning with a newfound strength. She would accept her fate and
keep going.

But what was her granddaughter planning right now? She seemed
focused and detached at the same time. As if her mind and body were
here, but not her heart and soul. Irene couldn't tell yet if it was a good or
a bad thing, but she was worried.

When she teleported back to the room, she found Heaven getting dressed,
but what she wore shocked her.

"What is happening?"

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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 247: Vol3 Chapter 124

"It is always the ones with dirty hands pointing the fingers."- Sonya

Heaven was preparing herself to go to the dinner that she was invited to.
She looked at herself in the mirror and thought of whether it would be a
good idea to go there wearing her own clothes or if she should dress like
everyone else. She didn't want to draw attention and walking around
dressing like she did back home made everyone know that she was new
to the kingdom. That is not what she wanted. She wanted to blend in.

After staring at herself for a while, she decided that she needed to change
her clothes. She went to the suitcase that the women brought to her room
and opened it. There were several fabrics in beautiful colors, but she
grabbed a green one that matched the color of her eyes. Quickly
changing into the strange clothes, she went to the mirror and looked at
herself again.

Her first thought was, no!

This was too revealing. Her entire stomach and back were bare, and she
wasn't comfortable revealing that much, especially now that she had lost
so much weight. The skirt was tight around her hips, accentuating her
curves, and the splits on the sides revealed her lower legs when she
moves. She felt naked.

While staring at her figure, her grandmother walked into the room. Her
eyes widened when she saw the way she had dressed.

"What is happening?" She asked.

Heaven's shoulders fell. "I was invited to dinner by Lothaire's

daughters." She said then explained what happened.

Irene nodded. "Will you wear this?" She didn't like it.
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Heaven didn't feel comfortable in it either, so she decided to change

back into her own dress. "No." She said, going back to pick up her much
less revealing gown.

"I am coming with you." Her grandmother was resolute, leaving no room
for argument.

"Alright." Heaven said, feeling no need to argue when her grandmother

had already set up her mind.

She wasn't invited, but who cared. Once Hezznin was here to escort her,
Heaven would introduce her grandmother. If Hezznin continued to act
kind, then she would invite her grandmother as well.

And she was right. When Hezznin arrived at her door, she asked her
grandmother to have dinner with them as well. She led them to what she
called the main quarter. It was where the devil's family stayed.

The main quarter had a different feel to it. It was brighter and more
luxurious, with golden and wooden interior. Hezznin was very talkative,
telling them a little about the kingdom, the people and her family. She
had a soothing voice and a gentle smile as she spoke.

Heaven guessed that they neared the dinning hall when she heard the
sound of instruments playing, chatter, and laughter. They came to a large
wooden door with a guard standing on each side. The guards opened the
door for them and they entered a great hall filled with people. This didn't
look like a simple family dinner.

Hezznin noticed her surprised expression and smiled. "We are a big
family." She explained.
Heaven nodded.

There were several large tables placed around the room, leaving the
middle empty for a few women who danced to the music. They seemed
to like a lot of entertainment in this kingdom.

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The tables were covered with food, wine, candles, and decorations. A
few servants were present near every table, serving the guests.

Tezznin was talking to a few guests when they entered the room. She
excused herself to come and greet them. Then both of her aunts
introduced their mates and children.

Hezznin had two daughters, and Tezznin a daughter and a son.

Hezznin's youngest daughter was closest to Heaven's age. Her name was

Lilian took upon herself to show her around and introduce her to the rest
of her cousins. The ones from her uncles side. All of them were very
kind and welcomed her. But Heaven wanted to see her uncles. The rulers
of the different kingdoms. She was curious to know what they were like
and how they would react to her arrival.

She didn't think that they would like her, even if they pretended to. Her
grandfather chose her to be a ruler among them. They would probably
not like that someone as young and inexperienced as her got the same
role and status as them.

Heaven watched her grandmother from a distance, sitting with her aunts
and other female demons. She didn't seem to enjoy herself, and neither
was Heaven. Her cousins were kind, and Lilian made a special effort to
make her feel included in the conversations by asking her questions.
They all listened carefully, wanting to know what her life as a princess
was like.

When Heaven spoke positively about her life, they wondered why she
was here. "Grandfather is forcing me to stay here." She spoke the truth.

"Why?" One of them asked.

"Well, he thinks I am fit to become a ruler. I will rule one of the

kingdoms here." She explained nonchalantly.

If her grandfather wanted her for that purpose, then why not tell everyone?
She just wanted to annoy them all. Some of them already looked at her in

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"Are you not too young for that?" One of them asked.

He was one of her uncles son and she could see that he already thought
that her becoming a ruler was an insult to his father.

Great, Heaven thought.

"Grandfather is wise. If he thinks I am capable of ruling then…" She

shrugged. "I guess I am."

Something in Lilian's gaze changed, but she forced a smile on her face.
"Grandfather is very good at discovering different talents. I am sure he
sees something special in you." She spoke in the same positive tone she
used all the time.
Some of her cousins didn't agree with Lilian, who was smart enough to
not show her dislike of her comments. Like mother, like daughter,
Heaven thought. They were all smart.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall changed when two men walked in.
They were tall, with toned bodies and glowing skin. Really glowing, as if
their bodies had been oiled.

One of them had golden hair and golden eyes and looked very much like
her grandfather. He wore a white robe around his waist and was adorned
with golden jewelries. The other one wore blue robes that match his blue
eyes. He matched his jewelries to his silver hair.

Heaven didn't have to guess who they were. They looked very much like
her grandfather. They were her uncles, and just like her aunts, their
beauty was mesmerizing.


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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 248: 125

"Life is tough my darling, but so are you."- Stephanie Bennett-Henry


Her uncles were powerful, probably very old demons. She could tell by
their aura as they walked further into the room. Her power was nothing
compared to theirs.
Heaven watched them carefully as they made their way to the table
where her grandmother was sitting with her aunts. They greeted her
respectfully and then introduced themselves. The one with golden hair
was Marcus and the other one Lorien. Heaven wondered how her
grandmother felt about being surrounded by her mate's children.
Whatever she felt, she didn't show it.

After speaking to her grandmother for a while, they turned around and
started walking toward her. Heaven felt a little nervous, but she put on a
brave face.

When they neared the table, all of her cousins stood up and greeted them
with a slight bow. They showed respect to these two men. Heaven
thought of whether or not to stand up at first, but she remained sitting.
She had no reason to follow their rules. In fact, acting any way she liked
might make her grandfather tire of her and his family tire of him.

She could see that a few of her cousins already disliked her for the way
she was behaving, but her uncles showed no sign of distaste.

Lorien waved with his hand for them to sit down before he turned to her.
Lilian played host again and introduced them to each other.

"It is nice to finally meet you." Lorien smiled.

Heaven couldn't tell whether it was a genuine smile or if they were very
good at acting.

"Thank you." Was all she said, and it seemed to amuse them both.

"I hope you are enjoying your stay here." Marcus said.

"I am."
Was she being rude? She wasn't used to talking like this to elders.

"I am glad to hear. We won't be staying here for too long. We only came
to greet you and your grandmother but we will see each other again."

"I am sure we will." Heaven said.

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"Have a nice evening." Both gave her a slight nod and then left the hall
while talking to each other.

All of them seemed to put extra effort to welcome her.

"They seem busy if they had to leave already." Heaven told Lilian.

"They are. Our kingdoms are safe from those who don't belong here
because it is hidden." Lilian explained.

"Where are we now exactly?" Heaven asked.

She knew the kingdoms were hidden and no one could find them unless
her grandfather wanted to.

"Nowhere you can find on a map." She said.

Heaven nodded. "What happens if you want to go to the human world

and then come back?"

"It is hard to explain but once you join grandfather, you can come and go
as you please but when you decide to leave, you can't find your way
back. It is almost as if this place never existed for that person."
Heaven wished that was the case for her. She wished this place never

"You don't like being here." Lilian pointed.

"Would you like to be away from your family?" Heaven asked.

"No. I don't know what happened between you and grandfather, but I
hope you don't dislike us all."

Oh. She was good, Heaven thought. She was so believable, and Heaven
would have believed her if she hadn't changed. She wasn't the same old
Heaven anymore. Now she couldn't trust anyone. It felt as if everyone
was hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. If her
own grandfather could do this to her, then how could she trust other
people? She had lost the part of her that always saw good in people and
always believed in good.

Lilian smiled at her, and Heaven thought of something to say that wasn't
rude when someone in the room caught her attention.

Again, for a brief moment, Heaven believed that she saw Zamiel, but it
was the man who looked like him. His presence demanded womens
attention, especially the young ones, and her female cousins gave each
other a slight push. Heaven knew he was famous among women from the
first time she had seen him. He looked like Zamiel, after all.

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Had Zamiel not been ancient, she would think this was his brother.

He wore black around his waist and nothing on his upper body, like
every other male in the hall. Heaven had never seen so much skin in her
life before. And they loved jewelry. His muscled arms were adorned
with golden bracelets, and his skin was glowing. They definitely put
something on their skin, Heaven thought.

But who was he, and what was he doing here? She could tell he wasn't in
disguise, which disturbed her even more than if he had been in disguise.
He gracefully went to sit with a few males at a table and chatted with

Heaven noticed that Lilian was staring at him as well. "Is he someone you
know?" Heaven asked.

Lilian blinked a few times, and her cheeks flushed, but she tried to hide
it. "Yes. He is just a family friend." She tried to sound uninterested.

Heaven nodded and didn't ask anything further. They were served some
dessert, and Heaven listened halfheartedly to what her cousins were
chatting about. After a while her thoughts drifter away. She wondered
about her parents and Zamiel. She thought of Klara, Roshan, and Gina.

Heaven hadn't said goodbye to them. Saying goodbye to her family had
already been difficult enough. She wasn't sure if she would be able to
say goodbye to everyone else as well.

A part of her didn't want to say goodbye because she was afraid of never
coming back then. Having not said goodbye to a few people she deeply
cared for would make her fight harder to come back to them.

Someone clapping their hands twice made her come out of her haze.
Startled, she looked around, confused by why all of her cousins were
getting up and leaving the table.
"Not you." Someone spoke when she was about to get up as well and ask
why they were leaving her behind.

Heaven looked up to meet a pair of golden eyes.

It was him.

He pulled the chair in front of her and sat down. "We meet again." He

Heaven became uncomfortable by how close he was sitting, only half


He chuckled. "You seem surprised." He said.

"Did you ask everyone to leave?" She asked, baffled.

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"No. I told them too." He said simply.

He wasn't ancient, but she could tell he was very old and from his aura,
he seemed to be from a powerful line of demons. Perhaps a direct
descended of ancients. Heaven knew how demon hierarchy worked.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see Lilian looking at her with
envious eyes.

"I see you are still dressed to draw attention." He looked at her dress.

"I dress the way I like." She said.

"I like the way you dress." He smirked.

Heaven frowned. "I have a mate."

Now it was his turn to frown, and then he looked around as if searching
for someone. "Where is he?" He then asked, turning back to her.

Heaven clenched her fists under the table. Was he being serious now?
Why did it matter? She was marked, and he could see the mark.

"It is none of your concern." She said, getting up to get away from him.

He stood up as well. "Will you at least tell me your name this time before
you leave?" He asked.


He blocked her way when she tried to walk away. The audacity of this

"I think you would prefer to be called by your name then something
like… green eyed beauty." He smirked.

He sure looked like Zamiel but behaved nothing like him.

"I would prefer that you don't call me at all, and I would advise you to
move out of my way before I embarrass you."

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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 249: 126

"He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind." -Buddha

The stranger chuckled and moved out of her way. Heaven quickly rushed
out of the hall and halfway through, she remembered her grandmother.
She halted and turned around, just to bump into someone's bare chest.
Stumbling back, she heard a chuckle.

It was him again.

"Are you following me?" She asked angrily.



"You don't want to go around alone wearing this." He said, nodding

toward her dress.

"Don't worry. The devil wouldn't let anything happen to me after all the
trouble he went through to bring me here. And now he is going through
more trouble to make me stay." She was referring to him, and he

"It is true that your grandfather sent me to you. He doesn't want you to
be alone since you will be staying here, but now, after I saw you, I am
actually curious about you." He said.

Did he not understand the mate thing, or was he so sure she would stay
here forever that he would have a chance? If she stayed here, then she
would never see Zamiel again because her grandfather would never allow
him into his kingdom.
"I know you are planning to leave, but whatever plan you have, don't
you think your grandfather already knows?" He asked.

How could her grandfather know her plan when she didn't know it
herself? Just like during her mission, she was making a plan as she went.
Using opportunities that presented themselves. Unless her grandfather
could see the future, he wouldn't be able to know what she would do
next. The only thing he knew was that she had no plan to stay here

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"Heaven!" Her grandmother came rushing after her.

"I will see you again." Said the stranger then vanished.

"Who was that?" Her grandmother asked as she neared.

"Someone grandfather is using to tempt me." Heaven said simply.

Her grandmother shook her head. "Let's go back."

That night Heaven went to bed with many thoughts in her head. She
couldn't stop thinking about her grandfather. He could read thoughts, he
could watch the world, he could manipulate, compel, and he couldn't die.
He was given all that power, making him undefeatable.

No! Why did she think he was undefeatable? He was immortal, but that
didn't have to mean he was undefeatable. She grew up learning she could
defeat the devil by having strong morals and not letting herself get
Heaven had tried her best, but... possession? That was unexpected, and
how was she supposed to fight possession? She had heard of demon
possession before, but it almost never happened.

What was the reason?

The devil wasn't supposed to possess. Following him had to be a choice

and not something forced on someone.

This could only mean one thing, which she already knew somehow. He
didn't want her to follow him. He was using her for something else.

Heaven got out of bed carefully and wrapped herself in a cloak. She
looked at her grandmother, who was sleeping peacefully, before she
tiptoed out of the room. While walking around the castle earlier, she had
seen painted walls that seemed to tell a story. She didn't know why she
thought of it now, but she wanted to go back there.

She wandered around in the dimly lit halls until she came to where she
wanted to be. The painted walls. The colors glowed in the dark so she
could see everything clearly, even in the dim light. Heaven followed the
story of the paintings from the beginning.

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In the beginning, God created the world and let djinn live in the beautiful
lands, but the djinn were ungrateful and caused corruption, turning earth
into a dark place. Heaven had already heard this story from Zamiel, so it
was familiar, but now she saw something else. When angels were sent to
fight the evil djinn, the good djinn, who were only few, joined the angels
to fight the evil ones. And her grandfather was one of them.
As a reward, those djinn were raised to the heavens. They lived among
the angels and were given names by them. Her grandfather was named

Heaven loved the painting because they told more than a thousand words.
In the paintings, Azazel was portrayed as the one who worshiped God the
most. It was odd to see that.

But things changed when God created the first human. Why? Did Azazel
feel threatened, or was he jealous? Or both? She couldn't tell. But as she
went on, she understood that pride was his downfall.

After living all those years in heaven, he felt entitled. He was the best
amongst all, and now God created a new creature that wasn't even as
well created as him.

In the painting Azazel stood tall over the human, showing his superiority.
He was more beautiful, faster and stronger. He was prideful.

Azazel was threatened and jealous. He became obsessed with the human,
observing his soulless form made of clay. What could be so special
about this creature? The human was made of dirt while he was made of
smokeless fire. He was like energy. He could float in and out of the
human's body.

Heaven halted, watching the painting closely. He entered the body of the

Like possessing him, but once he was inside, he found it empty. The
body was hollow.
Heaven didn't understand at first, but when she looked at the next
painting, she understood that the body he entered had been soulless. The
human was given a soul later. But what did all of that mean?

She felt as though this part was crucial. She wanted to know more.
Throughout the painting the devil appeared strong, but Heaven could see
his insecurities. He hated humans. He blamed God and the humans for
being cast out of heaven, and now he was going to have his revenge.

When he could ask one thing of God, he didn't ask for forgiveness. He
asked for respite until all were raised from the dead. Until then, he
promised to mislead them all.

Later in the painting some were following him, and others were going the
opposite way.

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What a strange thing, she thought. The whole story was told here, and it
didn't portray the devil positively. Why would he keep these paintings?

"Not everyone interprets it the way you did." Suddenly her grandfather
was standing next to her and watched the painting. "We all can look at
the same painting and see different things."

Heaven looked at him. Why would someone like him even feel jealous?
He was right. He was beautiful, strong, fast and many other things, but
he let those things define him. He let what he was define him instead of
who he was.

He turned his head and glared at her, knowing what she was thinking,
but he remained silent.
"What do you see?" She asked him.

He was quiet for a while. "I see someone who spent all of his time
worshiping God only to be replaced."

"But you were not replaced."

"I was." He said harshly, startling her. She had never heard him raise his
voice before or seen him angry. She was in shock.

Every time she saw him, he had been calm. Even when he acted evil, he
kept a smile, but right now his eyes were burning with anger.

"When you are asked to bow down for someone after everything you did,
after all the years of worship, then you are replaced." He said with
clenched jaw.

"What was your place?" She asked him.

Was he given a certain position?

Her question made his eyes burn with fire. A blue fire. Another new
thing she witnessed today. This topic was a sensitive topic to him, she

The source of this_chapter;

"Go back to sleep. You will start your training tomorrow." And just like
that, he vanished.

Heaven turned to the painting again, and one particular image caught her
attention. The devil eating an apple.
Married To The Devil's Son (WN)
Chapter 250: 127

"The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes."
-Bruce Lee.


Zamiel stood in front of the ocean watching the gentle waves in silence.
It reminded him of his first kiss with Heaven, but he wasn't here to enjoy
the view or the memories. He was here on a mission.

As soon as Heaven left, he began with his plan. Beside confusing the
devil, there was one thing he thought would help him, and it was the
thing that confused him.

The possession.

It was unlike Lucifer to possess someone. Zamiel knew there would be

severe consequences of taking away someone's free will, but he didn't
know what the consequences were. Since possession was unusual, only a
few knew what really happened. The rest only speculated, and Zamiel
didn't know whose information he could trust.

He needed a reliable source, and he could only think of one person. The
first created water djinn.

It was perfect because now he could find information without the devil
knowing. The devil only had access to what happened on land since
those he wanted to mislead were humans. Under the water he would be
safe from the devil's eyes and ears.
Zamiel removed his shirt before walking into the water. It was cold, but
it didn't bother him. He walked further in, and then he dived into the
ocean. He didn't have to swim all the way to the water djinn's land. He
teleported until he came to their safety walls that no one from outside
could enter.

Zamiel stood at the gate. Using his powers, he reached inside Axia's
mind and called to her. She was quick to respond and sounded happy to
hear from him. Soon the gates opened and he could enter the enchanting
lands of the water djinn. No place on earth looked this beautiful, and
Zamiel had seen most places on earth.

Axia stood at the entry with her mate. Zamiel hadn't met him before, so
she introduced them. His name was Stilos, and he was a young demon.
Not older than two-hundred years.

"You came sooner than I expected. Did something happen?" Axia asked
him. She knew him too well.

"I came here to meet Euphorion." Zamiel said.

Her eyes widened. "You know he doesn't like land demons." She

"I know. Tell him it is Zamiel." He said.

"Do you know each other?" She asked, surprised.

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"A little."

She nodded. "Alright then. Follow me."

Euphorion had his own kingdom under the waters. He was not only a
lord, but a king as well. The good thing about being a water djinn was
that they could live without hiding themselves from the humans. Under
the waters they were free.

When they reached his castle, they were stopped at the gates. The guards
became a bit defensive when they noted that he was a land demon.

"Let Lord Euphorion know that Lord Zamiel is here to meet him." Axia
told the guards.

One guard disappeared and came back quickly. He gave the other guards
a nod to let them in.

"I'll be alright from here." Zamiel told Axia.

"Are you sure?"


"I will come and meet you after." She said.

Zamiel nodded.

The guard showed him the way and soon he came face to face with a
djinn he hadn't seen for a very long time.

Euphorion. An ancient water djinn. The first of his kind.

He was the epitome of unique beauty. People would describe him as

strange, yet mesmerizing. He had icy blue hair that fell over his
shoulders in gentle waves, and his bare skin was pearl white. His lower
body was covered in iridescent fish scales and his eyes shifted color as
they turned to look at him.

He tilted his head to one side and gazed at him curiously. "What brings
an ancient land demon here?" He asked.

"I came to ask for your help." Zamiel said.

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Euphorion became even more curious. "You need my help?" He arched

one brow.


"If you came to ask for forces than you should know that water demons
don't get involved in the conflicts you have on land." Euphorion

"I don't need your forces. Only your knowledge. Do you know anything
about demon possession?" He asked.

Euphorion was one of the longest living djinn. Zamiel suspected that he
knew more than most djinn knew about anything.

Euphorion narrowed his eyes. "You should know better than to possess
someone." He said.

"What are the consequences?"

Euphorion walked over to the white couch in the room and sat down. He
crossed one leg over the other. "In worst case, you could be trapped in
the person's body forever."
"And if not?"

"If not, then you could end up with the person's dreams, memories,
emotions, characteristics, or all of them. That will confuse you, change
you, disturb you and maybe even haunt you if that person had a bad

"Are you sure about that?" Zamiel asked.

"You came here because you know that I know for sure."

So the devil would end up with Heaven's emotions, characteristics, or

memories? He must have known that, so why did he do it?

He probably thought that nothing could happen to him. That he was


"Who possessed who?" Euphorion understood that Zamiel wasn't asking

because he planned to possess someone.

"The devil possessed my mate."

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Euphorions eyes widened. "He wouldn't be so foolish?"

"He was."

Euphorion was surprised, but then he threw his head back and laughed
out loud. "Oh, he is in deep trouble. I would love to see Lucifer struggle."
He said.
Euphorion and Lucifer were enemies. Not the type to go to war with each
other, just disliking each other from afar. A fight between ancients only
ended badly for everyone else involved.

"What caused him to possess your mate?"

Zamiel told him the story in hopes to find out more information. "Your
mate is his granddaughter, and he possessed her?" He asked with a

Zamiel nodded.

Euphorion was thoughtful for a while. "Could it be that he wants her


Zamiel frowned. He never thought of that, but then he shook his head.
"Are you saying he wants to be like a young, innocent, and kind

Euphorion laughed again. "That would suit him. Can you imagine?"

No! He couldn't.

"Maybe he feels old and is bored. He wants to see the world from a
young woman's eyes." Euphorion continued. He was enjoying it.

Zamiel remained serious.

"Alright." Euphorion stopped laughing when Zamiel didn't join him. He

stood up from his seat and clapped his hands together. "I would advise
you not to do anything. I know it is difficult when your mate is away, but
when your enemy is destroying themselves, you don't interrupt.
Especially if your enemy is the devil."
"How long will it take before the consequences make an impact?" Zamiel

"If your mate has a strong spirit than I am sure he is already dealing with
the consequences."

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"She has not only a strong spirit but a good one as well."

Euphorion smirked. "That makes it more entertaining."

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 251: 128

Lothaire rushed back to his room. Why was he so angry? He never

showed his emotions, especially not to those who hated him. He knew
they would rejoice in his misery.

Heaven. The annoying little girl. She thought she knew everything, but
she knew nothing about him. She thought she was better than him. All
these humans thought they were better than him, but they weren't, and
he was here to prove that.

The paintings on the wall were a reminder for him to never forget why he
was here. It has been an eternity since he was thrown out of heaven. He
shouldn't be angry now. He had already turned his anger into motivation,
so he didn't understand why he suddenly became so upset.

Lothaire tried to calm down and focus. Was he doing all of this because
of Irene? She was one of them. She was originally a human that
practiced magic, making her a witch. He fell for the enemy. It was a joke
on him, maybe even a punishment. The enemy turned out to be his true

Well, it didn't matter. They would all burn in hell together.

Irene hated him now. She didn't hate him like this, even when he left her
for his mission. Back then they had decided to go separate ways, and he
went back to focus on his mission. Until he realized that he still wanted
her and began with his plan to get her back.

Since none of them wanted to come with him, he planted seeds of fear
along the way. Fear of losing the most precious one in the family.
Heaven became his target.

He didn't have to do it that way. He could have gone to his mission as if

it was his job and then come back home and be a good mate, father, and
grandfather. But his mission wasn't just a job. It was the sole purpose of
his existence. It was a priority, and if he couldn't even mislead his family,
then he wasn't the devil. By getting them to join him, he would do what
he was meant to do and get his mate at the same time.

Lothaire teleported back to the paintings. Heaven was gone, and he

watched the images alone in the dark. He stared at the painting where he
was eating the apple. The tempter ended up eating the forbidden fruit.
How Ironic. He was indeed tempted. He even wanted to have a bite right
now. His gums itched badly.

Clenching his jaw hard, he decided to go back to his room, but ended up
going to Irene instead. She was sleeping alone in the large bed, which
meant that Heaven was still wandering around the castle. What was she
up to?
Forgetting about her, he watched Irene sleeping peacefully. What was he
doing? Before he could convince himself to leave, he took a step forward
and suddenly he was looming over her. His fingers reached for her face.
Slowly, he removed her soft hair from her face and then caressed the
smooth skin on her cheek. She stirred slightly, but continued to sleep.

If he was patient enough, one day she would be sleeping in his bed. But
he was suddenly feeling impatient. Strong emotions of longing struck
him hard. He wanted her in his arms right now.

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Irene stirred again. She was waking up and instead of leaving quickly; he
stayed. She turned with a frown and then opened her eyes. When she first
saw him, she just stared, but then her eyes widened and she pushed
herself up. She held the sheets tightly against her chest.

Her first instinct was to look beside her to see if Heaven was alright.

"Where is Heaven?" She asked accusingly, when she couldn't find her in

"She is taking a walk around the castle." He replied, but Irene was
already getting out of bed. She looked for something to wear while
holding the sheets against her body.

"Why would she in the middle of the night? And what are you doing
here?" She had a hard time finding her clothes in the dark.

Lothaire picked up her robe. "Here."

She turned to him, looking furious, before she snatched the robe out of
his hand.
"You don't have to go. I'll ask her to come back." He said.

"I don't need your help." She snapped while sliding into her robe.

"As long as you are here you will need my help." He told, feeling irked

She stopped moving and stared at him. "You are right. You bring me to a
place where I am helpless so you can help me. That is very much like
you." She said, as if realizing something. "You put people in danger so
you can save them. Chain them so you can release them. Confuse them
so you can guide them down your path."

Yes, that was him. Those things were so natural to him that he did it
without thinking. He was unapologetic about his actions. Who decided
what was wrong or right, anyway? God?

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He didn't care. To him, everything he did was justified. He was going to

burn anyway, so why not do as he pleased?

"Well, now you know for sure." He said.

He knew that he gave her the impression that he was better while staying
with her. But if she had known the true him, the one who hadn't changed
for eternity, then she would know that he would never change. He would
always be the devil.

But humans, they always held onto hope. They believed in a God that
they had never seen.
Hope and belief. He hated these two things in humans. Without them, he
would easily send them all to hell.

"Yes, now I know." She said. "But what are you doing here?"

I missed you; he wanted to say, almost ruining his plan. Why was he
being so emotional? He just wanted to cross the distance between them
and kiss her. She would slap him, but he would take it.

Her eyes narrowed, and she stared at his mouth. Lothaire felt the tip of
his fangs against his lips.

Irene shook her head and took a step back. "Don't." She said.

"I won't!" He was offended that she would think he would forcefully
mark her.

But what did he expect? After all he did, he made her think the worst of

"Then why?" She asked.

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"Can't I desire a woman?"

She looked at him confused, but then shook her head again. "Just leave!"
She told him.

He didn't. Instead, he stalked toward her slowly, and she stepped away
from him.

"What... are you doing?" She stuttered.

"You have been alone for so long. Don't you miss being desired?" He
asked, stepping closer until he trapped her between him and the wall
behind her.


"You yearn for a man's touch, don't you?" He spoke to her in his
hypnotizing voice while he gazed into her eyes.

"I don't." She said, this time not sounding as certain as the first time.

"You hate sleeping alone, not feeling the warmth of a man's body near
you." He leaned into her, bringing his face close to her hair and smelling
her scent. She stiffened and flinched back, but he could hear the fierce
pounding of her heart.

"Don't you want to feel it again? The warmth, the tingling pleasure?" He
whispered into her ear.

He inhaled her scent again. He was already intoxicated, and he wanted to

have her right now. Lust was indeed a strong feeling, and he had wanted
to use it against her, but ended up feeling lost in it.

Suddenly, he was pushed out of his haze. "I want nothing. Why are you
doing this to me?" Tears filled her eyes.

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Lothaire felt a sting in his heart upon seeing her tears. What was this
feeling? Was he feeling bad this easily?

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 252: 129
Tears ran down her cheeks, and Lothaire vanished without saying another
word. Irene was left angry, confused, and sad. She really wasn't strong
enough to stay here, and she felt embarrassed for being this weak.

Why did he have to use her loneliness against her?

When he had first left, she hadn't been feeling as lonely as was now.
Back then she had many things to keep her occupied. So many things had
been new to her, and she wanted to enjoy them. She was a mother again
and even a grandmother. Heaven had still been a child, and Irene got the
chance to raise her and feel the joy of raising a child that was her own
flesh and blood. Nothing in the world compared to that feeling.

The role of a mother and grandmother was so fulfilling, but children

grow and become less dependent with time. Heaven grew so fast and
even though Irene was still needed as a parent and grandparent, she
wasn't needed as much as before.

While her children were busy with their lives, she tried to find ways to
keep herself occupied, but it didn't help. That was when the loneliness
started to creep into her heart. Everyone was busy. Lucian was busy
ruling and Heaven learning how to rule. And they both had their mates
that they spend time with when they weren't busy with their duties.

What was her duty, besides being a mother and grandmother? Maybe
that is why she felt easily lonely when her children weren't around.

She had been happy when she heard that Heaven wanted to become a
ruler. To see her granddaughter having other dreams than just getting
married made her feel relieved. That way her whole life wouldn't evolve
around her mate only, and if anything happened between them, she
wouldn't end up like her. She would still have something to hold on to.
But Irene had no other purpose and, like Zamiel told her, she was still
holding onto her past. How was she supposed to move on and heal if she
wanted to get over Lothaire by hating him? That would mean that she
still felt something for him, even if that feeling was hate.

Irene knew that she had to let it all go, and in order to do that, she had to
get away from this place. But before that she would have to face her
feelings and fears because she knew she would be staying here for a

Her heart skipped a beat. She was scared and would have to mentally
prepare herself.

Irene wiped her tears away and cursed. She was supposed to be the
stronger one. She was the grandmother, and she came here to support her
grandchild, not be a burden. She had gone through a lot and that
shouldn't make her weak. She was stronger than this.

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Tying the robe around her waist, she decided to find her cloak and go
look for Heaven, but just then her granddaughter walked through the

"Grandma?" She looked surprised.

"Heaven! Where have you been?" Irene scolded.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to worry you but I didn't want to wake you

Irene used her magic to light some candles. She wanted to see Heaven's
face clearly. "You shouldn't walk around alone this late."
"I am sorry." She said, taking off her cloak. "I am here now. Let's get
some sleep."

She crawled up in bed and patted next to her. Irene sighed and went to
sleep next to her granddaughter. She covered them with the blankets.

"Have you been crying?" Heaven asked.

"No." Irene lied and Heaven narrowed her eyes.

"Was grandpa here?"

She couldn't lie anymore. "Yes."

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"What did he do?" She asked.

"Nothing. He just wanted to talk."

Heaven nodded and was silent for a moment. "Do you still like him?"
She asked, surprising her.

Like? No. She couldn't say she liked him. She couldn't say she loved
him, either. Right now her feelings weren't black and white. It was
complicated, and it was probably like that because they were mates.
Sometimes she wondered what it would be like if they weren't mates.

In her case, having a mate felt like a curse rather than a blessing. Why
would she be mated to the devil? For her, there had only been one
logical explanation. The devil could change and be good. Why would
God otherwise pair her with the devil?
She still believed that everyone could change as long as they lived, but
Lothaire had already broken her heart into a thousand pieces after what
he did to Heaven. Her feelings for him would never be the same, even if
he changed.

"No, I don't like him." She said.

"Grandma. I won't judge you. I know what it feels like to be mates. You
can't control those feelings."

"I know." Was all she could say.

Heaven was quiet for a long moment, but then she smiled.

"Grandma. You never go out and meet people. You are always calm and
you think a lot before you act. I know you behave that way because you
don't want to make the same mistakes again, but mistakes are part of life
and sometimes great things come out of making bad choices and acting
reckless. I know that." She smiled, referring to releasing Zamiel from the
coffin. If they hadn't been mates, then they would all be dead right now.
"Can you say that your mistakes only led to bad things?"

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Irene became thoughtful. She got blessed with Heaven and Lucian, so
she couldn't say that her mistakes only led to bad things.

"You should stop being afraid. You should go out, meet new people,
make some new friends and maybe even fall in love again. You have the
advantage of originally being a witch. Having a mate doesn't restrict you
the way it does with full born demons. Only they are completely bound
to their mates." Heaven explained.
"Who told you that?" Irene asked.

"Zamiel explained it to me. Mates are made for demons. You are a turned
demon. Had you not given birth to father you would still be a witch and
I am half demon. This means that we can still find someone we like
beside our mate." She explained.

"I have never heard it before." Irene said.

"Ancients know more and grandpa would probably not tell you this."

Irene nodded thoughtfully. She didn't know what to do with this new

"You are not bound to grandpa the way he is bound to you. You can still
find someone else and fall in love, but you can't do that if you don't meet

Irene chuckled. "Who would want me? I am a demon and witch. Both
demons and witches hate me and a human would grow old before me."

"Hate only lasts until love takes its place. Who hated witches more than
Zamiel and now he is with me."

Irene smiled. Heaven had a reply to everything.

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"When we go back, go out and meet new people and see what happens. It
won't hurt." She said.

"Alright." Irene agreed.

If it was only that easy.

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 253: 130

Heaven found herself standing in the heavenly garden in her

grandfather's kingdom. It was late at night, the stars and the moon were
shining brightly against the dark sky. She could only hear the soft breeze
and the water rushing down the fountains. The aroma of flowers, grass,
earth, and rain filled her senses.

This scent was very familiar. The set of wet earth and rain. Heaven's
eyes searched the garden until they met a pair of silver eyes. They were
gleaming in the dark, just like the moon against the sky. His dark hair
cast shadows on his sculpted face, giving him a menacing look.


He stepped out from the shadows, and Heaven's eyes widened when she
saw him clearly. He was dressed like the people of this kingdom. The
only thing he wore was a black fabric around his waist and silver
bracelets around his arms and wrists. He looked breathtaking, and she
found herself staring at his body.

Zamiel stalked toward her slowly until he was standing close enough to
touch her.

"Zamiel, how did you get here?" She asked.

"This is how we first met." He said.

How... was this a dream?

"This is a dream." She whispered for some unknown reason.

He nodded.

It felt so real, but it always felt real when he came to her in her dreams.

"Why are you dressed like this?" She said.

He looked down at his bare chest before looking at her again. His lips
curved into a smile. "I think you wanted to see me this way." He said. "I
appear in your dreams the way you like to see me."

Heaven opened her mouth to say something, but she was speechless.
How could that be possible? She had wondered what he would look like
dressed like this when she had seen the demon who looked like him, but
how could he know?

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Her gaze went to his bare chest, and her cheeks burned.

"You can touch." He said in a low tone.

Heaven gently placed her hand on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat
under her palm and as she ran her fingers down, she felt the scar from the
wound she inflicted.

It wasn't completely healed yet. What kind of poison had her grandfather

"How is your stay here?" Zamiel asked.

She looked up at him. "It is alright."

He seemed to know something that he wasn't telling her. "Did you find a
solution?" She asked.

"Yes." Was all he said, and she understood that he couldn't tell her the
whole plan. Her thoughts were not safe from the devil, but she was so
glad to hear that he found a way. "It will take some time."

"I'll be alright." She assured him.

He cupped her cheek and leaned down, bringing his lips close to hers.
Heaven closed her eyes as she felt his hot breath against her lips. She
waited, but nothing happened. When she opened her eyes again, she
found herself in bed.

"No!" She sat up, frustrated.

This was unfair!

"What is wrong?" Her grandmother spoke, sitting up on the bed as well.

Oh, she woke her up.

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"Nothing." She blurted.

Her grandmother shook her head and climbed out of bed.

After getting dressed for the day, they were served a royal breakfast, as
usual. Heaven ate in silence while thinking of Zamiel. Did he do that on
purpose, or did her dream just end? He wouldn't be so cruel to tease her
like that, would he?
Oh no! She should have asked him about the paintings. The images kept
coming back to her, and she knew she had to find out more. She had to
find someone who would tell her more. Maybe she could lure Lilian to
tell her. It wasn't a secret after all if it was painted on a wall.

"Do you want to visit Zarin with me?" Her grandmother asked.

Heaven didn't feel emotionally stable to talk to him yet. She was afraid
of lashing out. Until she had something good to say, she decided to keep
a distance.

"I need more time." She admitted.

Irene nodded.

Once her grandmother left to find Zarin, Heaven got a visit from

"Father told me you are starting your training today." She smiled.

"Yes." Heaven replied. She had almost forgotten.

"I will be teaching you today." She said, reaching her hand out. Heaven
looked at her questioningly. "We are going a bit far away so walking
would take too long." She explained.

Heaven took her hand and Tezznin teleported them to what looked like a
throne hall. The hall was dark like the rest of the castle, with the same
shades of red, black and grey. The walls were covered with strange
symbols and frightening illustrations. There were painting of hell, people
getting punished in gruesome ways, blood, naked bodies and monsters.
"I know. I still can't get used to these paintings, but that is what makes
them special." Tezznin spoke.

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Special? Yes, she could agree that there was something special about the
way they were painted. It was almost as if the people in the painting
could come alive any time.

"Come." She said, leading her to the throne. "This is yours." She said,
motioning for her to sit down.

Heaven sat down hesitantly. "I thought I would get some training first?"

Tezznin smiled. "You will get it now. We will start with the easy step.
Today, you will reward demons who have done a good job."


Tezznin opened the large doors to the hall with a wave of her hand.
"Come in." She then called.

A male demon appeared in sight. He didn't bother to walk over. He

teleported, so he stood beneath the throne where she was sitting.

"Tell me, demon. What did you accomplish today?" Tezznin asked.

Heaven guessed that he was young, since she couldn't feel any power
emanating from him.

"I sang a beautiful song." He replied.

Heaven was surprised when she heard his voice. There was no doubt he
sang beautifully.

"Did it work?" She asked.

"Yes. She liked it very much." He replied.

Heaven couldn't understand what they were talking about.

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Tezznin chuckled. "Of course she did. I love it when we help women."
She said turning to Heaven. "This young demon helped a woman achieve
her dreams."

"What dreams?" Heaven asked.

"Tell us the details, young demon." Tezznin smirked.

Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 254: 131

Heaven was left shocked after she listened to the young demon's story.
She wasn't surprised only because of the story but the way he told it. He
seemed very proud of what he had done.

The woman he claimed to help seemed to be greedy. She found a

wealthy man to marry and then using his wealth; she went to find
pleasure somewhere else.

"That is not helping, and it is wrong." Heaven said.

Tezznin chuckled. "Why is it wrong? Men can go find pleasure
somewhere else when they are married and they face no consequences.
So what stops women from doing the same? As for the wealth, men
marry women for beauty, so why can't women marry for wealth?"

"Men who marry women only for their beauty end up going to other
women and women who marry men only for their wealth seem to end up
doing the same. No one is happy in the relationship, that is not helping
someone. As for women facing consequences and not men, you are right.
That is why you shouldn't have helped her. If she gets caught, which she
will eventually, then she will be in deep trouble. Her life will be at risk."
Heaven said.

"It will be worth it. Would you rather live a long life with no pleasure or
a short one filled with adventure?" Tezznin asked.

Heaven looked at her for a long moment. She remembered once saying
that she would rather live a short life where she was happy than a long
one that felt empty.

Tezznin tilted her head to one side and smiled. "Many women don't get
to choose their husbands and they get neglected after marriage. Don't
they deserve pleasure? We are only helping them."

Even though Heaven felt bad for the women, she knew that these
demons weren't helping them out of goodness.

"And why are you helping them?" Heaven asked.

"That is what we do." She said.

"You don't help humans." She emphasised the word humans because she
knew her grandfather hated them.
Tezznin's smile faded, and she gazed at her with a serious expression.
"Your definition of help might mean letting humans live a miserable life
so they can go to heaven, but we help humans live their lives to the
fullest. We don't judge. We free them so they don't have to fight what's
in their nature."

Heaven had to admit that the way Tezznin explained it sounded good.
She had an answer to every question and justified everything they did.
According to them, they did all of this for good reasons, but why? Why
would they care?

Taking a deep breath, Heaven turned to the young demon. "Can I choose
not to reward him?" She said, changing the subject. There was no reason
to argue with Tezznin.

"Of course. You decide. But they all want to be rewarded so he will come
back next time with a better story." She smirked.

Oh, she was good. What a gentle way to threaten someone.

"Don't you have anything else to do?" Heaven asked the young demon.

"Like what, My Lady?"

"Like a proper job and then go home to your family."

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"I don't have a family and this is my job. I get everything I need and
more doing this."

Tezznin gave him a smile.

So this was how they made a living. Her grandfather offered them to stay
in his kingdom for free exchange for their services.

"Do you have another talent besides helping people find a short-lived
happiness that could lead to death?" She asked.

He smiled. "I can sing."

"You have a beautiful voice." Tezznin said, eyeing him before she turned
to Heaven. "Doesn't he?"

Heaven kept a straight face. "Yes, he does. Your voice is soothing." She
told him. "Do you know anything about human war strategies?"

The demon blinked a few times, confused. His gaze turned to Tezznin
and then back to her.

"No, My Lady."

"Do you know anything about trading and the market economy?"

He shook his head. "No, My Lady."

Heaven sighed and leaned back. "Do you have a good memory?" She

"I do, My Lady."

"Good." She smiled. "I will be impressed if you come back next time
with some knowledge about these subjects. With you voice I would
listen to your lectures." She told.
His eyes darted in confusion. Again he looked at Tezznin for some sign,
but she just smiled.

"Will I be rewarded for that?" He asked, turning to Heaven.

"Of course." She smiled.

The young demon bowed, then left.

"It seems like you are preparing to rule somewhere else?" Tezznin

"I am sure that is no surprise to you." Heaven said.

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Tezznin smiled, amused. "You are fun to watch."

Heaven knew she wouldn't annoy Tezznin so easily.

The next demon that came in was also a male. Again half dressed like
everyone else. Heaven was starting to get used to it.

"Oh…" Tezznin's eyes widened. "Another young one." She said.

She seemed to like the younger ones, which was unusual for female
demons. They liked older demons because of the power, but Tezznin
liked to be the powerful one.

She gave Heaven a nod to start her interrogation, but Heaven asked
something else instead. "Do you have a talent?" She asked.
"Yes, tell us. I would love to know that." Tezznin purred walking down
the stairs to take a closer look at him.

He had short brown hair that was a bit messy, beautiful green eyes, and
a youthful face. He looked innocent. What horrible thing did he do?

The demon stared, surprised by the question. "I… I can do anything you
like me too." He said.

"Then would you undress for us?" Tezznin asked.

Heaven's jaw dropped, but the demon smirked. "It will be my pleasure."
He said, grabbing the fabric around his waist.

"Don't!" Heaven called.

Tezznin groaned. "He wants to."

"But I don't want to." Heaven said.

Tezznin put one hand on the male's bare shoulder and gave him a sad
expression. "Don't worry. You look fine. She is just not over her mate

Yet? Heaven wanted to slap her, but she told herself to calm down.

The young demon nodded.

"Yes, your talent. Tell us." Tezznin cheered as she went back and sat
down on one of the stairs that led up to the throne.

"I can paint." He said.

"I would love to have a painting of myself. Naked." She smiled.

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"It would be my pleasure to make a painting of you." He said.

Tezznin looked back at Heaven. "Would you like to have a painting of


"No, thank you."

Heaven understood what was going on. Tezznin was playing her game,
but she was better at it.

"Can you do anything else?" Heaven asked him.

"I can do anything you ask me to do." He said proudly.

"Good. Then I want you to do nothing until next time. You will be
rewarded then."

A frown settled between his brows, and Heaven motioned for him to

The next demon was a male again. "Are all of them males?" Heaven

"No. I just asked for the males. I like to reward them. My sister is taking
care of the females." She explained.

This one was tall and well built. He had two braids on each side of his
head and the rest of his hair fell down his back in golden waves.

And he had no talent.

"Everyone has a talent. You just haven't discovered yours yet. Try to
discover your talent until our next meeting." And just like that, she sent
him away, confused, like every other demon.

When she had met a dozen of them and sent them back with a new
mission, she was done with her first lesson.

"It wasn't bad. It was fun." Tezznin smiled.

It wasn't at all. Heaven had tried to come up with excuses to not reward
them and not make them do anything worse until next time. But they
would probably still do something bad, whether she gave them a mission,
rewarded them or not. Even though they addressed her respectfully, she
knew that they would listen to Tezznin at the end.

Every time she said something, they turned to Tezznin for confirmation.
Heaven knew Tezznin was only letting her do things her way, because it
wouldn't matter. It was a waste of time, but at least some of them would
come back with information that would be helpful to her. While she was
here, she would keep educating herself.

When she went back to her room, her grandmother was still missing.
Heaven wondered where she was because it couldn't be taking so long to
talk to Zarin. She went to the window and looked outside. Her
grandfather was clever to give them a room with a great view. He knew
how much they loved their gardens.

Heaven stared outside, her eyes searching the garden, when she caught
sight of her grandmother. She was sitting on a bench laughing at
something a male demon seated close her said. While laughing, she put
one hand on his shoulder.
Who was he? And what was happening?

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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)

Chapter 255: 132

Heaven made her way to the garden to see what her grandmother was up
to and who she was talking to. She seemed to be having a good time but
Heaven wanted to make sure that everything was alright and nothing
strange was going on.

When she came to the garden, her grandmother was sitting very close to
a half-dressed male demon, so close that their thighs and shoulders were
touching. And he was telling her something in a low tone that made her
chuckle. Clearly her grandmother wasn't as uncomfortable near those
half-naked men as she was.

When Heaven neared where they sat, she became hesitant. She didn't
know whether or not to interrupt them, but then she decided to do it,


Irene stopped chuckling and turned her head. "Heaven."

She stood up, and the male demon followed her with his gaze. "Were you
looking for me?" She asked.

"Yes." Heaven replied.

"I am sorry. I met Nyle here…" She motioned toward the male demon
and he smiled at her. "And he was kind enough to show me around and
keep me company. Nyle, this is my granddaughter Heaven." She
introduced her.

Nyle stood up from his seat and walked up to her. Taking her hand, he
kissed her knuckles. "It is nice meeting you, Heaven." He said

Heaven gave him a meek smile, not knowing how to react. Nyle was
good looking. He was tall, strong and had a sunkissed skin. His dark
brown hair was lighter on the tips that reached his shoulders, and his
amber eyes were framed by long lashes. His face was angular with
masculine features and a light stubble.

"Will you be back soon?" Heaven asked, since she couldn't ask what she
truly wanted to ask in front of Nyle.

"I would like if you stayed for a while." Nyle told her grandmother.

Irene smiled at him and then turned to Heaven. "If there is nothing urgent,
I would like to stay with Nyle for a while." She said.

"I will escort her back personally." Nyle added.

As if that would reassure her. "Alright." Heaven said. "Don't be out for
too long."

When did they change roles? Now it felt like she was the grandmother.

As she turned and left them behind, Heaven wondered what had gotten
into her grandmother. She was the one who said they would never belong
here, so why was she spending time with that demon?
Did she get her message the wrong way? Heaven had encouraged her to
meet people, but she hadn't meant the ones in this kingdom. They were
supposed to go back home one day. She would just talk to her
grandmother later and make sure there was no misunderstanding.

As she went back to her room, she walked passed the paintings of the
devil's story. She came to a halt and looked at the one where he ate the
apple. From the stories she had heard, it was Eve who ate the apple. Why
was the devil eating it?

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Who could she ask about these paintings? Would her grandfather tell her
why he ate the apple? Was the story different from what she had heard?

"Aren't these paintings fascinating?"

Oh no. She knew this voice and as she turned to look at the man who
looked so much like her mate; she grimaced in distaste.

He stood next to her, facing the paintings.

"What is fascinating?" She asked.

"The story itself and that everyone can watch it." He replied.

"And what about this?" She said, pointing at the part where her
grandfather was leading everyone to hell.

The stranger nodded. "We are going to hell." He said simply.

"You can't know for sure." She told him.

"I know." He said, looking serious.

Heaven looked into his golden eyes. He did believe that he was going to

"Do you want to go there?" She asked.

He chuckled. "Who wants to burn?"

"Then it is not too late to turn around." She told him.

He looked at her, amused. "Are you trying to convince me to be good?"

"Why not? You are trying to lead me away from my mate."

He shook his head. "Wrong. You are already away from your mate." He
said, walking closer to her. "So you can either be alone or be with me."

"I choose to be alone." She said.

Again, his lips curved into a mischievous smile.

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"Look." He said, walking toward the painting and pointing at the image
where Eve was eating the apple. "Do you know what the apple represents
in the painting?"

Heaven shook her head.

"Temptation." He said. "The first to fall for temptation and sin was a

Heaven crossed her arms over her chest. "What are you implying?"
He chuckled. "I am saying, women are not good at resisting."

Now it was her turn to laugh. This man must have had no woman to tell
him no. She would happily disappoint him.

"You don't temp me so I have nothing to resist." She said.

He ignored her and followed the painting back to when Eve was created.
"Eve was created for Adam. Women were created for men. Women
belong to men." He turned to her. "Does that not upset you? That you
were only created for a man?"

"If you put it that way is sounds upsetting, but I see it differently in my
head.." She said, studying the painting.

The stranger became curious. "How do you see it?" He asked her.

Heaven went back to before Eve was created.

"This is what I see." She began pointing at Adam spending his days alone
in heaven.

"God created man, and the man was in heaven. He had everything, but
he was alone. Incomplete. So God created a woman to be his companion.
To complete him." She turned to the stranger to see if he understood, but
he waited for her to continue.

"A man is alone without a woman. Men need women. You are incomplete
without us. Now does that upset you?" She asked mockingly.

A frown settles between his eyebrows, and she laughed. "Don't worry. It
is the other way round too. Eve was Adam's mate, and he was hers. They
completed each other. Some men might see it as a woman created for a
man and therefore feel superior, but the order of creation doesn't matter.
I have noticed that many demons feel superior to humans because they
were created before them. It is a strange way of thinking. God's way of
creating doesn't get worse with every creation."

She turned back to the painting. "Look. God didn't create Eve the way he
created Adam. God didn't create her separately. Then we could say that
they were different. Maybe one superior to the other. But God created
Eve from Adam. She was a part of him. We all have the same origin."

He nodded. "You seem educated." He said, impressed.

Heaven was surprised. She hadn't even realized how deeply she had
analyzed the painting. Now she found it fascinating.

"It is only how I see it." She said.

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The stranger smiled. "The way you see it is accurate." He said. Then he
went and pointed at something on the painting. It looked like symbols.
"Do you know what is written here?" He asked.

She shook her head.

"God created everything in pairs." He said, reading the symbols.

Heaven's brain slowly started to work.

Everything was created in pairs.

Adam and Eve completed each other.

The devil ate the apple.

The apple symbolized temptation.

Devil was created from fire.

Adam was created from earth.

Fire. Earth. Apple. All of those were symbols.


It could also mean something else.

"I need to go." Heaven said.

Lifting her dress up, she turned and hurried away. She didn't know where
she was running, but with this information, she wasn't safe.

She knew exactly what her grandfather's interpretation was. Irene wasn't
only his mate. She was his other half. They were a pair created for each
other. Or even worse, she was created for him. He wanted to possess her.

He was fire; she was earth.

Heaven kept running, but she knew she couldn't run from the devil. He
appeared right in front of her. Heaven halted, and her heart jumped to her

"Oh Heaven. Why do you have to make things so difficult?" He smirked.

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Married To The Devil's Son (WN)
Chapter 256: 133

Heaven's heart was racing wildly as she took a step back from the devil.
He stalked toward her slowly, with an evil smirk on his face. "What
should I do with you now?" He said thoughtfully.

"How about nothing?" She said, stepping further away from him, when
her surroundings suddenly changed.

Heaven found herself in an endless darkness. She couldn't tell whether it

was a room or somewhere outside. Everywhere she turned was dark. She
couldn't even see the ground beneath her feet.

He was trying to scare her, and she became a little afraid. She didn't
know what he planned to do with her.

"I would have done nothing if you had done nothing. But you had to be
noisy." He shook his head, as if disappointed.

"You wanted grandma all along." Heaven began. "Why did you have to
do all of this to get her? You are hurting her with your actions." She
couldn't understand.

"She hurt me too." He snapped, still stalking toward her. "She is my mate.
The devil's mate. I thought that I had finally found a companion like
everyone else. Someone I could be myself with and share everything
with. But she had a problem with me being the devil. All those years she
stayed with me only because I pretended to be something else. Why?
She of all people should accept me for who I am."

Heaven saw the anger, the hurt, and hatred in his eyes.
"No, she shouldn't. She might not have been able to control that you
happened to be her mate, but she can choose not to be with you. She can
choose not to accept the kind of person that you are. Everyone can
choose who they want to be with or not. Did you ever think of why you
got a mate?" She asked him.


His blazing eyes looked at her questioningly. "I was given a mate as a
punishment. God gave me something just to take it away in front of my
eyes but I won't accept it." He said.

Heaven shook her head at him with a smile. "Why do you always look at
things so negatively? When we find a mate, we often change for the
better. Did you ever think that maybe God gave you a mate to find
happiness and peace and let go of the hatred that darkens your heart?"

"That is why I say it is a punishment. He gave me a mate who has morals

and doesn't share my values because I have no plan to change mine."

"Yet you want grandma to accept you for who you are. You want her to
leave her morals and change her values, for you." Heaven said.

He clenched his jaw. "Yes. That is what I want her to do." He admitted.
"She might have been sent to show me the right way, but I will lead her
the wrong way. And then she will lead others that way. She will then
truly become the devil's mate."

The way the look in his eyes changed made Heaven shiver.

"I will make her the mate she was supposed to be." His voice was cold
and firm and his eyes fiery.
Grandmother could have been a second chance for him to change for the
better. To choose to be better and live happily. But he chose to hold on
to hate. This was like a contest for him. He had to win. Turning good
meant losing. It meant admitting that he was wrong.

He stalked toward her again with the anger blazing in his eyes. "It is not
too late." Heaven hurried to say to make him stop from whatever he was
going to do. "Grandma still likes you, but you will never win her like this.
She will never accept you as long as you behave this way."


"She will." He said with certainty. "You don't know what time can do.
After spending a few years here, she will adapt."

Heaven found it strange that he was sharing all this information with her,
but then she realized he was going to wipe her memory. Demons could
erase recent memories, but the longer the memory stayed, the harder it
would be to erase them. She had to do something to keep her memory for
a while but she knew she had no chance. Even now, he knew what she
was thinking.

Heaven stepped away from him, but he was suddenly close to her face
and he grabbed her by the hair.

"Is there anything else you want to know before I clear your head?" He

"Have you ever loved grandma?" She asked.

He frowned. "I love her, still." He said.

"Strange. Nothing you say or do shows that you love her."

"You don't know how I feel."

"I don't, but I am not judging your feelings. You might feel love for
grandma but do you love her? Because love is not just a feeling. It is an
action, an expression, a choice. Love is many things combined." She

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She was talking fast, hoping anything she was saying would have an
affect. "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be with
grandma and all of us in the real world? Leave all this behind. No more
having to chase humans and mislead them and just live your life the way
you want to."

He looked at her for a long moment. "Don't make the same mistake as
your grandmother. I find happiness in this." He said and then she couldn't
explain what happened.

Suddenly she was standing in the hall all alone. She was confused for a
moment, and then she tried to recall where she was going. Yes, she was
going to her room.

On her way back, she felt strange. She couldn't tell what it was exactly,
but it was almost as if something was missing. Did she forget to do

Heaven remembered her grandma. She was probably still with Nyle, so
Heaven thought of what to do with her time. It felt like she had planned
something but somehow forgot about it.

Going back to the garden, she sat on a bench. Even though she had done
nothing, she felt tired. Her eyelids felt heavy, making it hard to think.
Maybe the exhaustion of everything she went through was catching up to


A familiar voice called her name, and Heaven looked up. Her eyes met a
pair of crystal blue eyes that looked back at her with concern. Heaven
had grown up seeing those eyes, but this time they looked a little
different. In the blue of his eyes there were freckles of gold.

How strange.

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And his hair was longer than usual, his skin fairer, and there was
something different about his aura. Was this really him?


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